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寒假第1天眼睛一睁,开始竞争 13号视译书第2单元 Human population 人类(用于比较专业的,如科学) Radiation exposure 辐射暴露 Atomic weapon 原子武器 May i ask you to 。。。我想请你。。。 The moment when all the people became angry and began to argue with one another as to who should take the responsibility was exactly...
眼睛一睁,开始竞争 13号视译书第2单元 Human population 人类(用于比较专业的,如科学) Radiation exposure 辐射暴露 Atomic weapon 原子武器 May i ask you to 。。。我想请你。。。 The moment when all the people became angry and began to argue with one another as to who should take the responsibility was exactly the time when an even more serious event took place. 当时,所有人都愤怒了 ,他们争执不休,试图辨明谁要对此负责任。恰恰在这个时候,一个更加严重的事件发生了。 Indeed,we hope to intensify work with a china// that not only adjusts to the international rules developed over the last century,but also join us and others to address the challenges of the new century. 的确,我们希望加强与中国的合作,希望中国不仅能够适应国际准则,适应过去一个世纪发展起来的国际准则,而且希望 中国能与我们和其他国家一起,迎接新世纪的挑战。 Underlying causes 根本原因 迎接挑战 address the challenge Devise measures effectively 制定有效 The General Assembly recognized //the importance of //international cooperation in devising measures effectively //to prevent their terrorist acts //and of studying their underlying causes //with a view to finding just and peaceful solutions// as quickly as possible.联合国大会认识到, 重要的是 //要进行 国际合作,制定有效措施,以防止国际恐怖活动;同样重要的是要研究其根本原因,以便找到公正、和平的解决方法,越快越好 。 The moment when the united states took its place as a leader and a permanent actor //on the stage of international politics---at the end of the second world war---coincided with the dawn of the nuclear age.当时,美国开始作为 领导者和长期活跃的角色//出现在 国际政治舞台上,那正是二战结束之际,恰恰也是核时代的开始。 Station 驻扎 Billet (billets billeting billeted) 1 [VERB] If members of the armed forces are billeted in a particular place, that place is provided for them to stay in for a period of time. The soldiers were billeted in private homes. 2 [N-COUNT]A billet is a house where a member of the armed forces has been billeted.宿营地 Partisan 1.ADJ Someone who is partisan strongly supports a particular person or cause, often without thinking carefully about the matter. He is clearly too partisan to be a referee. 2 [N-COUNT] Partisans are ordinary people, rather than soldiers, who join together to fight enemy soldiers who are occupying their country. He was rescued by some Italian partisans. (党徒,游击队员) Radio operator 无线电报务员 Unleavened 不发酵的 Leaven verb [T] 1 to add a substance to bread or another food made with flour to make it get bigger when it is cooked使发酵 2 FORMAL to make something less boring 使有趣,活跃 名词 发酵剂,使气氛活跃的因素 Whole wheat bread 全麦馒头,保麸馒头 Millet 小米 Famish 挨饿v Nonchalant adj. If you describe someone as nonchalant, you mean that they appear not to worry or care about things and that they seem very calm. Bill 帽舌,帽檐 Flap 。。。。。moves quickly up and down or from side to side. embolden [VERB] 使勇敢 If you are emboldened by something, it makes you feel confident enough to behave in a particular way. hearted -hearted combines with adjectives such as `kind' or `cold' to form adjectives which indicate that someone has a particular character or personality or is in a particular mood. They are now realising just how much they owe to kind-hearted strangers... Eat heartedly 吃的很开心 lad 男孩,小伙子 Sour 形容人时 bad-tempered and unfriendly Call to sb 叫某人,向。。。打招呼 The food was served----//delivered is the word ---//by two nonchalant young lads 伺候吃饭的,确切的说应该是端饭的,是两个态度冷淡的小兵 Section A section of something is one of the parts into which it is divided or from which it is formed.部分 此处的deliver(If you deliver something somewhere, you take it there.) Headquarter 红军的司令部 Chou Enlai asked me to come next morning to his headquarters,in a nearby village.周恩来让我第二天早上到他的司令部去,司令部就 在附近的村庄里。 I sat down to dinner //with a section of the Communications Department.我坐下来吃饭,一起吃饭的还有交通处的人。 School of 。。。 ...院 Liquidity provision 流动资金供给 Public balance sheet policy rate 政策利率 Reserve requirement 准备金要求 One-off 一次性的 Pro-cyclical Debt sustainability Liquidity squeeze流动性紧缩 Peg 图钉 Pegged exchange rate 固定汇率 Liquidity facility 流动贷款工具(SLF短期流动贷款工具) Ex post 事后的 Swap line 货币互换协议 寒假第2天 二级第1单元的记忆练习 Boiling mud holes 沸腾的泥浆洞 Surveyor 勘测员(survey:find and record the area and features of (a piece of land) by measurement and/or calculation (eg using trigonometry) 测量, 勘察, 勘测(土地): Act:decree or law made by a legislative body (立法机构所立的)法案, 法令 Bill:draft of a proposed law, to be discussed by a parliament (提交议会讨论的)法案 set aside 特意留出,不予理睬 If you set something aside for a special use or purpose, you keep it available for that use or purpose. Prized: something important and valuable珍视的 Prize vt. 珍视 Marvel at 对。。。惊讶 Enumerate : name (things on a list) one by one; count 列出(上的事物); 数 Census 人口统计 Push off 离开 Foodstuff : substances which people eat.食料,食物 Metropolis 大城市,首府 megalopolis 特大城市,城市集群 Spurt / spɜːt; spət/ 喷发 Perfect v 使完美 Electric elevator 电梯 President Grant格兰特总统 Cart:to take something or someone somewhere, especially using a lot of effort Mass transit 大量客运(=public transport) electric trolley 电车 Cloud-brushing 高耸入云的 communal (a) for the use of all; shared 全体共用的; 分享的: (b) of or for a community 集体的; 为集体的: Compact 紧凑的 Segregate 隔离 近代民主革命先行者 孙中山 创立 伏龙芝军事学院 耄耋(maodie) 商务口译第1单元 礼仪致辞 ceremonial speeches Condemnation 谴责/ commendation 赞扬 commend 赞扬,推荐 Mourn (ɔː):feel or show sorrow or regret for the loss of sb/sth 因丧失某人[某事物]而悲痛或示哀悼 Eulogy颂词[ˈju:lədʒi] National day oration国庆演说 Farewell address 告别演说 Epideictic 辞藻华丽的 Inspiring 启发性的 Arousing 煽动性的 Word preference 用词偏好 Syntax 句法 Identification认同 Magnification称赞 Expound 详述 Perspective 主观看法 Reality客观事实 Identify with each other 建立相互之间的认同感 Somber 严肃的 Go overboard on the humor 过于幽默 Be certain to Jovial adjective (of a person) friendly and in a good mood和蔼而快乐 尊敬的各位领导Respected leaders 紧张的筹备 intense preparation Fishery 渔业(fishery industry) 渔场 泛珠三角 pan-pearl river delta(PPRD) Pan- of or relating to all or the whole of 全的; 总的; 泛的 经济合作论坛 economic cooperation forum ......终于胜利召开了。 ......convenes now. convene / kən'viːn 注意读音; oceanic /'oʊʃi'ænɪk/ 注意读音 pending (a) waiting to be decided or settled 待决; 未决 探讨和拓展。。。合作和发展的新路子 expand the cooperation in..../explore and discuss the new possibilities of the cooperation 落实合作内容 materialize the content of the cooperation Materialize :become a reality; happen 成为现实; 实现; 发生/ take bodily form; become visible; appear 具体化; 实体化; 呈现; 出现 Include the participation of ASEAN counterparts counterpart Someone's or something's counterpart is another person or thing that has a similar function or position in a different place. 省政府 local governments at provincial level 得到高度重视和大力支持 be stresses and facilitated by 九省区 nine provinces and areas HKSAR Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 坦诚交流 candid exchange of ideas 集思广益 collective wisdom 丰硕成果 fruitful results 想大家介绍。。。的情况 brief sb on sth. 广东是渔业大省 Guangdong has a massive fishery industry. 产量 output 水产品 aquatic products 渔业经济总产值 the gross productivity of fishery 总产值 gross productivity 出口量和出口额 the export volume and value Year on year 与去年同期相比 Year by year 逐年 Compare to 比作 Compare with 比较 Commencement (fml 文) beginning 开始. (esp US) ceremony at which academic degrees are officially given 学位颁授典礼.毕业典礼 Truth be told, ......说实话,。。。 big deal 1 大生意,大交易 2 (美俚)a. 非同小可之事,大事 b. [带著讽刺当感叹词用] 了不起!(真意为“有什么了不起!”) The first story is about connecting the dots.第一个故事是关于人生中的点点滴滴是如何串连在一起的。 Drop out of 。。。从。。。退学 Drop-in 插班生 Drop in on sb. 顺道拜访。。。 Unwed 未婚的 unwed mother 未婚妈妈 Graduate student研究生 College graduate 大学毕业生 Adoption 收养 Biological mother 生母 Baby boy 男婴 Relent 1.decide to be less strict, determined or harsh 决定采取较为温和﹑ 缓和或宽容的态度和做法 2.(of the speed or rate of doing sth, etc) become less intense (指做某事等的速度或进度)减弱, 缓和: The pressure on us to finish this task will not relent. 我们为完成此项任务受到的压力不会减轻. 3.(of bad weather) improve (指坏天气)变好: I trust that it would all work out okay. 相信船到桥头自然直。 Intuition (power of) understanding things (eg a situation, sb's feelings) immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning or study 直觉/////tuition 学费 Stumble 绊脚If you stumble, you put your foot down awkwardly while you are walking or running and nearly fall over. Serif 衬线 San serif 无衬线 Typeface (印刷)字体 Typography / taɪˋpɑɡrəfɪ/ 印刷 Artistically 以艺术的手法,美妙高雅的 Subtle 精细感 Practical application 实际应用 You can't connect the dots looking forward;you can only connect them looking backward. 你无法预先把点点滴滴串连起来,只有在未来回顾时,你才明白它们是如何串在一起的。 Gut 勇气与决心;内脏 Karma 命运;因缘 Make all the difference 意义重大 Well-worn path 老路 well-worn 1 用旧了的2 陈腐的,平凡的,普通的 Diverge If one thing diverges from another similar thing, the first thing becomes different from the second or develops differently from it. You can also say that two things diverge.分歧 分叉 The board of directors 董事会 Side with sb 支持。。。,站在。。。一边 Let sb. down 使某人失望 Previous generation of entrepreneurs 企业界的前辈 Baton 警棍,接力棒(比喻义是责任的传递),权杖,指挥棒 Public failure 公众眼中的失败者 Dawn ~ (on sb) gradually become clear to sb's mind; become evident (to sb) (某人)逐渐明白 Start over/afresh 出头开始 studio work-room of a painter, sculptor, photographer, etc (画家﹑ 雕塑家﹑ 摄影师等的)工作室, 画室, 雕塑室, 摄影室, 照相馆. room from which radio or television programmes are regularly broadcast or in which recordings are made (电台或电视的)播音室, 演播室, 录制室: (a) place where cinema films are acted and photographed (电影)摄影棚. (b) (usu pl通常作复数) cinema company, including all its buildings, offices, etc 电影公司; 电影制片厂: Renaissance 复兴 Don't lose faith!别丧失信心。(不要听成face) With all matters of the heart 全心全意 be about to do sth : intend to do sth immediately; be on the point of doing sth 即将; 正要 。。。In a row 连续。。。 Tumor 肿瘤 Pancreas 胰脏 胰腺 /pæŋkriəs/ Code 密码,暗号,准则、章程、规章,编码, Button up (infml 口) complete sth successfully 顺利完成某事物 biopsy 活体解剖 [生物] 活组织检查 [临床] 切片 Endoscope 内视镜 Intestine 肠 Sedate 给。。。注射镇静剂vt Live someone else's life 活在别人的生活里 Dogma 教条,教义,信条(贬义)If you refer to a belief or a system of beliefs as a dogma, you disapprove of it because people are expected to accept that it is true, without questioning it. Drown 淹没 ,浸透,a drowning man 快要淹死的人,drown a kitten 溺死小猫,drown the meal in gravy 把饭菜泡在肉汁里,turn up the radio to drown (out)the noise of the traffic 放大收音机音量以盖住车辆的噪音 Publication: A publication is a book or magazine that has been published. Catalogue目录/ catalog Paperback平装本/ hardback精装本 Neat 整洁的,朴素雅致的,外形悦目的,效率高的,细心聪明的,绝妙的(口) Notion 概念 信念 Be overflowing with 充满。。。 sign off 停止播送,结束 Stay hungry ,stay foolish 求知若饥,虚心若愚 寒假第3天 尊敬的帕森斯先生 dear Mr. Parsons 美好的夜晚 pleasant evening Evening:part of the day between about 6p.m. and bedtime Night: time of darkness between sunset and sunrise In my own name 主办方:sponsor Inc. ABBREVIATION FOR incorporated: used in the names of US companies that are legally established: Time Warner Inc. 时代华纳集团 。。。的发展前景 the prospects of the development of。。。 A gives full expression to B 。。。A充分表达了B The widespread interest in... In the context of / with/ 带来机遇 generate opportunities 相互依存 interdependence 互利合作 mutually beneficial cooperation 注意!不用between different countries 而用among the world's countries and regions 迎来。。。Usher in ....(an even better future) 文明古国 ancient civilization 勤劳智慧 hard work and ingenuity 中华文明 Chinese civilization Stands/be testimony to 见证了。。。,证明了。。。 人民大会堂 the Great Hall of the People well-preserved An ensemble of things or people is a group of things or people considered as a whole rather than as separate individuals. Ancient royal architecture time-honored因年久而被尊敬“遵守”的,由来已久的,有来历的,历史悠久的 中华民族 the Chinese nation 中国人民 the Chinese people 感受 learn 、feel 源远流长 long-standing/ have a long history 博大精深 broad and profound 自强不惜 resilience 顽强奋斗 perseverance Vigor strength, energy or enthusiasm 列强的野蛮侵略 brutal foreign aggression / invasion 封建统治的腐败无能 the corrupt and incompetent feudal rulers If someone languishes somewhere, they are forced to remain and suffer in an unpleasant situation. 民不聊生 the people languished in poverty and starvation/...hardship 丧权辱国 humiliate the country and forfeit its sovereignty Refusing to submit to.... 不懈抗争 fight back persistently 建立新中国 build up a new China 短短26年间In a short span of 26 years 进出口总额 foreign trade volume Volume :the number or amount of something in general 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve Dwindle 逐渐变少或变小 综合国力 overall national strength 继承和发扬 inherit and carry forward ... 创造新的历史 write a new chapter in history 建设中国特色社会主义 build socialism with Chinese characteristics 万众一心 ...of one mind 抓住重要战略机遇期 seize the important strategic opportunities 全面//建设更高水平的//小康社会build //a moderately prosperous society //of a higher standard //in an all-round way 惠及十几亿人口 for the benefits of our over one billion people 翻两番 quadruple 注意! 到2020年实现国内生产总值比2000年翻两番,达到40000亿美元左右,人均国内生产总值达到3000美元左右 by 2020,we will quadruple China's GDP of 2000 to approximate 4trillion with a per capita level of some 3000. 科教 science and education 社会更加和谐 foster greater social harmony dos|si|er A dossier is a collection of papers containing information on a particular event, or on a person such as a criminal or a spy. 材料,卷宗 Challenging 富于挑战性的(sth.) Profession 1.A profession is a type of job that requires advanced education or training.职业2 .You can use profession to refer to all the people who have the same profession.业界 Professional development 职业发展 Career prospective 职业规划 The recruitment of workers, soldiers, or members is the act or process of selecting them for an organization or army and persuading them to join.招聘,招募,招兵 In a drive to have recourse to sb/sth : (fml 文) turn to sb/sth for help; get help from sb/sth 求助於某人[某事物] Recourse: possible source of help, eg in an emergency 求助的对象(如情况紧急时): take root 建立,确立;生根,扎根 Hostage 人质 Quality must not become the hostage of quantity. Be hostage to 受制于。。。 hold [take] sb hostage扣留。。。作人质 Guiding principle 方针/ guideline 指导方针 Curriculum 全部的课程,但也可以表示单门的课; 单门的叫course (against...)Backdrop/context/background 中美关系正常化 normalization of the relationship between .... 事业cause 位于辽东半岛南端 situated at the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula 田径 track and field sports 组委会 organizing committee 名誉主席 honorary chairman 电视台 television station 气候宜人 pleasant climate 风景秀丽 charming sceneries opportune (of time) suitable or favourable for a purpose (指时间)合适的, 恰好的, 适宜的 旅游目的地 tourism destination An itinerary is a plan of a journey, including the route and the places that you will visit. /ai'tɪnərəri/ Production boost, increase, step up | cut, cut back (on) | halt, stop | speed up 深知 be deeply aware that 在很长一段时间内 for a considerably long period of time to come Uphill 艰苦的 A long and uphill journey长期的艰苦奋斗 实现目标 realize the goal/meet the target 坚持 uphold/adhere to/follow 坚持以科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局 uphold the scientific approach in achieving economic and social development of the country 从最广大人民的根本利益出发 不断满足人民日益增长的物质文化需求 satisfy their growing material and cultural needs 努力促进人的全面发展 pursue the comprehensive development of man 以经济建设为中心 focus on economic development as our central task 把发展作为第一要务 making development our top priority 推动经济建设、政治建设、文化建设与和谐社会建设全面发展 facilitate the all-round progress in economic,political and cultural aspects and in fostering a harmonious society 注意“文化”与“文明” 坚持社会主义市场经济的改革方向Continue with the development of a socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济socialist market economy 制度创新 institutional innovation 激发创造活力 inspire creativity 内在动力 inherent dynamics 基本国策 basic policy 建立更加开放的市场体系 further open the market 坚持走新型工业化道路 follow a new course of industrialization 转变经济增长方式 transform mode of growth 循环经济 circular economy 走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路 blaze a trail of development characterized by higher productivity ,comfortable life for the people and a sustainable eco-system 只要我们坚定不移的走符合中国国情的发展道路 as long as we firmly follow the path of development that is consistent with China's national conditions(that suits China's national conditions) 坚定不移 firmly follow... 发展道路 path of development 建设性作用 constructive role 外商直接投资 FDI 批准 approve 外商投资企业/外资企业 foreign-funded enterprises (establish) 合作共赢的机遇 cooperation opportunities with win-win results 研发中心 R&D center 改革涉外经济管理体制 revamp foreign economic management 涉外经济学 : Foreign Economics revamp :they make changes to it in order to try and improve it 知识产权 intellectual property rights 中国对外经贸合作 trade and economic cooperation between China and the rest of the word 相关产业技术水平的提高 technological upgrading in certain industries 加强合作 promote closer cooperation 发挥 give greater scope to 丰富的经营经验 rich managerial expertise 最后,我预祝。。。May I conclude my remarks by wishing ..... ....or vice versa 视译第2单元 At the same time, there is no sign yet //of a fundamental reversal //of the financial market dislocation //and deleveraging //that represents both a sign of //and a contributor to //the still unfolding global economic strains.同时,仍然没有迹象表明/发生了任何根本性的转变。金融市场仍然动荡,去杠杆化还在继续,而后者既反映了,同时也造成了不断显现的全球经济困境。 It's notable that //the underlying premise of the summit//-----as captured explicitly in the Communique----//was that success in these efforts will only be possible //through international cooperation,//and that the scope of that cooperation// will have to be broader-----both in terms of the policies and the countries involved----//than has been the case in the past.值得注意的是,此次峰会的重要前提//已经在峰会公报里得以阐明 ,那就是//这些努力要取得成功,就必须开展国际合作,合作的范围应该更为广泛,无论在政策上还是参与国家方面//都应超过此前的规模。 Timely 亟待解决的,应景的 Seriousness 。。。是何等严重 Near-term 近期的 Unfold:develops and becomes known or understood展开,显露 Virulent:extremely harmful or deadly致命的/strongly and bitterly hostile恶意的 ,with... 伴随着 Unprecedented response 空前回应 Daunting:Something that is daunting makes you feel slightly afraid or worried about dealing with it. Daunt 使胆怯,使气馁 credible able to be believed or trusted: Address credibly 认真解决 Premise 前提A premise is something that you suppose is true and that you use as a basis for developing an idea. Capture 展现,阐明 If something or someone captures a particular quality, feeling, or atmosphere, they represent or express it successfully. It's notable that。。。值得注意的是。。。 。。。than has been the case in the past 超过此前规模 Grandiose 浮夸的bigger or more elaborate than necessary. Fall short of 达不到,不符合 The efforts agreed last weekend may fall short of something that could be given as grandiose a label as a new international financial architecture 上周末各国一致认同的努力可能并不足以被称作一种崭新的国际金融结构 Underestimated 低估 impart sth (to sth) :give (a quality) to sth 将(某性质)给予或赋予某事物 Underlying consensus 根本共识 Intended 既定 Private property私有财产 Competitive market市场竞争 Effective 高效的 Regulated 规范的 The working force that are being formed //as a result of the summit,//with a specific deadline for reaching conclusions, // together with the summit participants' explicit commitment //to reconvene by next year's second quarter , //are intended to impart momentum to the reform efforts. 工作组正在组建,这是峰会取得的成果 ,峰会还设定了工作组 达成共识的期限。此外,与会国还明确承诺,再次开会时间为明年第2季度之前。这些举措都是 为了大力推动改革。 Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations 多哈多边贸易谈判 Reach a deal达成协议 Deal : agreement, esp in business, on certain terms for buying or doing sth 协议; (尤指)交易 Moreover,the level of consensus and political commitment // regarding the need to act //exhibited at the summit // justify hope and even optimism that// the opportunity that is being created// by the current crisis //for implementing significant structural improvements// in global economy, and in international financial markets, // will not be missed. 此外,还表现出高度的共识和政治意愿,认为有必要采取行动, 这一点在峰会上明确的反映出来。这使我们有理由希望、甚至可以乐观地认为 // 机会就要来临 ,而创造机会的正是 当前的危机。它促使我们实施重大的结构性改革,改善全球经济和国际金融市场。我们绝不会丧失良机。 Working session 工作会议 Toll:1.money paid for the use of a road, bridge, harbour, etc (道路﹑ 桥梁﹑ 港口等的)使用费, 通行费, 停泊费. 2.loss or damage caused by sth 某事造成的损失或毁坏 Asset sales 资产抛售 Capital flow reversals 资金流逆转 Currency depreciation 货币贬值 Finance minister 财政部长 急转直下 take a sharp turn for worse 激增 聚首sp. Downside:the aspect of it which is less positive, pleasant, or useful than its other aspects. Undertaking:承诺;事业1.If you give an undertaking to do something, you formally promise to do it.2.An undertaking is a task or job, especially a large or difficult one. 。。。Can't be taken for granted 不能一锤定音 As a resu
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