
CEJ 投稿要求

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CEJ 投稿要求 AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK 16 Jul 2013 www.elsevier.com/locate/cej 1 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL An International Journal of Research and Development AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK TABLE OF CONTENTS . XXX . • Description • Audience • Impact Factor • ...
CEJ  投稿要求
AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK 16 Jul 2013 www.elsevier.com/locate/cej 1 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL An International Journal of Research and Development AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK TABLE OF CONTENTS . XXX . • Description • Audience • Impact Factor • Abstracting and Indexing • Editorial Board • Guide for Authors p.1 p.2 p.2 p.2 p.2 p.4 ISSN: 1385-8947 DESCRIPTION . The Chemical Engineering Journal focuses upon three aspects of chemical engineering: chemical reaction engineering, environmental chemical engineering, and materials synthesis and processing. The Chemical Engineering Journal is an international research journal and invites contributions of original and novel fundamental research. The journal aims to provide an international forum for the presentation of original fundamental research, interpretative reviews and discussion of new developments in chemical engineering. Papers which describe novel theory and its application to practice are welcome, as are those which illustrate the transfer of techniques from other disciplines. Reports of carefully executed experimental work, which is soundly interpreted are also welcome. The overall focus is on original and rigorous research results which have generic significance. Within the Chemical Engineering Journal, the Environmental Chemical Engineering section presents papers dealing with topics in environmental chemical and process engineering. Treatment and environmental separation processes, pollution control and resources recovery, environmental bioprocesses, bioenergy, environmental nanotechnology, clean process technology and waste minimization include the topics which are covered. Papers in which knowledge from other disciplines is integrated with chemical engineering are especially welcome. Within the Chemical Engineering Journal, the Chemical Reaction Engineering section presents papers on a wide range of topics including reaction kinetics, applied catalysis, simulation and optimization of different types of reactors, unsteady-state reactors, multiphase reactors, and fundamental investigations of the processes of heat, mass and momentum transfer that take place along with chemical reaction. Research works addressing critical areas of reactor engineering (e.g. reactor materials, control strategies, reactor safety and environmental issues), and emerging reactor technologies (e.g. membrane reactors, chromatographic reactors, unconventional fluidized beds, electrochemical reactors, micro-reactors, etc.) are particularly welcome. Within the Chemical Engineering Journal, the Materials Synthesis and Processing section presents papers dealing with different aspects of the preparation and characterization of advanced materials. Novel physical and chemical methods of synthesis will be covered, as well as the processes used to obtain materials of different morphologies (particles, films, fibers), and to modify their surface and structural properties, always from a chemical engineering point of view. Manuscripts dealing with micro- and nano-structured materials, and those describing the preparation of composite and hybrid materials with advanced properties are especially welcome. AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK 16 Jul 2013 www.elsevier.com/locate/cej 2 Comments and Proposals: We are interested in receiving comments/feedback on this and our other journals and welcome publication proposals for books, electronic products, new journals and co- operation for existing journals. AUDIENCE . Chemical and Process Engineers, Applied Chemists and Product Engineers, Biochemical Engineers and Biotechnologists. IMPACT FACTOR . 2012: 3.473 © Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2013 ABSTRACTING AND INDEXING . BIOSEP Bulletin BIOSIS Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Chemical Abstracts Chemical Engineering Abstracts Current Contents Engineered Materials Abstracts Fluid Abstracts INSPEC Material Business Alerts Metals Abstracts Mixing and Separation Technology Abstracts Scopus EDITORIAL BOARD . Co-Editors: S.J. Allen, Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast, UK M. Deshusses, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA D. Dionysiou, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA G.B. Marin, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium J. Santamaria, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain K.L. Yeung, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong Associate Editors: T. Aminabhavi, Soniya Education Trust's College of Pharmacy, Dharwad, Karnataka, India T. Hoare, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada K. McAuley, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada Editorial Board: B. Andersson, Göteborg, Sweden J.M. Asua, San Sebastian, Spain M.A. Baltanas, Santa Fe, Argentina R. Bredesen, Oslo, Norway L.J. Broadbelt, Evanston, IL, USA D.P.Y. Chang, Davis, CA, USA N.T.-S. Chung, Singapore, Singapore C. de Bellefon, Villeurbanne, France G. de With, Eindhoven, Netherlands M. Fan, Laramie, WY, USA P. Forzatti, Milano, Italy V. Hessel, Eindhoven, Netherlands S. Jenekhe, Seattle, WA, USA T.R. Lee, Houston, TX, USA G.S. Luo, Beijing, China AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK 16 Jul 2013 www.elsevier.com/locate/cej 3 G. McKay, Hong Kong, China M. Menendez, Zaragoza, Spain A. Monzon, Zaragoza, Spain I.-S. Nam, Pohang, Kyungbuk, South Korea B.C. Pan, Nanjing; Jiangsu, China J. Petera, Lodz, Poland A.E. Rodrigues, Porto, Portugal A. Seidel-Morgenstern, Magdeburg, Germany G. Stevens, Parkville, Australia C. Tsouris, Oak Ridge, TN, USA G.M. Walker, Belfast, UK L.R. Weatherley, Lawrence, KS, USA R.A. Williams, Birmingham, England, UK J.C.S. Wu, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC X. Zhang, Dalian, Liaoning, China AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK 16 Jul 2013 www.elsevier.com/locate/cej 4 GUIDE FOR AUTHORS . INTRODUCTION Submission of Papers Manuscripts should be submitted to one of the following section Editors as defined in the journal Aims & Scope and according to the Editor's specialties. If you are unsure about to whom you should submit a manuscript, please submit it to any Editor in the appropriate section. Environmental Chemical Engineering: Stephen Allen: Adsorption (liquid and gas); Ion exchange; Water treatment (physico/chemical methods); Air/gas treatment, NOx control, CO2 capture; Constructed wetlands and reed beds for water treatment; Agricultural wastes (liquid and solid); Solid waste treatment and bioconversion; Sustainable development or processes Marc Deshusses: Bioremediation ; Biofilters and biotrickling filters; Wastewater and drinking water treatment (biological); Anaerobic digestion; Combined chemical and biological treatment of wastes; Membrane bioreactors; Microbial fuel cells and fuel cells; Indoor air quality; Gas-liquid operations (mass transfer); Waste to energy and resources recovery Dionysios (Dion) Dionysiou: Advanced oxidation processes/technologies (AOPs/AOTs); Photocatalysis; Environmental catalysis ; Environmental nanotechnology; Membranes processes; Electrooxidation, electrochemical methods ; Particle separation; Separation processes Chemical Reaction Engineering: King Yeung: heterogeneous catalysis (including enzyme), hybrid and miniature reactors, green and fine chemistry Guy B. Marin: kinetics; heterogeneous catalysis; petrochemistry, polymer, reactor design and modeling, reactor scale-up, crude oil refining, natural gas valorization Materials Synthesis and Processing: Jesus Santamaria: materials synthesis processes; shaping processes; micro- and nanostructured materials; hybrid materials; surface modifications Types of papers The editors make every effort to ensure that manuscripts are fairly and independently reviewed. Submissions which describe novel theory and its application to practice are welcome, as are those which illustrate the transfer of techniques from other disciplines. Reports of carefully executed experimental work which is soundly interpreted are also welcome. Manuscripts of routine studies, however, presenting experimental data but without any significant new interpretation or novelty, or that are very specific and applied in their scope, will be rejected by the editors as "lacking in novel content". Original papers - these should be complete and authoritative accounts of work, which has a special significance and must be presented clearly and concisely. Review articles - these will normally be commissioned by one of the Co-Editors. Prospective authors of a review article should consult with either Editor to check the suitability of their topic and material before submitting their review. Short communications - will be accepted for the early communication of important and original advances. Such accounts may be of a preliminary nature but should always be complete and should not exceed the equivalent of 3000 words, including figures and tables. Letters to Editors - raise scientific or technical questions about a published article. They are typically no longer than 1000 words. These letters will be considered for publication only if they contribute an added value or special consideration to a specific article that has already published in the Chemical Engineering Journal. Letters-to-the-Editor should be submitted directly to the appropriate Editor by e-mail. Publication and/or peer review of submitted letters will occur solely at the Editors discretion. It should be noted that authors of the original research article will be given the opportunity to publicly respond to any Letter-to-the-Editor should it be accepted for publication. AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK 16 Jul 2013 www.elsevier.com/locate/cej 5 BEFORE YOU BEGIN Ethics in publishing For information on Ethics in publishing and Ethical guidelines for journal publication see http://www.elsevier.com/publishingethics and http://www.elsevier.com/ethicalguidelines. Conflict of interest All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations within three years of beginning the submitted work that could inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence, their work. 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