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4--欧莱雅化妆品营销策划书4--欧莱雅化妆品营销策划书 欧莱雅化妆品营销策划书 院(系): 工商管理学院 专业班级: 营销09.2 姓 名: 陈成 学 号 2009442809 实验地点: 重庆科技学院经管大楼 报告日期: 2011年 1月 5日 成绩(五级记分制): 指导教师(签字) : surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exteri...
4--欧莱雅化妆品营销 欧莱雅化妆品营销策划书 院(系): 工商管理学院 专业班级: 营销09.2 姓 名: 陈成 学 号 2009442809 实验地点: 重庆科技学院经管大楼 报告日期: 2011年 1月 5日 成绩(五级记分制): 指导教师(签字) : surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requirements, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaked in clean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layer, it should surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordination, all facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specifications, must be identified by the design 摘 要 法国欧莱雅集团为全球500强企业之一,2008年,欧莱雅集团在中国拥有约3000名员工,业务范围遍布北京、上海、广州、成都等400多个城市。欧莱雅集团在中国的主要竞争对手,有雅芳(Avon)、雅诗兰黛(Este’e Lander)等十余家。 2008年欧莱雅在中国大陆实现销售额达69.52亿元人民币,较上年同比增长27.7,。根据资料及,2009年销售额若按30%增长计,计划销售额为90.38亿元人民币。 欧莱雅公司独特的市场细分策略。公司从产品的使用者、产品品种、使用地域对产品进行市场细分。如:按产品的使用者细分,主要分成普通消费者用化妆品、专业人员使用的化妆品。 欧莱雅公司在中国市场的营销策略。第一,产品策略。将产品划分为:顶级品牌、二线品牌、三线或三线品牌以下、特殊需求产品、香水品牌,以满足不同消费者的需求;第二,价格策略。价格在300元以上、100-300元、 100元以下几个档次;第三,渠道策略。渠道主要选择:一级零售渠道策略;第四,促销策略。主要采用人员现场推销、POP广告、电视广告。 2009年欧莱雅公司在中国市场计划销售额为903800万元、计划成本按计划销售额的70%计算为632660万元、目标利润为271140万元。 欧莱雅公司主要进行了销售控制、成本控制、营销策略的控制。 surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requirements, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaked in clean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layer, it should surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordination, all facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specifications, must be identified by the design 目 录 摘 要 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 一、欧莱雅公司概况 -------------------------------------------------------- 0 二、欧莱雅公司中国市场营销环境分析 ---------------------------------------- 1 1.顾客与公众 ---------------------------------------------------------- 1 2.竞争者 -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3.企业内部 ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 4.营销中介 ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 -------------------------------------------------- 3 三、欧莱雅公司的营销目标 四、欧莱雅公司市场细分策略 ------------------------------------------------ 3 1.按使用者进行细分 ---------------------------------------------------- 3 2.按化妆产品的品种进行细分 -------------------------------------------- 3 3.按照地区进行细分 ---------------------------------------------------- 4 五、欧莱雅公司在中国市场的营销策略 ---------------------------------------- 4 1.产品策略 ------------------------------------------------------------ 4 2.价格策略 ------------------------------------------------------------ 4 渠道策略 ------------------------------------------------------------ 5 3. 4.促销策略 ------------------------------------------------------------ 5 六、欧莱雅公司在中国市场的损益预测 ---------------------------------------- 5 七、欧莱雅公司营销策略的控制 ---------------------------------------------- 6 1.销售控制 ------------------------------------------------------------ 6 2.成本控制 ------------------------------------------------------------ 6 3.营销策略的控制 ------------------------------------------------------ 6 参考文献 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 oofing coating specifications, must be identified by the designl facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterpron, alwith a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordinatihould surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps , it should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layerlean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight sd in cances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaketo rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstts, architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requiremen job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top2 一、欧莱雅公司概况 法国欧莱雅集团为全球500强企业之一,由发明世界上第一种合成染发剂的法国化学家欧仁.舒莱尔创立于1907年。历经近一个世纪的努力,欧莱雅从一个小型家庭企业跃居为世界化妆品行业的领头羊。2003年初,欧莱雅荣登《财富》评选的2002年度全球最受赞赏公司排行榜第23名,在入选的法国公司中名列榜首。欧莱雅集团的事业遍及150多个国家和地区,在全球拥有283家分公司及100多个代理商,5万多名员工、42家工厂和500多个优质品牌,产品包括护肤防晒、护发染发、彩妆、香水、卫浴、药房专销化妆品和皮肤科疾病辅疗护肤品等。 1996年,欧莱雅正式进军中国市场; 1997年2月,欧莱雅正式在上海设立中国总部。目前,欧莱雅集团在中国拥有约3000名员工,业务范围遍布北京、上海、广州、成都等400多个城市。 l facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterpron, alwith a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordinatihould surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps , it should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layerlean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight sd in cances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaketo rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstts, architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requiremen job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the topoofing coating specifications, must be identified by the design0 重庆科技学院 一、欧莱雅公司概况 二、欧莱雅公司中国市场营销环境分析 1.顾客与公众 2001年,中国化妆品市场销售总额为400亿,2002年,销售增长速度为14,15,,实际销售总额大约为450,460亿。2003年,化妆品行业发展速度保持稳定增长,增幅不低于15,,销售总额达到500亿元。国内化妆品生产企业已达2500家,品种3万余种,市场总额居亚洲第二位,在全世界范围内而言已经成为一个美容大国。 因此,世界名牌化妆品一致看好中国大陆的消费潜力,几乎无一遗漏地抢滩大陆,进驻中国市场,并且受到中国广大消费者的青睐,在中国市场上大放异彩。 2.竞争者 目前欧莱雅集团在中国的主要竞争对手也是国际名牌化妆品,主要有雅芳(Avon)、雅诗兰黛(Este’e Lander)、倩碧(Clinique)、P&G公司的玉兰油(Oil & Ulan)、Cover girl 、SKII系列、露华侬(RevLon)、圣罗兰(YSL)、克里斯汀?迪奥(Christian Dior)、歌雯琪(Givenchy)、旁氏(Ponds)、凡士林(Vasekine)、克莱伦丝(Chrins)、妮维雅(Nivea)、威娜(Wella)、花牌(Fa)、资生堂(Shiaeibo)等。这些品牌在国内都具有极高的知名度、美誉度和超群的市场表现。除了世界品牌在国内的混战外,欧莱雅集团还面临着国内本土品牌的袭击和进攻。国内的大宝、小护士、羽西(合资)、 [1]上海家化依然占有不少的护肤市场份额。 所以,目前国内的化妆品市场可以说是处于战国时代,群雄逐鹿,市场竞争极端的惨烈,不时有品牌从市场上消失或者被其他公司吞并。为此,各化妆品公司无不如履薄冰,不敢大意。 3.企业内部 虽然欧莱雅于1996年才进入中国市场,但早在20世纪80年代起就在巴黎成立了中国业务部,专门从事对中国市场的研究。90年代欧莱雅在其香港的分公司里设立了中国业务部,准备开拓中国市场,并在广州、北京、上海等地都设立了欧莱雅形象专柜,测试中国消费群体对欧莱雅产品的市场反响。为进入中国市场,欧莱雅其实花费了将近20年的时间做准备~” 1 4.营销中介 欧莱雅采取以目标客户来选择销售渠道的策略,如:针对高端客户生产的兰蔻等产品,只有在高档的商店才可以买到;而走大众路线的美宝莲,则在普通商场及超市就可以买到。盖保罗的理想还不止于此,他希望有一天,大家买美宝莲就像买可乐一样方便。因为欧莱雅给美宝莲的定位是“国际化的品牌,平民化的价格,要让中国的消费者买得起,且便于购买”。 和欧莱雅的销售策略一样,广告策略也是和品牌定位及目标客户相匹配的。美宝莲是一个大众化的品牌,所以要在覆盖面最广的电视媒体做广告,让更多的消费者知道。而薇姿和理肤泉因为是在药房销售,卡诗和欧莱雅专业美发在发廊销售,兰蔻等高端品牌只有在高档商店才有,网点并不像美宝莲那么多。宣传渠道一定要针对目标群体才有效。 oofing coating specifications, must be identified by the designl facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterpron, alwith a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordinatihould surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps , it should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layerlean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight sd in cances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaketo rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstts, architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requiremen job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top2 重庆科技学院 一、欧莱雅公司概况 三、欧莱雅公司的营销目标 2007年,在中国大陆,全年销售总额达到54.45亿元人民币,增长30%。这一最新 [2]数据的出台,正表明欧莱雅在中国的发展势头正日益逼近宝洁。 2008年欧莱雅在中国大陆实现销售额达69.52亿元人民币,较上年同比增长27(7,。这意味着该公司已连续第8年在同一地区实现两位数的增长。欧莱雅(中国)总裁盖保罗说,从今年年初的情况分析,企业在华发展态势稳健,无论是中低端产品, [3]还是奢侈品牌,都呈现接近以往业绩的良好成长。 根据上述资料及分析,2009年计划销售额若按30%增长计,计划销售额为90.38亿元人民币。2007-2009欧莱雅公司的实际与计划销售额,如表1所示。 表1 2007-2009欧莱雅公司的实际与计划销售额 销售额(亿元) 增长率(,) 年份 实际 计划 实际 计划 2007 54.45 30 2008 69.52 27.7 2009 90.38 30 四、欧莱雅公司市场细分策略 巴黎欧莱雅进入中国市场至今,以其与众不同的优雅品牌形象,加上全球顶尖演员、模特的热情演绎,向公众充分展示了“巴黎欧莱雅,你值得拥有”的理念。目前已在全国近百个大中城市的百货商店及超市设立了近400个形象专柜,并配有专业美容顾问为广大中国女性提供全面的护肤、彩妆、染发定型等相关服务,深受消费者青睐。回顾上述成功业绩,关键取决于欧莱雅公司独特的市场细分策略。 1.按使用者进行细分 公司从产品的使用者进行市场细分,主要分成普通消费者用化妆品、专业人员使用的化妆品,其中,专业人员使用的化妆品主要是指美容院等专业经营场所使用的产品。 2.按化妆产品的品种进行细分 公司将化妆产品的品种进行细分,如彩妆、护肤、染发护发等,同时,对每一品种按照化妆部位、颜色等再进一步细分,如按照人体部位不同将彩妆分为口红、眼膏、睫毛膏 3 等;再就口红而言,进一步按照颜色细分为粉红、大红、无色等,此外,还按照口红性质差异将其分为保湿型、明亮型、滋润型等。如此步步细分,光美宝莲口红就达到150多种,而且基本保持每1-2个月就向市场推出新的款式,从而将化妆品的品种细分几乎推向极限地步。 3.按照地区进行细分 按照中国地域广阔特征,鉴于南北、东西地区气候、习俗、文化等的不同,人们对化妆品的偏好具有明显的差异。如南方由于气温高,人们一般比较少做白日装或者喜欢使用清淡的装饰,因此较倾向于淡装;而北方由于气候干燥以及文化习俗的缘故,一般都比较喜欢浓装。按照地区推出不同的主打产品。 五、欧莱雅公司在中国市场的营销策略 1.产品策略 (1)经营的产品 主要经营的产品有20个品牌:赫莲娜、兰蔻、碧欧泉、巴黎欧莱雅、契尔氏、美爵士、欧莱雅SQ、卡尼尔、羽西、小护士、美体小铺植村秀、美宝莲、薇姿、理肤泉、雅诗莱丽、阿玛尼、拉尔夫劳伦、卡夏尔。 (2)产品策略 在中国市场的产品策略主要有:顶级品牌、二线品牌、三线或三线品牌以下、特殊需求产品、香水品牌。 2.价格策略 针对不同的品牌实施不同的价格策略: 顶级品牌价格在300元以上;二线品牌价格在100-300元;三线或三线品牌以下价格在100元以下;特殊需求产品价格在100元以下及100-300元;香水品牌价格在300元以上。 oofing coating specifications, must be identified by the designl facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterpron, alwith a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordinatihould surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps , it should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layerlean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight sd in cances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaketo rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstts, architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requiremen job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top4 重庆科技学院 一、欧莱雅公司概况 3.渠道策略 渠道主要选择一级零售渠道策略。顶级品牌、二线品牌选择在高档百货商场销售;三线或三线品牌以下选择在高档超市销售;特殊需求产品选择在高档超市、药房经销;香水品牌选择在高档的百货商场销售。 4.促销策略 促销策略:顶级品牌、二线品牌主要采用在高档百货商场进行人员现场推销;三线或三线品牌以下、特殊需求产品、香水品牌主要采用Pop广告;电视广告 欧莱雅公司各品牌营销策略,如表2所示。 表2 欧莱雅公司各品牌营销策略 类 别 品牌名称 产品策略 价格策略 渠道策略 促销策略 人员推销 旗舰产品、高高档百货商顶级品牌 赫莲娜(HR) 300元以上 (对象:年龄品质 场 较长者) 人员推销 高档百货商二线品牌 兰蔻;碧欧泉 高品质产品 100-300元 (对象:年轻场 时尚消费者) 三线或三巴黎欧莱雅;契尔氏;美高档超市,如Pop广告;电线以下品爵士;欧莱雅SQ;卡尼尔;大众类产品 100元以下 永辉、家乐视广告 牌 羽西;小护士;美体小铺。 福、沃尔玛等 北方地区产北方地区(高Pop广告;电彩妆品牌 植村秀;美宝莲。 品(特殊需100元以下 档超市) 视广告 求) 特殊需求产Pop广告;电药妆品牌 薇姿;理肤泉。 100元以下 药房经销 品 视广告 高品质产品 Pop广告;电专业品牌 雅诗莱丽 100-300元 专卖店 (特殊需求) 视广告 阿玛尼;拉尔夫劳伦;卡高档的百货Pop广告;电香水品牌 高品质产品 300元以上 夏尔。 商场 视广告 六、欧莱雅公司在中国市场的损益预测 2009年欧莱雅公司在中国市场计划销售额为903800万元、计划成本按计划销售额的70%计算(一般化妆品的利润为30%)为632660万元、目标利润为271140万元。 2009年欧莱雅公司各品牌在中国市场的损益预测,如表3所示。 5 表3 2009年欧莱雅公司各品牌在中国市场的损益预测 单位:万元 类 别 品牌名称 计划销售额 计划成本 目标利润 顶级品牌 赫莲娜(HR) 120000 84000 36000 二线品牌 兰蔻;碧欧泉 100000 70000 30000 三线或三线以下巴黎欧莱雅;契尔氏;美爵士;欧莱雅250000 175000 75000 品牌 SQ;卡尼尔;羽西;小护士;美体小铺。 彩妆品牌 植村秀;美宝莲。 90000 63000 27000 药妆品牌 薇姿;理肤泉。 30000 21000 9000 210000 147000 63000 专业品牌 雅诗莱丽 香水品牌 阿玛尼;拉尔夫劳伦;卡夏尔。 103800 72660 31140 903800 632660 271140 合 计 七、欧莱雅公司营销策略的控制 1.销售控制 (1)销售分析,就是衡量并评估实际销售额与计划销售额之间的差距。主要做好销售差距分析;地区销售量分析。 (2)市场占有率分析:做好全部市场占有率;个别市场占有率;相对市场占有率分析。 (3)市场营销费用率分析:市场营销费用率=市场营销费用/销售额 2.成本控制 主要注意对以下成本的控制: (1)直接推销费用。包括直销人员的工资、奖金、差旅费、费、交际费等。 (2)促销费用。包括广告媒体成本、产品说明书印刷费用、赠奖费用、展览会费用、促销人员工资等。 (3)仓储费用。包括租金、维护费、折旧费、保险费、包装费、存货成本等。 (4)运输费用。包括运费、装卸费、保险费等;如果是自有工具,则要计算折旧、维护费、燃料费、保险费、司机工资、税费等。 (5)其他:如营销管理人员工资、奖金、差旅费;办公费、办公用房租金等。 3.营销策略的控制 营销策略的控制主要有: oofing coating specifications, must be identified by the designl facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterpron, alwith a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordinatihould surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps , it should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layerlean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight sd in cances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaketo rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstts, architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requiremen job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top6 重庆科技学院 一、欧莱雅公司概况 (1)欧莱雅公司的产品 对现有产品线是否适合顾客的需要;现有产品是否需要做调整;应增加、扩大或淘汰哪些品种或品牌;产品的质量、款式、规格颜色及品牌(或商标)是否调整等方面实施控制。 (2)欧莱雅公司的定价 对定价的目标、策略、程序;成本、需求及竞争状况对定价的影响程度;顾客认为价格与产品的实际利益是否相符;经销商和政府对定价有哪些影响等进行控制。 (3)欧莱雅公司的分销渠道 对分销的目标和策略;市场覆盖率;分销渠道是否需要改进等进行控制。 (4)欧莱雅公司的促销 对企业广告目标;广告预算;实际的费用;广告制作效果;公众对广告效果的评价;其他促销手段等进行控制。 (5)欧莱雅公司的人员推销 对推销队伍的规模、组织方式是否适应产品的销售;推销人员的选拔、任用、素质与能力的提高;推销人员的报酬及激励等进行控制。 参考文献 [1] 佚名.欧莱雅集团进军中国市场.全能培训网. 2009-12-16 [2] 佚名.2007年欧莱雅中国销售54.45亿元 年增长30,. 中国广告主协会网. [3] 佚名.欧莱雅2008年中国大陆销售额增长27.7%.新东风 网. [4] 吴健安.市场营销学.北京:高等教育出版社.2008. 7 oofing coating specifications, must be identified by the designl facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterpron, alwith a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordinatihould surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps , it should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layerlean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight sd in cances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaketo rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstts, architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requiremen job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top8
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