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河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(定稿)(1)河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(定稿)(1) ,试行, 河 南 省 卫 生 厅 二?一一年六月 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, p...
河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价(定稿)(1) ,试行, 河 南 省 卫 生 厅 二?一一年六月 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评价医院: 评价时间: 年 月 日 评 价 项 目 分 值 实 得 分 得 分 率(%) 一、组织领导常态化 120 二、人员配置科学化 120 三、责任护理整体化 130 四、分级护理标准化 150 五、技术服务规范化 50 六、工作排班弹性化 50 七、护患沟通亲情化 30 八、保障措施制度化 200 九、医疗安全最大化 100 十、服务效果最优化 50 共 计 1000 评价专家: 1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning prup planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow2 河南省优质护理服务“十化”考评结果汇总表 组织领导人员配置责任护理分级护理技术服务工作排班护患沟通保障措施医疗安全服务效果应实得常态化科学化整体化标准化规范化 弹性化 亲情化 制度化最大化最优化 得得分(120分) (120分) (130分) (150分) (50分) (30分) (50分) (200分) (100分) (50分) 分 分 率% 医疗机构 应实应实应实应实应实应实应实应实应实应实得得得得得得得得得得得得得得得得得得得得 分 分 分 分 分 分 分 分 分 分 分 分 分 分 分 分 分 分 分 分 评价标准(1000分) of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 一、组织领导常态化 120 1、医院领导高度重视优质护15 1、医院成立由院长任组长的优质护理服务工作领导小组~将优质护理未成立领导小组不得分~人员组理服务工作~实行一把手负责 服务工作作为“一把手工程”列入重要议事日程,人员组成合理~及时召成不合理、原始记录不完善各扣制~建立长效机制~使之常态 开会议~研究、协调解决护理工作存在的问 3分 化、制度化、规范化~促进工 查阅医院文件和会议记录 作有效落实(50分) 15 2、落实院长查房制度~院领导定期进行行政查房和业务查房,每月不少一次扣1分~查房记录不完善 少于1次,~听取意见~针对推广优质护理服务工作存在问题制定切实可行扣3分~一次整改措施未落实扣 的改进措施 2分 查阅院长查房记录和办公会记录等~核查整改措施落实情况 10 3、制定并有效落实医院优质护理服务的工作或工作方案~有明确无工作计划或工作方案不得分~ 的进度安排 计划,方案,未结合医院实际或 查阅工作计划或工作方案及落实情况 工作落实不到位各扣2分 10 4、医院各部门分工明确~制定并落实工作措施 无部门分工不得分~分工不明确 重点核查医院药剂科、设备,器械,科、输血科、消毒供应中心、营扣5分~一个部门无工作措施扣 养科、检验科、医学影像、后勤和各职能部门分工及工作措施 2分~扣完为止 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning prup planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the4 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 2、根据《护士条例》和医院15 1、实行院长领导下的护理部主任负责制~院领导定期听取护理工作汇一项做不到扣3分 的功能任务~建立完善的护理 报~研究解决护理工作中的问题,护理部分工合理、职责明确~实行护理部 管理组织体系、护理规章制 主任、科护士长、病区护士长三级护理管理 度、临床护理工作规范、工作 现场询问护理管理人员~查阅文件、相关资料及记录 标准、护士岗位职责、疾病护 理常规及护理技术操作规程15 2、建立健全护理规章制度、常用临床护理技术服务规范、各类疾病护无全院护理工作规范扣3分~制等,探索实施护士岗位管理~ 理常规、临床护理技术操作规程,基础、专科,~并及时修订完善 度、疾病护理常规未及时完善扣2落实护理管理职能 (50分) 抽查护理部、各病区护理规章制度、各类疾病护理常规、技术操作规分~一个病区缺一种扣1分 程的建立和完善情况 10 3、建立健全护士岗位责任制~明确责任护士岗位职责、工作标准和质一项未健全或未明确扣2 分~一 量考核标准~探索实施护士岗位管理 人未掌握或掌握不全面扣 1分 随机提问护理部主任,副主任,、2个病区护士长、责任护士2人对岗 位职责、工作标准等的掌握情况 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 10 4、根据医院实际制定护理工作发展规划和年度工作计划 无发展规划或工作计划 抽查护理工作发展规划和年度工作计划,提问护理部工作人员对护理工作发不得分~规划或计划未结 展规划和年度工作计划的掌握情况 合医院实际或落实不力 各扣2分 3、建立医院护理质量可追溯10 1、建立医院护理质量三级质控体系~完善医院护理质量评价标准,定期对一项不符合要求扣2分 机制及持续改进长效机制~确 医院护理质量进行监督、检查、评价和指导~体现护理质量的持续改进 保护理质量持续改进( 20分) 查阅相关资料~抽查护理部、科室及病区对护理质量的检查评价及对护理质量 缺陷跟踪监控记录 10 2、建立护理不良事件报告制度~及时总结、分析并反馈护理不良事件发生一项不符合要求扣2分 的类别、频次及严重性,采取前瞻性的防范措施~确保医疗安全 抽查相关制度及护理部、科室及病区护理不良事件上报及讲评记录 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning pr6 二、人员配置科学化 120 1、认真贯彻实施《护士条60 1、严格按照国务院《护士条例》、卫生部《关于加强医院临床护理工作的通知》一线护士小于95%不得例》及有关要求~注重和加 及《河南省医疗机构护理岗位设置及人员配置标准》~根据医院功能任务、护理工作分~一个病区护士配置不强临床护士队伍建设~合理 量、患者病情、病床使用率和病床周转次数合理配置护士~护士数量满足工作需要 达标扣10分 调整护士队伍结构和护理 ,1,临床一线护士占全院护士总数比例的?95% 人力资源~确保临床一线护 ,2,全院病区护士与实际开放病床之比?0.4:1 士配置到位 (100分) ,3,儿科、神经内科、神经外科、新生儿病区护士与床位之比?0.6:1 ,4,重症医学科护士与重症监护病床之比达到?3:1 ,5,产房待产床与助产人员之比为2:1 产房分娩床与助产人员之比为1:2 ,6,手术室护士与手术台之比?3:1 麻醉恢复室床位与护士之比为1:1 ,7,血液净化室透析床与护士之比为1:1 ,8,急诊科固定的急诊护士不少于在岗护士的75, ,9,消毒供应中心,室,总人数与病区实际开放床位之比3:100 查医院护理人力资源配置方案、全院护士岗位设置及分布、所占比例及部分病区 护理人员配置情况 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 20 2、病区每名责任护士平均负责患者数量不超过8人,一级护理患者较一个病区责任护士平均负责患者 多的病区~护士配置适当增加~满足提高护理质量和护理安全需要 数量超过8人或一个病区护士配 实地核查各病区责任护士平均负责患者数量及护士配置是否满足工作置不能满足工作需要各扣3分~ 需要 20 3、护理部掌握全院护理岗位设置及护士分布情况~根据临床工作需要做不到不得分,一个科室或病区做 对全院护士进行合理配置和调配,科护士长、病区护士长分别在科室、病不到扣5分~一次未及时调配扣 区层面根据护理工作量及病区临床实际开放床位合理调配护士 2分 随机抽查护理部、科室、病区护士调配记录及相关资料 2、根据医院功能任务建立15 1、医院须建立机动护士人力资源库~三级医院需同时建立急危重症患未建立机动护士人力资源库或无机动护士人力资源库~有紧 者护理人力库~满足临床应急及监护急危重症患者工作需要 机动护理人员储备均不得分,储备急状态下对护理人力资源 查机动护士人力资源库建立及机动人员储备、调配情况 护理人员一次不能调配扣3分 调配的预案 (20分) 5 2、医院有承担突发公共卫生事件及根据患者数量、病种、时间、季节无预案不得分 等对护理人力资源进行调配的预案 核查医院相关预案 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 三、责任护理整体化 130 ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning prup planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint 8 1、建立护士分层级管理模式~ 建立健全并落实护士分层级和岗位职责 无制度、岗位职责均不得分~护理 将护理岗位职责、技术要求与10 1、护理部对全院护士实行分层级管理~护士长根据护士的工作能力、部或临床科室、病区未实施护士分护士的分层级管理有机结合~ 专业技术职务、工作年限、学历水平~制订与其能级相对应的岗位职责、层级管理各扣3分 充分发挥不同层级护士的作 工作任务 用 (30分) 20 2、依据护士分层级管理制度~病区护士长结合临床实际情况~对护 士进行合理分工~根据护士的工作经验、技术能力将不同病情轻重、护理 难度和技术要求的患者给责任护士~危重患者由年资高、能力强的护士负 责~体现能级对应 核查护士分层级管理制度、岗位职责落实情况 2、改革护理工作模式~病区30 1、病区实施责任制整体护理工作模式~责任护士职责明确~并熟悉未实施责任制整体护理工作模式实施责任制整体护理工作模 每日工作流程。责任护士负责患者从入院到出院全面护理服务~提供专业不得分~一个病区责任护士职责不式,责任护士履行岗位职责~ 照顾、病情观察、治疗处置、心理支持、健康教育和康复指导等各项护理清晰扣3分~一名责任护士不熟悉对患者提供全面、全程、连续 工作 每日工作流程或岗位职责、工作落的护理服务 (70分) 随机查看临床病区责任护士职责~提问责任护士对每日工作流程是实不到位各扣2分 否熟知,走访患者~了解责任护士工作落实情况 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 30 2、责任护士熟知住院患者基础护理服务项目及工作规范、临床护理质量考核标一位责任护士不知晓或不能 准~熟悉所负责患者的基本个人信息、病情观察重点、治疗要点、主要护理问题、饮熟练掌握扣3分 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 食和营养状况和身体自理能力等情况 随机提问责任护士是否熟知住院患者基础护理服务项目及工作规范、临床护理质 量考核标准,对照责任护士分管患者病历~了解对患者的病情、观察重点、治疗要点、 护理问题、饮食和营养状况、自理能力等掌握情况 10 3、责任护士能够根据专科特点和患者的需要~为患者提供人性化服务 一位责任护士做不到扣2分 随机走访责任护士分管患者~了解提供护理服务情况 3、注重延伸和拓展专科10 1、及时建立完善医院各科疾病护理常规和专科护理技术操作规程~并组织实施 未及时修订完善各扣5分~未护理~丰富护理服务内 核查护理部各科疾病护理常规和专科护理技术操作规程是否及时完善 有效落实扣5分 涵~落实疾病护理常规~ 满足现代医学的发展和10 2、建立健全并实施专科护士和专业岗位培训计划 无培训计划不得分~一类专科患者的需求 (30分) 重点核查重症医学科、手术部,室,、急诊科、消毒供应、护理管理等专科护士护士或专业岗位培训计划未 和专业岗位培训计划及落实情况,抽查培训证书 落实扣3分 10 3、临床护理服务体现专科特色~将基础护理与专科护理有机结合 专科护理措施未落实扣3分~ 现场查看专科护理措施落实情况及专科护理记录„以抽查病危,病重,护理记录专科护理记录未体现专科特 为主? 色扣3分 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 四、分级护理标准化 150 joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning prup planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.710 1、落实卫生部《综合医院分10 1、临床各病区结合专科特点细化分级护理标准和服务项目~并在醒目位置一个病区未细化或未公示分级级护理指导原则,试行,》~结 公示,含服务投诉电话、意见箱、电子信箱, 护理标准和服务项目各扣2分~ 合医院实际~细化分级护理标 随机抽查临床各病区公示的分级护理标准和服务项目是否结合专科收治患未体现专科特点扣2分 准~公示并落实基础护理、专 者特点 科护理服务项目~引入患者和 社会参与评价的机制(40分) 30 2、分级护理标准落实到位~基础护理体现专业化、规范化、精细化 责任护士对分级护理标准不掌 危重患者护理应达到: 握1人次扣2分~措施落实不到 ——患者面部、口腔、头发,胡须,、皮肤、会阴、指,趾,甲清洁无异味 位1人次扣2分 ——床单位清洁、干燥、平整、舒适、无渣屑 ——各类管道通畅、位置正确~无折叠、扭曲、受压、滑脱 ——患者卧位符合疾病护理要求 ——病情观察及时、准确 ——护理措施到位~无因护理不当发生的并发症,如压疮、烫伤、灼伤、坠 床等, ——护理级别、饮食种类等做到三统一,医嘱、床头卡、患者一览表, 随机提问病区责任护士对分级护理标准的掌握情况~实地查看责任护士对 特护或一级护理患者基础护理与专科护理措施落实情況 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 2、责任护士掌握所负责患10 1、责任护士掌握所负责患者疾病的诊疗、护理相关信息~有效开展健康教育、一人未掌握扣3分~回 者疾病的诊疗护理相关信 康复指导~提供心理护理 答不完善扣1分 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 息~能够及时与医师沟通~ —— 一般资料,床号、姓名、性别、年龄、主管医师, 患者的护理级别与病情和 —— 主要诊断„第一诊断? 自理能力相符 (20分) —— 主要病情,住院原因、目前身体状况~临床表现、饮食、睡眠、活动情况、 大小便、心理状况等, —— 治疗措施,主要用药及目的、手术名称及手术日期, —— 主要辅助检查的阳性结果 —— 主要护理问题及护理措施 —— 病情变化的观察重点 现场提问责任护士对患者的病情、诊疗、护理及健康教育等相关信息的掌握情况 10 2、患者的护理级别与病情和自理能力相符合 随机抽查运行病历并访视患者,核查护理级别与患者病情和自理能力是否相符, 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 3、贯彻执行《河南省医疗 按照《河南省医疗机构表格式护理文书书写规范,试行,》,豫卫医护理级别与病情、自理能力不相符~ 机构表格式护理文书书写 „2011?106号,~结合实际制定医院护理文书书写规范实施细则、质量控每发现1处扣1分 up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning pr12 规范,试行,》~结合专科 制及考核标准~完善各专科护理记录,简化并缩短书写时间~原则上每班 特点设计表格式护理文书~ 次书写时间?30分钟。护理部对全院护理文书定期进行质量检查、分析评 简化并缩短书写时间 价和反馈~有记录 (20分) 5 1、检查医院护理文书书写规范实施细则、质量考核标准及奖惩措施~缺一项1分~监控记录不完善扣 1分 核查护理部对全院护理文书的监控记录 5 2、随机抽查临床病区及部分重点科室护理记录单书写 一处书写不规范扣1分 5 3、随机抽查临床各科护士长对运行病历中护理文书书写质量控制情况 一个病区未有效进行质控扣2分 5 4、随机抽调病案室归档病案中护理文书~核查并评估书写质量 一处书写不规范扣1分 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 4、贯彻落实卫生部《重症医10 1、重症医学科:贯彻落实卫生部《重症医学科建设与管理指南,试行,》 学科建设与管理指南》、《急诊 ,1,制定并落实重症医学科护理规章制度、专科疾病护理常规、专科护理技术一项未结合专科特点修订科建设与管理指南》等~重点 操作规程及岗位职责~定期逐级进行考核、评价 完善扣1分~一项落实不到部门护士具备相应资质~掌握 随机抽查ICU、CCU、NICU、PICU、RICU、EICU等的护理规章制度、专科疾病护位扣1分 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 必需的基本技能、专业技术~ 理常规、专科护理技术操作规程、岗位职责及落实情况 具备实际工作能力 (70分) 10 ,2,必备设施和抢救物品符合要求: 少一件或一件未处于应急 便携式监护仪 便携式呼吸机 状态各扣0.5分 心电图机 血气分析仪 除颤仪 纤维支气管镜 呼吸机 升降温设备 简易呼吸器,复苏呼吸气囊, 备有喉镜 气管插管,气管套管, 心肺复苏抢救车 各种管道接头 急救药品以及其它抢救用物 每张监护床配备床旁监护系统~可进行心电图、脉搏、血氧饱和度、有创压力监 测等基本生命体征~监护仪器、设备处于应急状态~抢救物品固定地点存放 核查必备设施和抢救物品是否符合要求 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 10 ,3,重症医学科护士熟练掌握常见危重症患者,儿童、新生儿,的重症监一人操作不达标扣1分 护专业技术 —— 输液泵/微量注射泵使用技术 —— 氧气吸入技术 up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning pr14 —— 心电监测及除颤技术 —— 经口、鼻吸痰技术 —— 使用呼吸机气管插管,气管切开吸痰技术 —— 简易呼吸器应用技术 —— 胸部物理治疗技术 —— 危重症患者抢救配合技术 现场检查护士长及护士护理技术操作,90分合格, 10 ,4,重症医学科护理人员具备相应资质并掌握必须的基本技能~护理措施一人次不具备相应资质扣0.5分~ 落实到位 一项不掌握或回答不熟练各扣1分 —— 各系统疾病重症患者的护理 —— 重症医学科的医院感染预防与控制 —— 重症患者的疼痛护理 —— 重症监护患者的心理护理等 现场核查护理人员排班表~现场检查护士实际工作能力并随机提问相关知识 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 2、急诊科:贯彻落实卫生部《急诊科建设与管理指南,试行,》 5 ,1,建立健全急诊科护理规章制度、专科护理常规、急救护理技术操作规一项未结合专科特点修订完善扣1分~ 程及岗位职责 一项落实不到位扣2分 随机抽查急诊科护理规章制度、专科疾病护理常规、专科护理技术操作规程、 岗位职责及落实情况 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 4 ,2,急诊科护理人员相对固定并具备相应资质 一人次不具备相应资质扣0.5分 核查护理人员排班表及相关资料 8 ,3,急诊抢救室的各种抢救仪器设备、物品和药品处于应急状态~抢救设急救设备和药品一处不达标扣1分~必 备完好率达到100% 备抢救物品缺失一种,类,扣0.5分 ——心电图机、心脏起搏/除颤仪、心脏复苏机、简易呼吸器、呼吸机、心 电监护仪、负压吸引装置、固定和便携式给氧设备、洗胃机、便携式超声仪和床 旁X线机~根据需要配备血液净化和快速床旁检验设备 ——急救搬动、转运器械~各种基本手术器械 现场实地核查急诊科抢救室急救设备、设施是否正常使用~抢救药品、物品 是否齐备并处于应急状态~抢救设备完好率是否达到100% 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 8 ,4,急诊护士熟练掌握常见危重症患者的病情观察和急救护理技术 一项不掌握或操作不熟练各扣1分 ? 应掌握的技术和技能: —— 急诊护理工作内涵及流程~急诊分诊,概念、分诊程序及分诊原则, —— 常见危重症的急救护理 —— 创伤患者的急救护理 —— 急诊危重症患者的监护技术及急救护理操作技术 —— 急诊科各种抢救设备、物品及药品的应用和管理 —— 急诊患者心理护理要点及沟通技巧 up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning pr16 —— 突发事件和群伤的急诊急救配合、协调和管理 —— 急诊科医院感染预防与控制原则 ? 熟练掌握以下急救护理操作技能: —— 心肺复苏技术 —— 人工呼吸机监护技术 —— 人工气道管理技术 —— 输液泵/微量注射泵使用技术 —— 氧气吸入技术 —— 心电监测及除颤技术 —— 经口、鼻吸痰技术 —— 使用呼吸机气管插管,气管切开吸痰技术 —— 简易呼吸器应用技术 —— 洗胃技术 —— 三腔两囊管操作及护理技术 现场抽查护士长和护士急救技术和急救护理操作技能掌握情况,90分合格, 5(5) 急诊留观室护士能够规范地实施对患者的安全管理、病情观察和治疗等措施 一人次不到位扣1分 现场抽查急诊留观室护士对患者的病情掌握及护理情况 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 五、技术服务规范化 50 贯彻执行卫生部《基础护理服 依据卫生部《基础护理服务工作规范》和《常用临床护理技术服务规基础护理服务工作规范和常用临务工作规范》和《常用临床护 范》~结合医院及临床工作实际完善医院基础护理服务工作规范和常用临床护理技术服务规范未及时完善理技术服务规范》等~加强临 床护理技术服务规范~工作目标明确~技术服务规范~达到预期服务效果 扣3分~一人操作不达标扣2分 床护理工作~规范护理行为~ 改善护理服务~保证护理质量 20 1、 医院基础护理服务工作规范涵盖以下内容: of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 (50分) ,1,整理床单位 ,10,失禁护理 ,2,面部清洁和梳头 ,11,床上使用便器 ,3,口腔护理 ,12,留置尿管的护理 ,4,会阴护理 ,13,温水擦浴 ,5,足部清洁 ,14,协助更衣 ,6,协助患者进食/水 ,15,床上洗头 ,7,协助患者翻身及有效咳痰 ,16,指/趾甲护理 ,8,协助患者床上移动 ,17,安全管理 ,9,压疮预防及护理 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 30 2、医院常用临床护理技术服务规范涵盖以下内容: ,1,患者入院护理 ,13,密闭式静脉输血技术 ,2,患者出院护理 ,14,静脉留置针技术 ,3,生命体征监测技术 ,15,静脉血标本的采集技术 ,4,导尿技术 ,16,静脉注射技术 ,5,胃肠减压技术 ,17,肌内注射技术 ,6,鼻饲技术 ,18,皮内注射技术 2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning prup planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the18 ,7,灌肠技术 ,19,皮下注射技术 ,8,氧气吸入技术 ,20,物理降温法 ,9,雾化吸入疗法 ,21,经鼻/口腔吸痰法 ,10,血糖监测 ,22,经气管插管/气管切开吸痰法 ,11,口服给药技术 ,23,心电监测技术 ,12,密闭式周围静脉输液技术 ,24,输液泵/微量注射泵的使用技术 基础护理、常用临床护理技术操作合格率?95% 检查医院基础护理服务工作规范和常用临床护理技术服务规范完善情况~随机抽考护理 管理人员及责任护士基础护理、常用临床护理技术操作,基础护理操作90分合格,专科护理 技术操作85分合格, 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 六、工作排班弹性化 30 1、兼顾临床需要和护士意愿、10 1、护士排班体现责任制整体护理模式~兼顾临床需要、患者护理分级、一个病区护士排班未兼顾临床需要合理调整排班方式、减少交接 病情、护理难度、技术要求和护士意愿等要素~合理调整排班方式~减少和护士意愿扣2分,核准存在单人班次数。调整后排班有利于责 交接班次数~实行个性化排班~每位护士均有固定分管的患者,白班和夜单班现象~每发现1处扣3分,核 任护士为患者提供全程、连续10 班护士数量满足临床工作需要 查排班不利于责任护士为患者提供的责任制护理 ( 20分) 全程、连续的责任制整体护理扣2of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 2根据病区工作特点~增加治疗、护理高峰时间段、夜班护士人力~分 增强护理服务能力~保持各班人数和技术力量的均衡性和连续性~保证护 理质量和患者安全 抽查临床各病区护士排班表及护理人员弹性管理情况是否有利于责任 护士为患者提供全程、连续的责任制护理 2、医院各部门、相关科室围 医院药剂科、消毒供应中心、医疗废物暂存处、后勤服务等部门和科室实一个部门或科室不能满足临床实际10 绕开展优质护理服务实行弹行弹性排班~满足临床工作和患者需要 需要扣3分 性排班~满足临床及患者需求 随机征求并询问临床科室意见~核查相关部门,科室,排班表 (10分) 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 七、护患沟通亲情化 50 2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning prup planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the20 1、执行《河南省医务人员规5 1、护理人员在加强护理专业知识和技能学习的同时~医院应注重护一位患者?家属对护理服务不满范服务守则》~尊重患者的权 理人员美学、心理学、管理学、教育学、传播学等知识的培训与学习~使意扣3分,核准确为护理人员原因利和人格~以患者的需要为中 护理人员灵活掌握沟通技巧 造成, 心~建立尊重、有礼、和谐、 友善的护患关系 (45分) 8 2、住院时~责任护士主动介绍主管医师、护士长、责任护士~及时 向患者?家属介绍住院须知、病房管理制度~探视,陪伴,制度等~了解 患者需求~建立信任关系 12 3、评估患者~及时观察病情~针对健康问题及时与患者?家属和医 师沟通~并进行有针对性地健康教育、康复指导~提供心理支持~鼓励患 者参与护理措施的实施 10 4、进行基础护理服务时~主动告知患者~做好准备,进行常用临床 护理技术服务操作时~主动告知患者?家属操作的目的及注意事项。使患 者?家属能够知晓告知的事项~积极主动配合 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 5 5、调换主管医师或责任护士时~交接的医师和护士共同与患者沟通~告知调换 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 的原因~介绍接班的医师或护士~了解患者?家属的意见和要求 5 6、出院时征求患者?家属意见~更好改进工作~并告知注意事项、复诊及随访 时间、地点等 现场问询患者?家属对护理服务是否满意 2、通过工休座谈会~患者满5 1、定期召开工休座谈会~对患者提出的意见和建议有记录、有处理结果及反馈意见 工休座谈会记录少一次意度调查~征求患者意见等形 或记录欠规范各扣1分~式了解患者对护理服务的满2、定期对住院患者进行护理服务满意度测评~患者满意度?95% 根据反馈意见无整改措意情况~及时改进工作 施或措施不落实一次扣2 (5分) 3、征求患者意见~及时了解患者需求~不断改进工作 分 查阅工休座谈会记录~随机了解患者对医院及护理工作的反映 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 八、保障措施制度化 200 1、认真贯彻落实《护士条例》~10 1、医院有落实国务院《护士条例》的措施~护士岗位同工同酬: 无措施或护士岗位未做到同工同酬 nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning prup planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-22 加大对临床一线的投入~绩效 ,1,执行国家有关工资、福利待遇等规定 均不得分 薪酬分配向临床一线倾斜~提 ,2,对在本机构从事护理工作的护士~按照国家有关规定足额 高一线护士福利待遇~保证同 缴纳社会保险费用 工同酬~最大限度地调动临床 ,3,对从事直接接触有毒有害物质、有感染传染病危险工作的 一线护理人员积极性( 30分) 护士~按照国家有关规定给予津贴 查人事、财务部门资料及部分科室奖金分配记录 10 2、建立并落实科学的护理人员绩效考核制度及量化考核指标~无绩效考核制度、方案不得分~未 绩效考核体现患者满意、按劳分配、优绩优酬、效率优先、兼顾公平体现相应原则或考核内容不全面各 的原则~以责任护士工作质量、工作量、岗位职责、工作能力、患者扣2分 满意度等为绩效考核内容 5 3、薪酬分配向临床一线护理工作量大、风险较高、技术性强的未向临床一线护理岗位倾斜扣2分 护理岗位倾斜 5 4、建立激励机制:以评优、转编、晋升、外出进修、学习、培无激励措施扣2分,未落实扣1分 训为奖励绩效考核内容 抽查护理部、临床各病区绩效考核制度、方案和有关激励措施及 落实情况~抽查财务科、人事科医院护士工资、奖金情况一览表 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 2、建立健全医院支持保10 医院制定服务患者和临床一线的具体措施~负责接送病人检查、送标本、送物品、一个部门无具体服务 障系统~形成全院工作服 送药,注射、口服药,、物资领取及运送、财务结算等工作~为临床提供及时、便捷、高措施扣3分 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 务于临床的格局~采取有 效的服务,确保优质服务工作规范开展 效措施减少病房护士从 核查相关资料~询问临床医务人员意见 事非护理工作~为患者提 供直接护理服务(135分) 30 1、后勤管理部门 一项措施或工作未落 ,1,后勤服务措施具体 实扣3分,医疗废物 ,2,做到“三下”,下送、下收、下修, 管理欠规范扣5分 ,3,保证“三通”,水通、电通、气通, ,4,及时处理“三漏”,漏水、漏电、漏气,~做到定期巡查~处理及时~保证安全 使用~记录完善 ,5,医疗废物暂存处工作满足临床病区需求~医疗废物初步分类、收集、暂存规范 现场检查具体措施落实情况并查阅相关资料 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评价项目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 30 2、临床药事管理部门: 贯彻落实卫生部、省卫生厅相关文件要求: -search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning prup planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i24 《医疗机构药事管理规定》,卫医政发{2011}11号, 《静脉用药集中调配质量管理规范》,卫办医政发{2010}62号, 《二三级综合医院药学部门基本标准,试行,》,卫医政发{2010}99号, 《河南省卫生厅关于加强医疗机构静脉用药集中调配中心建设和管理和通知》,豫卫 医{2010}126号, ,1,医院设置静脉用药集中调配中心,室,~负责肠外营养液、危害药品和其他静脉无计划、实施方案不得分~未逐 用药的调剂~由药学专业技术人员进行加药混合调配和供应~有计划及实施方案 步落实扣5分 核查医院设置静脉用药集中调配中心,室,的计划、实施方案、具体落实情况 ,2,各临床科室高浓度电解质制剂、肌肉松弛剂与细胞毒性等高危药品须单独存放~一个病区未单独存放或无警示 有医院药事管理部门统一制作的警示标示 标示扣2分 实地查看 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 ,3,住院调剂室,病房药房,提供24小时服务~实行药学专业技术人员口服剂型当日未实行口服剂型单剂量摆药该 单剂量配发药品并送至病区 项不得分,配置口服剂型单剂量 实地核查: 自动包药机并提供规范摆药服of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 ?单剂量摆药设施、设备配置符合要求 务加5分;发现护士摆药一人次 ?药学专业技术人员操作规范 扣5 分 ?服药杯消毒、清洁、干燥保存、备用,周转量,情况 ?临床科室当日口服剂型单剂量摆药存放药品情况 ?检查药学技术人员是否定期到病区了解工作人员在领药、用药和药品管理等方面问 题~查阅相关制度及记录 10 3、 设备科,器械科,: ,1,建立健全医院保障设备处于完好状态的制度、规范及仪器设备应急调配机制 无制度、规范、未建立调配机制 核查制度、规范~检查仪器设备应急调配情况 均不得分~不能及时调配扣2分 ,2,医院各重点部门抢救,监护,仪器、设备运转良好~随时备用 一处未处于备用状态扣2分 实地查看急诊科、重症医学科、手术部,室,、产房、血液净化室等重点部门的急救、 监护仪器、设备使用情况 ,3,工程技术人员定期对临床仪器设备进行检查、维护、保养~保证功能良好~有记录 一次保养及维护不及时扣2分 实地考核工程技术人员对仪器、设备的保养情况及维护记录 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评价项目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 15 4、 营养科 ,1,根据住院患者病情开展营养治疗工作~提供营养配餐、治疗膳食~保证膳食质未提供营养配餐、治疗膳食不得 量及供应~满足临床治疗及患者需要 分~一例治疗膳食未落实扣2分 up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning pr26 随机抽查运行病历中饮食医嘱,治疗膳食,落实情况 ,2,病区有医院统一配备的加热饭菜或保温设施 一个病区未配备扣1分 实地核查 ,3,普及饮食营养知识~积极开展营养咨询、营养健康教育、营养科普宣传~提供三级医院未设置营养门诊不得 营养咨询门诊服务,三级医院, 分~相应工作一项未开展扣1分 现场检查 20 5、医技部门 ,1,临床检验标本由检验部门集中收取~检查报告单有专人及时送至病区,有记录 一项不符合要求扣4分。住院患 ,2,急诊化验、检查,心电图、B超等,:应立即到患者床边采集标本和实施检查 者临床用血由医院具备执业资质 ,3,各种化验、检查程序方便患者~满足临床需要 的人员〔物流工作队〕送到各病 ,4,检验、检查危急值报告临床及时 区加5分 ,5,输血科,血库,工作满足临床及患者需要~医院工作人员送血到病区 现场检查~询问临床一线落实情况并查阅相关资料 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评价项目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 15 6、消毒供应中心 ,1,消毒供应中心工作满足各临床科室需求,统一供应包装规范、标识齐全、有效期内的一次一件不符合要求扣2分 性与非一次性消毒、灭菌器械、器具和物品。消毒、灭菌合格率100,~下收下送工作及时 随机抽查 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 ,2,可复用消毒、灭菌医疗器械,呼吸管路、面罩、湿化罐、口咽通道、吸氧连接管、氧气一件不符合要求扣2分 湿化瓶及通气管、吸氧头罩、简易呼吸器,呼吸气囊及附件,等,须一人一用一消毒,用后交由医 院消毒供应中心统一处理 现场检查 ,3,医院所有可复用诊疗器械,包括外来医疗器械,、器具和物品由消毒供应中心统一回收处发现临床科室在不具备条件下 理~科室不得在不具备条件下自行处理 自行处理一个包扣2分 随机抽查 5 7、护理员管理、使用规范 ,适用于有护理员的病区~如无护理员~该项直接得分, ,1,建立完善的护理员管理制度~严格限定岗位职责 无制度和岗位职责不得分 查医院护理员管理制度、岗位职责 ,2,护理员必须经过专业培训~协助护士完成非技术性护理工作 一人无培训证书扣1分 核查培训证书 ,3,护理员不得单独从事重症患者和新生儿的生活护理~不得从事护理技术工作 发现一人次从事重症监护患者 现场核查有无护理员超范围工作现象 和新生儿的生活术工作不得分 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 3、医院设有护理专项经费~10 1、医院设有护理专项经费~用于护士培训、进修、学习、奖惩等~满未设专项经费不得分并倒扣10 加大对护理基本设施的投入~ 足护士在职继续教育、专科培训需求,专项经费由护理部统一调配、使用分,经费不能满足培训工作需要扣临床护理设备齐全、适用 和管理,护理部有专人负责护士的在职培训~制定本院各级各类护理人员1分~无专人负责在职培训或计划 (25分) 年度培训计划并实施 落实不到位各扣1分 ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning prup planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint 28 核查护理专项经费预算及使用情况~查阅文字资料及培训记录~检查 近3年的护士在职培训工作计划。抽查医院5名护士对在职培训工作的意 见 5 2、医院设有护理示教室~配备必要的教学、技能培训等设备及设施 未设置示教室、未配备必要的教学 实地核查示教室设置及必备教学培训设施设备配置情况~并提问相关设施设备均不得分 人员 10 3、病区基本设备齐全、适用~增加必要的护理设备~如床单位消毒设一个病区护理设备不齐全扣2分 施、输液泵、微量注射泵、洗头用具、生活护理车、晨晚间护理车、流动 护士工作站,车,等~满足患者及护理工作需要 实地检查配置情况 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 4、加强宣传和培训工作~持5 1、注重与新闻媒体的沟通~广泛宣传优质护理服务取得的成效及无任何报道不得分 续推进优质护理服务,10分, 涌现出来的先进事迹和优秀典型 核查相关材料,媒体报道、视频资料、信息简报等, of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 5 2、加强对临床药事、消毒供应、临床输血、临床营养、临床检验、无培训计划、培训资料不 医学影像、后勤部门等涉及推广优质护理服务各部门的负责人、医务人得分~一人不知晓扣2分 员和工作人员的培训~正确理解和了解优质护理服务的目的、工作实质 和具体措施~为实施优质护理提供保障 核查培训计划、材料,含课件,、记录等~并提问相关部门负责人 和工作人员 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 九、医疗安全最大化 100 1、构建科学有效的患者10 1、医院有完整系统的护理质量与安全管理制度及改进方案~定期对各科室及相无制度、改进方案不得分~ 安全保障体系~针对医院 关部门的质量与安全工作进行检查、考核、评价、指导和监督整改,每月至少一次, 缺一次记录扣1分 为患者提供医疗服务的 核查制度、方案及质控评价记录 过程中存在的隐患和问 题~制定并落实医院患者20 2、建立健全并落实医疗护理核心制度 一项医疗护理核心制度未 -search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning prup planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i30 安全管理目标 (80分) 健全与完善各科室,部门,患者身份识别制度~并在各类诊疗活动,特别是关键及时更新完善扣3分~一项 流程、有创操作,中严格执行,建立使用腕带作为识别标识的制度~防止手术患者、制度落实不到位扣2分,一 手术部位及术式发生错误。相关职能部门,医务处[科]、护理部、门诊办等,有督导个职能部门督导不到位或 记录 无记录扣1分 核查有关制度及相关职能部门督导记录 3、做到正确执行医嘱~提高临床用药的安全性 5 ,1,健全紧急抢救急危重症患者时的口头医嘱执行制度~除紧急抢救急危重症一人不知晓扣1分 患者外不得使用口头医嘱 检查医务人员对急、危、重患者抢救时口头医嘱执行制度的掌握情况 10 ,2,护士在抢救患者时执行口头医嘱~应向医师复述~双方确认无误后方可执一人或一处不合格各扣1分 行,建立抢救用药记录本~记录抢救患者时执行口头医嘱的药物名称、剂量、用法及 各项紧急处置的内容和时间~保留抢救用品~事后由医护双方进行确认核查。 检查护士在抢救执行口头医嘱时~是否遵循先与医师复述核对、后执行的原则, 检查抢救用药记录是否齐全~口头医嘱的记录是否全面 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评价项目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 10 4、建立患者坠床、跌倒报告与伤情认定制度和程序~防范患者坠床、跌倒事件的发生。有无制度及预防措施各扣2 特殊情况下,如雨、雪天气等,可能出现跌倒事件的预防措施,在院内有安全隐患的地方,如坡分~一处有隐患扣1分 道、湿滑场所等,设置警示标示、防滑设施或配置专门服务人员进行语言提醒、搀扶等。 核查制度、预防措施等~实地检查 10 5、适时评估住院患者~对有潜在危险行为的患者,心理抑郁、自杀倾向、走失、病情突发一位患者未适时评估扣1分 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 恶化等,进行逐级预警备案~严格交接班~确保各项防护措施落实到位~防止患者住院期间发生 意外 随机抽查运行病历并现场检查 5 6、规范执行皮肤压疮、患者跌倒及导管滑脱等专项护理质量管理制度~提供安全有效的防一个病区无制度、制度落实 护措施。临床各病区有相应的安全标识,防压疮、防跌倒、药物过敏、各种管道、护理级别、饮不到位或无安全标识各扣1 食等,~落实患者告知制度 分 现场检查并巡访患者 10 7、应贯彻执行卫生部《医务人员手卫生规范》~制定并落实手卫生管理制度~配备有效、便一处不符合要求扣1分 捷、符合要求的手卫生设施,包括洗手池、水龙头,水嘴,、流动水、清洁剂、干手用品、手消 毒剂等, 现场检查 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 2、安全保卫组织健全~制度5 1、完善安全保卫管理组织、规章制度和岗位职责~定期对安全保卫制度、职责不健全、未培训、职责完善~人员、设备、设施满足 人员进行相关知识培训 不熟悉各扣0.5分 要求 (20分) 随机提问保卫人员对安全保卫规章制度和岗位职责的知晓情况 5 2、完善医疗服务场所防盗窃、防扒窃、防火灾、防意外情况发生的一处存在缺陷每处扣0.5分 各种安全措施和设施,如监控仪、报警器、消防设施、警示标示等, up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning pr32 现场检查 10 3、加强重点部门、重点区域、危险物品,如药房、检验科、医用氧无制度、记录不完善、存在隐患 舱、氧气供应站、同位素室、放射源、压力容器、生物实验室、配电室、每处扣0.5分 电梯、危险品仓库、建筑工地等,的安全防控工作 查相关规章制度落实、督查巡查记录 河南省优质护理服务“十化”评价标准(1000分) 评 价 项 目 分值 评价要点及方法 判定方法 得分 十、服务效果最优化 50 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 优质护理服务和各项惠民便民 1、患者满意 一项不知晓或不满意医疗护理服务措施有效落实~实 ,1,病房环境温馨~设施人性化,患者或家属对病区环境、设施、秩序、管理各扣5分 现让患者满意、社会满意、政府25 满意 满意~把患者受益作为衡量优质 ,2,患者或家属知晓自己的责任护士、护理级别 护理服务成效的“标尺”(50分) ,3,患者或家属知晓与所患疾病治疗、手术、用药、检查、饮食、康复等相关 的注意事项、常用知识 ,4,患者对责任护士的服务态度、技术水平、服务及时性、服务质量满意 ,5,患者或家属对住院期间的整体护理工作满意 2、医师满意 一项不满意扣1分 5 ,1,医师对责任护士配合满意 ,2,责任护士执行医嘱及时到位 ,3,患者病情观察到位~与医师沟通及时 3、护理服务质量改善 一项做不到扣3分 ,1,责任护士执业、服务行为规范 20 ,2,责任护士护理工作落实到位~不依赖家属或自聘护工护理患者 ,3,责任护士主动关心患者~提供安全、专业、全程、全面、优质的护理服务 ,4,无非护理人员做护理工作~住院患者陪护率明显下降 ,5,基础护理落实率100% ,6,患者满意度提高~责任护士受表扬率提高 实地检查、电话暗访、问卷调查 科护理人员绩效考核记录汇总表 年 月 日 -planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning prup planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.134 总金额 工作量 质量控制 劳动纪律护士仪表 业务学习 服务投诉 姓名 ,40分, ,20分, ,15分, ,15分, ,10分, 按科室实 院方 科内 护士 迟到 科内 院方 院方 科内 考试 院方 科内 际项目计 ,10分, ,10分, 仪表 早退 会议 活动 ,5分, ,5分, 考核 ,6分, ,4分, ,4分, ,5分, ,4分, ,2分, ,5分, 数 金 分 金 分 金次 金 次 金 次 金 次 金 次金次金名金次金次金 量 额 数 额 数 额 数额 数 额 数 额 数 额 数 额 数 额 次 额 数 额 数 额 数 科护理人员绩效考核内容记录 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 姓名: 年 月 日期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 院方 质量 控制 科内 护士 劳动 仪表 纪律 迟到 护士 早退 仪表 科内 会议 院方 活动 院方 业务 科内 学习 考试 院方 服务 科内 投诉 备注 妇产科护理工作量统计表 姓名: 年 月 日期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 入院护理 3分 -nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning prup planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t36 出院护理 4分 各种注射 2分 静脉输液 3分 更换液体 1分 预防接种 2分 输 血 3分 听 胎 心 1分 查 宫 口 2分 新生儿护理2分 会阴护理 3分 导 尿 3分 吸氧 胃肠减压 2分 口腔护理 2分 产后护理 2分 术后护理 3分 健康教育 1分 处理医嘱 1分 备 注 骨科护理工作量统计表 姓名: 年 月 日期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 入院护理 2分 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 出院护理 2分 吸氧、雾化3分 心电监护 3分 冰 帽 3分 各种注射 1分 输 血 3分 静脉输液 2分 换液、拔针1分 膀胱冲洗 2分 胃 管 3分 引 流 管 2分 钉 护 2分 导尿、灌肠3分 康 疗 2分 鼻饲 口护 3分 吸痰 静脉留置3分 备 注 急诊科护理工作量统计表 姓名: 年 月 ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning prup planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, 38 日期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 接诊人次数8分 心电监护 5分 氧气吸入 4分 洗 胃 3分 静脉输液 6分 更换液体 拔针 5分 各种注射 5分 导 尿 灌 肠 胃肠减压 4分 备 注 内二科护理工作量统计表 姓名: 年 月 日期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 入院护理 4分 出院护理 4分 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 各种注射、采血 微量泵 2分 静脉留置 2分 静脉输液 5分 更换液体、 拔针 5分 输 血 1分 心电监护 3分 氧气吸入 3分 雾化吸入 1分 导 尿 2分 尿管护理 2分 吸 痰 1分 口腔护理 2分 置管护理 1分 皮肤护理 1分 灌 肠 1分 备 注 儿科护理工作量统计表 姓名: 年 月 日期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 入院护理 4分 出院护理 2分 joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning prup planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.740 各种注射 采血 2分 静脉留置 2分 静脉输液 5分 更换液体 4分 置管护理 2分 心电监护 1分 氧气吸入 2分 雾化吸入 2分 物理降温 2分 蓝光照射 1分 吸 痰 2分 新生儿护理2分 鼻 饲 2分 灌 肠 2分 处理医嘱 1分 暖 箱 2分 内一科护理工作量统计表 姓名: 年 月 日期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 入院护理 4分 出院护理 3分 各种注射置管 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 护理微量泵3分 静脉输液、输 血、留置针4分 更换液体、 拔针 6分 心电监护 4分 氧气吸入 4分 雾化吸入 1分 导 尿 1分 引流管护理3分 吸 痰 1分 口腔护理 3分 鼻 饲 1分 灌 肠 1分 物理降温 1分 备 注 外科护理工作量统计表 姓名: 年 月 日期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 入院护理 4分 出院护理 4分 吸氧、雾化1分 ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning prup planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, 42 心电监护 2分 各种注射 1分 输 液 4分 更换液体、 拔针 13分 膀胱冲洗 1分 胃 管 2分 导 尿 1分 引流管护理1分 灌 肠 1分 口护、吸痰2分 留置导尿 1分 一般专项 护理 2分 备 注 五官科护理工作量统计表 姓名: 年 月 日期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 入院护理 3分 出院护理 2分 各种注射 1分 静脉输液 2分 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 更换液体 1分 静脉留置4分 点 眼 1分 氧气吸入 1分 雾化吸入 1分 结膜囊冲洗2分 泪道冲洗 2分 结膜下注射3分 球后注射 4分 剪鼻毛 2分 耵聍冲洗 1分 软组织封闭2分 眼压检查 2分 剪睫毛 2分 心电监护 2分 体温单绘制2分 1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning prup planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-nterface with follow44 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 供应室护理工作量统计表 姓名: 年 月 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 日期 大包 下收 6分 下送 小包 4分 大包 清洗 6分 小包 4分 包装 大包 6分 小包 4分 灭菌 每锅 10分 备注 备注:急诊包、开胸包、脑外包、骨科包、布包为大包~其余为小包 nterface with follow1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning i-search and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7of re ocess can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementatione process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole prrch ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in thup and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and resea-on and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the startructito ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic const ail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5,vision of Yibin city, and future development of r of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1-planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7joint ojects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, ransitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning prup planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a t-46
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