
警察与赞美诗 中英文剧本

2017-09-05 10页 doc 28KB 209阅读




警察与赞美诗 中英文剧本SCENE 1 At the gate of a prison Thief Policeman P: (pulling the thief out of the gate) Ah, Mr. Black! It’s time to say goodbye! T: But officer! I want to stay here in prison. It’s too cold, and I have no place to stay. Let me stay here in prison! (Walking into th...
警察与赞美诗 中英文剧本
SCENE 1 At the gate of a prison Thief Policeman P: (pulling the thief out of the gate) Ah, Mr. Black! It’s time to say goodbye! T: But officer! I want to stay here in prison. It’s too cold, and I have no place to stay. Let me stay here in prison! (Walking into the gate) P: (pushing him away) Get out! You lazy thief! Go and look for a job! You’ll have some food and a room to live in. T: But what can I do? I can’t do anything. P: That’s your problem. We can’t help you. (The wind starts to blow hard and the thief trembles with cold.) SCENE 2 Outside a shop Thief Policeman T: Oh, here’s a shop. The shop window is large and bright. I know what to do. (He picks up a stone and throws it at the window. The window is broken. Then he walks about with his hands in his pocket and whistles) P: (Running to the window) Hey! What’s happening? Who broke the window? T: I did! P: What? You? You broke the window? T: Yes, of course, my dear policeman, I broke the window a minute ago. P: Go away! What do you think I am? T: I think you are a policeman and you should catch me! I am the one who broke the window. P: If you had broken it, you wouldn’t be standing here now! Get out of my way! (pushing him away) T: (running after him) But I did it! I did it! (sighing) Oh, he is gone. It’s no use. I have to try again. SCENE 3 Near the chair in a park Thief Old man Policeman (An old man is sleeping in a chair. The thief notices him, walks near him and takes away the bag from him.) O: (jumping up) Hey! What are you doing? That’s my bag! T: Yes, your bag. Now it’s in my hand. Go and tell the policeman! O: (Getting back his bag and catching the thief) Come with me to the police station! T: Thank you, sir. Thank you. O: (surprised) What? T: You know I have no food and no home. And it’s getting colder and colder. So I want to stay in prison. Please help me. P: (Feeling pity for him) Oh, what a poor man! Let me help you. I have some bread and some money. Don’t be a thief anymore. Poor man, poor man! (He gives the thief some bread and some money, then leaves) T: (worried) But what should I do? Where should I go this evening? SCENE 4 In a Restaurant Thief Waitress W: Good morning, sir! T: Good morning! W: Sit down, please. Here’s the menu. What will you have? T: At first, I’d like a bowl of vegetable soup. W: (writing down) A bowl of vegetable soup. T: Then I’ll have some steak and chicken. At last, I’ll have a cup of coffee and a cigar. W: Steak, chicken, coffee and a cigar. Er, excuse me, but this is a very big meal. Do you have enough money? T: What?! What did you say? Do you often ask such questions? W: I’m sorry. I’ll bring your food right away. (Later, the thief eats up all his food) W: Was everything all right, sir? T: The food was very nice. I like it very much. W: Thank you, sir. Here’s your bill, sir. Twenty dollars, please. T: Very well, but now, I want to tell you that I haven’t twenty dollars. I don’t even have forty cents. W: I see, will you come with me, please? T: (standing up and following the waitress) Of course. The policeman is waiting for me, isn’t he? (Two men appear suddenly and walk to the thief) T: I… I… don’t understand. Who are they?) “We are the people you are waiting for!” (They give the thief a good beating.) SCENE 5 In front of a church Thief Policeman Blind man (The thief stands outside of the church and listens to the music of “Silent Night”) T: What beautiful music! I often listened to it when I was a boy. Ah! How different my life is! But look at me now! What am I? Who am I? Oh, I don’t want to be a thief! I want to be a good man now. I’m not old. I’m going to work. I can help the others. (A blind man appears. The thief helps him walk across the street.) B: It’s very kind of you. (A lady drops her purse. The thief picks it up and gives it back to her.) (Later, a policeman comes) P: Hey! You! What are you doing here? T: Nothing, just listening to the music. P: Listening to the music? T: Yes, I’m just standing here and listening to the music. P: Oh, no. Didn’t I see you this morning? Of course! You are the one who was standing near that broken window. I think you broke the window after all! (The thief runs away quickly. Two other policemen run after him and catch him by the arm. T: (shouting desperately) But officer! I’ not a thief now! I don’t want to be a thief any more! I’m a good man now! I’m a good man! (The music of “silent night” echoes on the stage.) 警察与赞美诗 第一幕 出场人物:索比 Soapy (索比急躁不安地躺在麦迪逊广场的长凳上,辗转反侧。) 旁白:每当雁群在夜空中引颈高歌,缺少海豹皮衣的女人对丈夫加倍的温存亲热,索比在街心公园的长凳上焦躁不安、翻来复去的时候,人们就明白,冬天已近在咫尺了。 (索比发现一片枯叶落在自己的大腿上。索比起身,嘴边叨唠道) 索比:“噢,该死的冬天。但愿好客的布莱克威尔岛还有我的位置。” (顺手扔开盖在身上的报纸,继续说道) 索比:“去它该死的慈善机构,我只想在岛上待三个月,那里有吃的,又暖和,还不用经历那些该死的救济程序,我可是有身份的人,才不会去那所谓的慈善机构。” (整理一下自己的衣装和领带)(索比做思考状) 旁白:索比越冬的抱负并不算最高,他梦寐以求的只要在岛上待三个月就足够了。整整三个月,有饭吃,有床睡,还有志趣相投的伙伴,而且不受“北风”和警察的侵扰。而为了得到这一切,他只需要去扰乱一番社会治安就足够了。 索比:“也许我应该去大吃一顿。” (索比离开长凳,踱出广场) 第二幕 出场人物:索比,警察甲 乙 旁白:索比离开了百老汇大街。看起来,靠大吃一通走向垂涎三尺的岛上,这办法是行不通了。要进监狱,还得另打主意。 (漫步在繁华的大街,看到那对亲热的男女,心中好生嫉妒,又不能示出来,于是又整理了一下领带。) 女人(厌恶地看了他一眼):切,这么讨厌,看什么看啊。(挽着旁边的丈夫)走,亲爱的。 (索比朝女人的背影点了一下帽子,摸着自己的胸脯) 索比:“难道是我太帅了,唉~” (在第六大街的拐角处,索比捡起一块鹅卵石,向一个玻璃窗砸去。人们从转弯处奔来,领头的就是一位巡警。索比一动不动地站在原地,两手插在裤袋里,对着黄铜纽扣微笑。) 警察甲:“(气喘吁吁,质问)肇事的家伙跑哪儿去了,” 索比:“(友好,略带嘲讽,整理一下衣装)咳,你不以为这事与我有关吗,” 警察甲:(上下打量了一下,很轻蔑的样子}“当然不。我想只有傻子才会在作案后与警察交谈。” 警察乙大笑,指着索比 :“哈哈,傻子,他说你是傻子” 警察甲踹了警察乙一下:别贫了,赶紧去那边看看,快走啊。(连打带踹) 警察乙指着远处,恶狠狠的样子:你,说你呢,把身份证拿出来。嘿,你们都别看了,该干嘛干嘛去吧~ 警察甲乙驱散围观的人,朝别处走去 索比(失望的摩着脑袋):“哦,该死的警察。” 第三幕 出场人物:索比 侍者甲 索比走进一家并不怎么起眼的饭馆,没有注意他那双暴露身份的皮鞋和泄露真相的裤子。他吃饱喝足之后,一名侍者上前来收费。 侍者甲(露出甜甜的微笑):您好先生,请问你吃得还好吗, 索比 (摩着肚子,打个嗝,):恩,还行。 侍者甲:谢谢你的光顾,一共五英镑。 索比 :没有 侍者甲(很疑惑):我是说一共五英镑。 索比 :这个真没有。你手脚麻利点,去把那个全镇最矮的警察给大爷我叫来,唉唉唉,别让你大爷我等太久啊,爷忙~ 侍者甲(声音甜得似蜜一般)我看,其实用不着惊动那警察老爷。喂,小冬子~(招手)(一顿爆打,自由发挥。) 第四幕 出场人物:索比 年轻女子 (一位年轻女子在橱窗前,衣着简朴又颇为讨人喜欢,认真地看着橱窗里陈列的东西) 旁白:很显然,索比的计划是扮演一个下流的,讨厌的小流氓。 (索比整理了一下衣装,一点点向女子靠近,年轻女子移了几步,索比大胆挨到了她的身边,把帽子一举) 索比:啊哈,我说费比利亚,我的甜心儿,你不是说要到我院子里去玩吗, (女子伸出一只手,抓住索比领子,两人离得很近,女子脱掉外面的大衣,紧贴着索比) 女子(妩媚的摩着索比的额头):可不是嘛,麦克,咱们早就说好的呀。哦,我的宝贝(索比吓了一跳,转身要走)噢,你要去哪里啊,亲爱的,这天气热得厉害,你得先破费给我买杯猫尿去润润嗓子,走吧,Darling. (索比自己把自己绊得摔倒了地上,爬起来转身就跑。) 第五幕 出场人物:索比,路人,警察甲 乙 旁白:可怜的索比一次次地失败着,但是他还是没有放弃,嗯,我想,只能说它是一个有毅力的人,不过也同样是个倒霉鬼。索比看到雪茄烟店里有一位衣冠楚楚的人正对着火头点烟。那人进店时,把绸伞靠在门边。索比跨进店门,拿起绸伞,漫不经心地退了出来。点烟人匆匆追了出来。 路人:“(厉声)我的伞~” 索比:“(冷笑)呵,是吗,好哇,那你为什么不叫警察呢,没错,我拿了。你的伞~为什么不叫巡警呢,拐角那儿就站着一个哩。” (索比用手指警察甲和乙) 旁白:绸伞的主人放慢了脚步,索比也跟着慢了下来。他有一种预感,命运会再一次同他作对。(那两位警察转过目光,好奇地瞧着他们俩。) 路人:“(磕磕巴巴的挠挠头)当然啦,那是,噢,你知道有时会出现这类误会……我……要是知道这伞是你的,我就……我希望你别见怪……我是今天早上在餐厅捡的……要是你认出是你的,那么……我希望你别……” 索比:“(恶狠狠的)当然是我的~(路人转身走了)Oh, my god,(跪地)上帝啊,救救我吧,谁来把我带到监狱里去啊” (警察做继续巡逻状下) 第六幕 出场人物:索比 警察甲 乙 旁白:索比往东走,穿过一条因翻修弄得高低不平的街道。 (索比出场,怒气冲天地把绸伞猛地掷进一个坑里。) 索比:“上帝呀~那些该死的警察究竟有没有大脑~我一心只想进监狱,可他们总把我当成不会出错的国王~一群笨蛋~该死的笨蛋~” (停顿了一下,语气缓和)” 索比:“噢,可爱的布莱克威尔岛,你在哪,” 旁白:索比来到了通往东区的一条街上,这儿的灯光暗淡,嘈杂声也若有若无。他顺着街道向麦迪逊广场走去,即使他的家仅仅是公园里的一条长凳,但回家的本能还是把他带到了那儿。 可是,在一个异常幽静的转角处,索比停住了。这儿有一座古老的教堂,风琴师在练习星期天的赞美诗。 (赞美诗音乐起。索比出场,扶住栏杆) 索比:“哦,天籁之音。” 旁白:风琴师弹奏的赞美诗拨动了伏在铁栏杆上的索比的心弦。 索比:“上帝啊。当我生活中拥有母爱、玫瑰、抱负、朋友以及纯洁无邪的思想和洁白的衣领时,我是那样的熟悉赞美诗。然而现在,我已经坠入了深渊,堕落的岁月,可耻的欲念,悲观失望,才穷智竭,动机卑鄙——这一切构成了我的全部生活。我要去迎战坎坷的人生~” 旁白:管风琴的庄重而甜美音调已经在他的内心深处引起了一场革命。 索比:“(慷慨激昂的)我要把自己拖出泥淖,我要征服那一度驾驭自己的恶魔。时间不晚,我还算年轻,我要唤回当年的雄心壮志,并坚定不移地去实现它~” 索比:“明天,我要去繁华的商业区找事干。当年有个皮货进口商一度让我当司机,明天我要找到他,接下这份差事。我要争取做个显赫一时的人物。我要……” (警察甲乙出场,按住索比。索比感到有只手按在他的胳膊上。他霍地扭过头来,只见一位警察的宽脸盘。) 警察甲:“你在这儿干什么呢,” 索比:“没干什么。” 警察乙:“嘿嘿,又被我们逮到了吧。” 警察甲:闭嘴,那你跟我们来. 第七幕 出场人物:索比,法官,警察甲 乙 旁白:第二天早晨,这是警察局法庭。 法官:“下一个~” (索比被警察押上来) 法官:“你叫什么,” 索比:“你们知道。” 法官:“请回答问,你叫什么,” 索比:“索比。” 法官:“你犯有扰乱治安罪。” 索比:“可是,我当时什么也没做,只是在教堂边听赞美诗。” 法官:“我宣布,索比先生由于犯有扰乱治安罪,被判在布莱克威尔岛监禁三个月。” 索比:“我什么也没有做,我还要去做个显赫一时的人物……” (索比被警察押下) 法官:(敲了一下桌子)“布莱克威尔岛。三个月~下一个~”
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