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英文中容易混淆的字英文中容易混淆的字 1. What is its color? It's green. It's been a long, long time. 网络英语资源 這些字之所以未依英文字母順序排列而最先端上桌,是因為它們是英文中最常搞混的字。网络英语资源 it's 是 it is 或 it has,而 its 是 it 的所有格。 , 2. With her speaking skills, she has the ability to fill the auditorium to its capacity. 网络英语资源 ...
英文中容易混淆的字 1. What is its color? It's green. It's been a long, long time. 网络资源 這些字之所以未依英文字母順序排列而最先端上桌,是因為它們是英文中最常搞混的字。网络英语资源 it's 是 it is 或 it has,而 its 是 it 的所有格。 , 2. With her speaking skills, she has the ability to fill the auditorium to its capacity. 网络英语资源 ability:能力,才幹 (physical, mental, or legal power to perform. competence)。capacity :容量 (limit)。 , 3. The minister adjured his wayward congregation to abjure the sins of the flesh. 网络英语资源 adjure:敦促或力勸 (to urge or advice earnestly)。abjure:發誓放棄 (to renounce under oath)。 , 4. I would accept your excuse, except the part about losing the watch. 网络英语资源 accept:接受 (to receive willingly)。except:除...之外 (with the exclusion of)。 , 5. The number of students who wanted access to the computer labs was in excess of two hundred. 网络英语资源 access:使用或進入的權利 (right to use or enter)。excess:過多,超額 (too many, more than needed)。 , 6. The government would often adopt policies that required people to adapt to a harsh regime. 网络英语资源 adopt:採取,採用 (to accept or take in as one's own)。adapt:使適應,使適合 (to make or become suitable for a new use)。 , 7. The trouble with many adolescents is that they never seem to grow out of adolescence. 网络英语资源 adolescent:青春期的青年男女 (individuals going through adolescence)。adolescence:青春期 (the period of growth and maturation before adulthood)。 , 8. I need your advice. Please advise me on this. 网络英语资源 advice:意見,勸告 (recommendation regarding a decision)。advise:建議,商量 (to give advice to, to counsel)。 , 9. The teacher's aide more than once came to the aid of her supervisor. 网络英语资源 aide:助理,助手 (someone who assists or supports)。aid:幫助,援助 (assistance)。网络英语资源 [AIDS 是 Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome (後天免疫不足症候群,即愛滋病) 的頭字語 (acronym),拼字都是大寫。] , 10. She was confused, displaying ambivalent feelings about the ambiguous situation they'd gotten into. 网络英语资源 ambivalent:雙重性格,情緒矛盾:對同一事物同時具有兩種對立的感情或態度的精神狀態 ,如又愛又恨 (showing mixed or confused feelings)。ambiguous:曖昧的,不明確的,不確定的,有兩種以上意思的 (doubtful, uncertain, having two or more meanings)。 , 11. Sometimes it seems more shocking to be amoral than to be immoral . 网络英语资源 amoral:與道德無關的,沒有道德觀念的 (without morals or standards of behavior)。immoral:不道德的,邪惡的 (disposed to act contrary to accepted morals)。 , 12. After we have the jeweler appraise the diamond, we will apprise you of its value. 网络英语资源 appraise:鑑定,估價 (to set a value on something)。apprise:通知,告知 (to notify or inform)。 , 13. as -- 參見 like。 , 14. When they got the assent of the weather bureau, they allowed the enormous balloon to begin its ascent. 网络英语资源 assent:同意,贊成 (agreement, act of agreeing)。ascent:晉升,上升,攀登 (act of rising or climbing )。[注意:accent (重音) 這個字沒有 "s"。] , 15. aural -- 參見 oral。 , 16. awake -- 參見 wake。 , 17. I am averse to traveling in such adverse weather conditions. 网络英语资源 averse:嫌惡的 (having an active feeling of repugnance or distaste) -- 與 to 連用,後接名詞或動名詞。adverse:不利的,敵對的 (unfavorable, hostile)。 , 18. afflict -- 參見 inflict (No.147)。 , 19. We need a lot (兩個字!) of money. She will allot funds according to need. 网络英语资源 a lot:很多 (a considerable quantity or extent)。allot:分配 (to assign as a share or portion)。 , 20. Are you all ready already, or do we have to wait for you? 网络英语资源 all ready:完全準備好 (entirely ready, prepared) -- 形容詞片語。already:已經 (by this time) -- 在一指定或暗示的過去、現在或未來時間之前的時間 (priviously, so soon)。 , 21. She would often allude to her childhood, when she would elude her brothers in a game of hide-and-seek. 网络英语资源 allude:(間接地) 提及 (to make indirect reference. refer) -- 與 to 連用。elude:逃避,躲避 (to evade, avoid)。 , 22. allusion -- 參見 illusion (No. 136)。 , 23. In mock debates, we used to alternate sides, taking alternative positions. 网络英语资源 alternate:輪流,交替 (to perform by turns or in succession)。alternative:二者任擇其一的,選擇的 (offering or expressing a choice)。 , 24. Government agencies tried to alleviate the effects of the depression. They attempted to ameliorate the job-seeking process. 网络英语资源 alleviate:緩和,減輕 (to make less severe)。ameliorate:改良,變好 (to make or become better)。 , 25. With amiable people like the Durwitzes, it's not unusual to have an amicable divorce. 网络英语资源 amiable:(個性、性情)和藹可親的,親切的,友善的 (friendly)。amicable:(契約關係上) 友善的 (characterizing contractual relationship with good will, cordiality )。 , 26. among -- 參見 between (No.39)。 , 27. The amount of money you make in a year depends on the number of deals you close. 网络英语资源 amount:總數,總額 (measure of something in the aggregate, bulk)。number:數目 (measure of something countable)。 , 28. I am annoyed that my bad back seems to be aggravated by tension. 网络英语资源 annoy:煩擾,騷擾,使苦惱 (to irritate, harrass, especially by repeated acts)。aggravate:加重,使 (原已不好的事情變得) 更壞 (to make worse, more serious, or more severe)。 , 29. It's difficult to anticipate [預作準備] things that one doesn't expect. 网络英语资源 anticipate:預期,預想,預作準備,預先考慮 (to give advance thought, discussion, or treatment to)。expect:預期,預料,期待,期望 (to look forward to)。 , 30. Juan is apt to do something silly, something that will likely get him in trouble, or even something that he may be liable for in a court of law. 网络英语资源 apt:易於,傾向於 (having a tendency)。likely:有可能的 (having a high probability of occurring or being true)。liable:可能的,易於,應負責的 (obligated according to law or equity. responsible)。 , 31. She wanted a good lawyer, so I told her about my attorney. 网络英语资源 lawyer:律師,法律顧問 (one trained to conduct lawsuits for clients or advise as to legal rights and obligations)。attorney:律師,法定代理人 (one who has been paid a retainer to conduct lawsuits or advise as to legal rights and obligations)。 , 32. I'll be back in a while. Can you wait awhile? 网络英语资源 a while:不久,即刻 (a short period of time)。awhile:暫時,片刻 (for a while)。[ awhile (一個字) 是副詞,修飾動詞。] , 33. He told a funny anecdote about mixing up his soda with the snake-bite antidote. 网络英语资源 anecdote:短而有趣的故事,軼事 (a short amusing or interesting story about a real person or event)。antidote:解毒劑 (a substance that counteracts the effects of a poison)。 , 34. The eager audience awaited the anxious, sweating performer. 网络英语资源 eager:渴望的,焦急的 (marked by enthusiastic or impatient desire or interest)。anxious:渴望的,不安的,憂慮的,掛念的 (characterized by extreme uneasiness of mind or brooding fear)。 , 35. She felt bad about his behaving badly at the conference. 网络英语资源 bad:不悅的,討厭的 (unpleasant) -- 形容詞。badly:不良地,惡劣地 (unpleasantly, offensively) -- 副詞。[連綴動詞後面使用形容詞。] , 36. The man who sings bass in the choir once played third base for the New York Yankees and is also an expert bass fisherman. 网络英语资源 bass:低音 (deep sounding voice, usually male)。base:(棒球) 壘 (one of the corners of a baseball diamond)。第二個 bass 為一種大鱸魚。 , 37. She was afraid of him after seeing his bizarre behavior at the county's annual bazaar. 网络英语资源 bizarre:奇怪的,怪異的 (strange, strikingly odd)。bazaar:市場,義賣 (series of stalls, as in a carnival)。 , 38. Besides my unphotogenic aunt and uncle, there were fourteen other people standing beside the train station. 网络英语资源 besides:除...之外 (in addition to)。beside:在...之旁 (next to)。在此均做介系詞用。 , 39. He has divided the money between Carlos and his daughter. He has divided the rest of his property among his three brothers. 网络英语资源 between:事涉兩項時所用的介系詞 (preposition used when two items are in question)。among:事涉兩項以上時所用的介系詞 (preposition used when more than two items are in question)。[這樣的分別對某些人來說可能還不過。請參考字典吧!] , 40. The economy seemed to slide backwards thanks to the backward government policies. 网络英语资源 backwards:向後地,落後地 (characterized by movement in reverse)。backward:向後的,落後的 (less than progressive)。["backward" 可以當副詞或形容詞用;"backwards" 只能當副詞用。] , 41. 避免使用 biennial (或 bimonthly/biweekly) 和 biannual 等字,而應說 "something happens twice a year/month/week or every other year/month/week." 网络英语资源 biennial:兩年一次的;歷經兩年的 (occuring once every two years or lasting two years)。biannual:每年兩次的;每隔一年的 -- 即每兩年的,等於 biennial -- (occuring twice each year or every other year)。 , 42. blatant -- 參見 flagrant。 , 43. I was so bored at the Board of Trustees meeting that I fell asleep. 网络英语资源 bored:無聊,厭煩 (to make a person uninterested by being dull or to become uninterested)。board:委員會 (a committee)。 , 44. She brought with her all the Christmas gifts she had recently bought. 网络英语资源 brought:帶來 -- bring 的過去式。bought:購買 (purchased) -- buy 的過去式。 , 45. He will break the car brake if he keeps pushing on it like that. 网络英语资源 break:破壞 (destroy)。brake:煞車 (device for stopping or slowing down something)。 , 46. Every breath counts, so breathe deeply now. 网络英语资源 breath:呼吸,氣息 (air inhaled and exhaled in breathing)。breathe:呼吸 (to draw air into and expel it from the lungs)。 , 47. The entire bridal party took a long and pleasant walk along the bridle path. 网络英语资源 bridal:新娘的,婚禮的 (pertaining to a wedding)。bridle:馬韁 (pertaining to horses, the gear to guide a horse)。bridle path 為供人騎馬的小路,亦寫成 bridle road 或 bridle way。 , 48. bring -- 參見 take。 , 49. 有些人會將 Calvary (耶穌基督被釘十字架的所在地「髑髏地」) 與 cavalry (騎兵 -- 古代騎馬,現在則乘坐直昇機) 這個字搞混。 , 50. You may begin this exercise whenever you can get around to it. 网络英语资源 may:可以 (have permission to)。can:能夠 (have the ability to)。[在否定結構中,can 這個字可被用來示允許:You cannot go to the movies today.] , 51. You cannot blame him for screaming, "Damn it, Bob! You can not do that anymore!" 网络英语资源 cannot:不能 (not able) -- 普通的拼法。can not 是在加強語氣 -- 強調否定。 网络英语资源 52. We wore canvas shoes while we tried to canvass the entire neighborhood. 网络英语资源 canvas:帆布 (coarse, heavy cloth, usually white)。canvass:徹底的檢討,細究,向(人)拉票 (to survey, often for political sentiments)。 , 53. capacity -- 參見 ability。 , 54. We went over to the capitol to see the legislators. The capital of Connecticut is Hartford. The state is running out of capital. 网络英语资源 capitol:美國州議會議場;Capitol (大寫):美國國會山莊。前面的 capital:首都,首府;後面的 capital:資金 (funds)。 , 55. If a bride wants a diamond that weighs a carat, it will cost more than a carrot or a caret. 网络英语资源 carat:克拉 (鑽石重量單位),開 (表示含純金的量)。carrot:胡蘿蔔。caret:漏字符號 (an editorial mark that means to insert something)。 , 56. The Board of Education has censured the high-school principal because he tried to censor the student newspaper. 网络英语资源 censured:申誡 (condemned, officially reprimanded )。censor:檢查,電檢 (to delete objectionable material; judge)。 , 57. The Pilgrims acted with certitude on matters of faith; others required more certainty. 网络英语资源 certitude:確信,篤信 --含有堅信不移的意思 -- (lack of doubt, implying faith )。certainty:確信,確定 -- 含有須要客觀證明的意思 -- (lack of doubt, implying objective proof)。 , 58. Some people thought he was sweet and childlike in his innocence, but I always thought he was boorish and childish. 网络英语资源 childlike:天真無邪的,純潔的,坦率的 -- 指正面的美德 (having the good qualities of being a child)。childish:幼稚的,愚蠢的 -- 指負面的思想和行為 (marked by behavior inappropriate for an adult)。 , 59. I chose the red balloon. Now you choose a balloon of another color. 网络英语资源 chose:choose 的過去式。choose:選擇 (select)。 , 60. The climactic moment of a lightning storm, nature's most dramatic climatic event, is a deafening roll of thunder. 网络英语资源 climactic:高潮的,頂點的,極點的 (of, relating to, or constituting a climax)。climatic:氣候的 (related to weather phenomena)。 , 61. His clothes were made of cloths of many different colors. 网络英语资源 clothes:衣服 (apparel, garments)。cloth:布 (fabric)。 , 62. We used a coarse sandpaper, of course. 网络英语资源 coarse:粗糙的 (rough)。course:過程,方針 (following the ordinary way or procedure)。 , 63. She complimented her sister on the way her scarf complemented her blouse. 网络英语资源 compliment:恭維,讚美 (to praise)。complement:補充,補足 (to fill up, match, make something else perfect)。 , 64. The United States of America comprises 50 states. The system is constituted of twelve separate campuses. 网络英语资源 comprise:包括,包含 (to include especially within a particular scope)。constituted of:組成,構成 (made up of)。註:上面前一句「可能」也可寫成 "Fifty states comprise the United States of America." 或 "The United States of America is comprised of 50 states."。這兩句中的 comprise 都是「組成,構成」的意思,但這種用法遭到許多人的批評,所以如果你這麼用,他們可能認為你用錯了字;然而,這兩種用法越來越常見,就連正式的寫作與演說亦屢見不鮮。 , 65. She was confident that her confidant had given her good information. 网络英语资源 confident:確信的,相信的 (assured, trustful)。confidant:知己,心腹 (someone whom one trusts)。 , 66. Confounded by the instructor's ambiguous instructions, the students' problems were compounded by a lack of time to do the exam. 网络英语资源 confound:混淆,分不清 (to perplex, frustrate)。compound:增加 (to increase)。 , 67. The word guts denotes one's viscera, one's intestines, but it also connotes determination, fortitude, persistence, and courage. 网络英语资源 denote:(實質的 )意思為 (to mean objectively, as a dictionary definition)。connote:暗示,含意為 (to suggest, as emotional overtones of a word)。 , 68. There was a terrible dinning noise coming from the dining room. 网络英语资源 dinning:喧嘩,吵雜 (making an annoying, loud sound) -- 原形為 din。dining:吃飯,用餐 (eating) -- dining room 為飯廳。 , 69. Since no one offered any dissent, we waited a decent interval and then began our descent to the lower floors. 网络英语资源 dissent:反對,不同意 (objection)。decent:可敬的,適當的 (respectable, appropriate)。descent:下降,降落 (downward movement)。 , 70. She didn't seem conscious of the fact that her husband has no conscience. 网络英语资源 conscious:覺得的,有知覺的,理解的 (perceiving, apprehending, or noticing -- personally felt)。conscience:良心 (sense of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of your own conduct)。 , 71. Her family grew contemptuous of her contemptible behavior. 网络英语资源 contemptuous:表示輕蔑的,藐視的 (exhibiting contempt, scorn)。contemptible:可鄙的,可輕視的 (worthy of contempt and scorn)。 , 72. These continual changes in our weather seem to be related to our continuous emissions of carbon-monoxide into the atmosphere. 网络英语资源 continual:經常不斷的,連續的 -- 中間有短暫的間歇 -- (continuing for a long time with only short breaks)。continuous:不斷的,連續的 -- 中間無間歇 -- (continuing indefinitely in time without interruption)。 , 73. My mother will convince him that she is right. She will persuade him to keep working. 网络英语资源 convince:使相信 [to bring (as by argument) to belief, consent]。persuade:說服 (to urge someone into a course of action)。 , 74. She decided to seek the counsel [advice] of the Dorm Council. 网络英语资源 counsel:忠告,意見;顧問,律師 。council:會議,議會 (如台北市議會 Taipei City Council),顧問委員會。council 永遠做名詞用,而 counsel 可做名詞或動詞用。 , 75. It didn't seem credible that such a creditable person would say such a horrible thing. 网络英语资源 credible:可信的 (believable)。creditable:值得稱讚的,值得信賴的,可靠的 (trustworthy)。 , 76. At first there was only one criterion for becoming Chairperson, but then, suddenly, the Party imposed several other criteria. 网络英语资源 criterion 和 criteria 都是標準,規定 (requirement)的意思;後者是前者的複數。 , 77. My favorite show, Seinfeld, is currently doing re-runs; the new episodes will begin presently. 网络英语资源 currently:目前,眼前 (occuring in or existing at the present time)。presently:不久 (before long: without undue delay)。[presently 這個字過去的意思是「現在」(now),但現今它大多被用來表示「不久」(soon) 的意思。] , 78. I kept a weekly diary during those years that I worked on the dairy farm. 网络英语资源 diary:日記。dairy:牛奶或乳品工廠,酪農場 (place where milk or milk products are produced or sold)。 , 79. If you wish to seem demure, you will have to demur less vociferously. 网络英语资源 demure:嚴肅的,端莊的 (modest or reserved)。demur:提出異議,反對 (to object)。例句中的 demur 當不及物動詞用,它也可當名詞用,如 without demur (無異議)。 , 80. denote -- 參見 connote。 , 81. Any cool dessert would taste great out here in the sandy desert. 网络英语资源 dessert:餐後水果、冰淇淋及其他甜點心。desert:沙漠,不毛之地。 , 82. The prisoner tried to devise a clever device to help him escape. 网络英语资源 devise:計畫,發明 (to plan, to invent)。device:裝置 (anything planned or invented for particular purpose)。 , 83. She thought her dog would die after it drank that bowl of blue dye. 网络英语资源 die:死亡。dye:顏料,染料,色彩。 , 84. He went from a dilemma to a quandary. 网络英语资源 dillemma:進退維谷,左右兩難,困難的選擇 (having a tough choice between two things)。quandary:困境,窘境,困難的選擇 (having a tough choice between many things)。請注意:這兩個字的中文意思雖相同,但英文意思不盡相同。 , 85. They kept their love affair discreet by living discrete lives. 网络英语资源 discreet:謹言慎行的,深思熟慮的 (capable of preserving prudent silence)。discrete:不連續的,各自的 (noncontinuous: individually distinct)。 , 86. You will want a disinterested judge. An uninterested judge, however, is a liability. 网络英语资源 disinterested:公正的,無私的,不偏不倚的 (free from selfish motive or interest: unbiased: impartial)。uninterested:沒興趣的,冷淡的 (not interested)。 , 87. When asked to disassemble his old jalopy, Charles agreed, seeming to dissemble. 网络英语资源 disassemble:拆開,分解 (to take apart)。dissemble:隱藏,掩飾 (感情等) (to hide one's true feelings)。 , 88. dissent -- 參見 decent (No.69)。 , 89. eager -- 參見 anxious (No.34)。 , 90. What effect does this have on you? How does it affect you? 网络英语资源 effect:效果,效應,影響 (result; consequence)。affect:影響,假裝 (to influence or to feign, to fake)。 , 91. It was part of the government's economic strategy to direct the military to purchase the most economical material available. 网络英语资源 economic:經濟的,經濟學的 (having to do with economics)。economical:節省的,節儉的 (thrifty, avoiding waste)。 , 92. 當碰到拉丁字或片語的縮寫 (e.g., etc., et al., i.e., sic.) 時,聰明的寫作者都盡量少用或完全不用 (i.e. 現僅用於論文和參考書中)。e.g. 意為 for example (例如),使用英語片語 for example 通常比較好;i.e. 意為 that is (即;就是)。由於這兩個縮寫幾乎都是當做引導用的修飾語,它們的後面通常接逗點。此外,它們都不可以斜體或加底線 。 , 93. We should elect a president before he or she selects members of the cabinet. 网络英语资源 elect:選舉,選擇 (to choose, usually by voting)。select:選擇,挑選 (to choose)。 , 94. How did the politicians plan to elicit these obviously illicit campaign funds without getting caught? 网络英语资源 elicit:抽出,移出 (to draw out)。illicit:不法的 (unlawful, illegal)。 , 95. elude -- 參見 allude。(No.21) , 96. emigrate -- 參見 immigrate。 , 97. They were afraid that this eminent figure in world politics was in imminent danger of being killed. 网络英语资源 eminent:聞名的,傑出的,顯著的 (famous, distinguished, outstanding)。imminent:即將來臨的,逼近的 (likely to occur at any moment)。 , 98. She normally had great empathy for people she read about, but she had no sympathy for these boat people. 网络英语资源 empathy:感同身受 。sympathy:同情,憐憫。 , 99. The enormousness of his task seemed overwhelming, and then he found he must slay a dragon known for the enormity of his evildoings. 网络英语资源 enormousness:巨大,極大 (huge size, grand scale)。enormity:極惡,暴行 (monstrousness)。 , 100. He wanted to carve an epigram that he had seen used as an epigraph for his grandfather's epitaph. 网络英语资源 epigram:雋語,警句 (witty and terse saying)。epigraph:題詞,題銘 (saying printed above a poem or above the entrance to a building)。epitaph:墓誌銘 (a saying carved on a tombstone)。 , 101. We would like to ensure good weather for our company picnic, but our insurance company won't insure good weather with an inexpensive policy. 网络英语资源 ensure:確定,確保,使安全 (to make sure, certain, or safe)。insure:保險,投保 (to provide or obtain insurance on or for)。 , 102. One sister liked bugs and studied entomology; the other liked words and went into etymology. 网络英语资源 entomology:昆蟲學 (study of insects)。etymology:語源學 (study of words, word origins, etc.)。 , 103. He especially likes coffee ice-cream. Every week, his wife buys some specially for him 网络英语资源 especially:尤其,特別地 -- 強調「超過其他全部」的觀念 -- (particularly, more than other things)。specially:特地,專門地 (for a specific reason)。 , 104. We use our everyday dishes every day. 网络英语资源 everyday:日常的,平日的 (commonly used)。every day:每天 (happening on a daily basis)。every 和 day 兩字合寫是形容詞,分寫則是形容詞 every 修飾名詞 day。 , 105. The choirboys exulted when they discovered they were to sing before such an exalted audience. 网络英语资源 exult:狂喜,「樂透了」(to rejoice greatly)。exalted:高貴的,高尚的 (adj. highly praised, highly praiseworthy) -- 若當動詞,則為擢升,提高,讚揚之意。 , 106. expect -- 參見 anticipate。(No.29) , 107. The general found it expedient to blame his lieutenants for the expeditious progress of the enemy. 网络英语资源 expedient:權宜的,方便的,有利的 (但不一定正當、合法) (convenient, advantageous rather than right)。expeditious:迅速的,敏捷的 (done speedily and efficiently)。 , 108. The document now makes explicit what had been only implicit in the shifty eyes of the negotiator. 网络英语资源 explicit:明確的,不含糊的 (fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity )。implicit:隱含的,含蓄的 (capable of being understood from something else though unexpressed)。 , 109. To what extent have they searched for the extant manuscripts of the Gettysburg Address? 网络英语资源 extent:程度,範圍 (scope, range, limit)。extant:現存的 (still existing)。 , 110. An extemporaneous sp
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