

2018-08-15 5页 doc 184KB 12阅读




通过网上银行自助办理银商转账业务指南通过网上银行自助办理银商转账业务指南 具体操作步骤如下: 1. 登陆中国工商银行网站首页,点击‘个人网上银行登陆’ 2. 在网上银行登陆界面,点选‘网上期货’,左边栏点选‘集中式银期转账注册’ of prepared, and group volume, and review, and binding and transfer work 8.11 timely do appraisals summary work, strict reward measures. 8.12 safety health and envir...
通过网上银行自助办理银商转账业务指南 具体操作步骤如下: 1. 登陆中国工商银行网站首页,点击‘个人网上银行登陆’ 2. 在网上银行登陆界面,点选‘网上期货’,左边栏点选‘集中式银期转账注册’ of prepared, and group volume, and review, and binding and transfer work 8.11 timely do appraisals summary work, strict reward measures. 8.12 safety health and environmental management based on "safety and prevention first," the national security policy, national security law as the criterion, ... Appendix a, company quality management system program 3. 《中国工商银行集中式银期转账业务服务协议》点击最下方‘接受协议’ of prepared, and group volume, and review, and binding and transfer work 8.11 timely do appraisals summary work, strict reward measures. 8.12 safety health and environmental management based on "safety and prevention first," the national security policy, national security law as the criterion, ... Appendix a, company quality management system program 4. a.核对银行账户 b.选择 山东海倍电子商务股份有限公司 c.输入在我市场开通的 交易账号 d.点击注册 5. 集中式银期转账注册窗口 点击‘确定’按钮 of prepared, and group volume, and review, and binding and transfer work 8.11 timely do appraisals summary work, strict reward measures. 8.12 safety health and environmental management based on "safety and prevention first," the national security policy, national security law as the criterion, ... Appendix a, company quality management system program 6. 绑定成功 7. 对绑定结算账号进行变更和注销 of prepared, and group volume, and review, and binding and transfer work 8.11 timely do appraisals summary work, strict reward measures. 8.12 safety health and environmental management based on "safety and prevention first," the national security policy, national security law as the criterion, ... Appendix a, company quality management system program
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