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英文写作技巧英文写作技巧 英文写作技巧 1、​ 如何写段落 写好段落是写好文章的基础。一个段落一般包括四个部分或四种类型的句子: 1​ 主题句。它确立整个段落的主题; 2​ 展开句。其功能是支持主题句所陈述的思想观点,提出各种细节或例证,以阐述或证明主题的各个方面; 3​ 过渡句。它虽然不包括任何新的内容,但是能起到承上启下的作用; 4​ 结论句。它总结前文,以不同形式的措辞重述主题句的思想。 写好一个段落应该注意下面几点: 1.​ 一个段落只有一个中心思想,一般在主题句中给出。发展句 和例句是说明、解释和展开主题句的,因此要尽量详细具体...
英文写作技巧 英文写作技巧 1、​ 如何写段落 写好段落是写好文章的基础。一个段落一般包括四个部分或四种类型的句子: 1​ 主题句。它确立整个段落的主题; 2​ 展开句。其功能是支持主题句所陈述的思想观点,提出各种细节或例证,以阐述或证明主题的各个方面; 3​ 过渡句。它虽然不包括任何新的内容,但是能起到承上启下的作用; 4​ 结论句。它总结前文,以不同形式的措辞重述主题句的思想。 写好一个段落应该注意下面几点: 1.​ 一个段落只有一个中心思想,一般在主题句中给出。发展句 和例句是说明、解释和展开主题句的,因此要尽量详细具体。 2.​ 句子要连贯。把句子自然顺利地衔接的方法有两种: a.​ 直接使用连接词。例如:for example, for instance, in addition, therefore, besides,, however, firstly, secondly, thirdly, first of all, then, finally等。 b.​ 间接关联。运用句子间的内在逻辑关系把它们合理地连接在一起。具体的作法有: 1​ 用代词重复前一句中的主要名词; 2​ 使用疑问代词或疑问副词引导的定语从句重复前面句子的关键名词。例如: who, whom, which, when, where等; 3​ 重复前面句子中的关键词或短语; 4​ 使用同义词重复前面句子中的关键词; 5​ 按时间顺序、因果关系等排列,保持逻辑上的一致。 3.​ 重点要突出。要按事物的重要性来安排次序,通常把最重要的内容写在最前面或最后面。 4.​ 注意语法,包括用词、句式、时态等。 段落的常用写作方法:在主题句确定之后,需要围绕主题扩展成段落。扩展的方式有多种,主要有下列几种: 1.​ 排序法。排列顺序是一种常见的段落发展方式,以这种方式完成的段落在层次 上清楚易懂。一般来说,要围绕主题列举必要的论据进行陈述和解释。排列顺序可根据内容的重要性、时间的先后或位置的远近来组织。常用的词语有:first, second, also, finally; one, another, still another; for one thing, for another; to begin with, on the one hand, on the other hand等。 2.​ 分类法。分类也是段落发展的一种方式,其特点是对所叙述的事物进行分门别 类。分类法一般使用下列词语:A is divided into …parts / groups / categories; there are …kinds ( categories, sorts, types, classes, sections ) of … The first one is called… It is… The second group …… 3.​ 比较与对照。比较与对照就是在写作中对两件事情的类似或相似的方面进行比 较,对不同的方面进行对比或对照。如果文章论述的主题包含两个或更多的对象,往往采取对比或对照写法。在文章的结构安排上往往采取两种方式: a.​ 交替式,即先描述各对象的一个相似或不同之处,再描述另外一个对象的相似 或不同之处。这样按一组组相似或不同之处交替写下去,最后完成段落。即A1B1。A2B2。A3B3。 b.​ 顺序式,即依次论述各对象的所有相似或不同之处。即A1A2A3。B1B2B3。 例如: 1. There are basic differences between large and small enterprises. For example, in small enterprises, you operate primarily through personal contacts, but in large enterprises, you have established policies, channels of organizations and rigid procedures. In small enterprises, you have immediate effectiveness. You can see the effect of your work and of your decisions right away. While in big enterprises, even the man at the top is only a bolt in a big machine. 2. Though the government of Great Britain and the United States are quite different, they share basic similarities in some aspects. First, the British Parliament is made up of two separate houses—the British House of Commons and the British House of Lords. Likewise, the US Congress has two divisions—the House of Representatives and the Senate. Next, the essential function of the British Parliament is to make laws; a bill has to be presented to both houses for debate to get passed before it can become a law. In the United States, the House of Representatives and the /senate play similar functions. Third, the Prime Minister in Great Britain appoints the members of the cabinet, who serve as the advisors and make government policies. In the same manners, the US president appoints his cabinet, which is composed of heads of the government departments. Finally, the British monarch (king or queen) has the right to veto any law. The US president can also refuse to sign any bill passed by the Congress. 3. Though Frenchmen and Americans have many common practices when eating, there are also some differences in table manners. The French keep the fork in the left hand while eating; but the Americans don’t. In France, both hands should be kept on the table while eating. In the US, the left hand may be on the lap. Frenchmen break off a piece of bread with their fingers and eat it. Americans, in contrast, pick up the whole piece. Finally, Frenchmen eat fruit with a knife and a fork. Americans, on the other hand, usually use their fingers. 在写这类段落时常常采用下列句式: a.​ There are some/ several / a few/ many differences between A and B. b.​ a is different from / differs from B in three aspects. c.​ There are similarities between A and B. d.​ A is similar to B in the following aspects. e.​ A has some advantages over B. f.​ A is… B is also… 常使用的短语有: on the contrary in contrast in comparison on the one hand, on the other hand be the same as be like / unlike similarly different / differ from while whereas however yet but 4.​ 因果和推理。这种方法通常用来解释某个事件发生的原因和结果。它往往采取 两种写作方法:a. 先写原因,后写结果;b. 先写结果,后写造成这一后果的原因。用于表示因果关系的过渡词语有:because, because of, owing to, due to, thanks to, as a result, as a result of, so, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, for this reason, since, as, on account of(由于)。 5.举例法,即以实例说明或证实作者的观点,它也是最常用的方法之一。常使用的短语有:for example, for instance, as an example, for another example; one example is, another example is; an example will be; furthermore, moreover, besides, in addition to, also, additionally. 段落写作示范: 1.​ 在中国,几乎每个大城市都存在严重的交通问题。这是因为中国的大城市发展 得很快。首先,汽车的数量一直在增加。其次城市人口越来越壮大,此外,路况也未能得到改善。这些因素都已成为交通隐患。在大城市,道路拥挤和交通阻塞现象随处可见,交通事故也时常发生。 2.​  Traffic problems exist in almost every big city in China. This is because big cities in China develop very fast. First, the number of vehicles has been on the increase. Second, urban population has become larger and larger. In addition, road conditions have not been improved. All these factors have become potential traffic problems. In big cities, road crowdedness and traffic jams are commonly seen and traffic accidents often occur. 3.​ 在家看电视比出去看电影好。首先,您可以节省大量时间。出去看电影要花很 多时间,比如乘车、排队买票等。其次,您可以自己做出选择。当您发现这个节目不适合您的时候,您可以选择另一个节目。第三,在家看电视更舒服。您可以躺着,坐着;也可以边吃边看,很随意。第四,您可以节省钱。现在电影很贵,而电视节目是免费的,即使是看有线电视节目您也只需交很少的钱。这些都是在家看电视的好处。总的来说,大多数人喜欢在家看电视。 Watching TV at home is better than going to movies. First of all, you can save a lot of time。It takes much time to go out to movies, like taking buses, lining up for tickets, etc. Secondly, you can make your own choices. When you find one program does not suit you, you can select another one. Thirdly, it’s more comfortable to watch TV at home. You can lie or sit, and you can also eat. You can do whatever you like. Finally, you can save money. Nowadays movies are expensive while TV programs are free. Even if you watch cable TV, you need to pay only a little money. These are some of the benefits of watching TV at home. Generally speaking, most people prefer watching TV at home. 2.​  3.​ 在中国,自行车非常普及,深受多数人的欢迎。原因如下:首先,自行车便宜, 大部分人能买得起。一般来说,自行车的价位在300元左右,而且,一旦拥有了自行车,除了适当的维修外无需额外的投入。第二,骑自行车是一中良好的锻炼方式,它锻炼我们的腿、腰和胳膊,使我们保持健康。第三,自行车不会造成空气污染,一旦自行车主宰道路,城市会变得干净许多,我们也将拥有一个更美好的生存环境。最后一点,自行车体积小,占地少。自行车确实有很多优势,难怪许多人喜欢自行车。 In China bikes are very popular and are preferred by most people. The reasons are as follows: first, bicycles are cheap and most people can afford one. Generally, a bicycle costs around 300 yuan. What’s more, once you own one, you do not invest extra money except for proper maintenance. Second, riding a bicycle is a good exercise. It exercises our legs, waists and arms, keeping us healthy. Third, bicycles do not cause air pollution. Once bicycles dominate roads, cities will be cleaner and we will have a nicer living environment. At last, bicycles are small and take up little space. Bicycles do have a lot of advantages and no wonder so many people prefer them. 3. 不管你住在哪里,你都有充分理由拥有一部汽车。首先,汽车已成为许多国家生活中的重要部分。汽车提供了最方便的交通工具。有了汽车,你愿意去哪里就去哪里,而且不会花很多时间。第二,汽车是一种舒适的旅行工具,特别在冬天和雨天。最后一点,夜间开车出去通常很安全。 Wherever you live, you have good reasons to own a car. First, cars have become an important part of life in many countries. They provide the most convenient means of transportation. With a car, you can go wherever you like, and it won’t take you much time. Second, a car is a comfortable means of travel, especially in winter and rainy days. Finally, driving at night is usually quite safe. 如何写好短文 注意事项:严格按照要求写,所进行的论述要点到为止,不必 过分深入,保证字数。 短文的基本格式为:(1)开始段;(2)主体段;(3)结论段。 对各段落的安排有两种:(1)两头瘦,中间肥。即开始段提出主题,但不深入。在主体段里用大量的笔墨论述主题。结论段用简洁的语言概括主题段。(2)有时开始段和主体段是从不同方面写的,它们的侧重点不同,比如描写不同的观点,它们使用的笔墨大体相同。而在最后一段即结论段中要求作者给出自己的观点。相对来说,结论段使用的笔墨较少。 开始段是短文的中心,也是短文即将讨论的主题。主体段是短文的主体,可以是一段,也可以是几段。结论段通常以简洁的词语概括短文的中心内容,或者再次说明作者的观点。结论段落往往采取下列几种方法:(1)以新颖的形式重申主题,总结主要观点;(2)针对文章讨论的问题提出解决的方法;(3)强调主题的意义及重要性。结论段中常常使用这样的短语:in short, in a word, in conclusion, on the whole, in summary, finally, to summarize, to sum up, to draw a conclusion, at length, therefore, as far as I am concerned, in my opinion。 短文写作示范 国产电器与进口电器哪个更好? 人们在购买家用电器时面临很多选择,不同的人有不同的观点。有些人喜欢国产商品,而有些人则喜欢进口商品。 喜欢国货的人认为,大部分国货,如电视机、DVD机、高保真音响,不仅在质量上几乎与进口货一样好,而且价格便宜许多。例如一台29英寸的彩色电视机,国产货价格为4000元左右,而进口货至少贵一倍。既然它们都差不多,选择国货岂不更好。这一部分人占大多数。 还有一部分人在选择家电时侧重进口货,他们认为,进口商品款式新颖、质量上乘,而且经久耐用,在这些方面国产货远远置后。他们不考虑价格,在他们看来,便宜没好货,好货不便宜。 1.就个人而言,我更喜欢进口商品。我相信这些商品在质量和功能方面胜似国产货。 2.就个人而言,我更喜欢国产商品。随着科学技术的发展和先进技术的引进,中国的产品在质量上已经取得了巨大的飞跃。 Which is better, domestic electric appliances or imported ones? People face many choices in buying household appliances. Different people have different opinions. Some prefer domestic ones, others like imported ones. Those who prefer domestic products believe that most home made product, like TV sets, DVD players and Hi-Fi stereo players, are not only almost as good imported product in quality, but also are much cheaper in prices. Take a 29-inch color TV set for example. Domestic product costs around 4000 yuan while overseas product will cost at least twice as much. Since there is almost no difference between these two kinds of product, it would be a better idea to choose domestic product. A majority of people fall into this group. Some people have a strong preference for imported product when they select household appliances. In their opinion, foreign products are new in design, good in quality and are durable. Domestic products are left far behind in these aspects. They do not take prices into consideration. They believe that what is cheap is not good and what is good is not cheap. 1. As far as I am concerned, I prefer imported goods. I believe they are much better in quality and function than domestic goods. 2. As far as I am concerned, I like domestic goods better. With the development of science and technology and the introduction of advanced technology, China has made great advances in product quality. 图表写作 图表式作文的写作模式常规由两部分组成。第一部分说明该图表反映的总体情况,并对图表的项目进行仔细分析、比较(如图表项目为数字时,则归纳出递增或递减、倍数或分数关系,然后用变换的句式将有代表性的数据描述出来,以支持总述第二部分写读完图表后的看法,有的可能要求得出结论,也可能要求分析图表的项目数据产生的原因。 要求:1。不要面面俱到;2。客观分析为主,个人观点为辅。 1. Causes of Death in USA Year heart disease pneumonia cancer accidents 1986 114 95 52 65 1987 130 89 50 68 1988 131 80 53 68 1989 133 84 54 68 1990 139 83 52 65 Unit: ten thousand 表格中所列出的美国死亡原因包括心脏病、肺炎、癌症和交通事故。 根据表格,美国在1986至1990年期间的主要死亡原因一直是心脏病。1986年,有114万人死于这种疾病,而在1990年,这个数字上增加到139万,了升了25万。 在这五年中,肺炎始终是美国的第二大死亡原因。尽管肺炎的死亡率正在降低,但是在1990年仍然有83万美国人死于该疾病。 交通事故被列为第三大死亡原因。从表格来看,从1986年到1990年,事故死亡率保持基本不变。 继交通事故之后,癌症于1990年成为美国的第四大死亡原因。在过去的五年中,癌症死亡率也保持在相对稳定的水准上。1986年和1990年,癌症死亡率为52万,1989年达到高峰。 The causes of death in USA listed in the chart are heart disease, pneumonia, cancer and traffic accidents. According to the chart, the leading cause of death in America from 1986 to 1990 was heart disease. In 1986, there were 1,140,000 people died of heart disease and the number rose to 1,390,000 in 1990, up 25,000. During the five years, pneumonia had been the second biggest cause of death in America. Although the death rate of pneumonia had been on the decline, there were still 830,000 people who died of the disease in 1990. Traffic accidents ranked third among the cause of death in the US. According to the chart, death rates from accidents remained almost the same. . Cancer became the fourth main cause of death in 1990 after traffic accidents. In the past five years, cancer death rates were at a relatively stable level. In 1986 and 1990, death rate of cancer was 520,000. It reached its peak with 540,000 people dying of the disease. From this chart we know that the above mentioned causes are and will be mainly responsible for human life losses. 2. The US Congress Congress The House The Senate No. of members 435 100 Length of term 2 years 6 years No. of members from each state determined by population of the state 2 qualification for election at least 25, US citizen for 7 years at least 30, US citizen for 9 years 美国国会分为两部分,众议院和参议院。 众议院拥有435个席位,而参议院只有100个席位。因此众议院比参议院大。众议员任职两年, 参议员任职六年。每个州的众议员人数由该州的人口决定,而每个州的参议员人数是固定的,只有两人。 对国会议员的资格有一定的要求。根据美国宪法,众议员必须至少25岁,为美国公民的时间至少为7年。参议员至少必须30岁,为美国公民9年。 一般来说,参议员比众议员名气大,这是因为参议员数量少,但任职时间长。 The US Congress is divided into two parts, the House of Representatives and the Senate. There are 435 seat in the House while there are only 100 seats in the Senate. So the House is much bigger than the Senate. A House of Representative serves for two years while a Senator is in office for six years. The number of Representatives for each state is determined by the population of the state, but the number of Senators for every state is definite, with only two. There are some requirements for the qualifications of each congressman. Under the American constitution, a Representative must be at least 25 years old and be a US citizen for 7 years. A Senator has to be at least 30 years old and live in the States for 9 years. Generally speaking, Senators are better known that Representatives because they are smaller in numbers but stay longer in office. 写作常用句型 1.​ There is evidence that… 有证据表明… 2.​ All the facts show that…所有事实表明… 3.​ Experience shows that…过去的经验显示… 4.​ I have reached the conclusion that我最终得出的结论是… 5.​ A is superior to B in several ways. A在几个方面胜过B。 6.​ The most important reason for… is that…:…的重要原因是… 7.​ Another factor is that…另外一个因素是… 8.​ As far as …is concerned, I prefer… 9.​ For my part, I …就我个人而言, 我… 10.​ Personally, I prefer 11.​ Generally speaking, I like… 12.​ In my opinion… 13.​ From my point of view 14.​ My view is that 15.​ As opposed to popular belief, I believe that…:与普遍观点相反,我认为… 16.​ As the saying goes:俗话说 17.​ But in fact this is not the case 但事实不是这么回事。 18.​ Despite the arguments above, I prefer…to…尽管有以上的这些争论,我更倾向于… 19.​ From what has been discussed, we may safely draw the conclusion that…从以上的讨论我们可以放心地得出结论… 20.​ Here is one more example.这里还有一个例子。 21.​ Perhaps the most important example of … is that…:…的最重要的例子也许是… 22.​ Take…for example 23.​ Perhaps this is because of the fact that…可能这是因为一个简单的事实… 24.​ No one can deny the fact that 没人能够否认… 25.​ It is commonly believed that…人们普遍认为… 26.​ Some people think that… 27.​ Studies show that 28.​ Experts / Researchers / experiments have already proved that专家/研究者/实验已经证明… 29.​ …does more good than harm. …利大于弊。 30.​  The advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 31.​ There are several problems with… one being…and the other being… 32.​ One solution to this problem is that… 33.​ Therefore I strongly recommend that… 34.​ Unfortunately, very few people have realized this. 35.​ However, little effort has been made to … 36.​ We can view this in two different ways. 37.​ Some people think that ….., but this is not always the case. 38.​ There are two ways of spending one’s free time: one is enjoying music or reading, the other is taking part in sports activities. 39.​ To decide which is the best way, one has weigh the advantages and disadvantages on both sides. 40.​ Although …has its drawbacks, its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. 41.​ It is fairly known that vitamin C is indispensable to the health. But it is probably less well known that taking it excessively may do harm to the human body. 42.​ Just as woods are indispensable to birds, so is the Earth to human beings. 43.​ For one thing, Beijing is different from … in that it is populous and crowded while … is just the opposite. 44.​ As Shelley put it, “if winter comes, can spring be far behind?” 45.​ China is rich in natural resources, but it does not follow that we can take as much as we can. 46.​ It goes without saying that… 47.​ Even if we took measures now, it would take us at least 20 years to accomplish the educational reform. 48.​ From the data we can see that men make up only 24 percent while women constitute 76 percent. 49.​ This table provides several important points of comparison between the two… 50.​ We can draw a conclusion from the comparison that…is far better than… 51.​ Most important of all, we must…. 52.​ An illustration may make the point clear. 53.​ Why reading is a little like sport? Perhaps an example will make the point. 54.​ To some degree, mankind takes up too much of the Earth. 55.​ The average income of most people is still rather low in comparison with the ever-increasing rate of price growth. 56.​ The attention of the public has been drawn to AIDS, which is threatening human beings. 57.​ Generally speaking, brain drain has disadvantages to the development of our country. 58.​ People’s attitudes towards drugs vary from person to person. Some regard them as miraculous(神奇的). Then what is the sensible (明智) attitude toward drugs? 写作常用的过渡词语: 1.​ 表示递增 additionally; in addition, also, moreover, furthermore, besides, not only…but also, not only…but…as well, what is more, again, 2.​ 表示举例 for example, for instance, such as, just as, as, like, a case in point, take…for example, as an example, as an illustration, as follows 3.​ 表示同位 i.e., that is, that is to say, namely, in other words, 4.​ 表示相似 similarly, correspondingly, in the same way, likewise, in fact, in reality, as a matter of fact, 5.​ 表示列数 first, furthermore, finally; firstly, secondly, thirdly; above all, first and foremost, most important, to begin with, to start with; in the first place, in the second place; and to conclude; next, then, afterwards; lastly, finally, in the end, eventually 6.​ 表示过渡 with regard to 关于 regarding, concerning, considering, as to, as for, as far as…is concerned, speaking of, 7.​ 表示总结 in conclusion, to sum up, to summarize, to conclude, in summary, in brief, altogether, overall, in short, as has been mentioned above, on the whole, 8.​ 表示因果 so, thus, therefore, as a result, consequently, in consequence, due to, because of, owing to, thanks to, for this reason, so that, so much so that, 9.​ 表示让步 even so, or else, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, in spite of, despite, although, regardless of, on the other hand, admittedly, after all, even if, even though, 10.​ 表示对照 but, in contrast with / to , conversely, on the contrary, while, whereas, but, on the one hand….on the other hand…. 11.​ 表示选择 rather than, instead of, not…but…, whether…or…, either…or…, neither…nor…both…and… 范文 Fighting Crimes 1.​ The crime rate in some cities of our country is rising. 2.​ Different people might have different attitudes towards criminals. 3.​ Your possible solutions to reducing the crime rate. Today the crime rate in some cities of our country is rising. Many citizens often complain about the thefts and robberies that have take place in the areas where they live and appeal to the governments at all levels to take effective measures to reduce crime rate. Different people might have different attitudes towards criminals. When faced with criminals, some people are so frightened that they give up fight and run away. Other people just turn a blind eye to them. However, there are some people who are brave enough to risk their lives to fight criminals. To reduce the crime rate, we should first receive a law education. Criminals must be severely punished. Meanwhile we should set up a foundation to reward those who fight criminals. It is also important to call on people to learn from these heroes and encourage more people to stand up to crimes. 2. 建立信息高速公路系统之我见 1. 建立此系统的好处及存在的问题 2. 表明自己的态度并做出结论 My view on the construction of information superhighway system Information superhighway is a popular name. It is the Internet of communication networks, computers, data bank, and equipment of everyday use. It is constructed to transmit information easier and more smoothly in order for people to process and deal with information that is available and unused. The construction of the system may bring many benefits. First of all, it will improve proficiency in science, technology and research. Secondly, it may help strengthen competitive abilities. Thirdly, the system can make it possible for people in different places to work together and for adults to get further education without leaving home. In short, it can make communication possible in almost every respect. On the other hand, with the construction of the system, many problems may arise. Take, for example, an enormous amount of funds to be invested. Information will make rich countries richer,
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