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奥运英语1000句:我在哪里上火车?_0奥运英语1000句:我在哪里上火车?_0 奥运英语1000句:我在哪里上火车, 1 You can offer to help someone do something by saying: I can help you . . . / I can help you . . ., e.g. I can help you buy your ticket. / I can help you buy your ticket. 当你主动提出帮助某人时你可以这样说:I can help you . . . / 我可 以帮你 . ...
奥运英语1000句:我在哪里上火车?_0 奥运英语1000句:我在哪里上火车, 1 You can offer to help someone do something by saying: I can help you . . . / I can help you . . ., e.g. I can help you buy your ticket. / I can help you buy your ticket. 当你主动提出帮助某人时你可以这样说:I can help you . . . / 我可 以帮你 . . ., 例如: I can help you buy your ticket. / 我可以帮你买票。 2 You can describe where a place is if it is in the centre of the city by saying: It’s really central. / It’s really central. 如果某地在市中心的话你可以这样描述它:It’s really central. / 就 在市中心。 3 To arrange tickets or seats for a journey, we can say: book a trip / book a trip. 安排旅行用的车票或者座位,我们可以说book a trip /订票。 Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子 I think perhaps I will go to Shanghai by train. 我想也许我将乘火车去上海。 I can help you buy your ticket. 我可以帮你买火车票。 Where do I get the train? 我在哪里上火车, At the Beijing Railway Station. 在北京火车站。 It’s really central. 就在市中心。 And is it easy to get the ticket? 容易买到火车票吗, Yes. I’ll take you there and help you book your trip. 是的。我会你带你去那儿,并且帮你订车票。 上一篇英语: 世界杯词汇:黄牌 任意球下一篇英语: 奥运英语1000句: 乘飞机到上海多久查看更多关于奥运英语的文章网友同时还浏览了: 奥运志愿者英语培训教程4 奥运志愿者英语培训教程3 奥运志愿者英语培训教程2 奥运志愿者英语培训教程1 高尔夫球术语 体操词汇汇总
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