
电子商务 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 服务故障影响客户忠诚度

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电子商务 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 服务故障影响客户忠诚度电子商务 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 服务故障影响客户忠诚度 毕业设计,论文, 译文及原稿 译文题目: 服务故障影响客户忠诚度, Does service failure influencecustomer loyalty? 原稿题目: Journal of Consumer Behaviour Vol. 1, 3, 217-227 原稿出处: Henry Stewart Publications 1472-0817 服务故障影响客户忠诚度,(节选) Francis Buttle是悉尼麦考瑞大学麦格理管理研究...
电子商务 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 服务故障影响客户忠诚度
电子商务 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 服务故障影响客户忠诚度 毕业,论文, 译文及原稿 译文题目: 服务故障影响客户忠诚度, Does service failure influencecustomer loyalty? 原稿题目: Journal of Consumer Behaviour Vol. 1, 3, 217-227 原稿出处: Henry Stewart Publications 1472-0817 服务故障影响客户忠诚度,(节选) Francis Buttle是悉尼麦考瑞大学麦格理管理研究生院的管理学(市场营销和客户关系管理)教授。弗朗西斯在营销管理,教育,咨询和有近30年的研究。他一直在欧洲,大洋洲和北美洲这三个大洲上生活和工作。他在美国已经出版了近200个项目,包括三本书。他最近编辑成册的一本书是有关营销的理论和实践。他目前正在写一本书,客户关系管理(CRM),并致力去创作另一个好的市场营销。他已经涉及到管理科学,市场营销和沟通的领域。他的教学和研究兴趣包括客户关系管理,客户保留,服务质量和在服务行业的管理。他是在几种刊物的编委包括欧洲的市场营销杂志,客户的国际杂志关系管理和营销管理杂志。他是一个法官,曾获得第一届国际CRM工业奖。他曾征询约30家公司和政府机构,后于2001年8月加入麦格里大学管理学院。 Jamie Burton是Littlewoods发于曼彻斯特商学院的博士后研究员。他于2001年完成了他的博士攻读,还获得了曼彻斯特商学院约克郡水博士生奖学金。他的研究涉及以关系营销,忠诚度和为产品为主,并结合行业发展的质量模型产品和图像质量。 摘要 有一个普遍的共识,服务提供商的客户忠诚度不仅仅是取决于他们的满意或不满意的程度。然而,所确定的忠诚的前提仍然存在,充其量只是高度投机。这一广泛的文献综述的目的是给一些客户忠诚度和服务不满的前因效应的性质的理解。顾客忠诚研究建议是一种态度,是在供应商之内的信任和承诺---顾客关系。满意是忠诚的一个祖先,它对没提供由竞争者提供了独特的价值提议,对忠诚的着关键影响。因而企业需要开发正面的出口障碍,一种达到忠诚的基于价值的障碍。当服务失败,补救过程会比原来的服务失败可能对忠诚造成更加巨大的冲击。客户公正的悟性是发现补救的成功的钥匙。补救必须在第一次就得到正确解决,如果未保持做补救尝试导致顾客不满意,比怨言被处理了还不满意. 对顾客饱满的解答是动态的价值创造, 汇集和监视顾客数据是必要的,并且双向联系也是很重要的. 研究 使用InfoTrac的数据库查寻与书桌研究一道 现有的已知的报纸和媒介贡献收效了完全成功260个相关的院、实习者和被辨认的咨询学校纸。另外,270个市场研究与用户满意经验的组织为了请求所有相关的研究细节。 了解的顾客忠诚 培养与顾客重复交易的企业目标(交换价值, 来自Gummesson 1995年, p. 245)。这些重复互作用随着时间的推移会导致企业和他们的顾客之间发展的关系。顾客关系管理(CRM)是费用或赢利的问题。通常新的顾客获得的赢利比它做保留现有的一个花费更多(Blodgett 等, 1995年: 五次研究都有一样的结论; gummesson 1994年: five-ten时期)。CRM议程给顾客管理(GroEnrooss 1994年, p. 12)带来一个长期焦点,因为它瞄准从顾客交易改进引起的源源不断的收入。因此CRM瞄准达到顾客保留或顾客忠诚(Cross 1999)。许多研究员和顾问,包括Morris等(1999),声称亲热、信任和承诺是顾客忠诚基石。为了达到这种目的,公司必须 连续地得知他们的顾客:顾客保留是测量此目的的钥匙,并且通过集中于了解客户需求 (Jamieson 1994)。然而,的确没有关于怎样的公众舆论能测量它的确切的期限忠诚手段。有一种看法是:忠诚完全是保留顾客的另一个期限。继续买此物品的就是一名忠诚的顾客。然而,仙女的(1994)报告发现一个零售组织的事例:你保留最长实际上是最不有益的由于他们战略交易寻找行为。 第二个观点是顾客忠诚有一个感动或态度组分,这是关于有有客户感觉是重要的事的经验。把它有投入在个人期限,你通过个人经验所建的忠诚给你的朋友们共 友谊,顾客关系分裂的源头, BRMB 同享有。顾客忠诚真正地象Ros Novotny的 (Woolgar的负责人1998)。尽管客户对服务表现不满意,研究员还是对许多顾客继续与一个供应商做生意的观点进行研究。惯性,冷漠,高费用和信仰所有供应商是同样好(或坏)顾客保留高水平的所有因素。 顾客保留的重要性是清晰的。jamieson (1994)报告那两个百分点,与对管理费用的10%减少相比较,在顾客的改善保留对管理费用的冲击相等。Bain & Co共同创办在顾客保留的增量由25-95每名顾客的价值每分提高了5% (Reichheld 1996)。Narayandas (顾客保留的1998) 认为辨认的六大好处,当保留被着陆在对服务供应商或组织的强的积极态度。抵抗到(1) 柜台说服, (2) 竞争者的提议, (3)有害专家的意见,(4)等待产品变得可利用, (5)薪水保险费(6)推荐。看起来在态度上,着陆的重复购买力的行为比行为的忠诚更强有力。 忠诚类型学 忠诚类型学是有一定数量的尝试开发L类形学。Dick和Basu (1994)认为忠诚有二个维度的职位:态度和行为。他们辨认四种分明忠诚情况:真实的忠诚潜在忠诚(低光顾或积极态度),假忠诚(上流光顾或冷漠或者对抗性态度)和没有忠诚,反射中的每一态度和重复的各种各样的混合光顾。真实的忠诚存在,当顾客有一种积极态度对服务供应商并且陈列重复光顾高水平。四种顾客类型由Knox identified (1998) :忠诚,习惯性(定期买家,冷漠对他们的选择,更加可能背叛),品种寻找者 (购买根据个人情况或情况或者事件)和调转工(没有为服务的附件提供者,追求交易成交折扣)。第一和第二是高份额的,通常高度分享顾客购买狭窄产品范围和显示忠诚的一种方式。零售倍数起动,连接了忠诚卡片和对四个类型的促进数据的顾客行为:成交寻找者,储蓄,忠诚的人,当新市场继续在促进以后,谁在尝试特价优待和的更多项目(Hoare 2000)。终于, Pugh (1991) 辨认组成忠诚的顾客的四个中意的特征: 重复购买,十字架产品或者服务购买,推举或者口头表达活跃和对竞争免疫。 满意和不满情绪 十年前,用户满意度是去市场消费的人的钥匙宗旨。Oliver (1996年, p. 13)提供以下正式定义,他声称满意度是客户满额反应。这是迄今为止一致的理论和实验证据。它是产品或服务特性或者产品或者服务,假设的评断(或提供)与消耗量相关的满额的一个享受的水平,包括水平的以下或过剩满额。用户满意度由研究员认可作为他们对于组织的一般态度主要前事,反过来,是未来一个重要定列式行为(Narayandas 1998年; Zeithaml等, 1996)。Oliver (1999)认为,满意度是在忠诚构造过程的必要的步骤。Bolton (1998) 进行了关系期间和满意的一次非常广泛的定量调查。 在她的美国手机产业的研究中,她发现了以下原因: 1对于有的顾客,供应商和顾客关系是渐增满意度高水平的原因。 2由于高预先的满意程度,老练的顾客对交易失败是不太敏感的。 3相反地,如果客户历史的经验是服务工作成果不佳或失败,会减少一种令人满意交易的正面作用。 4预先渐增在供应商顾客关系的期间的满意为有的顾客是伟大与的更多经验组织的作用。 她认为有可观的横跨顾客具有非均匀性,并且,他们把不同的公共水平与一次特殊服务相关联。另外,看起来是用户满意和口头表达(WOM之间的)一个清楚的 1995)。在他的回顾的WOM研究中,Buttle (1998)辨认了其关系(等Blodgett, 中一个满意的正面作用作为基于拥护的推举新顾客。Spreng等(1995年, p. 17)阐明,满意和发现不满情绪都来自WOM祖先。 许多研究员,然而,有齿形的之间间断性倾斜的忠诚(Edwards 等,1994; Fay, 1994; Romano, 1995; Ogilvy忠诚中心, 英国, 援引于Rosenspan, 1998; Wood, 1998; PA Consulting, 1999; Harte-Hanks Market研究, 1999)满意是本能上和临时精神状态不稳定并且预言顾客一个恶劣的方式保留(Frederick引述现金Reichheld Jr. 1996)。 romano (1995)建议那遇见或超出用户满意期望的对顾客忠诚没有影响的门限 -70%。在B2B业务的调查中,小仙女发现超过70%仅仅介入卫生学因素遭遇的65 的公司价格范围,调查发现因为价格不超过10%的公司换了供应商。因此,似乎一有必要,虽然满意度不足,是忠诚的起因。 romano (1995), Cash (1996)和Wood (1998)全部声称 顾客也许满意与提供当前的产品或服务,但是那忠诚取决于提供最佳的总体的供应商顾客价值提议(CVP)。 ` Does service failure influence customer loyalty? Francis Buttle is Professor of Managment (marketing, and customer relationship managment) at Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Macquarie University, Sydney. Francis has nearly 30 years' experience in marketing management, education, consultancy and research. He has lived and worked on three continents: Europe, Australasia and North America and has published nearly 200 items, including three books. His most recent book is an edited volume on the theory and practice of relationship marketing. He is currently writing one book on CRM, and co-authoring another on Hospitality Marketing. He has degrees in management science, marketing and communication. His PhD is from the University of Massachusetts. His teaching and research interests include customer relationship management, customer retention, service quality and management in service industries. He is on the editorial boards of several journals including the European Journal of Marketing, the International Journal of Customer Relationship Management and the Journal of Marketing Management. He was a judge of the first international CRM Industry Awards. He has consulted for some 30 companies and government agencies and joined Macquarie Graduate School of Management in August 2001. Jamie Burton is the Littlewoods Post Doctoral Fellow at Manchester Business School. He completed his PhD at Manchester Business School in 2001, having won the Yorkshire Water doctoral scholarship. His research involves relationship marketing, loyalty and development of a quality model for product-dominated' industries that incorporates product and image quality. Abstract There is a general consensus that customer loyalty to service providers is not solely dependent upon their level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. However, the identified antecedents of loyalty remain, at best, highly speculative. The aim of this extensive literature review is to give some understanding of the nature of customer loyalty and the antecedent effects of service dissatisfaction. The research reviewed suggests that customer loyalty is an attitudinal state, reflecting value, trust and commitment within supplier-customer relationships. Satisfaction is one of several antecedents of loyalty. A key influence on loyalty is the offer of unique valuedelivering advantages not provided by competitors. Thus firms need to develop positive value-based exit barriers to achieve loyalty. When service failures occur, the recovery process is likely to have a greater impact on loyalty than the original service failure. The key to successful recoveries was found to be the customer's perception of `fairness'. Recovery programmes must get it right first time. Customers who remain dissatisfied after a complaint has been handled are more dissatisfied than if no recovery attempt had been made. Dissatisfaction and customer satiation are major causes of a customer's exit. The solution to customer satiation is dynamic value creation. Collection and monitoring of customer data is needed for success and two-way communication is vital. RESEARCH METHOD Database searches using InfoTrac in conjunction with desk research of existing known papers and media contributions resulted in over 260 relevant academic, practitioner and consultancy papers being identified. Additionally, over 270 market research organisations with customer satisfaction experience were approached in order to request details of any relevant research. UNDERSTANDING CUSTOMER LOYALTY Firms aim to cultivate repeat transactions (‘exchanges of value’, Gummesson 1995, p. 245) with customers. The repetition of these interactions over time leads to the development of relationships between firms and their customers. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a cost/profit issue. It is generally believed to cost more to gain a new customer than it does to retain an existing one (Blodgett et al., 1995: five times as much; Gummesson, 1994: five-ten times). The CRM agenda brings a long-term focus to customer management (GroÈnroos, 1994, p. 12) since it aims at generating enhanced revenue streams from customers over a lifetime of transactions. CRM therefore aims to achieve customer retention/loyalty (Cross, 1999). Many researchers and consultants, including Morris et al. (1999), claim that intimacy, trust and commitment are the cornerstones of customer loyalty. To achieve this, companies must learn continuously about their customers: `The key to customer retention is measurement and by focusing on understanding customer's needs' (Jamieson, 1994). However, there is no consensus about what exactly the term loyalty means, or, indeed, how to measure it. One point of view is that loyalty is simply another term for customer retention; a customer who continues to buy is a loyal customer. However, Fay (1994) reports the case of one retail organisation which found that the customers it retained the longest were actually the least profitable because of their strategic bargainseeking behaviour. A second point of view is that customer loyalty has an affective or attitudinal component: `It's about having had experiences of things that you feel are important. Putting it in personal terms, you build loyalty to your friends through personal experiences you've shared. Customer loyalty really is like friendship' Ros Novotny, head of customer relationship division, BRMB (Woolgar, 1998). Researchers holding this point of view point to the fact that many customers continue to do business with a supplier despite being dissatisfied with service performance. Inertia, indifference, high switching costs and the belief that all suppliers are equally good (or bad) all account for high levels of customer retention. The importance of customer retention is clear. Jamieson (1994) reports that a 2 percent improvement in customer retention has an impact on profit equal to a 10 percent reduction in overheads. Bain & Co found that a 5 per cent increase in customer retention raised the value of each customer by 25-95 per cent (Reichheld, 1996). Narayandas (1998) identified six benefits of customer retention when retention is grounded on strong positive attitudes to the service provider/organisation: resistance to (1) counter-persuasion, (2) competitors' offers, (3) adverse expert opinion, willingness to (4) wait for products to become available, (5) pay a premium and (6) recommend. It does seem that repeat-buying behaviour grounded in attitude is more powerful than behavioural loyalty. LOYALTY TYPOLOGIES There have been a number of attempts to develop typologies of loyalty. Dick and Basu (1994) take the position that loyalty has two dimensions: attitude and behaviour. They identify four distinct loyalty conditions: `true loyalty', `latent loyalty' (low patronage/positive attitude), `spurious loyalty' (high patronage/indifferent or antagonistic attitude) and `no loyalty', each reflecting various mixes of attitude and repeat patronage. True loyalty exists when customers have both a positive attitude to the service provider and exhibit high levels of repeat patronage. Four customer types have been identified by Knox (1998): loyals, habituals (routine buyers, indifferent to their choice, more likely to defect), variety seekers (purchase depending on personal circumstance/situation/event) and switchers (no attachment to service provider, pursue transaction deals/ discounts). The first two are high-share, generally high-profit customers purchasing a narrow product range and displaying loyalty. The retail multiple, Boots, has linked loyalty card and promotions data to four types of customer behaviour: `deal seekers', `stockpilers', `loyalists' who buy more of an item when on special offer, and `new market' who try a special offer andcontinue to buy after the promotion ends (Hoare, 2000). Finally, Pugh (1991) identifies four desirable characteristics that make up the loyal customer: repeat purchasing, cross-product/service purchasing, referral/word-of-mouth active and immune to competition. SATISFACTION AND DISSATISFACTION Ten years ago, customer satisfaction was the key objective for marketers. Oliver (1996, p. 13) offers the following formal definition, which he claims to be consistent with the theoretical and empirical evidence to date: `Satisfaction is the consumer's fulfilment response. It is a judgement that a product or service feature, or the product or service itself, provided (or is providing) a pleasurable level of consumption-related fulfilment, including levels of under- or overful filment.' Customer satisfaction is recognised by researchers as a major antecedent of their general attitude towards organisations, and this, in turn, is an important determinant of future behaviour (Narayandas, 1998; Zeithaml et al., 1996). Oliver (1999) concludes that satisfaction is a ‘necessary step in loyalty formation'. Bolton (1998) conducted a very extensive quantitative investigation of relationship duration and satisfaction. In her study of the US cellular telephone industry, she found evidence that: - supplier-customer relationships are longer for customers having high levels of cumulative satisfaction; -experienced customers are less sensitive to transaction failures because of high prior satisfaction levels; - conversely, the positive effects of a satisfying transaction are reduced if the customers' historic experience is of service under-performance or failure; - the effect of prior cumulative satisfaction on the duration of the supplier-customer relationship is greater for customers who have more experience with the organisation. She concludes that there is considerable heterogeneity across customers and that they will have differing utility levels associated with a particular service. Additionally, there appears to be a clear relationship between customer satisfaction and word of mouth (WOM) (Blodgett et al., 1995). In his review of WOM research, Buttle (1998) identified one of the positive effects of satisfaction as advocacy-based referrals of new customers. Spreng et al. (1995, p. 17), state that both satisfaction and dissatisfaction have been found to be antecedents of WOM. Many researchers, however, have identified a discontinuity between satisfaction and loyalty (Edwards et al., 1994; Fay, 1994; Romano, 1995; the Ogilvy Loyalty Centre, UK, cited in Rosenspan, 1998; Wood, 1998; PA Consulting, 1999; Harte-Hanks Market Research, 1999). ` ``Satisfaction is an inherently unstable and temporary mental state'' and a poor way of predicting customer retention' (Frederick Reichheld quoted in Cash Jr., 1996). Romano (1995) suggests that 65-70 percent of encounters that meet or exceed the expected threshold of customer satisfaction merely involve hygiene factors, having no impact on customer loyalty. In a business-tobusiness survey, Fay (1994) found that while over 70 percent of companies ranked price as the first or second least satisfactory issue, interviews with switchers found that no more than 10 percent had changed suppliers because of price. Satisfaction, therefore, seems a necessary, although insufficient, cause of loyalty. Romano (1995), Cash (1996) and Wood (1998) all claim that customers may be satisfied with the current product/service offering, but that loyalty is dependent upon the supplier offering the best overall customer value proposition (CVP).
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