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国有商业银行待遇对比分析国有商业银行待遇对比分析 2007年国有商业银行待遇对比分析(上海地区) 2007上海地区国有商业银行招聘概况 第一章 国有银行职位概述 首先,我想很多同学并不是很了解进了银行是干什么的,所以我先介绍一下银行招聘的主要职位。先从支行层面说起,一般如果没有背景的同学进国有银行都会在被分配在支行,有的银行比较大的还会分一级支行二级支行,像工行还有三级支行,不过都算作支行,另外加上分行营业部,这些都属于第一线工作人员。所谓第一线工作人员就是直接接触客户,跟客户打交道的工作人员。在第一线的岗位可以分为对私柜台,对公柜台,零售客...
国有商业银行待遇对比分析 2007年国有商业银行待遇对比分析(上海地区) 2007上海地区国有商业银行招聘概况 第一章 国有银行职位概述 首先,我想很多同学并不是很了解进了银行是干什么的,所以我先介绍一下银行招聘的主要职位。先从支行层面说起,一般如果没有背景的同学进国有银行都会在被分配在支行,有的银行比较大的还会分一级支行二级支行,像工行还有三级支行,不过都算作支行,另外加上分行营业部,这些都属于第一线工作人员。所谓第一线工作人员就是直接接触客户,跟客户打交道的工作人员。在第一线的岗位可以分为对私柜台,对公柜台,零售客户经理,公司客户经理。 对私柜台就是所谓的储蓄柜台,大家平时接触得最多,抱怨的也最多的,其实做过储蓄柜台后你会了解到,其实做储蓄柜台的柜员是很辛苦的,每天都在摄像头下工作,喝水上厕所的时间都没有,还要承受着被投诉的压力和收到假钞的风险,晚上经常要轧帐到很晚,有的银行还制定了非常严厉的监管惩罚措施,比如少敲一个私章50元。现在比较大的银行储蓄柜台一般都安排大专生和外包,不过还是有很多银行,特别是中小股份制银行,还是让本科生甚至研究生做储蓄柜台,包括我们2007年毕业的很多校友。 对公柜台就是银行里我们能见到的那些比较大的敞开式窗口,专门做公司业务的,主要是开和接收支票、本票、贷记凭证等,还有公司保证金入账,转账等工作,不接触现金,一般操作的金额数字比较大,多拍一个零就是上千万甚至上亿。 对私客户经理有的银行叫做零售客户经理,零售市场营销岗位等。工作内容主要是推销理财产品,做个人贷款(包括房贷,消费贷款,出国留学贷款等),做第三方存管,推销信用卡等个人业务。现在很多银行让本科生进去都做这个,其实就是做市场营销的,只不过商品是money而已。 对公客户经理岗位又叫公司信贷,就是做推销公司业务,拉存款贷款,还有其他公司融资业务。其实是银行最赚钱的岗位,压力很大,做得好钱也最多。所以说如果你老爸是中国移动财务总监的话,你到任意一个银行去做公司客户经理不上班都不要紧,行长都要捧着你。一般刚进去就做公司信贷的本科生和研究生不是很多,其一是你手上没有资源,其二怕你跳槽了影响银行的正常业务。 另外有的银行有一个叫信用卡中心的部门,就是专门做信用卡推广的,每个银行不一样,不过总的来说,做信用卡一线的比在支行里做零售市场营销的赚得多,就是不太稳定,信用卡做二线的楼主就不太了解了。其二说说分行层面的,就是所谓的第二线。一般国内银行分行层面没有背景的本科生进的比较少,就算进了也是做那些比较基层的工作,有背景的就直接做到行长秘书,或是人事部,行政管理这种了。分行层面本人也不是了解很多,就把道听途说的讲一点吧。一般在支行一线人员做好一笔贷款的资料收集和撰写报告后,就要交到分行去审批,分行审批一般需要经过风险管理部门和资金管理部门,风险管理部看看你的贷款有没有风险,然后提供批多少贷款的建议,然后资金管理部再放款。然后还有做国际结算的部门,顾名思义,我不展开了。另外还有些杂七杂八的部门,比如财务部,会计部等,不是银行赚钱的主要部门就不讲了。国有银行分行的资金管理部和风险管理部还有国际结算部门一般刚毕业的本科生进的比较少,有的银行为了区别研究生和本科生或是海龟和土鳖就让研究生或是海龟到分行做这些部门的工作。有的外资银行由于柜台多为外包,市场营销岗位又多为到国有银行挖墙脚的,所以大学毕业生就到这些部门去做数据工作了。各个银行对于以上这些岗位的各种叫法可能不同,不过做的事情是差不多的。另外有些银行会有些特殊的业务,比如中国银行的外币业务、上海银行的养老金、中信银行的美领馆签证业务等,由于不具代表性,就不展开了。 浦发、上行、交行、农商行的总行都设在上海,由于本人和在总行工作的校友差了不只一个次元,了解到的信息也比较少,而且一毕业就能进总行的毕竟凤毛麟角,所以这里就不介绍。 第二章 2007上海地区商业银行综述 首先说外资银行吧。我身边的同学进外资的不多,给我发邮件的外资银行的校友一个也没有,所以就大 致说下我了解的情况吧。每一家外资银行都不同,比如花旗,好像只招研究生以上的要看的,有的同学说外资银行性价比比较低,其实也算是比较片面的,也要看是哪家外资银行,哪个部门还有领导的作风等。有的外资银行虽然累是累点,不过钱和收获也是蛮多的。刚毕业进外资一般都做比较基层的工作,比如数据统计之类的,很枯燥。关于外资银行,欢迎大家补充。 再说国有银行,先说四大国有银行。四大国有银行具有比较完整的业务体系和员工体系,如果你以后准备跳槽的话,特别是跳到外资的话,就选四大国有银行,特别是工行和中行。四大国有中工行可能起步的待遇稍微差点,不过升值最快。股份制银行的中层领导基本都是工行跳过来的,而很少从内部提升的。建行和中行待遇还算不错,股份制银行的好坏待遇相差比较大的,而且不是很稳定。一般来说,股份制银行没上市的比上市的好,名字越难听越是没听到过的性价比越高,比如像招行,虽然钱多,不过辛苦。像中信这种,虽然平时不是很忙不过经常周末要参加各种培训和听讲话之类的,等于没有自己的时间,而且钱又不多。而像农村信用社这种,待遇比一般股份制银行就要好很多。如果你比较看重发展的话,去四大国有吧。国有银行加班一般是义务的,外资银行加班好像有加班费的,不过有的银行加班要打申请。 第三章 2007上海地区商业银行待遇概述 很多同学都很关注待遇,还有些同学关注性价比,都想了解哪几家银行待遇最好,哪家家银行性价比最高。其实在这个问题上很多同学,包括一年前的我,都是存在误区的。银行的待遇往往不能仅取决于是哪家银行,还要取决于所在的支行和你的领导,包括支行领导和直系领导。讲得深奥一点,从空间上来讲,同一家银行不同支行不同部门不同岗位的薪资是完全不同的,更别说不同银行的。从时间上来讲,由于人和业务资源是流动的,同一个银行同一支行同一岗位在不同的领导不同的时间下待遇也是完全不同的。而且银行的收入一部分是分行给的,一部分是支行给的,所以所在支行的效益关系着你切身的收入。而且现在很多银行的待遇不能光看工资单,有很多额外的收入。 另外在此次收集信息的过程中,有部分校友反映了个别银行存在欺诈用工行为,比如故意拖延签时间,在三方上咬文嚼字压低合同工资,不发实习工资等。对此我谨代表本版向这些银行的行为表示强烈谴责。作为一家银行如果连对自己的员工都没有信用可言,更何况对客户呢~ 以下是本人收集到的一些银行的待遇情况,不是很全,仅供参考: 四大国有银行,四大国有银行一般都比较稳定,工资不会出现很大的大起大落现象。培训体制也比较好。不过中农工建的上海分行基本只招本地生源。 工商银行 待遇? 稳定????? 发展????? 舒适????? 作为街头巷尾都能见到的银行,工商银行员工的待遇却同其规模成反比。基本公认为银行中收入最低的银行,不过由于业务比较全,能学到比较多,压力也不大。而且待遇低人员流动比较大,升职快,发展比较好。 中国银行 待遇??? 稳定????? 发展???? 舒适??? of outside end; next wipe to sampling of parts, as Board head or top Department pipeline, then from tube head Shang carefully to will swab child into--will its all heap into until tube Central. Sterilization bags: bags must be purchased and sterilization of used only tear heads, providing local opened her bag, place the sample in, then roll up at the top of the bag, solid cord in prison; the bottom should be folded twice, so that the cord will not penetrate the plastic bags allow sample disclosure. When the sample collection, sample collection as well as conditions such as the temperature of the product, when, together with spike marks, samples, records together into the Inspector's notes, sample sample additional samples can be collected from sample number, date, number, and other identifying information for the first person to differentiate. When sterile samples collected, and one of the most important rule is: never contaminated the sample. Need samples to collect all the additional samples collected very carefully to ensure that no violations of this rule. Second, the microbiological characteristics of the sampling programme is a small sample of test results illustrate a large number of food hygiene, so that the representativeness of the sample for analysis is essential, that is, sample number, size and nature of major impact on the results. To ensure the representativeness of the sample, first a scientific sampling programme, then use appropriate sampling techniques and sample preservation and transport keep samples in their original condition. Whatever the methodfor urgent air dryer drying (on the kamaboko). (3) measuring glassware should be naturally drain cannot be baked in the oven. Glassware storage to provide storage, four in test case, to secure, high, great instruments in it. Required for long-term preservation of grinding pad between the instruments in a piece of paper, so as to avoid a long stick. Section II national standard specifications of the experimental laboratory water GB/T6682-1992 water for analytical laboratory specifications and test methods of chemical analysis of water and inorganic trace analysis, experiments are divided into 3 levels: level water, secondary, tertiary water. Analysis laboratory water should meet Xia table by column specifications: project a level two level three level pH value range (25 ?)--5.0-7.5 conductivity rate (25 ?), mS/m ? 0.01 ? 0.10 ? 0.50 can oxidation material *to (O) meter+,mg/L-? 0.08 ? 0.4 sucking photometric (254nm,1cm light drive) ? 0.001 ? 0.01-evaporation residue (105 ? ? 2 ?), mg/L-? 1.0 ? 2.0 soluble Silicon *to (SiO2) ? 0.01 ? 0.02 meter+,mg/L-section III solution the general concepts and preparation of a solution, solution definition and characteristics are two substance formed by the mixture of two or more (mixture). These substances are even at the molecular level, that spread reached the molecular level. Solution is part of the chemical composition and physical properties of the same mixture of a homogeneous system. Classification divides according to the aggregation solution, solution gas, liquid solution (often called liquid solution) and solid solution (also known as solid solution solid solution). Solution the term traditionally refers to the liquid solution. Formed by means of a liquid solution: gases dissolved in liquids, solids dissolved in liquid and 同工商银行一样,中国银行具有比较完善的培训体制,而且做外币业务方面中国银行具有一定优势。根据楼主所获得的信息,中国银行某支行工作一年的校友待遇平均每月在5000左右。 建设银行 待遇???? 稳定???? 发展??? 舒适???? 建行据说不同支行待遇相差还是比较大的,有句顺口溜叫“国宝一二五,分行营业部”。就是指建行效益比较好的是国际业务部,宝山支行,第一支行,第二支行,第五支行和分行营业部。今年新进建行的校友一口价工资5000,实际到手3850左右。 农业银行 待遇 , 稳定 , 发展 , 压力 , 很遗憾我们没有联系到农行的校友。介于以往bbs和网上其他信息,其待遇应在工行之上,建行中行之下。同时欢迎各位农行的校友提供资料。如果有同学非常想知道的话,要不就去武东路的农行试试看问一下吧,问好了记得告诉我。 中小股份制商业银行 由于各股份制商业银行竞争比较激烈,为了留住人才,所以基本上待遇不会相差很多,特别是对于核心营销人员。由于竞争激烈,股份制银行的压力也比四大国有大,所以做不好就要被换岗,领导层面也受到分行和总行的压力,分支行长经常轮换,也就造成了某些银行由于换行长的关系薪资出现大起大落的现象。对于刚毕业的新员工,中小股份制银行一般难以提供较完善的培训,而且由于中小股份制商业银行员工总体学历都比较高,内部提升也比较慢,发展空间有一定制约。基本上在中小股份制银行里发不了大财,但是温饱没问题。 招商银行 待遇???? 稳定??? 发展??? 舒适? 作为2007经世济国论坛求职版最受争议雇主奖得主,尽管招行给2007届财大毕业生解决了199个工作岗位,尽管招行提供了不菲待遇(我觉得不低了),但是还是有很多校友对于招商银行咬牙切齿、深恶痛绝,WHY,希望有招行校友能有现身说法。顺便说一下,招行是收非本地生源的。 浦发银行 待遇????? 稳定???? 发展??? 舒适??? 浦发被称为上海市*的大儿子,一直以来都被公认为上海滩员工福利待遇数一数而二的银行,近几年有所下降,不过瘦死的骆驼毕竟还是比马大。福利还是不错的,还有低息贷款或房贷。楼下有部分浦发校友对浦发待遇提出了新的看法,对此本人表示欢迎,可能渠道有所不同,浦发的待遇上下相差比较大的关系,现在先给予4星半待遇评分。 交通银行 待遇??? 稳定??? 发展??? 舒适, 作为一家总行在上海的全国性银行,交行各方面都算中等。遗憾的是我们没有直接联系到交行的校友,希望大家补充。 上海银行 待遇???? 稳定??? 发展??? 舒适??? 上行被称为上海市*的小儿子,大家比较熟悉的是作为上海退休工人退休工资的发放银行。上海银行的房帖是用现金形式发放的。前几年上行的待遇一般,不过今年开始提薪,待遇有很大提高(相对于以前),实习期1年半,今年某支行新进行校友月均到手3K左右,去年进的另一个支行的校友每月2K公司工资+2K补贴另加高温费发了3K,转正后每月有3K的房帖,发满10W为止。上行今年共发大概1百多张offer,财大在30%左右。 上海农村商业银行 待遇?????? 稳定??? 发展? 舒适????? 既然能给出五星半的评价,当然可见该银行待遇之好。根据07年新进行校友汇报,该行第一年税后7w左右,另不定期发放实物,缴六金。由于上市,每位员工都享有员工持股计划,炒股的都知道,这一块的回报很可能是某些人一辈子都赚不到的钱。至于为什么发展的评价是一颗星呢,因为进他家的很少跳出去了,基本就等着退休了。他家今年共发144张offer,财大的占10%左右。 of outside end; next wipe to sampling of parts, as Board head or top Department pipeline, then from tube head Shang carefully to will swab child into--will its all heap into until tube Central. Sterilization bags: bags must be purchased and sterilization of used only tear heads, providing local opened her bag, place the sample in, then roll up at the top of the bag, solid cord in prison; the bottom should be folded twice, so that the cord will not penetrate the plastic bags allow sample disclosure. When the sample collection, sample collection as well as conditions such as the temperature of the product, when, together with spike marks, samples, records together into the Inspector's notes, sample sample additional samples can be collected from sample number, date, number, and other identifying information for the first person to differentiate. When sterile samples collected, and one of the most important rule is: never contaminated the sample. Need samples to collect all the additional samples collected very carefully to ensure that no violations of this rule. Second, the microbiological characteristics of the sampling programme is a small sample of test results illustrate a large number of food hygiene, so that the representativeness of the sample for analysis is essential, that is, sample number, size and nature of major impact on the results. To ensure the representativeness of the sample, first a scientific sampling programme, then use appropriate sampling techniques and sample preservation and transport keep samples in their original condition. Whatever the methodfor urgent air dryer drying (on the kamaboko). (3) measuring glassware should be naturally drain cannot be baked in the oven. Glassware storage to provide storage, four in test case, to secure, high, great instruments in it. Required for long-term preservation of grinding pad between the instruments in a piece of paper, so as to avoid a long stick. Section II national standard specifications of the experimental laboratory water GB/T6682-1992 water for analytical laboratory specifications and test methods of chemical analysis of water and inorganic trace analysis, experiments are divided into 3 levels: level water, secondary, tertiary water. Analysis laboratory water should meet Xia table by column specifications: project a level two level three level pH value range (25 ?)--5.0-7.5 conductivity rate (25 ?), mS/m ? 0.01 ? 0.10 ? 0.50 can oxidation material *to (O) meter+,mg/L-? 0.08 ? 0.4 sucking photometric (254nm,1cm light drive) ? 0.001 ? 0.01-evaporation residue (105 ? ? 2 ?), mg/L-? 1.0 ? 2.0 soluble Silicon *to (SiO2) ? 0.01 ? 0.02 meter+,mg/L-section III solution the general concepts and preparation of a solution, solution definition and characteristics are two substance formed by the mixture of two or more (mixture). These substances are even at the molecular level, that spread reached the molecular level. Solution is part of the chemical composition and physical properties of the same mixture of a homogeneous system. Classification divides according to the aggregation solution, solution gas, liquid solution (often called liquid solution) and solid solution (also known as solid solution solid solution). Solution the term traditionally refers to the liquid solution. Formed by means of a liquid solution: gases dissolved in liquids, solids dissolved in liquid and 中信银行 待遇??? 稳定?? 发展?? 舒适??? 中信前几年待遇还是不错的,不过今年分行换行长后待遇下降比较多,很多有能力的人都跳槽了,新进行的跳得也比较多,所以整个分行总的来说比较乱。今年新进行的校友待遇目前每月在2300左右(包括高温费),另加300-500车贴,视支行不同不等。 喜欢浑水摸鱼的同学不妨可以试一试,银行总归要人工作的,说不定廉价混2年升上去了,待遇也上去了。今年共招60人左右,35%左右财大的,应该还算是比较看重财大学生的银行。也招非本地生源。 民生银行 待遇??——????? 稳定? 发展??? 舒适, 有人说民生是米缸,不过前提是你爸是米仓。当然这是说笑的,民生是属于那种非常讲效益的银行。你手上有资源,不去上班也无所谓,照样领很高的工资。如果做不好,就会毫不犹豫地把你踢走。我们很遗憾没有能够直接联系到民生的校友,具体情况还需进一步补充指正。 深圳发展银行 待遇?? 稳定?? 发展?? 舒适??? 以下引用某校友的邮件:“一年见习期,下派到一家支行会计部做对公对私业务,工资1600,奖金无,车贴400,饭贴每天10元,不定期发水果,超市卡,饮料券,年中一次旅游,一年后分行重新分配,具体薪金还不清楚,起薪是900”听上去还是比较少的,所以就这样评分了。 兴业银行 待遇, 稳定, 发展, 舒适, 校友联系中。。。。。。 光大银行 待遇?? 稳定?? 发展?? 舒适, 很遗憾我们没有直接联系到光大的校友,不过据传光大的待遇比较低。其他方面跟其他中小股份制银行差不多,发展空间狭小,不够稳定。 其他商业银行: 浙商银行:不知道上海哪里有 平安银行:据说待遇很好 广东发展银行:资料暂缺 华夏银行:资料暂缺 of outside end; next wipe to sampling of parts, as Board head or top Department pipeline, then from tube head Shang carefully to will swab child into--will its all heap into until tube Central. Sterilization bags: bags must be purchased and sterilization of used only tear heads, providing local opened her bag, place the sample in, then roll up at the top of the bag, solid cord in prison; the bottom should be folded twice, so that the cord will not penetrate the plastic bags allow sample disclosure. When the sample collection, sample collection as well as conditions such as the temperature of the product, when, together with spike marks, samples, records together into the Inspector's notes, sample sample additional samples can be collected from sample number, date, number, and other identifying information for the first person to differentiate. When sterile samples collected, and one of the most important rule is: never contaminated the sample. Need samples to collect all the additional samples collected very carefully to ensure that no violations of this rule. Second, the microbiological characteristics of the sampling programme is a small sample of test results illustrate a large number of food hygiene, so that the representativeness of the sample for analysis is essential, that is, sample number, size and nature of major impact on the results. To ensure the representativeness of the sample, first a scientific sampling programme, then use appropriate sampling techniques and sample preservation and transport keep samples in their original condition. Whatever the methodfor urgent air dryer drying (on the kamaboko). (3) measuring glassware should be naturally drain cannot be baked in the oven. Glassware storage to provide storage, four in test case, to secure, high, great instruments in it. Required for long-term preservation of grinding pad between the instruments in a piece of paper, so as to avoid a long stick. Section II national standard specifications of the experimental laboratory water GB/T6682-1992 water for analytical laboratory specifications and test methods of chemical analysis of water and inorganic trace analysis, experiments are divided into 3 levels: level water, secondary, tertiary water. Analysis laboratory water should meet Xia table by column specifications: project a level two level three level pH value range (25 ?)--5.0-7.5 conductivity rate (25 ?), mS/m ? 0.01 ? 0.10 ? 0.50 can oxidation material *to (O) meter+,mg/L-? 0.08 ? 0.4 sucking photometric (254nm,1cm light drive) ? 0.001 ? 0.01-evaporation residue (105 ? ? 2 ?), mg/L-? 1.0 ? 2.0 soluble Silicon *to (SiO2) ? 0.01 ? 0.02 meter+,mg/L-section III solution the general concepts and preparation of a solution, solution definition and characteristics are two substance formed by the mixture of two or more (mixture). These substances are even at the molecular level, that spread reached the molecular level. Solution is part of the chemical composition and physical properties of the same mixture of a homogeneous system. Classification divides according to the aggregation solution, solution gas, liquid solution (often called liquid solution) and solid solution (also known as solid solution solid solution). Solution the term traditionally refers to the liquid solution. Formed by means of a liquid solution: gases dissolved in liquids, solids dissolved in liquid and
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