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桑蚕丝和柞蚕丝的区别.doc桑蚕丝和柞蚕丝的区别.doc 桑蚕丝和柞蚕丝的区别 目前时常上做蚕丝被的原料主要有桑蚕丝和柞蚕丝两种。如何区别桑蚕丝和柞蚕丝呢, 两者虽然都是纯天然蚕丝~但有很大的不同: 一、 特性: 桑蚕丝又细又长~白里微微带点黄~手感细腻光滑~有一股淡淡的动物纤维特有的气味。用这种蚕丝制作出来的被子特别柔软、贴身~是蚕丝被中的上等品。但是有一个缺点~使用时间较长之后~蚕丝容易收紧~导致被子变薄~降低保暖效果。不过可以通过经常的晾晒和拍打保持其蓬松感。 柞蚕丝比桑蚕丝要短、粗~其原始颜色为灰黑色~往往要用酸缄性的化学药剂进行褪色才...
桑蚕丝和柞蚕丝的区别.doc 桑蚕丝和柞蚕丝的区别 目前时常上做蚕丝被的原料主要有桑蚕丝和柞蚕丝两种。如何区别桑蚕丝和柞蚕丝呢, 两者虽然都是纯天然蚕丝~但有很大的不同: 一、 特性: 桑蚕丝又细又长~白里微微带点黄~手感细腻光滑~有一股淡淡的动物纤维特有的气味。用这种蚕丝制作出来的被子特别柔软、贴身~是蚕丝被中的上等品。但是有一个缺点~使用时间较长之后~蚕丝容易收紧~导致被子变薄~降低保暖效果。不过可以通过经常的晾晒和拍打保持其蓬松感。 柞蚕丝比桑蚕丝要短、粗~其原始颜色为灰黑色~往往要用酸缄性的化学药剂进行褪色才能为消费者所接受~因而它对人体的健康具有一定的危害性。柞蚕丝中所含的“丝胶”较多~因此手感比较粗糙~光泽也比较暗淡~同时柞蚕丝的刚性也比较强~做成的蚕丝被与桑蚕丝相比不是很贴身。 二、 来源: solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 一般来说是这样: 桑蚕丝由南方的家蚕产出的蚕丝 柞蚕丝由北方的野蚕产出的蚕丝 三、 识别: 购买蚕丝被时候桑蚕丝 被子都会很清楚地标明“100%桑蚕丝”的 字样。 柞蚕丝被子:一些商家标100%榨蚕丝~这样的蚕丝还是能达到一级的~而一般标明“100%蚕丝”或“纯天然蚕丝”~我们知道~很多柞蚕丝的卖家都吹嘘柞蚕丝比桑蚕丝好~有些人说桑蚕丝比榨蚕丝好~这个都有理由~如果一个产品都不好是不可能在市场生存的~只能从两面来分析 1、柞蚕丝的成本相对较低~现在只有桑蚕丝成本的40-60%,不过成本就是榨蚕丝的优势 2、柞蚕丝本身是灰黑色的~须经过化学漂白处理才能出售,不过现在的些技术还是可以把处理的效果达到标准~不能说榨蚕丝就是不好的~这方面桑蚕丝的优势很明显了 3、蚕丝被的等级:达到标准的的100%柞蚕丝的等级可以是一级~100%的桑蚕丝也solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 有特级和一级的分别~不能说桑蚕丝就是很好的~因为还要关系到使用~短丝容易板结~这也比不上榨蚕丝~但是长丝当然是桑蚕丝更大的优势。 希望在购买时候~首先注意标的是桑蚕丝和榨蚕丝~而且注意是不是100%的桑蚕丝或者100%榨蚕丝~而不能相信100%蚕丝被或者100%蚕丝~这样的说法有些欺骗消费者~这样的商家做出的产品不能相信. 怎样鉴定蚕丝被的真假 怎样鉴定蚕丝被的真假, 主要是看1、静电情况~2、燃烧情况。 具体的有: 1、标注:桑蚕丝被都会标明填充物为“100%桑蚕丝”~而柞蚕丝被则会标明“100%柞蚕丝”。短纤维蚕丝被一般只会标出“100%蚕丝”、“纯天然蚕丝等字样。如果想购买桑蚕丝被~一定要认准“100%桑蚕丝”的被子。 2、价格:浙江北部桑蚕丝的价格大约是120元/斤~而杭州等大城市大约是200元/斤。北方的价格更高些~一般是250~300元/斤。所以真正的桑蚕丝被~价格都比较solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 高~如果价格出奇地低~不是劣质丝~就是掺了化学纤维丝。 3、保暖:蚕丝内部有38,以上是空心的~其主要成分是蛋白质~有较好的保暖性和透气性~因此正宗的蚕丝被刚盖上时不会像由化纤、劣丝、棉花等做成的被子一样有寒冷感。选购时可以试着用手感受一下被子的保暖性能。 4、被胎:如果整张被子都被缝得严严实实~大多是用短纤维蚕丝做的“绗缝被”。 桑蚕丝被都有一个超过70厘米的拉链开口~检查蚕丝时要尽量拉开拉链~以便观察到内部的蚕丝~以避免四角是真丝而中间却有掺假的情况。 5、静电:蚕丝是电的不良导体~拉开被套边上的拉链~用力迅速摩擦拉链口露出的被胎大约一分钟~然后让其吸宽度大约为0.3cm到1cm的碎纸屑~如果能吸起纸屑~说明被胎里面的填充物是化纤丝或掺了大量的化学纤维。 6、蚕丝:看丝是否光亮均匀~长而富有弹性~桑蚕丝抚摸时会沾手而柞蚕丝不solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 会。蚕丝具阻燃效果~燃烧时冒白烟有焦味,像头发,~明火离开后即熄灭~灰末脆而容易捏碎,化纤丝燃烧速度快~冒黑烟~灰末少而沾手。 如何选购蚕丝被, 如何选购蚕丝被, 目前市场上的蚕丝被可谓琳琅满目~价格从一二百元到几千元的都有。同样是蚕丝被~价格却相差如此之大~其中的原因主要就在于蚕丝质量的差别。如何购买到货真价实的蚕丝被~一直是消费者比较困惑的问题。本文介绍了8点如果挑选蚕丝被的方法以供参考。 1.看价格:目前淘宝上有卖6-8斤的蚕丝被~只要200元左右~那是绝对不可能的~其中猫腻比较大~有很多商家呢~为了降低成本~在蚕丝里面参合其他成分或者根本就没有蚕丝的成分~比如化纤、木棉等。 2.看标识:商标~产品名称~厂名厂址~规格~使用材料成份,面料和原料蚕丝必须分开标注,、等级、净重等。如果标注的内容不完整或夸大其词~请买家购买时要慎之solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 又慎。如有些写100,蚕丝被~那都是有问题的~因为桑蚕丝和柞蚕丝都可以称为蚕丝被~所以碰到这样的蚕丝被就要留心~标识必需写明100,桑蚕丝或100,柞蚕丝。 3.看纯度:采用100%优质桑蚕丝为原料~带有蚕特有的清香的蚕丝被为上品~带有油性或霉臭味的蚕丝均为劣质品。 4.看工艺:手工制作为佳。被套的四角或边缘应该留有看样口~可以使我们查看被子内蚕丝的质量,不机械绗缝~能保证蚕丝被的柔软和透气性。 5.看丝质:优质蚕丝应为乳白色略黄~表面有均匀天然光泽的为佳~不宜选用漂白丝、色暗或异样光泽的蚕丝被,蚕丝要长而富有弹性~蚕丝强伸力越好~品质则越佳~同样长的蚕丝~经拉伸后~越长质量越好~同是蚕丝被差价达几倍,蚕丝中如发现有棉絮、杂质、其他化纤丝或丝路混乱、萤光反射~请买家不要购买。 6.看蓬松:以蓬松度、均匀度好的蚕丝被为佳。 7.看静电反应:用力摩擦看样口露出的solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 原料蚕丝大约一分钟~然后让其吸小米粒大小的碎纸屑~距离大约为0.3mm到1mm左右~如果能吸起纸屑~说明是化纤丝或掺了大量的化纤丝~纯正蚕丝是不会产生静电的。 8.看燃烧反应:蚕丝燃烧时不具延燃性~与火焰分离时即停燃~燃烧时冒出的烟是白色的~并伴有毛发烧焦味~烧后的灰末脆而易碎~手捏即成粉,化纤料燃烧冒黑烟并带刺激性气味~灰末黑而手捏沾手~而且如果有疙瘩就说明含有化纤成分~如果烧后无法捻成粉末~就是纯化纤了。两者有明显的区别。 solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room
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