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英语本科生论文写作规范(示例)某某大学 本科生毕业论文(设计) 装订顺序 及 格式规范 (样本) 某 某 大 学 本 科 生 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 中文题目:__________________________________________ 外文题目: 学 号:________________ 姓 名:________________ 年 级:________________ 专 ...
某某大学 本科生毕业论文() 装订顺序 及 格式规范 (样本) 某 某 大 学 本 科 生 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 中文题目:__________________________________________ 外文题目: 学 号:________________ 姓 名:________________ 年 级:________________ 专 业:________________ 系 别:________________ 学 院:________________ 指导教师:________________ 完成日期:________________ 摘 要 内容摘要的字数一般不超过300个汉字,主要来说明论文所涉及的内容、目的、方法、论文的框架安排、以及结论等。语言力求精练。 字体为宋体,小四号字。中英文摘要的内容要一致。XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX。 关键词:XXXX;XXXXX;XXXXXX;XXXXX;XXXXXX (关键词一般3-5个,宋体小四号字,词与词之间用分号隔开) Abstract The abstract in English should be in agreement with the Chinese one. It should not be very long, better within 200-250 words. Xxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx x. Xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Xx xxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxx. Key Words: XXXX; XXXXXXXX; XXXXXX; XXXXXXX; XXXXX Contents 内容摘要 …………………………………………………………………………….. i Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………. ii Introduction ………………………………………………………………………… 1 Chapter One XXXX XXX XXX ………………………………………………… 6 Chapter Two XXX XXXX XXXXX …………………………………………… 12 Chapter Three XXXX XXXX XXXX ………………………………………….. 20 Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………... 28 Works Cited ………………………………………………………………………. 30 Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………………... 32 附: 本科毕业论文(设计)题目审批表 本科毕业论文(设计)中期检查表 本科毕业论文(设计)指导教师评语及打分表 本科毕业论文(设计)答辩记录及打分表 南开大学本科毕业论文评分 Introduction【字体Times New Roman粗黑体; 字号小四】 (首行缩进5个字符)A clear and complete introduction is an essential element in a good paper, so give it particular attention. The introduction should follow the general-to-specific structure. What you should make clear in the introduction includes the following aspects: firstly, you should offer an introductory description to your subject matter, concerning why you choose the topic, together with a literature review; secondly, you should make clear your thesis statement which should give the whole paper a clear sense of purpose and direction; thirdly, you should describe the outline of your paper here. 【字体Times New Roman; 字号小四;1.5倍行间距】 Chapter One Using Symbols【字体Times New Roman粗黑体; 字号小四】 (首行缩进5个字符) 【字体Times New Roman; 字号小四;1.5倍行间距】According to Freud, expressions of sex are always private and are often seen as shameful (Stwertka 44; Goldenson 183). Symbols are used to shield the embarrassment and any uncomfortable feelings the dreamer might have toward sex. David Foulkes, in The Psychology of Sleep, asserts that when a dream involves a composite, or an imaginary person who takes the place of a real person, it usually shows that the dreamer is intimidated by that person (24). . . . also promote positive images for the future. As Freud has stated, “‘Dreams are derived from the past in every sense . . . by picturing our wishes fulfilled, dreams are, after all, leading us into the future’” (qtd. in Katz 151). There are many factors, all controlled by the dreamer’s personality, which influence dream patterns. One major . . . movement are “more detailed and vivid and are easier to recall” (Landscape 39). Furthermore, it is not at all uncommon for the unconscious to manipulate a dream in order to defend against the disturbance of an outside stimulus. (整体缩进10字符)Often dreams are confusing because, as a dreamer experiences a disturbance, his personality creates a situation to express the disturbance in the dream. [Psychologist Carl] Jung explained, “This substitute situation allows the dreamer to remain unconscious.” (Canter 91) A dreamer’s personality not only causes eye movement, but also . . . . . . Chapter Two A Call to Action【字体Times New Roman粗黑体; 字号小四】 (首行缩进5个字符) 【字体Times New Roman; 字号小四;1.5倍行间距】No one can deny that cell phones have caused traffic deaths and injuries. Cell phones were implicated in three fatal accidents in November 1999 alone. Early in November, . . . Morgan as she sat in her car seat.” A week later, corrections officer Shannon Smith, who was guarding prisoners by the side of the road, was killed by a woman distracted by a phone call (Besthoff). On Thanksgiving weekend . . . into their parked car. The driver said in court that when he looked up from the cell phone he was dialing, he was three feet from the car and had no time to stop (Stockwell B8). Expert testimony, public opinion, and even cartoons suggest that driving while phoning is dangerous. Frances Bents. . . a year have some connection to cell phone use (Layton C9). In a survey published by Farmers Insurance Group, 87% of those polled said that cell phones affect a . . . . Many cartoons have depicted the very real dangers of driving while distracted. Scientific research confirms the dangers of using phones while on the road. In 1997 an important study appeared in . . . . phone records, the researchers assessed the dangers of driving while phoning. The results are unsettling: (整体缩进10字符)We found that using a cellular telephone was associated with a risk of having a motor vehicle collision that was about about four times as high as that among the same drivers when they were not using their cellular telephones. This relative risk is similar to the hazard associated with driving with a blood alcohol level at the legal limit. (456) The news media . . . . . . Chapter Three Regulating Cell【字体Times New Roman粗黑体; 字号小四】 (首行缩进5个字符) 【字体Times New Roman; 字号小四;1.5倍行间距】Some groups have argued that state traffic laws make legislation regulating cell phone use unnecessary. Sadly, this is not true. Laws on traffic safety vary from state to state, and drivers distracted by cell phones can get off with light punishment even when they cause fatal accidents. For example, although the midshipman mentioned earlier was charged with vehicular manslaughter for the deaths of John and Carole Hall, the judge was unable to issue a verdict of guilty. Under Maryland law, he could only find the defendant guilty of negligent driving and impose a $500 fine (Layton C1). Such a light sentence is not unusual. The driver who killed Morgan Pena in Pennsylvania received two tickets and a $50 fine--and retained his driving privileges (Pena). In Georgia, a young woman distracted by her phone ran down and killed a two year-old; her sentence was ninety days in boot camp and five hundred hours of community service (Ippolito J1). The families of the victims are understandably distressed by laws that lead to such light sentences. When certain kinds of driver behavior are shown to be especially dangerous, we wisely draft special laws making them illegal and imposing specific punishments. Running red lights, failing to stop for a school bus, and drunk driving are obvious examples; phoning in a moving vehicle should be no exception. Unlike more general laws covering negligent driving, specific laws leave little ambiguity for law officers and for judges and juries imposing punishments. Such laws have another important benefit: They leave no ambiguity for drivers. Currently, drivers can tease themselves into thinking they are using their car phones responsibly because the definition of “negligent driving” is vague. …… Conclusion【字体Times New Roman粗黑体; 字号小四】 (首行缩进5个字符) 【字体Times New Roman; 字号小四;1.5倍行间距】Make sure your paper has a conclusion; don’t leave it “hanging” at the end of the body. An effective conclusion will sum up briefly what you have covered in the paper and will somehow hark back to ideas or images first brought up in the introduction. Do not introduce any new ideas in the conclusion. Works Cited Besthoff, Len. “Cell Phone Use Increases Risk of Accidents, but Users Willing to Take the Risk.” WRAL Online. 11 Nov. 1999. 12 Jan. 2001 . Canter, Jacob. The Inner World of Daydreaming. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1984. Cronbach, Lee J. Educational Psychology. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1954. Doubleday, 1970. 2 vols. Farmers Insurance Group. “New Survey Shows Drivers Have Had ‘Close Calls’ with Cell Phone Users.” Farmers Insurance Group. 8 May 2000. 12 Jan. 2001 . Katz, Joseph. Dreams are Your Truest Friends. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1975. Redelmeier, Donald A., and Robert J. Tibshirani. “Association between Cellular-Telephone Calls and Motor Vehicle Collisions.” New England Journal of Medicine 336 (1997): 453-58. Stockwell, Jamie. “Phone Use Faulted in Collision.” Washington Post 6 Dec. 2000: B1+. Stwertka, Eve. Psychoanalysis. New York: Macmillan, 1988. Sundeen, Matt. “Cell Phones and Highway Safety: 2000 State Legislative Update.” National Conference of State Legislatures. Dec. 2000. 9 pp. 27 Feb. 2001 . The Landscape of Dreams. New York: Time-Life Books, 1985. Acknowledgement Here, the student may show his/her gratitude towards his/her supervisor and other teachers, saying thanks to those who have given him/her helps and instructions. The length should not be more than one page. The format here should also be the MLA one. 本科毕业论文(设计)题目审批表 学院(公章): 系别: 专业: 学生姓名: 学号: 题目来源:□教师推荐□自拟 指导教师: 职称: 题目类型:□理论型□应用型 所 选 题 目 中文: 外文: 选题理由(不少于200字): 毕业论文(设计)的分工情况【合作一个论文(设计)题目时填写】: 指导教师意见(不少于100字): 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 主管教学领导审批意见: 签字: 年 月 日 备注: 注:本表一式两份,一份附在论文(设计)内,一份交学院保存。 本科毕业论文(设计)中期检查表 学院(公章): 系别: 专业: 论 文 题 目 中文: 外文: 学号: 姓名: 指导教师: 职称: 完成时间: 论文(设计)的进度计划: 已经完成的内容: 指导教师意见(不少于100字): 指导教师签字: 年 月 日 备注: 注:本表一式两份,一份附在论文(设计)内,一份交学院保存。 本科毕业论文(设计)指导教师评语及打分表 学院(公章): 系别: 专业: 论 文 题 目 中文: 外文: 学号: 姓名: 指导教师: 职称: 论文分项得分 最高分 论文选题: 10 文献资料: 20 综合知识与技能的运用: 20 写作水平: 30 学术水平: 10 格式规范化: 10 指导教师给分: 注:依据《南开大学本科毕业论文评分标准》打分 指导教师评语(不少于200字): 备注: 注:本表一式两份,一份附在论文(设计)内,一份交学院保存。 本科毕业论文(设计)答辩记录及打分表 学院(公章): 系别: 专业: 论 文 题 目 中文: 外文: 学号: 姓名: 指导教师: 职称: 指导教师给分: 答辩委员会名单: 论文分项得分 最高分 论文选题: 10 文献资料: 20 综合知识与技能的运用: 20 写作水平: 30 学术水平: 10 格式规范化: 10 毕业论文(设计)得分:(以答辩委员会给分为准) 答辩委员会及表决意见(不少于200字): 答辩委员会主任: 年 月 日 备注: 记录人: 答辩时间: 年 月 日 注:本表一式两份,一份附在论文(设计)内,一份交学院保存。 南开大学本科毕业论文评分标准 等级 项目 优 良 中 及格 不及格 最高分 论 文 选 题 论文选题角度新颖,富于创造性,具有较高的理论水平和现实意义。 中心论题明确,有一定的理论水平和应用价值。 中心论题基本明确,能结合专业理论学习和社会实践。 论文选题与专业基本相关,但理论水平和应用性较差。 论文选题无理论和现实意义,与专业无关。 10 文 献 资 料 使用材料翔实、恰当,掌握大量的背景资料和数据。 有比较丰富的文献材料和较充足的理论依据。 持论有据 理论根据及客观材料有少部分欠缺 缺乏理论根据,客观材料空泛。 20 综合知识与技能的运用 能在问题研究中综合运用专业知识以及计算机、英语等各方面的能力。 能运用专业理论以及计算机、英语等各方面能力。有较好的理论基础和专业知识。 基础知识和综合能力一般,但能独立完成论文。 基础知识和综合能力较差,经过努力可在教师指导下完成论文。 缺乏应有的专业基础知识和综合能力,不能独立完成论文。 20 写 作 水 平 理论准确,逻辑严密,层次清楚,结构合理,语言流畅。 理论分析恰当,条理清楚,层次比较清楚,语言通顺。 条理清楚,有一定的分析能力和说服力,有少许语病。 材料陈述较为清楚,但分析力不强,个别地方语言不通顺。 分析能力差,论证不准确,材料简单堆砌。语言不准确。 30 学术水平 有独到的个人见解,学术性较强。 有一定的个人见解和学术性 能从个人角度分析和解决问题 无明显的个人见解 结论观点有错误 10 格 式 规 范 化 论文格式符合要求,打印清晰美观,无错别字,达到正式出版物水平。 格式基本符合要求,有个别错误,打印清楚,基本达到正式出版物水平。 内容提要和正文基本符合要求,但注释和参考文献格式有问题,打印基本清楚。 行文基本规范,但不符合学校规定的要求。 论文的格式不规范、打印不清晰。 10 PAGE
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