

2010-03-06 7页 doc 32KB 23阅读




听力高频词汇校园生活场景 1) 借书: book for reading assignment; check out; volume; check for sb; on the upper shelf; a book hard to identify/ is missing; s been misplaced 2) 教授和学生关系:学生问老师问题;学生寻求老师的帮助;学生询问老师对作业的意见;老师要求学生对论文打印错误等 do research for; semester; work as one's teach...
校园生活场景 1) 借书: book for reading assignment; check out; volume; check for sb; on the upper shelf; a book hard to identify/ is missing; s been misplaced 2) 教授和学生关系:学生问老师问;学生寻求老师的帮助;学生询问老师对作业的意见;老师要求学生对打印错误等 do research for; semester; work as one's teaching assistant; trouble a professor; may I ask you a few questions; I have a class at ten; come in one's office hours; finish reading one's research report; revise (improve) some parts of it; get it published; read some papers he recommended; correct all the typing errors in a paper; read it through again; check the paper for typing errors 3) 同学之间交流:选课;听课感受;对老师讲课的评价;提供老师论文复印件;交流论文写作进展;交流如何读书;考试通过互相祝贺;对生病同学补课;认识新同学;为打印论文而向对方询问如何找纸;谈论学习进展等 stay awake; sleep through; unnecessarily long; more attentive; on this topic; hard to follow; think of; speak highly of; consider sth. dull; choose a good topic; attend; think of sb.'s lecture; the topic is interesting; difficult to follow; say about; a copy of article; get on with one's essay; have a real hard time; two sleepless nights; be through with; finish the assignments; political science class; each present a different theory; read more than one article; get a full mark in math exams; do a good job; librarian; miss classes; bring sb. up to date; help sb. to catch up; show up late; on the first day of school; get to know; find quality paper to type essay; bookshelf; stock room; go and check; typewriter; have one's hands full with; book report; how are lessons going; make progress; well worth the time and trouble; rewarding; boring; entertaining; time consuming; take five classes next semester; too many courses offered to students 2. 家庭生活场景 1) 外出活动(看电影、逛街、参加晚会): go to the movies; go out for dinner; see a different type of movie for a change; be tired of movies about romantic stories; love stories; detective stories; royal theatre; I'm starving; what to wear to the party; cannot afford something new; attend a party; all of the clothes look so old; And with our student discount; the tickets will be a real cheap; 2) 外出旅行 the holiday is well soon be here; be on the plane; it is exciting to travel by air; fly somewhere for one's vacation; we'll have another fine day; let's go to the seaside; leave very early; set off early; go sightseeing; take a half day tour of the city; spend more time on sightseeing; get to the airport in time to catch the flight; get one's flight changed; switch to a different flight 3) 家居生活、休闲: sit out in the backyard to enjoy the beautiful day; there is a lot of laundry to do; wash clothes; why did sb. call; pick up magazine she learnt; get some magazines back; paint the house; have the house painted; climb the ladder; go home for the summer; count the days; on one's way home; pack for the summer vacation; the apple pie taste very good/delicious; even my mother cannot match this; have a look at the book I bought; bought out the bookstore; bought a lot of books; a large selection of books 4) 在家请客: ask sb. to the party; know one's address; invite Tom to the party; get the Johnson's address; call to tell him about the reception 3. 顾客与医生/服务员/秘书场景: 1) 买票/机场: I would like two tickets for 9 o'clock show; sell out; attend a show; have a ticket for 6 o'clock flight to New York; I am afraid I can't make it; is there a seat available for; all the morning flights have been booked up; fly to someplace; return one's ticket; change one's destination; here is a 10-dollar bill; give me two tickets for tonight's show please; you are not supposed to be here; this area is for the airport staff only; fly over to see; keep in touch; see sb. off; complain about the poor airport service; meet sb. at the airport 2) 约见: I'd like a talk with your director; could you arrange it for me; rather busy these days; arrange an appointment for sb. with sb.; you've arranged to meet sb.; going to contact Mr.Johnson; I am ringing to confirm my appointment with; expect sb. at; make an appintment; would you get me through to sb.; be with sb. 3) 餐馆/旅馆 have a table for four; a corner table; a table near the window; reserve a table; I'll be back with your order; how about the food I ordered; book a room with a bath; a single/double room on the second floor 4) 买书 I'd like to buy a copy of; that book has been out of print; it is no longer available; the information in the book is out of date; the paperback edition of this dictionary' hard cover is on sale; 5) 买东西/邮局 the newest model; represent the latest technology; we sell nothing but the best; be of the same brand; have a good sale; nice-looking straw hat; you can wear it rain or shine; I'm going to send the parcel to London; what's the postage for it; 4. 医院或诊所 what can I do for you; what's the matter with sb.; make an appointment to see the doctor; twist one's ankle; the injury does not seem serious; foot still hurt; put my weight on it 5. 运动/爱好/娱乐 1) 运动 boating and skating are my favorite sports; walk all the way to the office; find great pleasure in walking; take it as a kind of exercise; fishing is a good way to kill time; give a talk on fishing; have the same hobby as sb.; show great enthusiasm for; be enthusiastic for; be interested in; be willing to swim; how do you like yesterday's play; play one's part quite well/exaggerate his part= too dramatic to be realistic; see last night's film on channel 2) 闲聊: it's high time we turned our attention to the problem; I can't agree with you more; I'd ride a bike to work; take a crowded bus during the rush hours; take good care of one's car; the car is well maintained; the car is in good condition; no scratches on the outside and the inside is clean too; car can stand any crash 3) 公共场合: the music is beautiful; I'd like to dance; I don't know the steps; give performance; listen to the music; dance to music; Tom looks awfully nervous; be not used to making speeches; an awful/inexperienced speaker; be terribly embarrassed; the audience get up and leave in the middle of the performance; appreciate the real life drama; the title of the oil painting; an early 18-century work; look it up in the catalog; at an art gallery 6. 工作 compaint about one's job; accept a job; turn down the offer; it means frequent business trips away from family; the pay is too low to support one's family; get bored with the same routine; year after year; awfully dull; really exciting; very exhausting; quite challenging; stimulating; how did your experiment go; be through with your work; my boss ususally finds something for me to do at the last minute; be confident about the job interview; 7. 天气 have a severe winter; warm up; the weather is mild; enjoy the wonderful weather; 8. 居住/租房 move into a new apartment; it is more expensive; can't put up with the noise; have a room to let/for rent 9. 警察与公民 you were seen hanging about the store; unsolved case of robbery; search for reliable witness; this is a one-way street; didn't you see the sign; park car in a wrong place; break a traffic rule; drive at a low speed/ too fast
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