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WebGREVocabulary32(红宝书韦氏词典版)WebGREVocabulary32(红宝书韦氏词典版) Pulverize 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.压成细粉; 彻底击败 ?,英,v.压成细粉 ( to reduce to very small particles; atomize) ; 彻底击败 ( annihilate) ?,记,pulver ( 粉) ,ize -> 压成粉; ?,同,参考: pulverable ( 可研成粉末的) ?,例,pulverize an opponent ( 彻底打败对手) Webster Collegiate v...
WebGREVocabulary32(红宝韦氏词典版) Pulverize 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.压成细粉; 彻底击败 ?,英,v.压成细粉 ( to reduce to very small particles; atomize) ; 彻底击败 ( annihilate) ?,记,pulver ( 粉) ,ize -> 压成粉; ?,同,参考: pulverable ( 可研成粉末的) ?,例,pulverize an opponent ( 彻底打败对手) Webster Collegiate verb (-ized; -izing) ?Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin pulverizare, from Latin pulver-, pulvis dust, powder — more at powder ?Date: 15th century ?transitive verb m 1. to reduce (as by crushing, beating, or grinding) to very small particles ; atomize <~ rock> m 2. annihilate, demolish ?intransitive verb m to become ~d ??pulverizable adjective ??pulverization noun ??~r noun ------ ------ Punch 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.以拳猛击; 打洞 ?,英,v.以拳猛击 ( to strike with the fist) ; 打洞 ( to make a hole, pierce) ?,例,He punched the man on the nose. Did he punch a hole in your ticket? Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: Middle English pounce, ~e, probably alteration of ponson, ponchon ~eon ?Date: 14th century ?1. m a. a tool usually in the form of a short rod of steel that is variously shaped at one end for different operations (as forming, perforating, embossing, or cutting) m b. a short tapering steel rod for driving the heads of nails below a surface m c. a steel die faced with a letter in relief that is forced into a softer metal to form an intaglio matrix from which foundry type is cast m d. a device or machine for cutting holes or notches (as in paper or cardboard) ?2. a hole or notch from a perforating operation II. verb 1 ?Etymology: Middle English pouncen, ~en to emboss, pierce, probably from pounce, noun ?Date: 14th century ?transitive verb m 1. ? a. prod, poke ? b. drive, herd <~ing cattle> m 2. ? a. to strike with a forward thrust especially of the fist ? b. to drive or push forcibly by or as if by a ~ ? c. to hit (a ball) with less than a full swing m 3. to emboss, cut, perforate, or make with or as if with a ~ m 4. ? a. to push down so as to produce a desired result <~ buttons on a jukebox> ? b. to hit or press down the operating mechanism of <~ a typewriter> ? c. to insert a time card into (a time clock) ? d. to produce by or as if by ~ing keys <~ out a tune on the piano> ? e. to enter (as data) by ~ing keys m 5. to give emphasis to ?intransitive verb m 1. to perform the action of ~ing something m 2. to move or push forward especially by a sudden forceful effort <~ed into enemy territory> ??~er noun III. noun ?Date: 14th century ?1. the action of ~ing ?2. a quick blow with or as if with the fist ?3. effective energy or forcefulness ??~less adjective IV. noun ?,*,Etymology: perhaps from Hindi & Urdu p?c five, from Sanskrit pa?ca; akin to Greek pente five; from its originally having five ingredients--more at ,ref,fi ------ Punctilious 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.谨小慎微的 ?,英,adj.谨小慎微的 ( concerned about precise accordance with the details of codes or conventions) ?,记,punct ( 点, 尖) ,ilious -> 注意每一个点 -> 小心的 ?,同,同根词: punctual ( 准时的) ; punctuate ( 加标点) Webster Collegiate adjective 2 ?Date: 1634 ?marked by or concerned about precise accordance with the details of codes or conventions ?Synonyms: see careful ??~ly adverb ??~ness noun ------ Punctuation 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 标点法; 标点符号 ?,英,n. 标点法; 标点符号 ( the marks used in doing this) Webster Collegiate noun ?Date: circa 1539 ?1. the act of punctuating ; the state of being punctuated ?2. the act or practice of inserting standardized marks or signs in written matter to clarify the meaning and separate structural units; also a system of ~ ?3. something that contrasts or accentuates ------ Puncture 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.刺穿, 刺破; n.刺孔, 穿孔 ?,英,v.刺穿, 刺破 ( to pierce with a pointed instrument) ; ?,记,punct ( 点) ,ure -> 点穿 -> 穿孔 ?,例,A nail on the road punctured the tire. Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: Middle English, from Latin punctura, from punctus, past participle of pungere ?Date: 14th century ?1. an act of puncturing ?2. a hole, wound, or perforation made by puncturing ?3. a minute depression II. verb (~d; puncturing) ?Date: 1699 ?transitive verb m 1. to pierce with or as if with a pointed instrument or object m 2. to make useless or ineffective as if by a ~ ; deflate ?intransitive verb m to become ~d ------ Pundit 解释 3 GRE 红宝书 ?n.权威人士, 专家 ?,英,n.权威人士, 专家 ( one who gives opinions in an authoritative manner) ?,记,可能是pedant ( 书呆子) 的变体 Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: Hindi pa??it, from Sanskrit pa??ita, from pa??ita learned ?Date: 1672 ?1. pandit ?2. a learned man ; teacher ?3. a person who gives opinions in an authoritative manner usually through the mass media ; critic ??~ry noun ------ Pungency 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.刺激性, 尖刻 ?,英,n.刺激性, 尖刻 ( the quality and state of being pungent) ?,类,反义词: blandness ( 无味) Webster Collegiate noun ?Date: 1649 ?the quality or state of being pungent ------ Pungent 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.味道刺激的; 苛刻的 ?,英,adj.味道刺激的 ( acrid; piquant; racy) ; 苛刻的 ( caustic) ?,类,pungent : odor / caustic : comment ( 辛辣的气味 / 尖刻的评论) ?,记,pung ( 刺) ,ent -> 刺激的 ?,例,Pungent remarks about sb.'s lateness. Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: Latin ~-, pungens, present participle of pungere to prick, sting; akin to Latin pugnus fist, pugnare to fight, Greek pygmē fist ?Date: 1597 ?1. sharply painful ?_______2. having a stiff and sharp point <~ leaves> ?3. m a. marked by a sharp incisive quality ; caustic <~ language> m b. being sharp and to the point 4 ?4. m a. causing a sharp or irritating sensation; especially acrid m b. having an intense flavor or odor ??~ly adverb ?Synonyms: m ~, piquant, poignant, racy mean sharp and stimulating to the mind or the senses. ~ implies a sharp, stinging, or biting quality especially of odors . piquant suggests a power to whet the appetite or interest through tartness or mild pungency . poignant suggests something is sharply or piercingly effective in stirring one's emotions . racy implies having a strongly characteristic natural quality fresh and unimpaired . ------ Purblind 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.愚钝的; 视力不佳的 ?,英,adj.愚钝的 ( lacking in vision; obtuse) ; 视力不佳的 ( partly blind) ?,记,pur ( ,pure纯粹的) ,blind; 古意为""全瞎的"", 后来变为""半瞎的"" Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: Middle English pur blind, from pur purely, wholly, from pur pure ?Date: 14th century ?1. m a. obsolete wholly blind m b. partly blind ?2. lacking in vision, insight, or understanding ; obtuse ??~ly adverb ??~ness noun ------ ------ Purgatory 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 炼狱; 受苦受难的地方 ?,英,n. 炼狱; 受苦受难的地方 ( a place of great suffering) ?,例,It's purgatory to have to listen to her sing. ( 不得不听她唱歌真是受罪) Webster Collegiate noun (plural -ries) ?Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French or Medieval Latin; Anglo-French purgatorie, from Medieval Latin purgatorium, from Late Latin, neuter of purgatorius purging, from Latin purgare ?Date: 13th century ?1. an intermediate state after death for expiatory purification; specifically a place or state of 5 punishment wherein according to Roman Catholic doctrine the souls of those who die in God's grace may make satisfaction for past sins and so become fit for heaven ?2. a place or state of temporary suffering or misery ------ Purification 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 净化 ?,记,来自动词purify(净化)+cation Webster Collegiate noun ?Date: 14th century ?the act or an instance of purifying or of being purified ------ Purify 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v. 使洁净, 净化 ?,英,v. 使洁净, 净化 ( make pure) ?,记,pur(纯洁)+ify(化) -> 纯洁化 Webster Collegiate verb (-fied; -fying) ?Etymology: Middle English purifien, from Anglo-French purifier, from Latin purificare, from Latin purus + -ificare -ify ?Date: 14th century ?transitive verb m to make pure: as ? a. to clear from material defilement or imperfection ? b. to free from guilt or moral or ceremonial blemish ? c. to free from undesirable elements ?intransitive verb m to grow or become pure or clean ??purifier noun ------ Puritanical 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.极端拘谨的 ?,英,adj.极端拘谨的 ( characterized by a rigid morality) ?,记,来自puritan ( 清教徒) ,ical, 清教徒主张勤俭而守礼的生活 Webster Collegiate adjective 6 ?Date: 1604 ?1. of, relating to, or characterized by a rigid morality ?2. puritan ??~ly adverb ------ Purlieu 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.〔常作复数〕邻近地区 ?,英,n.〔常作复数〕邻近地区 ( environment, neighborhood) ?,类,反义词: infrequently visited place ( 不常去的地方) ?,记,pur ( 附近) ,lieu ( 场所) -> 附近的场所 Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: Middle English purlewe land severed from an English royal forest by perambulation, from Anglo-French puralé perambulation, from puraler to travel through, measure, from purthoroughly + aler to go--more at purchase ?Date: 15th century ?1. m a. an outlying or adjacent district m b. plural environs, neighborhood ?2. m a. a frequently visited place ; haunt m b. plural confines, bounds ------ Purloin 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.偷窃 ?,英,v.偷窃 ( to appropriate wrongfully; steal) ?,记,pur ( 附近) ,loin ( =long长久) -> 把附近的带到远方 -> 偷窃; 不要和purlieu ( 附近) 相 混 Webster Collegiate transitive verb ?Etymology: Middle English, to put away, misappropriate, from Anglo-French purluigner to prolong, postpone, set aside, from pur- forward + luin, loing at a distance, from Latin longe, from longus long — more at purchase, long ?Date: 15th century ?to appropriate wrongfully and often by a breach of trust 7 ?Synonyms: see steal ??~er noun ------ Purport 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.意义, 涵义 ?,英,n.意义, 涵义 ( meaning conveyed, professed, or implied; gist) ?,记,pur ( 附近) ,port ( 带) -> 带来 -> 要点, 意义; 注意: purpose ( 目的) Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, content, tenor, from ~er to carry, mean, ~, from pur- thoroughly + porter to carry--more at purchase, port ?Date: 15th century ?meaning conveyed, professed, or implied ; import; also substance, gist II. transitive verb ?Date: 15th century ?1. to have the often specious appearance of being, intending, or claiming (something implied or inferred) ; also claim ?2. intend, purpose ------ Purposively 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adv. 有目的地;有决心地 ?,英,adv. 有目的地;有决心地 ?,类,反义词: meander ( 漫步) -move purposively ( 有目的地走动) ?,记,来自形容词purposive(有目的的, 有决心的) Webster Collegiate adverb ?see purposive ------ Purse 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.缩拢或撅起;n.钱包 ?,英,v.缩拢或撅起 ( pucker; contract) ; n.钱包 ( wallet) Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: Middle English purs, from Old English, modification of Medieval Latin bursa, from Late Latin, ox hide, from Greek byrsa 8 ?Date: before 12th century ?1. m a. ? (1) a small bag for money ? (2) a receptacle (as a pocketbook) for carrying money and often other small objects m b. a receptacle (as a pouch) shaped like a ~ ?2. m a. resources, funds m b. a sum of money offered as a prize or present; also the total amount of money offered in prizes for a given event ??~like adjective II. transitive verb (~d; pursing) ?Date: 14th century ?1. to put into a ~ ?2. pucker, knit <~d his brow> ------ Purvey 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v. ( 大量) 供给, 供应 ?,英,v. ( 大量) 供给, 供应 ( to supply as provisions) ?,记,可能是provide的变体 ?,同,派生词: purveyance ( n.粮食的供给) ; purveyor ( n.供应货物或提供服务的人或公司) Webster Collegiate transitive verb (~ed; ~ing) ?Etymology: Middle English purveien, from Anglo-French purveier, purveer to look at, foresee, provide, from Latin providēre to provide ?Date: 14th century ?1. to supply (as provisions) usually as a matter of business ?2. peddle 2 ------ Pusillanimous 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.胆小的 ?,英,adj.胆小的 ( lacking courage and resolution; cowardly) ?,类,反义词: dauntless ( 大胆的) ; stouthearted ( 大胆的) ?,记,pusill ( 虚弱的) ,anim ( 生命, 精神) ,ous -> 胆小的 Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: Late Latin pusillanimis, from Latin pusillus very small (diminutive of pusus boy) + animus spirit; perhaps akin to Latin puer child--more at puerile, animate ?Date: 1586 ?lacking courage and resolution ; marked by contemptible timidity 9 ?Synonyms: see cowardly ??~ly adverb ------ Putative 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.公认的, 普遍认为的 ?,英,adj.公认的, 普遍认为的 ( generally regarded as such) Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin putativus, from Latin putatus, past participle of putare to think ?Date: 15th century ?1. commonly accepted or supposed ?2. assumed to exist or to have existed ??~ly adverb ------ Putrefy 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.使腐烂 ?,英,v.使腐烂 ( to make putrid) ?,记,putr ( 腐烂) ,efy -> 使腐烂, 注意不要和petrify ( 石化) 相混 Webster Collegiate verb (-fied; -fying) ?Etymology: Middle English putrefien, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French putrefier, from Latin putrefacere, from putrēre to be rotten + facere to make--more at do ?Date: 14th century ?transitive verb m to make putrid ?intransitive verb m to undergo putrefaction ?Synonyms: see decay ------ Putrid 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.腐臭的 ?,英,adj.腐臭的 ( rotten) ?,例,The vultures descended toward the putrid flesh. Webster Collegiate adjective 10 ?Etymology: Latin ~us, from putrēre to be rotten, from puter, putris rotten; akin to Latin putēre to stink--more at foul ?Date: 1542 ?1. m a. being in a state of putrefaction ; rotten m b. of, relating to, or characteristic of putrefaction ; foul ?2. m a. morally corrupt m b. totally objectionable ?Synonyms: see malodorous ??~ity noun ??~ly adverb ------ Pygmy 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.矮人, 侏儒 ?,英,n.矮人, 侏儒 ( a short insignificant person; dwarf) ?,记,来自Pygmy ( 俾格米人) , 一种矮小人种 ?,例,The missionary learned to speak the pygmy's language. Webster Collegiate also pigmy noun (plural pygmies; also pigmies) ?Etymology: Middle English pigmei, from Latin pygmaeus of a ~, dwarfish, from Greek pygmaios, from pygmē fist, measure of length--more at pungent ?Date: 14th century ?1. often capitalized any of a race of dwarfs described by ancient Greek authors ?2. capitalized any of a small people of equatorial Africa ranging under five feet (1.5 meters) in height ?3. m a. ? (1) an unusually small person ? (2) an insignificant or unimpressive person m b. something very small of its kind ??~ adjective ------ Pylon 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.高压电线架, 桥塔 ?,英,n.高压电线架, 桥塔 ( any of various towerlike structures) ?,类,strut : wing / guy : pylon ( 支杆支撑机翼 / 支索支撑高压电线架) Webster Collegiate 11 noun ?Etymology: Greek pylōn, from pylē gate ?Date: 1850 ?1. m a. a usually massive gateway m b. an ancient Egyptian gateway building in a truncated pyramidal form m c. a monumental mass flanking an entranceway or an approach to a bridge ?2. m a. chiefly British a tower for supporting either end of usually a number of wires over a long span m b. any of various towerlike structures ?3. m a. a post or tower marking a prescribed course of flight for an airplane m b. traffic cone m c. one of the flexible upright markers positioned on a football field at the corners of the end zone ?4. a rigid structure on the outside of an aircraft for supporting something (as an engine or missile) — see airplane illustration ------ Pyre 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.火葬用的柴堆 ?,英,n.火葬用的柴堆 ( a combustible heap for burning a dead body as a funeral rite) ?,记,pyr ( 火) ,e; ?,同,参考: pyrexia ( 发烧) ; pyrogenic ( 发热的) Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: Latin pyra, from Greek, from pyr fire--more at fire ?Date: 1587 ?a combustible heap for burning a dead body as a funeral rite; broadly a pile of material to be burned ------ Pyromania 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.纵火狂 ?,英,n.纵火狂 ( an irresistible impulse to start fires) ?,记,pyro ( 火) ,mania ( 狂) Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: New Latin 12 ?Date: circa 1842 ?an irresistible impulse to start fires ??~c noun ??~cal adjective ------ Quack 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.冒充内行之人; 庸医 ?,英,n.冒充内行之人 ( charlatan) ; 庸医 ( a pretender to medical skill) ?,类,反义词: honest practitioner ( 诚实的从业者) ?,记,和quick ( 快) 一起记, 庸医骗完钱就走 Webster Collegiate kI. intransitive verb ?Etymology: alteration of queck to ~, from Middle English queken, from queke, interjection, of imitative origin ?Date: 14th century ?to make the characteristic cry of a duck II. noun ?Date: 1798 ?a noise made by ~ing III. intransitive verb ?Etymology: ,sup,4,/sup,~ ?Date: 1628 ?to act like a ~ IV. noun ?Etymology: short for ~salver ?Date: 1638 ?1. charlatan 2 ?2. a pretender to medical skill ??~ish adjective V. adjective ?Date: 1653 ?of, relating to, or used by ~s <~ cancer cures> ------ Quadrangle 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.四边形 ?,英,n.四边形 ( quadrilateral) ?,记,quadr ( 四) ,angle ( 角) Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Late Latin quadriangulum, from Latin, 13 neuter of quadriangulus quadrangular, from quadri- + angulus angle ?Date: 15th century ?1. quadrilateral ?2. m a. a 4-sided enclosure especially when surrounded by buildings m b. the buildings enclosing a ~ ?3. a tract of country represented by one of a series of map sheets ??quadrangular adjective ------ Quadruped 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.四足兽 ?,英,n.四足兽 ( four-footed animal) Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: Latin ~-, quadrupes, from ~-, quadrupes, adjective, having four feet, from quadri- + ped-, pes foot--more at foot ?Date: 1646 ?an animal having four feet ??~ adjective ??~al adjective ------ Quaff 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.畅饮 ?,英,v.畅饮 ( to drink deeply) ?,类,quaff : sip / stride : mince / delve : skim ( 畅饮和啜饮 / 大步走和小步走 / 钻研和浏 览) ?,例,quaff a glass of wine ( 将一杯酒一饮而尽) Webster Collegiate verb ?Etymology: origin unknown ?Date: 1523 ?intransitive verb m to drink deeply ?transitive verb m to drink (a beverage) deeply ??~ noun ??~er noun ------ Quagmire 14 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.沼泽地; 困境 ?,英,n.沼泽地 ( soft miry land) ; 困境 ( predicament) ?,记,quag ( 沼泽) ,mire ( 泥潭) ?,例,The country slipped into an economic quagmire. Webster Collegiate noun ?Date: circa 1580 ?1. soft miry land that shakes or yields under the foot ?2. a difficult, precarious, or entrapping position ; predicament ------ Quail 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.畏惧, 颤抖 ?,英,v.畏惧, 颤抖 ( to coil in dread or fear; cower) ?,类,反义词: become resolute ( 坚决) ?,记,quail原意为""鹌鹑"" ?,例,His heart quailed. ( 他心存恐惧) Webster Collegiate I. noun (plural ~ or ~s) ?Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin quaccula, of imitative origin ?Date: 14th century ?any of numerous small gallinaceous birds: as m a. an Old World migratory game bird (Coturnix coturnix) m b. bobwhite II. verb ?Etymology: Middle English, from Middle Dutch quelen ?Date: 15th century ?intransitive verb m 1. ? a. chiefly dialect wither, decline ? b. to give way ; falter m 2. to recoil in dread or terror ; cower ?transitive verb m archaic to make fearful ?Synonyms: see recoil ------ Quaint 解释 GRE 红宝书 15 ?adj. 离奇有趣的 ?,英,adj. 离奇有趣的 ( unusual and attractive) ?,例,quaint old customs Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: Middle English queinte, cointe, from Anglo-French, clever, expert, from Latin cognitus, past participle of cognoscere to know--more at cognition ?Date: 13th century ?1. obsolete expert, skilled ?2. m a. marked by skillful design <~ with many a device in India ink--Herman Melville> m b. marked by beauty or elegance ?3. m a. unusual or different in character or appearance ; odd m b. pleasingly or strikingly old-fashioned or unfamiliar ?Synonyms: see strange ??~ly adverb ??~ness noun ------ Qualification 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 合格; 资格 Webster Collegiate noun ?Date: 1538 ?1. a restriction in meaning or application ; a limiting modification ?2. m a. obsolete nature m b. archaic characteristic ?3. m a. a quality or skill that fits a person (as for an office) m b. a condition or standard that must be complied with (as for the attainment of a privilege) ------ Qualified 解释 GRE 红宝书 16 ?adj. 有资格的;有限制的 ?,英,adj. 有资格的 ( having suitable knowledge or qualification) ; 有限制的 ( limited) ?,类,反义词: adsolute ( 不受限制的) ; categorical ( 无条件的) ?,记,来自动词qualify(具有资格, 限制) Webster Collegiate adjective ?Date: 1558 ?1. m a. fitted (as by training or experience) for a given purpose ; competent m b. having complied with the specific requirements or precedent conditions (as for an office or employment) ; eligible ?2. limited or modified in some way <~ approval> ??~ly adverb ------ Qualm 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.疑惧; 紧张不安 ?,英,n.疑惧 ( a sudden access of disturbing emotion) ; 紧张不安 ( a feeling of uneasiness) ?,类,demur : qualms / waver : irresoluteness ( 因疑虑而反对 / 因犹豫而动摇) Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: origin unknown ?Date: circa 1530 ?1. a sudden attack of illness, faintness, or nausea ?2. a sudden access of usually disturbing emotion (as doubt or fear) ?3. a feeling of uneasiness about a point especially of conscience or propriety ??~y adjective ?Synonyms: m ~, scruple, compunction, demur mean a misgiving about what one is doing or going to do. ~ implies an uneasy fear that one is not following one's conscience or better judgment . scruple implies doubt of the rightness of an act on grounds of principle . compunction implies a spontaneous feeling of responsibility or compassion for a potential victim . demur implies hesitation caused by objection to an outside suggestion or influence . ------ Quandary 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.困惑, 进退两难 ?,英,n.困惑, 进退两难 ( a state of perplexity or doubt; predicament) ?,类,反义词: state of complete certainty ( 完全确定状态) ?,例,be in a quandary about what to do 17 Webster Collegiate noun (plural -ries) ?Etymology: origin unknown ?Date: 1579 ?a state of perplexity or doubt ------ Quantum 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.定量; 量子 ?,英,n.定量; 量子 ( any of the small subdivisions of a quantized physical magnitude) ?,记,quant ( 数量) ,um -> 定量 ?,同,同根词: quantity ( 数量, 总量) ; quantitative ( 数量的) Webster Collegiate I. noun (plural quanta) ?Etymology: Latin, neuter of quantus how much ?Date: 1567 ?1. m a. quantity, amount m b. portion, part m c. gross quantity ; bulk ?2. m a. any of the very small increments or parcels into which many forms of energy are subdivided m b. any of the small subdivisions of a quantized physical magnitude (as magnetic moment) II. adjective ?Date: 1942 ?1. large, significant ?2. of, relating to, or employing the principles of ~ mechanics <~ physics> ------ Quarantine 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.隔离检疫期, 隔离 ?,英,n.隔离检疫期, 隔离 ( enforced isolation to prevent the spread of disease or pests) ?,记,quarant ( 四十) ,ine, 原意指隔开40天 Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: partly modification of French quarantaine, from Old French, from quarante forty, from Latin quadraginta, from quadra- (akin to quattuor four) + -ginta (akin to viginti twenty); partly modification of Italian quarantena ~ of a ship, from quaranta forty, from Latin quadraginta--more at four, vigesimal ?Date: 1609 ?1. a period of 40 days 18 ?2. m a. a term during which a ship arriving in port and suspected of carrying contagious disease is held in isolation from the shore m b. a regulation placing a ship in ~ m c. a place where a ship is detained during ~ ?3. m a. a restraint upon the activities or communication of persons or the transport of goods designed to prevent the spread of disease or pests m b. a place in which those under ~ are kept ?4. a state of enforced isolation II. verb (-tined; -tining) ?Date: 1804 ?transitive verb m 1. to detain in or exclude by ~ m 2. to isolate from normal relations or communication <~ an aggressor> ?intransitive verb m to establish or declare a ~ ------ Quarry 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.采石场;v.采石 ?,英,n.采石场 ( an open excavation for obtaining building stone) ?,类,quarry : rock / mine : ore ( 采石场采岩石 / 矿厂采矿石) quarry : stone / fell : timder ( 采岩 石 / 伐木料) ?,记,和quarrel ( 争吵) 一起记 Webster Collegiate I. noun (plural quarries) ?Etymology: Middle English quirre, querre entrails of game given to the hounds, from Anglo-French cureie, quereie, from quir, cuir skin, hide (on which the entrails were placed), from Latin corium — more at cuirass ?Date: 14th century ?1. obsolete a heap of the game killed in a hunt ?2. game; specifically game hunted with hawks ?3. one that is sought or pursued ; prey II. noun (plural quarries) ?Etymology: Middle English quarey, alteration of quarrere, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *quadraria, from Late Latin quadrus hewn (literally, squared) stone, from Latin quadrum square ?Date: 14th century ?1. an open excavation usually for obtaining building stone, slate, or limestone 19 ?2. a rich source III. verb (quarried; ~ing) ?Date: 1774 ?transitive verb m 1. to dig or take from or as if from a ~ <~ marble> m 2. to make a ~ in <~ a hill> ?intransitive verb m to delve in or as if in a ~ IV. noun (plural quarries) ?Etymology: alteration of ,sup,1,/sup,quarrel ?Date: 1555 ?a diamond-shaped pane of glass, stone, or tile ------ Quartet 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.四重奏, 四重唱 ?,英,n.四重奏, 四重唱 ( a musical composition for four instruments or voices) Webster Collegiate also ~te noun ?Etymology: Italian ~to, from quarto fourth, from Latin quartus--more at quart ?Date: 1773 ?1. a musical composition for four instruments or voices ?2. a group or set of four; especially the performers of a ~ ------ Quash 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.取消, 拒绝接受 ?,英,v.取消, 拒绝接受 ( to nullify by judicial action) ?,类,反义词: engender ( 造成) ?,例,The high court judge quashed the decision of the lower court. Webster Collegiate I. transitive verb ?Etymology: Middle English ~en to smash, from Anglo-French quasser, casser, from Latin quassare to shake violently, shatter, frequentative of quatere to shake ?Date: 13th century ?to suppress or extinguish summarily and completely <~ a rebellion> II. transitive verb ?Etymology: Middle English quassen, from Anglo-French casser, quasser to annul, from Late Latin cassare, from Latin cassus void ?Date: 14th century 20 ?to nullify especially by judicial action <~ an indictment> ------ Quaver 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v. 发颤音, 颤抖;n. 颤音 ?,英,v. 发颤音, 颤抖 ( shake; tremble) ; ?,类,voice : quaver / hand : tremble ( 声音发抖 / 手颤抖) ?,例,in a quavering voice Webster Collegiate I. verb (~ed; ~ing) ?Etymology: Middle English, frequentative of quaven to tremble ?Date: 15th century ?intransitive verb m 1. tremble m 2. trill m 3. to utter sound in tremulous tones ?transitive verb m to utter ~ingly ??~ingly adverb ??~y adjective II. noun ?Date: 1570 ?1. eighth note ?2. trill 1 ?3. a tremulous sound ------ Quay 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.码头 ?,英,n.码头 ( dock; wharf; pier) Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: alteration of earlier key, from Middle English, from Middle French dialect (Picard) kay, probably of Celtic origin; akin to Breton kae hedge, enclosure; akin to Old English hecg hedge ?Date: circa 1635 ?a structure built parallel to the bank of a waterway for use as a landing place ------ Queasy 解释 GRE 红宝书 21 ?adj.令人恶心的 ?,英,adj.令人恶心的 ( experiencing nausea; nauseated) ?,例,the queasy rolling of the ship ( 引起呕吐的轮船摇晃) Webster Collegiate also queazy adjective (queasier; -est) ?Etymology: Middle English coysy, qwesye ?Date: 15th century ?1. m a. causing nausea <~ motion> m b. suffering from nausea ; nauseated ?2. full of doubt ; hazardous ?3. m a. causing uneasiness m b. ? (1) delicate, squeamish ? (2) ill at ease ??queasily adverb ??queasiness noun ------ Quell 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.制止, 镇压 ?,英,v.制止, 镇压 ( to thoroughly overwhelm) ?,类,反义词: foment ( 煽动) ; instigate ( 鼓动) ; rouse ( 激起) ?,例,quell a riot ( 镇压暴乱) / quell disagreement ( 压制不同意见) Webster Collegiate I. transitive verb ?Etymology: Middle English, to kill, ~, from Old English cwellan to kill; akin to Old High German ~en to torture, kill, quāla torment, Lithuanian gelti to hurt ?Date: 13th century ?1. to thoroughly overwhelm and reduce to submission or passivity <~ a riot> ?2. quiet, pacify <~ fears> ??~er noun II. noun ?Etymology: Middle English, from ~en to kill ?Date: 15th century ?1. obsolete slaughter ?2. archaic the power of ~ing ------ Quench 解释 GRE 红宝书 22 ?v.熄灭 ( 火) ; 抑制 ( 欲望) ?,英,v.熄灭 ( 火) ( put out, extinguish) ; 抑制 ( 欲望) ( subdue) ?,例,quench hatred ( 消除仇恨) / quench the flames ( 扑灭火焰) Webster Collegiate verb ?Etymology: Middle English, from Old English -cwencan; akin to Old English -cwincan to vanish, Old Frisian quinka ?Date: 12th century ?transitive verb m 1. ? a. put out, extinguish ? b. to put out the light or fire of <~ glowing coals with water> ? c. to cool (as heated metal) suddenly by immersion (as in oil or water) ? d. to cause to lose heat or warmth m 2. ? a. to bring (something immaterial) to an end typically by satisfying, damping, cooling, or decreasing ? b. to terminate by or as if by destroying ; eliminate <~ a rebellion> ? c. to relieve or satisfy with liquid <~ed his thirst at a wayside spring> ?intransitive verb m 1. to become extinguished ; cool m 2. to become calm ; subside ??~able adjective ??~er noun ??~less adjective ------ Querulous 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.抱怨的, 多牢骚的 ?,英,adj.抱怨的, 多牢骚的 ( habitually complaining; fretful) ?,记,quer ( =query疑问, 质问) ,ulous -> 老是疑问 -> 抱怨的 Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: Middle English querelose, from Latin querulus, from queri to complain ?Date: 15th century ?1. habitually complaining ?2. fretful, whining 23 ??~ly adverb ??~ness noun ------ Query 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. / v. 质问, 疑问, 询问 ?,英,n. / v. 质问, 疑问, 询问 ( question, inquiry, doubt) ?,例,accept a check without query ( 不加询问地接受支票) Webster Collegiate I. noun (plural queries) ?Etymology: alteration of earlier quere, from Latin quaere, imperative of quaerere to ask ?Date: circa 1635 ?1. question, inquiry ?2. a question in the mind ; doubt ?3. question mark 2 II. transitive verb (queried; ~ing) ?Date: 1654 ?1. to ask questions of especially with a desire for authoritative information ?2. to ask questions about especially in order to resolve a doubt ?3. to put as a question ?4. to mark with a ~ ?Synonyms: see ask ??querier noun ------ Quest 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v. 搜寻, 探求; n.探求 ?,英,v. 搜寻, 探求 ( to search for) ; n. 探求 ( investigation, pursuit) ?,记,question ( 问题) , 去掉ion成为quest ?,例,the quest for truth ( 对真理的寻求) Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~e, Vulgar Latin *quaesta, from Latin, feminine of quaestus, past participle of quaerere ?Date: 14th century ?1. m a. a jury of in~ m b. investigation ?2. an act or instance of seeking: m a. pursuit, search m b. a chivalrous enterprise in medieval romance usually involving an adventurous journey 24 ?3. obsolete a person or group of persons who search or make inquiry II. verb ?Date: 14th century ?intransitive verb m 1. of a dog ? a. to search a trail ? b. bay m 2. to go on a ~ ?transitive verb m 1. to search for m 2. to ask for ??~er noun ------ Questionnaire 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 问卷, 调查 ?,英,n. 问卷, 调查表 ( a written set of questions to provide information) ?,记,question(问题)+naire Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: French, from questionner to question, from Middle French, from question, noun ?Date: 1899 ?1. a set of questions for obtaining statistically useful or personal information from individuals ?2. a written or printed ~ often with spaces for answers ?3. a survey made by the use of a ~ ------ Queue 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v. / n. 长队, 排队 ?,英,v. / n. 长队, 排队 ( a line of persons waiting to be processed) Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: French, literally, tail, from Old French cue, coe, Latin cauda, coda ?Date: 1748 ?1. a braid of hair usually worn hanging at the back of the head ?2. a waiting line especially of persons or vehicles ?3. m a. a sequence of messages or jobs held in temporary storage awaiting transmission or processing m b. a data structure that consists of a list of records such that records are added at one end and removed from the other II. verb (~d; queuing or ~ing) 25 ?Date: 1777 ?transitive verb m to arrange or form in a ~ ?intransitive verb m to line up or wait in a ~--often used with up ??~r noun ------ Quiescence 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 静止 ?,类,反义词: restless activity ( 不停的活动) ; action ( 行动) ; tumult ( 喧闹) Webster Collegiate noun ?Date: circa 1631 ?the quality or state of being quiescent ------ Quiescent 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.不动的, 静止的 ?,英,adj.不动的, 静止的 ( marked by inactivity or repose) ?,记,qui ( =quiet安静的) ,escent ( 状态) -> 静止的 ?,同,同根词: quietus ( 债务清偿, 寂灭) ?,例,Bob's thinking became quiescent as he slept. Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: Latin ~-, quiescens, present participle of quiescere to become quiet, rest, from quies ?Date: 1605 ?1. marked by inactivity or repose ; tranquilly at rest ?2. causing no trouble or symptoms <~ gallstones> ?Synonyms: see latent ??~ly adverb ------ Quiet 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.安静的 ?,英,adj.安静的 ?,类,反义词: boisterous ( 喧闹的) Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~e, Latin ~-, quies rest, ~--more at while ?Date: 14th century 26 ?the quality or state of being ~ ; tranquillity II. adjective ?Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French ~e, from Latin ~us, from past participle of quiescere ?Date: 14th century ?1. m a. marked by little or no motion or activity ; calm m b. gentle, easygoing m c. not interfered with <~ reading> m d. enjoyed in peace and relaxation ?2. m a. free from noise or uproar ; still m b. unobtrusive, conservative <~ clothes> ?3. secluded ??~ly adverb ??~ness noun III. adverb ?Date: 1573 ?in a ~ manner IV. verb ?Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin ~are to set free, to calm, from Latin ~us ?Date: 14th century ?transitive verb m 1. to cause to be ~ ; calm m 2. to make secure by freeing from dispute or question <~ title to a property> ?intransitive verb m to become ~--usually used with down ??~er noun ------ Quietude 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.平静, 宁静 ?,英,n.平静, 宁静 ( tranquillity; calmness) Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: Middle French, from Late Latin quietudo, from Latin quietus ?Date: 1597 ?a quiet state ; repose ------ Quintessence 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.完美的榜样; 精华 27 ?,英,n. 完美的榜样(the most typical example or representative); 精华 ( the essence of a thing in its purest and most concentrated form) ?,记,和quell ( 五) ,essence ( 精华) -> 原指组成世界的五大精华物质 Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French quinte essence, from Medieval Latin quinta essentia, literally, fifth essence ?Date: 15th century ?1. the fifth and highest element in ancient and medieval philosophy that permeates all nature and is the substance composing the celestial bodies ?2. the essence of a thing in its purest and most concentrated form ?3. the most typical example or representative ??quintessential adjective ??quintessentially adverb ------ Quip 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.俏皮话, 妙语 ?,英,adj.俏皮话, 妙语 ( taunt; clever sarcastic remark) Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: earlier ~py, perhaps from Latin ~pe indeed, to be sure (often ironic), from quid what — more at quiddity ?Date: 1532 ?1. m a. a clever usually taunting remark ; gibe m b. a witty or funny observation or response usually made on the spur of the moment ?2. quibble, equivocation ?3. something strange, droll, curious, or eccentric ; oddity ??~py adjective II. verb (~ped; ~ping) ?Date: 1579 ?intransitive verb m to make ~s ; gibe ?transitive verb m to jest or gibe at ??~per noun ------ Quirk 28 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.奇事; 怪癖 ?,英,n.奇事 ( accident, vagary) ; 怪癖 ( idiosyncrasy) ?,例,He has some unusual quirks in his character. Webster Collegiate kI. noun ?Etymology: origin unknown ?Date: 1565 ?1. m a. an abrupt twist or curve m b. a peculiar trait ; idiosyncrasy m c. accident, vagary ?2. a groove separating a bead or other molding from adjoining members ??~ily adverb ??~iness noun ??~ish adjective ??~y adjective II. verb ?Date: 1878 ?curve, twist <~ed his eyebrows> ------ Quisling 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.卖国贼, 内奸 ?,英,n.卖国贼, 内奸 ( traitor, collaborator) ?,类,juggernaut : crush / quisling : betray ( 摧毁性力量毁灭 / 卖国贼背叛) ?,记,来自人名Quisling, 挪威政客, 二战德国占领挪威期间任傀儡政府总理 Webster Collegiate noun ?Usage: often attributive ?Etymology: Vidkun Quisling died 1945 Norwegian politician who collaborated with the Nazis ?Date: 1940 ?traitor 2, collaborator ??~ism noun ------ Quiver 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.箭筒, 箭囊 ?,英,n.箭筒, 箭囊 ( a case for carrying arrows) ?,记,quiver作为""颤抖""一意大家都熟悉 Webster Collegiate 29 I. noun ?Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French quivre, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English cocer ~, Old High German kohhari ?Date: 14th century ?1. a case for carrying or holding arrows ?2. the arrows in a ~ II. intransitive verb (~ed; ~ing) ?Etymology: Middle English, probably from ~ agile, quick; akin to Old English cwiferlice zealously ?Date: 15th century ?to shake or move with a slight trembling motion ??~ingly adverb III. noun ?Date: 1786 ?the act or action of ~ing ; tremor ------ Quixotic 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.不切实际的, 空想的 ?,英,adj.不切实际的, 空想的 ( foolishly impractical ) ?,记,来自Don Quixote ( 堂?吉诃德) ; 亦作quixotical Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: Don Quixote ?Date: 1718 ?1. foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals; especially marked by rash lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action ?2. capricious, unpredictable ?Synonyms: see imaginary ??~al adjective ??~ally adverb ------ Quorum 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 法定人数 ?,英,n. 法定人数 ( a stated number of people, without whom a meeting cannot be held) Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: Middle English, ~ of justices of the peace, from Latin, of whom, genitive plural of qui 30 who; from the wording of the commission formerly issued to justices of the peace ?Date: 1602 ?1. a select group ?2. the number (as a majority) of officers or members of a body that when duly assembled is legally competent to transact business ?3. a Mormon body comprising those in the same grade of priesthood ------ Quota 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 定额, 配额 ?,英,n. 定额, 配额 ( a number or amount that has been officially fixed as someone's share) ?,类,反义词: unlimited number ( 不限额) Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: Medieval Latin, from Latin ~ pars how great a part ?Date: 1618 ?1. a proportional part or share; especially the share or proportion assigned to each in a division or to each member of a body ?2. the number or amount constituting a proportional share ?3. a fixed number or percentage of minority group members or women needed to meet the requirements of affirmative action ------ Quote 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v. 引用, 引述 ?,英,v. 引用, 引述 ( repeat in speech or writing the words of a person or a book) ?,例,He's always quoting verses from the Bible. Webster Collegiate I. verb (~d; quoting) ?Etymology: Medieval Latin quotare to mark the number of, number references, from Latin quotus of what number or quantity, from quot how many, (as) many as; akin to Latin qui who--more at who ?Date: 1582 ?transitive verb m 1. ? a. to speak or write (a passage) from another usually with credit acknowledgment ? b. to repeat a passage from especially in substantiation or illustration ? c. borrow 2a m 2. to cite in illustration <~ cases of similar acts> m 3. 31 ? a. to state (the current price or bid-offer spread) for a commodity, stock, or bond ? b. to give exact information on m 4. to set off by quotation marks ?intransitive verb m to inform a hearer or reader that matter following is ~d ??~r noun II. noun ?Date: 1888 ?1. quotation ?2. quotation mark--often used orally to indicate the beginning of a direct quotation ------ Quotidian 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.每日的; 平凡的 ?,英,adj.每日的 ( occurring everyday) ; 平凡的 ( commonplace) ?,类,反义词: extraordinary ( 非凡的) ; unusual ( 不平常的) ; remarkable ( 醒目的) ; striking ( 惊人的) ?,记,quoti ( 每) ,di ( 日子) ,an -> 每日的 Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: Middle English cotidian, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~us, cotidianus, from quotidie every day, from quot (as) many as + dies day--more at deity ?Date: 14th century ?1. occurring every day <~ fever> ?2. m a. belonging to each day ; everyday <~ routine> m b. commonplace, ordinary <~ drabness> ??~ noun ------ Rabble 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.乌合之众; 下等人 ?,英,n.乌合之众 ( a disorganized or disorderly crowd of people; mob) ; 下等人 ( the lowest class of people) ?,记,和babble ( 胡言乱语) 一起记 Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: Middle English rabel pack of animals ?Date: 14th century ?1. a disorganized or confused collection of things 32 ?2. m a. a disorganized or disorderly crowd of people ; mob m b. the lowest class of people II. transitive verb (~d; rabbling) ?Date: 1644 ?to insult or assault by or as a mob ------ Rabid 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.患狂犬病的; 失去理性的 ?,英,adj.患狂犬病的 ( affected with rabies) ; 失去理性的 ( going to extreme lengths in expressing or pursuing a feeling, interest, or opinion) ?,类,反义词: logical ( 有逻辑的) ?,记,来自rabies ( 狂犬病) Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: Latin ~us mad, from rabere ?Date: 1594 ?1. m a. extremely violent ; furious m b. going to extreme lengths in expressing or pursuing a feeling, interest, or opinion <~ editorials> ?2. affected with rabies ??~ity noun ??~ly adverb ??~ness noun ------ Raconteur 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.善于讲故事的人 ?,英,n.善于讲故事的人 ( a person who excels in telling anecdotes) ?,类,raconteur : storytelling / wordsmith : writing ( 善于讲故事的人喜欢讲故事 / 擅长文字者 喜欢写作) ?,记,racont ( =recount描述) ,eur ( 人) -> 讲故事者 Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: French, from Middle French, from raconter to tell, from Old French, from re- + aconter, acompter to tell, count--more at account ?Date: 1828 ?a person who excels in telling anecdotes 33 ------ Racy 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj. 活泼的, 生动的 ?,英,adj. 活泼的, 生动的 ( amusing, full of life) ?,类,反义词: tame ( 枯燥的) ?,同,派生词: raciness ( n. 生动活泼) ?,例,a racy account of his adventures Webster Collegiate I. adjective (racier; -est) ?Etymology: ,sup,3,/sup,race ?Date: circa 1650 ?1. m a. full of zest or vigor m b. having a strongly marked quality ; piquant m c. risque, suggestive <~ jokes> ?2. having the distinctive quality of something in its original or most characteristic form ?Synonyms: see pungent ??racily adverb ??raciness noun II. adjective (racier; -est) ?Etymology: ,sup,1,/sup,race ?Date: 1841 ?having a body fitted for racing ; long-bodied and lean ------ Radiance 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.发光; 喜悦 ?,英,n.发光;喜悦 ( the state of love, confidence, or happiness) ?,记,radi ( 光线, 射线) ,ance -> 发光 ?,同,同根词: radiation ( 发光, 传播) ; radiator ( 散热器) Webster Collegiate noun ?Date: 1600 ?1. the quality or state of being radiant ?2. a deep pink ?3. the flux density of radiant energy per unit solid angle and per unit projected area of radiating surface ------ Radiant 解释 GRE 红宝书 34 ?adj. 发光的; 辐射的 ?,英,adj. 发光的 ( sending out light or heat) ?,类,反义词: lackluster ( 无光泽的) Webster Collegiate I. adjective ?Date: 15th century ?1. m a. radiating rays or reflecting beams of light m b. vividly bright and shining ; glowing ?2. marked by or expressive of love, confidence, or happiness ?3. m a. emitted or transmitted by radiation m b. emitting or relating to ~ heat ?Synonyms: see bright ??~ly adverb II. noun ?Date: circa 1741 ?something that radiates: as m a. a point in the heavens at which the visible paths of meteors appear to meet when traced backward m b. the part of a gas or electric heater that becomes incandescent ------ Radiate 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.发光, 放热 ?,英,v.发光, 放热 ( to send out in in rays) ?,类,反义词: absorb ( 吸收) ?,记,radi ( 光线) ,ate ?,例,The lighted candle radiated heat and light. Webster Collegiate I. verb (-ated; -ating) ?Etymology: Latin radiatus, past participle of radiare, from radius ray ?Date: circa 1619 ?intransitive verb m 1. to proceed in a direct line from or toward a center m 2. to send out rays ; shine brightly m 3. ? a. to issue in or as if in rays ? b. to evolve by adaptive radiation ?transitive verb m 1. to send out in or as if in rays m 2. ir~, illuminate m 3. to spread abroad or around as if from a center 35 II. adjective ?Date: 1668 ?having rays or radial parts: as m a. having ray flowers m b. characterized by radial symmetry ; radially symmetrical ??~ly adverb ------ Radium 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 镭 ?,英,n. 镭 ( a rare shining white metal) Webster Collegiate noun ?Usage: often attributive ?Etymology: New Latin, from Latin radius ray ?Date: 1899 ?an intensely radioactive brilliant white metallic element that resembles barium chemically, occurs in combination in minute quantities in minerals (as pitchblende or carnotite), emits alpha particles and gamma rays to form radon, and is used chiefly in luminous materials and in the treatment of cancer — see element table ------ Raffish 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.名誉不好的, 无赖的, 俗艳的 ?,类,ingenuous : dissemble / raffish : preen / polite : snub ( 自然的不会掩饰 / 俗艳的不会打 扮 / 礼貌的不会怠慢) Webster Collegiate adjective ?Date: 1796 ?1. marked by or suggestive of flashy vulgarity or crudeness ?2. marked by a careless unconventionality ; rakish ??~ly adverb ??~ness noun ------ Raffle 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. ( 尤指为公益事业举办的) 对奖售物 ( 活动) 36 ?,英,n. ( 尤指为公益事业举办的) 对奖售物 ( 活动) ( lottery) ?,类,lottery : raffle / ticket : admission ( 抽彩是一种对奖活动 / 门票是一种通行允许) Webster Collegiate I. verb (~d; raffling) ?Date: circa 1680 ?intransitive verb m to engage in a ~ ?transitive verb m to dispose of by means of a ~ <~ off a turkey> II. noun ?Etymology: Middle English rafle, a dice game, from Middle French, dice game in which all the stakes can be won in a throw, literally, rake for a fire, from Middle High German raffel rake for a fire, from raffen to snatch, gather ?Date: 1766 ?a lottery in which the prize is won by one of numerous persons buying chances III. noun ?Etymology: probably from French rafle act of snatching, sweeping, from Middle French, rake for a fire ?Date: 1881 ?rubbish; especially a jumble or tangle of nautical equipment ------ Rafter 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.椽子 ?,英,n.椽子 ( any of the parallel beams that support a roof) ?,类,roof : rafter / umbrella : rib ( 房顶用椽子支撑 / 雨伞用伞骨支撑) ?,记,可能来自raft ( 木排, 木筏) ,er, rafter也可指""放筏人"" Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: Middle English, from Old English r?fter; akin to Old Norse raptr ~ ?Date: before 12th century ?any of the parallel beams that support a roof ??~ed adjective II. noun ?Etymology: ,sup,2,/sup,raft ?Date: 1809 ?1. one who maneuvers logs into position and binds them into rafts ?2. one who travels by raft ------ 37 Rag 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 旧布, 碎布;破旧衣服 ?,英,n. 旧布, 碎布 ( old cloth) ; 破旧衣服 ( an old worn-out garment) Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: Middle English ~ge, from Old English *~g, from Old Norse r?gg tuft, shagginess ?Date: 14th century ?1. m a. a waste piece of cloth m b. plural clothes usually in poor or ~ged condition m c. clothing ?2. something resembling a ~ ?3. newspaper; especially a sleazy newspaper II. noun ?Etymology: Middle English ~ge ?Date: 14th century ?1. any of various hard rocks ?2. a large roofing slate that is rough on one side III. transitive verb (~ged; ~ging) ?Etymology: origin unknown ?Date: 1739 ?1. to rail at ; scold ?2. torment, tease IV. noun ?Date: 1864 ?chiefly British an outburst of boisterous fun; also prank V. noun ?Etymology: short for ~time ?Date: 1897 ?a composition in ~time ------ Rage 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. / v.盛怒, 极怒 ?,英,n. / v.盛怒, 极怒 ( violent and uncontrolled anger) ?,类,gush : effusive / rage : irate ( 感情迸发表示热情外溢 / 盛怒表示愤怒) ?,例,scream with rage ( 愤怒大叫) Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin rabia, from Latin rabies ~, madness, 38 from rabere to be mad; akin to Sanskrit rabhas violence ?Date: 14th century ?1. m a. violent and uncontrolled anger m b. a fit of violent wrath m c. archaic insanity ?2. violent action (as of wind or sea) ?3. an intense feeling ; passion ?4. a fad pursued with intense enthusiasm ?Synonyms: see anger, fashion II. intransitive verb (~d; raging) ?Date: 14th century ?1. to be in a ~ ?2. to be in tumult ?3. to prevail uncontrollably ------ Ragged 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.破烂的; ( 表面) 凹凸不平的 ?,英,adj.破烂的 ( torn or worn to tatters) ?,类,cloth : ragged / furniture : rickety ( 破烂的布料 / 破旧的家具) ?,例,ragged clothes / ragged rocks Webster Collegiate adjective ?Date: 14th century ?1. roughly unkempt ?2. having an irregular edge or outline ?3. m a. torn or worn to tatters m b. worn-out from stress and strain ?4. wearing tattered clothes ?5. m a. straggly m b. executed in an irregular or uneven manner m c. of a sound harsh, dissonant ??~ly adverb ??~ness noun ------ Raid 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.突然袭击 ?,英,n.突然袭击 ( a surprise attack by a small force) 39 ?,记,不要和rail ( 猛烈指责) 相混 ?,例,make a raid on the enemy coas Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: Middle English (Scots) rade, from Old English rād ride, ~--more at road ?Date: 15th century ?1. m a. a hostile or predatory incursion m b. a surprise attack by a small force ?2. m a. a brief foray outside one's usual sphere m b. a sudden invasion by officers of the law m c. a daring operation against a competitor m d. the recruiting of personnel (as faculty, executives, or athletes) from competing organizations ?3. the act of mulcting public money ?4. an attempt by professional operators to depress stock prices by concerted selling II. verb ?Date: 1865 ?intransitive verb m to conduct or take part in a ~ ?transitive verb m to make a ~ on ------ Rail 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.栏杆;铁轨 v.咒骂, 猛烈指责 ?,英,n.栏杆 ( a bar serving as a guard or barrier) ; v.咒骂, 猛烈指责 ( to revile or scold in harsh language) ?,类,rail : vehemence / entreat : urgency ( 抨击是猛烈的 / 恳求是急切的) Webster Collegiate I. verb ?Etymology: Middle English, perhaps from Anglo-French *~er, alteration of trainer to drag, ~ on the ground--more at train ?Date: 13th century ?intransitive verb m 1. ? a. to hang down so as to drag along or sweep the ground ? b. to extend over a surface in a loose or straggling manner ? c. to grow to such length as to droop over toward the ground <~ing branches of a 40 weeping birch> m 2. ? a. to walk or proceed draggingly, heavily, or wearily ; plod, trudge ? b. to lag behind ; do poorly in relation to others m 3. to move, flow, or extend slowly in thin streams m 4. ? a. to extend in an erratic or uneven course or line ; straggle ? b. dwindle m 5. to follow a ~ ; track game ?transitive verb m 1. ? a. to draw or drag loosely along a surface ; allow to sweep the ground ? b. haul, tow m 2. ? a. to drag (as a limb or the body) heavily or wearily ? b. to carry or bring along as an addition, burden, or encumbrance ? c. to draw along in one's wake m 3. ? a. to follow upon the scent or trace of ; track ? b. to follow in the footsteps of ; pursue ? c. to follow along behind ? d. to lag behind (as a competitor) ?Synonyms: see chase II. noun ?Date: 14th century ?1. something that ~s or is ~ed: as m a. a ~ing plant m b. the train of a gown m c. a ~ing arrangement (as of flowers) ; spray m d. the part of a gun carriage that rests on the ground when the piece is unlimbered ?2. m a. something that follows or moves along as if being drawn along ; train m b. ? (1) the streak produced by a meteor ? ,b,,c darkslategr ------ Raillery 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.善意的嘲弄 ?,英,n.善意的嘲弄 ( good-natured ridicule; banter) ?,记,rail ( 指责) ,lery Webster Collegiate 41 noun (plural -leries) ?Etymology: French raillerie, from Middle French, from railler to mock ?Date: 1653 ?1. good-natured ridicule ; banter ?2. jest ------ Raisin 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.葡萄干 Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, grape, ~, from Latin racemus cluster of grapes or berries--more at raceme ?Date: 14th century ?a grape of any of several varieties that has been dried in the sun or by artificial heat ------ Rakish 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj. 潇洒的, 放荡的 ?,英,adj. 潇洒的, 放荡的 ( jaunty; stylish; sporty; dissolute) Webster Collegiate I. adjective ?Etymology: ,sup,5,/sup,rake ?Date: 1706 ?of, relating to, or characteristic of a rake ; dissolute II. adjective ?Etymology: probably from ,sup,4,/sup,rake; from the raking masts of pirate ships ?Date: 1824 ?1. having a trim or streamlined appearance suggestive of speed ?2. dashingly or carelessly unconventional ; jaunty <~ clothes> ------ Rally 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v. 召集, 集会; n. 召集; 集会 ?,英,v. 召集, 集会 ( to muster) ; n. 召集;集会 ( a mass meeting) ?,记,可能来自ally ( 联合, 联盟) , r,ally Webster Collegiate I. verb (rallied; ~ing) ?Etymology: French rallier, from Old French ralier, from re- + alier to unite--more at ally ?Date: 1603 42 ?transitive verb m 1. ? a. to muster for a common purpose ? b. to recall to order m 2. ? a. to arouse for action ? b. to rouse from depression or weakness ?intransitive verb m 1. to come together again to renew an effort m 2. to join in a common cause m 3. recover, rebound m 4. to engage in a ~ II. noun (plural rallies) ?Date: 1651 ?1. m a. a mustering of scattered forces to renew an effort m b. a summoning up of strength or courage after weakness or dejection m c. a recovery of price after a decline m d. a renewed offensive ?2. a mass meeting intended to arouse group enthusiasm ?3. a series of shots interchanged between players (as in tennis) before a point is won ?4. (also ~e) \,French ~e, from English ~ (I)\,an automobile competition using public roads and ordinary traffic rules with the object of maintaining a specified average speed between checkpoints over a route unknown to the participants until the start of the event III. transitive verb (rallied; ~ing) ?Etymology: French railler to mock, ~--more at rail ?Date: 1668 ?to attack with raillery ; banter ------ Ramble 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 漫步; v. 漫步 ?,英,n. 漫步 ( a leisurely excursion for pleasure) ?,类,draw : doodle / travel : ramble ( 乱画是无目的绘画 / 闲逛是无目的旅行) ?,记,分割记忆: r,amble ( 慢跑) -> 漫步 Webster Collegiate I. verb (~d; rambling) ?Etymology: Middle English, probably alteration of romblen, frequentative of romen to roam ?Date: 15th century ?intransitive verb m 1. ? a. to move aimlessly from place to place 43 ? b. to explore idly m 2. to talk or write in a desultory or long-winded wandering fashion m 3. to grow or extend irregularly ?transitive verb m to wander over ; roam ?Synonyms: see wander ??ramblingly adverb II. noun ?Date: 1654 ?1. a leisurely excursion for pleasure; especially an aimless walk ?2. a rambling story or discussion ------ Rambunctious 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj. ( 兴奋) 控制不了的 ?,英,adj. ( 兴奋) 控制不了的 ( marked by uncontrollable exuberance; unruly) ?,记,ram ( 羊) ,bunctious ( bumptious傲慢的) -> 像羊一样傲慢地叫 -> 喧闹的 ?,例,The rambunctious puppies rolled around in the dirt. Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: probably alteration of rumbustious ?Date: 1830 ?marked by uncontrollable exuberance ; unruly ??~ly adverb ??~ness noun ------ Ramify 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.分支, 分叉 ?,英,v.分支, 分叉 ( to split up into branches or constituents) ?,记,ram ( =ramus分支) ,ify ?,同,派生词: ramification ( n.分支, 支流branch, offshoot) ?,例,Railways were ramified over the country. ( 铁路纵横交错) Webster Collegiate verb (-fied; -fying) ?Etymology: Middle English ramifien, from Anglo-French ramifier, from Medieval Latin ramificare, from Latin ramus branch; akin to Latin radix root--more at root ?Date: 15th century ?intransitive verb m 1. to split up into branches or constituent parts m 2. to send forth branches or extensions 44 ?transitive verb m 1. to cause to branch m 2. to separate into divisions ------ Rampage 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.狂暴地乱冲; n.暴怒 ?,英,v.狂暴地乱冲 ( to rush wildly about) ; n.暴怒 ( violent and riotous action or behavior) ?,记,分割记忆: ram ( 羊) ,page ( 书页) , 羊翻书使人怒 Webster Collegiate I. intransitive verb (~d; rampaging) ?Etymology: Scots ?Date: 1808 ?to rush wildly about II. noun ?Date: 1861 ?a course of violent, riotous, or reckless action or behavior ??~ous adjective ??~ously adverb ??~ousness noun ------ Rampant 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.蔓生的, 猖獗的 ?,英,adj.蔓生的, 猖獗的 ( marked by a menacing wildness or absence of restraint) ?,记,Disease was rampant ( 疾病蔓延) ?,例,Disease was rampant ( 疾病蔓延) Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, present participle of ramper ?Date: 14th century ?1. m a. rearing upon the hind legs with forelegs extended m b. standing on one hind foot with one foreleg raised above the other and the head in profile — used of a heraldic animal ?2. m a. marked by a menacing wildness, extravagance, or absence of restraint <~ rumors> m b. profusely widespread <~ weeds> ??~ly adverb ------ Rampart 45 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.壁垒; 城墙 ?,英,n.壁垒 ( a protective barrier; bulwark) ; 城墙 ( a broad embarkment raised as a fortification) Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: Middle French, from ramparer to fortify, from re- + emparer to defend, from Old Occitan emparar, from Vulgar Latin *imparare, from Latin in- ,sup,2,/sup,in- + parare to prepare--more at pare ?Date: 1536 ?1. a protective barrier ; bulwark ?2. a broad embankment raised as a fortification and usually surmounted by a parapet ?3. a wall-like ridge (as of rock fragments, earth, or debris) ------ Rancid 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.不新鲜的, 变味的 ?,英,adj.不新鲜的, 变味的 ( rank; stinking) ?,记,ranc ( 臭) ,id -> 臭的 ?,例,Rancid cheese smells very bad. Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: Latin ~us, from rancēre to be ~ ?Date: 1646 ?1. having a rank smell or taste ?2. offensive ??~ity noun ??~ness noun ------ Rancor 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.深仇, 怨恨 ?,英,n.深仇, 怨恨 ( bitter deep-seated ill will; malice) ?,类,反义词: goodwill ( 友好) ; charitableness ( 仁慈) ?,记,ranc ( 臭, 仇) ,or -> 臭气, 怨气 -> 怨仇 ?,例,She divorced him without rancor. Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: Middle English rancour, from Anglo-French rancur, from Late Latin ~ rancidity, ~, from Latin rancēre 46 ?Date: 14th century ?bitter deep-seated ill will ?Synonyms: see enmity ------ Rancorous 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.怨恨的, 憎恨的 ?,英,adj.怨恨的, 憎恨的 ( marked by rancor) ?,例,The rancorous enemies refused to make peace. Webster Collegiate adjective ?Date: circa 1570 ?marked by rancor ; deeply malevolent <~ envy> ??~ly adverb ------ Range 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 范围; 脉, 排, 列v. 排列 ?,英,n. 范围 ( the measurable limits) ; 脉, 排, 列 ( connected line or row of mountains, hills, etc.) ; v. 排列 ( put in position or order) Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Usage: often attributive ?Etymology: Middle English, row of persons, from Anglo-French ~, renge, from renger to ~ ?Date: 14th century ?1. m a. ? (1) a series of things in a line ; row ? (2) a series of mountains ? (3) one of the north-south rows of townships in a United States public-land survey that are numbered east and west from the principal meridian of the survey m b. an aggregate of individuals in one order m c. a direction line ?2. a cooking stove that has an oven and a flat top with burners or heating elements ?3. m a. a place that may be ~d over m b. an open region over which animals (as livestock) may roam and feed m c. the region throughout which a kind of organism or ecological community naturally lives or occurs ?4. the act of ranging about ?5. m a. 47 ? (1) the horizontal distance to which a projectile can be propelled ? (2) the horizontal distance between a weapon and target m b. the maximum distance a vehicle or craft can travel without refueling m c. ? (1) a place where shooting is practiced ? (2) driving ~ ?6. m a. the space or extent included, covered, or used ; scope m b. the extent of pitch covered by a melody or lying within the capacity of a voice or instrument ?7. m a. a sequence, series, or scale between limits m b. the limits of a series ; the distance or extent between possible extremes m c. the difference between the least and greatest values of an attribute or of the variable of a frequency distribution ?8. m a. the set of values a function may take on m b. the class of admissible values of a variable ?9. line 11 ?Synonyms: m ~, gamut, compass, sweep, scope, orbit mean the extent that lies within the powers of something (as to cover or control). ~ is a general term indicating the extent of one's perception or the extent of powers, capacities, or possibilities . gamut suggests a graduated series running from one possible extreme to another . compass implies a sometimes limited extent of perception ------ Ranger 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 森林管理员;巡逻骑警 ?,英,n. 森林管理员 ( the keeper of a forest) ; 巡逻骑警 ( a policeman who rides through country areas to see that the law is kept) Webster Collegiate noun ?Date: 14th century ?1. m a. the keeper of a British royal park or forest m b. forest ~ ?2. one that ranges ?3. m a. one of a body of organized armed men who range over a region especially to enforce the law m b. a soldier specially trained in close-range fighting and in raiding tactics ------ 48 Rank 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 等级, 阶级; adj.恶臭的 ?,英,n. 等级, 阶级 ( class) ; adj.恶臭的 ( offensive in odor or flavor) ?,类,coin : denomination / officer : rank ( 货币单位表示钱币大小 / 官衔表示官的大小) Webster Collegiate kI. adjective ?Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ranc overbearing, strong; akin to Old Norse rakkr erect and perhaps to Old English riht right--more at right ?Date: 13th century ?1. luxuriantly or excessively vigorous in growth ?2. offensively gross or coarse ; foul ?3. obsolete grown too large ?4. m a. shockingly conspicuous m b. outright--used as an intensive <~ beginners> ?5. archaic lustful, ruttish ?6. offensive in odor or flavor; especially rancid ?7. putrid, festering ?8. high in amount or degree ; fraught ?Synonyms: see malodorous, flagrant ??~ly adverb ??~ness noun II. noun ?Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French renc, reng, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German hring ring--more at ring ?Date: 14th century ?1. m a. row, series m b. a row of people m c. ? (1) a line of soldiers ranged side by side in close order ? (2) plural armed forces ? (3) plural the body of enlisted personnel m d. any of the rows of squares that extend across a chessboard perpendicular to the files m e. British stand 6 ?2. m a. relative standing or position m b. a degree or position of dignity, eminence, or excellence ; distinction 49 m c. high social position m d. a grade of official standing in a hierarchy ?3. an orderly arrangement ; formation ?4. an aggregate of individuals classed together--usually used in plural ?5. the order according to some statistical characteristic (as the score on a test) ?6. any of a series of classes of coal based on increasing alteration of the parent vegetable matter, increasing carbon content, and increasing fuel value ?7. ,trn,the number of linearly independent rows or colum ------ Rankle 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v. ( 怨恨, 失望等) 难以释怀 ?,英,v. ( 怨恨, 失望等) 难以释怀 ( to feel anger and irritation) ?,类,反义词: pacify ( 使平静) ; calm ( 使平静) ?,记,rank ( =ranc仇怨) ,le -> 保持怨恨; 参考: ankle ( 脚脖子) ?,例,Their defeat still rankles. Webster Collegiate verb (~d; rankling) ?Etymology: Middle English ranclen to fester, from Anglo-French rancler, from Old French draoncler, raoncler, from draoncle, raoncle festering sore, from Medieval Latin dracunculus, from Latin, diminutive of draco serpent--more at dragon ?Date: 1606 ?intransitive verb m 1. to cause anger, irritation, or deep bitterness m 2. to feel anger and irritation ?transitive verb m to cause irritation or bitterness in ------ Ransom 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.赎金; 赎身; v.赎回 ?,英,v.赎回 ( to free from captivity or punishment by paying a price) ?,例,The hijackers demanded a ransom of a million pounds. Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: Middle English ransoun, from Anglo-French ran?un, from Latin redemption-, redemptio — more at redemption ?Date: 13th century ?1. a consideration paid or demanded for the release of someone or something from captivity ?2. the act of ~ing 50 II. transitive verb ?Date: 14th century ?1. to deliver especially from sin or its penalty ?2. to free from captivity or punishment by paying a price ?Synonyms: see rescue ??~er noun ------ Rant 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v. 咆哮; 口出狂言 ?,英,v. 咆哮; 口出狂言 ( talk in a loud excited way) ?,类,fear : cower / anger : rant ( 畏缩是害怕的表现 / 咆哮是愤怒的表现) ?,例,He ranted at me about my mistakes. Webster Collegiate I. verb ?Etymology: obsolete Dutch ~en, randen ?Date: 1601 ?intransitive verb m 1. to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner m 2. to scold vehemently ?transitive verb m to utter in a bombastic declamatory fashion ??~er noun ??~ingly adverb II. noun ?Date: 1649 ?1. m a. a bombastic extravagant speech m b. bombastic extravagant language ?2. dialect British a rousing good time ------ Rapacious 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.强夺的, 贪婪的 ?,英,adj.强夺的, 贪婪的 ( excessively grasping or covetous) ?,记,rap ( 抓取) ,aciou -> 抓得多 -> 贪婪的 ?,同,同根词: rape ( 强奸) ; rapine ( 抢夺) 派生词: rapacity(n.掠夺, 贪婪 ) Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: Latin rapac-, rapax, from rapere to seize--more at rapid ?Date: 1651 ?1. excessively grasping or covetous 51 ?2. living on prey ?3. ravenous ?Synonyms: see voracious ??~ly adverb ??~ness noun ------ Rapids 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.急流, 湍流 ?,英,n.急流, 湍流 ( a part of a river where the current is fast and the surface is broken by obstructions) ?,记,rapid ( 快速) ,s -> 急流 ?,例,My friends and I rafted down the rapids. ------ Rapport 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.和睦, 意见一致 ?,英,n.和睦, 意见一致 ( relation marked by harmony, conformity or affinity) ?,记,来自re ( 再次) ,ap ( 一起) ,port ( 带) 的缩略 -> 再次带到一起 -> 和睦 ?,例,The candidate had an amazing rapport with all kinds of people. Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: French, from ~er to bring back, refer, from Old French raporter to bring back, from re- + aporter to bring, from Latin apportare, from ad- ad- + portare to carry--more at fare ?Date: circa 1661 ?relation; especially relation marked by harmony, conformity, accord, or affinity ------ Rapprochement 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.和好, 和睦 ?,英,n.和好, 和睦 ( establishment of having cordial relations) ?,类,反义词: estrangement ( 疏远) Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: French, from rapprocher to bring together, from Middle French, from re- + approcher to approach, from Old French aprochier, from Late Latin appropiare--more at approach ?Date: 1809 ?establishment of or state of having cordial relations ------ 52 Rapt 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.专心致志的, 全神贯注的 ?,英,adj.专心致志的, 全神贯注的 ( engrossed; absorbed; enchanted) ?,类,反义词: distracted ( 分心的) ?,例,be rapt in one's work ( 专心致志工作) Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ~us, past participle of rapere to seize--more at rapid ?Date: 14th century ?1. lifted up and carried away ?2. transported with emotion ; en~ured ?3. wholly absorbed ; engrossed ??~ly adverb ??~ness noun ------ Rapture 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.狂喜, 极高兴 ?,英,n.狂喜, 极高兴 ( carried away by overwhelming emotions) ?,记,来自rapt ( 着迷的) ,ure -> 着迷, 狂喜 Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: Latin raptus ?Date: 1594 ?1. an expression or manifestation of ecstasy or passion ?2. m a. a state or experience of being carried away by overwhelming emotion m b. a mystical experience in which the spirit is exalted to a knowledge of divine things ?3. often capitalized the final assumption of Christians into heaven during the end-time according to Christian theology ?Synonyms: see ecstasy ??rapturous adjective ??rapturously adverb ??rapturousness noun II. transitive verb (~d; rapturing) ?Date: 1637 ?en~ ------ Rarefaction 解释 53 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 稀薄化 ?,类,refine : purification / attenuate : rarefaction ( 同义: 提纯 -> 纯化 / 使稀薄 -> 稀薄) 反义 词: condensation ( 浓缩) ?,记,rarefy(使稀薄)+action Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: French or Medieval Latin; French raréfaction, from Medieval Latin ~-, rarefactio, from Latin rarefacere to rarefy ?Date: 1572 ?1. the action or process of rarefying ?2. the quality or state of being rarefied ?3. a state or region of minimum pressure in a medium traversed by compressional waves (as sound waves) ??~al adjective ------ ------ Rash 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj. 鲁莽的 ?,英,adj. 鲁莽的(too hasty or incautious) ?,类,obsessed : attracted / loquacious : talkative / rash : adventurous ( 程度: 被迷住的 -> 吸引 的 / 喋喋不休的 -> 多嘴的 / 鲁莽的 -> 勇敢的) 反义词: cautious ( 谨慎的) Webster Collegiate I. adverb ?Etymology: Middle English (northern dialect) rasch quickly; akin to Old High German rasc fast ?Date: 15th century ?archaic in a ~ manner II. adjective ?Date: 1509 ?1. marked by or proceeding from undue haste or lack of deliberation or caution ?2. obsolete quickly effective ?Synonyms: see adventurous ??~ly adverb ??~ness noun III. noun ?Etymology: obsolete French rache scurf, from Old French raiche, from Vulgar Latin *rasica, from 54 *rasicare to scratch, from Latin rasus, past participle of radere ?Date: 1709 ?1. an eruption on the body ?2. a large number of instances in a short period ------ Rashness 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.轻率, 鲁莽 ?,英,n.轻率, 鲁莽 ( undue haste or lack of deliberation or caution) ?,类,courage : rashness / generosity : prodigality ( 鲁莽是过分有勇气 / 挥霍是过分慷慨) ?,记,来自rash ( 鲁莽的) ,ness Webster Collegiate noun ?see rash II ------ Rasp 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v. ( 声音) 像挫东西一样刺耳 ?,英,v. ( 声音) 像挫东西一样刺耳 ( make a harsh noise) Webster Collegiate I. verb ?Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French *~er, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German ~ōn to scrape together ?Date: 14th century ?transitive verb m 1. to rub with something rough; specifically to abrade with a ~ m 2. to grate upon ; irritate m 3. to utter in a ~y tone ?intransitive verb m 1. scrape m 2. to produce a grating sound ??~er noun ??~ingly adverb II. noun ?Date: circa 1512 ?1. a coarse file with cutting points instead of lines ?2. something used for ~ing ?3. m a. an act of ~ing m b. a ~ing sound, sensation, or effect ------ 55 Raspy 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj. ( 声音) 刺耳的, 恼人的 ?,英,adj. ( 声音) 刺耳的, 恼人的 ( grating; harsh) ?,类,反义词: mellifluous ( 声音甜美的) Webster Collegiate adjective (raspier; -est) ?Date: 1838 ?1. harsh, grating ?2. irritable ------ Ratification 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 正式批准 ?,类,repatriate : emigration / repeal : ratification ( 反义: 遣返回国相对移民出境 / 废除相对批 准) ?,记,ratify(正式批准)+ic+ation Webster Collegiate noun ?see ratify ------ Ratify 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.批准 ( 协定等) ?,英,v.批准 ( 协定等) ( approve formally; confirm; verify) Webster Collegiate transitive verb (-fied; -fying) ?Etymology: Middle English ratifien, from Anglo-French ratifier, from Medieval Latin ratificare, from Latin ratus determined, from past participle of reri to calculate--more at reason ?Date: 14th century ?to approve and sanction formally ; confirm <~ a treaty> ??ratification noun ??ratifier noun ------ Ratiocination 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.推理; 推论 ?,英,n.推理 ( the process of exact thinking) ; 推论 ( a reasoned train of thought) 56 ?,记,ratil ( 理由) ,cination -> 推理 Webster Collegiate noun ?Date: circa 1530 ?1. the process of exact thinking ; reasoning ?2. a reasoned train of thought ??ratiocinative adjective ------ Ration 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 定量配给; v. 配给 ?,英,n. 定量配给 ( a share of food allowed to one person for a period) ; v.配给 ( limit someone to a fixed ration) ?,类,dose : medicine / ration : food ( 一剂药 / 一份粮食) Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: French, from Latin ~-, ratio computation, reason ?Date: circa 1711 ?1. m a. a food allowance for one day m b. plural food, provisions ?2. a share especially as determined by supply II. transitive verb (~ed; ~ing) ?Date: 1859 ?1. to supply with or put on ~s ?2. m a. to distribute as ~s--often used with out m b. to distribute equitably m c. to use sparingly ------ Rationale 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.基本原理; 根据 ?,英,n.基本原理 ( an explanation of controlling principles) ; 根据 ( an underlying reason; basis) ?,记,rational ( 理性的, 合理的) ,e -> 合理的东西 -> 原理, 根据 Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: Latin, neuter of rationalis ?Date: 1657 ?1. an explanation of controlling principles of opinion, belief, practice, or phenomena 57 ?2. an underlying reason ; basis ------ Rationality 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 合理性 Webster Collegiate noun (plural -ties) ?Date: 1628 ?1. the quality or state of being rational ?2. the quality or state of being agreeable to reason ; reasonableness ?3. a rational opinion, belief, or practice--usually used in plural ------ Rationalize 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v. 据理解释, 合理地说明 ?,英,v. 据理解释, 合理地说明 ( explain something in a rational way) Webster Collegiate verb (-ized; -izing) ?Date: 1803 ?transitive verb m 1. to bring into accord with reason or cause something to seem reasonable: as ? a. to substitute a natural for a supernatural explanation of <~ a myth> ? b. to attribute (one's actions) to rational and creditable motives without analysis of true and especially unconscious motives <~d his dislike of his brother>; broadly to create an excuse or more attractive explanation for <~ the problem> m 2. to free (a mathematical expression) from irrational parts <~ a denominator> m 3. to apply the principles of scientific management to (as an industry or its operations) for a desired result (as increased efficiency) ?intransitive verb m to provide plausible but untrue reasons for conduct ??rationalizable adjective ??rationalization noun ??~r noun ------ Rattle 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v. 使格格作响; 使慌乱 ?,英,v. 使格格作响; 使慌乱 ( make anxious and cause to lose confidence) ?,同,参考: rattlesnake ( 响尾蛇) . ?,例,The policeman's visit really got her rattled. Webster Collegiate 58 I. verb (~d; rattling) ?Etymology: Middle English ratelen; akin to Middle Dutch ratel ~ ?Date: 14th century ?intransitive verb m 1. to make a rapid succession of short sharp noises m 2. to chatter incessantly and aimlessly m 3. to move with a clatter or ~; also to be or move about in a place or station too large or grand <~d around the big old house> ?transitive verb m 1. to say, perform, or affect in a brisk lively fashion <~d off four magnificent backhands — Kim Chapin> m 2. to cause to make a rattling sound m 3. rouse; specifically to beat (a cover) for game m 4. to upset especially to the point of loss of poise and composure ; disturb ?Synonyms: see embarrass II. noun ?Date: 1519 ?1. m a. a device that produces a ~; specifically a case containing pellets used as a baby's toy m b. the sound-producing organ on a ~snake's tail ?2. m a. a rapid succession of sharp clattering sounds m b. noise, racket ?3. death ~ III. transitive verb (~d; rattling) ?Etymology: irregular from ratline ?Date: 1729 ?to furnish with ratlines ------ Raucous 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj. ( 声音) 沙哑的, 粗糙的 ?,英,adj. ( 声音) 沙哑的, 粗糙的 ( disagreeably harsh or strident; hoarse) ?,记,rauc ( =hoarse 沙哑的) ,ous ?,例,Her voice is rather raucous. Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: Latin raucus hoarse; akin to Latin ravis hoarseness ?Date: 1769 ?1. disagreeably harsh or strident ; hoarse <~ voices> ?2. boisterously disorderly ?Synonyms: see loud ??~ly adverb 59 ??~ness noun ------ Ravage 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v. 摧毁, 使荒废 ?,英,v. 摧毁, 使荒废 ( ruin and destroy) ?,例,a face ravaged by disease Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: French, from Middle French, from ravir to ravish--more at ravish ?Date: circa 1611 ?1. an act or practice of ravaging ?2. damage resulting from ravaging ; violently destructive effect II. verb (~d; ravaging) ?Date: circa 1611 ?transitive verb m to wreak havoc on ; affect destructively ?intransitive verb m to commit destructive actions ??~ment noun ??~r noun ?Synonyms: m ~, devastate, waste, sack, pillage, despoil mean to lay waste by plundering or destroying. ~ implies violent often cumulative depredation and destruction . devastate implies the complete ruin and desolation of a wide area . waste may imply producing the same result by a slow process rather than sudden and violent action . sack implies carrying off all valuable possessions from a place . pillage implies ruthless plundering at will but without the completeness suggested by sack . despoil applies to looting or robbing without suggesting accompanying destruction . ------ Rave 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. / v.热切赞扬; 倾倒 ?,英,n. / v.热切赞扬 ( an extravagantly favorable criticism) ; 倾倒 ( talk irrationally indelirium) ?,类,反义词: pan ( 严厉批评) ?,例,All the girls raved about the new singer. Webster Collegiate I. verb (~d; raving) 60 ?Etymology: Middle English ?Date: 14th century ?intransitive verb m 1. ? a. to talk irrationally in or as if in delirium ? b. to speak out wildly ? c. to talk with extreme enthusiasm <~d about its beauty> m 2. to move or advance violently ; storm ?transitive verb m to utter in madness or frenzy II. noun ?Date: 1598 ?1. an act or instance of raving ?2. an extravagantly favorable criticism ?3. a large overnight dance party featuring techno music and usually involving the taking of mindaltering drugs ------ Ravel 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v. 纠缠, 纠结;拆开, 拆散 ?,英,v. 纠缠, 纠结 ( become twisted and knotted) ; 拆开, 拆散 ( unravel) ?,类,反义词: knit ( 编织) ?,例,ravel out a rope's end Webster Collegiate biographical name ?(Joseph) Maurice 1875-1937 French composer ??~ian adjective ------ Ravenous 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.饿极了的, 贪婪的 ?,英,adj.饿极了的, 贪婪的 ( rapacious; hungry) ?,记,来自raven ( 掠夺) ,ous Webster Collegiate adjective ?Date: 15th century ?1. rapacious <~ wolves> ?2. very eager or greedy for food, satisfaction, or gratification ?Synonyms: see voracious ??~ly adverb 61 ??~ness noun ------ Ravine 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.深谷, 峡谷 ?,英,n.深谷, 峡谷 ( a small narrow steep-sided valley that is larger than a gully and smaller than a canyon) ?,例,We rafted down the river running through the mountain ravine. Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: French, from Middle French, rapine, rush, from Latin rapina rapine ?Date: circa 1772 ?a small narrow steep-sided valley that is larger than a gully and smaller than a canyon and that is usually worn by running water ------ Ravish 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.迷住; 强夺 ?,英,v.迷住 ( to overcome with emotion) ; 强夺 ( take away by force) ?,记,rave ( 赞扬) ,ish -> 赞扬, 迷住, 注意不要和lavish ( 浪费) 相混 ?,同,派生词: ravishment ( n.狂喜, 陶醉) ?,例,The explorers ravished the local population. Webster Collegiate transitive verb ?Etymology: Middle English ravisshen, from Anglo-French raviss-, stem of ravir, from Vulgar Latin *rapire, alteration of Latin rapere to seize, rob--more at rapid ?Date: 14th century ?1. m a. to seize and take away by violence m b. to overcome with emotion (as joy or delight) <~ed by the scenic beauty> m c. rape 2 ?2. plunder, rob ??~er noun ??~ment noun ------ Ravishing 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.令人陶醉的 62 ?,英,adj.令人陶醉的 ( unusually attractive or striking) ?,类,ravishing : attractive / perspicacious : discerning ( 令人陶醉的是十分吸引人的 / 敏锐的是 十分有洞察力的) ?,例,She looks ravishing. ( 她的容貌令人销魂) Webster Collegiate adjective ?Date: 14th century ?unusually attractive, pleasing, or striking ??~ly adverb ------ Rawhide 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. ( 牛的) 生皮 ?,英,n. ( 牛的) 生皮 ( untanned cattle skin) ?,记,raw ( 生的) ,hide ( 皮) Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Date: 1829 ?1. a whip of untanned hide ?2. untanned cattle skin II. transitive verb (~d; rawhiding) ?Date: 1858 ?1. to whip or drive with or as if with a ~ ?2. chastise 2 ------ Raze 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.彻底破坏 ?,英,v.彻底破坏 ( destroy completely) ?,类,反义词: build ( 建造) Webster Collegiate transitive verb (~d; razing) ?Etymology: alteration of rase ?Date: 1536 ?1. m a. archaic erase m b. to scrape, cut, or shave off ?2. to destroy to the ground ; demolish <~ an old building> ??~r noun ------ Razor 63 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.剃刀, 刮胡刀 ?,英,n.剃刀, 刮胡刀 ( a keen cutting instrument for shaving) ?,类,bit : drill / blade : razor ( 钻用钻头来钻 / 剃刀用刀锋来剃) ?,记,raze ( 夷平, 抹掉) ,or -> 剃刀 Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: Middle English rasour, from Anglo-French rasur, from raser to raze, shave--more at rase ?Date: 14th century ?a keen-edged cutting instrument for shaving or cutting hair ------ Reactant 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 反应物 ?,类,反义词: inert material ( 惰性物质) ?,记,react(反应)+an Webster Collegiate noun ?Date: circa 1920 ?a substance that enters into and is altered in the course of a chemical reaction ------ Reactionary 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.保守的, 反动的 ?,英,adj.保守的, 反动的 ( ultraconservative in politics) ?,记,re ( 反) ,action ( 动) ,ary -> 反对运动的 -> 保守的 ------ Ready 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj. 机敏的 ?,类,volatile : temper / ready : wit ( 易变的脾气 / 机敏的智慧) Webster Collegiate I. adjective (readier; -est) ?Etymology: Middle English redy; akin to Old English ger?de ~, Gothic garaiths arranged ?Date: 13th century ?1. m a. prepared mentally or physically for some experience or action m b. prepared for immediate use ?2. 64 m a. willingly disposed ; inclined <~ to agree to his proposal> m b. likely to do something indicated ?3. displayed readily and spontaneously ?4. immediately available ?Synonyms: see quick ??readiness noun II. transitive verb (readied; ~ing) ?Date: 14th century ?to make ~ ------ Reaffirm 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.重新肯定 ?,英,重申, 再次肯定 ( declare again, or in answer to a question or doubt) ?,类,反义词: abnegate ( 放弃, 否认) ?,记,re ( 重新) +affirm ( 断言, 肯定) ------ Reagent 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.试剂 ( 导致化学反应) ?,英,n.试剂 ( 导致化学反应) ( a substance used because of its chemical or biological activity) ?,记,re,agent ( 剂, 力量) Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: New Latin ~-, reagens, present participle of reagere to react--more at react ?Date: 1797 ?a substance used (as in detecting or measuring a component, in preparing a product, or in developing photographs) because of its chemical or biological activity ------ Realign 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v. 重新组合(排列) ?,英,v. 重新组合(排列) ( form into new groups, new types of organization, etc.) ?,记,re(重新)+align(排列) Webster Collegiate transitive verb ?Date: 1899 ?to align again; especially to reorganize or make new groupings of ??~ment noun ------ 65 Realized 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.实现的 ?,类,immature : developed / incipient : realized ( 不成熟的还没有发展 / 开始的还没有实 现) 反义词: inchoate ( 未成形的; 早期的) ------ Realm 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 王国;领域, 范围 ?,英,n. 王国 ( a country ruled over by a king or queen) ; 领域, 范围 ( an area of activity, study, etc.) Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French, alteration of Old French reiame, from Latin regimen control--more at regimen ?Date: 13th century ?1. kingdom 2 ?2. sphere, domain ?3. a primary marine or terrestrial biogeographic division of the earth's surface ------ Ream 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.令 ( 纸张的张数单位) ?,英,n.令 ( 纸张的张数单位) ( a quantity of paper; 480, 500, or 516 sheets) ?,类,ream : paper / cord : wood ( 纸的单位是令 / 木的单位是捆) ?,记,和team ( 队) 一起记 ?,例,The secretary put a ream of paper in the copier. Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: Middle English reme, from Anglo-French, ultimately from Arabic rizma, literally, bundle ?Date: 14th century ?1. a quantity of paper being 20 quires or variously 480, 500, or 516 sheets ?2. a great amount--usually used in plural <~s of information> II. transitive verb ?Etymology: perhaps from Middle English *remen to open up, from Old English rēman; akin to Old English ry?man to open up, rūm space--more at room 66 ?Date: 1815 ?1. m a. to widen the opening of (a hole) ; countersink m b. ? (1) to enlarge, shape, or smooth out (a hole) with a ~er ? (2) to enlarge the bore of (as a gun) in this way m c. to remove by ~ing ?2. m a. to press out with a ~er m b. to press out the juice of (as an orange) with a ~er ?3. cheat, victimize ?4. reprimand--often used with out <~s out his players so severely--Alexander Wolff> ------ Reasoning 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 推理, 推论 ?,英,n. 推理, 推论 ( the use of one's reason) ?,记,reason ( 推理) +ing Webster Collegiate noun ?Date: 14th century ?1. the use of reason; especially the drawing of inferences or conclusions through the use of reason ?2. an instance of the use of reason ; argument ------ Reassurance 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.安慰 ( 的话) , 放心 ?,类,anxious : reassurance / perplexed : clarification ( 安心使不焦虑 / 澄清使不迷惑) ?,例,Mary's comforting words provided the reassurance I needed. Webster Collegiate noun ?Date: circa 1611 ?1. the action of reassuring ; the state of being reassured ?2. reinsurance ------ Reassure 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.使安心, 安慰 ?,英,v.使安心, 安慰 ( to restore to confidence) ?,记,re ( 重新) ,assure ( 确信, 放心) 67 Webster Collegiate transitive verb ?Date: 1594 ?1. to assure anew <~d him that the work was on schedule> ?2. to restore to confidence ?3. reinsure ??reassuringly adverb ------ Reassuring 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj. 安心的, 可靠的 ?,_______类,反义词: minatory ( 威胁性的) ------ Rebarbative 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.令人讨厌的, 冒犯人的 ?,英,adj.令人讨厌的, 冒犯人的 ( repellent, irritating) ?,记,re ( 对) ,barb ( =beard胡子) ,ative -> 胡子对着别人 -> 冒犯人的 ?,例,a rebarbative character ( 讨厌的家伙) Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: French rébarbatif, from Middle French, from rebarber to be repellent, from re- + barbe beard, from Latin barba--more at beard ?Date: 1892 ?repellent, irritating ??~ly adverb ------ Rebate 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.折扣, 回扣 ?,英,n.折扣, 回扣 ( a return of a part of a payment) ?,记,re ( 重新) ,bate ( 走) -> 重新走回去的 ( 钱) -> 回扣; ?,同,参考: abate ( 减轻) ?,例,The company offered rebates as promotional gimmicks. Webster Collegiate I. verb (~d; rebating) ?Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French rebatre, rabatre to beat back, deduct, from re- + abatre to strike down, from a- (from Latin ad-) + batre to beat, from Latin battuere ?Date: 14th century 68 ?transitive verb m 1. to reduce the force or activity of ; diminish m 2. to reduce the sharpness of ; blunt m 3. ? a. to make a ~ of ? b. to give a ~ to ?intransitive verb m to give ~s ??~r noun II. noun ?Date: 1656 ?a return of a part of a payment III. *chiefly British variant of rabbet ------ Rebellious 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.反抗的, 难控制的 ?,英,adj.反抗的, 难控制的 ( resisting management; refractory) ?,记,re ( 反) ,bell ( 打斗, 战争) ,ious -> 反过去打 -> 反抗的 ?,例,rebellious behavior Webster Collegiate adjective ?Date: 15th century ?1. m a. given to or engaged in rebellion <~ troops> m b. of, relating to, or characteristic of a rebel or rebellion ?2. resisting treatment or management ; refractory ??~ly adverb ??~ness noun ------ Rebuff 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.断然拒绝 ?,英,v.断然拒绝 ( to reject or criticize sharply; snub) ?,类,反义词: welcome ( 欢迎) ; approve ( 同意) ?,记,re ( 反) ,buff ( =puff喷, 吹) -> 反过喷气 -> 拒绝 ?,例,She rebuffed all my offers of friendship. Webster Collegiate transitive verb ?Etymology: Middle French ~er, from Old Italian ribuffare to reprimand, from ribuffo reprimand ?Date: circa 1586 ?to reject or criticize sharply ; snub 69 ??~ noun ------ Rebuke 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.指责, 谴责 ?,英,v.指责, 谴责 ( to criticize sharply; reprimand) ?,记,re ( 反) ,buke ( =beat打) -> 反打 -> 指责 ?,例,The boy was rebuked by his teacher for beating. Webster Collegiate I. transitive verb (~d; rebuking) ?Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French rebucher, rebouker to blunt, check, reprimand ?Date: 14th century ?1. m a. to criticize sharply ; reprimand m b. to serve as a ~ to ?2. to turn back or keep down ; check ?Synonyms: see reprove ??~r noun II. noun ?Date: 15th century ?an expression of strong disapproval ; reprimand ------ Rebus 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. ( 以音、画等提示的) 字谜, 画谜 ?,英,n. ( 以音、画等提示的) 字谜, 画谜 ( a representation of words or syllables by pictures of objects or by symbols ) ?,类,symbols : rebus / notes : score ( 画迷由符号组成 / 乐谱由音符组成) Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: Latin, by things, ablative plural of res thing--more at real ?Date: 1605 ?a representation of words or syllables by pictures of objects or by symbols whose names resemble the intended words or syllables in sound; also a riddle made up of such pictures or symbols ------ Rebuttal 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.反驳, 反证 ?,英,adj.反驳, 反证 ( countervailing proof) 70 ?,记,来自rebut ( 反驳) , re ( 反) ,but ( =butt顶撞) -> 反顶撞 -> 反驳 ?,例,In rebuttal, she proved them all wrong. Webster Collegiate noun ?Date: 1830 ?the act of rebutting especially in a legal suit; also argument or proof that rebuts ------ Recalcitrant 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj.顽抗的 ?,英,adj.顽抗的 ( obstinately defiant of authority or restraint; unruly) ?,记,re ( 重新) ,calcitr ( =calc石头) ,ant -> 变成石头 -> 固执的 Webster Collegiate adjective ?Etymology: Late Latin ~-, recalcitrans, present participle of recalcitrare to be stubbornly disobedient, from Latin, to kick back, from re- + calcitrare to kick, from calc-, calx heel ?Date: 1843 ?1. obstinately defiant of authority or restraint ?2. m a. difficult to manage or operate m b. not responsive to treatment m c. resistant ?Synonyms: see unruly ??~ noun ------ Recalibration 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 重新校准 ?,记,re(重新)+calibration(校准) ------ Recall 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v. 回想, 回忆起;收回n. 唤回 ?,英,v. 回想, 回忆起 ( bring back to the mind) ; 收回 ( take back) ; n. 唤回 ( call to return) ?,记,re(向后)+call(喊, 想) -> 回想 Webster Collegiate I. transitive verb ?Date: 15th century ?1. cancel, revoke 71 ?2. m a. to call back m b. to bring back to mind <~ed seeing her somewhere before> m c. to remind one of ; resemble ?3. restore, revive ?Synonyms: see remember ??~ability noun ??~able adjective ??~er noun II. noun ?Date: 1611 ?1. a call to return ?2. the right or procedure by which an official may be removed by vote of the people ?3. remembrance of what has been learned or experienced ?4. the act of revoking ?5. a public call by a manufacturer for the return of a product that may be defective or contaminated ------ Recant 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.改变, 放弃 ( 以前的信仰) ?,英,v.改变, 放弃 ( 以前的信仰) ( to withdraw or repudiate; renounce) ?,类,反义词: affirm ( 断言, 肯定) ?,记,re ( 反) ,cant ( 唱) -> 唱反调 -> 改变信仰 ?,例,The prisoner recanted his confession. Webster Collegiate verb ?Etymology: Latin ~are, from re- + cantare to sing--more at chant ?Date: 1535 ?transitive verb m 1. to withdraw or repudiate (a statement or belief) formally and publicly ; renounce m 2. revoke ?intransitive verb m to make an open confession of error ?Synonyms: see abjure ??~ation noun ------ Recapitulate 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v.扼要重述 ?,英,v.扼要重述 ( to repeat the principal points; summarize) ?,记,re ( 重新) ,capit ( 头) ,ulate -> 把重要的东西 ( 头) 放到一起; 72 ?,同,参考: capitulate ( 投降) ?,例,The speaker recapitulated at the end of her lecture. Webster Collegiate verb (-lated; -lating) ?Etymology: Late Latin recapitulatus, past participle of recapitulare to restate by heads, sum up, from Latin re- + capitulum division of a book--more at chapter ?Date: 1556 ?transitive verb m 1. ? a. to restate briefly ; summarize ? b. to give new form or expression to m 2. to repeat the principal stages or phases of ?intransitive verb m sum up ------ Recast 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?v. 重铸;更换演员 ?,英,v. 重铸 ( give a new shape to) ; 更换演员 ( change the actors in a play) ?,记,re(重新)+cast(铸) Webster Collegiate transitive verb (-cast; -casting) ?Date: 1603 ?to cast again <~ a gun> <~ a play>; also remodel, refashion <~s his political image to fit the times> ??~ noun ------ Receptacle 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.容器 ?,英,n.容器 ( container) ?,类,bowl : receptacle / bicycle : vehicle ( 碗是一种容器 / 自行车是一种交通工具) ?,记,recept ( 感受, 接受) ,acle ( 东西) -> 容器; ?,同,参考: reception ( 接待, 欢迎) Webster Collegiate noun ?Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin receptaculum, from receptare to receive, frequentative of recipere to receive ?Date: 15th century ?1. one that receives and contains something ; container 73 ?2. \,New Latin receptaculum, from Latin\, m a. the end of the flower stalk upon which the floral organs are borne m b. a structure or tissue (as of a fungus or fern) bearing spores or sporangia ?3. a mounted female electrical fitting that contains the live parts of the circuit ------ Recess 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n.壁凹 ( 墙上装的架子、柜子等凹处) ; 休假 ?,英,n.壁凹 ( 墙上装的架子、柜子等凹处) ( indentation, cleft) ; 休假 ( a suspension of business for rest and relaxation) ?,记,re ( 反) ,cess ( 走) -> 凹入 Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Etymology: Latin ~us, from recedere to recede ?Date: 1531 ?1. the action of receding ; ~ion ?2. a hidden, secret, or secluded place or part ?3. m a. indentation, cleft m b. alcove ?4. a suspension of business or procedure often for rest or relaxation II. verb ?Date: 1809 ?transitive verb m 1. to put into a ~ <~ed lighting> m 2. to make a ~ in m 3. to interrupt for a ~ ?intransitive verb m to take a ~ ------ Recession 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 衰退时期, 萧条时期 ?,英,n. 衰退时期, 萧条时期 ( a period of reduced economic activity) ?,例,an economic recession Webster Collegiate I. noun ?Date: circa 1652 ?1. the act or action of receding ; withdrawal ?2. a departing procession (as of clergy and choir at the end of a church service) ?3. a period of reduced economic activity ??~ary adjective 74 II. noun ?Etymology: re- + cession ?Date: 1828 ?the act of ceding back to a former possessor ------ Recessive 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?adj. 隐性遗传的; 后退的 ?,英,adj. 隐性遗传的;后退的 ( tending to recede; withdrawn) ?,类,反义词: dominant ( 显性的) ?,记,反义词为dominant ( 显性的) Webster Collegiate I. adjective ?Date: circa 1673 ?1. m a. tending to recede m b. withdrawn 2 ?2. m a. producing little or no phenotypic effect when occurring in heterozygous condition with a contrasting allele <~ genes> m b. expressed only when the determining gene is in the homozygous condition <~ traits> ??~ly adverb ??~ness noun II. noun ?Date: 1900 ?1. an organism possessing one or more ~ characters ?2. a ~ character or gene ------ Recidivism 解释 GRE 红宝书 ?n. 累犯, 重犯 ?,_______英,n. 累犯, 重犯 ( relapse into criminal behavior) ?,类,recidivism : relapse / rehabilitation : convalescence ( 累犯是再次犯罪 / 复原是再次康复) ?,记,re ( 重新) +cidiv ( =cid落下) +ism -> 重新堕落 -> 重犯 Webster Collegiate noun ?Date: 1886 ?a tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behavior; especially relapse into criminal behavior 75 ------ 76
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