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牙科专业小英语(DOC)牙科专业小英语(DOC) 牙科专业小英语 颊面 Buccal 舌面 Lingual 腭面 Palatal 近中面 Mesial 远中面 Distal 牙合面 Oeclusal 切端 Incisal 颈部 Neck 前牙 Anterior 中切牙 Central 侧切牙 Latral 尖牙 Canine/cuspid 后牙 Posterior 双尖牙 Pre-Molar 第一双尖牙 First Prc-Molar 第二双尖牙 Second Pre-Molar 磨牙 Molar 第一磨牙 First Molar ...
牙科专业小英语(DOC) 牙科专业小英语 颊面 Buccal 舌面 Lingual 腭面 Palatal 近中面 Mesial 远中面 Distal 牙合面 Oeclusal 切端 Incisal 颈部 Neck 前牙 Anterior 中切牙 Central 侧切牙 Latral 尖牙 Canine/cuspid 后牙 Posterior 双尖牙 Pre-Molar 第一双尖牙 First Prc-Molar 第二双尖牙 Second Pre-Molar 磨牙 Molar 第一磨牙 First Molar 第二磨牙 Second Molar 智慧牙 Wisdom 覆牙合 Over Bite 覆盖 Over Jet 缺失牙 Pontic 牙模 Model 颜色 Shade 形态 Shape/Anatomy 金属牙合面 Metal Occlusal 金属舌面 Metal Backing 缓冲(离开) Relief 牙合架 Articulator 工作模 Master Model 对牙合模 Opposite Model 参考模 Study Model 连接模 Splint/Joint/Connect 分开 Separate 烤瓷冠 CMC 烤瓷桥 CMB 胶托类 全口腔胶托 Full / Full Acrylic Denture ,F/F 半口胶托 Full Upper or Lower Acrylic Denture 局部胶托 Partial Acrylic Denture ,P/-or -/p 钢丝卡环 S.S.Wire Clasp 钢丝牙合支托 S.S. Rest 个别托盘 Special Tray,S/T 蜡堤 Bite Block 胶托修理 Repair 软胶 Soft Lining 衬垫 Reline 弹性义齿 Flexible Denture / Valplast 胶托加网 Add Mesh 钢托类 钢托 Cobalt-Chrome Centure/Vatallium 舌杆 Partial Denture(美式)UPD/LPD 腭板 Lingual Bar 连续卡环 Palatal Plate 牙合支托 Continue Clasp/Kennedy Clasp 舌板 Occlusal Rest 上半口网状钢 Lingual Plate 半口胶托 Full Upper Mesh 钢托上加钢牙 Full Upper or Lower Denture 马蹄形 Dummy 前后杆 Horse Shoe Double Bar / Ant .& Post .Bar 烤瓷类 贵金属烤瓷 Porcelain on Precious Alloy 半贵金属烤瓷 Porcelain on S/P(Semi-Precious) 非贵金属烤瓷 Porcelain on N.P.(Non-Precious) 玛利兰桥 Maryland Bridge 嵌体 Inlay 桩核 Post 高嵌体 Onlay 瓷贴面 Porcelain Veneer / Porcelain 假牙龈/牙肉 Gum Porcelain 全瓷冠 Full Ceramic Crown(In-ceram) 瓷边 Porcelain Margin/Porcelain Shoulder 涂金粉 Gold Plating 金属冠 Full Metal Crown 金属边 Metal Margin 种植牙 Implant 桩连冠 Post Crown/Down Crown 通透性的 Transparent 透明的 Translucent 不透明的 Opacity 在论坛发现的——摘自《口腔临床英语会话集》 一( At the registration挂号 1. What can I do for you? 2. What is wrong with you? 3. Do you want to see a dentist? 4. Which speciality do you want to register with? 您要挂哪个科的号, 5. Do you want to have your tooth pulled ( tooth filled )? 您要拔牙补牙吗, 6. For a filling? A denture? Or a cleaning? 补牙,镶牙,还是洁牙, 7. Is this your first visit to this dental clinic? 8. May I have your address, telephone number, age and occupation, please? 请告诉我您的地址,电话号码,年龄,职业。 9. Please write your name and date of birth on this card. 10. Please fill out this record card. 请填写这张卡。 11. Do you have a registration card? 您有挂号证吗, 12. When did you come last? 13. Do you have an appointment? 您有预约吗, 14. We are fully booked today. 今天已经约满了。 15. Please show this card at the registration desk every time you come. 每次来挂号,请出示这张 卡 16. Please pay for the registration. 请交挂号费。 17. Here is your receipt and change. 这是收据和找回的零钱。 18. This is your registration card. Please don’t lose it and bring it here whenever you come.这是 您的挂号证,请不要遗失,每次来时带着它。 19. Please wait in the waiting room. 请在候诊室等。 20. The doctor will see you soon. 21. The doctor now is with a patient. 22. Your turn is next. 23. There are two more patients before you. 24. The patient before you is a rather complicated case, I’m sorry you will have to wait at least half an hour. 前面那个病人比较复杂,您至少还得等半小时。 25. Please come into the treatment room, will you? 请进治疗室。 二(Directions for the position, manner and action 椅位,方式和行为的指导 1. Please sit down in this chair. 2. I will lean the chair back. 我把牙椅向后倾斜点。 3. I will bring the chair up.我将抬高牙椅。 4. Please slide up/down the chair. 5. Are you comfortable in this position? 6. I will place an apron on you. 我给您系上胸巾。 7. Please lift your head. 8. Please turn your head to the right/left. 9. Please tuck your chin. 请收下颌。 10. Please open your mouth a litter wider. 11. Please keep your mouth open. 12. Bite down, please. 请咬合。 13. Tap your back teeth together. 请咬后牙。 14. Move your jaw to the right and left. 请左右错颌。 15. Slide your lower jaw forward. 向前伸下颌。 16. Please keep the teeth together. 请保持咬合状态。 17. Relax and make yourself comfortable. 放松自己,使自己感觉舒服。 18. Please relax your tongue/jaw/shoulders. 放松舌头/下巴/肩膀。 19. Please raise your left hand if you feel pain. 如果疼痛,请举起您的左手。 20. Rinse your mouth, please. 请漱口。 三(Questions about medical history 既往史的询问 1. First, I will ask you about your general health and allergies. 首先,我需要了解您的全身健康状况和过敏史。 2. How are your health conditions now? ( Excellent, Average, Poor) 您现在的身体状况如何, 3. Do you have any chronic disease? 您有什么慢性病吗, 4. Have you ever had a serious illness? 您有重大疾病史吗, 5. Have you had any operations in the past? 您有手术史吗, 6. Have you had any serious accidents or injuries? 您有外伤史, 7. Have you ever had a blood transfusion? 您有输过血。 8. Do you have or have you ever had the disease of heart, liver or kidney? 您有心脏病,肝病和肾病。 9. Are you suffering from hypertension? 您有高血压病史吗, 10. Have you had any diabetes? 您有糖尿病史吗, 11. Do you have a fever? 您有发烧吗, 12. How is your appetite? 您的食欲怎样, 13. Do you have any trouble in swallowing food? 您有吞咽困难的现象吗, 14. Do you take any medication regularly? 您目前有长期用药吗, 15. Are you pregnant? 您有怀孕吗, 16. Is your menstrual cycle regular? 您的月经规律吗, 17. When did your last period begin? 您末次月经是什么时候, 18. Do you have any allergy? 您有过敏史吗, 22. Have you ever had an injection for anesthesia? 您以前用过麻醉药吗, 23. Have you ever had abnormal bleeding from an injury of a tooth extratction? 您有过伤口或拔牙创口出血不止的经历吗, 24. Have you ever had complications from dental treatment? 您有过与治牙相关的并发症吗 四( Questions about general symptoms 一般症状的询问 1. What is your trouble? 2. Tell me what symptoms you have? 能描述一下您的症状吗, 3. When did you first notice such conditions? 您第一次发现这种情况是什么时候, 4. Have you already attended another hospital with your problems? 您有在其他医院看过吗, 5. Please tell me the name of the hospital, the period and the type of treatment you received. 请告诉我医院的名字,治疗和时间。 6. When were you under the care of the doctor recently, tell me the symptoms you had. 您什么时候接受的治疗,告诉我你的症状。 7. When did you become swollen up like this? 您什么时候肿成这样的。 8. How long did it bleed? 出血多长时间, 9. When did the tooth last have dental treatment? 最后一次治牙是什么时候, 五(Questions about pain 疼痛的询问 1. When did the tooth start to hurt? 这牙什么时候开始痛, 2. What kind of pain did you feel? 是那种类型的痛, 3. Can you describe the pain? Is it a dull pain/a sharp pain/a throbbing pain? 您能描述一下您的疼痛吗,是钝痛/锐痛/跳痛, 4. Does it come and go or come suddenly? 是间断痛还是突发痛, 5. Does it spread anywhere else? 疼痛想其他地方放射吗, 6. Was it sensitive to sweet food/cold water? 对甜食/冷水刺激敏感吗 7. Did it hurt after eating and drinking? 吃饭和喝水时痛吗, 8. Did the pain interfere with sleep? 夜间疼痛加重吗, 9. Did pressure make it hurt? 您有咀嚼痛吗, 10. Do you feel pain when I tap on this tooth? 当我叩您的牙时有疼痛吗, 六( Questions about periodontal disease 牙周病的询问, 1. Did you have any bleeding from your gums? 您的牙龈有出过血吗, 2. Did your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? 您刷牙时有出血吗, 3. Did your gums bleed when you eat hard food, like an apple? 咬硬物时,比如苹果有出血吗牙龈, 4. Have you noticed any bleeding spots on your skin? 您皮肤上有出血点吗, 5. Did the gums bleed for no apparent reason at all? 您的牙龈是不明原因的出血吗, 6. Did food get caught between your teeth? 您塞牙吗, 7. Do you feel any of your teeth loose? 您感觉哪个牙有松动吗, 8. Do you notice that you breathe through your mouth? 您注意到您有口呼吸吗, 9. Do you snore? 您有打呼噜吗, 10. Do you have a habit of grinding your teeth at night? 您有夜间磨牙的吗, 11. Do you have a habit of clenching your teeth? 您有紧咬牙的习惯吗, 12. Do you have anyone in your family who had serious gum disease? 您的家人有患牙龈病的吗, 13. Has a dentist ever told you that you have gingivitis or periodontitis? 有医生告诉过您,您有牙龈炎或者牙周炎吗, 七(Questions about temporomandibular joint dysfunction 关节功能紊乱的询问 1. Do you have any of the following symptoms: noise in the joints ,headache, a stiff shoulder, or sleepless at night? 您有一下什么症状吗:关节弹响、头痛、肩膀僵直或者失眠, 2. Do you feel that it is difficult to open your mouth now? 开口困难吗, 3. Do your joint sound strange when you open your mouth? 开口时关节有弹响吗, 4. Do you feel sore here when I press this place? 我按压的部位有痛吗, 5. On which side of your mouth do you chew most often when you eat food? 您通常用哪侧咀嚼, 八(Local anesthesia局部麻醉 1. Are you feeling a pain when I use the drill? Then I will use an injection for anesthesia? 当我钻牙时有感觉痛吗,如果有,我将给您打针麻药。 2. The decay is very deep, so I will use a local anesthetic before drilling. 龋洞很深,在钻牙前我将给您打一针麻药。 3. Have you ever had any adverse reactions to a local anesthetic? 您以前对局麻药有不良反应吗, 4. Do you have allergies? 您有过敏史吗, 5. Please breathe deeply and slowly. 请深呼吸。 6. I will apply a topical anesthetic to numb the surface of the gum. It will lessen the discomfort of the injection. 我将用麻药来麻醉您的牙龈。 7. You may feel a little sting when I give the injection. 当我注射麻药时,您可能会感觉到有点针刺感。 8. Are your lips and tongue numb? 您的嘴唇和舌头麻了吗, 9. The anesthetic will take effect in about four minutes. 四分钟左右麻药会起效。 10. The anesthetic will wear off in about two or three hours. 两三小时后麻醉效果会消失。 11. The numb feeling will continur for two or three hours. While eating, please be careful not to bite on your lips or tongue. 麻木的感觉会持续两三个小时。 九(tooth brushing instruction 刷牙指导 1. Please hold this hand mirror and look in your mouth, can you see the redness in your gums? 拿着镜子看看自己的口腔,看见您的牙龈很红了吗, 2. Now, I will show you how to brush your teeth using this dental model. Place the toothbrush at the junction of the gums and the teeth like this. Place the bristles of the brush ninety degrees to the gumline. 现在我将在模型上演示如何刷牙,将牙刷放在牙龈和牙齿的联合部位。刷毛和牙龈缘呈90度。 3. Move the tooth brush back and forth with short, vibrating stokes. 用短距离,振动的力量前后移动牙刷。 4. Please move the brush downwards on the upper teeth and upwards on the lower teeth. 刷上颌时牙刷应向下移动,刷下颌时牙刷应向上移动。 5. Move it in a circular motion about ten times at the same place.每部位刷十次。 6. You should change your brush when the bristles get frayed. 当牙刷毛变弯曲时您应该更换牙刷。 7. Your brush should be replaced about once every mouth. 每月换一次牙刷。 8. Dental floss is used to clean between your teeth. 牙线可用来清洁牙间隙。 9. First take about forty centimeters of floss. 首先准备40CM长的牙线。 10. Wrap the floss around your middle fingers like this. 象这样将牙线饶在中指上。 11. Control the floss by pinching it with index fingers and thumbs like this. 通过示指和拇指的牵拉来控制牙线。 12. Put one finger in the mouth, and the other outside. 一个手指在口内,另一个在口外。 13. Use an up-and-down scrapping motion on the sides of each tooth. 在每个牙的各个面上下摩擦。 14. If your interdental space is large, you had better use interdental brush to clean between the teeth. 如果您的间隙太大 最好用间隙刷。 十( Instructions after treatments 各种治疗后的主义事项 (filling) 补牙 1. Don’t eat anything for one hour. 一个小时内不要吃任何东西。 2. Don’t chew on the right side of your mouth for at lease two hours. 2小时内不要用您的右侧吃东西。 3. The tooth may be sensitive to cold food for a while.以后一段时间,您的牙齿可能对冷食物敏感。 4. There is a possibility that the nerve will die in the future。以后有神经坏死的可能。 5. It might be a little uncomfortable after the treatment. 治疗后牙齿可能有点不舒服。 Prothetic treatment修复治疗后。 1. You will soon get accustomed to the dentures. 您很快会适应义齿的。 2. Please take your denture out when you go to bed. 睡前请拿下义齿。 3. When you are not wearing your denture, be sure to keep them in a glass of water, so that will not become too dry. 当您 不带时 请把它放在水里,防止义齿变干。 4. If they are dry for a long time, they may bend and lose their good fit. 如果义齿干燥时间很长,他们可能变形失去很好的适应性。 After teeth extraction 拔牙后 1. Pressure is one of the best treatments for bleeding. 压迫是最好的办法。 2. Please bite firmly on a piece of gauze for twenty minutes until it has stopped bleeding. Then place the used gauze in a plastic bag and tie tightly before disposing it in the rubbish. 请紧咬棉球20分钟知道止血。然后把棉球吐到塑料袋中系紧再丢入垃圾袋。 3. It might bleed a little bit for the rest of the day. 拔牙后几天唾液中可能会带有少量血液。 4. If bleeding continues, place a piece of gauze over the extraction site and bite in firmly. 如果继续出血,请另外咬紧一个棉球。 5. It is normal for there to have a little bleeding mixed with saliva until the next day. 直到明天口腔里有少量血液都是正常的。 6. If you have any problems of bleeding and serious pain, please contact us immeditately. 如果继续出血和严重的疼痛,请立即和我们联系。 一vocabulary (一) Dental workforce 口腔工作者 Dentist 口腔医生Dental hygienist口腔医士 Dental technician口腔技师Dental assistant口腔医生助理 Dental receptionist口腔收款员 (二) stomatology口腔医学? clinical dentistry临床口腔医学 Preventive dentistry口腔预防医学Conservative dentistry牙体保存学 periodontics牙周病学endodontics牙体牙髓病学 prosthodontics口腔修复学oral and maxillofacial surgery口腔颌面外科学 orthodontics口腔正畸学paediatriodontics儿童口腔病学 dental radiology口腔影像学dental anesthesiology口腔麻醉学 geriatric dentistry口腔法医学dentistry for the disabled残疾人口腔医学 oral diagnosis口腔诊断学dental behavioral science口腔行为科学 ? social dentistry社会口腔医学Community dentistry社区口腔学 Public dental health大众口腔健康学Dental forensic science口腔法医学 ? basic dentistry基础口腔医学Oral anatomy口腔解剖学 Oral physiology口腔生理学Oral biochemistry口腔生物化学 Oral pathology口腔病理学Oral microbiology口腔微生物学 Dental pharmacology口腔药物学Dental technology口腔技工学 Dental materials口腔材料学 (三) Examination检查 Chief complaint主诉Anamnesis既往史 History of present illness现病史Family history家族史 Health questionnaire健康询问Interview就诊 Inspection检查Palpation触诊 Percussion叩诊Clinical examination 临床检查 Roentgenographic examinationX线片检查dianosis诊断 (四)pain疼痛 Slight pain轻微痛Moderate(middle)pain中等痛 Severe(violent)pain剧痛Sharp pain锐痛 Dull pain钝痛 Acute pain急性疼痛 Throbbing(palsating)pain跳痛Spontaneous pain自发痛 Continuous pain持续痛Intermittent pain间歇痛 Cold water pain冷水痛Biting(occlusal)pain咬合痛 Pain in bed、night pain夜间痛Oppressive pain压痛 Postoperative pain术后痛Referred pain放射痛 (五)systematic disease系统疾病 Hypertension(high blood pressure)高血压Hypotension(low blood pressure)低血压 Disease of heart心脏病Diabetes糖尿病 Disease of liver肝病Hepatitis肝炎Disease of kindey肾病Nephritis肾炎 Gastric ulcer胃溃疡Appendicitis阑尾炎Pneumonia肺炎Tuberculosis结核病 Asthma哮喘Rheumatic fever风湿热Arthritis关节炎Bleeding disorder凝血障碍 Anemia贫血Hemophilia血友病Leukemia白血病Epilepsy癫痫Neurosis神经衰弱 Cancer癌症 AIDS(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)艾滋病Syphilis梅毒Gonorrhea淋病 (六)dental disease口腔疾病 Dental caries龋病Pulpitis牙髓炎Periodontitis牙周炎gingivitis牙龈炎 marginal gingivitis边缘性牙龈炎periapical inflammation根尖周炎 pericoronitis冠周炎stomatitis黏膜炎cheilitis唇炎glossitis舌炎 recurrent aphtous ulcer复发性阿弗他溃疡behcet disease贝赫切特病(白塞病) oral lichen planus口腔扁平苔藓chronic discoid lupus erythematosus慢性盘状红斑狼疮 leukoplakia白斑erythroplakia红斑burning mouth syndrome灼口综合症 impacted tooth阻生牙congenital anodontia先天无牙supernumerary tooth多生牙 fused teeth融合牙aconcial tooth锥形牙 attrition磨耗abrasion磨损wedge—shaped defect楔状缺损 abscess脓肿cyst囊肿cleft lip唇裂cleft palate腭裂 trismus牙关紧闭bruxism、grinding磨牙症 temporomandibular joint dysfunction颞下颌关节紊乱症 halitosis口臭malocclusion错合 prognothia上颌前突progenia下颌前突 open bite开合deep overbite深覆合cross bite锁合diastema牙间隙 (七)口腔治疗 dental treatment 窝洞预备 cavity preparation永久充填 permanent filling 暂时充填temporary filling暂封temporary sealing amalgam filling盖髓pulp capping活髓切断术pulpotomy 树脂充填resin filling银汞合金充填 牙髓摘除术pulpectomy根管治疗root canal treatment根管充填 root canal filling 刷牙指导tooth brushing instruction(TBI)洁治scaling 表面涂氟topical application of fluride牙龈切除术gingivectomy 翻瓣术flap operation骨修整术osteoplasty根尖切除术 apicoectomy/apicotomy 永久固定 permanent fixation嵌体 inlay基牙abutment tooth铸造冠 cast crown 固定桥 fixed bridge局部义齿 partial denture 全口义齿 full denture排龈 gum retraction(displacement)取印模 impression taking 咬合记录bite taking试戴 trial application咬合纸 occlusal paper 调合occlusal adjustment抛光 polishing粘固 cementation(cementing) 修理repairing牙科麻醉 dental anesthesia 表面麻醉 topical anesthesia浸润麻醉infiltration anesthesia拔牙tooth extraction 缝合sutureDisinfection消毒Sterilization灭菌 (八)牙齿的名称names of teeth Permanent teeth恒牙Deciduous teeth(milk teeth)乳牙 Central incisor 中切牙Lateral incisor 侧切牙Cuspid(canine,eye tooth)尖牙 First bicuspid(premolar)第一前磨牙Second bicuspid第二前磨牙 First molar第一磨牙Second molar第二磨牙Wisdom tooth 智齿 (九)牙体解剖 names of parts Labial surface (lip side)唇侧面Buccal surface(cheek side)颊侧面 Lingual surface(tongue side)舌侧面Palatal surface (inner surface)腭侧面 Occlusal surface(chewing surface)咬合面Proximal surface(between the teeth)邻接面 Mesial surface近中面Distal surface远中面 Pit and fissure,groove窝沟点隙 Interdental area(between the teeth)牙槽间隔Cervical area牙颈部 Enamel牙釉质Dentin牙本质Cementum牙骨质Pulp牙髓 Pulp horn髓角Root canal 根管 Root apex根尖Apical foramen根尖孔Accessory canal副根管 Alveolar bone 牙槽骨Periodontal ligament牙周韧带Gingival牙龈 Cementoenamel junction釉牙骨质界 (十)oral anatomy terms口腔解剖术语 Maxilla(upper jaw)上颌Mandible(lower jaw)下颌 The lip口唇Cornor of mouth口角Fauces喉头 Hard palate硬腭Uvula腭垂 Palatine tonsil腭扁桃体Palatine rugae腭皱襞Palatinefoveola腭小凹 Floor of the mouth口底Tongue frenum舌系带Buccal frenum颊系带
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