

2017-09-16 16页 doc 44KB 194阅读




建筑工程投标书范本建筑工程投标书范本 建筑工程投标书范本-105页 建筑工程投标书范本-105页电子 资料简介 目录 第1章 制依据及说明7 第1节 编制说明7 第2节 编制依据7 第3节 本次施工组织设计主要内容9 第2章 工程概况9 第1节 工程概况9 第2节 建筑设计概况9 第3节 结构设计概况10 第4节 水、电工程设计概况10 第5节 施工重点和难点11 水、文地质条件11 第6节 第7节 气象条件11 第8节 施工条件11 第3章 现场平面布置11 第1节 平面布置原则11 第2节 施工现场平面布置图12 ...
建筑工程投标书范本 建筑工程投标书范本-105页 建筑工程投标书范本-105页电子 资料简介 目录 第1章 制依据及说明7 第1节 编制说明7 第2节 编制依据7 第3节 本次施工组织设计主要内容9 第2章 工程概况9 第1节 工程概况9 第2节 建筑设计概况9 第3节 结构设计概况10 第4节 水、电工程设计概况10 第5节 施工重点和难点11 水、文地质条件11 第6节 第7节 气象条件11 第8节 施工条件11 第3章 现场平面布置11 第1节 平面布置原则11 第2节 施工现场平面布置图12 第3节 施工道路12 第4节 材料堆放12 第5节 环境保护12 第6节 施工用电12 第7节 垂直运输机械的布置13 第4章 总体施工部署13 第1节 管理目标及承诺13 1、质量目标及承诺13 2、工期目标及承诺14 3、安全目标14 4、现场文明施工管理目标14 5、机械设备完好率和利用率15 6、科技进步目标15 第2节 施工总体安排16 1、土建施工总体安排16 2、安装施工总体安排16 3、施工任务划分17 4、施工组织原则17 plug up loopholes in management. The members of the leadership team to in accordance with their respective functions and duties, earnestly implement the good charge range of responsibility for production safety, catch hidden investigation and remediation as current a hard task, personally check, supervise and urge the rectification in place. The county Government to implement to ensure that within the jurisdiction of all walks of life of responsibility for production safety, do not stay dead. The relevant government departments to Kaoshi production safety supervision responsibilities, do a good job in the industry in this field investigation and security risks, have to carry out remediation to ensure safety in production. In view of the existing problems, conscientiously do a good job of inspection work in the industry, do in-depth inspection line to really, inspection of law enforcement should be strict, style of work to hard, rectification measures to be implemented. The industry department in charge of the performance of their duties and major safety hazards investigation remediation to conduct supervision and inspection, of work are not effective, the duty not to implement, through interviews, bulletin, accountability and other measures, Zadok Promoting the implementation of the rectification. The county and the park management committee to earnestly implement the territorial supervision responsibility, bear the overall responsibility for production safety work in the region, to further clarify the government leadership and the leadership of various departments of production safety work responsibility, judged the regional 第3节 分包工程情况17 第4节 总体施工程序17 第5节 施工管理机构及相关人员资历构成17 第6节 机械设备配备情况19 1、大型机械投入计划19 2、机械设备的组织供应20 第7节 主要材料投入计划20 1、周转材料投入计划20 2、工程用材料投入计划21 3、安全防护用品计划21 第8节 劳动力投入计划22 第9节 主要检测仪器计划22 第10节 劳务分包情况22 第5章 施工协调管理23 第1节 与设计院的工作协调23 第2节 与监理工程师工作的协调23 第3节 土建、安装的施工配合措施24 第4节 施工协调配合26 第6章 施工进度计划26 主要工序26 第1节 第2节 进度计划监督管理27 第3节 施工进度计划27 第7章 施工准备28 第1节 施工准备工作程序28 第2节 技术准备28 1、标准准备28 2、交底28 3、编制施工阶段施工组织设计28 4、编制质量保证计划28 5、技术交底29 6、图纸会审30 7、编制施工预算30 第3节 资源准备30 1、施工队伍组织30 2、材料、机具按计划进场30 第4节 现场准备30 1、场地交接30 2、施工用水31 3、施工用电31 4、施工道路31 5、现场防护31 6、临时设施31 第8章 施工测量32 第1节 施工测量的控制32 plug up loopholes in management. The members of the leadership team to in accordance with their respective functions and duties, earnestly implement the good charge range of responsibility for production safety, catch hidden investigation and remediation as current a hard task, personally check, supervise and urge the rectification in place. The county Government to implement to ensure that within the jurisdiction of all walks of life of responsibility for production safety, do not stay dead. The relevant government departments to Kaoshi production safety supervision responsibilities, do a good job in the industry in this field investigation and security risks, have to carry out remediation to ensure safety in production. In view of the existing problems, conscientiously do a good job of inspection work in the industry, do in-depth inspection line to really, inspection of law enforcement should be strict, style of work to hard, rectification measures to be implemented. The industry department in charge of the performance of their duties and major safety hazards investigation remediation to conduct supervision and inspection, of work are not effective, the duty not to implement, through interviews, bulletin, accountability and other measures, Zadok Promoting the implementation of the rectification. The county and the park management committee to earnestly implement the territorial supervision responsibility, bear the overall responsibility for production safety work in the region, to further clarify the government leadership and the leadership of various departments of production safety work responsibility, judged the regional 投标书编制 1、工程平面控制32 2、工程标高控制32 3、建筑竖向控制33 4、施测中应注意的问33 第2节 轴线、标高控制设备及精度34 第3节 装修阶段标高测量34 第4节 沉降观测周期的确定34 第9章 主要施工方法35 第1节 结构施工顺序35 1、桩基工程施工顺序35 2、地基与基础工程施工顺序35 3、上部结构施工顺序35 第2节 桩基与地基基础35 1、桩基工程36 2、地基基础39 1.土方机械的选用39 2.土方工程39 3.基坑降排水39 4.垫层施工39 回填土工程40 第3节 第4节 结构工程施工41 1、钢筋工程41 1.钢筋的质量要求41 2.加工设备的选择41 3.钢筋的绑扎和安装41 4.钢筋工程中应注意的问题42 5.钢筋直螺纹接头43 6.电渣压力焊43 2、模板工程45 1.模板体系45 2.施工工序46 3.准备工作46 4.模板工程的施工质量46 5.模板质量要求46 6.模板支设的质量控制措施47 7.模板的拆除47 8.模板施工的注意事项48 3、钢筋砼工程48 1.泵送砼劳动力配备48 2.砼的泵送49 3.砼试块留置49 4.砼养护50 5.质量要求50 6.注意事项50 3 plug up loopholes in management. The members of the leadership team to in accordance with their respective functions and duties, earnestly implement the good charge range of responsibility for production safety, catch hidden investigation and remediation as current a hard task, personally check, supervise and urge the rectification in place. The county Government to implement to ensure that within the jurisdiction of all walks of life of responsibility for production safety, do not stay dead. The relevant government departments to Kaoshi production safety supervision responsibilities, do a good job in the industry in this field investigation and security risks, have to carry out remediation to ensure safety in production. In view of the existing problems, conscientiously do a good job of inspection work in the industry, do in-depth inspection line to really, inspection of law enforcement should be strict, style of work to hard, rectification measures to be implemented. The industry department in charge of the performance of their duties and major safety hazards investigation remediation to conduct supervision and inspection, of work are not effective, the duty not to implement, through interviews, bulletin, accountability and other measures, Zadok Promoting the implementation of the rectification. The county and the park management committee to earnestly implement the territorial supervision responsibility, bear the overall responsibility for production safety work in the region, to further clarify the government leadership and the leadership of various departments of production safety work responsibility, judged the regional 7.后浇带处理51 第5节 砖砌体工程52 1、主要材料52 2、砌筑工序52 3、填充墙的砌筑53 4、砌筑的质量要求53 5、施工方法53 第6节 脚手架工程54 1、钢管脚手架的搭设54 2、脚手架支撑的设置54 3、钢管脚手架的拆除54 4、脚手架的安全设施54 第7节 建筑防水55 1、防水工程内容55 2、质量控制要点55 3、主要建筑防水施工方法55 4、屋面施工做法56 5、屋面防水施工57 6、检查验收59 7、成品保护59 第8节 59 1、天棚抹灰施工59 2、内、外墙面抹灰60 3、外墙涂料施工61 4、木门安装、油漆61 5、门窗安装62 6、乳胶漆施工方法63 第9节 楼地面工程65 1、水泥砂浆楼地面65 2、地砖楼地面66 第10节 设备安装工程66 1、施工准备66 2、施工方法66 第10章 施工技术组织措施67 第1节 采用新技术、新工艺、新材料67 第2节 建立严格的技术管理体系68 第3节 施工过程技术控制68 第4节 季节 性施工技术组织措施69 1、雨季施工管理措施69 2、冬季施工管理措施69 第5节 其他技术措施70 1、基础70 2、主体工程70 3、钢筋现场制作70 plug up loopholes in management. The members of the leadership team to in accordance with their respective functions and duties, earnestly implement the good charge range of responsibility for production safety, catch hidden investigation and remediation as current a hard task, personally check, supervise and urge the rectification in place. The county Government to implement to ensure that within the jurisdiction of all walks of life of responsibility for production safety, do not stay dead. The relevant government departments to Kaoshi production safety supervision responsibilities, do a good job in the industry in this field investigation and security risks, have to carry out remediation to ensure safety in production. In view of the existing problems, conscientiously do a good job of inspection work in the industry, do in-depth inspection line to really, inspection of law enforcement should be strict, style of work to hard, rectification measures to be implemented. The industry department in charge of the performance of their duties and major safety hazards investigation remediation to conduct supervision and inspection, of work are not effective, the duty not to implement, through interviews, bulletin, accountability and other measures, Zadok Promoting the implementation of the rectification. The county and the park management committee to earnestly implement the territorial supervision responsibility, bear the overall responsibility for production safety work in the region, to further clarify the government leadership and the leadership of various departments of production safety work responsibility, judged the regional 投标书编制 4、砌体工程71 5、技术交底71 6、电气及防雷接地71 7、原材料质量保证措施73 8、计量保证措施73 9、施工保证措施74 第11章 保证质量技术组织措施75 第1节 施工质量把关措施75 第2节 施工现场监督检查75 第3节 技术保证措施75 第4节 主要质量管理措施76 第5节 主要分部分项工程的施工质量预控措施76 第6节 砌体工程78 第7节 楼、地面工程79 第8节 内装饰工程79 第9节 油漆79 第10节 外装饰工程79 第11节 工程防水80 第12节 轴线标高垂直度的控制81 第13节 质量奖罚措施81 第12章 保证工期技术组织措施82 第1节 建立严格的施工进度计划检查制度82 第2节 保证材料及外加工构件的供应82 第3节 土建与安装的配合协调工作82 第4节 实行资金专款专用82 第13章 安全施工技术组织措施83 第1节 安全保障的部署83 第2节 项目经理部体系构成83 第3节 安全管理体系83 第4节 项目责任目标83 第5节 安全生产管理83 第6节 项目安全管理责任制84 第7节 安全保证主要措施84 第8节 现场管理措施85 第9节 施工用电85 第10节 施工机械86 第11节 模板工程86 第12节 安全防护87 第13节 安全施工培训及三级教育87 第14节 脚手架防护87 第15节 高空坠落防护88 第16节 触电防护措施88 第17节 安全资料管理88 第18节 制定安全奖罚制度89 5 plug up loopholes in management. The members of the leadership team to in accordance with their respective functions and duties, earnestly implement the good charge range of responsibility for production safety, catch hidden investigation and remediation as current a hard task, personally check, supervise and urge the rectification in place. The county Government to implement to ensure that within the jurisdiction of all walks of life of responsibility for production safety, do not stay dead. The relevant government departments to Kaoshi production safety supervision responsibilities, do a good job in the industry in this field investigation and security risks, have to carry out remediation to ensure safety in production. In view of the existing problems, conscientiously do a good job of inspection work in the industry, do in-depth inspection line to really, inspection of law enforcement should be strict, style of work to hard, rectification measures to be implemented. The industry department in charge of the performance of their duties and major safety hazards investigation remediation to conduct supervision and inspection, of work are not effective, the duty not to implement, through interviews, bulletin, accountability and other measures, Zadok Promoting the implementation of the rectification. The county and the park management committee to earnestly implement the territorial supervision responsibility, bear the overall responsibility for production safety work in the region, to further clarify the government leadership and the leadership of various departments of production safety work responsibility, judged the regional 第14章 文明施工技术组织措施89 第1节 文明施工管理责任制89 第2节 现场标牌设计89 第3节 材料及半成品堆放90 第4节 现场道路90 第5节 卫生管理90 第6节 现场排水90 第7节 文明施工教育90 第8节 机械布置、料具存放91 1、机械布置91 2、材料存放91 3、现场清理91 4、现场防火91 5、治安管理91 6、宣传教育92 7、社区服务92 第15章 成品保护92 第16章 预防突发事件措施93 第17章 消防、保卫措施94 第1节 消防措施94 第2节 保卫措施94 第18章 环境保护措施94 第1节 环境保护责任制94 第2节 建筑“三废”防治94 1、废渣处理95 2、废水防治95 3、噪声防治95 第3节 其它防护措施96 第19章 工程创优保证措施96 第1节 主要管理措施96 1、推行项目管理96 2、严格计划管理96 3、全面推行ISO-9000质量保证体系97 4、实行电脑管理97 5、加强现场文明施工管理97 第2节 优化施工97 第3节 全面执行建筑规程、、标准97 第4节 健全检查验收制度97 第5节 加强对外联系98 第6节 执行施工中提出的各种方案措施98 第7节 抓好质量预控98 第8节 抓好过程控制98 第9节 竣工的前期准备98 第20章 季节 性施工98 plug up loopholes in management. The members of the leadership team to in accordance with their respective functions and duties, earnestly implement the good charge range of responsibility for production safety, catch hidden investigation and remediation as current a hard task, personally check, supervise and urge the rectification in place. The county Government to implement to ensure that within the jurisdiction of all walks of life of responsibility for production safety, do not stay dead. The relevant government departments to Kaoshi production safety supervision responsibilities, do a good job in the industry in this field investigation and security risks, have to carry out remediation to ensure safety in production. In view of the existing problems, conscientiously do a good job of inspection work in the industry, do in-depth inspection line to really, inspection of law enforcement should be strict, style of work to hard, rectification measures to be implemented. The industry department in charge of the performance of their duties and major safety hazards investigation remediation to conduct supervision and inspection, of work are not effective, the duty not to implement, through interviews, bulletin, accountability and other measures, Zadok Promoting the implementation of the rectification. The county and the park management committee to earnestly implement the territorial supervision responsibility, bear the overall responsibility for production safety work in the region, to further clarify the government leadership and the leadership of various departments of production safety work responsibility, judged the regional 投标书编制 第1节 雨季施工99 第2节 夏季施工99 第21章 降低成本措施99 第1节 计量及信息管理99 第2节 计量管理目标99 1、本工程计量管理目标为100 2、计量管理措施100 第3节 信息管理100 1、按照《ISO9000》贯标,采用电脑管理100 2、管理职责101 3、本工程信息管理101 第4节 项目部信息管理101 第22章 主要质量通病防治措施102 第1节 质量通病防范措施102 第2节 装修工程质量通病防范102 1、楼地面102 2、外墙涂料102 3、防水工程102 4、内墙乳胶漆涂料103 5、门窗103 第23章 资料管理措施103 第24章 竣工交付使用后的回访工作104 第25章 附图表105 plug up loopholes in management. The members of the leadership team to in accordance with their respective functions and duties7 , earnestly implement the good charge range of responsibility for production safety, catch hidden investigation and remediation as current a hard task, personally check, supervise and urge the rectification in place. The county Government to implement to ensure that within the jurisdiction of all walks of life of responsibility for production safety, do not stay dead. The relevant government departments to Kaoshi production safety supervision responsibilities, do a good job in the industry in this field investigation and security risks, have to carry out remediation to ensure safety in production. In view of the existing problems, conscientiously do a good job of inspection work in the industry, do in-depth inspection line to really, inspection of law enforcement should be strict, style of work to hard, rectification measures to be implemented. The industry department in charge of the performance of their duties and major safety hazards investigation remediation to conduct supervision and inspection, of work are not effective, the duty not to implement, through interviews, bulletin, accountability and other measures, Zadok Promoting the implementation of the rectification. The county and the park management committee to earnestly implement the territorial supervision responsibility, bear the overall responsibility for production safety work in the region, to further clarify the government leadership and the leadership of various departments of production safety work responsibility, judged the regional
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