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有趣的英文谜语(Funny English Riddles)

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有趣的英文谜语(Funny English Riddles)有趣的英文谜语(Funny English Riddles) 有趣的英文谜语(Funny English Riddles) How can English Salon have fewer riddles? Below for your reference Oh ~! With the China English riddle riddle has a very long history, the most famous of which is probably the mystery of the sphinx. "S...
有趣的英文谜语(Funny English Riddles)
有趣的英文谜语(Funny English Riddles) 有趣的英文谜语(Funny English Riddles) How can English Salon have fewer riddles? Below for your reference Oh ~! With the China English riddle riddle has a very long history, the most famous of which is probably the mystery of the sphinx. "Sphinx" from the Greek word Sphinx, is a horrible monster in Greek mythology, it has the head of a woman and the body of a lion, and two wings on the body. According to legend, the Sphinx Sphinx was' extremely cruel, often waited at the intersection, let the pedestrians guess a riddle, guess must be eaten. Once, a king's son had been eaten Sphinx, King angry, issued a reward: "who can put it in uniform, give him the throne." The young Oedipus (Oedipus) was called in to, soon reveal the answer, then the Sphinx Dutch act. The world famous What goes on four riddle is: feet on, two feet, and three, but the more feet it goes on, the weaker it will be. Because he crawls the answer is Man. first, then walks on two feet, uses a cane when old. because people in babies with limb crawling on the ground adult, legs to walk, the old crutches to walk, so the answer is "man". The riddle can also be said: What, goes, on, four, at, dawn, legs, two, at, noon, and, three, at, dusk? There is a story in the Bible, "judges", Samson killed a lion, then a swarm of bees and honey found in the body of the lion, so he had this thing made a riddle: Out of the eater came something to eat; of the strong came something / Out sweet. he let the Philistine guess this riddle, and if they are within seven days of the answers, they give them thirty linen robes and thirty sets of clothes; if you can not give the answer, they will give him these things. A philistine that Samson's wife deceive Samson speak truth. In the seventh days before sunset, philistine told the answer: What is sweeter than honey and What is stronger than a? / lion? The above two interesting riddles, very similar methods are used in the riddle, describes its features, this riddle in English is called food mystery, also called descriptive riddles (descriptive riddles). What mystery of the riddle is usually implied by analogy, or other methods to describe the characteristics of the Chinese and guess the answer, in the mystery of the riddle and speculation method is basically the same. Give an example: My fatherland is Arabia, Though, in, England, they, roast, me, brown. I'm, ground, up, inside, a, mill, And, tortured, with, scalding, water, And, then, they, pour, milk, over, me, And, drink, me, at, their, leisure. The answer is "Coffee"". This riddle is told in the first person way out riddle, last sentence is the punchline, make people guess the answer is some kind of beverage. Another kind of English riddle that people often see is charades, and puzzles often involve letters, syllables, or the whole word. The puzzle of the riddle is usually the first few words describe the answer word one or some letters appear or do not appear in what words, the last stop of the meaning, or provide some hints and guesses the direction for guessing, a bit like Chinese in mystery. The key is not to be English guess puzzle about the meaning or the meaning is confused, otherwise, it is likely to miss the point into the way. Such as: 1) The, beginning, of, eternity, The, end, of, time, and, space. The, beginning, of, every, end, And, the, end, of, every, place. Take the word "eternity", "time", "space", "end", "place" and "E" in the sentence and split them literally. You can get the answer: "The, letter,"". ()) What, starts, with, T, ends, with, T, and,, full, of, T? The answer is "A teapot"". The word "teapot" begins and ends with the letter T, and the teapot is naturally tea, so it's full of T. () The longest word in the world., the answer is "smiles"". The word "Mile" (mile) between the initial and last letters of the word can be interpreted as a mile long between the head and the tail. It is naturally the longest word in the world. When you guess this puzzle, don't go through the dictionary to find a word with the most letters. One of the most important types of riddles in English is the intellectual riddle, which mainly deals with some witty and witty questions (shrewd, and, witty, questions), The answer is usually a semantic pun, very similar to that in Chinese, which is called "conundrums" in english". In the tragedy of Shakespeare "Hamlett" fifth act in the first, two for the dead tomb dug workers out of a riddle: What is he that intelligence builds stronger than either the mason, the shipwright or the carpenter? Who made things better than Mason, shipwright or carpenter made stronger? The answer is: The gallows-maker, for that frame outlives a thousand tenants. for the gallows than any one was hanged on the death penalty exists for a long time, so the answer is "make people the gallows". Shakespeare used this riddle to tell people that today's glory will come to pass sooner or later. Guessing puzzles is interesting and challenging. First, we should have the ability to understand and use the language flexibly, and then there is a wealth of language knowledge. The two are indispensable. English, some intelligence riddle seems serious, though, the answer is commonplace, dumbfounding, dahushangdang. Such as: ()) What, is, the, difference, between, a, presidential, candidate,, and, an, overworked, secretary? The answer is "One can't wait to get into office and the other can't wait to get out of the office." (presidential candidate) presidential candidates eager to office (get into office), while the overworked secretary is looking forward to work (get out of the office) to go home and rest. ()) What, is, the, cheapest, way, to, see,, the, world? The answer is "Buy an atlas"". Buy a map (buy an atlas), you can see the whole world (see the world). In fact, "see the world" means "well-informed" when it is used as a fixed phrase". Some seem simple, but the answer is intriguing. Such as: What, goes, up, and, never, goes, down? The answer is "Age"". Age is always upward growth, can not be decreased. Some surprising, savor is beyond all expectations, humorous, let a person can't help laughing. Such as: Why, should, you, never, marry, a, tennis, player? The answer is "Because, love, means, nothing, to, them."". The universal meaning of love is love, which means zero in tennis". There is a kind of difficult to guess English intelligence riddle, this riddle is formed by tampering with the English proverbs and idioms or not, to guess the riddle of these proverbs and idioms must be well known, otherwise, is the brains may not be able to guess. Give an example: ()) Why, shouldn't, you, cry, if, a, cow,, slips, on, the, ice? The answer is "Because, it's, no, use, crying, over, spilt, milk.."" English idiom is so expression Spilled water cannot be gathered up. ":" It's no use crying over spilt milk. ". So use phrase as a joke, because the cow fell on the ground, it's also spilled milk. 2) What's, a, sculptor's, motto? The answer is "All, work, and, no, clay, makes, Jack, a, dull, boy.."" Sculptors (sculptor) All work and no clay makes Jack a dull boy. (work without soil, smart children also become silly. No All work and play makes Jack a dull boy. (all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.). ) invented. Guessing English riddles is not an easy task, but it is a pleasure and a sense of achievement. It is difficult and enjoyable. In a process, can enrich their knowledge, improve the ability of controlling the language and culture of language understanding, but also can increase the pleasures of life. Finally, in order to arouse everyone's interest in English riddles, leave a few riddles, please guess: I. puzzles: ()) There, is, a, thing, that, is, the, first, to, pity, and,, the, last, to, help., etc. ()) I, am, the, beginning, of, sorrow, and, the, end, of,, sickness. You, cannot, express, happiness, without, me; Yet, I, am, in, the, midst, of, crosses. I, am, always, in, risk, yet, never, in, danger. You, may, find, me, in, the, sun, But, I, am, never, out, of, darkness. ()) My, first, is, nothing, but, a,, name; My, second, still, more, small; My, whole, of, so, much, smaller, fame, It, has, no, name, at, all. 4)如果字母从A转到Z,那么从z到A又是什么呢, 事物谜II: 1)晚上他们来了。 不被拿来, 白天他们迷路了 不被偷走。 2)像苹果一样圆, 深如桶; 它从不哭泣, 直到它被尾巴抓住。 3)我的立场是坚定的, 但没有什么是内在的; 你会觉得我的脑袋真奇怪, 什么都不是,只是皮肤。 4)在水面上, 在水下, 永远不要碰水。 5)我从来没有,我永远是, 从来没有人见过我,也没有见过 但我是所有人的信心 在这个地球上生活和呼吸。 三、智力谜: 1)为什么周六和周日如此强劲, 2)聪明的狗不到哪儿购物, 3)你宁愿大象杀死你,还是大猩猩, 4)大象什么时候有十六只脚, 5)哪一个更快,是热还是冷, 6)每个婴儿的座右铭是什么,— : 我字谜:1)字母P 2)字母S 3)无名4)斑马 ?。事物谜:1)2)3)星钟鼓4)一个过桥的女孩头上顶着一桶水。5)明天 三、智力谜: 1)因为其余的都是平日。提示:平日的意思是”工作日”,而周(星期)和弱(弱的)是一对同音异义词。 2)在跳蚤市场。提示:跳蚤市场的意思是”跳蚤市场”(经营廉价古物、旧货等的露天市场)。谜底把跳蚤市场曲解为”跳蚤的市场”, 聪明的狗可不愿长跳蚤,自然不愿去有跳蚤的市场。 3)我宁愿他杀死大猩猩。提示:谜面可以有两种解释。第一种是”你希望大象杀死你,还是大猩猩杀死你,”第二种解释是”你希望大象杀死你,还是杀死大猩猩,” 4)当有四人。提示:因为四只大象(四头大象)有十六条腿。 5)热。你会感冒的。提示:感冒的意思是”患感冒”,字面意思是”抓住冷”,但是从来没人说抓热。 6)如果你第一次没有成功,哭了,哭了起来。提示:孩子的格言如果一开始你没有成功,哭了,哭了起来。(一次哭闹不成功,哭闹再哭闹)是模仿谚语如果一开始你没有成功,尝试,再尝试。(一次不成功,努力再努力)杜撰而来 为什么总有一头牛跟在一朵花后跑,因为那是牵牛花 这里没花开放。请问叫什么花答案是梅花, 平面图 一条线线 平衡线并行 三角形三角形 四边形四边形,四边形 五边形五角大厦 六边形六边形 七边形七边形 八边形八角 九边形9 角和边是一样的。所有的平面形后面从四以后都带坤,前缀就要背的 了。 棱柱二棱镜 锥形金字塔 圆锥形锥 圆柱体缸 球形球 长方形矩形 平行四边形平行四边形 圆圈圈 多面体多面体 四面体四面体 五面体五面体 六面体六面体 七面体七面体 八面体八面体 九面体九面体 十面体十面体 差不了多少,只是在原由的平面形后面加了面体 三棱柱三角棱镜 四棱柱四棱柱 五棱镜五棱柱 三角金字塔三棱锥 长方形的四棱锥 轻真个品,品真个轻;好汉好佬双手拿。(打一物)--谜底:毛巾 长不满一尺,重不满一斤[打一物]毛巾 八尺一片,四角两面,只识人的面,不识畜生面。---谜底:毛巾 三十二
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