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足球术语足球常用术语 足球常用术语 踢球、传、接、运、头球、抢截、射门、守门、进攻、防守、战术、场地与器材   1.足球运动:football(在美国指橄榄球运动); soccer; association football   2.世界杯足球锦标赛:World Cup (Soccer Tournament); FIFA World Cup Competition   3.世界女子足球锦标赛:Women’s World Cup   4.世界杯决赛:World Cup Finals   5.朱尔斯?雷米特杯:Jules Rimet Cu...
足球常用术语 足球常用术语 踢球、传、接、运、头球、抢截、射门、守门、进攻、防守、战术、场地与器材   1.足球运动:football(在美国指橄榄球运动); soccer; association football   2.世界杯足球锦标赛:World Cup (Soccer Tournament); FIFA World Cup Competition   3.世界女子足球锦标赛:Women’s World Cup   4.世界杯决赛:World Cup Finals   5.朱尔斯?雷米特杯:Jules Rimet Cup   6.五人足球:five-a-side; futsal   7.七人足球:seven-a-side   8.足球暴力:soccer violence;riot;hooliganism   人员   9.足球运动员:football[soccer]player; footballer; booter   10.足球队:football[soccer] team; eleven   11.队员(除守门员外):field player   12.后卫线:back line   13.后卫:(full)back;rear defender   14.左后卫:left back   15.右后卫:right back   16.前卫线:link line   17.前卫:half(back)   18.边前卫:wing [outside] half   19.左前卫:left half   20.右前卫:right half   21.中前卫:center half   22.双中前卫:twin center halves   23.自由中卫:free back [man]; spare man; libero   24.清道夫(自由中卫):sweeper   25.盯人中卫:stopper   26.拖后前卫:deep-lying halfback; policeman   27.锋线:forward line   28.前锋:forward; spearhead; lineman   29.双前锋:twin forwards   30.靠前的前锋:spearhead forward   31.边锋:winger; wing (forward);outside (forward)   32.左边锋;左翼:left wing[winger; flank];outside left   33.右边锋;右翼:right wing [winger; flank]; outside right   34.内锋:inside(forward); inner   35.左内锋:inside left   36.右内锋:inside right   37.拖后内锋:withdrawn striker   38.中锋:center forward   39.双中锋:double center forwards; double spearheads   40.拖后中锋:withdrawn [deep-lying] center forward   41.攻击手:striker   42.中场队员:midfielder; midfield player; link(man)   43.前腰:attacking midfielder   44.双前腰:double attacking midfielders   45.后腰:defending midfielder   46.双后腰:double defending midfielders   47.核心队员:key player; point man   48.最佳球员(一场比赛后选出):Man of Match   49.惯用左脚的:left-footed   50.惯用右脚的:right-footed   51.左右开弓的:double-footed   52.积极拼抢的防守队员:ball hawk   53.观望队员(不积极主动):ball watcher   54.裁判员:referee; ref; man in the middle   55.巡边员:linesman   规则与裁判   56.上半时[场]:first half   57.下半时[场]:second half   58.开球;比赛开始:kick off   59.实际比赛时间(由裁判员掌握):official time   60.伤停补时:stoppage [injury] time   61.加时赛;决胜期:extra period; overtime   62.突然死亡(加时赛中首先进球为胜方,比赛终止):sudden death   63.金球(突然死亡制中首先进球):golden goal   64.银球(加时赛中进球后该半场仍赛完):silver goal   65.点球决胜:penalty shootout   66.出界:outside; out of bounds   67.掷界外球:throw-in   68.球门球:goal [defense] kick   69.角球:corner(kick)   70.获得罚角球权:win a corner   71.任意球:free kick   72.判给任意球:award a free kick   73.直接任意球:direct free kick   74.间接任意球:indirect free kick   75.定位球:placekick; stationary ball   76.踢定位球的队员:placekicker   77.严重犯规(判罚直接任意球或点球):penal offense   78.侵人犯规:personal foul   79.技术犯规:technical foul   80.故意犯规:intentional foul   81.越位:offside   82.非越位:onside   83.巡边员用旗表示越位:flag   84.冲撞犯规:charging   85.从后面冲撞:charging from behind   86.合理冲撞:legal [fair] charge   87.进行阻挡的队员:blocker   88.身体阻挡:body check   89.拉人犯规:holding   90.推人犯规:pushing   91.打人:striking   92.小动作:little trick [maneuver]; concealed foul   93.危险动作:dangerous play   94.抬脚过高:foot over   95.手球犯规:handball; hands; handling   96.蹬踏犯规;踢人:hacking; stamping   97.经常踢人的队员:hacker   98.绊人犯规:tripping   99.背后铲球:tackle from behind   100.铲球过迟(球已离开对方脚下):late tackle   101.假摔:fake a fall [an injury]; simulation   102.粗暴行动:violent conduct   103.延误比赛:delay [hold up] the game   104.持球时间过长(指守门员):excessive possession of the ball   105.警告:warning;caution;book   106.黄牌:yellow card   107.红牌:red card   108.罚出场:evict; eject; banish; send [order] off the field; show the red card   109.停赛一场:suspend for a game   110.以少打多:play shorthanded   111.以少打多的局面:man down[short]   112.以多打少的局面:power play; man [numerical] advantage   113.罚点球:penalty [spot] kick   114.踢罚球;主罚:take the kick   115.罚中:convert a penalty kick   116.罚球未中:miss a penalty kick   踢球   117.踢球:kick; boot   118.踢球者: kicker   119.得球:gain possession of the ball   120.失球:lose possession of the ball   121.漏球:miskick   122.踢出界:kick out   123.踢球太高:sky   124.控球能力:ball-control[-handling]   125.控球时间比:ball possession percentage   126.停球:trap; stop   127.大腿停球:thigh trap   128.胸部挡球:chest   129.停空中球:stop volley   130.停住空中球:kill a ball   131.凌空踢出:volley   132.凌空反弹踢出:half volley   133.抛球凌空踢出:punt; drop volley   134.拨球:flick the ball   135.扫踢:sweeping kick   136.颠球:juggle   137.迈过球(以迷惑对方):step over the ball   138.弧线球:curved [swerving] ball;bend; curl   139.内弧球:inswinger   140.外弧球:outswinger   141.跑动踢球:running kick   142.踢后前冲:kick and rush   143.无球跑动:off-the-ball running   144.转身踢:turnaround kick   145.脚背踢球:instep kick   146.脚外侧敲击:flick [jab] kick   147.脚尖踢球:toe kick   148.脚弓踢球:kick with the inside of foot   149.脚跟踢球:heel kick   传、接、运   150.传球:pass   151.一次[直接]传球:first-time[one-touch] pass   152.到位的传球:spot [well-placed; pinpoint] pass   153.长传:long pass   154.短[近]传:short [close] pass; one-two   155.三角传球:triangular [delta] pass   156.短传配合:short game   157.短传三角配合:short triangular passing   158.深传:deep pass   159.沿边线传球:flank pass   160.传中:center   161.横传:cross [lateral;line] pass;cross   162.横向转移传球:square pass   163.斜[对角]线传球:diagonal pass   164.传高球:high [lob] pass; loft; chip; pass in the air   165.地滚传球:ground [rolling] pass   166.直传向前传球:forward pass   167.大脚直传:steep forward pass   168.回传;向后传:pass back   169.脚后跟回传:back-heel   170.穿越:through pass   171.踢墙式二过一:wall pass   172.推传:push pass   173.敲传(使用脚外侧):flick pass   174.隐蔽传球:trick pass   175.快速传球:brisk pass   176.领前传球:lead pass   177.助攻传球:setup pass   178.接传球:receive [pick up] a pass   179.接球失误:fumble; mishandle   180.运[带;盘]球:dribble; run with the ball   181.运球队员:dribbler   182.带球过人:beat; break through; dribble past   183.盘带过多:excessive dribbling   头球   184.头球:head;nod; header(指一次动作)   185.跳起顶球:flying header; head with a jump   186.侧顶:head sideward   187.善于顶球:good in the air   抢截   188.堵截:block; clog   189.断球:intercept   190.铲球;抢截:tackle   191.侧面铲球:side(block)tackle   192.倒地铲球:sliding [hook] tackle   193.抡脚铲球:scything tackle   194.铲倒对方:tackle through the ball   195.对方铲球时仍控制住球:ride a tackle   196.双方机会各半的待争夺球:fifty-fifty ball   197.混战:scramble; melee;skirmish   射门   198.射门:shoot; attempt at [try for] goal   199.射手:shooter; marksman   200.进球:find the net; hit[drive the ball] home   201.破门得分:make [score; net] a goal   202.破门机会:scoring opportunity   203.射门得分者:goalgetter   204.助攻射中:assisted goal   205.连中三元;帽子戏法:hat-trick   206.扳成平局的进球:equalizer   207.射中次数:shots on goal   208.轻易射门得分:sitter   209.射门命中率:shooting average [percentage]   210.未射中:mishit   211.射门过高:high shot; sky   212.从门柱弹回:deflect[bounce back] from the goalpost   213.射中无效:goal disallowed   214.近射:close-range[-up] shot   215.远射:long shot [drive]   216.冲门:gate-crashing   217.突然射门:snap shot   218.劲射:hard [heavy; crashing; cannon] shot; drive; thump   219.补射:tip-in   220.转身射门:pivot shot   221.贴地射门;低射:grazing shot   222.一次射门:first-time[one-touch]shot   223.调整后[停球]射门:second-touch shot   224.小角度射门:sharp-angled shot   225.狭缝射门(指穿过防守线):slot   226.倒地射门:sliding shot   227.凌空射门:volley shot   228.倒钩射门:scissors shot   229.头球入门:head [nod] in a goal   230.高吊球射门:lob [hanging] shot   231.射空门:free shot   232.香蕉球:banana shot   233.乌龙球(踢进本方球门):own [self] goal   234.射门的强烈愿望:goal hunger   235.庆祝进球:goal celebration   236.球门网右上角:top right-hand corner of the net   237.球门网右下角:bottom right-hand corner of the net   238.球门网左上角:top left-hand corner of the net   239.球门网左下角:bottom left-hand corner of the net   守门   240.守门:goalkeeping;goaltending   241.救球:save;retrieve;stop   242.托救球:finger-tip save   243.鱼跃救球;扑救:diving save   244.挡开:parry   245.拳击球:fist [punch] the ball   246.护球;抱死:smother   247.封住角度:shut off[cut down; narrow] the angle   248.跑出来(抢球):come out   249.视线受阻:unsighted   进攻   250.快攻;快速突破:fast break [counterattack]   251.防守反击:switch from defense to attack; counterattack; push up   252.快速反击:fast-switching attack; runback   253.突破:break; thrust   254.中路突破:thrust down the middle   255.单刀直入:solo drive   256.突破对方防守:split the defense   257.破坏对方防守:disorganize the defense   258.拉开对方的防守面:spread the defense   259.正面进攻:frontal attack   260.边线进攻:flank attack   261.左路进攻:attack on the left wing   262.右路进攻:attack on the right wing   263.全面压上:sweeping attack   264.助攻:assist   265.穿过:weave through   266.插入:cut in; penetrate   267.沉底:drive down the sideline   268.靠近对方球门线:deep   269.钳形攻势:pincers movement   270.摆脱动作:evasive movement   271.绕过防守队员(通过假动作):turn a defender   272.侧步躲闪:sidestep   273.补位:cover a position; fill a gap; plug a hole   274.跑位:run off the ball   275.跑位意识:positional sense   276.跑动量(一场比赛中):work-rate   防守   277.密集防守:tight [close] defense [marking]   278.地毯式防守:blanket defense   279.钉住:mark up; get tight   280.撤退:retreat; withdraw   281.后撤防守(引对方进入中场口袋):funnel back   282.解围(踢开球门区):clear   283.封死:close off   284.人墙:(defensive)wall   285.筑人墙:set [line] up a wall   286.二夹一:double-team   战术   287.前场:opposing half   288.后场:own half   289.进攻型足球:offensive football   290.防守型足球:defensive football   291.全攻全守型[总体型]足球:total football   292.欧洲型足球:European [Continental] football   293.拉丁美洲型足球:Latin American football   294.接[策]应:support   295.接应位置:supporting position   296.分派位:assign position   297.跟进:trail   298.制造空当:create an opening   299.边锋战术:wing play   300.紧靠边线:hug the sideline   301.控制中场:control the midfield   302.越位战术:offside tactics [trap]   303.交叉移动:scissors movement   304.定位球战术(由固定队员主罚):set-piece play   305.WM [3-4-3]阵式:WM[3-4-3]formation   306.W阵式(WM阵式中的进攻部分):W formation   307.M阵式(WM阵式中的防守部分):M formation   308.4前锋[匈牙利]阵式:four forwards [Hungarian] formation   309.4后卫阵式:four backs formation   310.3后卫阵式:three backs formation   311.2-3-5阵式:2-3-5 formation;pyramid   312.4-3-3阵式:4-3-3[Catenaccio] formation   313.4-2-4[巴西]阵式:4-2-4 [Brazilian] formation   314.五对五练习赛:five-a-side game   315.绕杆练习:swerve around sticks   场地与器材   316.足球场:football field [pitch; ground]   317.训练场地:training grid   318.中线旗:center flag   319.中圈:kickoff circle   320.中场:midfield;center field   321.球门线:goal line   322.球门区:goal area   323.球门区线:goal area line   324.角球区:corner area   325.角旗:corner flag   326.罚球点:penalty kick mark [spot]   327.罚球区:penalty area [box; zone]   328.罚球弧:penalty[restraining]arc   329.球门:goal;nets   330.球门口:goalmouth   331.球门柱:goalpost; upright   332.球门横梁:goal crossbar   333.球门框:woodwork   334.球门网:goal net   335.彩条球衣:strip   336.足球鞋:football shoe   337.巡边员旗:linesman's flag
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