

2017-10-20 9页 doc 30KB 72阅读




肝功能检查其他都正常只是白球比偏低反映什么问题肝功能检查其他都正常只是白球比偏低反映什么问题 肝功能检查其他都正常只是白球比偏低反映什么问题 总蛋白高,白,球低是由于球蛋白偏高,原因有慢性炎症,免疫性疾病,多发性骨髓瘤,红斑狼疮等 总蛋白低,白,球低是由于白蛋白偏低,见于肾病,营养不良等 如果白,球低并且白蛋白底,球蛋白高的话,提示是肝病,比如,肝炎( 如果三个蛋白都高,是大量呕吐或烧伤导致体液丢失过多,血液浓缩( 肝脏是身体内制造白蛋白的惟一场所。正常人每天由肝细胞制造的白蛋白为11-14 (7克。肝损害时,白蛋白的合成、细胞内运输和释放发生障碍,引起血清白蛋白...
肝功能检查其他都正常只是白球比偏低反映什么问题 肝功能检查其他都正常只是白球比偏低反映什么问题 总蛋白高,白,球低是由于球蛋白偏高,原因有慢性炎症,免疫性疾病,多发性骨髓瘤,红斑狼疮等 总蛋白低,白,球低是由于白蛋白偏低,见于肾病,营养不良等 如果白,球低并且白蛋白底,球蛋白高的话,提示是肝病,比如,肝炎( 如果三个蛋白都高,是大量呕吐或烧伤导致体液丢失过多,血液浓缩( 肝脏是身体内制造白蛋白的惟一场所。正常人每天由肝细胞制造的白蛋白为11-14 (7克。肝损害时,白蛋白的合成、细胞内运输和释放发生障碍,引起血清白蛋白 减少。 急性肝坏死时,肝脏合成白蛋白能力明显降低,但因其半衰期较长,白蛋白的 降低常于1周后才能显示出来。轻型肝炎患者白蛋白降低较少或呈中度减少。但在 重型肝炎可明显降低,且减少程度与疾病严重程度常呈正比。因此在肝炎早期,白 蛋白浓度可作为肝炎严重程度判断的依据。 白蛋白减少是肝硬化的特征。但代偿良好的肝硬化患者,即使已出现显著的高 too busy to come over, this is very responsible. Next to the sanitation department signed removal contracts, in strict accordance with the provisions of the contract. The back street alleys and suburban , to do a good job in environmental health at the same time, do a good job in a timely public facilities maintenance, repair, install, completely solve the piles of garbage, sewage crosscurrent, heidengxiahuo, potholes and other phenomena, do the streets clean, orderly, the convenience of the public life. To some five on the improvement of the urban river construction site. Now our urban river environment really let people see not bottom go to, than the works of Lao She's "Longxugou ditch" is not strong to where to go. The next step, we should insist on treating the symptoms, the strict implementation of the "long river" responsibility system, strengthen the river daily cleaning, planting a number of decomposition and green vegetation, so that Hanoi no garbage, riverside, no debris, the river no smell. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the effect a permanent cure, accelerate the rain sewage diversion, to carry out the system of comprehensive remediation, accomplish treat a river, into a piece of landscape. The building housing the departments should strengthen the construction site construction supervision, supervise the implementation of construction dust dust measures, the public security traffic police department To y球蛋白血症,白蛋白的减少也往往属于轻度。当进入肝硬化失代偿期时,白蛋白 就会显著减少。也就是说,白蛋白无显著下降的肝硬化往往处于代偿期,有明显减 少的患者,则常为失代偿期,且近期预后不佳。 当肝硬化患者白蛋白减少到3克 ,以下时,大多数患者出现或将要出现腹水,此时若给予患者合理的内科治疗,白 蛋白回升,提示患者短期预后尚好;如不能回升,或进一步减至2克,以下时,则 预后凶险。 临床上肝功能检查的主要项目包括:蛋白代谢检查、糖代谢检查、脂类检查、胆红素代谢检查、血清酶学检查等。 一、如何看血清酶学化验单 常见以下几种酶:谷丙转氨酶(英文简写为alt或gpt)、谷草转氨酶(ast或got)、碱性磷酸酶(英文简写为alp)、γ-氨酰转肽酶(英文简写为γ-gt)、胆碱酯酶(英文简写为che)。它们的正常值一般在化验单上标示出来,如果采取的化验方法不同,各种酶的值也就不同。通常的参考值是: alt<40u;ast<40u;alp:30,133u;che:3278,13200u;γ-gt<40u 大多数脂肪肝病人的ast、alt正常或仅有轻度升高。如果这两个值远远高出正常值,则应该怀疑病毒性肝炎或其它急性肝炎。alt和ast存在于正常肝细胞中,当肝细胞损伤时即逸出细胞外进入血液中。因此血液中的alt和ast升too busy to come over, this is very responsible. Next to the sanitation department signed removal contracts, in strict accordance with the provisions of the contract. The back street alleys and suburban , to do a good job in environmental health at the same time, do a good job in a timely public facilities maintenance, repair, install, completely solve the piles of garbage, sewage crosscurrent, heidengxiahuo, potholes and other phenomena, do the streets clean, orderly, the convenience of the public life. To some five on the improvement of the urban river construction site. Now our urban river environment really let people see not bottom go to, than the works of Lao She's "Longxugou ditch" is not strong to where to go. The next step, we should insist on treating the symptoms, the strict implementation of the "long river" responsibility system, strengthen the river daily cleaning, planting a number of decomposition and green vegetation, so that Hanoi no garbage, riverside, no debris, the river no smell. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the effect a permanent cure, accelerate the rain sewage diversion, to carry out the system of comprehensive remediation, accomplish treat a river, into a piece of landscape. The building housing the departments should strengthen the construction site construction supervision, supervise the implementation of construction dust dust measures, the public security traffic police department To 高间接反应肝脏受损的程度。 二、如何看胆红素代谢化验单 常用的胆红素代谢化验项目有:血清总胆红素(tbil)、血清直接胆红素(dbil)、血清间接胆红素(ibil)三项。这些指标的正常数值为:血清总胆红素:1.7l-17.1µmol/l;间接胆红素:0~6.81~mol,l;直接胆红寨:1.7-10.2µmol/l。 血清总胆红素的临床意义:?判断有无黄疸或黄疸的程度:tbil 17,34µmol/l为隐性黄疸,34,170pµmol/l为轻度黄疸,170,340µmol/l为中度黄疸,大于340µmol/l为高度黄疸;?判断黄疸的类型:tbii在340,510µmol/l者多为阻塞性(完全梗阻)黄疸,不完全性梗阻多为170,265µmol/l,肝细胞性黄疸多为170,200µmol/l,溶血性黄疸很少超过85µmol/l;?结合血清胆红素分类判定黄疸类型:tbil和直接胆红素增高为溶血性黄疸。tbil和间接胆红素增高为阻塞性黄疸,tbil、间接胆红素及直接胆红素增高均为肝细胞性黄疸。 三、如何看血浆蛋白化验单 肝脏是机体蛋白代谢的主要器官。如白蛋白、脂蛋白、凝血因子和纤溶因子以及各种转运蛋白等均系肝细胞合成,当肝功能受损时这些蛋白质便减少;γ-球蛋白虽不是肝细胞合成,但肝脏功能受损时,如有炎症时,γ-球蛋白可增多。测定血清蛋白水平,可了解肝脏对蛋白质的代谢功能。 脂肪肝最常见的异常变化是血浆蛋白总量改变和白、球蛋白比值倒置,有些病人的α1,α2,β-球蛋白增加。脂肪肝治愈后,血浆蛋白恢复缓慢,常要经过3-6个月之后才恢复正常。肝功能化验单上蛋白检查主要有总蛋白、白蛋白、too busy to come over, this is very responsible. Next to the sanitation department signed removal contracts, in strict accordance with the provisions of the contract. The back street alleys and suburban , to do a good job in environmental health at the same time, do a good job in a timely public facilities maintenance, repair, install, completely solve the piles of garbage, sewage crosscurrent, heidengxiahuo, potholes and other phenomena, do the streets clean, orderly, the convenience of the public life. To some five on the improvement of the urban river construction site. Now our urban river environment really let people see not bottom go to, than the works of Lao She's "Longxugou ditch" is not strong to where to go. The next step, we should insist on treating the symptoms, the strict implementation of the "long river" responsibility system, strengthen the river daily cleaning, planting a number of decomposition and green vegetation, so that Hanoi no garbage, riverside, no debris, the river no smell. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the effect a permanent cure, accelerate the rain sewage diversion, to carry out the system of comprehensive remediation, accomplish treat a river, into a piece of landscape. The building housing the departments should strengthen the construction site construction supervision, supervise the implementation of construction dust dust measures, the public security traffic police department To 球蛋白三项。血清总蛋白正常值为60,80g/l,球蛋白正常值为20,30g/l,白蛋白正常值为40,55g/l,总蛋白值等于球蛋白与白蛋白值之和。 白蛋白的水平在一定程度上反映了有功能的正常肝细胞的数量;若白蛋白值在病程中逐渐减少。则表示病情较重,预后不好。治疗后白蛋白值上升,提示治疗有效;白蛋白值减少到25g/l以下时,容易发生腹水。球蛋白值升高,一般表示肝脏内有炎症改变。 a/g比值即指白蛋白与球蛋白比值。肝脏损伤严重,病变范围较大时,可见到a/g比值倒置。a/g正常比值为1.5,2.5:l。病情好转后白蛋白回升,a/g比值也趋向正常。 血清总蛋白,轻度肝病时一般不会改变。血清总蛋白若>80g/l,称为高蛋白血症,主要是因为肝脏有炎症时球蛋白增多所致,常见于肝硬化、慢性炎症时。血清总蛋白<60g/l称为低蛋白血症,见于慢性肝脏炎症、恶性肿瘤等。 四、如何看血脂化验单 临床上常用的化验项目主要有:总胆固醇(tc)、甘油三酯(tg)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(hdl-c)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(ldl-c)、载脂蛋白a1(apoa1)、载脂蛋白b(apob)等6项。它们正常值为: tc:成人:2.86-5.98mmol,l(110-230mg,d1) tg:0.22-1.21mmol,l(20-110mg,d1) hdl-c:0.9-2.19mmol,l(35-85mg,d1) ldl-c:<3.12mmol,l(120mg,d1) apoa1:l10-160mg,dl apob:69-99mg,dl too busy to come over, this is very responsible. Next to the sanitation department signed removal contracts, in strict accordance with the provisions of the contract. The back street alleys and suburban , to do a good job in environmental health at the same time, do a good job in a timely public facilities maintenance, repair, install, completely solve the piles of garbage, sewage crosscurrent, heidengxiahuo, potholes and other phenomena, do the streets clean, orderly, the convenience of the public life. To some five on the improvement of the urban river construction site. Now our urban river environment really let people see not bottom go to, than the works of Lao She's "Longxugou ditch" is not strong to where to go. The next step, we should insist on treating the symptoms, the strict implementation of the "long river" responsibility system, strengthen the river daily cleaning, planting a number of decomposition and green vegetation, so that Hanoi no garbage, riverside, no debris, the river no smell. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the effect a permanent cure, accelerate the rain sewage diversion, to carry out the system of comprehensive remediation, accomplish treat a river, into a piece of landscape. The building housing the departments should strengthen the construction site construction supervision, supervise the implementation of construction dust dust measures, the public security traffic police department To 脂肪肝本身即为一种代谢性疾病,主要表现为脂肪代异常。脂肪肝患者血脂检查可见血脂明显增高,表现为tc、tg、apob均明显增高,另几项可不增高或增高不明显。 上述各指标数值因各个医疗单位检测方法、实验条件不同可出现不完全相同的正常值。一般情况下,在化验单上标有正常参考值,可对比测定的各项指标是否超过了正常范围。 五、不同原因所致脂肪肝化验检查结果有特异性吗 脂肪肝的化验检查通常仍难以与其他疾病如传染性肝炎等相鉴别,但确诊为脂肪肝后,有些化验结果可提示脂肪肝的病因。 脂肪性脂肪肝:alt、ast可升高,但多以alt升高为著:若有胆碱醋酶升高,则对本型脂肪肝有一定诊断意义。 营养失调性脂肪肝:常见有高tg血症、高胆固醇血症及高脂肪酸血症,营养不良者常见低脂血症或伴低蛋白血症。 酒精性脂肪肝:γ-gt升高是诊断本型的较敏感指标:alt与ast:alt升高多不灵敏,因乙醛使酶的活性辅助因子b6下降所致。当ast,alt>2时有诊断意 too busy to come over, this is very responsible. Next to the sanitation department signed removal contracts, in strict accordance with the provisions of the contract. The back street alleys and suburban , to do a good job in environmental health at the same time, do a good job in a timely public facilities maintenance, repair, install, completely solve the piles of garbage, sewage crosscurrent, heidengxiahuo, potholes and other phenomena, do the streets clean, orderly, the convenience of the public life. To some five on the improvement of the urban river construction site. Now our urban river environment really let people see not bottom go to, than the works of Lao She's "Longxugou ditch" is not strong to where to go. The next step, we should insist on treating the symptoms, the strict implementation of the "long river" responsibility system, strengthen the river daily cleaning, planting a number of decomposition and green vegetation, so that Hanoi no garbage, riverside, no debris, the river no smell. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the effect a permanent cure, accelerate the rain sewage diversion, to carry out the system of comprehensive remediation, accomplish treat a river, into a piece of landscape. The building housing the departments should strengthen the construction site construction supervision, supervise the implementation of construction dust dust measures, the public security traffic police department To
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