

2017-09-17 50页 doc 364KB 14阅读




六级单词六级单词 dub [d?b] vt. [电影]配音;n.配音 community [k?'mju:niti] n. 社区;团体;共同体;群落 desire [di'zai?] n. 欲望;要求, I am filled with desire to go back home. 我心中充满了回家的渴望。 bamboo [bæm'bu:] n. 竹,竹子 dazzle : v. 使眼花,使惊奇,目眩,耀眼n. 耀眼的光,令人惊叹的事物 She was dazzled by her sudden success. 突然的成...
六级单词 dub [d?b] vt. [电影]配音;n.配音 community [k?'mju:niti] n. 社区;团体;共同体;群落 desire [di'zai?] n. 欲望;要求, I am filled with desire to go back home. 我心中充满了回家的渴望。 bamboo [bæm'bu:] n. 竹,竹子 dazzle : v. 使眼花,使惊奇,目眩,耀眼n. 耀眼的光,令人惊叹的事物 She was dazzled by her sudden success. 突然的成功使她感到迷惘。 outfit ['autfit] n. 用具;机构;全套装备His father bought a ski outfit for him on his birthday. 他父亲在他生日那天给他买了一套滑雪用具 heel [hi:l] n. 脚后跟;踵 at someone's heels紧跟在某人后面He heeled after his wife as a dog.他像狗一样紧跟在他妻子的身后。 romance [r?u'mæns, 'r?umæns, r?'mæns] n. 浪漫史; dispatch [dis'pæt?] n. vt 派遣;急件 flutter ['fl?t?] vi. 飘动;鼓翼;烦扰 The birds fluttered excitedly in the trees.鸟儿在树林中兴奋地飞来飞去。Some leaves fluttered to the ground. 一些树叶飘落到地面。 rash [ræ?] adj. 轻率的;鲁莽的;n. 皮疹How is virus rash caused?病毒疹是如何引起的? competitive [k?m'petitiv] adj. 比赛的;竞争的 1 stitch [stit?] n. 针脚,线迹;一针vt(vi). 缝,缝合 A stitch in time saves nine.及时一针省九针。防微杜渐。 character ['kær?kt?] n. 字符;特性;角色;性格,品质 corpse [k?:ps] n. 尸体 The man without faith is a walking corpse.没有信仰的人是行尸走肉。 fiction ['fik??n] n. 小说;虚构,编造;谎言 straightforward [,streit'f?:w?d] adj. 简单的;坦率的;明确的;径直的adv. 坦率地; compete [k?m'pi:t] vi. 竞争;比赛; bargain ['bɑ:ɡin] n. 交易;契约;特价商品v 讨价还价;a bad/good bargain 一笔(不)合算的交易 ,一件(不)便宜的货物 We refuse to bargain over the price我们拒绝在价格上讨价还价。 external [ik'st?:n?l] adj. 外部的;表面的;客观的 aspiration [,æsp?'rei??n] n. 渴望;抱负;Without enthusiasm and aspiration, none of the great success could be made.如果没有激情和渴望,任何伟大的成功都不可能实现。 drawback ['dr?:bæk] n. 缺点,不利条件Complacency is a drawback to progress.自满是进步的障碍。 cute [kju:t] adj. 可爱的;聪明的, toll [t?ul, t?l] vt. 征收;敲钟n. 通行费;代价;钟声vi. 鸣钟;征税And the death toll could rise as rescuers search for victims among 2 the rubble.随着救援者们在碎石中搜寻受害者,伤亡人数可能会上升。 correlate ['k?:r?,leit] vt(i). 使有相互关系;互相有关系n. 相关物;相关联的人adj. 关联的His research results correlate with yours.他的研究成果与你的研究成果有相互关系。 sip [sip] n. 抿;小口喝; vi(t). 啜饮Bees sip honey from flowers. 蜜蜂从花中啜蜜。 conservation [,k?ns?'vei??n] n. 保存,保持;保护 Most people have come to accept the need for conservation.大多数人已经开始认识到节约的必要性。 clasp [klɑ:sp] n. 扣子,钩子;握手vt. 紧抱;扣紧;紧紧缠绕She clasped a bracelet round her wrist.她将手镯戴在手腕上。 efficient [i'fi??nt] adj. 有效率的;生效的;有能力的 current ['k?r?nt] adj. 现在的;流通的,通用的Select the current style.选择当前的样式。 invert [in'v?:t, 'inv?:t] vt. 使…转化;使…颠倒;使…反转;使…前后倒置invert black and white and mix truth and fiction. 颠倒黑白,混淆是非。 segment ['seɡm?nt, seɡ'ment, 'seɡment] v. 分割n. 段;部分 religious [ri'lid??s] adj. 宗教的;虔诚的; 3 extraordinary [ik'str?:d?n?ri] adj. 特别的,格外的;额外的,临时 的The secret to success is to do ordinary things extraordinary.成功 的秘诀就是将平凡的事做得不平凡。 drain [drein] v. 排水;流干vt. 喝光,耗尽;He drained his wife of every cent she had.他花光了他妻子的每一分钱。The country was drained of its manpower and wealth by war.战争耗尽了这个国家的 人力和财力。 confidence ['k?nfid?ns] n. 信心;信任;Confidence is the first step to success!自信是迈向成功的第一步~ strain [strein] n.v 张力;拉紧;Too loud sound would strain your ears.过响的声音会损伤你的听力。 entrepreneur [,?ntr?pr?'n?:] n. 企业家;承包人;主办者The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer.真正的创业者是实干家,而不 是梦想家。 assault [?'s?:lt] n. 攻击;袭击v. 袭击;攻击He was assaulted with eggs and stones.他遭到鸡蛋和石块的袭击。 strand [strænd] n. 海滨;线;串.v 使搁浅;使陷于困境He was stranded in the middle of nowhere.他身在茫茫荒野中,一筹莫展。 concise [k?n'sais] adj. 简明的,简洁的I gave a concise answer about this.我对于此事给了一个简要的答复. strategy ['strætid?i] n. 战略,策略 financial [fai'næn??l] adj. 财政的,财务的;金融的 4 denounce [di'nauns] vt. 谴责;告发;公然抨击;通告废除Rather than denounce or detain him , the school and family should actively make a coalition once a young addict is discovered.当发现网络成瘾青少年时,学校和家庭要做的不是公开指责或拘禁学生,而应积极地形成联合。 Catholic adj. 天主教的;宽宏大量的n. 天主教徒;罗马天主教 streak [stri:k] n. 条纹,线条;倾向v. 飞跑,疾驶;加上条纹A dazzling streak lit up the sky.一道耀眼的闪电照亮了天空。 preliminary [pri'limin?ri] n. 初步措施;预赛;准备adj. 预备的;初步的;开始的 property ['pr?p?ti] n. 财产;性质,性能;所有权 stream [stri:m] n. 溪流;流动vt. 流出;涌出;A quiet stream, a heart live with brave.寂静的溪流里,躺著一颗勇敢的心. streamline ['stri:mlain] vt. 使合理化;使成流线型,使效率更高n. 流线型;流线 maneuver [m?'nu:v?] n. 策略;演习;调遣;机动vi. 调遣;演习;用计谋;机动You have no room to maneuver, no time to think.你没有回旋的空间,没有思考的时间。 alleviate [?'li:vieit] vt. 减轻,缓和I was clearly looking for a way to alleviate the stress in my life.我很清楚自己是要寻找一种方法来释放生活中的压力。 physiological [,fizi?'l?d?ik?l] adj. 生理学的,生理的 5 facet ['fæsit] n. 面;方面;小平面vt. 在…上琢面 stride [straid] n. 步幅;大步;进展v. 跨过;大踏步走过;You must stride across the standing predecessors and become greater than them必须跨过那站着的前人,比前人更加伟大。 distinguish [dis'ti?ɡwi?] v. 辨别;区分;区别 apparatus [,æp?'reit?s] n. 装置,设备;器官;仪器emergency apparatus: 应急设备; rival ['raiv?l] n. 竞争者;对手vt. 与…竞争;比得上某人adj. 竞争的No one can rival him in this respect.在这方面没有人能比得上他。 complex ['k?mpleks] adj. 复杂的;合成的 psychological [,psaik?'l?d?ik?l] adj. 心理的;心理学的;精神上的 deduce [di'dju:s] vt. 推论,推断;演绎出From his conversation,I deduced that he had a large family.据他的谈话,我推断他有个大家庭。 critic ['kritik] n. 批评家,评论家;爱挑剔的人 bull [bul] n. 公牛adj. 公牛似的;雄性的; levy ['levi] n. v. 征收;征兵,征税The kidnappers levied a ransom (赎金) on the child's parents.绑匪向小孩的父母索取赎金。 avoid [?'v?id] vt. 避免;避开,躲避;消除 avoid doing sth: 避免做某事; 6 disposition [,disp?'zi??n] n. 性情;倾向;处置;Have faith in people. Cynicism sours the disposition.信任别人。愤世嫉俗使你的人格 变。...... scheme [ski:m] n. ;组合;体制;诡计vi. 搞阴谋;拟订计划vt. 计划;策划to scheme for something策划某事 periodical [,pi?ri'?dik?l] adj. 定期的;周期的n.期刊,杂志This periodical is issued monthly.这本期刊是每月发行的。 exhaust [iɡ'z?:st] vt. 耗尽;排出;使精疲力尽;I have exhausted myself working.我工作得精疲力竭。 object ['?bd?ikt, -d?ekt, ?b'd?ekt] n. 宾语;;目标;物体vi. 反对;object to对…反对 deadline ['dedlain] n. 截止期限,最后期限 condemn [k?n'dem] vt. 判刑,定罪;谴责;声讨We condemn cruelty and cruel people我们谴责残忍行为和残忍的人。 string [stri?] n. 线,细绳;一串,一行She undid the string round the parcel.她解开了绕在包裹上的绳子。 encounter [in'kaunt?] v 遭遇,邂逅;遇到n. 遭遇,偶然碰见She encountered an old friend on the road.她在路上偶然碰到一位老朋友。 previous ['pri:vj?s] adj. 以前的;早先的;过早的 criminal ['krimin?l] n. 罪犯adj. 犯罪的;刑事的;罪恶的 7 detach [di'tæt?] vt. 分离;派遣;使超然He detached himself from the world.他超脱尘世,离群索居。 plague [pleiɡ] n. 瘟疫;灾祸;麻烦;讨厌的人vt. 折磨;使苦恼;使得灾祸Air pollution is regarded as a plague of the nation.空气污染被认为是这个国家的严重问题。 aid [eid] n. 帮助;援助;帮助者vt. 帮助;援助;有助于 hierarchy ['hai?,rɑ:ki] n. 层级;等级制度 radical ['rædik?l] adj. 根本的;激进的;彻底的Her opinion is very radical.她的观点非常激进的。 essence ['es?ns] n. 本质,实质; 1 in essence本质上,实质上;其实2. of the essence极其重要的;必不可少的 ego ['i:ɡ?u, 'eɡ?u] n. 自我;自我意识;自负Too much ego brings too much unhappiness.太多的自尊,会造成很多伤害。 conscientious [,k?n?i'en??s] adj. 认真的;尽责的;有良心的;We should be conscientious to our work.我们应该对工作认真 complain [k?m'plein] v. 发牢骚;投诉;诉说Let us complain less and give more.让我们抱怨更少,给予更多。 reinforce [,ri:in'f?:s] n.vt. 加强,加固;补充;强化He reinforced his argument with many facts.他用很多事实进一步证实了他的论点。 pumpkin ['p?mpkin,] n. 南瓜 caption ['kæp??n] n. 字幕;标题;说明; vt. 加上说明;加上标题 allowance [?'lau?ns] n. 津贴,零用钱;限额;允许 8 stalk n.主茎,叶柄;高烟囱vt. 追踪,潜近;Danger and delight grow both upon one stalk.危险和快乐生长在同一棵树上。 morality [m?'ræl?ti] n. 道德;品行,美德Environmental morality has an important adjusting effects to environmental behaviors.环境道德对环境行为具有重要的调节作用。 pastry ['peistri] n. 油酥点心;面粉糕饼 endow [in'dau] vt. 捐赠;天生具有;赋予Only wellness can endow you with lifetime happiness.只有一身的健康,才会赋予你一生的幸福。 household ['haush?uld] adj. 家庭的;日常的 n. 家庭;一家人 idiot ['idi?t] n. 白痴;笨蛋,傻瓜 acceptance [?k'sept?ns] n. 接受;承兑;赞同;接纳 detail ['di:teil] n. 细节,详情vt. 详述;1 for further details有关(或欲知、为了知道)更详细情况(请询问、参看…) 2 go (或 enter) into detail(s)详细叙述,详述,详细说明,逐一说明,深谈3. in detaila. 逐一处理;逐一地,详细地This problem we shall discuss in detail later.这个问题我们将在以后详细讨论。 narrative ['nær?tiv] n. 叙述;故事;讲述adj. 叙事的,叙述的; rot [r?t] n. 腐烂;腐败;腐坏v. (使)腐烂;(使)腐败;堕落 border ['b?:d?] n. 边界;边境;国界vt. 接近;与…接壤 spice [spais] n. 香料;情趣;调味品; Variety is the spice of life多样化是生活的调味品. 9 institution [,insti'tju:??n] n. 制度;(社会或宗教等)公共机构;习俗; furniture ['f?:nit??] n. 家具;设备;储藏物 grim [ɡrim] adj. 冷酷的;残忍的;糟糕的The environment grim situation has caused great concern in all aspects.严峻的环境形势已引起方方面面高度关注。 muddy ['m?di] adj. 泥泞的;混乱的vt. 使沾上泥;使污浊; vi. 变得泥泞;沾满烂泥Do remember: Only on muddy roads can we leave our footprints.切记:只有在泥泞的路上才能留下我们的脚印。 stall [st?:l] n. 货摊;畜栏;v. (使)停止,(使)停转 standpoint ['stændp?int] n. 立场;观点 expose [ik'sp?uz] vt. 使曝光;揭发; I will expose his all lawless actions.我将揭发他全部的不法行为。 prone [pr?un] adj. 有…倾向的,易于…的;俯卧的 staple ['steipl] n. 订书钉;主要产品;主题adj. 主要的,常用的; vt. 把…分级;钉住 startle ['stɑ:tl] v. (使)吓一跳;(使)惊奇 assign [?'sain] vt. 分配;指派;赋值 relieve [ri'li:v] vt. 解除,减轻;使放心The adoption of this policy would relieve them of a tremendous burden.采取这个政策会给他们解除一个巨大的负担。 inclusive [in'klu:siv] adj. 包括的,包含的 10 statement ['steitm?nt] n. 声明;陈述,叙述 conversion [k?n'v?:??n] n. 转换;变换; statesman ['steitsm?n] n. 国务活动家;政治家 initial [i'ni??l] adj. 最初的;字首的This is just an initial improvements.这仅仅是一个初步改进。 eloquent ['el?kw?nt] adj. 雄辩的,有口才的;Silence is more eloquent than words.沈默是更有说服力的言词. proof [pru:f] n. 证据;证明;Tears are no proof of cowardice.眼泪不是怯懦的证明~ stationary ['stei??n?ri] adj.固定的;定居的;常备军的n. 不动的人;驻军 predict [pri'dikt] vt. 预报,预言;预知vi. 作出预言;作预料,The best way to predict future is to create it !预测未来最好的方式就是创造未来! appease [?'pi:z] vt. 使平息;使和缓,让步Water appeases thirst 水能解渴。The fruit appeased his hunger.他以果充饥。 resolve [ri'z?lv] v 决定; 决心;解决;分解We must keep our resolve.我们必须保持决心。 status ['steit?s] n. 地位;状态;身分 abnormal [æb'n?:m?l] adj. 反常的,不规则的;变态的 stereo ['steri,?u] n. 立体声;立体声系统; adj. 立体声的;立体的;立体感觉的 11 contribution [,k?ntri'bju:??n] n. 贡献;捐献;投稿make a/one's contribution to/towards对…作出贡献; option ['?p??n] n. 选择权;选项;[ stereotype ['steri?utaip]vt. 使用铅版;套用老套,使一成不变n. 铅版;陈腔滥调,老套 crime [kraim] n. 罪行,罪恶;犯罪活动vt. 控告……违反纪律 stern [st?:n] n. 船尾,末端adj. 严厉的;坚定的He is stern in his discipline.他对纪律是严格的。 census ['sens?s] vt. 实施统计调查n. 人口普查,人口调查 independence [,indi'pend?ns] n. 独立性,自立性;自主 repay [ri:'pei] v 偿还;报答;报复 giggle ['ɡiɡl] vi. 傻笑;咯咯地笑glitter ['ɡlit?] vi. 闪烁;闪光n. 闪光;灿烂All that glitter is not gold.闪闪发光的并不是金子。 lieutenant [lef'ten?nt] n. 中尉;助理人员;副官 evil ['i:v?l] adj. 邪恶的;有害的;不幸的;讨厌的n. 罪恶,邪恶;不幸 prospective [pr?u'spektiv] adj. 未来的;预期的n. 预期;展望 dismiss [dis'mis] v开除;解散;解雇 endurance [in'dju?r?ns] n. 忍耐;持久;耐久;忍耐力Love is hope and endurance.爱情是希望和忍耐; 12 conserve [k?n's?:v, 'k?ns?:v] vt. 保存;使守恒n. 果酱;蜜饯We must conserve water during the drought.干旱期间我们必须节约用水。 expense [ik'spens] n. 开支;消费;损失,代价at grea/little expensea. 花了很多(或很小)钱b. 以很大(或很少)代价 preclude [pri'klu:d] vt. 妨碍;排除;阻止 agreeable [?'ɡri:?bl] adj. 令人愉快的;适合的;和蔼可亲的 sticky ['stiki] adj. 粘的;粘性的 marsh [mɑ:?] n. 湿地;沼泽adj. 沼泽的;生长在沼泽地的 patron ['peitr?n] n. 赞助人;保护人;主顾 insect ['insekt] n. 昆虫;卑鄙的人 proficiency [pr?u'fi??nsi] n. 精通,熟练 sentiment ['sentim?nt] n. 感情;情操;多愁善感She is a girl of sentiment.她是一个多愁善感的女孩. gear [ɡi?] n. 齿轮;传动装置;装置,工具 literacy ['lit?r?si] n. 读写能力;精通文学 rectify ['rektifai] vt..矫正;纠正; overhead ['?uv?hed, ,?uv?'hed] adv. 在头顶上;在空中;在高处 frequent ['fri:kw?nt] adj. 时常发生的;频繁的;惯常的 destiny ['destini] n. 命运,定数,天命Our destiny offers not the cup of despair,but the chalice of opportunity.命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。 13 cellar ['sel?] n. 地窖;酒窖;地下室vt. 把…藏入地窖 gigantic [,d?ai'ɡæntik] adj. 巨大的,庞大的 classical ['klæsik?l] adj. 古典的;经典的;传统的 reclaim [ri'kleim] vt. 开拓;回收再利用;改造某人,使某人悔改vi. 抗议,喊叫New China has reclaimed many men from a life of crime. 新中国把许多人从犯罪的道路上挽救了回来。 orientation [,?:rien'tei??n] n. (对环境等的)适应;熟悉,定位;定向;方位;方向we must rectify our love of the value orientation.我们必须端正我们爱的价值取向。 huddle ['h?dl] vt.把…胡乱堆积(或紧挤在一起):乱推,乱搡:vi. 挤作一团;蜷缩n. 拥挤;People huddled one another into the hall. 人们推推搡搡地拥进了大厅。 hasty ['heisti] adj. 匆忙的;轻率的;草率的Hasty love, soon cold.匆忙的爱情冷得快. cancer ['kæns?] n. 癌症;恶性肿瘤 breed [bri:d] v教育,培养;生产,生育,饲养;n. 品种;种类,This is a dying breed of sheep.这种羊是一种正在灭绝的品种。 finance [fai'næns] n. 财政,财政学;金融 imaginative [i'mæd?in?tiv] adj. 虚构的;富于想像的 establish [i'stæbli?] vt. 建立;安置;创办How can I establish my innocence?我怎样才能证实我的清白, 14 reconcile ['rek?nsail] vt. 使一致;使和解;调停,调解;They were reconciled after a quarrel.他们吵架之后又重归于好。 fracture ['frækt??] n. 破裂,裂痕;骨折vi. 破裂;to fracture the friendship enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'æstik] adj. 热心的;热情的;狂热的 priority [prai'?r?ti] n. 优先(权);重点1. according to priority依照次序2. give priority to优先考虑; nutrition [nju:'tri??n] n. 营养,营养学;营养品 contest ['k?ntest, k?n'test] vt. 争辩,竞争; n. 竞赛; deviate ['di:vieit] v (使)越轨;(使)脱离He never deviates from his regular habits.他从不改变自己通常的习惯。 pamphlet ['pæmflit] n. 小册子 discriminate [dis'krimineit] v. 区别;辨别;歧视You must learn to discriminate fact from opinion.你必须学会把事实和看法区分开。 rivalry ['raiv?lri] n. 竞争;竞赛;对抗 competence ['k?mpit?ns] n. 能力,胜任;权限;Degree and competence don't guarantee success.程度和能力并不能保证成功。 barricade [,bæri'keid]n. 路障vt. 设路障;阻碍 glamour ['ɡlæm?] n. 魅力,魔力Do fashionable glamour wife做时尚魅力女人 nourish ['n?ri?] vt. 滋养;怀有;抚养 15 stab [stæb] v.刺穿;刺伤;戳;The plane stabbed the clouds into the sky飞机穿透云层飞入高空。 accumulate [?'kju:mjuleit] v 累积;积聚. 积攒By working hard you may accumulate a fortune.努力工作,你就会积蓄一笔财产。 armor ['ɑ:m?] n. 装甲;盔甲 slip [slip] vi.滑倒;溜走,滑落 enlighten [in'lait?n] vt. 启发,启蒙;教导 idiom ['idi?m] n. 成语,习语;土话 progressive [pr?u'ɡresiv] adj. 进步的;先进的All wars that are progressive are just.所有进步的战争都是正义的。 booth [bu:ð, bu:θ] n. 货摊;公用电话亭 appendix [?'pendiks] n. 附录;阑尾;附加物 corrode [k?'r?ud] v. 侵蚀;损害,腐蚀Jealousy corroded her character嫉妒损伤了她的人格。 groove [ɡru:v] n. 凹槽,线条;惯例run/move in the same groove如出一辙,墨守陈规 owe [?u] vt.欠;应该把……归功于 complaint [k?m'pleint] n. 抱怨;诉苦;疾病;委屈I have a complaint. 我有一些不满. stability [st?'biliti] n. 稳定性;坚定,恒心 stabilize ['steibilaiz] vt. 使稳固,使安定How to stabilize oneself mood?怎么稳定自己的情绪, 16 propaganda [,pr?p?'ɡænd?] n. 宣传;[宗]传道总会 flare [flε?] v. (使)张开;(使)闪耀;Mary's temper flared up.玛丽大发脾气。 stable ['steibl] n. 马厩;牛棚adj. 稳定的;坚定的;牢固的 innumerable [i'nuj:m?r?bl] adj. 无数的,数不清的 justify ['d??stifai] v. 证明合法;证明…是正当的;I don't think he is justified in his action.我认为他的行动缺乏正当的理由。 foam [f?um] n. 泡沫;水沫; compose [k?m'p?uz] vt.构成;写作;创作 psychiatrist [psai'kai?trist] n. 精神病学家,精神病医生 intellectual [,int?'lektju?l adj. 智力的;聪明的;理智的Optimism is an intellectual choice.乐观是一种明智的选择。 objection [?b'd?ek??n] n. 异议,反对;妨碍;make an (或 take) objection to对…表示反对 costume ['k?stju:m] n. 服装,装束;a costume designer.一个服装设计师。 reaction [ri'æk??n] n. 反应,感应; presume [pri'zju:m] vt. 假定;推测; I presume you are busy now凯文,想必你现在很忙 hurricane ['h?rik?n] n. 飓风The hurricane caused extensive damage.飓风造成重大损失。 17 entail [in'teil] vt. 必需,使承担;Success entails hard work.要成功,必须努力工作。 referee [,ref?'ri:] n. 裁判员;调解人;The referee blew his whistle.裁判吹响了哨子。 dodge [d?d?] v. 躲避,避开dodge about东躲西藏: foremost ['f?:m?ust] adj. 最先的;最重要的first and foremost首先,首要地 stack [stæk] n. 堆;堆叠vt.把…堆积起来 circus ['s?:k?s] n. 马戏团;马戏 disguise [dis'ɡaiz] vt. 假装;掩饰;隐瞒The enemy soldier disguised as civilian.一名敌兵伪装成了平民。 stagger ['stæɡ?] v (使)蹒跚;(使)犹豫his resolution began to stagger.他的决心开始动摇了。 recognize ['rek?ɡnaiz] v. 承认;认出,识别Recognize the importance of give and take.认识到给予和获得的重要性。 staircase ['stε?keis] n. 楼梯 embody [im'b?di] vt. 体现,使具体化;The letter embodied all her ideas.这封信表达了她的全部看法。 spite [spait] n. 恶意;怨恨;不顾vt. 刁难;使恼怒In spite of danger, she remained calm尽管危险,她依然镇定自若。 luxury ['l?k??ri] n.奢华;奢侈(品)adj. 奢侈的wallow in luxury过奢侈的生活 18 accommodate [?'k?m?deit] v. 供应;调解;容纳accommodate oneself to circumstances使自己适应情况(或环境) primarily ['praim?r?li] adv. 主要地,根本上;首先 setback ['setbæk] n. 挫折;逆流;退步Not arrogant with victory, not dishearten with setback胜不骄,败不馁。 restrain [ri'strein] vt.控制;约束I restrained tears with difficulty.我好不容易才忍住了眼泪。 gossip ['ɡ?sip] n.闲话,流言蜚语Gossip is halitosis of the brain.闲话是头脑发出的口臭。 reward [ri'w?:d] n. 报酬;酬谢;报答vt. 奖赏;奖励 maintain [mein'tein] vt. 维持;维修;供养;maintain oneself自食其力 define [di'fain] vt. 定义;规定 harmony ['hɑ:m?ni] n. 协调;融洽;和睦in (或out of) harmony(不)协调一致;(不)和睦融洽 arrogant ['ær?ɡ?nt] adj. 自大的,傲慢的 afford [?'f?:d] vt. 给予,提供;买得起 argue ['ɑɡju:] v. 争论,辩论;argue someone into/out of (doing)something劝告,说服某人做(或不做)某事 paradise ['pær?dais] n. 天堂live in a fool's paradise做黄粱美梦;生活在幻想世界 plea [pli:] n. 恳求,请求;辩解 19 merely ['mi?li] adv. 仅仅,只不过Life is not merely living but living in health.生命不仅仅是活著,而且要健康的活著。 flat [flæt] adj. 平坦的;扁平的n. 平地;公寓 ponder ['p?nd?] v衡量,沉思;考虑 ignite [iɡ'nait] vt. 点燃; vi. 点火;燃烧His speech ignite the audience's cheer.他的讲话激起了听众的喝采。 asset ['æset] n. 资产;有用东西;Honesty is an intangible asset to me.诚实是我的无形资产。 decent ['di:s?nt] adj. 得体的;正派的;I hope I will make a decent pay in the future我希望将来找一个待遇好的工作。 recipe ['resipi] n. 食谱;[医]处方;秘诀recipe for success成功秘诀 premier ['premj?] adj. 第一的;最初的n. 总理,首相 casual ['kæ?ju?l] adj. 偶然的;随便的;临时的;a casual visitor不速之客 severe [si'vi?] adj. 严厉的;苛刻的;Competition for the job is very severe.这份工作的竞争是很激烈的。 propel [pr?u'pel] vt. 推进;驱使;His addiction to drugs propelled him toward a life of crime.吸毒成瘾使他走上犯罪的道路。 authorize ['?:θ?raiz] vt. 批准,认可;授权 instruct [in'str?kt] vt. 命令;指导instruct somebody to do something命令某人做某事 20 lure [lju?] n.v 引诱;诱惑;He was lured to destruction.他受诱惑而走向毁灭。 genuine ['d?enjuin] adj. 真实的,真正的; emergency [i'm?:d??nsi] n. 紧急情况;突发事件;in an emergency 在紧急关头, proceeding [pr?u'si:di?] n. 进行;程序;诉讼 consensus [k?n'sens?s] n. 一致;舆论;合意 artery ['ɑ:t?ri] n. 动脉;干道;vt动脉般分布于Roads and railways artery every province.公路和铁路遍布各省。 internal [in't?:n?l] adj. 国内的;内部的; splash [splæ?] vt. 溅,泼; n. 飞溅的水;污点; vi. 溅湿;溅开 calorie ['kæl?ri] n. 卡路里 accommodation [?,k?m?'dei??n] n. 调节;住处,膳宿 background ['bækɡraund] n. 背景; spoil [sp?il] vt. 溺爱;糟蹋;掠夺You should not spoil your child.你不应该宠坏你的孩子。 represent [,repri'zent] vt. 表现;描绘;代表; sponge [sp?nd?] n. 海绵; hostile ['h?stail] adj. 敌对的,敌方的;be hostile to sb: 对…有敌意 chord [k?:d] n. 弦;和弦 21 feeble ['fi:bl] adj. 微弱的,无力的;Superstition is the religion of feeble minds.迷信是意志薄弱者的宗教。 spontaneous [sp?n'teini?s] adj. 自发的;自然的;无意识的 sparkle ['spɑ:kl] n.v 活力;火花;闪耀The stars sparkle in the dark sky.夜晚的天空上星星闪闪发光。 receipt [ri'si:t] n. 收到;收据;Please give me a receipt.请您给我一张收据。 compliment ['k?mplim?nt] n.v 恭维;问候;道贺compliments of the season节日的祝贺 poverty ['p?v?ti] n. 贫困;困难Poverty is stranger to industry.贫困是勤奋的门外汉。 scandal ['skænd?l] n. 丑闻;诽谤The scandal tarnished his reputation.丑闻败坏了他的名誉。 overthrow [,?uv?'θr?u] n.v 推翻;倾覆;Her charms overthrew everyone.她的美貌令所有人倾倒。 repression [ri'pre??n] n. 抑制,压抑;镇压 abstract ['æbstrækt, æb'strækt] n. 抽象; adj. 抽象的; ensue [in'sju:] vi. 跟着发生,继起vt. 追求As the days ensued随着时日的推移, cognitive ['k?ɡnitiv] adj. 认知的,认识的 notion ['n?u??n] n. 概念;见解;Do you accept this notion?你接受这种看法吗? 22 lubricate ['lubrikeit] v.(使)润滑;涂油Dinner lubricates business. 请客吃饭有助于做生意。 sprinkle ['spri?kl] n. 少量;撒,洒v洒,撒; acute [?'kju:t] adj. 严重的,急性的;敏锐的; shipment ['?ipm?nt] n. 装货;装载的货物 comparable ['k?mp?r?bl] adj. 比得上的;可比较的 spy [spai] n. 间谍;密探vt. 侦察; pedestrian [pi'destri?n] adj. 徒步的n. 行人pedestrian crossing/bridge人行横道/天桥 interaction [,int?r'æk??n] n. 交互作用;相互作用 faculty ['fæk?lti] n. 能力;科,系faculty member教职工 clutch [kl?t?] n.离合器; v. 抓住;紧握A drowning man will clutch at a straw.将溺死之人连一根草也要去抓。 biography [bai'?ɡr?fi] n. 传记;档案;简介 mourn [m?:n, m?un] v. 哀悼;服丧mourn sb: 哀悼某人 limp [limp] n.vi 跛行,蹒跚The old man limped away on the stick. 老人拄着拐杖瘸地走开了。 squad [skw?d] n.班;小队 eligible ['elid??bl] adj. 合格的,合适的;be eligible for适宜于;有…的资格的 engage [in'ɡeid?] vt. 雇佣,订婚,使从事于engaged in从事于;忙于 23 intellect ['int?lekt] n. 智力,理解力; ntellect is to the mind what sight is to the body.智力对思想犹如视力对于身体一样重要。 clan [klæn] n. 宗族;部落; expedition [,ekspi'di??n] n. 远征;探险(队) polish ['p?li?] vt. 磨光,使发亮adj. 波兰的 locality [l?u'kæl?ti] n. 位置;地点; applaud [?'pl?:d] v. (向…)喝采;称赞We applaud him for his bravery.我们称赞他的勇敢。 discreet [dis'kri:t] adj. 小心的;谨慎的 grope [ɡr?up] v. 摸索;探索He groped for the door handle in the dark.他在黑暗中摸索寻找门把手。 legal ['li:ɡ?l] adj. 法定的;合法的 counterpart ['kaunt?,pɑ:t] n. 副本;复制品,配对物;Night is the counterpart of day.夜晚是和白天相对应的. ascertain [,æs?'tein] vt. 确定;查明;ascertain the facts查明事实 真相 descend [di'send] vi. 下降;遗传;The custom has descended to our day.这种习俗沿传至今。 immigrant ['imiɡr?nt] n. 移民,侨民 crew [kru:] n. 全体人员,全体船员; pose [p?uz] v. 摆姿势;佯装;n. 姿势,姿态 pedal ['pedl] vi. 踩踏板;骑车n. 踏板;脚蹬I was just pedaling 24 along a road.我正在路上骑自行车。 invaluable [in'vælju?bl] adj. 无价的;非常贵重的Money can be counted by amount,but love is invaluable.金钱可以用数目来衡量,而爱情是无价的。 audience ['?:di?ns] n. 观众;听众 input ['input] n. vt 投入. 输入; phase [feiz] n. 方面;相位;阶段 chronic ['kr?nik] adj. 慢性的;长期的;Chronic feelings of emptiness or boredom.长期的空虚或者厌倦感。 soar [s?:] vi. 高耸;往上飞舞;高飞soar into the sky飞向高空 elaborate [i'læb?r?t] v. 精心制作;详细阐述;elaborate on 详细说明,阐述 retrospect ['retr?uspekt] n. 回顾,追溯in retrospect回顾往事;回想起来In retrospect it was a nightmare.回想起来,真是一场恶梦。 strive [straiv] vi. 努力;奋斗;Strive for progress, not perfection.力争进步,勿求完美。 profound [pr?u'faund] adj. 深厚的;渊博的take a profound interest 十分感兴趣;十分关切 cathedral [k?'θi:dr?l] n. 大教堂 scan [skæn] vt. 扫描;浏览; stroke [str?uk] n.中风;轻抚vt.抚摸The first stroke is half the battle. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 25 authoritative [?:'θ?rit?tiv] adj. 有权威的;命令式的;David speaks in an authoritative tone.大卫以命令的口吻说话。 likelihood ['laiklihud] n. 可能(性)in all likelihood/ probability十有 八九;很可能 commercial [k?'m?:??l] adj. 商业的;营利的; promote [pr?u'm?ut] vt. 促进;提升;I?ll promote stability and unity.我将促进安定团结。 stroll [str?ul] n.v 闲逛;漫步;I stroll around the street .我在街上四 处闲逛. originate [?'rid??neit] vt.创作vi. 发源;Our discord was originated by a quarrel.一次口角导致了我们之间的不和。 discern [di's?:n] v. 识别;领悟,辨别He can discern between right and wrong.他能分清是非。 practicable ['præktik?bl] adj. 可行的;可用的 challenge ['t?ælind?] n. vt(向…)挑战Life is a challenge人生是 一次挑战 stubborn ['st?b?n] adj. 顽固的;顽强的Facts are stubborn things.事实是不可否认的。 aggressive [?'ɡresiv] adj. 好斗的;侵略性的,有进取心的 beam [bi:m] n. 横梁;电波;光线; axis ['æksis] n.轴(线); 26 lane [lein] n. 小巷;航线;车道A winding lane led down towards the river.一条弯曲的小路通向河边。 mercury ['m?:kjuri] n. 水银;水银柱 incline [in'klain] v.(使)倾斜;(使)倾向于n. 斜面;斜坡 analyze ['æn?laiz] vt. 对…进行分析,分解 stumble ['st?mbl] vi.n 踌躇,蹒跚;失足A stumble may prevent a fall.[谚语]小疾防大病。 project ['pr?d?ekt] v.计划;设计n. 事业;计划;工程 feasible ['fi:z?bl] adj. 可行的; definitive [di'finitiv] adj. 最后的;限定的This is the definitive version.这是最后的版本。 tump [t?mp] n. 草丛;小丘 drill [dril] n. 钻子;钻孔机;播种机;训练vi. 钻孔;训练 solicitor [s?'lisit?] n. 律师;法务官 outrage ['autreid?] n. 暴行;侮辱This whole affair is an outrage! 整个事件都是个侮辱~ stun [st?n] vt. 打昏;使震惊n.昏迷He was stunned at the bad news.那条噩耗令他昏了过去。 sturdy ['st?:di] adj. 强健的;坚定的;Sturdy steeds gallop on the grasslands.骏马在草原上奔驰。 escort ['esk?:t] n.护送者;护航舰;护卫队vt. 护送;陪同You escort her home.你陪她回家。 27 contend [k?n'tend] v 竞争;斗争,主张They have to contend against draught every year.他们每年都得与干旱做斗争。 leather ['leð?] n. 皮革;皮革制品 commentary ['k?m?nt?ri] n. 评论;评注;注释 gracious ['ɡrei??s] adj. 亲切的;和蔼的 consequent ['k?nsi,kw?nt] n. 结果 intimate ['intim?t] adj. 亲密的;私人的Book is my intimate company书是我亲密的伙伴 subjective [s?b'd?ektiv] adj. 主观的;个人的 plead [pli:d] vt. 为...辩护; vi. 恳求;辩护plead with someone (for)(为某事)恳求某人 imperial [im'pi?ri?l] adj. 皇帝的;帝国的; elite [ei'li:t,] n. 精英;精华;elite education精英教育, intricate ['intrik?t] adj. 复杂的;错综的It was an intricate s system .这是一个复杂的体系。 submarine ['s?bm?ri:n] n. 潜水艇;海底生物adj. 水下的;海底的 liability [,lai?'bil?ti] n. 债务;责任;liability for???责任 bureaucracy [bju?'r?kr?si] n. 官僚政治;官僚主义; poetry ['p?uitri] n.诗歌Desire can be sublimated into fine poetry.欲望可以升华为美妙的诗。 highlight ['hailait] n. 最精彩的部分It is the highlight of my day这是我今天最快乐的时候了~ 28 slash [slæ?] v. 猛砍;削减n.斜线;slash another research field开辟一个新的研究领域 ambition [æm'bi??n] n. 野心,雄心;You will achieve your ambition if you work hard.如果你工作努力,你会实现你的抱负。 reassure [,ri:?'?u?] vt. 使…安心,使消除疑虑 abundance [?'b?nd?ns] n.充裕,丰富An abundance of instances is cited.引用了大量的例子。 prosperous ['pr?sp?r?s] adj. 繁荣的;兴旺的 submit [s?b'mit] v.使服从,呈递It is foolish to submit to such threat. 屈服于这种威胁很愚蠢 differentiate [,dif?'ren?ieit] v. 区分,区别 court [k?:t] n. 法院;朝廷;球场 security [si'kju?riti] n. 安全(感)seek peace and security追求和平和安全 quiver ['kwiv?] n.v颤抖;震动He quivered all over with rage.他气得浑身发抖。 bowel ['bau?l] n. 肠;内部;relieve the (或one's) bowels大便 subordinate [s?'b?:din?t] adj. 次要的;从属的The minority is subordinate to the majority.少数服从多数'可以说: junk [d???k] n. 垃圾,废物; consecutive [k?n'sekjutiv] adj. 连续;连贯的 29 subscribe [s?b'skraib] vi. 订阅;捐款;认购;I subscribe to this view myself.我个人很认同这一观点。” extinct [ik'sti?kt] adj. 灭绝的,绝种的Anxiety would be extinct.忧虑将不复存在。 cork [k?:k] n.软木(塞)vt.塞住;堵住The cork flew off with a pop. 砰地一声瓶塞飞出去了。 glare [ɡlε?]n.v瞪眼She gave the rude man a glare .她对那个粗鲁的汉子怒目而视。 dictate [dik'teit, 'dikteit] v. 命令;口述;听写You can dictate your own terms.你可以操纵你自己的前途。 credit ['kredit] n. 信用,信誉 dilemma [di'lem?,]n. 困境;进退两难;be in a dilemma处于进退两难的境地,左右为难 prominent ['pr?min?nt] adj显著的;杰出的;He plays a prominent part in public life.他在公众生活中起着重要的作用。 insane [in'sein] adj. 精神病的;疯狂的drive a man insane.以让一个人精神错乱。 magnitude ['mæɡnitju:d] n.大小,尺度 hostage ['h?stid?] n. 人质;抵押品give hostages to fortune听天由命 exchange [iks't?eind?] n.v交换;兑换; flank [flæ?k] n. 侧面;侧腹;侧翼in flank在侧翼;在侧面 30 convene [k?n'vi:n] v召集,集合;The club will convene in October.俱乐部将于十月开会。 affiliate [?'filieit]v 使加入,使成为会员The college is affiliated to/ with the university.这所学院附属于该大学。 inertia [i'n?:?i?] n. 惯性;惰性,Beware of letting inertia win小心惰性作祟 appearance [?'pi?r?ns] n. 外貌,外观;出现by all appearance(s)从外表推断显然,看来 subsequent ['s?bsikw?nt] adj. 后来的,随后的The day subsequent to your visit he died.你探望后的第二天,他便去世了。 reflect [ri'flekt] vt. 反射,照出;反省His behaviour reflects dishonour on his parents.他的行为有损于他父母的声誉。 slump [sl?mp] vi. 下降,衰落Don't slump. Brace up!别灰心,振作起来! skull [sk?l] n. 头盖骨,脑壳 implication [,impli'kei??n] n. 暗示;牵连by implication含蓄地;暗示地 diligent ['dilid??nt] adj. 勤勉的;用功的They're diligent in studying.他们学习很认真. cradle ['kreidl] n. 摇篮;发源地Life is a battle from cradle to grave.中文:人生是一场从生到死的战斗。 adapt [?'dæpt] v 改编;(使)适应adapted to 适应于 31 skip [skip] vi. 跳绳;遗漏;跳跃skip a class无故缺课 erroneous [i'r?uni?s] adj. 不正确的;错误的this view is erroneous. 这个观点是错误的。 subsidiary [s?b'sidi?ri] adj. 辅助的,补充的 benefit ['benifit] n. 利益,好处vt. 有益于, subsidy ['s?bsidi] n. 津贴;补助金; fabric ['fæbrik] n. 织物;构造 substance ['s?bst?ns] n. 物质;资产in substance. 事实上,实际 adjust [?'d??st] vt. 校准;调整You must adjust yourself to new conditions.你必须使自己适应新环境。 elegant ['eliɡ?nt] adj. 高雅的,优雅的;Only black can go with her elegant style.只有黑色才配得上她那优雅的气质。 edible ['edibl] adj.可食(用)的,可以吃的The seed oil is edible种子 油是食用的。collaboration [k?,læb?'rei??n] n.合作;勾结For now China is developing in collaboration with the West.现在中国正在发 展与西方的合作。 abuse [?'bju:z, ?'bju:s] n.vt.滥用;辱骂;虐待It is unethical and barbaric to abuse animals.虐待动物是不道德和野蛮的做法。 imply [im'plai] vt. 暗示;意味;隐含His words implied displeasure. 他的话暗示出他很不高兴。 distinct [dis'ti?kt] adj. 清楚的;有区别的The two issues are distinct from each other.这是两个截然不同的问题。 32 economy [i'k?n?mi] n.经济;理财 dock [d?k] n. 船坞;码头; rim [rim] n.边(缘);圆圈She put a flower on the rim of the hat.她在帽子边上放了一朵花。 indifferent [in'dif?r?nt] adj. 漠不关心的My wife is indifferent to politics news.我太太对政治新闻漠不关心。 appraisal [?'preiz?l] n. 评价;估计;The appraisal is extremely high.评价是非常高的。 confidential [,k?nfi'den??l] adj. 机密的;获信任的She is a confidential secretary.她是一个机要秘书。 administration [?d,mini'strei??n] n. 管理;行政 collapse [k?'læps] vi. 倒塌;瓦解;暴跌I completely close to collapse.我完全接近崩溃。 instantaneous [,inst?n'teinj?s] adj. 即时的;瞬间的 commodity [k?'m?diti] n. 日用品;商品Love is only a terminably commodity爱情只是一件有限期的商品 affection [?'fek??n] n.影响;感染Affection blinds reason.[谚语]感情使人失去理性。 environment [in'vai?r?nm?nt] n. 环境,外界 complicated ['k?mplikeitid] adj. 难懂的,复杂的a complicated problem .一非常复杂的问题。 33 comic ['k?mik] adj.喜剧的;滑稽的He prefers to play comic roles.他喜欢扮演喜剧角色。 evaluate [i'væljueit] v.评价;估价How would your coworkers evaluate you妳的同事会怎样评价妳, subtract [s?b'trækt] vt. 减去;扣掉 suburb ['s?b?:b] n. 郊区;边缘 devote [di'v?ut] vt. 奉献;致力于devote one's time to reading把时间专用于阅读 cautious ['k?:??s] adj. 谨慎的;小心的be cautious about: 谨慎于 successive [s?k'sesiv] adj. 连续的;继承的 marginal ['mɑ:d?in?l] adj 边缘的;临界的 clerk [klɑ:k, kl?:k] n. 职员,店员She got a job as a bank clerk.她得到一份银行职员的工作. rein [rein] n. 缰绳vt.控制It is difficult to rein a fiery horse.脾气暴躁的烈马是难于驾驭的。 ozone ['?uz?un] n. 臭氧;新鲜的空气 successor [s?k'ses?] n. 继承者His regret should complete by the successor.他的遗憾应该由后来人完成。” decay [di'kei] v. 腐烂,腐朽His power decayed in old age他一步入老年,体力就衰退了。 34 neglect [ni'ɡlekt] vt. 疏忽,忽视We ought not to neglect ourselves.我们不应该忽视自己的健康。 heap [hi:p] n.v累积;堆Sands heaped everywhere on the beach. 海滩上到处是沙堆 application [,æpli'kei??n] n. 应用;申请 modest ['m?dist] adj. 谦虚的,谦逊的He is a very modest person.他是位非常谦逊的人。 residential [,rezi'den??l] adj.居住的,住所的; orchestra ['?:kistr?] n. 管弦乐队;It was a jazz orchestra.这是一个爵士乐团, depict [di'pikt] vt. 描画;描述depict a soldier as a hero把一名战士描绘成一个战斗英雄 convention [k?n'ven??n] n惯例;习俗;约定Convention now allows women to smoke现在习俗允许妇女吸烟。 association [?,s?usi'ei??n] n. 协会,联盟,社团have association with与????有交往 contempt [k?n'tempt] n.轻视,蔑视Such conduct is beneath contempt.这种举动为人所不齿. signal ['siɡn?l] n.v (发)信号;Can you hear the signal你能听到这信号吗, condense [k?n'dens] v(使)浓缩;(使)凝结He condense his speech to half its original length.他把演讲的长度浓缩了一半。 35 fund [f?nd] n. 资金;基金 extreme [ik'stri:m] adj.极端的,偏激的n. 极端go/run to extremes走极端,采取极端 latitude ['lætitju:d] n. 纬度;界限;latitude and longitude经纬度 hawk [h?:k] vt. 捕捉n.鹰;鹰派成员 illustrate ['il?streit] vt. 阐明,举例说明;图解To illustrate this, let us consider an example.为了说明问题,让我们看一个例子。 mass [mæs] n大量,群众,团in the mass总体上,总的说来Dark clouds massed乌云密布 hum [h?m] n. 嗡嗡声int. 哼 suffice [s?'fais] vi.足够;有能力I will do my best to suffice you我将尽一切努力满足你的要求。 moral ['m?r?l] adj.(合乎)道德的We also should have good moral character.我们还应该拥有优秀的道德品质。 discard [dis'kɑ:d] vt.丢弃,放弃He discarded an old hat他扔掉了一顶旧帽子。 plunge [pl?nd?] n.v(使)投入,(使)跳进plunge a country into war 使国家陷入战争状态 explicit [ik'splisit] adj. 清楚的;明确的She was quite explicit about why she left她对自己离去的原因直言不讳. slick [slik] adj.光滑的,聪明的;熟练的 36 approve [?'pru:v] v批准;赞成I approve this suggestion.我赞同这 个建议。 random ['rænd?m] adj. 任意的;胡乱的n. 随意The children sat around the table at random.小孩们随便的围坐在桌子旁边。 prolong [pr?'l??] vt. 拖延;延长How can ability prolong life?怎样 才可以延长生命 fundamental [,f?nd?'ment?l] adj.基本的,根本的Development is the fundamental mission of Socialism.发展是社会主义的根本任务。 quench [kwent?] vt.扑灭;熄灭,压制He quenched the fire with water.他用水将火扑灭 lease [li:s] n. 租约;租期;v 出租He leased his shop to a friend. 他把商店租给了一个朋友。 howl [haul] v. 怒吼;咆哮The wind howled through the woods.风呼 啸着穿过树林。 sufficient [s?'fi??nt] adj. 足够的,充分的Poverty is not a sufficient cause for disgrace贫穷不足为耻 revenue ['rev?nju:] n.税收,收益 behave [bi'heiv] vi. 表现;举止端正behave well: 举止得体 banquet ['bæ?kwit] n. 宴会,盛宴He ushered at the banquet.他在 宴会上当引座员。 divine [di'vain] adj. 神圣的;非凡的;To err is human to forgive is divine.是人都会犯错,宽容才是神圣的。 37 donate [d?u'neit] v.n捐赠;捐献donate… to: 把…捐献 longevity [l?n'd?ev?ti] n. 寿命;长寿Physical and mental health contribute to longevity身心健康有助于长寿 margin ['mɑ:d?in] n. 边缘;利润,页边的空白 immune [i'mju:n] adj. 免疫的;不受影响的,免除的 destructive [di'str?ktiv] adj. 破坏的;毁灭性的Jealousy can be a powerful and very destructive emotion.嫉妒是一种强烈的极具破坏力的情感。 climate ['klaimit] n. 气候;风气Climate change will cause harm.气候变迁将造成伤害。 impact ['impækt] n.v 效果;影响;碰撞 precedent [pri'si:d?nt] n. 先例;前例adj. 在前的;在先的First let's look at past precedent.首先让我们看看过去的先例 suite [swi:t] n. 组曲;套房;We only have a small suite.我们只有一个小套间。 disorder [dis'?:d?] n.v混乱;骚乱a disordered mind有毛病(或不正常)的头脑 sulfur ['s?lf?] n. 硫磺 refrain [,ri:'frein] vi.制止;节制n. 叠句Students refrain from smoking学生们克制住不抽烟。 skeptical ['skeptik?l] adj. 怀疑的;怀疑论的, 38 defeat [di'fi:t] vt. 击败,战胜;Defeat and failure cause humility.挫 折与失败使人谦卑。 endure [in'dju?] v. 忍耐;容忍I cannot endure the sight.我不能容忍 这种情景。 outward ['autw?d] adj. 外面的;向外的to outward seeming从外表 看 summit ['s?mit] n. 顶点;最高级会议Those who turn back never reach the summit.中途折返的人永远都到达不了顶峰。 activate ['æktiveit] vt. 刺激;使活泼; summon ['s?m?n] vt. 召唤;召集;Summon the pupils together把学生召集起来 aggravate ['æɡr?veit] vt. 加重;恶化The bad weather aggravated his illness坏天气加重了他的病情。 annoy [?'n?i] vt.打搅;惹恼be annoyed with someone at/about/for something对某人因某事而生气 designate ['deziɡneit] vt. 标出;指定;指派 gorgeous ['ɡ?:d??s] adj. 华丽的,灿烂的 reform [ri'f?:m] n.v 改革,改良; proclaim [pr?u'kleim] vt. 声明;宣告His manners proclaim him a scholar.从他的举止可以看出他是一名学者。 preferable ['pref?r?bl] adj. 更好的;更合意的be preferable to: 比... 更好 39 handicap ['hændikæp] n.vt.妨碍,阻碍;使不利He was handicapped by his height.他的身高妨碍了他的发展。 superficial [,sju:p?'fi??l] adj. 表面的;肤浅的This is only superficial prosperity.这只是表面繁荣。 paperback ['peip?bæk] n. 平装本;廉价本 fascinate ['fæsineit] vt. 使着迷,使神魂颠倒The actress's beauty fascinated everyone.女演员的美貌迷住了每一个人。 accustomed [?'k?st?md] adj. 通常的;习惯的 merit ['merit] n. 优点,价值;功过He merited all the praises they give him.他们给他的所有表扬他都受之无愧。 shark [?ɑ:k] n. 鲨鱼;骗子 superintendent [,sju:p?rin'tend?nt] n. 负责人;主管 manuscript ['mænjuskript] n. 原稿;手稿 orthodox ['?:θ?d?ks] adj. 正统的;惯常的;传统的 original [?'rid??n?l] n. 原物;原作adj. 原始的;最初的; misery ['miz?ri] n. 痛苦,不幸Misery loves company.[谚语]同病相怜。 precious ['pre??s] adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的The most precious time in life is now.人生最宝贵的时间就是现在。 regime [rei'?i:m] n. 政权,政体 negotiate [ni'ɡ?u?ieit] v. 谈判,商议;Welcome customers to negotiate.欢迎客户前来洽谈。 40 superior [sju:'piri?] adj.优秀的,出众的 inventory ['inv?nt?ri] n. 存货,存货清单 smuggle ['sm?ɡl] v.走私;偷运smuggle something into (或 out of)把某物偷偷带入(或带出) superiority [sju:,pi?ri'?riti] n.优势;优越性 supersonic [,sju:p?'s?nik] adj. 超音速的;超声波的a supersonic passenger aircraft一架超音速客机。 pole [p?ul] n. 杆;极点 cape [keip] n. 披肩;海角 additional [?'di??n?l] adj. 附加的,额外的 latent ['leit?nt] adj. 潜在的;隐藏的latent energy潜能 curb [k?:b] n. 抑制;勒马绳vt. 勒住;控制I could not curb my anger. 我按捺不住我的愤怒。 supervise ['sju:p?vaiz] v. 监督,管理;指导 notorious [n?u't?:ri?s] adj. 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的 concern [k?n's?:n] vt. 涉及,关系到n. 关心;have a concern in与…有(利害)关系have no concern with与…没有关系This matter concerns all of us.这件事与我们每个人都有关系。 shove [??v] vt.n撞;挤;He gave me a shove.他推了我一把。 supplement ['s?plim?nt] n. 补充,补充物; supplementary [,s?pli'ment?ri] adj. 补充的;追加的 41 brisk [brisk] adj. 敏锐的,活泼的,He went home at brisk pace.他迈着轻快的步伐回到家里。 planet ['plænit] n. 行星 suppress [s?'pres] vt. 抑制;镇压;He tried to suppress his feelings. 他尽力抑制住自己的感情。 bang [bæ?] n. 重击,巨响 bandage ['bændid?] n. 绷带 supreme [sju'pri:m] adj. 最高的;至高的Tolerance of human life are regarded as supreme virtues.宽容是人类生活中至高无尚的美德。 surge [s?:d?] n大浪; vi. 汹涌;激增Blood surged to her face.她的脸腾的一下变得通红。 confirm [k?n'f?:m] vt. 确认;批准;证实 scrap [skræp] n. 残余物;碎片vt.废弃;do not care a scrap一点也不在乎 radiant ['reidi?nt] adj. 容光焕发的;光芒四射的 sacred ['seikrid] adj. 神圣的;庄严的the teacher is the most sacred profession.教师是最神圣的职业。 exhibit [iɡ'zibit] vt. 显示;展览;提出exhibit impatience显得不耐烦 fort [f?:t] n. 堡垒;要塞;The troops took the fort.军队攀登占领了堡垒。 42 surgeon ['s?:d??n] n. 外科医生Tom is a plastic surgeon.汤姆是一位整形医师。 inspire [in'spai?] vt.鼓舞;激发Opposition inspired us to further efforts.反对使我们更努力。 fossil ['f?s?l] n. 化石Coal is a fossil fuel.煤是一个矿物燃料。 interim ['int?rim] adj. 临时的,暂时的interim government过渡政府; entitle [in'taitl] vt. 称做…;定名为be entitled to ( do)something有(做某事)的权利 compromise ['k?mpr?maiz] v.n妥协;让步He refused to compromise his principles.他对他的原则寸步不让。 pitch [pit?] v. 投掷n. 沥青Touch pitch, and you will be defiled.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 eclipse [i'klips] n. 日蚀,月蚀 dine [dain] vi. 进餐,用餐I dine out every Monday.我每星期一出去吃饭。 perception [p?'sep??n] n. 感觉;知觉;洞察力 identification [ai,dentifi'kei??n] n. 鉴定,识别;认同 exclude [iks'klu:d] vt. 排除;排斥Smoking, in order to exclude from being lonely.吸烟以排除寂寞。 surgery ['s?:d??ri] n.外科(手术);手术室The truth is like the surgery.讲实话就像外科手术。 monster ['m?nst?] n. 怪物;巨人,巨兽 43 deteriorate [di'ti?ri?reit] v. 恶化,变坏His sight have begin to deteriorate.他的视力已经开始下降。 burden ['b?:d?n] n. 负担;责任Too much praise is a burden.太多的赞扬是一种负担。 fold [f?uld] vt. 折叠;合拢 n. 折痕; gauge [ɡeid?] n. 计量器vt. 估计;测量It is difficult to gauge one's character.评价一个人的品质是很难的。 outline ['autlain] n. 轮廓;大纲;概要; junction ['d???k??n] n. 连接,接合 literal ['lit?r?l] adj. 逐字的;无夸张的;文字的 surpass [s?'pɑ:s] vt. 胜过,优于;超越Men surpass women in strength.男人比女人力气大。 racket ['rækit] n. 球拍;吵闹, haul [h?:l] n. vt.拖运;拖拉She hauled her large box into the room 她把那只大箱子拖进房间。 identify [ai'dentifai] vt. 识别;确定Never identify wealth with happiness.千万不要把财富等同于幸福。 athlete ['æθli:t] n. 运动员, peculiar [pi'kju:lj?] adj.特殊的;奇怪的Language is peculiar to mankind.语言是人类特有的。 pessimistic [,pesi'mistik] adj. 悲观(主义)的,厌世的A failure has no right to be pessimistic失败的人没有悲观的权利。 44 console [k?n's?ul] n. 操纵台vt. 慰藉;安慰I always console my friend in grief.在朋友忧伤时我总是予以慰问. species ['spi:?i:z] n. 物种;种类 author ['?:θ?] n. 作者;作家 deficiency [di'fi??nsi] n. 缺乏;缺点Many poor children suffer from a deficiency of food.许多贫穷的小孩遭受食物不足的苦痛。 radioactive [,reidi?u'æktiv] adj. 放射性的;有辐射的 surplus ['s?:pl?s] n. 过剩;剩余adj. 剩余的;过剩的surplus heat剩余热量 survival [s?'vaiv?l] n. 幸存(者),残存(物)Nature is what we humans depend upon for survival.大自然是人类赖以生存的有限空间。 survive [s?'vaiv] vt. 比...活得长;幸存the people who survive in the war经过战争洗礼而幸存的人们 definitely ['definitli] adv. 明确地,肯定地;We will definitely be happy我们一定会幸福的。 criticism ['kriti,siz?m] n. 批评;苛求He never takes criticism kindly.他从不乐于接受批评。 susceptible [s?'sept?bl] adj. 易受影响的;易感动的"We're quite susceptible to earthquakes. “我们很容易受地震影响。 sue [sju:] v 请求;控告I can sue you for slander.我可以控告你进行诬陷。 45 peg [peɡ] n. 钉;借口;桩vt钉木钉 suspension [s?'spen??n] n. 暂停;悬浮;停职 dart [dɑ:t] n.标枪;飞镖vi.冲;投掷The children darted into the room. 孩子们飞快地冲进房间。 imperative [im'per?tiv] adj.;命令的;紧急的n. 命令 breakdown ['breikdaun] n. 崩溃;故障 oriental [,?:ri'ent?l;] adj. 东方(人)的n. 东方人the oriental pearl Television Tower!东方明珠电视塔 sanction ['sæ?,k??n] n.v制裁,处罚 notable ['n?ut?bl] adj.显著的;著名的His achievement is very notable.他的成就是非常显著的。 restraint [ri'streint] n. 抑制,克制;be under restraint. 在拘禁中;在看管下 alternative [?:l't?:n?tiv] adj. 供选择的;选择性的have (或 there is) no alternative but…除…外别无选择;只好,只有 fatigue [f?'ti:ɡ] n.v 疲劳,疲乏;Fatigue is the best pillow.疲劳是最好的枕头。 impetus ['impit?s] n. 促进;动力;Cities are impetus of social development城市是社会进步的动力 suspicion [s?'spi??n] n. 怀疑;疑心Suspicion is the poison of true friendship.猜疑是真诚友谊的一副毒剂。 manufacture [,mænju'fækt??] n.制造(业),产品vt. 制造;加工 46 opaque [?u'peik] adj.不透明的,不透光的opaque glass不透明玻璃 safeguard ['seifɡɑ:d] n.v保护;保卫;We must safeguard forest timber.我们必须保护森林。 juvenile ['d?u:v?nail] adj. 青少年的;幼稚的n. 青少年;少年读物 erect [i'rekt] vt. 使竖立;建造;erect barriers to progress阻碍进步 subtle ['s?tl] adj. 微妙的;精细的Satire is a high and subtle art.讽刺是崇高而又含蓄的艺术。 autonomous [?:'t?n?m?s] adj. 自治的;自主的 majesty ['mæd?isti] n. 威严;雄伟;权威Your Majesty!陛下~ budget ['b?d?it] n.v 预算Smart people budget their income.精明人按计划花他们的收入。 destruction [di'str?k??n] n. 破坏,毁灭;This means a destruction of wealth.这是一种对财富的破坏。 emotion [i'm?u??n] n. 情感;情绪Hope is a very unruly emotion.希望是极难控制的激情。 reserve [ri'z?:v] n.v储备,储存;We accept your statement without reserve.我们毫无保留地接受你的意见 passive ['pæsiv] adj. 被动的,消极的 grin [ɡrin] v. 露齿而笑 suspicious [s?'spi??s] adj. 可疑的;怀疑的;Be suspicious of对???有疑心 47 elapse [i'læps] vi. 时间消逝Never elapse in the long river of history! 在历史长河中,永不消逝~ innovation [,in?u'vei??n] n. 创新,革新As a rule, innovation is a source of wealth.规律告诉我们,创新是财富的来源之一。 reap [ri:p] v收割;收获They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.流着眼泪播种的人,才会享受到收获时的欢乐。 preference ['pref?r?ns] n. 偏爱,倾向 emphasis ['emf?sis] n. 强调;重点lay(或place,put) emphasis on(或upon)强调;重视 retain [ri'tein] vt. 保持;记住retain youthful vigor保持青春活力 award [?'w?:d] vt. 授予;判定n. 奖品;判决 bound [baund] adj. 受约束的; v.n 束缚;范围 sequence ['si:kw?ns] n. 序列;顺序; medieval [,medi'i:v?l] adj. 中世纪的 majority [m?'d??riti] n. 多数The majority agreed to his plan大多数人同意他的计划 napkin ['næpkin] n.餐巾(纸);尿布 proximity [pr?k'simiti] n. 亲近,接近;in the proximity of: 在…附近 preside [pri'zaid] v. 主持. 管理preside at / over meet: 主持会议 settlement ['setlm?nt] n. 解决,处理 48 aesthetic [i:s'θetik] adj.美学的;审美的 prospect ['pr?spekt] n. 前途,景色v. 勘探The bright prospect is waiting for us.光明的前途正等著我们。 sustain [s?'stein] vt.支撑;维持The poor man sustains himself by begging.那个可怜人以乞讨为生。 nickname ['nikneim] n. 绰号;昵称 evolution [,i:v?'lu:??n] n. 进化(论);演变; patriot ['peitri?t] n. 爱国者 swamp [sw?mp] n. 沼泽;湿地v 陷入,沉没His words were swamped by the laughter.他的话淹没在笑声之中。 infinite ['infin?t] adj. 无限的,无穷的; adequate ['ædikwit] adj. 适当的;胜任的;足够的we need to ensure adequate rest.并且我们需要确保足够的睡眠。 probability [,pr?b?'bil?ti] n. 机率;可能性; brand [brænd] vt. 打烙印于;印…商标于;铭刻于,铭记n. 商标,烙印 pursuit [p?'sju:t] n. 职业,追赶,追求in pursuit of寻求,追求 recognition [,rek?g'ni??n] n. 承认,认出I finally got my recognition.我终于得到了认可。 resultant [ri'z?lt?nt] n.结果;生成物adj. 结果的; resident ['rezid?nt] adj. 定居的;居住的n. 居民 49 swap [sw?p, sw?:p] n. v. 交易;交换Never swap horses while crossing the stream.过河勿换马;临阵勿换将。 nil [nil] n. 无,零 issue ['i?ju:, 'isju:] n.发行物;问题;期号vt. 发行at(或 in)issue争论中的有分歧的; leaflet ['li:flit] n. 传单;小叶 coward ['kau?d] n. 懦夫,胆小鬼adj. 胆小的The real enemy is not a coward.真正的敌人并不是懦夫。 cozy ['k?uzi] adj. 舒适的,惬意的 symbol ['simb?l] n. 符号;象征;标志 periodic [,pi?ri'?dik] adj. 周期的,定期的 articulate [ɑ:'tikjul?t] vt. 清晰地发(音);明确地表达adj. 发音清晰的;口才好的 nonetheless [,n?nð?'les] conj. 尽管如此,但是 deliberate [di'lib?r?t] adj. 故意的;从容的;深思熟虑的She deliberated her decision for several days.她对她的决定仔细考虑了几天。 destination [,desti'nei??n] n. 目的地,终点 enthusiasm [in'θju:ziæz?m] n. 热心,热忱,热情be full of enthusiasm about: 热衷于 substitute ['s?bstitju:t] n. 代替者;代用品v. 替代 substitute A for B: 用A代替B 50 symmetry ['simitri] n. 对称(性);整齐,匀称 adjacent [?'d?eis?nt] adj. 邻近的,毗连的We work in adjacent rooms.我们在邻接房间工作. scent [sent] n.气味.香味;香水Roses scent the air in spring .春天,玫瑰使空气中溢满香气。 sympathetic [,simp?'θetik] adj. 同情的He took a sympathetic attitude toward my situation.他对我的境遇抱有同情的态度。 chapel ['t?æp?l] n. 礼拜;小教堂They go to chapel every Sunday evening.他们每个星期天晚上做礼拜。 intensify [in'tensifai] v 增强,强化My first failure only intensify my desire to succeed.初次失败只是强化我对成功的渴望 colleague ['k?li:ɡ] n. 同事,同僚 productive [pr?u'd?ktiv] adj. 多产的;富有成效的The woman had a productive day.这位女性过了有收获的一天。 conclude [k?n'klu:d] v. 结束;推断;决定What can we conclude from this?我们能据此得出什么结论呢 cord [k?:d] n. 束缚;绳索Can you disentangle the cord?你能解开这条绳索吗 ambitious [æm'bi??s] adj. 有雄心的;野心勃勃的An ambitious woman never gets marriage.有野心的女人从来不结婚 51 doubtless ['dautlis] adv. 无疑地;确定地;adj. 无疑的;确定的She is doubtless my best friend.她无疑是我最好的朋友。 factor ['fækt?] n. 因素;因数;Man is the decisive factor人是决定性的因素。 mortal ['m?:t?l] adj. 终有一死的;致死的n. 人类,凡人All men are mortal,because we are all mortal!每个人都终究一死,因为我们都是凡人! momentum [m?u'ment?m] n. 动力;动量 substantial [s?b'stæn??l] adj. 大量的,内容充实的He has done substantial work.他已做了大量的工作。 gland [ɡlænd] n. [解]腺 agony ['æɡ?ni] n. 极大的痛苦;苦恼Loving be one kind of sweet agony爱是一种甜蜜的痛苦 clone [kl?un] vt. n 性繁殖;克隆 interfere [,int?'fi?] vi. 干涉;打扰;Smoking often interferes with health.吸烟妨碍健康。 denote [di'n?ut] vt. 表示,指示A fever often denotes an infection. 发烧常常是传染病的征兆。 register ['red?ist?] v.n 记录;注册;登记 perpetual [p?'pet?u?l]adj. 永久的;不断的;无期限的justice is perpetua正义是不灭的。 shaft [?ɑ:ft, ?æft] n. 轴;箭杆 52 sympathy ['simp?θi] n. 同情(心);赞同;慰问in(或 out of)sympathy with对…(没)有同感,对…(不)同情 contemplate ['k?nt?m,pleit] vt. 沉思;思忖We did not contemplate such a consequence.我们没有预料到会有这种结果。 feast [fi:st] vt. 款待,宴请n. 节日;筵席,宴会a feast for the eyes大饱眼福 irritate ['iriteit] vt. 激怒;刺激His remarks irritated me a little.他的话 让我有点儿恼火。 diagnose ['dai?ɡn?uz] v 诊断;断定 dominate ['d?mineit] vt.支配;控制He completely dominates the family.这个家由他做主。 installment [in'st?:lm?nt] n. 分期付款;安装 response [ri'sp?ns] n.反应;回答in response to回答;响应;反 应 enhance [in'hɑ:ns] vt. 提高;增加;Our living expenses have enhanced.我们的生活费用已上涨。 poisonous ['p?iz?n?s] adj. 有毒的;恶毒的;The burning plastic gave off a poisonous gas.燃烧的塑料放出一种有毒的气体。 implicit [im'plisit] adj. 暗示的;含蓄的Face concern is an implicit rule in China.面子是中国人情社会的潜规则 hound [haund] vt. 追猎;烦扰n. 猎犬He was hounded to the cliff.他被追逼到了悬崖边上。 53 pore [p?:] vi. 细想;凝视;熟读n. 气孔;小孔He was sweating at every pore他每个毛孔都在冒汗。at every pore全身 alert [?'l?:t] adj. 警惕的,警觉的n. 警报 sophisticated [s?'fistikeitid] adj. 久经世故的;复杂的She is very sophisticated.她是个世故的人。 principal ['prins?p?l] n.校长adj.首要的principal is an honorable man.校长是另人尊敬的人。 envisage [in'vizid?] vt. 正视,面对You must envisage realities.你必须正视现实。 emphasize ['emf?saiz] vt. 强调,着重I must emphasize the fact我必须强调这样一个事实 handbook ['hændbuk] n. 手册;指南 infant ['inf?nt] n. 婴儿adj. 婴儿的infant school幼儿园an infant in arms不懂世故的人 calcium ['kælsi?m] n. 钙 symphony ['simf?ni] n. 交响乐;和声Love is a symphony爱情是一首交响曲 questionnaire [,kwest??'nε?,] n. 问卷;调查表 protest [pr?u'test,] v.n 抗议;断言make a protest against: 对...提出抗议 glide [ɡlaid] n.v 滑翔;滑行;消逝The days just glided by.时光悄悄地流逝。 54 erosion [i'r?u??n] n. 侵蚀,腐蚀 bust [b?st] v爆裂;破产n. 半身像I fell and busted my leg.我跌倒折断了腿。 hysterical [his'terik?l] adj. 异常兴奋的;歇斯底里的That's hysterical.那真是笑死人了。 alcohol ['ælk?h?l] n. 酒精,乙醇 symposium [sim'p?uzi?m] n. 讨论会,座谈会I wish our symposium a complete success.我预祝研讨会圆满成功。 manual ['mænju?l] adj. 体力的;手工的 fury ['fju?ri] n. 狂怒;暴怒;Fury of the Dragon猛龙过江The fury of the crowd群众的愤怒 compute [k?m'pju:t] v.n 计算;估算;The damage is beyond compute.损失无法计算。 brutal ['bru:t?l] adj. 残忍的;野蛮的, excess [ik'ses] n. 无节制;过度,过量in excess of超过;较…为多 olive ['?liv] n.橄榄(树)adj. 橄榄的An olive branch represents peace.橄榄枝代表和平, syndrome ['sindr?um] n. [医]综合征 pirate ['pai?rit] n. 海盗;盗版;剽窃者vt. 掠夺;翻印 betray [bi'trei] vt. 背叛;出卖;泄露He betrayed his party and country他背叛了党和国家。 conservative [k?n's?:v?tiv] adj. 保守的n. 保守派, 55 interpret [in't?:prit] vt. 说明;口译,解释She interpret his silence as arrogance.她把他的沉默解释为傲慢。 cliff [klif] n. 绝壁;悬崖 lunar ['lju:n?] adj. 银的;阴历的;月亮的Lunar new year农历新年 signify ['signifai] vt. 表示;意味It signifies we should go now.这就意味着我们该走了。 synthesis ['sinθisis] n. 综合,合成 reunion [,ri:'ju:nj?n] n. 重聚Family reunion is very important for Chinese.团圆对中国人重要 constituent [k?n'stitju?nt] n. 成分;选民; geology [d?i'?l?d?i] n. 地质情况;地质学 provocative [pr?u'v?k?tiv] adj. 刺激的,气人的 tack [tæk] n. 大头钉;图钉 amplify ['æmplifai] vt.扩大;增强amplify the achievements夸大成绩 colonial [k?'l?unj?l] n. 殖民地居民adj. 殖民地的,殖民的 tackle ['tækl] n.用具vt. 处理We will tackle this difficult problem.我们将着手解决这个难题。 dizzy ['dizi] adj. 晕眩的;昏乱的; crisp [krisp] adj. 脆的;易碎的;His hair crisped他头发卷曲 grant [ɡrɑ:nt, ɡrænt] vt. 授予;承认take?? for granted认为…理所当然 56 hamper ['hæmp?] vt. 妨碍;束缚A steady rain hampered the progress of the work.持续不停的大雨妨碍了工程的进展。 humidity [hju:'mid?ti] n. 湿度;湿气 intervene [,int?'vi:n] vi. 干涉;调停I shouldn't intervene in such matters我不应干预此类事 reign [rein] vi. n统治;支配Peace reigned throughout the country. 和平气氛笼罩全国 drainage ['dreinid?] n. 排水;污水 hemisphere ['hemi,sfi?] n. 半球 amend [?'mend] v改善,改进;修改It's time you amended your ways.是你改过自新的时候了。 prototype ['pr?ut?taip] n. 原型;模范 electrician [,ilek'tri??n] n. 电工;电气技师 historian [his't?:ri?n] n. 历史学家 incredible [in'kred?bl] adj. 难以置信的,惊人的 acknowledge [?k'n?lid?] vt. 承认;答谢;报偿I acknowledge your ability.我承认你的能力。 fuse [fju:z] v 熔化,熔融n. 保险丝;导火线 blunt [bl?nt] adj. 钝的,不锋利的Lack of sleep blunted her thinking. 缺少睡眠使她的思想变得迟钝。 tame [teim] adj. 驯服的;顺从的v 驯养tame as a chicken像小鸡 一样驯服,十分听话 57 peak [pi:k] n. 顶点;山峰; tan [tæn] vt. 晒成褐色;鞣(革) numerical [nju:'merik?l] adj. 数字的;数值的 rigorous ['riɡ?r?s] adj. 严格的,严厉的 tangle ['tæ?ɡl] n. 混乱状态;纠纷vt. 使纠缠Her mind was then in a tangle她的思想当时是一片混乱。 linen ['linin] n. 亚麻布,亚麻线 foresee [f?:'si:] vt. 预知;预见 plaster ['plɑ:st?] n. 灰泥;石膏Patience is a plaster for all sores.忍耐是治疗一切伤痛的药膏。 intelligible [in'telid??bl] adj. 可理解的;明了的; culminate ['k?lmineit] v.达到高潮;达到顶点All his effort culminate in failure.他的全部努力以失败告终。 analogy [?'næl?d?i] n. 类似;类推 disrupt [dis'r?pt] vt. 使分裂;使瓦解Telephone service was disrupted for an hour.电话通讯中断一小时 cater ['keit?] vt.投合,迎合cater for供应伙食;迎合;为…提供所需 revolutionary [,rev?'lju:??n?ri] adj. 革命的;旋转的This is a revolutionary new product.这是一种革命性的新产品。 electrical [i'lektrik?l] adj. 有关电的;电气科学的 tanker ['tæ?k?] n. 油轮;运油飞机;油槽车 target ['tɑ:ɡit] n. 目标;靶子 58 capacity [k?'pæs?ti] n. 能力;容量;This is well within our capacity.现在我们有这个能力的。 privilege ['privilid?] n. 特权;优待 grieve [ɡri:v] v. (使)悲伤,(使)苦恼I shall not grieve at his death.对于他的死,我一点也不难过。 crumble ['kr?mbl] v崩溃;破碎His hopes crumbled immediately. 他的希望立刻成为泡影。 provided conj. 倘若;假如v. 提供;给予 function ['f??k??n] n. 功能;函数; intrigue [in'tri:ɡ] n. 阴谋;诡计vi. 私通;密谋He was intrigued out of power.他被人施诡计搞下了台。 pastime ['pɑ:staim] n. 娱乐,消遣A hobby is a pleasant pastime.爱好是愉快的消遣。 electron [i'lektr?n] n. 电子 alien ['eilj?n] adj. 外国的;相异的n. 外星人;外国人 specialist ['spe??list] n. 专家;专门医师 expenditure [iks'pendit??] n. 支出,花费His expenditure outran his income.他的支出超过收入。 resort [ri'z?:t] n. 凭借,手段vi. 求助,诉诸In the last resort,you can still teach.实在没办法,你还是可以教书。 integral ['intiɡr?l] adj. 完整的,整体的 alloy ['æl?i, ?'l?i] vt. 使减低成色;使成合金n. 合金 59 climax ['klaimæks] n. 高潮;顶点come to a climax达到顶点 tariff ['tærif] n. 关税表;收费表 initiate [i'ni?ieit] vt. 开始,创始 discount ['diskaunt] n. 折扣;打折 rectangular ['rek'tæ?ɡjul?] adj. 矩形的;成直角的 linear ['lini?] adj. 线的,线型的; module ['m?dju:l] n.模块;组件 scorn [sk?:n] n.v轻蔑;嘲笑Her good advice was scorned.她的善良忠告受到嘲笑。 hinderv阻碍;打扰hinder someone from doing something阻止某人做某事 tease [ti:z] v.n取笑;戏弄He is only teasing. Don't take it so seriously.他不过是戏弄而已,别太当回事 pudding ['pudi?] n. 布丁 tedious ['ti:di?s] adj. 冗长乏味的;沉闷的a tedious lecture沉闷乏味的演讲. abortion [?'b?:??n] n. 流产,夭折 faith [feiθ] n. 信任;信念;信仰He who loses faith,loses all.失去信心的人,失去所有. indicative [in'dik?tiv] adj. 指示的;象征的Past performance is not indicative of future results.过去的表现并不代表将来的结果. 60 overturn [,?uv?'t?:n] v.n推翻;倾覆The building was overturned at the earthquake.那栋大楼在地震中已坍塌了。 qualitative ['kw?lit?tiv] adj. 定性的,性质上的This will cause qualitative change这将会引起质的变化。 ideology [,aidi'?l?d?i] n. 意识形态;思想意识 telecommunications ['telik?,mju:ni'kei??nz] n. 通讯;电信学 mission ['mi??n] n. 使命,任务They went to Paris on a mission他们到巴黎去执行一项任务. occur [?'k?:] vi. 发生;出现 attain [?'tein] v达到,实现;获得He endeavoured to attain his aim.他努力去达到他的目的。 magnificent [mæɡ'nifis?nt] adj. 壮丽的;华丽的He has a magnificent physique.他有一副健壮的体格。 adverse ['ædv?:s] adj. 不利的;相反的adverse conditions.不利环 境 stray [strei] vi. 迷路;偏离adj. 迷路的a young girl who has strayed 一名误入歧途的年轻姑娘 remedy ['remidi] v补救;治疗Patience is the remedy for every trouble.耐心是医治任何烦恼的良药。 potential [p?u'ten??l] n.潜能adj. 可能的;潜在的I have unlimited potential!我有无限的潜力~ 61 mob [m?b] n. 民众,暴民v围攻,滋事The shop was mobbed by a large crowd.这家商店遭到一大群人的袭击。 cane [kein] n. 藤条;手杖 inferior [in'fi?ri?] adj.下等的;差的inferior good劣质品;低档商品 temper ['temp?] n. 脾气;性情;vt. 调和;in a bad temper脾气坏God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb天无绝人之路 criticize ['kriti,saiz] v批评;评论 stimulus ['stimjul?s] n. 刺激;激励Ambition is a great stimulus.雄心是一种很大的激励。 grease [ɡri:s] v.n涂脂;贿赂 temperament ['temp?r?m?nt] n. 气质,性情,性格;She has an amiable temperament.她有随和亲切的气质. bypass ['baipɑ:s] vt.绕开;迂回n. 旁路You cannot bypass these rules!你不能回避这些规则。 arrest [?'rest] vt. 监禁;逮捕; consolidate [k?n's?lideit] v巩固,加强 assert [?'s?:t] vt. 断言;主张;声称She asserted that she was innocent她坚称自己清白无辜。 henceforth ['hens'f?:θ] adv. 今后;自此以后Henceforth will I love all mankind.从今往后,我要爱所有的人。 remote [ri'm?ut] adj. 遥远的;偏僻的It is a very remote area.这是一个非常偏远的地区。 62 similar ['simil?] adj. 相似的 allege [?'led?] vt. 宣称,断言 recede [ri'si:d] vi. 后退;减弱The floods gradually receded from the fields洪水从田野里逐渐退去。 arena [?'ri:n?] n. 竞技场;舞台 cordial ['k?:dj?l] adj. 兴奋的;热忱的I received a cordial welcome我受到热诚的欢迎。 groan [ɡr?un] v.n呻吟;抱怨;The shelves groan with books.书架堆满书吃不住了。 decisive [di'saisiv] adj. 决定性的;果断的He gave a decisive answer.他给了明确的答覆。 tempo ['temp?u] n. 拍子;速度The tempo of the war is quickening. 战争的进行速度正增加。 coincide [,k?uin'said] vi. 一致,符合My ideas coincide with his.我的想法与他的一致。 disregard [disri'ɡɑ:d] v忽视;不理;漠视act in disregard of laws and rules.行动时漠视法律法规。 belly ['beli] n. 腹部;胃The eye is bigger than the belly.心有余而力不足(贪多嚼不烂)。 machinery [m?'?i:n?ri] n. 机械;机器 shuttle ['??tl] n. 梭子;穿梭v往返,穿梭see a snake shuttle its tongue看见一条蛇不停地吐着舌头 63 counter ['kaunt?] n. 柜台;计数器 intelligent [in'telid?ent] adj. 聪明的;智能的intelligent car智能汽车 tempt [tempt] vt. 诱惑;引起He was tempted by bribes.他受到贿赂的诱惑。 paralyze ['pær?laiz] vt. 使麻痹;使瘫痪The army paralyzed the enemy's fighting will.部队瓦解了敌军的斗志。 companion [k?m'pænj?n] n. 同伴;朋友companion in adversity患难之交 tenant ['ten?nt] n. 房客;承租人vt. 租借This house has not been tenanted for a year.这房子有一年没人住了。 immerse [i'm?:s] vt. 沉浸;使陷入He was immersed in his own thoughts.他陷入了沉思中。 hover ['h?v?] v. n盘旋,翱翔;徘徊Seagulls hover over the surging waves.海鸥在惊涛骇浪上翱翔。 lace [leis] n. 花边;鞋带The girl's shirt collar is laced.女孩的衬衣衣领饰有花边。 shabby ['?æbi] adj. 破旧的;卑鄙的You look rather shabby in those clothes你穿着那种衣服显得很寒酸. extinguish [ik'sti?ɡwi?] vt. 熄灭;压制Heavy rain can't extinguish a warmly heart!大雨浇不灭一颗燥热的心~ batch [bæt?] n. 一批;一炉; 64 sociology [,s?usi'?l?d?i] n. 社会学 purify ['pju?rifai] v净化We need to purify our hearts.我们需要洁净我们的心, dim [dim] adj. 模糊的,昏暗的v变模糊,变暗淡 blur [bl?:] vt.模糊不清n. 污迹;模糊的事物blur someone's good reputation玷污某人的好名声 inflict [in'flikt] vt加害,使承受Don't inflict your ideas on me.请不要把你的思想强加给我。 pistol ['pistl] n. 手枪;信号枪 mansion ['mæn??n] n. 大厦;宅邸 religion [ri'lid??n] n. 宗教信仰;宗教 boycott ['b?ik?t] v联合抵制; alter ['?:lt?] v改变,更改Alter ideas and you alter the world.改变观念,你就改变了世界。 heir [ε?] n. 继承人;后嗣He is the lawful heir to that property他是那份遗产的合法继承人。 certify ['s?:tifai] v. 证明;保证 sculpture ['sk?lpt??] n.v 雕塑;雕刻 overhear [,?uv?'hi?] v无意中听到;偷听I happened to overhear what he said我碰巧听到了他所说的话. tendency ['tend?nsi] n. 倾向,趋势What is your occupation tendency你的职业倾向是什么, 65 recall [ri'k?:l] vt. 回想起,记起 flush [fl??] n.v激动,面红;奔流Anger flushed his cheeks.愤怒使他满脸通红。 sensation [sen'sei??n] n.感觉,知觉 conscious ['k?n??s] adj. 意识到的,神志清醒的People were not conscious of the earthquake.人们没有意识到地震的到来。 circulation [,s?:kju'lei??n] n. 流通,循环It also stimulates blood circulation它也促进血液的循环 dolphin ['d?lfin] n. 海豚 missionary ['mi??n?ri] adj.传教(士)的n. 传教士 slogan ['sl?uɡ?n] n口号;标语 reveal [ri'vi:l] v 揭露;显示,透露I promised never to reveal his secret.我答应决不泄露他的秘密。 bump [b?mp] n. 肿块,隆起物v碰撞,撞击Her car bumped a truck. 她的汽车撞了一辆卡车。 attack [?'tæk] n. 攻击;抨击v抨击;攻击 exaggerate [iɡ'zæd??reit] v夸张;夸大Those shoes exaggerate the size of his feet那双鞋使他的双脚显得过大。 grave [ɡreiv] adj.重大的n. 墓穴Life is a battle from cradle to grave.人生是一场从生到死的战争。 ethnic ['eθnik] adj. 种族的;人种的ethnic minorities少数民族 66 fraud [fr?:d] n. 欺骗;骗子He is passionate about fighting fraud in science他热心于同学术欺骗做斗争。 incur [in'k?:] vt. 招致,引发People who smoke incur a great danger to their health吸烟的人对他们的身心造成很大的危险。 impart [im'pɑ:t] vt.传授;告知To impart knowledge and educate people is a teacher„s bounden duty教书育人是教师的天职 refuge ['refju:d?] n.v庇护;避难The cave provided refuge from the storm山洞是躲避暴风雨的地方。 scrape [skreip] n.v刮掉;擦痕We shall scrape through anyhow不管怎样,我们将渡过困难。 caution ['k?:??n] n.小心,谨慎 demand [di'mɑ:nd] v.n要求;需要;查询in great demand需要量很大 apartment [?'pɑ:tm?nt] n. 房间;公寓 inevitable [in'evit?bl] adj. 必然的,不可避免的It inevitable has brought some social questions. 不可避免的带来了一些社会问题 recovery [ri'k?v?ri] n. 恢复,复原;痊愈 tentative ['tent?tiv] adj. 试验性的,暂定的All such projections are tentative所有的这些都是预测 complement ['k?mplim?nt] n.v补充;补足 frantic ['fræntik] adj. 狂乱的,疯狂的He made frantic dash for the departing train他发疯似地冲向正开出的火车。 67 divert [dai'v?:t] v转移divert from转移 spiral ['spai?r?l] n. 螺旋;旋涡adj. 盘旋的;螺旋形的Our truck slowly spiralled up the hill.我们的卡车盘旋着慢慢爬上了山。 terminate ['t?:mineit] v 结束,终止We terminated the meeting at 11 o'clock.我们在11点钟结束了会议。 render ['rend?] v提出;实施;回报;着色render good for evil.以德报怨。 eagle ['i:ɡl] n. 鹰;鹰状标饰An eagle circled high overhead.一只鹰在高空盘旋. encourage [in'k?rid?] vt. 鼓励,怂恿encourage sb. in doing sth.鼓励/激励/支持某人干...事. conspicuous [k?n'spikju?s] adj. 显著的;显而易见的Enthusiasm is a conspicuous trait in him.热情是他性格中的显著特征。 prose [pr?uz] n. 散文 pretext ['pri:tekst] n.v托辞;借口find a pretext for为…找借口make a pretext of以…作借口 artillery [ɑ:'til?ri] n. 大炮;火炮The tanks and artillery fired away.坦克和炮兵炮火开始射击。 dwell vi. 居住;细想They dwell at unity with the natives.他们与当地人和睦地住在一起。 parameter [p?'ræmit?] n. 参数;参量;系数 68 scramble ['skræmbl] n.v爬行,攀登;抢夺scramble food for the hungry people把食物抛撒开让饥饿的人们争抢 imaginary [i'mæd?in?ri] adj. 虚构的,想像的All characters in the book are imaginary.这本书里的所有角色都是虚构的 thanksgiving n. 感恩节 relief [ri'li:f] n. 减轻,解除;救济go on relief靠救济金生活 champion ['t?æmpi?n] n. 冠军;战士He is the undisputed champion.他是无可争辩的冠军。 allocate ['æl?ukeit] v分配;拨出,指定They will allocate fund for housing.他们将拨出经费建房。 compulsory [k?m'p?ls?ri] adj. 义务的;强制的,必修的compulsory course必修课 compulsory education义务教育 flask [flɑ:sk] n. 烧瓶;细颈瓶 expertise [,eksp?:'ti:z] n. 专门技术(知识);The World Bank has the expertise to tackle these issues.世行拥有解决这些问题的专业知识 terrace ['ter?s] n. 梯田;阳台 loyalty ['l?i?lti] n. 忠心;忠诚Loyalty is the quality I value most in a friend忠诚是我在朋友中最为欣赏的一种品质 depress [di'pres] vt.使沮丧;使萧条His sad news depressed us all day.他的不幸消息令我们整天难过。 sieve [siv] n. 筛子;滤网v筛;滤sieve good from bad区别好与坏 69 label ['leibl] n.v标签;标记;贴条The steel can was labelled “flammable”.这个钢罐贴有“易燃品”的标签。 recur [ri'k?:] vi. 重现;再现,循环This kind of problem is likely to recur.这类问题可能还会发生。 capable ['keip?bl] adj. 能干的,能胜任的The inspector was very capable.探长是个很能干的人。 mediate ['mi:dieit] v调解;斡旋He attempted to mediate their differences.他试图调停他们的分歧。 ammunition [,æmju'ni??n] n. 弹药;军火 critical ['kritik?l] adj. 批评的,爱挑剔的,决定性的 massive ['mæsiv] adj. 大量的;巨大的That is a massive increase.这是一个巨大的增长 decree [di'kri:] n.v法令;判决My eternal purpose has decreed.我的 永恒目标已经确定 abandon [?'bænd?n] vt. 遗弃;放弃After his mother died, he abandoned himself to grief.他母亲死后,他悲伤不已。 cucumber ['kju:k?mb?] n. 黄瓜;胡瓜Tossed Cucumber in Sauce凉拌黄瓜 terrain [te'rein] n. 地形,地势;地带 robust [r?u'b?st] adj. 强健的;健康的a robust faith坚定的信念 saturate ['sæt??reit] vt.浸透,湿透the works saturated with sweat and heart浸透着汗水和心血的作品 70 scatter ['skæt?] v.n分散,散开,散播Smiles can scatter our sad mood.笑能驱散忧伤情绪. defect ['di:fekt] n. 缺点,缺陷vi. 叛变The scientist defected to another country.那名科学家叛逃到另一国家了。 convict [k?n'vikt] vt. 证明…有罪;宣告…有罪n. 罪犯He was convicted of murder.他被判为杀人罪。 ingredient [in'ɡri:di?nt] n. 要素;组成部分;原料Success can be only one ingredient in happiness成功只能是幸福的一个组成部分 retort [ri't?:t] n.v反驳,顶嘴retort blow for blow以牙还牙 brief [bri:f] adj. 简短的,简洁的in brief/ to be brief简而言之 pasture ['pɑ:st??] n. 牧场;牧草These lands afford good pasture.这些土地上牧草茂盛 terrific [t?'rifik] adj. 极好的;非常的;可怕的She drove at a terrific speed.她以极大的速度驱车飞驰 purchase ['p?:t??s] n. 购买Expert flattery may purchase an honest man.老练的阿谀奉承可以买动一个老实人。 mobilize ['m?ubilaiz] v动员,调动,组织The masses mobilized quickly.群众很快动员起来 assassination [?,sæsi'nei??n] n. 暗杀,行刺The bombing was in revenge for the assassination.爆炸事件是对暗杀行为的报复。 monitor ['m?nit?] n. 监视器;监听器;班长vt. 监控 economical [,i:k?'n?mik?l] adj. 经济的;节约的 71 detect [di'tekt] vt. 发现;察觉I detected a note of pity in her voice. 我觉察她话音里带着同情。 mutual ['mju:t?u?l] adj. 相互的,彼此的Love is built on mutual trust爱是建立在彼此的信任里的 preach [pri:t?] v鼓吹;说教;宣扬We preach freedom around the world.我们在世界各地宣扬自由。 territory ['terit?ri] n. 领土,领域;版图Explore new territory.探索新 领域。 insight ['insait] n. 洞察力;洞悉 desirable [di'zai?r?bl] adj. 值得要的;令人满意的 instrumental [,instru'ment?l] adj. 乐器的;仪器的 testify ['testifai] v作证;证明His words and deeds testify to his honesty.他的言行证明他是诚实的。 gamble ['ɡæmbl] v.n赌博;投机;打赌Don't gamble with your future不要拿你的前途去冒险。 concept ['k?nsept] n. 观念,概念 alarm [?'lɑ:m] n. 警报vt. 警告The noise of thunder alarmed one all night.隆隆雷声使人整夜不得安宁。 forge [f?:d?] n. 熔炉,锻铁炉v伪造;锻造 testimony ['testim?ni] n.证据;证词The most powerful testimony is a godly life.敬虔的生活乃是最有力的见证。 72 certainty ['s?:t?nti] n. 确实;必然The only certainty is that nothing is certain.唯一可以肯定的是:凡事都难以肯定。 detain [di'tein] vt. 拘留;留住;耽搁The heavy traffic detained us for half an hour.拥挤的交通使我们耽搁了半个小时。 fantastic [fæn'tæstik] adj. 奇异的;极好的Fantastic Job 干得太好 了~ texture ['tekst??] n. 质地;纹理;结构 acquaintance [?'kweint?ns] n. 熟人;了解;相识I have no acquaintance with this book.我不熟悉这本书。 migrant ['maiɡr?nt] n. 移居者;候鸟adj. 移居的;流浪的Migrant workers农民工 mingle ['mi?ɡl] v 混合;交往He is too shy to mingle with others.他 由于太内向而怯于与他人交往。 theft [θeft] n. 盗窃;偷He was accused of theft.他被控犯有偷窃罪。 mutter ['m?t?] v.n咕哝;喃喃自语The old man muttered to himself.老人喃喃自语。 impatient [im'pei??nt] adj.没耐心的be impatient with对…不耐烦 be impatient of不能忍受 dissipate ['disipeit] v浪费;驱散;放荡The sun dissipated the mist.阳光驱散了薄雾。 profession [pr?u'fe??n] n. 职业,专业You should feel pride in your profession.你应该为你的职业感到骄傲。 73 elementary [,eli'ment?ri] adj. 基本的;初级的;元素的elementary school小学 fertilizer ['f?:tilaiz?] n. 肥料 aggregate ['æɡriɡ?t] v.n聚集;集合;合计in the aggregate总的来说 eliminate [i'limineit] vt. 消除,排除Our goal is to eliminate poverty.我们的目标是“消灭”贫困。 confident ['k?nfid?nt] adj. 自信的;确信的Confident people never get hurt!自信的人从来不受伤害! rank [ræ?k] n. 等级;队列v 排列 obscene [?b'si:n] adj. 淫秽的;猥亵的The police seized a number of obscene film.警察没收了许多淫秽影片。 criterion [krai'ti?ri?n] n.;准则Only social practice can be the criterion of truth.真理的标准只能是社会的实践。 queer [kwi?] adj.奇怪的,不舒服的vt. 搞糟n. 同性恋者She queered herself with all her schoolmates她得罪了所有的同学 liberal ['lib?r?l] adj. 慷慨的;不拘泥的;宽大的He is liberal in his views.他对事物的看法豁达。 theme [θi:m] n. 主题;题目 thereafter [,ðε?r'ɑ:ft?] adv此后,之后,以后 mistress ['mistris] n. 情妇;主妇He is her lover; she is his mistress.他是她的情夫,她是他的情妇。 74 promising ['pr?misi?] adj. 有希望的,有前途的This is a nation of a promising future.这个民族的未来值得期待。 therefore ['ðε?f?:] adv. 所以;因此 parasite ['pær?sait] n.寄生虫Winds and rain spread the parasite.风和雨使寄生虫得以传播。 consequence ['k?nsi,kw?ns] n.结果;推论as a consequence/in consequence因而;结果We must take the consequences of our own deed.我们必须承担自己行为的后果。 famine ['fæmin] n. 饥荒;饥饿War brings death and famine.战争导致死亡和饥荒. militant ['milit?nt] adj. 好战的n.好斗者militant group激进组织 dilute [dai'lju:t] adj. 稀释的;淡的v稀释;冲淡;削弱Time can dilute all things,时间可以冲淡一切, slaughter ['sl?:t?] v.n宰,屠杀;杀戮You will be slaughtered.你们必将受到强烈的谴责。 limitation [,limi'tei??n] n. 限制;限度;极限Each man has his limitation.人人都有自己的局限性。 arc n. 弧(度);弧形物 recycle [,ri:'saikl] n.v再循环;重复利用;回收 conference ['k?nf?r?ns] n. 会议,讨论会;协商round table conference圆桌会议 75 consequently ['k?nsi,kw?ntli] adv. 所以;因此;结果Consequently you can reveal any lie.因此,你能揭穿任何谎言!! graduate ['ɡræd?u?t] vi. 毕业n. 毕业生I will graduate in July.我将 于今年七月毕业 solo ['s?ul?u] n.v独奏;独唱 thermal ['θ?:m?l] adj. 热的,热量的 inaugurate [i'n?:ɡjureit] vt. 举行开幕/就职典礼;开始to inaugurate a book fair为图书交易会举行开幕式 communicate [k?'mju:nikeit] vi. 通讯,传达,传染He communicated the whole story to me.他把事情的整个过程都告诉我了。 diverse [dai'v?:s] adj. 不同的;多样的 drought [draut] n. 干旱;缺乏The lakes and wells all dried up during the drought.在旱灾期间,所有的湖泊和水井都干涸了。 thesis ['θi:sis] n. ;论点 optimism ['?ptimiz?m] n. 乐观;乐观主义We must confront the future with optimism.我们必须乐观地面对未来。 flaw [fl?:] n. 瑕疵,裂纹;缺点 thigh [θai] n. 大腿,股Apply oil on your thigh大脾外侧搽一些润滑 液。 smash [smæ?] vt. 打碎,打破,打烂The depression smashed him.萧条的经济使他破产了。 76 thorn [θ?:n] n. 刺;荆棘No rose without a thorn.没有不带带刺的玫瑰。 brood [bru:d] vt.孵n.同窝幼鸟;一窝The hen brought off a brood of young.母鸡孵出了一窝小鸡。 outbreak ['autbreik] n.v发作;爆发 compensate ['k?mpenseit] v补偿,赔偿Nothing can compensate for the loss of one's health一个人健康的丧失是无法补偿的。 excursion [ik'sk?:??n] n. 短程旅行;远足;离题I joined their excursion.我加入了他们的远足。 dedicate ['dedikeit] vt. 致力;献身I dedicate this song to you.我把这首歌献给你。 confront [k?n'fr?nt] vt. 遭遇;比较;面对 threaten ['θret?n] v威胁;恐吓 terrify ['terifai] vt. 使害怕;恐吓The pupils were terrified out of their senses.小学生们被吓得魂不附体。 chunk [t???k] n. 大块;矮胖的人或物 assistance [?'sist?ns] n. 援助,帮助 prevail [pri'veil] vi. 盛行,流行;战胜Justice will prevail over evil!正义一定能战胜邪恶~ threshold ['θre?h?uld] n. 极限;门槛;入口on the threshold of 在……的开始/初期 galaxy ['ɡæl?ksi] n.星系;银河(系) 77 shutter ['??t?] n.百叶窗;(相机)快门Press the shutter, please.请按一下快门。 refresh [ri'fre?] vt更新;使清新vi. 恢复精神Let me refresh your memory.让我唤醒你的记忆。 invariably adv. 不变地;总是he was invariably polite.他始终彬彬有礼。 attitude ['ætitju:d] n.态度;看法Attitude is everything态度决定一切 hazard ['hæz?d] n. 危险,冒险He went to save the girl at all hazards.他冒着一切危险去救那女孩。 band [bænd] n. 带;乐队 coarse [k?:s] adj. 粗糙的;下等的Don't use such coarse language不要用这种粗俗的语言。 justification [,d??stifi'kei??n] n. 理由;辩护 frequency ['frikw?nsi] n. 频率;频繁 entertainment [,ent?'teinm?nt] n. 娱乐;款待 admit [?d'mit] v承认;容纳She was admitted to the university她被那所大学录取了。 command [k?'mɑ:nd] v.n命令,指挥;控制Have a good command of English.英语掌握熟练。 thrill [θril] n.v激动;震颤His speech thrilled the crowd.他的演说令听众感到振奋。 78 endeavor [in'dev?] n.v努力;尽力I'll endeavor to ascertain her mind. 我得先努力弄清楚她的想法。 thrive [θraiv] vi. 繁荣,兴旺The region is thriving.这个地区繁荣起来了。 shield [?i:ld] n. 盾vt遮蔽;避开Faith is your shield信念是你的庇护. invisible [in'viz?bl] adj. 无形的,看不见的air is invisible空气是看不见的。 interact ['int?rækt] v互相影响;互相作用 marshal ['mɑ:??l] n. 元帅;司仪 throne [θr?un] n.王座;君主He quit his claim to throne.他放弃了继承王位的要求。 guardian ['ɡɑ:di?n] n. 监护人,保护人 meadow ['med?u] n草地;牧场A brook meanders through the meadow.一条小溪从草地中蜿蜒流过。 provoke [pr?u'v?uk] vt. 激怒;煽动I am not easily provoked我这个人不易被激怒 tick [tik]n. 滴答声;记号v发出滴答声The clock ticked away the minutes.时钟滴答滴答地送走时间。 tickle ['tikl] v发痒;高兴;My throat tickles.我的喉头发痒。 tile [tail] n. 瓷砖,瓦片 79 indefinite [in'defin?t] adj. 不确定的;模糊的He gave me an indefinite answer.他给了我一个含糊的答复。 restore [ri'st?:] v修复;恢复 apology [?'p?l?d?i] n.道歉;谢罪apology to sb for sth为某事向某人道歉 predominant [,pri'd?min?nt] adj. 卓越的;有力的 attract [?'trækt] v吸引;引起 conduct ['k?nd?kt] v带领;管理;引导 tilt [tilt] v.n倾斜;翘起He tilted his adversary at the meeting.他在会议上抨击了对手。 clue [klu:] n. 线索;情节 aspect ['æspekt] n. 外貌,外表,外观 beforehand [bi'f?:hænd] adv. 预先;事先I booked a ticket beforehand.我事先预定了一张票。 slum [sl?m] n. 贫民窟;陋巷I'm not staying in that slum.我不住在那个脏乱的房间里。 knit [nit] v编织;结合She's knitting herself a sweater.她正在给自己织毛线衫。 timely ['taimli] adj.adv及时的;适时的I do appreciate your timely help.非常感谢您的及时帮助. evidence ['evid?ns] n. 证据,证明 80 curse [k?:s] n.v咒骂;诅咒My mother is cursed with blindness.我的妈妈遭受着失明之苦. devise [di'vaiz] vt. 设计;发明 invest [in'vest] v投资;耗费invest a lot of time in a project在某一项目上花费了大量时间 evoke [i'v?uk] vt. 引起,唤起Her comment evoked protests她的评论引起抗议 maximum ['mæksim?m] n. 极大,最大限度;最大量 performance [p?'f?:m?ns] n. 性能;表演High efficiency and good performance.高效率和出色的表现 deny [di'nai] v否定,否认He denied knowing anything.他不承认知道任何情况。 modify ['m?difai] v修改,修饰You'd better modify your tone你最好缓和一下你的口气。 remnant ['remn?nt] n. 剩余adj. 剩余的 generate ['d?en?reit] vt.形成;生殖;发生A fire generates heat.火产生热。 perish ['peri?] v使麻木;毁坏;枯萎Many flowers perished in the storm大风雪使许多花朵凋谢。 dismay [dis'mei] n.vt沮丧,灰心;I'm dismayed at/by the cost of the new house.我对新房子的价格感到惊讶。 81 atmosphere ['ætm?,sfi?] n. 气氛;大气The atmosphere is friendly 气氛是友好的。 settle ['setl] v定居;解决;安排It's time for me to settle with you! 到我跟你算账的时候了! timid ['timid] adj. 羞怯的;胆小的as timid as a hare胆小如鼠 ritual ['ritju?l] n仪式;惯例 revive [ri'vaiv] v苏醒;复兴;A dead man will never revive.死人将永不复生。 persistent [p?'sist?nt] adj. 固执的,坚持的 locomotive ['l?uk?,m?utiv] adj. 运动的;移动的n. 机车;火车头 arrange [?'reind?] v排列;安排;协商arrange for安排;为…做准备 tissue ['ti?ju:] n. 纸巾;薄纱;卫生纸Can I have some tissue paper?可以给我几张卫生纸吗, cardinal ['kɑ:din?l] adj. 主要的,基本的 gaze [ɡeiz] v注视;凝视She gazed upon him in bewilderment.她茫然地注视着他。 blush [bl??] v.n 脸红;惭愧I blush to think of such conduct想起这样的行为,我感到羞愧。 token ['t?uk?n] n.标志;象征;记号as a token of our friendship,作为我们友谊的象 82 novelty ['n?v?lti] n.新颖,新奇(事)the novelty soon wore off.新奇感很快就消失了 profitable ['pr?fit?bl] adj. 有利可图的;有益的 jerk [d??:k]n.v急拉. 猛拉He impatiently jerked his coat off他不耐烦地猝然甩掉外衣。 hypothesis [hai'p?θisis] n. 假设 limb [lim] n. 肢,臂;枝干v砍去The tree was felled and limbed树被伐倒并被砍去枝条。 discipline ['disiplin] n.纪律;学科;训练Good schools have good discipline.好的学校有好的纪律。 magistrate ['mæd?istreit] n. 地方法官;文职官员The magistrate imposed a fine治安法官课以罚款。 burial ['beri?l] n. 埋葬;葬礼;Life is a sumptuous funeral and burial.生命是一场华丽的葬礼。 oxygen ['?ksid??n] n. 氧气,氧 simultaneous [,sim?l'teini?s] adj. 同时的;联立的; attach [?'tæt?] v系上;贴上,附加Attach the handle to the box把提手柄装到箱子上去。 tolerant ['t?l?r?nt] adj. 容忍的;宽容的 toss [t?s] n.v投掷;摇荡;颠簸She tossed restlessly in her sleep. 她翻来覆去地睡不着。 83 blossom ['bl?s?m] vi. 开花;兴旺n. 花;开花期Her talent blossomed at the university.她的天赋在大学时展现出来了。 hospitality [,h?spi'tæl?ti] n. 殷勤;好客Thank you for your hospitality感谢你们的盛情款待。 tow [t?u] n.vt.曳;拖;牵引My car towed his car to a garage我的车将他的车拖到了汽车修理厂。 discrete [dis'kri:t] adj. 离散的,不连续的discrete math离散数学 soluble ['s?ljubl] adj. 可溶的,可解决的soluble coffee速溶咖啡 foil [f?il] vt.挫败;阻止His attempt to deceive us was foiled他企图欺骗我们,但最终失败了。 slippery ['slip?ri] adj.(狡)猾的;不稳定的That guy is a slippery character那人是个狡猾的傢伙。 stock [st?k] n. 股份,股票;库存 cavity ['kæv?ti] n.洞,凹处; loyal ['l?i?l] adj忠诚的,忠心的 toxic ['t?ksik] adj. 有毒的;中毒的The toxic gases endanger your health有毒气体危害人们健康。 epidemic [,epi'demik] adj. 流行的;传染的 anonymous [?'n?nim?s] adj. 匿名的,无名的.It is an anonymous letter这是一封匿名信。 coverage ['k?v?rid?] n.覆盖,覆盖范围 tract [trækt] n. 小册子;传单,大片土地 84 hatch [hæt?] n.v舱口;孵化,策划A goose was hatched among ducks在一群小鸭中孵出一只小鹅。 management ['mænid?m?nt] n.管理(部门),管理学 cling vi. 坚持,墨守;紧贴You should cling to your principles你应该坚守自己原则。 panic ['pænik] n.v恐慌,惊慌;Panic stalked the streets.恐慌笼罩着街道。 trademark ['treidmɑ:k] n. 商标,特征;标计 opponent [?'p?un?nt] n. 对手;敌手I can never underestimate my opponent我绝不能低估我的对手。 indignation [,indiɡ'nei??n] n. 愤慨;愤怒The news aroused the great indignation这消息激起了极大的愤慨。 guarantee [,ɡær?n'ti:] n.vt.保证;担保The policy guarantees us against all loss.这项政策保证了我们免受全部损失 tragic ['træd?ik] adj. 悲剧的;不幸的This is how tragic thing这是多么悲惨的事情 controversial [,k?ntr?'v?:??l] adj. 有争议的;有争论的 trait [trei, treit] n. 特性,特点;品质The most common trait is long hair其最普遍的特征就是长发。 demonstrate ['dem?nstreit] v证明;论证;示威The miners demonstrated for better working conditions.矿工们为改善工作条件而举行示威游行。 85 abolish [?'b?li?] vt. 废除,废止 possess [p?'zes] vt. 持有;控制She was possessed by a devil她 着了魔。 deduct [di'd?kt] vt. 扣除,减去deduct a tax from one's wages从工 资中扣去税款 cast [kæst] v.n投,抛The candle cast a dim light on the table蜡烛 在桌上投下黯淡的光。 Easter n. [宗]复活节 intermittent [,int?'mit?nt] adj. 间歇的,断续的 specific [spi'sifik] adj. 特殊的,明确的;详细的 oppose [?'p?uz] v反对;抗争We oppose extravagance and waste我们反对铺张浪费 extract [ik'strækt] vt.n摘录;提取extract a tooth拔牙 commonwealth ['k?m?nwelθ] n. 共和国;联邦 transaction [træn'zæk??n] n. 交易;办理;会报transaction cost交易成本 cabinet ['kæbinit] n. 内阁;橱柜 ornament ['?:n?m?nt, '?:n?ment] n. vt. 装饰,修饰ornament one's country为祖国增光 norm [n?:m] n. 规范,基准It has become the norm for wives to work妻子参加工作已经成为一种准则。 86 contribute [k?n'tribju:t] v捐献;贡献,投稿They contributed food and clothing for the refugees.他们向难民捐助了食物和衣服 reckon ['rek?n] vt. 计算;测算,估计She is reckoned a very good teacher她被看做是一位优秀教师。 considerateadj. 体谅的;考虑周到的You are always so considerate你总是想得那么周到! ceramic [si'ræmik] adj. 陶器的;陶瓷的 digest [di'd?est] v消化;吸收Orange digests food.橘子有助于食物 的消化。 transcend [træn'send]vt. 胜过,超越a story that transcends belief令人难以置信的故事 extravagant [ik'stræv?ɡ?nt] adj. 奢侈的;浪费的Her extravagant life has made her more degenerate侈糜的生活使她越发地堕落 reproach [ri'pr?ut?] n.vt责备;耻辱Arrogance reproaches his image傲慢有损他的形象。 transfern.v转移;转让Chalk is your tool of knowledge transfer粉 笔是您知识的传递工具 retention [ri'ten??n] n. 扣留,滞留;保留 snack [snæk] n. 小吃,快餐v斗嘴They snacked about the charges他们因花费的事争吵不休 transform [træns'f?:m] v变换,改变;转化transform dream into reality变梦想为现实 87 notation [n?u'tei??n] n. 符号;注释 flap [flæp] n.v拍打,拍动A flag flaps in the wind.旗在风中飘扬。 transient ['trænzi?nt] adj. 短暂的;路过的 specification [,spesifi'kei??n] n.详述;说明书 attempt [?'tempt] n.v企图,试图;攻击A bold attempt is half success一个勇敢尝试是一半成功. memorize ['mem?raiz] vt. 记住,背熟;记忆 inhibit [in'hibit] vt. 抑制;禁止inhibit somebody from doing something约束某人不做某事 carve [kɑ:v] v雕刻;切开;She carved a flower out of a radish.她把 萝卜刻成一朵花。 empirical [em'pirik?l] adj. 经验主义的,完全根据经验的 relay ['ri:lei] vi. 转播;接替,转送I will relay your opinion to the headmaster我愿把你的意见转告校长。 install [in'st?:l] vt. 任命;安装installment payment分期付款;分期 付款帐户 cereal ['si?ri?l] n. 谷类食品;谷类,谷物cereal crop禾谷类作物, 粮食作物 ignore [iɡ'n?:] vt.忽视,不理睬Nobody could ignore these problems没有谁会忽视这些问题。 catastrophe [k?'tæstr?fi] n. 大灾;大祸;惨败The earthquake was a terrible catastrophe.这次地震是可怕的灾难. 88 float [fl?ut] v浮动;摇摆;飘动Dust floats in the air.灰土飘浮于空中。 transistor [træn'sist?] n. [电子]晶体管 metallic [mi'tælik] adj.(含)金属的metallic currency金属货币;硬币 transit ['trænsit] n. 运输;经过. 运送We will transit the strait at night我们将在夜间通过那个海峡。 involve [in'v?lv] vt. 包含;牵涉The case involved many innocent people这案件牵涉许多无辜的人。 specialty ['spe??lti] n. 专业,专长;特产 brilliant ['brilj?nt] adj.闪耀的;杰出的This is a brilliant speech.这是一场精采的演说。 expend [ik'spend] vt. 花费;用光;耗尽I expended energy,time,and care on my work我把精力、时间和心血花在工作上。 prosecute ['pr?sikju:t] v从事;检举;起诉prosecute for public offense对公开场合侮辱进行起诉 transition [træn'si??n] n. 过渡;转变;转换 casualty ['kæ?ju?lti] n. 意外事故;伤亡人员;急诊室There have been no reports of heavy casualty or damage.尚没有重大伤亡或破坏的报道。 permeate ['p?:mieit] v弥漫;渗透Such customs permeated through those people这种风俗已在人们中普及了。 inhabitant [in'hæbit?nt] n. 居民;居住者 89 pendulum ['pendjul?m] n. 钟摆;摇锤The pendulum stopped swinging钟摆停止了摆动. doom [du:m] n.vt厄运;死亡;判决He was doomed to undergo misery他注定要经历场痛苦。 fixture ['fikst??] n. 固定装置;设备 refund [ri'f?nd] v.n退还;偿还,归还the shop refunded my money这家商店将钱退给了我 linger ['li?ɡ?] v徘徊;磨蹭,消磨The patient is lingering out his life这个病人在苟延残喘/生。 converge [k?n'v?:d?] v集中;会聚The two streams converge here to form a river.两条小溪在这儿汇成一条河流. incentive [in'sentiv] n. 动机;刺激,奖励Money is a powerful incentive金钱是一种强大的刺激。 associate [?'s?u?ieit] vi. 交往;结交We associate with all sorts of people我们同各种各样的人有交往。 royalty ['r?i?lti] n. 王权;皇室;版税This is your chance to live like royalty这是一个好机会让您像王族般一样~ dentist ['dentist] n. 牙科医生 pursue [p?'sju:] vt. 从事;追赶,追求Bad luck pursued her.厄运纠 缠着她。 literary ['lit?r?ri] adj. 文学的; 90 overwhelm [,?uv?'hwelm] vt. 压倒;淹没;打击Flood overwhelmed the city.洪水淹没了那座城市。 disgust [dis'ɡ?st] n.vt厌恶,嫌恶His vulgar remarks disgusted us 他的下流话使我们厌恶。 force [f?:s] n. 力量;武力vt. 强迫;强加put in (或into) force实施 mock [m?k] v.n嘲弄;模仿make a mock of 嘲笑,嘲弄She mocked him as a country boy.她嘲笑他是个乡下孩子。 aviation [,eivi'ei??n] n. 航空;飞行术;飞机制造业aviation accident飞机失事; classic ['klæsik] adj.经典的;古典的 reliable [ri'lai?bl] adj. 可靠的;可信赖的he is a reliable man.他是一 个可靠的人 fling [fli?] vt. (用力地)掷,抛,扔Once he got rich,he flung aside his old freinds他有钱后就立即抛弃了旧友。. figure ['fiɡ?] n. 图形;数字v计算figure for 谋取,企图获取 anticipate [æn'tisipeit] vt. 预期,期望We anticipate hearing from you我们期望接到你的来信。 genetic [d?i'netik] adj. 遗传的;基因的 rupture ['r?pt??] n.v破裂;决裂The relations between the two countries ruptured两国关系断绝。 reliance [ri'lai?ns] n. 信心;信赖place (或put) reliance on (或in)信任;信赖 91 literature ['lit?r?t??] n. 文学;文艺;著作 gleam [ɡli:m] n. 微光;闪光His eyes gleamed with anger.他的眼睛露出愤怒的目光。 salvation [sæl'vei??n] n. 救助;拯救They eager to get salvation 他们渴望得到拯救。 redundant [ri'd?nd?nt] adj. 多余的,过剩的;冗长的 portray [p?:'trei]vt. 描绘;扮演He frowned and stamped his feet to portray anger他又皱眉头又跺脚表示生气。 intensive [in'tensiv] adj. 集中的;加强的intensive afforestation大规模绿化 transplant [træns'plɑ:nt] v.n移植;移居;迁移I transplanted those flowers to the garden.我把那些花移植到花园里。 reconciliation [,rek?nsili'ei??n] n. 和解;调和plant forgiveness, reap reconciliation.种下宽容,收获和解。 transport n.vt运输(机);流放 enforce [in'f?:s] vt. 强迫,强制enforce one's own view on the students把自己的观点强加给学生 coalition [,k?u?'li??n] n. 联合;结合coalition government联合政府 accuse [?'kju:z] v控告,指控accuse sb of doing以…控告某人 traverse ['træv?s] vt.横越,穿过Several railroads traverse the district有几条铁路线横贯这个地区。 92 sergeant ['sɑ:d??nt] n. 军士;警官Sergeant: Yes, Colonel.警官:是,上校。 rating n.等级(评定);额定功率at all rates无论如何;至少 treaty ['tri:ti] n. 条约,协议 compartment [k?m'pɑ:tm?nt] n.v 隔间;区划 blunder ['bl?nd?] vi. 跌撞地走;犯大错n. 大错blunder through the work草率地完成这项工作 fuel ['fju?l] n. 燃料add fuel to the flames(或 fire)火上加油 grain [ɡrein] n. 粮食;颗粒;谷物treasure every grain of food珍惜粮食一颗一粒. authority [?:'θ?r?ti] n. 权威;权力;当局 regiment ['red?im?nt] vt.编成团;严格管制n. 团;大量 liner ['lain?] n. 班轮,班机;画线者They launched a new passenger liner他们使一艘新的客轮下水。 tremendous [tri'mend?s] adj.巨大的;惊人的Winning the scholarship gave her a tremendous lift.她获得奖学金后受到极大的鼓舞。 resent [ri'zent] vt. 怨恨;厌恶Does she resent my being here?她讨厌我呆在这里吗? afflict [?'flikt] vt. 折磨;使痛苦He was afflicted with cancer他深受癌症的折磨. 93 recession [ri'se??n] n. 衰退;后退;不景气One reason is the recession.原因之一是经济衰退。 drag [dræɡ] v.n拖拉;拖累He dragged his injured foot behind him 他在后头拖着伤脚行进。 annual ['ænju?l] adj. 年度的;每年的 given ['ɡiv?n] adj. 沉溺的;赠予的be given to热衷于,嗜好,很喜 欢 indulge [in'd?ld?] v满足;沉溺;放任He indulges in reminiscences of his youth他完全沉溺于对青年时代的回忆中。 electronic [,ilek'tr?nik] adj. 电子的 trench [trent?] n.沟渠;战壕vt. 掘沟The soldiers trenched an outpost士兵们用战壕防御前哨。 recruit [ri'kru:t] n. 招聘;新兵;新成员v征募;补充 trend [trend] n.v趋势,倾向 trial ['trai?l] n.试验;磨炼;审讯trial and error反复试验 defy [di'fai] vt.n 藐视;挑衅I defy you to prove I have cheated我谅 你无法证实我欺骗了人. tribe [traib] n. 部落;宗族 fragile ['fræd?ail] adj. 脆的;易碎的Life is fragile生命是脆弱的. quest [kwest] n.v 追求;寻找 tribute ['tribju:t] n. 贡物;颂词;礼物 94 revolve [ri'v?lv] n.v旋转;循环The seasons revolve.季节在周而复始地变换。 continuity [,k?nti'nju:iti] n. 连续性;一连串 cable ['keibl]n. 电缆;电报vt. 打电报They cabled the news to her family他们把这个消息电告她的家属。 attendant [?'tend?nt] n. 服务员,侍者 trifle ['traifl] n. 琐事;少量vi.嘲弄vt.虚度Dont trifle away your time莫虚度光阴。 fringe [frind?] n. 边缘;刘海She has a fringe and glasses.她额前有刘海儿,戴著眼镜. transmission [trænz'mi??n] n. 传送;播送;传递 inherent [in'hi?r?nt] adj.内在的,固有的,天生的He has an inherent love of beauty.他天生爱美。 contention [k?n'ten??n] n. 争论,争辩;论点My contention is that... 我的论点是。。。 mute [mju:t] adj. 哑的;无声的He stared at me in mute amazement. 他目瞪口呆地盯着我。 spectacle ['spekt?kl] n. 景象,奇观The opening ceremony was a fine spectacle.开幕式典礼是壮观的场面。 clearance ['kli?r?ns] n. 清除;空隙There is not much clearance没有太多空间。 95 autonomy [?:'t?n?mi] n. 自治,自治权There are four minority autonomy areas in China.在中国有四个少数名族自治区. fraction ['fræk??n] n. 小部分;部分The door opened a fraction. 门 开了一条小缝。 gross [ɡr?us] adj. 总的;严重的,粗鲁的He made a gross mistake.他犯了严重的错误。 conflict [k?n'flikt] n. 冲突,争执;斗争conflict with与…抵触;冲突 vary ['vε?ri] v变化;多样化The opinions vary from person to person不同的人有不同的观点。 metropolitan [,metr?'p?lit?n] adj. 大城市的;大都会的Metropolitan residents are used to fast rhythm.大都市的居民习惯于快节奏。 clarity ['klær?ti] n. 清楚,透明 instrument ['instrum?nt] n.器械;工具 confusion [k?n'fju:??n] n. 混淆,困惑be covered with confusion很局促不安 ambiguous [æm'biɡju?s] adj.歧义的;模糊不清的It's an ambiguous statement.这是一个含糊不清的说法。 speculate ['spekjuleit] v推测;推断No man speculates he would win the game.每个人都相信他将取得比赛的胜利。 96 trigger ['triɡ?] vt. 触发;引发His stupid remarks triggered off a strike他说的蠢话引发了一场罢工。 exploit ['ekspl?it]vt. 开发,开拓A brave retreat is a brave exploit 一次勇敢的退让是英勇的开拓。 donation [d?u'nei??n] n. 捐赠;捐款 cynical ['sinik?l] adj. 愤世嫉俗的;冷嘲的My mother takes a rather cynical view of men.我妈妈对男人有著愤世嫉俗的观点。 triple ['tripl] adj. 三倍的;三方的They tripled their sales last year.他们去年的销售额增至三倍。 overlook [,?uv?'luk] vt.n俯瞰;忽略;I beg you overlook my rudeness.我请求你宽恕我的失礼。 grief [ɡri:f] n. 悲痛;忧伤Time tames the strongest grief时能缓和 极度的悲痛。 clockwise ['kl?kwaiz] adv.adj顺时针方向in a clockwise direction.沿着顺时针方向 scrutiny ['skru:tini] n. 监视;审查;细看He drew the conclusion after scrutinies.经过详尽的调查他才得出这个结论。 breakthrough ['breikθru:] n. 突破;突破性进展 disaster [,di'zɑ:st?] n. 不幸;灾难walk with disaster招致灾难 deceive [di'si:v] v. 欺骗;行骗deceive someone into doing something骗某人做某事 97 arrangement [?'reind?m?nt] n. 准备;布置We have made all the arrangement for the conference.我们已做好会议的全部筹备工作。 rehearsal [ri'h?:s?l] n. 排演;预演;练习we can have a rehearsal.我们可以排练一下 hatred ['heitrid] n. 憎恨;怨恨Hatred often springs from fear仇恨往往源于恐惧。 hinge [hind?] n. 铰链;枢纽;关键The door has gone off the hinges.门的铰链脱落了。 necessitate [ni'sesi,teit] vt.需要;迫使His apathy necessitates stimulation.有必要刺激一下他的冷漠。 triumph ['trai?mf] n. 胜利,凯旋vi胜The workers triumphed over many difficulties工人们战胜了许多困难。 cite [sait] vt. 引用;举出Allow me cite an example.允许我举个例子。 incidence ['insid?ns] n. 入射;影响;发生率re's a high incidence of heart disease there.那个地方心脏病的发病率很高。 debate [di'beit] v.n辩论,争论 trivial ['trivi?l] adj. 不重要的,琐碎的He's a very trivial person.他是个非常浅薄轻浮的人。 decrease [di'kri:s] n.v减少,减小on the decrease在减少中 kidney ['kidni] n. 腰子;肾脏kidney failure肾衰竭 kidney stones肾结石 98 advocate ['ædv?keit] vt. 提倡,主张,拥护He advocates reforming the prison system他主张改良监狱制度。 disturbance [di'st?:b?ns] n. 干扰;骚乱We can work here without disturbance我们在这儿工作可不受干扰。 formidable ['f?:mid?bl] adj. 可怕的A formidable prospect lies ahead of him.他的前景令人忧惧。 multitude ['m?lti,tju:d] n. 群众;多数Success covers a multitude of blunders成功由大量的失误铸造。 atlas ['ætl?s] n. 地图集The atlas will soon be available该图集不久将面世。 objective [?b'd?ektiv] adj. 客观的;目标的n. 目标;目的the objective reality客观现实 mechanical [mi'kænik?l] adj. 机械的;呆板的Blinking is a mechanical action of the eyelids.眨眼是眼睑的无意识动作。 describe [di'skraib] vt. 描述,形容She described herself as a doctor她自称是医生。 exemplify [iɡ'zemplifai] vt. 例示;例证To exemplify what I mean为举例说明我的意思 minibus ['minib?s] n. 小型公共汽车;中客车;面包车 fulfill [ful'fil] vt. 履行;满足;实现He always fulfills his promises.他总是履行自己的诺言。 existence [iɡ'zist?ns] n. 存在,生存go out of existence不复存在 99 tub [t?b] n. 桶;浴盆They consumed a tub of beer他们喝掉一桶啤酒。 tuck [t?k] vt. 卷起;挤进She tucked her letter into an envelope.她把信折好塞进信封。 minority [mai'n?r?ti] n. 少数民族;少数派They live in the minority area他们生活在少数民族地区。 enclosure [in'kl?u??] n. 附件;围墙There is a public enclosure of a racecourse.那儿有个作赛马场的公共圈地。 tug [t?ɡ] n.v拖船;苦干;拖曳The boy tugged at his mother's hand 男孩用力拉着妈妈的手。 oak [?uk] n. [植]橡树;橡木家具 persist [p?'sist] vi. 持续,固执;坚持persist in something (或 doing something)坚持做某事 appeal [?'pi:l] vi. 呼吁,恳求We appealed to reason to win our argument.我们靠诉诸于理性赢得了辩论。 derive [di'raiv] v得自;源于to derive pleasure from music从音乐中得到乐趣 brew [bru:] vt. 酿造;酝酿A storm was brewing outside外面暴风雨正在酝酿中 intrinsic [in'trinsik] adj. 本质的,固有的a man's intrinsic worth人自身的价值 100 significant [sig'nifik?nt] adj. 重大的;有意义的This was a significant invention这是一项重大的发明。 obligation [,?bli'ɡei??n] n. 义务;职责Our parents fulfilled their obligation to support us.父母亲尽到了抚养我们的责任。 access ['ækses] vt. 存取;接近have access to可以利用;接近; tuition [tju:'i??n] n. 学费;讲授His yearly tuition is $15,000.他每年 的学费是一万五千美元。 generalize ['d?en?r?laiz] vt. 概括;推广I don't think you can generalize about that.我认为对那事你不能一概而论。 appliance [?'plai?ns] n. 器具;器械 disastrous [di'zɑ:str?s] adj. 悲伤的;灾难性的The results of the flood were disastrous.水灾的结果是灾难性的。 consume [k?n'sju:m] v消耗,消费,耗尽She consumes much of her time in studying她把很多时间用在学习上。 ntense [in'tens] adj. 强烈的;紧张的it would be an intense competition那将是场激烈的比赛 contract ['k?ntrækt] vi. 感染;订约She has contracted a severe fever.她感染上了严重的热病。 discharge [dis't?ɑ:d?] n.v卸下;排放;解雇: He was discharged from office.他被免职了。 adolescent [,æd?u'les?nt] adj. 青春期的;未成熟的The adolescent life is most important.青春期的生活是非常重要的. 101 homogeneous [,h?m?'d?i:ni?s] adj. 同种的;均匀的They are homogeneous people.他们是同类人。 dignity ['diɡn?ti] n. 尊严;高贵He has an air of dignity他有一种威 严的神态。 routine [ru:'ti:n] n. 例行公事;日常工作adj. 日常的;例行的routine job规律性工作;日常工作 tumble ['t?mbl] vi. 倒塌;滚动;摔倒She tumbled off her bicycle.她从自行车上摔了下来。 arouse [?'r?uz] v引起;鼓励;唤醒arouse someone from a sound sleep把某人从酣睡中唤醒 commend [k?'mend] v推荐;称赞He commend them for their enthusiasm他称赞他们的热情。 provision [pr?u'vi??n] n. 供应品;准备We should make provision for the future我们该为将来作好准备。 ascend [?'send] v上升;攀登;追溯The rocket ascended into the cloud.火箭高高飞入云端。 tunnel ['t?n?l] n. 隧道;坑道vi. 挖掘隧道They tunnelled into solid rock.他们在坚硬的岩石中凿隧道。 resume [ri'zju:m] n. 摘要;履历v恢复He resumed his work after a short rest他休息片刻后又继续进行工作。 respective [ri'spektiv] adj. 分别的,各自的He drove them both to their respective homes他驾车把他们分别送到家里。 102 prejudice ['pred?udis] n.v偏见;侵害He has a prejudice against homosexuals他对同性恋者有偏见。 dwarf [dw?:f] n. 侏儒,矮子 primary ['praim?ri] adj.初级的;基本的 segregate ['seɡriɡit] vt. 使分离;使隔离We have to segregate for a few day.我们得分离一段日子 cope [k?up] vi. 处理;竞争No one can cope with him in English在 英语方面,谁也比不上他。 infectious [in'fek??s] adj. (易)传染的Influenza is an infectious disease流感是一种传染病。 legislation [,led?is'lei??n] n. 立法;法律They began to draft legislation他们开始起草法规。 turbulent ['t?:bjul?nt] adj. 骚乱的,混乱的She tried to calm her turbulent thoughts她试图平息一下紊乱的思绪. contaminate [k?n'tæmi,neit] vt. 污染,弄脏The river was contaminated with waste from the factory这条河流被从工厂流出的 废物所污染。 ridiculous [ri'dikjul?s] adj. 可笑的;荒谬的This is really a ridiculous farce这、真是一场可笑的闹剧。 controversy ['k?ntr?,v?:si] n. 争论;辩论These are the facts that are beyond controversy.这是一些无可争辩的事实。 103 turnover ['t?:n,?uv?] n. 翻覆;营业额;人员更替adj翻转的They have a very high turnover of staff.他们的职员更换很快。 array [?'rei] n.v . 衣服;排列,列阵The whole city is in holiday array 整个城市披上了节日的盛装。 expand [ik'spænd] v扩张;膨胀The eagle expanded its wings老鹰 展开翅膀。 perplex [p?'pleks] vt. 使困惑,使为难Don't perplex the issue.不要 使问题复杂化了。 disposal [dis'p?uz?l] n. 清理;处理He has only a limited period at his disposal.他只有有限的时间可由他自己支配。 naive [nɑ:'i:v] adj. 天真的,幼稚的It's naive of you to believe he'll do what he says相信他会言行一致, 你未免太单纯了 fitting ['fiti?] n. 试穿,试衣adj. 适合的His training fits him for the job他受过的训练使他能胜任此项工作。 complexion [k?m'plek??n] n. 面色;肤色;局面He has a dark complexion他肤色黝黑。 forthcoming ['f?:θ'k?mi?] adj. 即将来临的the forthcoming presidential election即将到来的总统选举 principle ['prins?pl] n. 原理,原则;主义It is, in essence, the principle of realism这实质上也就是现实主义的原则。 104 confer [k?n'f?:] vt. 授予;给予Jogging will confer striking benefits. 慢跑会带来明显益处。 intuition [,intju:'i??n] n. 直觉(力);直观She had an intuition that her friend was ill她有一种直觉:她的朋友病了。 deprive [di'praiv] vt. 夺去,剥夺The accident deprived her of her life那场事故夺去了她的生命。 tutor ['tju:t?] vt. 约束;辅导n. 家庭教师John tutored the child in English约翰辅导那孩子学英语。 twist [twist] v.n扭动;弯曲Mary twisted her hair into a braid玛丽把 头发编成了一条辫子。 isle [ail] n. 岛the isle was inhabited这个小岛上确是有居民的 accordance [?'k?:d?ns] n. 一致;和谐in accordance with依据, 与…一致 crash [kræ?] n. 碰撞;崩溃;坠落The thunder crashed overhead头顶上雷声隆隆。 ultimate ['?ltim?t] adj. 最终的;根本的Hard work is the ultimate source of success努力工作是成功之本。 constitution [,k?nsti'tju:??n] n. 宪法;体质;章程The young man has a strong constitution这位年轻人身强力壮。 aerial ['ε?ri?l] adj. 空气的;航空的Aerial pollution is a problem that should be solved quickly.空气污染是一个亟待解决的问题 105 ultraviolet [,?ltr?'vai?l?t] adj.紫外(线)的Bees can see ultraviolet light.蜜蜂能看到紫外线。 renaissance [ri'neis?ns] n. 复活;复兴 recover [ri'k?v?] vt. 恢复;重新获得I can quickly recover from failure我能很快从失败中恢复过来. fantasy ['fænt?si] n.v 幻想;幻觉He fantasies himself a doctor他想像自己是一位医生。 rational ['ræ??n?l] adj. 理性的;合理的Panic destroys rational thought.惊慌摧毁理性思考。 schedule ['??dju:?l] vt. 安排,计划n. 时间表;计划表 luggage ['l?ɡid?] n. 行李;皮箱Be careful with your luggage小心看好您的行李。 porch [p?:t?] n. 门廊;走廊We waited in the porch until it stopped raining我们在门廊等待直到雨停。 committee [k?'miti] n. 委员会He is on the finance committee他是财政委员会的“委员”。 garbage ['ɡɑ:bid?] n. 垃圾;废物Garbage pollutes our rivers and streams垃圾污染河流与溪水。 deficit ['defisit] n. 赤字;不足额The current trade deficit当前的贸易赤字。 106 unanimous [ju:'nænim?s] adj. 无异议的;意见一致的People were unanimous in support of the peace effort.人们一致支持为和平所作的努力。 underestimate [,?nd?'estimeit] Never underestimate the power of love永远不要低估爱的力量。 diplomat ['dipl?mæt] n. 外交家,外交官That diplomat was too crafty.那个外交官太狡诈了。 instance ['inst?ns] n. 实例;情况for instance例如;比如 clash [klæ?] n.v冲突,碰撞His opinion clashed with mine他的意见与我的意见不一致。 motive ['m?utiv] n. 动机,目的What was his motive for doing that他做那件事的动机是什麽 preview [pri:'vju:] n. vt. 预演;预览The play is due to be previewed tonight这出戏定于今晚试演。 despise [di'spaiz] vt. 轻视,鄙视She despised him for his cowardice她因他胆小如鼠而鄙视他。 underlying [,?nd?'laii?] adj. 在下面的;优先的;潜在的The underlying reason for the failure remains unknown.失败的根本原因尚未搞清。 confine [k?n'fain] n. 界限,边界vt. 限制;禁闭He was confined to bed by illness.他因病卧床。 107 barrier ['bæri?] n. 障碍物,屏障Another issue is the language barrier另一个问题就是语言障碍。 identical [ai'dentik?l] adj. 同一的;相同的His hat is identical to mine.他的帽子同我的一模一样。 convenience [k?n'vi:nj?ns] n. 便利;方便at your convenience在您方便时 undermine [,?nd?'main] vt.(渐渐)破坏Wild life has undermined his health放荡的生活逐渐损害了他的健康。 unemployment [,?nim'pl?im?nt] n.失业(率,人数)Unemployment is a major problem失业是一个大问题。 bonus ['b?un?s] n. 奖金;红利 degrade ['di'ɡreid] v丢脸,降级He degraded himself by cheating and telling lies他因欺骗、撒谎而损害了自己的人格。 unfold [,?n'f?uld] v打开;呈现Buds unfold in the sunshine花蕾在阳光下开放。 bounce [bauns] n. 弹力;活力v弹回The football bounced off the goalpost.足球击中球门柱弹了出去。 scar [skɑ:] n.v 伤痕;创伤scar somebody in his heart给某人造成心灵上的创伤 hoist [h?ist] n.v升起,吊起He gave me a hoist up the tree他把我托举到树上。 108 constitute ['k?nstitju:t] vt. 组成,构成This move constitutes an act of aggression这一举动构成了侵略行为。 default [di'f?:lt] n.v食言,违约They defaulted in the tennis tournament在网球赛中他们没参赛。 execution [,eksi'kju:??n] n. 执行,实行The execution of the bandits took place today匪徒们于今天处决 recite [ri'sait] vt. 背诵;叙述 consumer [k?n'sju:m?] n. 用户,顾客consumer council消费者委员会 clip [klip] v修剪n.夹子,修剪Her plait has been clipped last week. 她的辫子在上周被剪掉了 unify ['ju:nifai] vt. 统一,一致Can the world be unified?世界能统一吗? muscular ['m?skjul?] adj.肌肉的;强健的a muscular man一个肌肉发达的男子 optimistic [,?pti'mistik] adj. 乐观的;乐观主义的 rip [rip]v撕碎,扯破One of the pair of shoes ripped.这双鞋中有一只开绽了。 obedient [?u'bi:di?nt] adj. 孝顺的;顺从的He is obedient to his parents她是一个听话的小女孩。 unique [ju:'ni:k] adj. 唯一的,独特的 blank [blæ?k] adj. 空白的n. 空白 109 luminous ['lju:min?s] adj. 发光的;明亮的a public square luminous with sunlight阳光普照的广场 quota ['kw?ut?] n. 配额;限额Each has his quota of work for the day.每个人的工作日都有定额。 esthetic [i:s'θetik] adj. 感觉的;审美的 shatter ['?æt?] v.n打碎;破掉What he said made her shatter.他说 的话令她心烦意乱。 evident ['evid?nt] adj. 明显的;明白的 unity ['ju:niti] n. 联合;团结; universe ['ju:niv?:s] n. 宇宙;世界 update [?p'deit, '?pdeit] vt.n更新;校正 heighten ['hait?n] vt.加强;增高As she waited, her excitement heightened她越等越激动。 profess [pr?u'fes]v 断言;声称,承认I profess that I was surprised at the news.我承认这个消息使我感到惊奇。 grip [ɡrip] n. vt. 紧握;夹紧His talk gripped the attention of his audience他的演讲吸引住了听众的注意力。 upgrade ['?pɡreid] vt.n 提升;升级upgrade oneself提升自我 rejoice [ri'd??is] vi. 高兴;庆祝He often rejoices at other people's misfortunes.他常常对别人幸灾乐祸。 obstacle ['?bst?kl] n. 障碍,干扰Another obstacle is inertia.另一个 阻碍是惰性。 110 partial ['pɑ:??l] adj. 局部的;不公平的be partial to对…特别喜爱 degenerate [di'd?en?reit] vt.退化;恶化,坠落Young people of today are not degenerating今天的青年并没有在变坏。 notify ['n?utifai] vt. 通告,I have notified them to watch and tail him我已通知了他们监视跟踪他 primitive ['primitiv] adj. 原始的,简单的Primitive people live in holes原始人过穴居生活 composite ['k?mp?zit] n. 合成物;复合材料 inhabit [in'hæbit] v居住于;占据Wild notions inhabit his mind.他的 脑子里有些怪念头。 fatal ['feitl] adj. 致命的;重大的Her wounds were not fatal她的伤不 是致命的。 overpass ['?uv?pɑ:s] vt. 胜过;超越n.天桥His shape overpassed into the dark.他的身影消失在暮色之中 equality [i:'kw?l?ti] n. 平等;相等Equality before the opportunity, but not everyone has the opportunity.机会面前人人平等,但不是人 人都拥有机会 multiply ['m?ltiplai] vt.相乘adv. adj多样地;复合地This will multiply our chances of success.这将增加我们成功的机会 presentation [,prez?n'tei??n] n. 介绍;赠送give a presentation of对…作陈述 canvas ['kænv?s] n. 帆布 111 awkward ['?:kw?d] adj. 笨拙的;尴尬的She is still awkward with chopsticks.她用筷子还不熟练。 precede [pri:'si:d] vt. 领先,优于as the words that precede如上述的话 communication [k?,mju:ni'kei??n] n. 通讯,交流 bibliography [,bibli'?ɡr?fi] n. 参考书目;文献目录 pattern ['pæt?n] n. 模式;样品 uphold [?p'h?uld] vt. 赞成;支撑She upheld her hand reluctantly. 她勉强地举起手来。 reject [ri'd?ekt] vt. 拒绝;抵制I rejected his suggestion.我不同意他的建议。 upright ['?prait] adj. 正直的,诚实的He is an upright citizen他是个正直的公民。 diversion [dai'v?:??n] n. 转移;消遣 probe [pr?ub] n.v探针;调查 formulate ['f?:mjuleit] vt. 用公式表示 sovereign ['s?v?rin] adj. 至高无上的;极好的Character is of sovereign importance.性格是头等重要的。 impose [im'p?uz] v欺骗;利用;强加impose on利用;欺骗;施加影响于 skeleton ['skelit?n] n. 骨架,骨骼He was reduced to a skeleton他瘦得只剩一把骨头了。 112 buck [b?k] n. 雄鹿;纨绔子弟adj公的,雄的 champagne [,?æm'pein] n. 香槟酒They regaled him with champagne他们以香槟酒款待他。 agent ['eid??nt] n. 代理人,代理商he is an agent for our company. 他是我们公司的一名代理人 duplicate ['dju:plik?t] vt.n 复制;使加倍Please duplicate this key for me请照这把钥匙为我配一把 perfection [p?'fek??n] n. 完善;完美Tulip show the perfection of our love郁金香象征我俩完美的爱情 appropriate [?'pr?uprieit] adj. 适当的vt. 拨出;占用She gave a speech appropriate to the occasion.她作了很合时宜的讲话。 consistent [k?n'sist?nt] adj一致的;坚持的His behavior is consistent with his teaching他的行为与其教诲相符。 urban ['?:b?n] adj. 城市的;都市的 characteristic [,kær?kt?'ristik] adj. 特有的;典型的Quick decision is characteristic of him快速决定是他的特征 exert [iɡ'z?:t] vt. 运用,发挥exert every effort尽一切努力exert oneself to do sth.努力,使劲 adjoin [?'d??in] v毗连,邻接The garage adjoins the house.车库与 房子毗连。 consent [k?n'sent] vi.n同意;答应consent to do/+n同意,赞成 113 crush [kr??] v压碎;弄皱,变形At last the rebellion was crushed down叛乱最终被镇压下去 combine [k?m'bain] v联合,结合combine with 结合,联合 snatch [snæt?] n.v 抢夺,攫取,片断snatch at any chances抓住一切机会 propagate ['pr?p?ɡeit] v传播;繁殖propagate scientific knowledge普及科学知识 urge [?:d?] vt. 力劝,催促urge sb. into doing sth/to do sth.催促/怂勇某人做某事。 circumstance ['s?:k?mst?ns] n. 环境,情况Below most circumstance大多数情况下 utilize ['ju:tilaiz] vt. 利用We must utilize all available resources我们必须利用可以得到的一切资源。 equip [i'kwip] vt. 装备,配备be equipped with具备,具有(能力、品质等): contradict [,k?ntr?'dikt] v反驳;否Her words contradicted her deeds她的言行不一致 deport [di'p?:t] vt. 举止;放逐;驱逐He deported himself like a gentleman他举止像有教养的人 quartz [kw?:ts] n. [矿]石英 consumption [k?n's?mp??n] n. 消费;消耗This food is for our consumption on the trip这些食物供我们旅途中吃。 114 versus ['v?:s?s] prep. 对;对抗The big match tonight is England versus Spain今晚的大赛是英格兰对西班牙 disable [dis'eib] vt. 使残废;使失去能力He was disabled in the accident他在那次事故中成了残废。 orient ['?:ri?nt] n. 东方;亚洲vt使朝东, 使适应The stadium is oriented south and north.那个体育场是南北走向 estimate ['estimeit] v.n估计,估价He is highly estimated among his colleagues同事们对他的评价很高。 miniature ['mini?t??] adj. 微型的,小规模的n. 缩图;微型画This plane model miniatures the airplane.这个飞机模型是飞机的缩影。 ferry ['feri] n.v 渡口;渡船;摆渡Two small boats ferry people back and forth两只小船往返为人摆渡。 distract [dis'trækt] vt. 转移;分心The music distracted her from her work音乐使她无法专心工作。 owl [aul] n. [动]猫头鹰;枭 irony ['ai?r?ni] n. 讽刺;反语That's sort of a poignant irony那段话 有点尖刻的讽刺味。 venture ['vent??] v.n 冒险;投机No one ventured to speak to him无人敢跟他讲话。 contrive [k?n'traiv] v设计;发明;图谋They are contriving a robbery他们正在策划一场抢劫。 115 accelerate [?k'sel?reit] v加速;促进The bad weather accelerated our departure糟糕的天气促使我们早日离开。 enroll [in'r?ul] v登记;参加;注册The school will enroll new students in August这所学校将于八月份招收新生 constrain [k?n'strein] vt. 强迫;束缚;驱使Hunger constrained him to eat饥饿迫使他进食。 refreshment [ri'fre?m?nt] n. 点心;精力恢复Love is the greatest refreshment in life爱情是生活最好的的提神剂。 utmost ['?tm?ust] n. 极限;最大可能do one's utmost尽全力,竭 力 vent [vent] n. 出口;通风孔v发泄,表达He vented his anger on his wife.他在老婆身上发泄怒气。 council ['kauns?l] n. 理事会;会议 sacrifice ['sækrifais] n.v 牺牲;供奉make the supreme sacrifice做 出最大的牺牲 consult [k?n's?lt] v商量;查阅;请教consult with 与…商量(协商) penguin ['pe?ɡwin] n. 企鹅He came waddling down the hall like a penguin他在大厅里蹒跚而行,就像一只企鹅。 efficiency [i'fi??nsi] n. 效率;功效increase our work efficiency提 高工作效率 assignment [?'sainm?nt] n. 分配;任务;作业He is responsible for the assignment of jobs他负责分派工作。 116 bronze [br?nz] n. 青铜;青铜制品The statue was cast in bronze这座雕像是用“青铜”铸的 sake [seik] n. 理由;目的for any sake无论如何for one's own sake为了自己的利益 vacant ['veik?nt] adj.空(闲)的,空虚的The hospital has no vacant beds这家医院没有空闲的床位。 sensible ['sens?bl] adj. 明智的;意识到的Do you deem this plan sensible你认为这项计划明智吗, humble ['h?mbl] adj谦卑的,谦虚的He is a man of humble origin他是一个出身微贱的人。 illusion [i'lju:??n] n. 幻觉,错觉He is under the illusion that his position is secure他误以为他的地位很稳固。 definition [,difi'ni??n] n. 定义;解说 anxiety [æ?'zai?ti] n忧虑,焦虑;渴望I feel strong anxiety for his illness我为他的疾病担忧。 vain [vein] adj. 徒劳的;虚荣的All our hard work was in vain.我们一切的努力都是徒劳的。 courtesy ['k?:tisi] n. 礼貌;好意;恩惠They showed us great courtesy他们对我们很有礼貌。 authentic [?:'θentik] adj. 可信的;真实的The report is authentic这个报告是可靠的。 117 ivory ['aiv?ri] n. 象牙;乳白色adj. 象牙制的The wall is ivory墙是乳白色的。 pearl [p?:l] n. 珍珠;珍品Pearls of dew glistened on the leaves叶子上露珠晶莹。 comprehension [,k?mpri'hen??n] n. 包含;理解 slap [slæp] v.n掌击;拍击,掴She slapped him on his face她打了他一记耳光。 valid ['vælid] adj. 正当的;有效的I believe that the statement is valid我认为上面的观点是正确的。 boom [bu:m] v.n隆隆声;兴旺Business boomed after the depression萧条之后生意兴隆起来。 bacteria [bæk'ti?ri?] n. 细菌Both bacteria and viruses can cause it 细菌和病毒都能导致这种病。 deem [di:m] v认为,视作He deemed it wise to refuse the offer他认为拒绝这一提议是明智的。 overwhelming [,?uv?'hwelmi?] adj. 压倒性的;势不可挡的The overwhelming majority of绝大多数 rebel ['reb?l, ri'bel] vi.n造反;反叛It is natural for teenagers to rebel against their parents.青少年反抗父母的现象是很正常的。 murmur ['m?:m?] n. 怨言;牢骚;嘀咕 occupation [,?kju'pei??n] n. 职业;占有He was bored for lack of occupation他因无所事事而感到厌烦。 118 minimize ['minimaiz] v;小看,最小化We've taken steps to minimize the losses我们已采取措施尽量减少损失。 employment [im'pl?im?nt] n. 雇用;职业;使用 valve [vælv] n. [机]阀;[机]活门;[电子]真空管 patent ['peit?nt] adj. 专利的n专利,执照Tom obtained a patent for the process汤姆获得了这项工艺的专利 gasp [ɡɑ:sp] v.n喘息;喘气She gasped at the ghastly sight那恐怖的景象令她倒抽一口气 spine [spain] n. 脊柱,脊椎;刺spine road公路干线 process ['pr?uses] vt. 处理;加工n. 过程,步骤in the process of 在…过程中 masculine ['mæskjulin] adj. 阳性的;男性的 accessory [?k'ses?ri] n. 附件;配件,从犯This man was accessory to the crime这个人是那个案件的同谋。 explore [ik'spl?:] v探索;探险Let us explore the possibilities for improvement让我们探索改善的可能性。 furious ['fju:ri?s] adj. 狂怒的;激烈的It was a furious storm这是强烈的暴风雨。 van [væn] n. 先锋;前卫,前驱in the van of站在…的前列,作…的先驱 variation [,vε?ri'ei??n] n. 变异,变种;变化Prices are subject to variation价格可以变动。 119 masterpiece ['mɑ:st?pi:s]n. 杰作,名作It is his enduring masterpiece.这是他的不朽名作。 chorus ['k?:r?s] n.v合唱(队);齐声The birds were chorusing around us鸟儿在我们周围齐声歌唱。 accord [?'k?:d] n.v一致;符合in accord with与…一致bring into accord使符合 various ['vε?ri?s] adj. 各种各样的;多方面的The reason is various原因是多方面的。 regulation [,reɡju'lei??n] n. 规则;管理He was fined for breaking traffic regulations.他因违反交通规则而被罚款。 collision n的抵触,冲突,碰撞be/come into collision (with)(与…) 相撞;(同…)冲突 fake [feik] v假装n. 假货;骗子adj. 伪造的The whole story was faked up整个故事全是捏造的。 epoch ['i:p?k, 'ep?k] n. 新纪元;[地质]世;新时代mark/make an epoch开辟新纪元 semester [si'mest?] n. 学期;半年It is the last exam of the semester这是本学期最后一次考试。 basis ['beisis] n. 底部;基础,要素The rumor had no basis那谣言 没有任何根据。 entity ['ent?ti] n. 实体;存在;本质 120 drastic ['dræstik] adj. 激烈的;猛烈的The war had a drastic effect on the economy这场战争对经济有剧烈的影响。 intent [in'tent] n. 意图;目的;He is intent on his work.他正专心于工作。 jeopardize ['d?ep?daiz] vt.危害;危及False ads jeopardize consumer rights虚假广告侵犯消费者的权利。 liable ['lai?bl] adj. 有责任的,有义务的be liable for对…有义务be liable to do (something) 有义务做某事 inland ['inl?nd]n. 内地;内陆adj. 内陆的Many inland towns are built along rivers许多内陆城镇建在沿海 crucial ['kru:??l] adj.重要的,严重的It is crucial that we get this information得到这个信息是极其重要的. account [?'kaunt] n. 帐目,帐单on all accounts无论如何take no account of对…不重视 petty ['peti] adj. 小的;小气的;琐碎的A gossip has a petty mind长舌妇往往心胸狭窄。 brink [bri?k] n.边缘He is on the brink of imminent bankruptcy他濒临于立即破产的边缘。 revenge [ri'vend?] n.v复仇;报复revenge will hurt the avenger复仇者会伤害到自己. vast [vɑ:st, væst] adj. 巨大的;大量的 vegetation [,ved?i'tei??n] n. 植物,草木 121 vehicle ['vi:ikl] n车辆;(交通)工具 respond [ri'sp?nd] vi. 回答;答复She responded briefly to the questions.她对这些问题作了简要的答复。 occupy ['?kjupai] vt占据,占领She is occupied in writing a novel 她忙于写小说。 priest [pri:st] n. 牧师;神父 resemblance [ri'zembl?ns] n. 相似;肖像bear(或show)a resemblance to与…相似 pact [pækt] n.条约;协定This is a pact between us这就是你我之间的公约。 hurl [h?:l] v.n丢下;猛掷The crowd hurled abuse at the police人群大骂警察。 veil [veil] n面纱;面罩v掩饰;遮蔽The hills are veiled in mist群山被雾笼罩着。 equivalent [i'kwiv?l?nt] adj等价的,相等的His reply is equivalent to a refusal他的回答等于是拒绝。 federation ['fed?rei??n] n. 联盟;联邦 rhythm ['rið?m] n.节奏;韵律The rowers lost their rhythm桨手们划桨的节奏乱了 dramatic [dr?'mætik] adj. 戏剧的dramatic changes in the international situation国际形势的戏剧性变化 122 blink [bli?k] v.n眨眼;闪烁cannot blink the fact that…不能不正视…事实 vein [vein] n. 血管;纹理,情绪I am not in the vein for jokes我没有心思开玩笑。 comply [k?m'plai] vi. 答应;遵守We comply with all fire safety rules 我们遵守有关消防安全的全部条例。 hop [h?p] vt. 跳跃;跳过The boy hopped the ditch and ran down the path那男孩跳过沟,沿着小路奔去。 comparison [k?m'pæris?n] n. 比喻;比较in comparison with与…比较by comparison比较起来draw a comparison between把…加以比较 solution [s?'lju:??n] n. 解决方案 decorate ['dek?reit] v装饰;布置decorate sth (with sth) (用某事物)装饰(某事物) format ['f?:mæt] n. 版式;开本;格式 auction ['?:k??n] vt.n拍卖;竞卖They sold the furniture by auction他们拍卖了这套家具。 medium ['mi:di?m] adj中间的,中等的n. 媒介;方法Air is the medium of sound空气是传播声音的媒介. occasional [?'kei??n?l] adj. 偶然的;临时的He pays me occasional visits他偶尔来看我一次。 equator [i'kweit?] n. 赤道 123 magnet ['mæɡnit] n. 磁铁;磁石;磁体It is a magnet for visitors它使游客流连忘返。 velocity [vi'l?s?ti] n. 速率;迅速 inspiration [,insp?'rei??n] n灵感,鼓舞Your success is an inspiration to us all您的成功对我们是一个巨大的鼓舞. extensive [ik'stensiv] adj.广阔的;大量的The storm caused extensive damage风暴造成了巨大的损害。 bulletin ['bulitin] n.vt公告,公报 reciprocal [ri'sipr?k?l] adj. 相互的;互惠的take reciprocal action采取相应行动 contradiction [,k?ntr?'dik??n] n. 矛盾;否认T a contradiction between words and actions言行不一 radius ['reidi?s] n. 半径,范围 knob [n?b] n. 把手,疙瘩 repertoire ['rep?twɑ:] n. 全部节目That song is not in my repertoire我演出的节目中没有这首歌。 obscure [?b'skju?] adj. 模糊的;晦涩的vt. 遮掩;The moon was obscured by clouds月亮被云朵遮掩了。 migrate [mai'ɡreit] v. 移动;移居Large numbers of birds migrate south大量的鸟类迁徙南方 irrigation [,iri'ɡei??n] n. 灌溉;冲洗 124 velvet ['velvit] n. 天鹅绒,丝绒This material feels like velvet这料子摸起来像丝绒。 blaze [bleiz] n. 火焰,烈火vi. 燃烧He was blazing with anger他怒火中烧。 prevalent ['prev?l?nt] adj. 流行的;普遍的 executive [iɡ'zekjutiv] adj.经营的;行政的n. 执行者;经理 pilgrim ['pilɡrim] n.v 朝圣者;漫游者He went to Mecca as a pilgrim.他去麦加朝圣。 commit [k?'mit] vt.委托,承担She committed these documents to the fire她把这些文件付之一炬。 leisure ['le??] n. 闲暇;空闲I have no leisure for sport我没有空去叁加运动。 cycle ['saikl] n. 循环;周期 manufacturer [,mænju'fækt??r?] n. 制造商;厂商 preserve [pri'z?:v] vt. 保存;保护preserve world peace维护世界和平 adore [?'d?:] v爱慕;崇拜; clamp [klæmp] vt. 夹紧,固定n钳;夹子He clamped his jaws in anger.他气得将嘴巴紧闭。 premature [,prem?'tju?] adj不成熟的;早产的She was a bit too premature in giving up this job.她放弃这份工作似嫌太草率。 125 chase [t?eis] v.n追逐;追捕in chase of追求;追赶He's always chasing women他总在追逐女人。 delicate ['delik?t] adj. 微妙的;易碎的,精致的She is in delicate health她身体虚弱。 incidentally [,insi'dent?li] adv. 偶然地, Incidentally, John is coming home附带说一下,约翰要回家了。 initiative [i'ni?i?tiv] n. 主动权 adj. 起始的;主动的they had lost the initiative他们丧失了主动权。 perfume [p?'fju:m] n. 香水;香味Sweat charm more than perfume汗水比香水更有魅力。 exception [ik'sep??n] n. 例外;异议above (或 beyond)exception无可非议 diploma [di'pl?um?] n. 毕业证书,学位证书a college diploma大学文凭 perspective [p?'spektiv] n. 透视图;观点view an issue from a historical perspective用历史的观点看待问题 permissible [p?'misibl] adj. 许可的;准许的Her request is permissible她的要求是许可的。 contact ['k?ntækt] n.v接触,联系in contact with与…联系 ingenious [in'd?i:nj?s] adj. 机灵的,精制的It was an intricate and ingenious system这是一个复杂而精致的体系。 displace [dis'pleis] vt. 取代;置换 126 oxide n. [化]氧化物 ventilate ['ventileit] vt. 使通风;宣布Cool breezes ventilated the house凉风令屋子通气。 denial [di'nai?l] n. 否认;拒绝give a denial (to)否认. 拒绝 alienate ['eilj?neit] vt. 使疏远,离间His behavior alienated his friends他的行为使他疏远了朋友。 legend ['led??nd] n. 传奇;说明 bleed [bli:d] v出血;榨取The soldiers bled for the cause.战士们为事业而流血牺牲。 ballet ['bælei] n. 芭蕾舞剧 hug [h?ɡ] vt. 抱有;拥抱huge amounts of 大量的(+不可数名词) conceive [k?n'si:v] v构思;持有;以为I cannot conceive of him as a genius我不能设想他会是一个天才。 productivity [,pr?d?k'tiv?ti] n. 生产力;生产率 feminine ['feminin] adj. 女性的She was a very feminine person她是个很有女性气质的人。 distill [dis'til] v蒸馏;提取;滴下The cool of the night distill the dew深夜的寒气凝成露珠。 expire [ik'spai?] v终止;死亡;呼气We expire used air from our lungs我们从肺里呼出废气。 readily ['redili] adv. 容易地;乐意地He readily promised to help他欣然答应给予帮助。 127 exceptional [ik'sep??n?l] adj. 异常的,例外的Her beauty is exceptional她的美是出众的。 scratch [skræt?] n.v 抓痕;擦伤Scratch my name out please请把我的名字划掉。 expression [ik'spre??n] n. 表达,表情She looked at me without expression她毫无表情朝我看。 forum ['f?:r?m] n. 论坛,讨论会In the forum the tall columns toppled广场上高大的柱子倾倒了。 hose [h?uz] n. 长统袜 sheer [?i?] adj. 绝对的;透明的Such behavior was sheer foolishness这种行为简直是愚蠢. abundant [?'b?nd?nt] adj. 充裕的;丰富的 be abundant in ???富裕 academic [,æk?'demik] adj. 学院的;学术的 relevant ['rel?v?nt] adj. 有关的;中肯的Please collect the relevant data请收集有关的资料 silicon ['silik?n] n. 硅;硅元素 expansion [ik'spæn??n] n. 膨胀;阐述;扩张expansion of the currency通货膨胀 integrity [in'teɡr?ti] n. 正直;诚实Integrity and honesty.正直与诚实; verbal ['v?:b?l] adj. 口头的;言语的;动词的His verbal ability is beyond description他的口头能力无法形容。 ecology [i:'k?l?d?i] n. 生态学;社会生态学 128 pave [peiv] vt. 铺设;安排pave the way for为…铺平道路(be) paved with(路面等)以…铺成 induce [in'dju:s, in'du:s] vt. 引诱; dual ['dju:?l] adj. 双的;双重的n. 双数The road was already dualled.那条路已改成了双车道。 passion ['pæ??n] n. 激情;热情 hesitate ['heziteit] v踌躇,犹豫;I hesitate in bringing this up我不情愿提起这个。 irrespective [,iri'spektiv] adj. 不顾的;无关的It must be done,irrespective of cost不论花费多少,这件事一定要做。 bribe [braib] v. n贿赂,收买He quit in disgrace over the bribe.他因受贿而不光彩地辞职了 lever ['li:v?] n. 杠杆;控制杆 verdict ['v?:dikt] n. 裁定;结论The jury delivered its verdict陪审团宣布其判决。 verge [v?:d?] vi.n 濒临,接近;边缘The economy verges toward inflation经济有通货膨胀的趋势。on the verge of接近于…,濒于… cumulative ['kju:mju,leitiv] adj. 累积的Life is the cumulative sum of your decisions人生就是你一系列决定的总合。 solitary ['s?lit?ri] adj. 孤独的;独居的He noticed a solitary tree ahead of him他发现了前面的一棵孤零零的树。 129 construct [k?n'str?kt] vt.n建造,构造It took them two years to construct the bridge他们用了两年时间建这座桥。 rig [riɡ] n.vt 装备;设备rig a ship with sails给船装帆 protein ['pr?uti:n] n. 蛋白质;朊Protein is essential to life.蛋白质是生命必不可少的。 embed [im'bed] vt. 栽种;使嵌入,使插入embed tiles/ stones in cement在水泥中砌进瓷砖/石块 verify ['verifai] vt. 核实;查证Her prediction was verified.她的预言得到证实。 versatile ['v?:s?tail] adj. 多才多艺的;通用的,万能的He is the most versatile of actors他是最为多才多艺的演员。 messenger ['mesind??] n. 报信者,送信者 corporate ['k?:p?rit] adj. 法人的;共同的,全体的 lofty ['l?fti] adj. 崇高的;高的;高傲的He is a man of lofty ideals.他是一个有崇高理想的人。 verse [v?:s] n. 诗,诗篇; version ['v?:??n] n. 译文;版本 offset [,?f'set] n.vt 抵消,补偿The pay raise will be offset by inflation增加的工资会被通货膨胀所抵消。 dispose [dis'p?uz] v.n处理;安排dispose for 使倾向于dispose of 处理 130 lash [læ?] v.n 鞭打;摆动;猛击The patient lashed about in great pain患者翻来覆去,痛苦难耐。 intimidate [in'timideit] vt. 恐吓,威胁intimidate somebody into doing something威逼某人做某事 merge [m?:d?] v合并;吞没Twilight merged into total darkness暮色渐渐变成漆黑。 senator ['sen?t?] n. 参议员;评议员,理事The senator sign the resolution参议员签署了决议。 gown [ɡaun] n. 长袍,睡袍The bride made her wedding gown herself新娘自己做了结婚礼服。 captive ['kæptiv] adj. 被俘虏的;被迷住的n. 俘虏;迷恋者He was a captive to her charms他被她的魅力迷住了。 cocktail ['k?k,teil] n. 鸡尾酒;开味食品 vertical ['v?:tik?l] adj. 垂直的,直立的 nominate ['n?mineit] vt. 提名;任命; nominate sb for sth 推选某人做某事nominate sb to do任命做?? poke [p?uk] v.n刺,捅;戳Father poked the fire with a poker.爸爸用通条把火捅得更旺。 dominant ['d?min?nt] adj. 支配的,统治的The dominant influence in her life was her father.她一生中对她影响最大的是她父亲。 apt [æpt] adj.恰当的;灵敏的be apt at擅长于be apt for适当be apt to (do something)往往;易于 131 mobile ['m?ubail] adj. 易变的,;非固定的 friction ['frik??n] n.摩擦(力)political friction between two countries两国间政治上的不和 refute [ri'fju:t] vt. 反驳,驳斥We can easily refute his argument我 们可以很容易地驳倒他的论点。 assume [?'sju:m] vt. 假定;承担I assumed that he had gone for a stroll我想他去散步了。 offense [?'fens] n. 犯错;触怒;进攻She meant no offense by the remark她说那句话无恶意。 veto ['vi:t?u] n.v否决;禁止put a veto on否决;禁止The plan was vetoed这个计划被否定了。 detective [di'tektiv] adj. 侦探的n侦探detective stories侦探小说 available [?'veil?bl] adj. 可利用的;有效的make ??? available to /for使…可以享受使…买得起 chip [t?ip] vt. 削,凿n. 碎片;芯片The ground was littered with chips of wood地上到处是木屑。 vice [vais] n. 缺点;恶习adj. 代替的;副的Smoking is my only vice. 抽烟是我唯一的恶习。 overlap [,?uv?'læp] n.v 重叠;重复,同时overlap the truth与事实 部分巧合 inject [in'd?ekt] vt. 注射;注入inject with/against给…注射; inject into注射(药液等) 132 melody ['mel?di] n. 旋律;歌曲That is a rather dismal melody那是一支相当忧郁的歌曲。 embarrass [im'bær?s] vt.使不安;使困窘We found him embarrassed with debts.我们发现他已经负债累累 affirm [?'f?:m] v断言;肯定She affirmed that all was well.她肯定地说一切都很好。 prescription [pris'krip??n] n. 药方;惯例;指示He gave me a prescription他开给我一张药方。 ideal [ai'di?l] adj. 理想的;完美的 institute ['institjut] vt. 制定;创立institute a law制定法律 focus ['f?uk?s] n.焦点;焦距v 聚焦;集中 multiple ['m?ltipl] adj. 多样的;许多的a person of multiple achievements一个取得多种成就的人 manipulate [m?'nipjuleit] vt. 操作;操纵; congress ['k??ɡres] n. 国会;会议; radiate ['reidieit] v传播;辐射radiate from 自...发出Light and heat radiate from the sun光和热发自太阳。 partition [pɑ:'ti??n] n.vt分割;划分partition into把??分成 vicinity [vi'sin?ti] n.邻近,附近in the vicinity of在…附近,邻近 crisis ['kraisis] n. 危机;转折点The economic crisis lasted for several years.经济危机持续了好几年。 moreover [m?:'r?uv?] adv此外;而且 133 complication [,k?mpli'kei??n] n.混乱;复杂;[医]并发症 hike [haik] vi.n 远足;上升;徒步旅行 rotary ['r?ut?ri] adj. 旋转的,转动的The central unit is a rotary drum核心设备是一个旋转的滚筒。 bruise [bru:z] n.v擦伤;挫伤;青肿He got a bad bruise on the back他背部受了严重的碰伤。 penalty ['pen?lti] n. 处罚;罚款,罚金pay the penalty受到恶报;遭受惩罚;自食其果 fusion ['fju:??n] n. 融合(物);熔化 collide [k?'laid] vi. 碰撞;冲突His bicycle collided with a lorry.他的自行车撞在一辆卡车上。 adhere [?d'hi?] vi. 坚持;粘着;依附We should adhere to our opinions我们应当坚持我们的意见. slope [sl?up] n.vi倾斜;斜坡The car careened down the slope车子摇晃着冲下斜坡。 motivate ['m?utiveit] vt.刺激;激发exams motivate us to study hard 考试激励我们努力用功 patriotic [,pætri'?tik] adj. 爱国的He is very patriotic.他非常爱国。 exceed [ik'si:d] v胜过;超过exceed… by比……高出exceed in在…超过 descent [di'sent] n. 下降;血统;He is a man of Chinese descent他是一个有中国血统的男子。 134 vicious ['vi??s] adj.堕落的;罪恶的,恶毒的she stopped leading a vicious life.她不再过堕落的生活 outset ['autset] n. 开始;开端You should explain this to him at the outset你应该一开始就向他解释这一点。 rebellion [ri'belj?n] n叛乱;反抗;谋反The rebellion was crushed by government forces政府军镇压了叛乱。 victim ['viktim] n. 牺牲者;受害人;牺牲品fall a victim to成为…的 牺牲品 artificial [,ɑ:ti'fi??l] adj人造的;仿造的Her artificial manner made me sick她做作的样子令我恶心 industrial [in'd?stri?l] adj. 工业的,产业的industrial center is a product产业的中心是产品。 energetic [,en?'d?etik] adj. 积极的;精力充沛的The world belongs to the energetic世界属于朝气蓬勃的人。 monetary ['m?nit?ri] adj财政的;货币的 mask [mɑ:sk, mæsk] n.v 掩饰;面具;口罩 facilitate [f?'siliteit] vt. 促进;帮助Modern inventions facilitate housework现代发明使家务简单多了。 nasty [nɑ:sti] adj. 下流的;肮脏的It is a nasty windy day那是一个 恶劣的大风天。 dimension [di'men??n] n.尺寸;容积 135 vigorous ['viɡ?r?s] adj有力的;精力充沛的make a vigorous speech发表强有力的演说 positive ['p?z?tiv] adj确定的,积极的positive about (of)确信,确知 recreation [,rekri'ei??n] n. 娱乐;消遣I regard reading as a form of recreation我把看书当作一种消遣。 despite [di'spait] prep尽管,不管despite all that尽管如此 violate ['vai?leit] vt违反;侵犯,妨碍violate traffic regulations违反交通规则 responsible [ri'sp?ns?bl] adj. 有责任的;负责的 sour ['sau?] adj. 酸的;酸臭的v变酸The soup has gone sour这汤变得酸腐了。 commence [k?'mens] vt. 开始;着手commence + n/doing 开始着手??commence to do开始?? item ['ait?m] n. 条款,项目 logical ['l?d?ik?l] adj. 逻辑学的;合逻辑的It is logical to assume that they will attend按理他们是会出席的。 expel [ik'spel] vt. 驱逐;开除expel air from the lungs从肺中呼出空气 prune [pru:n] v删除;减少You should prune the speech down你应该将演讲删掉一些。 136 neutral ['nju:tr?l] adj中立的,中性的He remained neutral during the debate.他在辩论中保持中立。 isolate ['ais?leit] v.n孤立;隔离Sufferers from the infectious disease are isolated感染到这种传染病的人被隔离起来。 spacious ['spei??s] adj. 宽敞的,广阔的 pope [p?up] n. 教皇 violent ['vai?l?nt] adj. 猛烈的;暴力的violent crime 暴力犯罪 recipient [ri'sipi?nt] n. 容器,接受者;容纳者 posture ['p?st??] n. 姿势;态度He enjoys posturing in front of an audience他喜欢在观众面前装腔作势 output ['autput] n.vt 产量;输出 coincidence [k?u'insid?ns] . 巧合;一致Clearly,this is no coincidence明显地,这不是巧合。 virgin ['v?:d?in] adj. 处女的;纯洁的n. 处女 fluctuate ['fl?ktjueit] v波动;动摇He fluctuated between hopes and fears他在希望和恐惧中徘徊。 assemble [?'sembl] v集合,聚集We assembled in the auditorium.我们在礼堂集合。 seeminglyadv. 看来似乎;表面上看来 enormous [i'n?:m?s] adj. 庞大的,巨大的 formal ['f?:m?l] adj. 正式的;拘谨的You needn't be so formal with me.你对我不必如此拘束。 137 refusal [ri'fju:z?l] n. 拒绝;推却He shook his head in refusal.他摇头表示拒绝。 disclose [dis'kl?uz] vt揭露;公开disclose to向…揭露/透露 obtain [?b'tein] v获得;流行Your dress still obtains now你的这款套裙现在还很流行。 petition [pi'ti??n] n.v请愿;祈求They petitioned for pardon.他们请愿要求赦免。 booklet ['buklit] n. 小册子 finite ['fainait] adj.有限的;限定的 addition [?'di??n] n.添加;增加in addition此外,另外in addition to 除…之外 optical ['?ptik?l] adj. 光学的;视觉的 compact [k?m'pækt] nadj.紧密的His uncle is a man of compact build他叔父身体结实。 cylinder ['silind?] n. 汽缸;圆筒;圆柱状物;柱面 virtual ['v?:t?u?l] adj. 实质上的,虚拟的live in a virtual world 生活在一个虚拟世界中 ore [?:] n. 矿石;矿 conform [k?n'f?:m] v符合;遵照,一致conform with 与??一致conform to使??一致,遵照 continual [k?n'tinju?l] adj. 频繁的;持续的Continual rain ruined the crops连续阴雨毁坏了庄稼。 138 release [ri'li:s] v.n释放;发射,发布release?? from 解除?? overt ['?uv?:t, ?u'v?:t] adj. 明显的;公然的His opponent's intention is overt.他的对手的意图明显。 shrug [?r?ɡ] v.n耸肩shrug off/away 摆脱,轻视She can shrug off her troubles她能够把烦恼置之度 layman ['leim?n] n. 外行;门外汉;俗人 pathetic [p?'θetik] adj可怜的,悲哀的She wept at the pathetic scene她看到那幅悲惨的情景哭泣 dreadful ['dredful] adj可怕的;糟透的The consequences are dreadful它的后果是可怕的。 haunt [h?:nt] v出没;作祟she used to haunt the local theater.她常去当地那家剧院看戏 diffuse [di'fju:s] adj. 散开的;弥漫的v传播;扩散diffuse education普及教育 nurture ['n?:t??] vt. 养育;鼓励;培植Nurture a healthy soul培育 健康的心灵。 buzz [b?z] n. 嗡嗡声 cannon ['kæn?n] n大炮v炮轰;开炮The cannons boomed all night大炮整夜轰鸣。 reference ['ref?r?ns] n参考,参照;涉及in reference to关于 exile ['eɡzail, 'eksail] n.vt流放,充军Jack was exiled for political reasons杰克因政治原因遭到流放。 139 accident ['æksid?nt] n. 事故;意外by accident偶然;意外地 decade ['dekeid] n十年,十年期 prophet ['pr?fit] n. 先知;提倡者 corrupt [k?'r?pt] adj腐败的,堕落的Power tends to corrupt掌权者容易腐化堕落。 gloom [ɡlu:m] n.v忧郁;阴暗She gloomed all day她整天闷闷不乐 compound ['k?mpaund] v混合;合成 shed [?ed] v散发;流出n. 小屋,棚shed light on阐明,说清楚 offensive [?'fensiv] adj.冒犯的;无礼的The best offense is their offensive最好的进攻就是进攻自己 virtue ['v?:tju:] n美德;优点He is a man of great virtue他是一个品德高尚的人virtue and vice善与恶 bizarre [bi'zɑ:] adj.奇异的 conception [k?n'sep??n] n概念;设想have no conception of对…完全不懂 furthermore ['f?:ð?m?:] adv此外;而且 implement ['implim?nt] vt. 实现,实施n. 工具We have to implement the program我们得实行这个计划 beyond [bi'j?nd] prep. 超过;越过 draft [drɑ:ft] n草稿;草图vt起草,设计He drafted his speech.他起草了讲演稿。 coupon ['ku:p?n] n. 息票;赠券 140 monopoly [m?'n?p?li] n.垄断(者);独有 mental ['ment?l] adj精神的;脑力的 visa ['vi:z?] n.vt 签证 vision ['vi??n] n. 视力;眼力;幻象;美景beyond one's vision看不见的 exotic [,iɡ'z?tik] adj外来的;异国的The taste of this exotic dish puts me off我不习惯这道异国菜的味道 paragraph ['pær?ɡrɑ:f] n. 段落;短评 element ['elim?nt] n.元素;成分;要素 rely [ri'lai] vi. 信赖;依靠Relying on government subsidy 依赖政府补贴 ancient ['ein??nt] adj古代的;古老的 extent [ik'stent] n范围;程度to some/certain/great extent在??程度上 acquire [?'kwai?] vt. 获得;学到acquire an education受教育 formula ['f?:mjul?] n公式,准则;配方 navigation [,nævi'ɡei??n] n航海;航行 glance [ɡlɑ:ns, ɡlæns] n. 一瞥. 扫视at (the) first glance乍一看 convince [k?n'vins] vt使确信,使信服convince sb of sth 使某人相信某物 convince sb to do 说服某人做 intercourse ['int?k?:s] n交往;交流 141 elastic [i'læstik] adj. 有弹性的;易伸缩的;灵活的He has an elastic temperament他有开朗的性情。 magnetic [mæɡ'netik] adj. 有吸引力的;有磁性的 corresponding [,k?:ri'sp?ndi?] adj.一致的;相当的,相应的 aisle [ail] n通道,走道I was sitting nearest the aisle我坐在靠通道最近的地方. flip [flip] vt轻击;掷He flipped the ash off his cigarette他用手指弹掉了烟灰。 impulse ['imp?ls] n. 冲动;脉冲;刺激He tends to act on impulse他往往凭一时冲动行事。 visualize ['vizju?laiz] vt想像,设想I cannot visualize what he looked like我想像不出他是什么样子。 rap [ræp] v.n抢走;轻敲He got the rap for our mistake他因我们的错误而受到责备。 culture ['k?lt??] n. 文化,文明 assimilate [?'simileit] v吸收;同化is assimilated into被吸收到?? heave [hi:v] v举起;起伏He heaved his wounded arm他奋力抬起他那只受伤的胳臂。 component [k?m'p?un?nt] adj组成的,构成的n. 成分;元件 adopt [?'d?pt] vt. 收养;采取;接受The House adopted the report 议院投票通过了该报告。 intact [in'tækt] adj. 完整的;完好的 142 indispensable [,indis'pens?bl] adj不可缺少的;绝对必要的be indispensable to/for 必须的 predecessor ['pri:dises?] n前任,前辈He is working hard to excel his predecessors他努力超越前任。 exclusive [ik'sklu:siv] adj排外的;独有的exclusive of把…除外,除…外 vital ['vait?l] adj生死攸关的;至关重要的The heart is a vital organ心脏是维持生命的器官 correspondence [,k?:ris'p?nd?ns] n. 一致;相当in correspondence with 与…一致 accomplish [?'k?mpli?] vt. 完成;实现;一事无成 accomplish nothing vivid ['vivid] adj鲜明的;生动的 vocal ['v?uk?l] adj歌唱的;声音的I like vocal music.我喜欢声乐。 vocational [v?u'kei??n?l] adj.职业的,行业的provide you with vocational training为你提供职业培训 comet ['k?mit] n. 彗星 kit [kit] n. 工具箱vt. 装备 racial ['rei??l] adj.种族的;人种的racial inequality种族不平等racial discrimination种族歧视 prey [prei] vi捕食;掠夺,折磨The decision prey on his mind这项决定折磨着他。 143 economic [,i:k?'n?mik] adj. 经济(学)的,经济上的economic crisis经济危机 ascribe [?'skraib] vt归因于;归咎于He ascribed his success to hard work他把自己的成就归于努力工作。 phenomenon [fi'n?min?n] n现象;奇迹 void [v?id] adj空的;无效的n空间;空虚It vanished into the void.它消失得无影无踪。 depression [di'pre??n] n. 沮丧;忧愁fall into a (deep)depression 变得意志消沉 cripple ['kripl] vt削弱;使残废The traffic was entirely crippled这交通完全瘫痪 expert ['eksp?:t] adj. 熟练的;内行的n.专家He is an expert at gardening他在园艺方面是个专家. instinct ['insti?kt] n. 本能,直觉;天性I trust my instincts我相信自己的直觉。 absurd [?b's?:d] adj荒谬的;可笑的This is an absurd supposition这更是荒谬的主观臆断。 incorporate [in'k?:p?reit] vt包含,吸收;体现Paints incorporate with oil颜料与油混合在一起。 mature [m?'tju?] adj. 成熟的;成年人的Can't you behave in a mature way?你的举止不能稳重一点吗 effective [i'fektiv] adj有效的,起作用的become effective(法律、协 144 定、决议等)生效 negligible ['neɡlid??bl] adj. 微不足道的,可以忽略的He is a negligible person他是个微不足道的人 disease [di'zi:z] n. 病,疾病; paradox ['pær?d?ks] n.悖论,反论More haste, less speed" is a paradox. "欲速则不达"是似非而是的隽语 shepherd ['?ep?d] vt. 带领;看管;牧羊I shepherded them to the lobby我将他们带到门厅 volume ['v?lju:m] n. 体积;卷;册;音量play your radio at full volume把收音机开到最大的音量 emerge [i'm?:d?] vi浮现;暴露;摆脱The sun emerges from behind the clouds太阳从云层里露出 loom [lu:m] n织布机 jury ['d?u?ri] n陪审团;评判委员会the jury is (still) out人们还没有一定的看法,众说纷纭 database ['deit?beis] n. 数据库,资料库 pest [pest] n害虫;有害之物;讨厌的人That guy is a regular pest那家伙是个十足的讨厌鬼 herb [h?:b] n香草,药草 massacre ['mæs?k?] vt残杀;击败Massacre is the only life purpose 杀戮,是众人生活的唯一目标 air-conditioningn. 空调系统;空气调节 145 mortgage ['m?:ɡid?] vt.n抵押He has paid off the mortgage他已归还抵押借款 defendant [di'fend?nt] adj(为自己)辩护的n被告Plaintiff and defendant原告和被告 interrupt:[,?nt?'r?pt] vt. 中断;妨碍;插嘴 quantitative ['kw?ntit?tiv] adj.定量的;量的 package ['pækid?] n包裹vt.包装;打包He undid the package他解开了那个包裹 elevate ['eliveit] vt举起;提升;振奋elevate the living standards提高生活水准 hitherto [,hið?'tu:] adv迄今;至今Hitherto, this is the advanced method到目前为止,这是先进的方法 ruin ['ruin] n.v毁坏;灭亡in ruins成为废墟War begets misery and ruin战争引起苦难与毁灭。 kidnap ['kidnæp] vt绑架;拐骗He threatened to kidnap her child他威胁要绑架她的孩子。 shrewd [?ru:d] adj精明的;机灵的Her brother is a shrewd businessman她兄弟是个精明的生意人 voluntary ['v?l?nt?ri] adj. 志愿的;自愿的She was a voluntary helper.她是自愿帮忙的。 quart [kw?:t] n. 夸脱(容量单位); 146 bulk [b?lk] n.体积,容量;大块Its bulk is unknown to me.它的大部分对我是未知的。 prestige [pre'sti:?] n威望,声望;声誉She has international prestige她享有国际声望 bug [b?ɡ] n臭虫,小虫 design [di'zain] v. n设计;计划by design故意地 keen [ki:n] adj. 敏锐的,锐利的be keen on[口语]热衷于,喜爱 conventional [k?n'ven??n?l] adj常见的;惯例的;传统的conventional rule 成规,习惯做法 cabin ['kæbin] n小屋;客舱;船舱My uncle lived in a log cabin我叔父住在一个小木屋里 imitation [,imi'tei??n] n模仿,仿造Imitation is the sincerest form flattery模仿是最真挚的奉承 assess [?'ses] vt. 评定;估价assess one's efforts对某人的成就作评价 sniff [snif] vi.嗤之以鼻;嗅;闻sniff about四处查看sniff out发现;寻找 impair [im'pε?] vt.削弱;损害 marble ['mɑ:bl] n.大理石It is difficult to engrave in marble在大理石上雕刻是困难的 sober ['s?ub?] adj冷静的,清醒的sober somebody up令某人清醒sober down使??清醒/冷静 147 commission [k?'mi??n] n.vt佣金;委任He was commissioned a general 3他被授衔为将军。 assumption [?'s?mp??n] n假定;设想;The facts proved her assumption wrong事实证明她的设想错误cafeteria [,kæfi'ti?ri?] n. 自助餐厅 essential [i'sen??l] adj. 必要的;基本的Hard work is essential to success成功必须努力工作。 consultant [k?n's?lt?nt] n顾问;咨询者 credible ['kred?bl] adj可靠的,可信的 orbit ['?:bit] n轨道;眼眶;范围vt绕行orbit the earth 绕地球飞行 destined ['destind] adj. 命定的;注定的The man is destined for success这个人注定要成功的。 boring adj. 令人厌烦的;无聊的 volunteer [,v?l?n'ti?] n. 志愿者;志愿兵 seam [si:m] n.vt缝合;接合The split seams of the trousers have been sewed裤子绽开的线缝已经缝好 characterize ['kær?kt?raiz] vt具有…的特征A mister is characterized by greed.守财奴的特点是贪婪。 divorce [di'v?:s] v.n离婚,分离divorce fantacy from reality区分幻觉与现实 mall [m?:l] n. 购物商场 bully ['buli] n恶霸vt. 欺负;威吓He is a bully with a coward's heart 148 他是个色厉内荏的家伙。 magnify ['mæɡnifai] v放大;夸大Ned likes to magnify his achievements内德喜欢夸大自己所取得的成绩。 engagement [in'ɡeid?m?nt] n. 约会;婚约I have previous engagement我已经有了约会。 lame [leim] adj僵痛的;跛足的,站不住脚的That is a lame excuse那不是一个充分的借口 oppress [?'pres] vt压迫,压抑What he did oppressed me他的所作所为令我心情沉重。 concentrate ['k?ns?ntreit] v集中;聚集You should concentrate on your work你应该专心于你的工作。 briefcase ['bri:fkeis] n. 公文包 vulgar ['v?lɡ?] adj.粗俗的;通俗的Spitting in public is considered vulgar当众吐痰被认为是粗鄙的行为。 compare [k?m'pε?] v比较;对照compare to 与……相比 compare with 与……相比 ... descendant [di'send?nt] adj下降的;祖传的n子孙;后裔a descendant of Confucius孔子后裔。 vulnerable ['v?ln?r?bl] adj. 易受伤害的;脆弱的He is vulnerable to temptation他是容易受到诱惑的。 cooperative [k?u'?p?r?tiv] adj合作(社)的 149 client ['klai?nt] n. 委托人;客户But you must be my only client但您一定是我的唯一客户 investigate [in'vestiɡeit] v.调查;研究investigate into对……进行调查 garment ['ɡɑ:m?nt] n.服装;外表This shop sells garments of all kinds.这家商店销售各式各样的衣服 wallet ['w?lit] n.钱包,皮夹 optimum ['?ptim?m] adj最适宜的Now your advice is very optimum.现在你的建议是很适宜的 bud [b?d] n.v发芽,萌芽;蓓蕾nip in the bud把…消灭于萌芽状态in (the) bud发芽期;初期 advantage [?d'vɑ:ntid?] n优势;利益have the advantage of a good education具备受过良好教育的优势 capsule ['kæpsju:l] n [医]胶囊;[航]太空舱 exposition [,eksp?u'zi??n] n. 博览会;展览会the World Exposition世博会 cancel ['kæns?l] v.n取消;删去 ward [w?:d] n.vt监视;保卫,避开,病房He was put in an isolation ward他住进了隔离病房 claim [kleim] v.n要求;声称 achievement [?'t?i:vm?nt] n成就;完成 creation [kri:'ei??n] n创造,创作 150 beneficial [,beni'fi??l] adj有益的,有利的be beneficial to有益于 lens [lenz] n透镜;镜头 compile [k?m'pail] vt编译;编辑;汇编compile dictionary 编字典 insurance [in'?u?r?ns] n保险(费)I found a job selling insurance我找到一份推销保险的工作 commitment [k?'mitm?nt] n承诺,保证;委托make a commitment to sb/to do sth向??承诺/承诺做?? reputation [,repju'tei??n] n声望;名声,名誉reputation for ???名声, 名气 foul [faul] adj邪恶的;污秽的vt. 弄脏The foul air is unfit to breathe肮脏的空气不适宜呼吸 slice [slais] n薄片;部分v切下,切开Don't slice into your hand小 心别刺伤你的手 illuminate [i'lju:mineit] vt照亮;阐明,说明A smile illuminated her face微笑使她容光焕发。 dread [dred] v.n惧怕;担心[+to-v][+v-ing][+(that)] have/ hold a dread of对…有恐惧感 prohibit [pr?u'hibit] vt阻止,禁止prohibit someone from doing something禁止某人做某事 combat ['k?mbæt] vt.战斗;反对We must combat extravagance and waste我们必须反对铺张浪费 151 indignant [in'diɡn?nt] adj愤怒的;愤慨的[(+at/about/over/with)] He is indignant at her words.他对她的话感到气愤 fragrance ['freiɡr?ns] n. 香味,芬芳Fragrance springs from flowers芳香来自花朵 convert [k?n'v?:t] v转变,变换[(+to/into)] They converted the garage into a theater他们将车库改成戏院 misfortune [mis'f?:t??n] n不幸;灾难Misfortunes never come singly [谚语]祸不单行。 purity ['pju?riti] n纯净;纯洁;纯粹Whiteness is emblematic of purity白色是纯洁的象征 millionaire [,milj?'nε?] n大富豪;百万富翁 consist [k?n'sist] vi组成;在于;符合consist of 由...组成consist in存于...之中consist with与……一致 directory [di'rekt?ri] n. 目录;地址录a telephone directory电话簿 eccentric [ik'sentrik] adj. 古怪的,反常的She is an eccentric old lady她是个古怪的老太太 heritage ['heritid?] n遗产;传统;继承物preserve our national heritage保护民族遗产 origin ['?rid?in] n出身;起源His origins were humble他出身低微 persuasion [p?'swei??n] n.说服;信念;派别He is immune to persuasion谁也不能说服他 152 shrub [?r?b] n灌木(丛)A rose is a perennial shrub or vine玫瑰是一种常青灌木或藤本植物。 classification [klæsifi'kei??n]n类别,等级the classification of books书籍的分类 minimal ['minim?l] adj最小限度的;最低的 peel [pi:l] v. 剥,剥落;n. 皮The paint is peeling off the wall油漆从墙上剥落下来。 furnish ['f?:ni?] vt供应;提供[(+with/to)] They will furnish food to him. 他们将会提供伙食给他 serial ['si?ri?l] adj. 连续的;连载的 acid ['æsid] n酸;adj. 酸的John has an acid tongue.约翰说话尖刻 electric [i'lektrik] adj.导电的;电(动)的 contrast [k?n'trɑ:st] v.n对比;对照in contrast with /to与…对比/相反 gloomy ['ɡlu:mi] adj黑暗的;沮丧的I always get gloomy with my future我总是对我的前途感到焦虑 detection [di'tek??n] n察觉;侦查,探测The detection of crime is not always easy侦查罪行并非易事。 wardrobe ['w?:dr?ub] n衣柜;行头He has a limited wardrobe他只有很有限的几件衣服 charge [t?ɑ:d?] n.v费用;掌管;控告have (the) charge to负责in someone's charge由某人负责 153 customary ['k?st?,m?ri] adj通常的;习惯的It is customary to tip the waiter.给侍者小费是一种习俗 approach [?'pr?ut?] n. 接近;方法; vt. 接近;着手处理A storm is approaching暴风雨即将来临 display [,dis'plei] n.vt显示;炫耀;陈列The vendors displayed their fruit摊贩展示他们的水果 elicit [i'lisit] vt抽出,引出he elicited the truth from the boy他从这男孩处诱出了真情 layer ['lei?] n(阶)层;地层A fine layer of dust covers everything 所有的东西都盖了一层薄薄的灰尘 shrink [?ri?k] vi收缩;畏缩shrink one's work减小某人的工作量 shrink from doing不愿做?? inherit [in'herit] vt继承;遗传inherit from从...获得Astronomy inherits from astrology天文学的前身是占星术 alternate [?:l't?:n?t] v.adj交替(的);轮流(的)Wet days alternate with fine days雨天与晴天交替更迭 resistant [ri'zist?nt] adj抵抗的,反抗的resistant to 对...有抵抗力的,耐...的 brace [breis] n支柱;曲柄vt. 支撑The roof was braced with four poles屋顶由四根柱子支撑 reverse [ri'v?:s] n背面;相反;颠倒just the reverse恰好相反the reverse side of the medal 事情的反面 154 imitate ['imiteit] vt模仿,仿造Parrots imitate human speech鹦鹉模仿人语 concentration [,k?ns?n'trei??n] n. 集中;集合There is a concentration of people in cities.城市人口集中 insist [in'sist] vi坚持,强调[(+on/upon)],vt坚决认为[+(that)] I insist on his innocence./ I insist that he is innocent.我坚持认为他是无辜的 reside [ri'zaid] vt属于;(居)住reside in 存在于;居住Its virtue resides in its clarity and brevity它的优点在于清晰简洁 solemn ['s?l?m] adj庄严的;隆重的He made a solemn promise to do better他郑重保证要做得更好 eternal [i't?:n?l] adj永恒的;不朽的Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty自由的代价乃是永恒的警戒 warehouse ['wε?haus] n仓库;货栈;大商店 negative ['neɡ?tiv] adj消极的;否定的vt否定;拒绝she negatived your conduct她不赞成你的所作所为 oath [?uθ] n誓言,诅咒He took an oath to give up gambling他发誓不再赌博 minimum ['minim?m] n最小量;最小值;最小化adj. 最小的;最低的 chant [t?ɑ:nt, t?ænt] n. 圣歌;赞美诗vt. 唱;诵扬 ancestor ['ænsest?] n始祖,祖先He is sprung from noble ancestors他出身名门 155 cherish ['t?eri?] vt珍爱;怀抱Not to cherish time is to waste life不 珍惜光阴无异于浪费生命 offspring ['?fspri?] n后代,子孙His offspring are diligent and intelligent他的后代既勤奋又聪明 salute [s?'lju:t] n.v致敬,欢迎Mary was saluted warmly玛丽受到了 热烈的欢迎。 doctrine ['d?ktrin] n学说;主义;信条Darwin's doctrine of evolution达尔文的进化论 military ['milit?ri] adj军事的;军人的n. 军队;军人 motel [m?u'tel] n汽车旅馆 presumably [pri'zju:-m?bli] adv大概 可能 据推测The report is presumably correct这篇报导可能正确 warfare ['w?:fε?] n战争;冲突wage warfare with natural calamities与自然灾害作斗争 plateau ['plæt?u] n高原;稳定水平;托盘They have been herding cattle on the plateau for generations他们世世代代在这高原上放牧 configuration [k?n,fiɡju'rei??n] n配置;结构 distribution [,distri'bju:??n] n分配;分布The pine-tree has a very wide distribution松树的分布区域极广 professional [pr?u'fe??n?l] adj职业的;专业的He is a professional complainer他是一个发牢骚专家 156 compatible [k?m'pæt?bl] adj兼容的;能共处的Naure and we can be compatible自然和我们是能共处的 proposition [,pr?p?'zi??n] n提议;议题Do you favor her proposition你赞成她的主张吗 commonplace ['k?m?npleis] n老生常谈;司空见惯adj平凡的;陈腐的 overflow [,?uv?'fl?u] v.n 溢出;泛滥;充溢His heart overflowed with gratitude他的心里充满了感激之情。 warrant ['w?r?nt] n理由;根据;批准He had no warrant for his action.他无权那么做 span [spæn]n. 跨度,范围vt. 跨越;持续A bridge spanned the river一桥横跨该河 reel [ri:l] v.n眩晕;卷;蹒跚He was a bit tipsy,reeling along the street 他已有几分醉意,沿大街蹒跚而行 enrich [in'rit?] vt使肥沃;使富足enrich the mind with knowledge用知识充实头脑 region ['ri:d??n] n地区;范围I prefer to live in a cold region我宁愿住在寒冷的地区 dean [di:n] n院长;系主任;教务长 watertight ['w?:t?tait] adj不透水的;防水的,严密的His arguments are watertight他的论据非常严密 convey [k?n'vei] vt传达;运输He conveyed the land to his son.他 157 把这块地让与儿子 pressure ['pre??] n压力;压迫He works well under pressure他在有压力的情况下工作很出色 parallel ['pær?lel] n平行线;对比vt. 使平行adj. 平行的;类似的,相同的be parall to/with与…平行 absorb [?b's?:b] vt吸收;吸引She was absorbed in study.她专心学习 glow [ɡl?u] vi发热;洋溢His face glowed all over with pleasure他高兴得满面红光 realistic [,ri?'listik] adj现实的;逼真的 rarely ['rε?li] adv很少地;难得The frugal boy rarely spends money那节俭的孩子很少花钱 litter ['lit?] n凌乱;垃圾vt乱丢The floor is littered with scraps of paper地板上到处是纸屑 nominal ['n?min?l] adj名义上的;有名无实的They pay a nominal fee他们象征性地付一点费 embark [em'bɑ:k] v上船或飞机;从事,着手embark on sth 开始着手做某事 premise [pri'maiz]v.n假设;前提,作出前提He acted on the premise that he was absolutely right他的行动是以"自己是绝对正确的"为前提的 alliance [?'lai?ns] n联盟,联合make an alliance结盟 158 remainder [ri'meind?] n残余;剩余v 廉价出售 watt [w?t] n. 瓦特 exempt [iɡ'zempt] vt免除;豁免adj. 被免除的exempt someone from responsibility免除某人的责任 erupt [i'r?pt] v爆发;喷出He erupted angry words他破口大骂 wax [wæks] n蜡;蜡状物wax and wane月圆月缺;盈亏;兴衰成败 flatter ['flæt?] vt奉承;谄媚I guess he was just flattering me我猜想他只是在奉承我 wealth [welθ] n财富;富有The first wealth is health健康是最重要的财富wealth and fame名利 domain [d?u'mein] n领域;产业The conspirators were banished from the king's domain阴谋家们被赶出了国王的领土 execute ['eksikju:t] vt执行;处死execute a plan实行计划 wealthy ['welθi] adj富有的;充分的He was born into a wealthy family他出生在一个富有的家庭 concede [k?n'si:d] v承认;让步,容许concede to对...让步concede the land to forestry 退耕还林 screw [skru:] v. 旋,拧;压榨screw the fact歪曲事实 weapon ['wep?n] n武器,兵器The most effective weapon is democracy反腐最有效的武器是民主 cocaine [k?'kein] n. [药]可卡因 159 weary ['wi?ri] adj疲倦的;厌烦的He is weary with hard work.他因艰苦的工作而疲倦 batter ['bæt?] n击球手v猛击The mob battered down the door暴徒们把门砸开 web [web] n网;织物;圈套His story was a web of lies他的话是一套谎言 savage ['sævid?] adj残酷的;野蛮的She was irritated by his savage behavior他的不文明行为激怒了她 comprehensive [,k?mpri'hensiv] adj. 广泛的;综合的 compel [k?m'pel] vt强迫,迫使Compel the learners to speak!强迫会员开口说话 reluctant [ri'l?kt?nt] adj勉强的;不情愿的be reluctant to do: 不愿做某事;不愿意干 foster ['f?st?] vt养育,抚育adj. 收养的,养育的foster parent; foster child养父母;养子女 scale [skeil] n刻度;比例;规模 insulate ['insjuleit] vt隔离,使孤立insulate oneself from the outside world与外部世界隔绝 arbitrary ['ɑ:bitr?ri] adj任意的;武断的This is an arbitrary decision.这是个武断的决定 siege [si:d?] n.vt围攻;包围Dozens of journalists laid siege to his flat许多记者在他的住宅外包围着 160 permanent ['p?:m?n?nt] adj不变的,永恒的Reality is temporary while ideal is permanent现实是暂时的,理想是永恒的 mild [maild] adj温和的;淡味的;文雅的as mild as a dove性情温和We enjoy the mild breeze of summer.我们享受夏天温和的微风 flexible ['fleksibl] adj灵活的;柔韧的We need a foreign policy that is flexible我们需要有弹性的外交政策 behavior [bi'heivj?] n行为,举止He was on his best behavior他表现极好。 engine ['end?in] n引擎,发动机 wedge [wed?] v楔入;挤进He wedged himself through the narrow crack他从那窄缝中挤了过去 procedure [pr?'si:d??] n步骤;程序The next procedure is as follows下一个步骤如下 sensitive ['sensitiv] adj敏感的;灵敏的Donna is sensitive to strong smells.唐娜对强烈的气味很敏感 prime [praim] adj基本的;最好的n初期;青年He died in the prime of his life他在壮年时死去 domestic [d?u'mestik] adj国内的;家庭的foreign and domestic policies国内外政策 corps [k?:] n军团;兵种 weird [wi?d] adj怪异的;离奇的They were awakened by a weird shriek.他们被一声怪叫吵醒了 161 privacy ['praiv?si] n秘密;隐私in the privacy of one's thoughts在 内心深处in privacy隐蔽的;秘密地 coherent [k?u'hi?r?nt] adj连贯的,一致的a coherent argument前 后一致的论点 pledge [pled?] n.vt抵押;保证The government pledged to rehouse the refugees政府允诺让难民住新房 accurate ['ækjur?t] adj. 精确的The new salesgirl is accurate at figures新来的女售货员计算正确无误 barely ['bε?li] adv仅仅,勉强He has barely enough money to live on他的钱仅够勉强维持生计 disperse [dis'p?:s] v分散;传播Teachers disperse knowledge教师 传播知识 bewilder [bi'wild?] vt使迷惑,使不知所措We were bewildered by the road signs我们被路标搞糊涂了 invalid ['inv?li:d] adj无效的;有病的v 使伤残The injury invalided him for life那伤使他终生残废 restrict [ri'strikt] vt限制;约束Membership of the club is restricted to adults本俱乐部会员仅限于成年人 whereas [hwε?'æz] conj鉴于;反之;然而She is slender,whereas he is stout她很瘦弱,而他却很结实 feature ['fi:t??] n容貌;特色,特征 162 device [di'vais] n装置;策略She got the information by some device.她运用某种手段获取了情报 series ['si?ri:z] n系列,连续;丛书Life is a series of problems生活就是一系列的难题 assure [?'?u?] vt. 保证;确信assure sb of sth 向某人确保…… revelation [,rev?'lei??n] n揭露;启示The revelation that he was her father astonished her他就是她父亲,这一意想不到的真相使她大为震惊 spectrum ['spektr?m] n. [物]光谱 molecule ['m?likjul] n. 分子;微粒 candidate ['kændideit] n候选人,候补者He is a probable candidate for ministe他是有希望的部长候选人 numerous ['nju:m?r?s] adj许多的,很多的There are numerous examples supporting the argument有无数的例子支持我的论点 manifest ['mænifest] v证明,表明;显示The boss manifested his disgust with a scowl老板皱皱眉表露出厌恶 hardy ['hɑ:di] adj耐劳的;坚强的Camels are tough and hardy creatures骆驼是能吃苦耐劳的动物 whereby [hwε?'bai] adv凭什么;靠那个Whereby shall we know him?我们凭什么知道是他呢 patrol [p?'tr?ul] n.v 巡逻(队);侦察(队)Policemen patrol the streets警察们在街上巡逻 163 whirl [hw?:l] n.v旋转,回旋The car whirled down the street汽车在 街道上疾驰而过in a whirl慌忙地 solidarity [,s?li'dæriti] n团结,一致Their sense of solidarity is very low他们的团结观念非常薄弱 insert [in's?:t] vt插入;嵌入[(+in/into/between)] Insert the key in the lock把钥匙插入锁中 slide [slaid] v.n滑动;滑落,悄悄陷入He had slid into bad habits.他不知不觉地染上了坏习惯 closet ['kl?zit] n.壁橱;密室Hang your coat in the closet把你的外 套挂在壁橱里 exclaim [ik'skleim] v呼喊,惊叫,叫嚷[(+against/at/on/upon)] She exclaimed that she was innocent.她大声呼喊她是无辜的 slight [slait] adj轻微的,少量的She has a slight fever她有点儿发 烧 cemetery ['semit?ri] n墓地;公墓 polar ['p?ul?] adj.极地的;两极的The two systems of government are polar opposites这两种政体相反 rape [reip] n.v强奸,掠夺Life is like rape, either resist or enjoy.生 活就象强奸,要么反抗,要么享受 sneak [sni:k] v.溜;偷偷地做;窃取Don't try to sneak out of your duty. 你别想逃避责任 164 apply [?'plai] v 应用;申请I'm going to apply for a job.我要去应征 一份工作 relish ['reli?] n滋味;风味The teacher had no relish for his jokes.老师对他的笑话不感兴趣 incident ['insid?nt] n事件,事变We made a strict inquiry into the incident我们对这一事件作了周密调查 dome [d?um] n vi. 成圆顶状,圆屋顶His forehead domed out in a curve他的前额呈半球形凸起 withdraw [wið'dr?:] v撤消;收回;离开He has decided to withdraw from the competition他已决定退出竞赛 plausible ['pl?:z?ble]adj 貌似真实的,花言巧语的Such a theory seems very plausible这一理论貌似十分有理 nickel ['nik?l] n.镍;镍币 mere [mi?] adj仅仅的;只不过的It was a mere scratch只是擦伤了 一小点 abrupt [?'br?pt] adj突然的;唐突的,意外的She was offended by his abrupt manner他的粗率无礼的举止触怒了她 municipal [mju:'nisip?l] adj市(政)的;地方自治的municipal athletics meet城市运动会 scrub [skr?b] n.v矮树;洗擦The spilt ink won't scrub out easily.泼 出的墨水不容易擦洗掉 165 attribute [?'tribju:t] n属性;特质vt. 把…归于He attributed his good health to exercise.他认为自己之所以身体好是因为运动 humanity [hju:'mæn?ti] n人类;人道 attractive [?'træktiv] adj吸引人的;有魅力的The offer is very attractive to us这出价对我们有很大吸引力 withhold ['wið'h?uld] v保留;抑制;隐瞒The offender withheld the truth from the policemen.罪犯对警察隐瞒了真相 spectator [spek'teit?] n.观众;旁观者There is no spectator in life在生活里是没有观众的 avert [?'v?:t] vt避免,转移How to avert it from happening again怎样防止它再次发生 simulate ['simjuleit] vt模仿;假装simulate ignorance假装不知道 witness ['witnis] n目击者;证人 lounge [laund?] n休息室;躺椅v闲逛;闲混They are lounging away their working hours他们在消磨工作时间 worthwhile ['w?:θ'hwail] adj值得做的be worthwhile doing something值得做某事 relative ['rel?tiv] adj相对的;有关系的n. 亲戚relative to与…有关的 acquaint [?'kweint] vt使认识;使熟悉acquaintance with 相识,了解 graphic ['ɡræfik] adj图表的;形象的 individual [,indi'vidju?l] adj个别的;个人的 166 combination [,k?mbi'nei??n] n结合;联合 fellowship ['fel?u?ip] n友谊;奖学金good fellowship交际广 worthy ['w?:ði] adj有价值的;值得的worthy of值得She is worthy to receive such honor她该得到此荣誉 wreck [rek] n.v失事;残骸;破坏go to wreck (and ruin)变为无用; 毁灭 wrench [rent?] n.v扳手,歪曲;猛扭He wrenched the book from my hand他从我手里把书抢走了 commute [k?'mju:t] vt交换;减刑She commuted some foreign currency to domestic她把一些外币换成本国货币 retrieve [ri'tri:v] v重获;收回;恢复She tried hard to retrieve her luxurious life她设法恢复她的奢华生活 commemorate [k?'mem?reit] vt庆祝,纪念They commemorated their victories with a grand banquet他们举行盛大宴会庆祝胜利 remain [ri'mein] vi保持;留下;剩余Victory will remain with us forever.胜利将永远属于我们 odor ['?ud?] n气味;名声She is in bad odor.她名声不好 menace ['men?s] n.v威胁;恐吓Terrorism is a common menace to humanity.恐怖主义是人类的公敌 intersection [,int?'sek??n] n十字路口;交叉点Slow down before you reach the intersection.到达十字路口前要减速 167 moan [m?un] v.n呻吟;抱怨He is always moaning about how tired he is他总是抱怨如何如何累 jog [d??ɡ] v.n慢跑;轻推He likes jogging in the morning他喜欢早 晨慢跑 slot [sl?t] n狭槽;水沟 avail [?'veil] v.n有用,有利The medicine did not avail against the disease.该药对此病无效 quarterly ['kw?:t?li] adj.adv季度的This journal is bimonthly, and that one quarterly.这本杂志是双月刊,那本是季刊 constant ['k?nst?nt] adj不变的;恒定的Success depends on constant hard work成功有赖于不断的努力 diminish [di'mini?] v减少;变小The medical expenses diminished his savings.医疗费耗去了他的积蓄 excessive [ik'sesiv] adj过分的;过多的She takes an excessive interest in clothes她对服装有极度兴趣 peninsula [pi'ninsjul?] n半岛 federal ['fed?r?l] adj联邦的;同盟的Switzerland is a federal republic.瑞士是联邦共和国 album ['ælb?m] n相簿;唱片集 participant [pɑ:'tisip?nt] adj参与的n. 参与者Man himself is a participant in this environment.人类本身是其环境的参与者 168 sample ['sɑ:mpl] vt. 取样n样品;例子I like to sample a life in the country我想体验一下乡村生活 graze [ɡreiz] v.n擦伤;放牧Cattle were grazing on the meadow牛 在牧场上吃草 electricity [,ilek'tris?ti] n电力;电流 melt [melt] v.n熔化,溶解The hot sun soon melted the ice炎热的 阳光很快使冰融化了 eject [i'd?ekt] vt. 驱逐,喷射The chimney ejects smoke烟囱排出烟 来 wretched ['ret?id] adj可怜的;卑鄙的They are living in wretched poverty他们过著可怜的贫苦生活 reception [ri?sep??n] n.招待会;接受;接待They gave the Prime Minister a cool reception他们很冷淡地接待了这位首相 myth [miθ] n神话 premium [?pri:mi?m] n.加付款;赠品 a.高级的If you buy three you get a premium of one more, free.你买三个,可以再送你一个 wrinkle [?ri?k?l] n.皱纹 v.(使)起皱纹He wrinkled up his forehead in perplexity他困惑地皱起了眉头。 slack [slæk] a.懈怠的;松的Winter is the slack season at most hotels冬天是大多数旅馆的淡季。 midst [?midst] n.中部,中间Evidently they were in the midst of a crisis显然他们正处于危机中。 169 cluster [?kl?st?] n.串;群,组v. 群集The square was clustered with people广场上聚集着成群的人 yacht [j?t] n.快艇,游艇The yacht hit a rock and damaged her bows游艇碰上了礁石,撞坏了船头 yell [jel] vi./ n.号叫,叫喊Don't yell at me别对我大喊大叫~ aware [??we?] a.意识到He made believe not to be aware of my presence他假装不知道我在那里 deserve [di?z?:v] vt应得,值得They deserved to be punished他们 应该受罚 resign [ri'zain] v.辞职.辞去;(to)顺从He resigned himself to his fate他听天由命 yield [ji:ld] v屈服;倒塌,出产n.产量He didn't yield himself to his rival他没有向对手屈服 notwithstanding [?n?twiθ?stændi?] prep. ad.尽管I shall still go, notwithstanding the rain尽管下雨,我仍然要去 scope [sk?up] n.范围;余地He has no scope for his particular talents.他没有施展自己特殊才能的机会 legitimate [li'd?itim?t] a.合情理的;合法的He is the legitimate heir to the property他是这宗财产的合法继承人 quantify ['kw?ntifai] vt.定量,量化The cost of the flood damage is impossible to quantify这次水灾的损失是无可估量的 cholesterol [k?'lest?r?l] n.胆固醇 170 absence ['æbs?ns]n.缺席,不在We are in the absence of experience我们缺乏经验 defiance [di'fai?ns] n.违抗,藐视He always set the law at defiance他总是藐视法律 situated ['sitjueitid] a.位于…的[(+at/in/on)],处于…境地的 bracket ['brækit] n.括号;托架The worker fixed a bracket on the wall工人在墙上固定了一个支架 fabricate ['fæbrikeit] vt. 制造;伪造;装配The story was fabricated 这个故事是捏造出来的 addict [?'dikt] vt.沉溺;上瘾She is addicted to music她酷爱音乐 illegal [i'li:g?l] adj. 违法的,非法的It is illegal to steal偷窃是非法的 行 dubious ['dju:bj?s] a.可疑的;无把握的I feel dubious about his honesty我对他的诚实表示怀疑 distort [dis't?:t]v扭曲,歪曲How dare he distort the facts so brazenly他怎么敢如此肆无忌惮地歪曲事实~ reservation [,rez?'vei??n] n保留;预约They accepted the proposal without reservation他们无保留地接受了这个建议 assurance [?'?u?r?ns]n. 保证,确信,肯定He made an unctuous assurance他做了个虚请假意的承诺 inlet ['inlet] n入口,进口There's only one inlet to the parking lot.这 个停车场只有一个入口 171 yoke [j?uk]n. 轭,套,束缚shake /cast/ fling/ throw off the yoke 摆脱枷锁;起义;拒绝服从 overcome [,?uv?'k?m] v克服;胜过He was overcome with astonishment他惊呆了 barren ['bær?n]adj. 不育的,贫瘠的She is barren of creative spirit.她缺乏创造精神 considerable [k?n'sid?r?bl] a.重要的;可观的He made a considerable sum of money他赚了大笔钱 dole [d?ul] n赈济物;施舍品They lived in the uncertainty on the dole他们依靠救济金的生活不安定 decimal['desim?l]adj. 十进位的,小数的 exquisite['ekskwizit]a.精致的,强烈的The hostess had exquisite taste in clothes女主人对衣着十分讲究 precise [pri'sais]a. 精确的;严格的at the precise moment恰恰在那 个时刻 chief [t?i:f] n酋长;首领adj. 主要的The chief reason for going to school is to learn上学的主要原因是为了学习 zinc [zi?k] vt.镀锌;涂锌n. 锌 172
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