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身高1.2米的大学生感动校园海量资料下载 免费学习英语 www.englishvip.com/xinlw.htm (申请网址) 1.2-meter-high Student Inspiring the College 身高1.2米的大学生感动校园        Born in a poor family, with a height of only 1.2 meter, 19-year-old student, Wei Zeyang in Chongqing Technology and Business Univers...
海量资料下载 免费学习英语 www.englishvip.com/xinlw.htm (申请网址) 1.2-meter-high Student Inspiring the College 身高1.2米的大学生感动校园        Born in a poor family, with a height of only 1.2 meter, 19-year-old student, Wei Zeyang in Chongqing Technology and Business University faced many problems in his life. Wei topped the Ten Students Inspiring the CTBU, and is regarded as an extraordinary person that has been through hardtimes.   Wei was born on a farm in Lingbi county, Anhui province 20 years ago. At the age of 8, he was found that he didn’t grow in height anymore, while other kids grew greatly. Under examination, his pituitary gland was almost normal. But something was wrong with its internal secretion, which stopped his growing. The family had no way to deal with the situation due to the lack of money for medical treatment. Wei started his hard journey from then on.   When he was 12 years old, Wei left his hometown for Taizhou, Zhejiang province. No employers wanted him since he was short and without any skills. Even the restaurants would not allow him to wash dishes. Finally he decided to collect and recycle garbage to earn some money. For the first time, he earned more than RMB 1,000 through hard work, and he paid the tuition for three kids in his family after going back home.   Since then, the young man would leave home for other cities to earn his tuition fee. He collected and recycled garbage, vended roadside stall and set up shops, and tried his very best to continue his study. When the traditional mid-autumn festival was approaching, 14-year-old Wei bought a 14-inch black and white TV set, the only home appliance in the family, with 30 RMB from recycling garbage. Enjoying the smile on the faces of his family, the young boy encouraged himself: never lose confidence in life.   In primary school, Wei always topped his class. In the entrance examination for junior middle school, he ranked second in his town. He even was prized in the composition contest commemorating the 100th anniversary of Chairman Mao’s birth.   Wei ranked second among the 200 students of liberal arts in the entrance examination for college, and he was admitted to CTBU with a mark of 494. Excited for several days, he went to Chongqing, bringing with him only 200 yuan and a few clothes. But at that time, his grandpa was suffering from a brain hemorrhage, his father had diabetes, and his older brother lacked the tuition fee in Sichuan Normal University. Money was really needed. During the first day of the new term, Wei had no money for the tuition fee and housing, no money for the books and other needed things. There are strangers all around him and no friend to help him out. He couldn’t help crying, “Can I afford to go to school?”   When the head teacher learned about his situation, she asked him about his family and Wei told her the difficult schooling experiences of his. He will never forget Miss Yang’s words: “Xiao Yang, the teachers and the college won’t leave you.” Such is the fact. The college gave the scholarship for the poor students after learning about his case. He was excused from one year’s tuition and awarded 4,000 yuan.   Thanks to this money, Wei can continue his study. He lives frugally and controls his cost of living within 100 Yuan each month. A little rice and a vegetable dish for lunch, a bowl of noodles for supper. He spends as little money as possible and even seldom gets a haircut. He valued the hard-won chance. He not only worked hard but also took an active part in the activities. Thus he became the minister for the Department of Network in the college of business and a reporter of the college newspaper.   Although the tuition was solved, Wei got busy for his cost of living: help the teacher with some tasks, doing marketing research for companies, working as a garbage man, selling newspapers in a news pavilion. He cherished each job the teachers introduced to him for it showed that they cared for him. In this way, Wei earned 1,300 yuan for his 1st grade and for part of the 2nd grade. He also won the 3rd prize for his excellent grades.   His classmates are also concerned for him. His roommates told us: “Wei Zeyang has self-respect and self-reliant, he refused our money, only wishing that we regard him as a common student.” Although leading a simple life, when his classmates sent him new clothes and money, he would decline with thanks. He said, with the help of his classmates, he never feels inconvenient in his life because of his 1.2m height. He showed the flute his classmate sent to him to the reporter and said happily, “Everyone wishes me to be happy.”   The Students Association that Wei took part in also added to his confidence. Being a reporter at college offered him more chances to contact with the students. On the campus, Wei has become an example of all the students in the college, especially the example of the poor students. With the help from many people and his own hard work, it won’t be a problem for him to accomplish his study. Recently, a company has been recruiting agents from colleges. After many tests, Wei was appointed as an agent on campus for this company. While many of his classmates haven’t been employed.   Wei never gave up the pursuit of his dream. The pressure of living didn’t overwhelm his desire. Concerning his future, he has a splendid outlook: “Li Jiacheng is my idol. I must work harder and harder to become a man like him.” 我们出生在一个物质、浮华、功利的年代,金钱、功名充斥着社会的每一个角落,理想、尊严却被束之高阁。象牙塔也不再是一片净土,当未婚同居成为时尚,当一夜情悄悄侵占大学校园时,我们不知道还有什么能使我们感动。但是,如果读了魏泽洋同学的,不知道你是否还是那么不为所动吗?   身高只有1.2米,家境贫寒,重庆工商大学19岁的大二学生魏泽洋虽然生活道路上步履艰难,但坚强的他仍然勇敢地面对着一切不幸。在“重庆工商大学十大感动人物”的评选中,身残志坚、品学兼优的魏泽洋用自己的行动感动了学校的师生,被评为十大感动人物之首,并被人们誉为生活的巨人。   20年前,魏泽洋出生于安徽灵璧县渔沟镇杏山村一个普通的农村家庭。在他8岁时,他的父母突然发现,别的小朋友都在迅猛地长高,而魏泽洋却一直“维持原状”。经过检查,魏泽洋脑垂体正常,但内分泌可能有点问题,这直接影响了他长高。对于这个检测结果,魏泽洋的家人无可奈何,因为他们没有钱给魏泽洋医治。从此,魏泽洋开始了属于他的独特人生旅程。   12岁时,魏泽洋离开家门到了台州。他既没体力也没有技能,个子又矮小,到饭店给人家洗盘子都没人要,他决定捡垃圾。 充满艰涩和苦难的第一次外出期间,他挣了1000多元钱,回到家,他把兄妹3人的学费交了。    此后的每个暑假,这个命途多舛的少年都会外出打工为自己挣学费。他捡过破烂,摆过地摊,开过小店,通过种种途径打工维持自己的学业。    14岁那年的中秋节,他用自己捡垃圾所得的30元钱买了台二手的14英寸黑白电视机,那是当时他家里惟一的电器——看着家人坐在电视机前绽开的笑容,小小年纪的他,暗自给自己鼓劲:永远不要丧失信心! 整个阶段,魏泽洋的成绩一直是全班第一,小学升初中的考试中,他考了全乡第二名,在纪念毛泽东诞辰100周年的作文比赛中,他还得过奖。    2003年6月,魏泽洋在全校200多名文科考生中考了第二名,以494分的成绩考取重庆工商大学。兴奋的他带着仅有的200元钱,收拾了几件衣服就赶到重庆。但当时,爷爷患脑溢血、父亲有糖尿病、哥哥在四川师范大学读书缺少学费……什么都需要钱。开学第一天,魏泽洋没钱交学费和住宿费,没钱买书本和生活用品,四周都是陌生人,也找不到朋友帮助,他终于忍不住哭了:“这个学我还能上吗?”   班主任杨海燕得知魏泽洋的情况后,专门来找他了解家庭情况,魏泽洋讲述了自己艰难的求学经历。杨老师说了一句让他终身难忘的话:“小洋,老师和学校不会不管你的。”事实也是这样。学院得知魏泽洋的情况后,破例为他争取到了大一新生本没有资格申请的贫困生奖学金,免去1年学费,还奖励他4000元。   靠着这些资助,魏泽洋的求学道路得以继续走下去。他节衣缩食,将每月的生活费控制在100元以内:每天午饭是一两米饭加一份素菜,晚餐则只吃二两面条。尽可能少花钱,因为顾虑到花费,他连理发都要算计。他格外珍惜自己来之不易的求学机会,不仅努力学好专业课,并且积极参与学生活动,当上了商务学院新闻网络部部长、校报记者。   学费有了,魏泽洋又开始为生活费忙碌:帮老师做课题、给企业做市场调查、当清洁工、在书报亭卖报纸……他珍惜老师介绍的每一份工作,因为里面包含着老师的关心。利用课余时间和寒暑假,魏泽洋挣够了大学一年级1300元的生活费和大二的部分学费,还因自己的好成绩得到了三等奖学金。    同学们也很关心他。“魏泽洋自尊、自强,不要我们的钱物,只希望大家把他当普通同学看待。”魏泽洋的室友说。生活如此困难,但同学给他送件新衣服、资助几十元钱、甚至往他碗里放块肉,都会被魏泽洋婉拒或再三感谢。魏泽洋说,在同学的帮助下,他的生活从没有因为1.2米的身高而感到不便。他愉快地向记者展示同学送他的小笛子:“每个人都希望我乐观点。”   魏泽洋参与的学生社团工作也为他增添了自信,担任校报记者,既可以得到部分稿费,又能增加与同学的接触。在校园里,魏泽洋已经成为了全校学生,特别是经济困难学生的榜样。通过多种来源的资助和魏泽洋自身的努力,魏泽洋完成4年学业不存在任何问题。   最近,某公司在学校招校园代理,经过重重考试,魏泽洋最终被公司聘用,成为该公司的校园代理商,同台竞争的很多其他同学都未被聘上。    魏泽洋从来没有放弃过对梦想的追逐,生存的压力没能压低他的渴望飞翔的翅膀,关于未来,他有着瑰丽无比的规划:“李嘉诚是我的偶像,我要好好学习,以后,我要更努力地奋斗,做他那样的人!” “成千上万人疯狂下载。。。。。。 更多价值连城的绝密英语学习资料, 洛基内部秘密英语,技巧,策略 请在 网上 申请报名” 洛基国际英语 竭诚为您服务
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