

2017-09-02 16页 doc 294KB 27阅读




[应用]好听的外国歌曲音乐[应用]好听的外国歌曲音乐 推荐好听的英文歌曲来源: 张磊的日志 本来是列了一些自己喜欢的歌,后来也不知道怎么就变成认认真真的歌曲推荐了…… 【颜色的说明要看啊要看啊喂~~~:】 *******这个颜色的超爱听,推荐哦~******* ******这个颜色是我最近一次更新的歌哦~****** *******这是推荐给在歌曲清单里迷路的亲~是精选哦~就几首的哈哈~******* 先是大爱的Avril滴歌~~~~~ 摇滚ROCK精神,不羁个性的V~~~可谓独树一帜滴~~~~ 考虑字数不全列了… 1.I will be ...
[应用]好听的外国歌曲音乐 推荐好听的英文歌曲来源: 张磊的日志 本来是列了一些自己喜欢的歌,后来也不知道怎么就变成认认真真的歌曲推荐了…… 【颜色的说明要看啊要看啊喂~~~:】 *******这个颜色的超爱听,推荐哦~******* ******这个颜色是我最近一次更新的歌哦~****** *******这是推荐给在歌曲清单里迷路的亲~是精选哦~就几首的哈哈~******* 先是大爱的Avril滴歌~~~~~ 摇滚ROCK精神,不羁个性的V~~~可谓独树一帜滴~~~~ 考虑字数不全列了… 1.I will be (这首歌是第一的原因……是她的歌我第一个听的就是这 首……) 2.Skater Boy(似乎算是成名曲啦~很好滴类歌曲~) 3.Complicated 4.Innocence 5.My happy ending 6.Nobody's Home 7.Get over it(某滴童鞋狂爱滴听……其实瓦也是~) 8.When you're gone 9.You never satisfy me 10.girlfriend(有名的主打) 11.The best damn thing 12. keep holding on 13.runaway 14.everything back but you 15. contagious 16.one of those girls 17.hot 1 8.who knows 19.don't tell me 20.my world 21.nobody's fool 22.things I'll never say 23.tomorrow 24.slipped away 25.mobile 26.unwanted 27.alone 28.falling down 29.falling into history 30.move your little self on 31.once ang for real 32.tomorrow you didn't 33. I always get what I want 34.anything but ordinary 35.I don't give 3 6.fall into pieces 37.Alice 第二个给乡村音乐小美女Taylor Swift~~~~小美女啊 她滴歌也基本都听过,好听啊啊啊,声音和V超像,一度让我以为V出新歌了…… 同样考虑字数不全列了……TOT 1.love story(某听的第一首TS的歌,MV里的TS真是太好看了……) 2.you belong with me(故事类滴歌,超好听啊,MV也好) 3.picture to burn (富有个性的歌,有ROCk风~) 4.teardrops on my guitar (清新忧郁的歌) 5.hey Stephen (轻快的歌,听着很开心~~~) 6.our song 7.tell me why 8.breathe 9.white horse 10.Tim McGraw 11.fearless 12.you'er not sorry 13.should've said no 14.the b est day 15.forever ang always 16.change 17.beautiful eyes 18.fifteen 19.the way I loved you 20.cold as you 21.I'm only me when I'm with you 22.stay beautiful 23.I heart 24.a place in this world 25.Mary's song 26.the outside 27.tied together with a smile 28.jump then fall 29.untouchable 30.come in with the rain 31.supe rstar 32.the other side of the door 话说真滴想全部都加粗…… 她的歌曲都很值得慢慢听~~~ BackStreet Boys 后街男孩,传说中无人不知无人不晓滴组合啊 不过真惭愧,他们滴歌我听得素要多有限有多有限…… 就小小的听过几首…… 不过BackStreet的是真滴很好听: 1.as long as you love me(听滴第一首~经典呐~) 2.I want it that way 3.everygreen 4.fallen angle 5.show me the meaning of being lonely 6.inconsolable 7.shape of my heart 8.get down 9.straight through my heart 10.everybody 就我听的这几首来说,他们的歌都是超好听的~~~ 传说中滴Britney Spears 小甜甜布兰妮——(美女哈哈~) 某至今还不大适应有时候她那极具个性的声音……(怎么形容呢……嗲,,,) 但是歌还是很好听滴啊~~…… 1.Oops I did it again (第一首听过滴~刚听时觉得声音实在独特,适应了很久……) 2.break the ice (超好听,就是学不上来啊) 3.everytime (慢慢滴一首清新系滴~) 4.circus 5.piece of me 6.I'm not a girl,not yet a woman 7.baby one more time 8.born to make you happy 以下听过滴都不上十首,堆一起慢慢看 ?Mariah Carey 天后玛利亚?凯莉,超强的唱功(那海豚音……)膜拜啊 1.obsessed 2.I stay in love 3.touch my body 4.bye bye 5.when you believe . ?BoA 宝儿,不是欧美的放上来不会被雷劈吧……, 她的英文歌唱滴真有气势~喜欢啊~~~~ 1.eat you up (MV那个帅啊~喜欢滴风格~) 2.I did it for love 3.did ya . ?Lene Marlin 琳恩?玛莲 北欧精灵~她滴声音听起来很舒服嗯~越听越有爱那种~ 1.a place nearby 2.unforgivable sinner 3.here we are 4.sitting down here . ?Linkin Park 林肯公园 风格仿佛很适合发泄……有名的组合,就是我听的超少…… 1.New Divide 2.numb 3.leave out all the rest(《暮光之城1》~) . ?Kris Allen 某届美偶冠军,声音很好听,人也长得帅啊~~~, 1.apologize 2.no boundarise 3.hearless 4.ain't no sunshine when she gone . ?Sweetbox 糖果盒子 居然才发现……这么好的组合就放后面了…… 歌是真好听,可我真是没听过几首…… 1.we can work it out 2.with a love like you 3.don't push me 4.you don't know what you're sorry for 5.everybody come out in the suns 6.life is cool . ?Justin Bieber 这个小男孩儿的歌都很好听,很有风格,加粗一堆啊…… 1.one time 2.pick me 3.baby 4.favorite girl 5.one less lonely girl 6.common denominator 7.first dance 8.down to earth 9.never let you go 10.overboard . ?Lady Gaga 虽然最开始觉得那个风格路线什么的…很不…咳…… 但不可否认,歌还是很有爱的,毕竟唱功和声线都很优秀的说~ 1.bad romance 2.paparazzi 3.telephone 4.just dance 5.poker face . ?Kelly Clarkson 我终于相对勤劳的归类了= =…… 然后她的歌很有气势很有气场很有气度是我大爱的那种~~~ 1.my life will suck with you 2.a moment like this 3.Behind These Hazel Eyes 4.because of you 5.breakaway 6.already gone 7.if I can't have you . ?M2M 她们的嗓音好甜的啊~歌曲很有爱~ 1.mirror mirror 2.the day you went away 3.everything you do . ?Katharine McPhee 某届美偶亚军啦,她的歌都超有爱的嗯~~~ 1.over it 2.each other 3.dangerous 4.terrified 5.neglected 6.everywhere I go 7.love story 8.surrender 以下单曲……(单曲精华啊~) 1.we are one —— Kelly Sweet 2.bad boys sad girls —— Tata Young 3.believe ——Dima Bilan 4.whatever will be ——Vanessa Hudgens 5.beautiful ——Eminem 6.burning —— Maria Arredondo 7.peerless ——(某只知道好听……) 8.she wolf —— Shakira 9.crush ——David Archuleta(好听嗯~某滴同学听感动了……) 10.angels ——David Archuleta 11.sweet dreams ——Beyonce Knowles 12.if i were a boy —— Beyonce Knowles 13.mockingbird ——Eminem 14.meet me on the equinox —— Death Cab For Cutie (《暮光之城2》) 15.you and I —— T.A.T.U. 16.love lives on —— Mallary Hope (乡村女声~好好听哒~) 17.can anybody hear me —— Meredith Andrews (强荐此歌手~) 18.treasure —— Meredith Andrews (轻盈柔美的嗓音,真的很好听嗯~) 19.snow —— Andreea Balan 20.stand —— Jewel (轻快的调~) 21.the show —— Lenka 22.see you again —— Miley Cyrus 23.celebration —— Madonna 24.be good to me —— Ashley Tisdale(歌舞青春里滴美女~) 25.love me for me —— Ashley Tisdale 26.next to you —— Jordin Sparks 27.goodbye Alice in wonderland —— Jewel (奔爱丽丝去的~) 28.the saltywater room —— Owl City (亲推荐的~电音~) 29.cry me a river —— Justin Timberlake (成名曲哈) 30.nothing on you ——B.o.B 31.breakout —— Miley Cyrus 32.could it be you ——Cascada (荐~就是很喜欢啊~) 33.cry me out —— Pixie Lott 34.white houses —— Vanessa Carlton 35.who owns my heart —— Miley Cyrus 36.why would I ever —— Sam Watters (~O(?_?)O~) 37.before he cheats —— Carrie Underwood (美偶的就是有爱、就是有爱啊~) 38.wild world —— Mike Bailey (skins里Sid唱的很有feel) 39.Love The Way You Lie —— Eminem (阿姆、蕾哈娜强强联手啊~) 40.Stay —— Miley Cyrus (声音很特别呃、) 41.Umbrella —— Rihanna High School Musical 还有其他迪士尼推出的电影里面音乐也蛮有爱的 欢迎广大童鞋去欣赏~ 欢迎广大童鞋和我交流~ 在此鞠躬致敬~~~~~~~~ 鼓掌撒花~~~~~~~~
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