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PEP五年级英语教案上The 4th lesson: B.Let’s learn/ Let’s chant P7/ Pronunciation The 5th lesson: Let’s chant P2/ B.Let’s try/B.let’s talk/ let’s find out / Story time The 6th lesson: Let’s sing/let’s check/ B.read and write/ let’s play/ ************************************************...
The 4th lesson: B.Let’s learn/ Let’s chant P7/ Pronunciation The 5th lesson: Let’s chant P2/ B.Let’s try/B.let’s talk/ let’s find out / Story time The 6th lesson: Let’s sing/let’s check/ B.read and write/ let’s play/ *********************************************************** Period 4 Specific vocabulary: 学生能够听、说、读、写动词词组climb mountains, go shopping, play the piano, visit grandparents, go hiking Specific target sentences: 学生能听懂问句:What do you do on the weekend? 并能用所学动词短语替换句型: Sometimes I …/ I usually/often/ …中的关键词回答问句. Specific functional exponents: 学生学会正确使用频度副词表达自己的周末活动. Source of material: , 卡片,图片,活动,同步练习册 Assumptions and Anticipated problems: 这一课时的重点放于动词词组 的识记上。这些词组与生活贴近,学生较为容易理解. 这一课时的句子What do you do on the weekend?是上册要求掌握的重点句,不是新内容。难点是单词mountain和grandparents的正确拼写。 Step 1 Warm-up (意图:复习以前学过的一些周末活动词组,以旧引新。活动类型:A/C.) (1) Review the old phrases: read books, watch TV, do homework, cook the meals, clean the bedroom, play the violin … (2) Free talk: two pairs have a talk about weekend activities. S1:What do you do on the weekend? S2: I often … on the weekend. What about you ? S1: I often … Step 2 Presentation Let’s chant 教师放P7let’s chant, 学生跟唱,初步感知本课时的动词词组。 Let’s learn (1) 教师出示自己的家庭照和a family tree, “Look, my father and my mother, they are my parents. My grandfather and my grandmother, they are my grandparents.”通过红色笔的不同对比让学生初步感知英语构词法:grand+parents T: We often visit our grandparents on the weekend. What about you? Ss:… T: Sometimes I visit my friends on the weekend. I’m happy with them. Do you visit your friends/ uncle/aunt/teacher…? Ss:… (设计意图:通过图片与图表结合的方式让学生先从意义上理解词汇,再从音和形方面去帮助记忆及强化记忆。活动类型:A/C.) (2) After teacher’s introduction about the weekend, teacher continues: How about you, boys and girls? What do you do on the weekend? (3) Let some students come to the blackboard and choose the pictures. Teacher helps them say: I often climb mountains/ go shopping/ go hiking/play the piano (设计意图:发挥图片和身体语言的作用,通过多种方式呈现新词,遵循意义先行的原则,使单词教学生动有趣而且有实效。活动类型:C.) (4) Students learn the phrases. Ss follow the tape to read. Do action and practice the phrases. (5) Game: 找朋友 学生四人一组,动词卡片“出牌”,翻开牌面后根据牌面上的图画说:On the weekend I go hiking./ I climb mountains on the weekend.等,牌面相同的人即为朋友,互相击掌说:Let’s go together!然后继续下一轮游戏。 (设计意图:在游戏中不断重复所学的短语,让学生在不知不觉中练习,自主地掌握学习的内容.活动类型:C) (6) 引导学生做拼读词组比赛,在课堂上给学生时间互相交流认记技巧,互相竞赛。 Step3  Let’s chant (1)Listen to the tape. (2)Clap hands and chant. Step 4 Pronunciation (1)展示挂图,带读例词,强调几个字母组合ai,ay, gr,gl的读音,引导学生总结其读音规则。 (2)放录音,跟读。听绕口令,配图,简单讲解,学生试着跟读、说绕口令。 Step3 Sum up Summarize what we have learned in this lesson 引导学生过积极的、有意义的双休日。 Step4 Homework 1.read and Copy the new words. 2.调查各任课教师的周末生活。 课后反思:Period 5 Specific vocabulary: 能够针对具体情况正确使用usually, often, sometimes三个频度副词.会使用next 一词。 Specific target setences: 学生能听懂并会说句型:What do you do on the weekend? I usually/often play football. Sometimes I go hiking.并能在实际情景中运用. Specific functional exponents: 学生学会正确使用频度副词表达自己的周末活动. Source of material: 课件, 卡片, 挂图, 同步练习册 Assumptions and Anticipated problems: 第一课时仅要求学生能听说、认读频度副词usually/ sometimes, 而在本课时就要求能准确使用频度副词进行表达,这是本课时的难点,设计的活动要着重于学生的实际运用。对句型Let’s …together next Sunday.能正确认读。 Step 1 Warm-up (1)Ss read and spell the words. (2)Blank-filling: T: Climb    Ss: Climb mountains. T: Hiking.  Ss: Go hiking. T: Shopping. Ss: Go shopping. Step 2 Preview (1)Question: What do you do on the weekend? Let some of the students talk about their weekends. (2)Listen to the tape “Let’s try”. Students listen to Let’s try and finish the exercises. Check the answers. Step3 Presentation (1)When teacher asks the question “What do you do on the weekend?” Mark a star on the pictures. Then present “sometimes, usually, often”. (2)Practice the words: sometimes: clap hands once; usually: clap hands twice; often: clap hands three times. (3)T: Do you want to know what does Miss Tang do on the weekends? Ss: Yes. T: So ask me. Ss: What do you do on the weekend? T: I often … Sometimes I … Usually I …. (4)Teacher asks some questions about students. (5)Play the tape. Students follow the tape. (6)Students practice the dialogue and act the dialogue. Step4 Story time Play the tape and enjoy the story. Step5  Sum up: How can you have a happy weekend? 引导学生过积极的、有意义的双休日。 Step 6 Homework 1. Copy the dialogue. 2. Practice reading. 3.Do the exercise book. 课后反思:Period 6 Specific vocabulary: says, either Specific target sentences: 能够听说读写句型:What do you do on the weekend? Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents. I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking. 能听说、认读句子: The weather report says it’s going to rain tomorrow. I can’t play football in the rain. I can’t go hiking, either. Specific functional exponents: 理解对话含义并能灵活运用于实践. Source of material: 课件, 卡片, 同步练习册 Assumptions and Anticipated problems: 本课时的重点和难点是四会掌握句型。提倡个性化的学习将学习过程更有意义,引导学生把课堂学习与自己的生活、兴趣和感受联系在一起。有意识地渗透学习策略的训练,引导学生对自己的生活安排做出相应的调整。 Step 1 Warm-up (1)Free talk: My weekend. Two students have a talk. (2)Play the train game: T: What do you do on the weekend? S1: I often go hiking. S2: Sometimes I go shopping. S3: Usually I visit grandparents. (use the words often, sometimes and usually) Step 2 Preview T: Zip and Zoom do different things on the weekend. Let’s go and see. Step3 Presentation (1)Ss read the dialogue on their own. Find out the difficult words. (2)Ss write down Zip and Zoom’s weekend activities. (3)Listen and read after the tape. (4)Ss practice reading the dialogue. Then act the dialogue. (5)Write the four-skilled sentences on the blackboard.. Ss practice writing. (6)Rewrite the story. Write the dialogue as a passage. Teacher writes the passage and students do the blank-filling. Step4 Let’s check (1)Play the tape and students do the exercises. (2)Check the answer. Step4 Sum up Summarize what we have learned in this lesson. Step5 Homework 1. Practice writing the four-skilled sentences. 2. Practice reading. 课后反思:                教案 教学内容: Unit 1 This Is My Day 6课时 设计者:五年级组 主备人:郝美玲 教学目标Objectives:: A.能力目标: (1)能够使用频度副词问答作息时间,如:When do you do morning exercises? I usually do morning exercises at 8:30. (2)能够使用频度副词问答周末活动,如:What do you do on the weekend? I often go shopping. 能够听说读写与日常作息有关的动词及介词短语,如:eat breakfast, do morning exercises, play sports, eat dinner, in the evening, at noon等. (3)能够用所学语言知识描述一天中的生活起居以及周末活动等. B.知识目标: (1)能够掌握AB部分Let’s learn和Read and write中的四会单词. (2)能够听说认读AB部分Let’s talk中的单词和句型. (3)能够掌握AB部分Read and write中的四会句型,并能灵活运用. 能够理解 (4)并在课堂中正确操练Let’s play, Let’s chant, Let’s find out等部分的内容. 能够了解 (5)字母组合ai, ay, gr, gl的发音规律并能读出例词. (6)了解Story time, Good to know等部分的内容. C.情感,策略,文化等有关目标: (1)情感态度:引导学生养成良好的作息习惯.能够理解,尊重从事不同职业的人. (2)学习策略:训练学生的角色扮演能力,引导他们在调查,询问和学习的过程中学会思考如何更好地安排作息时间. (3)文化目标:了解白天,黑夜,工作日,周末等相关概念以及中西方中生作息时间安排上的异同 . 教学重点: 1.Grammar: 询问别人一天中的生活起居以及周末活动的句型如:When do you …? 和What do you do on the weekend?的提问和回答。 2.Listening: 听懂一些描述人物特征的单句、对话和一段完整的语篇,根据关键信息完成一些相应的听力练习。 3.Speaking:能和他人交谈自已一天中的生活起居以及周末活动的一些情况。 4.Reading:读懂对话或短文,培养一些基本的阅读技能,如何快速查找关键信息,根据上下文猜词等。 5.Writing:规范书写四会单词和句子,并能根据图片和提示语写一段话描述一天中的生活起居以及周末活动的情况,养成良好的书写习惯和写作习惯。 教学难点: 1.Function: 学会描述一天中的生活起居以及周末活动的语言. 2.Phonology: 字母组合ai/ay在单词中发【ei】以及gr、gl的发音训练。同时在教授新单词和let’s chant时渗透一些发音规律。 教学准备 资源利用: 1. 准备录音机和磁带。2. 准备投影片(早上、中午和晚上三个场景)。3. 准备本课会话中出现的有关词汇的图片。4. 课前在黑板上写好课题。 集体研备教学流程设计 Student’s steps Purpose执教者补充 The 1st Period: Let’s start / A. let’s learn/let’s play/ Good to know Step1.Warm-up A:Sing a song. B: Free talk. 师生交流T:Good morning, boys and girls.T:Glad to see you.T:Let’s play a game, OK? C:Revision.复习1.-What do you do in winter holiday?-I often …. 2.呈现大量学生已经掌握的动词词组,让生快速认读 Watch TV, read books, play computer games, play ping-pong/ football, Listen to music, read books, do homework/ housework, cook the meals, sweep the floor, water the flowers, clean the bedroom, empty the trash, make the bed, wash the clothes, put away the clothes, set the table, do the dishes…… (设计意图:通过紧张刺激的游戏既复习了已学的知识,又能起到热身的作用,使学生的注意力集中到课堂教学中来.) Step2 Presentation 1.整体呈现部分单词的同时复习时间的表达法 T: What time is it now? It’s time for English class. Guess when does T get up/ eat breakfast/ go to school/ eat dinner? (设计意图:猜测游戏是一种学生喜欢而非常容易操作的游戏,通过猜一猜,让学生勾起原来的时间表达的小知识.) 2. 师生问答,呈现出并新授单词 T: When do you eat breakfast? S1: At 6:30 贴词卡并写出6:30,并教读新词组. 用这种方法教授其它的词组:do morning exercises, have English class, play sports, eat dinner 3.Read the phrases follow the TV / T , read by Ss together (设计意图:在教学中引入生活中的经验,自然过渡到新短语的学习.) 4. Game: Guess what’s falling? 呈现五个单词和when在一个画面上, 让学生猜一猜哪一个单词掉下去,猜对的加分,直到最后一个也掉下去,游戏结束. (设计意图:在游戏中不断重复所学的短语,让学生在不知不觉中练习,自主地掌握学习的内容.) 5.Let’s start T 介绍自己的timetable: I get up at 6:30. I go to school at 7:00. I eat breakfast at 7:15….. What about you? Listen to me and write down your answers. Pair work. Check it. (中途插入usually) ---When do you ….? --- I usually …. at …. 6.Let’s play (1)学生二人一组配合表演动词短语,一人表演,一人在他/她背后说出这个动作的名称,如: I get up/ do morning exercises…表演完毕后全班评选最佳拍档. (2)学生再三人一组进行表演,第一人表演动作,第二人表演时间,第三人说出句子,如: I get up at 6:30…. (设计意图:在巩固中引入Let’s start/ play的教学内容,既能作为一个个人的反思,也能作为对话的练习.) 7.Spelling the phrases. ①Fill in the blanks. pl_ _ sp_ _ts; br_ _kf_st… ②Guess the phrases. er – eat dinner; ay—play sports… ③Spell the phrases by Ss, check someone. (设计意图:这课时的难点在于短语的背诵,特别是do morning exercises,因此设计不同的拼写活动,让学生在不知不觉中背诵单词.) Step3 Sum up Summarize what we have learned in this lesson 思想教育: 合理安排时间,要让孩子把家庭和学校的作息衔接起来,知道什么时间该做什么事情. Step4 Homework 听录音跟读本课会话,小组进行会话,准备下节课表演会话。 跟录音机边听边表演唱英文歌曲Do some exercise with me. Ss:Good morning. Ss:Glad to see you, too. Ss:OK! Review and read the words : get up, have breakfast, watch TV, do homework Learn to say : wash my face\brush my teeth… S1:It’s six thirty. S2:It’s six fifty. S3.:It’s six forty-five. Ss learn to say : What time is it? It’s time for…. 学生静听、模仿、跟读。学生看图听录音,整体了解会话内容 听录音,学生模仿、跟读会话。 1.学生小组内分角色朗读会话。2.学生小组汇报朗读会话。3.小组推荐组员到台前用所学语言描述图片内容。4.学生小组内看图说话。   教案(续写) The 2nd Period 教学内容: Let’s try/A.let’s talk/let’find out/ Make a survey 教学目标: 1、熟练使用句型: When do you get up/eat breakfast/…? I usually… at… 问答作息时间,学生学起来应该不难,但如何正确运用就是一个难点,所以本课时要多设计活动,让学生在真实的情景中运用,同时也要向学生解释usually, often, sometimes三个频度副词的用法. 2、本课时的部分对话及四会单词、词组 教学重点: 1.Specific vocabulary: 能够针对具体情况正确使用usually,often,sometimes三个频度副词. 2.Specific target setences: 学生能听懂并会说句型:When do you get up/ eat breakfast/…? I usually… at…并能在实际情景中运用. 3.Specific functional exponents: 学生学会表达一天中不同时间段内学习和生活起居情况. 教学难点: 正确、流畅地运用频度副词 教学准备Source of material: 录音机 教学图片挂钟卡片课件, 同步练习册 Teacher’s steps Student’s steps Purpose 执教者补充 Step1 Warm-up 看动作猜短语 教师将全班学生分为两组,每组选派一名代表上讲台表演,教师向该学生出示动词卡片,各组学生根据他/她的表演猜测动作名称,并把短语拼读出来,相同时间内猜对动作名称多的一组为胜. Step2 Preview Let’s try Guess the word: What table has no legs? 引出timetable 教师放Let’s try部分的录音,让学生对新句型在听觉上有所感知,完成听音找对作息时间表的练习. (设计意图:通过Let’s try 的听力练习,让学生初步感知新句型。) Step3 Presentation 1. 由Let’s try 过渡到Let’s talk的教学 T: You know Mike’s timetable, what about Zhang Peng’s and Amy’s timetabe? Now let’s watch TV and answer the question: When do Zhang Peng and Amy go to school? Ss listen to the dialogue and find out the answers. (设计意图:利用任务型教学的形式,让学生带着问题去听,培养学生的听力能力。) 2.Read follow TV, (注意部分词语), read T, read together, read in 2 big groups, read in groups of 2. Try to act it out. ( 设计意图:纠正语音、语调。) 3.Make a new dialogue in pairs. T: Good morning. How are you? When do you get up/…? Oh, your day is so happy. See you. 学生可以根据Let’s talk右边的图画或自己实际的生活改编对话. (设计意图:在操练部分,通过多种方式朗读课文对话后,进入到表演对话,为后面的延伸拓展做准备。) 4.Let’s find out 师示范调查一学生,并填表; Pair work. 师示范作调查汇报,生作调查汇报: My partner gets up at … Step3 Sum up 以下是美国一所小学五年级学生一天的作息时间表,以较有何不同. 7:00 Get up 9:00-10:15 Class meeting/ Reading/ Writing 10:15-10:30 Recess 10:30-12:00 Math/ History/Geography 12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:00-2:15 Science/ Social study/ French 2:15-2:30 Recess 2:30-3:30 Art/ Gym/ Music 3:30 Go home 6:30 Supper 7:30-9:00 Homework/ Watch TV 9:30 Go to bed     思想教育:做一名优秀的中国小朋友不容易,做一名优秀的西方小朋友也不容易. Step5 Homework 抄写对话并改编对话,共3次; 听录音,读课文3次. 完成P6 Make a survey 的课后练习. 学生看着教师出示在卡片上的时间,进行个别表达,再一起表达 Ss : (让学生再次归纳出单词to , past 的正确用法) Ss : ( Read Part B ) (先个别开火车形式朗读,再分组朗读,最后整体朗读) (让学生两人一组进行对话表演) Ss complete it Ss : ( 组织学生复习并朗读at six ) Ss : I get up at ______ . Ss : I get up at ____ . S1 : I go to school at ____ . S2 : She/ He goes to school at ____ . 学生照例进行三人一组表演,再进行全班表演交流 Ss : (组织学生先每句划出一些词组,个读,齐读) Ss : ( Pair Work )   (每个图片学生之间自由问答) Ss : (全班交流,学生看书本图文进行理解与朗读) (学生看图解文) Ss : ( Read the phrases : a busy day , from … to … , in the morning , at night ) Ss : ( learn the new word : night ) Ss : ( 个别学生朗读课文前言部分,小组朗读,齐读) Ss : ( Listen to the tape again ) Ss : ( 分角色Mum , David进行对话的朗读或表演) Ss : (齐读本课的对话教学部分) Ss complete the exercise Do the homework   教案(续写)                   Unit 1 This Is My Day The 3rd Period 教学内容: A.Read and write/Task time 教学目标: 1.Specific vocabulary: go to work,policeman, evening, noon, evening 2.Specific target setences: 能够听说读写句型:When do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. When do you get up? I usually get up at 12:00 at noon. 3.Specific functional exponents: 理解对话含义并能灵活运用于实践. 教学重点: 熟练运用本课所学重点句型,并能理解句型 : We need to…掌握的相关动词短语的知识,展开这一课的阅读教学.这篇文章的趣味点是The policemen get up at 12:00 noon. He goes to work at 9:00 in the evening. 教学难点: 熟练运用本课所学重点句型,并能理解句型 : We need to… 教学准备: 1 教具准备Source of material: 课件, 卡片, 同步练习册 模型钟 , 多媒体课件 , 录音机 , 磁带 2 板书准备 Teacher’s steps Student’s steps Purpose执教者补充 Step1 Warm-up 1.Game:谁的反应快? ( T: Now let’s play a game. Boys, when you see the blue word,stand up and say; Girls, when you see the red word,stand up and say. Let’s see who is quickly. Are you ready? ) 快速出现不同的时间, 活动的短语,如:7:00, 9:30, 8:15, 4:00, 6:20, 12:00, 3:45;in the morning; in the afternoon;in the evening; go to work;eat dinner;go home;eat breakfast;go to bed;get up;play sports. (设计意图:将全班分成两大组,利用学生的竞争意识去提高参与课堂活动的主动积极性,一为了活跃课堂气氛,二为了复习时间活动短语,让学生初步感知新课内容,为下文作铺垫。) Step2 Preview 演讲比赛: My day( 对make a survey 作汇报). 学生两人一组一问一答互相配合,向全班表述自己的作息时间. Step3 Presentation 1.T: You’re so clever. But some people go to bed at 7:00 in the morning. Do you know why? Who are they? Let’s go and see. 第一次阅读:学生快速阅读, 让学生了解文章的大概内容,获取关键信息. 2.T shows some pictures: go to work, go to bed, eat dinner, play sports. Students say the phrases. Then read the dialogue and find out the time. 第二次阅读:获取警察叔叔具体的作息时间. Finish his timetable on the book. 3. Read again, tick or cross. Why?返回原文划出答案 ①The man is a doctor. ②The policeman get up at 7:00 in the morning. ③The policeman goes to work at 9:00 in the morning. ④The policeman goes to bed at 6:30 in the evening. ⑤This is a Policeman’s day. (设计意图:第三次放慢阅读速度,目的是培养学生获取信息,处理信息的能力。通过理解课文的主要内容和细节信息,进行比较作出判断。) 4.Read follow T, read by boys and girls. T:You can understand the text well. Now let’s read follow the TV. Follow T, and by Ss. 5.口头作文 My day Hello! I’m_______. I ________ at_______. I______ at_______. I ______ at ______. I _____ at ______. I like my day. 6.完成同步练习册相关练习. Step4 Sum up Summarize what we have learned in this lesson. Step5 Homework 抄写并读课文;完成Task time,并在小组内作汇报. Step6板书设计 What time is it ? It’s … It’s time for class. It’s time for breakfast. It’s time for dinner. It’s time for bed. Ss Say a rhyme “A clock S1: It’s… It’s time to …\ It’s time for … S: It’s time to have class. S: It’s time to have breakfast. S: It’s time to have dinner. S: It’s time to go to bed . Review: have breakfast, go to bed… S2: I go to school at twenty past seven. S3: I have dinner at quarter past six. S: He is brushing his teeth. 学生朗读 。 学生试着背诵。 学生分角色表演。 学生作答 。.S 1: They are playing chess. S: It’s six . Ss : It’s time to play chess. Review : get up , have breakfast , go to bed … Ss work in pairs ,and talk about the pictures . Ss say the time out quickly: It’s twenty past seven. It’s time for school. Ss : It’s … Yes , I do . Ss learn to say . S: It’s a quarter to twelve. 学生边看图片边听录音 学生带着问题去听 。 让学生跟读磁带。 学生齐声朗读 。 让学生分角色表演对话 。 学生模仿这部分对话 , 编一段对话 ,并且请学生表演 。                   Unit 7After school 主备人: 课时: 本单元共5课时 本课为第4课时 教学内容: <<牛津小学英语5B>>Unit 7 A busy day 第四课时课文(Read and say)的第三部分. 教学目标: 1、掌握句型 I want to … . Do you want to join me ?及其回答Yes , I do ./ No , (I don’t ) . 2、掌握四会单词really , 识读句型You’re really busy . I’m tired . 3、熟读并背诵Part A(Read and say ). 4、运用所学句型完成Part D(Work in pairs)的看图说话 教学重点: 正确听、说、读、写四会句型I want to … 教学难点: 正确听、说、读、写四会句型I want to … 教学准备: 多媒体课件,句型贴条, 录音机, 磁带 。   Teacher’s steps Student’s steps Purpose   A Free talk and revision (约5分钟) 1) Greeting . 2)(出示钟面)T: What time is it ? (12:40) 配合时间复习动作。(此处出现动作图片,请学生任选一个作出回答。) T:What time is it ?(1:20) 配合时间复习动作,学生回答。(动作图片同上) (师用动作表示时间) T:Look at me. Now I am a clock.. Look . What time is it ? 教师用肢体语言来复习整点(3:00,12:00),半点(6:30),四十五(3:45)。同时配合时间复习动作,学生回答。(动作图片同上) B Say a rhyme(约2分钟) Listen…(播放滴答声)师引出:Tick tock . Tick tock . 集体复习儿歌A clock.. C Do a survey(约22分钟) 1) (师看手表) T:Boys and girls. Now it’s …(师报当时的时间) It’s time for class. (师握一张牌,露一个角)T: What’s in my hand, guess ? T: Yes, It’s a card . I want to play cards . Let’s play cards, ok ? (师请一位同学一起打牌) (问另一学生)T:Do you want to join us ? 同样的方法再问其他的同学,并邀请他们打牌,同时教师出示句型: I want to play cards. Do you want to join me ? 领读两~三遍。集体朗读,个别朗读。(板书句型) 2)(师拨指针)T:Now, what time is it ? It’s time to play table tennis . 继续复习句型 I want to … Do you want to join me ? 请学生和老师一起打乒乓球,运用句型 Do you want to join me ? 邀请其他学生参加进来。(此时游戏中老师退出) 3)T:I want to doing some exercise . Do you want to join me ? (问打球的学生)请学生回答出:No , I don’t . 师继续问 What are you doing ? 学生: I’m playing table tennis . 鼓励学生连起来回答:No , I’m playing table tennis . 此处引出 tired . T: I’m tired . Are you tired ? S: Yes , I’m tired too . 板书并学习句型 I’m tired. 4)再次集体复习一遍句型I want to … Do you want to join me ? 及其回答 Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. 出现part D中的第1,4两幅图,复习巩固所学句型,教学中引出句型You’re really busy . 教授并板书 。 5)复习part A的早晨,中午部分。 T:Now , I want to watch TV . Do you want to watch TV ? 师生一起看屏幕,复习part A的早晨、中午部分。 (出现课文第一部分早晨的画面及部分提示词)T:What day is it today ? Please recite the text according to the key words. 同法复习课文的第二部分中午。 6)新授课文第三部分晚上 T:Look at the clock . What time is it ? T: What is Nancy doing ? What is David doing ? Let’s listen to the tape together . 集体听录音,并跟读两到三遍。 D Practice and act(约10分钟) 1)出现 part D的图2,3,操练句型,替换新学课文第三部分晚上,给出句型提示: A:I want to … .Do you want to …, ×××? B:Yes , I do , but I’m … . A:You’re really busy today. B:Yes, I’m tired , too. 2)给出各种动作图片,请学生自由地进行组合,根据句型提示进行操练。 E Assign homework(约1分钟) 1、熟背课文。 2、抄写、背诵四会单词。 3、将所学句型运用到和同学平时的交谈中。 S: It’s twenty to one . S:It’s twenty past one . S:It’s three o’clock.. Ss learn to say the rhyme S: It’s a card . S: Yes , I do. Ss learn to say : I want to play cards. Do you want to join me ? Ss:No , I don’t . Ss : I’m playing table tennis Ss: No , I’m playing table tennis . Ss learn to say: I’m tired. 学生根据提示词,熟读并背诵课文的第一部分。 Review the text. Listen and follow it Ss practice Ss work in pairs                       Unit 7After school 主备人: 课时: 本单元共5课时 本课为第5课时 教学内容: <<义务教育课程标准实验教科书.牛津小学英语>>5B第七单元第五教时(Look and read, Look and guess 和 Listen and repeat) 教学目标: 1 通过复习,要求学生能熟练地掌握本单元所学的有关时间表达方法。 2 熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。 3 进一步掌握时间的表达方法并能和日常生活联系起来。 4 了解字母组合ar在单词中的读音。 教学重点: 1 能正确地听,说,读,写句型 What time is it? 及其回答 It's ... . 2 能正确掌握一般现在时第三人称单数动词的变化形式。 教学难点: 较熟练掌握一般现在时第三人称单数动词的变化形式。 教学准备: 1 教具准备 a 课前准备有关部分的多媒体课件或图片。 b 一张用硬纸板制作的钟面。 c 录音机和磁带。 2 教学准备:让学生自带一张自己做的钟面。 3 板书准备 a 预先写好课题 Unit 7 A busy day b 预先画好两张空白表格 Teacher’s steps Student’s steps Purpose A Free talk and revision (约2分钟) 教师在上课铃声响了以后再走进教室,故意做出很匆忙的样子,说: T: Sorry, I am late. What time is it? T: Oh, it's time for class. Boys and girls, let's begin our class. B Say a rhyme (约3分钟) 让学生有节奏地跟着拍子说绕口令:A clock 边说边做动作。(幻灯片2) C Lead in (约8分钟) 1 教师出示事先准备好的时钟幻灯片6:45,7:40,8:30,11:45 ,5:00,9:30 几个和学生日常生活有关的时间,让他们说出这几个时间的表达法。(幻灯片3-8) 如:T: What time is it ? 2 小组讨论这几个时间该做什么事情,互相进行交流,然后进行对话。(幻灯片9-13) 如:T: What do you do at 7:40? 3 教师根据学生所说内容设计一张表格写在黑板上。(表格1) Time What to do ? 6:45 I get up. 7:40 I go to school. 8:30 Classes begin. 11:45 I have lunch. 5:00 I come home. 9:30 I go to bed.     D  Look and read (约12分钟) 1  教师以一段话引出Sam的一天,学习Look and read.教师说:We are busy everyday, our friend Sam also has a busy day. He is busy from morning to night.然后出示Sam的一天活动的六张图片(幻灯片14-19) 2  学生理解整个有关Sam 的一天的活动后一起完成另一张表格。(表格2) Time What to do ? 6:45 Sam gets up. 8:00 Sam goes to school. 8:30 Classes begin. 11:40 Sam has lunch. 5:50 Sam comes home. 9:00 Sam goes to bed.     3  利用多种形式展示图片内容,学生同桌之间运用对话形式操练句型。(幻灯片14-19) E  Look  and guess (约8分钟) 1  让两名学生站在讲台前面,一名学生说时间,另一名学生根据时间做相应的动作,台下的学生用一般现在时第三人称单数句式完整地描述出学生所做的动作,如:He brushes his teeth at ten past six. 2  在小组范围内开展游戏活动.把学生分成三人一组,其中一人挂者设计有时针的钟面,用左右手分别表示时针和分针,另外一个学生做动作,让其他同学猜他们所演示的时间和动作,如:She washes clothes at ten to three. F  Listen and repeat (约6分钟) (幻灯片20-21) 1  教师以休息的方式展开语音部分的教学.教师说: Boys and girls ,we are very busy ,let's have a rest. It's time for the party.然后出示图片,问: Where is the party? 2  让学生找出所学过的其他含有字母组合ar并且发音相同的单词,如:bar, card, art, market, arm, farm, large, garden 并试着用这些单词造句,而且每句话中必须包含两个或两个以上的上述单词。如:Let's play cards in the large garden. G  Assign homework(约1分钟) (幻灯片22) 1  抄写本单元所学单词,词组和句型,并能默写。 2  能够熟读 Look and read 并能根据自己的实际生活写一段话。 S: It's ... Ss say the rhyme S: It's 7:40. (Ss practice with teacher) S: We go to school at 7:40. 学生边看边听录音 Ss complete the table Ss work in pairs: 如:A: What time is it ?  B: It's a quarter to seven. A: What does Sam do at a quarter to seven? B: He gets up at a quarter to seven. 学生观察图片后回答:It's at Star Park.教师顺势问:How to go to the park? 并做出开车的姿势,学生便说:Let's go to the park by car.最后将car, park, party, star写在黑板上,其中ar用红色字体标出。 听录音,跟读单词和句子。                  
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