

2017-09-19 3页 doc 15KB 535阅读




获奖证书模板英文获奖证书模板英文 篇一:获奖证书模板 优秀学生干部 Honor Certificate *** won the Excellent Student Cadre in the academic year of 2012-2013. This certificate is hereby awarded to her as an encouragement. Changsha University(Seal) March , 2014 优秀学生 Honor Certificate *** won the Exce...
获奖证书英文 篇一:获奖证书模板 优秀学生干部 Honor Certificate *** won the Excellent Student Cadre in the academic year of 2012-2013. This certificate is hereby awarded to her as an encouragement. Changsha University(Seal) March , 2014 优秀学生 Honor Certificate *** won the Excellent Student in the academic year of 2012-2013. This certificate is hereby awarded to her as an encouragement. Changsha University(Seal) March , 2014 奖学金 Scholarship Certificate 1 *** won the First Prize of Scholarship in the academic year of 2012-2013. This certificate is hereby awarded to her as an encouragement. Changsha University(Seal) March, 2014 优秀团员 Honor Certificate *** won the Outstanding League member in the academic year of 2013. Changsha University Committee, Communist Youth League of China(Seal) May 4, 2014 辅修证书 MINOR COURSE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Ms. ***, a student of the Department of Earth Science in grade 1996, minors in English from September 1997 to February 2000. She has completed and passed all the required courses of the minor program and is hereby awarded the Minor Course Certificate. Zhejiang University 2 April 18, 2000 Certificate No.: 20001011 优秀毕业生 Honor Certificate *** won the Excellent Graduate because of his diligently practice and outstanding academic performance when he was in school. This certificate is hereby awarded to him as an encouragement. Chongqing Normal University(Seal) May, 2014 篇二:英语短剧获奖证书格式 班: 在高二年级“走向世界”主题的英语话剧比赛中荣获优秀 奖。特发此状,以资鼓励。 高二年级英语教研组 2012年10月25日 班: 在高二年级“走向世界”主题的英语话剧比赛中荣获二等 奖。特发此状,以资鼓励。 高二年级英语教研组 2012年10月25日 在高二年级“走(转 载 于:wWW.xlTkWJ.Com 小 龙文 档 网:获奖证书模板英文)向世界”主题的英语话剧比赛中荣获三等奖。特发此状,以资鼓励。 3 高二年级英语教研组 2012年10月25日 同学: 你在高二年级“走向世界”主题的英语话剧比赛中荣获最佳导演奖。特发此状,以资鼓励。 高二年级英语教研组 2012年10月25日 篇三:初中生荣誉证书模板 刘明生同学: 在2016----2017学年上期第一次月考中,进步显著。特发此状,以资鼓励。 文昌初中东校区2016.10.17 4
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