

2013-11-05 15页 ppt 3MB 68阅读




转基因食品nullGMFGMFHarmful Or helpfulGenetically Modified Foods Main ContentMain Content定义(definition) 发展(development) 应用(application) 安全性评价(safety evaluadae) nullGenetically modified food is a kind of food that by using modern molecular biological technology transfers som...
nullGMFGMFHarmful Or helpfulGenetically Modified Foods Main ContentMain Content定义(definition) 发展(development) 应用(application) 安全性(safety evaluadae) nullGenetically modified food is a kind of food that by using modern molecular biological technology transfers some biological gene to other species to transform of genetic material and make it transfer to what people need in its shape, nutritional quality and consumption quality. What is GMF (Genetically Modified)?nullThat taking genetically modified organisms as direct food or as raw material processing production food is called "genetically modified food". nullGMF could be divided into:GMF could be divided into:GM plant food GM animal food GM microbial foodWhat is the GM technology?GM technology is the separation and decorated artificial genes into the genome of organisms, and to gene expression, access to new traits of biological technology. What is the GM technology?GM food in worldGM food in worldApplication The development of genetically modified food and safety issues The development of genetically modified food and safety issues for or against for or againstnullnull 1.Herbicide tolerance 2.Disease tolerance 3.Cold tolerance 4.Drought tolerance 5.Salinity tolerance null 1. the influence of environmental protection 2. arise toxins by-products which is harmful to people 3. produce antibiotic resistant bacteria 4. reduced effectiveness of pesticidesnullIn these premise, we hope that genetically modified food under the consumer‘s mouth will be ensured safe. Genetically modified food, in the aspect of price and performance, have potential huge advantage and exuberant vitality. We believe after experiencing the ups and downs later ,GMF will contribute to human beings. Thank YouThank You — 朱明星 夏芸芸 杨思佳 姚宏
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