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油漆安全技术说明书2015油漆安全技术说明书2015 化学品安全技术说明书(MSDS) 修订日期:2015年5月1日 SDS编号:150501 产品名称: 工业漆 版本:? 适用范围:1、氨基醇酸类油漆:氨基烘干清漆、各色氨基烘干漆等. 第一部分 化学品与企业标识 化学品中文名称:工业漆 化学品英文名称:: coating 企业名称:沙洋**化工有限公司 企业地址: **县经济开发区**** 邮 编: **** 传真号码:**** 电子邮件地址:**** 企业应急电话:**** 技术说明书编码:**** 产品用途:用于防盗门、...
油漆安全技术说明书2015 化学品安全技术说明书(MSDS) 修订日期:2015年5月1日 SDS编号:150501 产品名称: 工业漆 版本:? 适用范围:1、氨基醇酸类油漆:氨基烘干清漆、各色氨基烘干漆等. 第一部分 化学品与企业标识 化学品中文名称:工业漆 化学品英文名称:: coating 企业名称:沙洋**化工有限公司 企业地址: **县经济开发区**** 邮 编: **** 传真号码:**** 电子邮件地址:**** 企业应急电话:**** 技术说明书编码:**** 产品用途:用于防盗门、保温杯、卷钢、汽车、五金配件等工业产品表面的涂 装。 第二部分 危险性概述 危险性类别: 第3.3类 高闪点易燃液体 易燃,对皮肤、眼有刺激性,对水生生物有害 吸入 食入 经皮吸收 侵入途径: 健康危害: 接触加工或使用本产品对人体有危害。对眼及上呼吸道有刺激作用,高浓度时对中枢神经有麻醉作用。 环境危害: 该物质对环境有危害,应特别注意对水体的污染。 燃爆危险: 易燃,其蒸气与空气可形成爆炸性混合物,遇明火、高热有燃烧爆炸危险。 practitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology-related projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15-3 (CA15-3), and sugar Antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), and sugar Antigen 12-5 (CA12-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, and IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-mitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: anti-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific 第三部分 成分、组成信息 纯品 混合物 ? 有害物成分: 浓度 CAS No. 二甲苯 5-20% 108-38-3 第四部分 急救措施 接触加工或使用本产品对人体有危害。对眼及上呼吸道有刺激作用,高浓度时对中枢神经有麻醉作用。 皮肤接触: 脱去污染的衣着,用肥皂和清水彻底冲洗皮肤。 眼睛接触: 立即翻开上下眼睑,用流动清水或生理盐水冲洗至少15min,就医。 吸 入: 迅速脱离现场至空气新鲜处。如呼吸困难,输氧;如呼吸停止,进行人工呼吸,就医。 食 入: 立即漱口饮水,催吐,洗胃,就医。 第五部分 消防措施 危险特性: 其蒸气与空气形成爆炸性混合物,遇明火、高热能引起燃烧爆炸。蒸气比空气重,能在较低处扩散到相当远的地方,遇明火会引着回燃。燃烧时放出有害气体;流速过快,容易产生和积聚静电。 有害燃烧产物:燃烧时会有烟雾,并产生CO、CO2 。 灭火方法及灭火剂:可用泡沫、二氧化碳、干粉、砂土扑救,用水灭火无效。 个人防护:戴3号防毒口罩,钢盔,穿消防服。 第六部分 泄漏应急处理 应急处理: 切断火源。迅速撤离泄漏污染区人员至安全地带,并进行隔离,严格限制出人。建议应急处理人员戴自给正压式呼吸器,穿防毒服。尽可能切断泄漏源。防止进入下水道、排洪沟等限制性空间。 小量泄漏:尽可能将溢漏液收集在密闭容器内,用砂土、活性碳或其他惰性材料吸收残液, 可以用不燃性分散剂制成的乳液刷洗,洗液稀释后放入废水系统。对使用过的洗液应稀释后放入废水处理系统,对使用过的吸附物必须送环保部门指定的填埋场或处理场所。 大量泄漏;构筑围堤或挖坑收容。用泡沫覆盖,降低蒸气灾害。喷雾状水和稀释蒸气、保护现场人员。用防爆泵转移至专用收集容器内,回收或运至环保部门规定的危险化学品废弃物处理场所处理。 practitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology-related projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15-3 (CA15-3), and sugar Antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), and sugar Antigen 12-5 (CA12-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, and IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-mitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: anti-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific 第七部分 操作处置与储存 操作处置注意事项: 密闭操作,加强通风和排风。操作人员必须经过专门培训,严格遵守操作规程。建议操作人员应穿工作服,工作鞋、戴工作帽、劳动手套,防毒用具。远离火种、热源、工作场所严禁吸烟。使用防爆型的通风系统和设备。不准使用产生火花的机械设备和工具,防止蒸气泄漏到工作场所空气中。避免与氧化剂接触。灌装时应注意流速(不超过5m/s),且有接地装置,防止静电积聚。搬运时要轻装轻卸,防止包装及容器损坏。配备相应品种和数量的消防器材及泄漏应急处理设备。倒空的容器可能残留有害物。 储存注意事项: 储存于阴凉、通风库房。远离火种、热源。仓温不宜超过37?,相对湿度不超过80%。可采取顶喷水,外墙涂白,夜间通风等方法,保持容器密封。应与氧化剂、食用化学品分开存放,切忌混储。采用防爆型照明、通风设施。禁止使用易产生火花的机械设备和工具。贮存场所应具备防雷击装置。储区应备有泄漏应急处理设备和合适的收容材料。 第八部分 接触控制/个体防护 短时间接触允许浓度:二甲苯【皮】100mg/m3 监测方法:气相色谱法 工程控制:生产过程密闭,加强通风和排风。 呼吸系统防护:戴防毒用具。空气中浓度超标时,建议佩戴过滤式防毒面具(半面罩)。紧急事态抢救或撤离时,应戴正压自给式呼吸器。 眼睛防护:戴化学安全防护眼镜。 身体防护:穿防静电工作服、工作鞋、戴工作帽。 手 防 护:戴劳动手套。 其他防护:工作现场禁止吸烟、进食和饮水。工作前避免饮用酒精性饮料。工作后,淋浴更衣。进行就业前和定期的体检。 第九部分 理 化 特 性 外观与现状:无色或有色流体,有特殊芳香味 PH值:无资料 熔点:-47.9? 沸点:139? 相对密度(水,1):0.86 相对蒸汽密度(空气,1):3.66 辛醇/水分配系数的对数值:无资料 闪点 25? 引燃温度:525? 爆炸上限(%):7.0 爆炸上限(%):1.1 溶解性:可与X-4氨基漆稀释剂等混溶。 主要用途:用于轻工产品、机电仪器仪表、玩具等金属表面,作为装饰性保护涂层。 practitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology-related projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15-3 (CA15-3), and sugar Antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), and sugar Antigen 12-5 (CA12-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, and IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-mitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: anti-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific 第十部分 稳定性和反应性 稳定性:稳定 禁配物:氧化剂、酸类、碱类 避免接触的条件:明火,高热 聚合危害:不能发生 相溶性:不溶于水 分解产物:燃烧时会有烟雾,并产生一氧化碳、二氧化碳 第十一部分 毒理学资料 急性毒性: LD50 5000mg/kg(大鼠径口);14100 mg/kg(兔经皮) 急性中毒:短期内吸入较高浓度可出现眼及上呼吸道明显的刺激症状、眼结膜及咽充血、头晕、头痛、恶心、呕吐、胸闷、四肢无力、意识模糊、步态蹒跚。重者可有躁动、抽搐或昏迷,有的有癔病发作。 慢性中毒:长期接触有神经衰弱综合症,女工有月经异常,工人常发生皮肤干燥、皲裂、皮炎。 刺激性:家兔经皮下放性刺激试验:10μg(24小时),重度刺激。 生殖毒性:大鼠吸入最低中毒浓度(TCLo): 3000mg/m3,24小时(孕7-14天用药),对胚泡植入前的死亡率、胎鼠肌肉骨髓形态有影响,有胚胎毒性。 第十二部分 生态学资料 其环境污染行为主要体现在饮用水和大气中,残留和蓄积并不严重,在环境中可被生物降解和化学降解,但这种过程的速度比挥发过程的速度低得多,挥发到大气中的二甲苯可能被光解。 第十三部分 废弃处置 废弃物性质:危险废物。 废弃处置方法:送环保部门指定的填埋场所,用控制焚烧法处理。 废弃注意事项:废物贮存、废弃处置应参阅国家和地方环保有关法规 practitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology-related projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15-3 (CA15-3), and sugar Antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), and sugar Antigen 12-5 (CA12-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, and IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-mitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: anti-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific 第十四部分 运输信息 危险货物编号:33646 UN编号:1307 包装标志:易燃液体 包装类别:? 包装方法:金属桶(罐)或外装纸箱。 运输注意事项:搬运时要轻装轻卸,防止包装及容器破损。夏季应早晚运输,防止日光曝晒。运输按规定路线行驶。 第十五部分 法规信息 法规信息:下列法律法规和标准,对化学品的安全使用、储存、运输、装卸、分类和标志等 方面均作了相应的规定: 化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明规范系列标准(GB30000.2-29)。 《危险化学品名录》(2015版):列入2828(含易燃溶剂的合成树脂、油漆、辅助材料、涂料等制品[闭杯闪点?60?]),将该物质划分为第3.3类高闪点易燃液体。 -2012):列入,将该物质划为第3.3类易燃液体。 《危险货物品名表》(GB 12268 第十六部分 其他信息 最新修订版日期:2015年5月1日 修改说明:本SDS按照《化学品安全技术说明书 内容和项目顺序》(GB/T16483-2008)标 准编制;由于目前国家尚未颁布化学品GHS分类目录,本MSDS中化学品的GHS 分类是企业根据化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明规范系列标准(GB 20576— 2006~GB20602—2006)自行进行的分类,待国家化学品GHS分类目录颁布后再 进行相应调整。 practitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology-related projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15-3 (CA15-3), and sugar Antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), and sugar Antigen 12-5 (CA12-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, and IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-mitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: anti-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific
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