首页 > 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(汉英拼音对照)


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《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(汉英拼音对照) 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 1 gǔ shì “dà diē ” 股市股市股市股市 “大跌大跌大跌大跌” China shares dived 中国股市周二继续下跌,已至 2009 年初以来最低点,因预期央行打击宽松 信贷和银行资金紧张情况仍将持续,金融板块周二再受重创。 China shares e...
《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 1 gǔ shì “dà diē ” 股市股市股市股市 “大跌大跌大跌大跌” China shares dived 中国股市周二继续下跌,已至 2009 年初以来最低点,因预期央行打击宽松 信贷和银行资金紧张情况仍将持续,金融板块周二再受重创。 China shares extended losses on Tuesday, sinking to their lowest levels since early 2009, with the financial sector again hard hit on expectations that an official crackdown on easy credit and tighter funding conditions will persist. China shares extended losses on Tuesday, sinking to their lowest levels since early 2009[Photo/Xinhua] 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 2 6 月以来,中国的金融机构闹起了“钱荒”,各家银行纷纷推出高收益率的短 期理财产品“抢钱”。受“钱荒”影响,中国股市 24 日大幅下挫,银行、地产为主 的近两百只个股跌停。中央银行“意外”地拒绝伸出援手。这是高层有意挤压 经济泡沫,促进经济转型的“短痛”措施。 朗读朗读朗读朗读 gǔ shì “dà diē ” 股市 “大跌 ” zhōng guó gǔ shì zhōu èr jì xù xià diē ,yǐ zhì 2009 nián chū 中国 股市 周二 继续 下跌, 已 至 2009 年初 yǐ lái zuì dī diǎn ,yīn yù qī yāng háng dǎ jī kuān sōng 以来 最 低 点 , 因 预期 央行 打击 宽松 xìn dài hé yín háng zī jīn jǐn zhāng qíng kuàng réng jiāng 信贷 和 银行 资金 紧张 情况 仍 将 chí xù ,jīn róng bǎn kuài zhōu èr zài shòu zhòng chuāng 持续 , 金融 板块 周二 再 受 重创 。 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 3 字词字词字词字词 中国 zhōng guó China 股市 gǔ shì share market, stock market, equity market 周二 zhōu èr 星期二 Tuesday 周 week 本周,周末,周报,周刊 二 two, second 第二,二楼 继续 jì xù continue, go on 下跌 xià diē fall, drop, plunge,sink 下 down, descend, fall 下面,山下,下山,下楼,下雨,下雪 跌 tumble, topple, fall, drop, descend 跌跤,跌价,跌落 已 yǐ already 已经 至 zhì reaching, to 到达 至今,至少 年初 nián chū 年头儿 beginning of the year 年 year 年底,年尾,年终,年纪,年轻,年青,年薪,年息,年级, 年夜饭,新年,拜年,过年 初 beginning 初中,初春,初夏,初次见面 以来 yǐ lái since 自古以来,改革开放以来 最低点 zuì dī diǎn the lowest level 最 most 最好,最多,最大,最小,最初,最后,最近 低 low 高低,低空,低年级,男低音 点 point 起点,终点,冰点,沸点,点和线 因 yīn 因为 because 原因,因此 预期 yù qī expect, anticipate, predict 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 4 预 in advance 预先,预习,预备,预算,预告,预定,预订 期 date, term, expect (“期”名词性)日期,学期,期中, (“期”动词性)期望,期待 央行 yāng hang 中央银行 a central bank 央 core, center 中央,央元音 行 business firm, bank 商行,车行,银行,行长 打击 dǎ jī hit, strike 宽松信贷 kuān sōng xìn dài easy credit 宽松 spacious, feel relieved, ease 宽 wide, broad 宽广,宽阔,宽敞,宽裕,宽心,宽容 松 loose, loosen 松紧,松动,松手 信贷 credit 信 confidence, trust, believe, letter 信用,守信,失信,相信,信件, 贷 loan, borrowing or lending money 贷款 和 hé and 银行 yín hang bank 银 silver 银子,白银,银币,银白,银发,银河,银幕 行 business firm, bank 商行,车行,银行,行长 资金 zī jīn funds, capital 资 money, fund 投资,工资,资本,资产,资助 金 gold, money 金子,金钱,金融,金币,金色,金鱼,金黄,金奖 紧张 jǐn zhāng nervous, in short supply 情况 qíng kuàng situation, condition 仍 réng 仍然 still, yet 将 jiāng 将要 be going to, be about to, shall, will 持续 chí xù last, sustain, continue 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 5 金融 jīn róng finance, banking 金 gold, money 金子,金钱,金融,金币,金色,金鱼,金黄,金奖 融 melt, blend, circulate 融通,融资 板块 bǎn kuài plate, sector 板 board 木板,黑板 块 piece 糖块,石块,一块表,一块布,一块饼干,一块菜地 再 zài once more, again 受 shòu 受到 receive, suffer 重创 zhòng chuāng inflict heavy losses on 重 heavy, deep, important 重要,重大,严重,重伤,重活 创 chuāng wound 创伤,创痛 (注意“创”的不同读音和不同意义:“创造” chuàng ——“创伤” chuāng ) 创 chuàng begin (to do sth.) 创造,创新,创作,开创,创办,首创 讨论讨论讨论讨论 1 周二股市大跌到什么程度? 2 周二为什么股市大跌?主要的两个原因是什么? 3 周二哪些股票下跌最厉害? 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 6 词语扩展词语扩展词语扩展词语扩展 股票 gǔ piào shares, stocks 债券 zhài quàn bond, debenture, debts 股东 gǔ dōng stockholder/shareholder 股民 gǔ mín investor,shareholder (一般指散户) 散户 sàn hù retail / private investor 机构投资者 jī gòu tóu zī zhě institutional investor 普通股 pǔ tōng gǔ common stock 优先股 yōu xiān gǔ preferred (or preference ) stock 股份公司 gǔ fèn gōng sī stock company 股份制经济 gǔ fèn zhì jīng jì share economy 证券市场 zhèng quàn shì chǎng stock market 证券交易所 zhèng quàn jiāo yì suǒ stock exchange 证券行情表 zhèng quàn háng qíng biǎo stock list 投资 tóu zī invest 投资者 tóu zī zhě investor 谨慎的投资者 jǐn shèn de tóu zī zhě timid investors 券商 quàn shāng broker/dealer 基本面 jī běn miàn fundamental qualities 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 7 选股 xuǎn gǔ pick stocks 蓝筹股 lán chóu gǔ,绩优股 jì yōu gǔ blue chips 红筹股 hóng chóu gǔ red chip “红筹股”这一概念诞生于 90 年代初期的香港股票市场。中华人民共和国在 国际上有时被称为红色中国,相应地,香港和国际投资者把在境外注册、在香 港上市,而主要业务和收益来自中国大陆的股票称为红筹股。 垃圾股 lā jī gǔ junk bond 上市 shàng shì go public 上市公司 shàng shì gōng sī listed firm 交易 jiāo yì gǔpiào jiāoyì share transaction 市值 shì zhí market capitalization 市盈率 shì yíng lǜ p/e (price/earning) ratio 发行价 fā xíng jià initial offer price 破发 pò fā fall on its first day of trading,fall on debut, see lackluster trading during its debut (“破发”也就是指股票跌破发行价 initial offer price)。 原始股 yuán shǐ gǔ initial share 理财产品 lǐ cái chǎn pǐn wealth investment product 牛市 niú shì bull market 熊市 xióng shì bear market 沪深股市 hù shēn gǔ shì Chinese shares 国内股市 guó nèi gǔ shì the domestic stock market 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 8 全球股市 quán qiú gǔ shì Global stock markets 下跌 xià diē sink, fall, drop, plunge 继续下跌 jì xù xià diē to extend losses 大幅下跌 dà fú xià diē sink,dive,nosedive, plunge,plummet, tumble 小幅下跌 xiǎo fú xià diē dip,edge down,slip lower 大幅快速下跌 dà fú kuài sù xià diē crash,collapse,crumble,slump 开盘 kāi pán open 收盘 shōu pán close 开盘价 kāi pán jià opening price 收盘价 shōu pán jià closing price 交易日 jiāo yì rì trading day 交易量 jiāo yì liàng turnover 高开 gāo kāi open high 低开 dī kāi open low 大幅低开 dà fú dī kāi open lower 高收 gāo shōu close high 低收 dī shōu close low 涨停 zhǎng tíng(涨停板 zhǎng tíng bǎn) limit up 暴跌 bào diē slump, break 跌停 diē tíng(跌停板 diē tíng bǎn) limit down 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 9 波动 bō dòng fluctuation 首次公开募股 shǒu cì gōng kāi mù gǔ IPO 重启 IPO chóng qǐ IPO to resume(/ relaunch) initial public offerings 反弹 fǎn dàn rebound(return to a former condition),rally,bounce back 历史性低谷 lì shǐ xìng dī gǔ historic sell-off 股市抛售 gǔ shì pāo shòu sell-off 套牢 tào láo be trapped (in the stock market) 缓解 huǎn jiě ease 收益 shōu yì profits 获得收益 huò dé shōu yì make profits 红股 hóng gǔ bonus share 红利/股息 hóng lì /gǔ xī dividend 金融危机 jīn róng wēi jī financial crisis 股市泡沫 gǔ shì pào mò stock market bubble 炒股 chǎo gǔ to speculate in the stock market 风险 fēng xiǎn risk 内幕交易 nèi mù jiāo yì insider trading 老鼠仓 lǎo shǔ cāng rat trading 华尔街 huá ěr jiē Wall Street 道琼斯综合指数 dào qióng sī zōng hé zhǐ shù DOW 纳斯达克 nà sī dá kè NASDAQ 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 10 普尔综合指数 biāo zhǔn pǔ ěr zōng hé zhǐ shǔ Standard and Poor’s Composite Index 上海证券综合指数 shàng hǎi zhèng quàn zōng hé zhǐ shù Shanghai Composite Index 恒生指数 héng shēng zhǐ shù Hang Seng 中国银行监管机构银监会 zhōng guó yín háng jiān guǎn jī gòu yín jiān huì The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), the nation's banking regulator, 主板 zhǔ bǎn the main board. 二板/创业板 èr bǎn /chuàng yè bǎn second board,growth enterprise board (GEB) 股市“国际板” gǔ shì “guó jì bǎn ” international board 金融板块 jīn róng bǎn kuài the financial sector 蜡杆图表 là gǎn tú biǎo candlestick charts A 股:人民币普通股票,境内公司发行,供境内机构、组织或个人(不含台、 港、澳投资者)以人民币认购和交易的普通股股票。 B 股:人民币特种股票,在境内(上海、深圳)证券交易所上市交易。B 股公 司的注册地和上市地都在境内,只不过投资者在境外或在中国香港、澳门及台 湾。 H 股,即注册地在内地、上市地在香港的外资股。香港的英文是 Hong Kong, 取其字首。依此类推,纽约和新加坡上市的股票就分别叫做 N 股和 S 股。 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 11 句子扩展句子扩展句子扩展句子扩展((((124 句句句句)))) 1 股票价格暴跌到历史最低点。 Share prices plummeted to an all-time low. 2 对无风险意识的人而言,股票市场充满了陷阱。 The stock market is full of traps for the unwary. 3 股东们看到了他们的股票价格下跌了五分之一.。 Shockholders have seen the value of their shares fall by one fifth. 4 我认为现在购买铁路股票是明智的。 I deem it advisable to purchase the shares in the railway now. 5 他们想把股票在市场上抛售掉。 They want to unload the stocks on the market. 6 上月东京各种股票价格都大幅度上涨。 All the stock prices jumped up in Tokyo last month. 7 她把大部分存款投资在公债和股票上。 She invested most of her savings in stocks and shares. 8 股票市场的变化当然是变幻莫测。 Changes in the stock market are, of course, highly un - predictable . 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 12 9 他一直在做股票的投机生意,赔了许多钱.。 He'd been speculating in shares and lost a lot of money. 10 专家已预测股票市场价格有上升趋势。 Experts have forecast an upturn in the stock market. 11 你在买股票前,最好听听行家的意见。 You had better get professional advice before buying stocks. 12 石油股票昨天有上涨的势头。 There was an upward tendency in oil shares yesterday. 13 股票市场瞬息万变。 There were so many unpredictable fluctuations on the Stock Exchange. 14 你应当握紧你手中的石油股票,不要卖出。 You should hold onto your oil shares. 15 他从事股票投机已多年了。 He has been playing the market for years. 16 他把钱投资在股票上。 He invested his money in shares. 17 这些股票带来很好的收益。 . These shares have brought in good returns. 18 股票市场行情急转直下。 The stock market turned down sharply. 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 13 19 今天股票上涨。 The stock market surged today. 20 他获得一万股股票。 He latched on to 10 , 000 shares. 21 昨天黄金股票猛涨。 Gold shares jumped yesterday. 22 他将股票让给了他的子女。 He ceded his stock holdings to his children. 23 股票经纪人的主要业务是帮客户买卖股票。 The main business of stockbroker is to help clients buy and sell shares. 24 在过去的一年里,股票已从 130 元暴跌到 22.5 元。 The shares have plummeted from 130 yuan to 22.5 yuan in the past year. 25 他没有把股票兑换成现款。 He did not cash in his shares. 26 股票价格继续保持着下行趋势。 Share prices continued their downward trend. 27 股票是怎样进行交易的? How are stocks bought and sold? 28 股票通常有两类:优先股和普通股。 The shares are usually of two kinds: preference shares and ordinary shares. 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 14 29 她将所有的钱赔进了股票投机生意。 She lose all her money in stock exchange speculation. 30 谣传利率上升之后,股票市场价格猛跌。 . Stock market prices tumbled after rumors of a rise in interest rates. 31 公司可以通过出售股票来筹集大量资金。 The corporation can raise large amounts of capital by selling stock. 32 铁路股票在股票市场上暴跌。 Rail stocks took a dive on the stock market. 33 股票市场上人心惶惶,掀起抛售浪潮。 Panic on the stock market set off a wave of selling. 34 今日股票价格大幅上升。 Heavy gains were recorded on the Stock Exchange today. . 35 他将大笔的钱拿去做股票投机。 He ventured large sums of money on speculative stocks. . 36 这些股票由英格兰银行包销。 . The shares were underwritten by the Bank of England. 37 他们在证券交易所出售公司股票。 They sell shares in companies at the stock exchange. 38 无论如何不要放弃这些股票.。 Do not part with the shares on any account. 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 15 39 那些股票稳赚的。 These stocks will earn money, it's a sure thing. 40 股票市场价格涨了两点。 Prices on the stock exchange advanced two points. 41 证券交易所里麇集着不少股民。 Many investors in shares gathered together in the stock exchange. 42 买进(卖掉自己的)索尼公司股票。 Buy (sell one’s) shares in Sony. 43 股民对这家公司的信心一落千丈。 The stockholders' confidence in this company has fallen off remarkably. 44 我们股民要理性点, 要有一个好心态. We be rational investors, to have a good mentality. 45 股票价格骤然下跌的消息使股民大为失望。 The news of plummeting stock prices dismayed speculators. 46 本证券公司向股民们提供关于投资、市场和机会的专家性建议。 Our securities company offers expert advice on investments, markets and opportunities for shareholders. 47 道琼工业指数上涨 123.72 点。 Dow Jones Industrial Average up 123.72 points. 48 纳斯达克指数上涨至历史新高。 The NASDAQ is trading higher in the record region. 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 16 49 沪综指数大幅下跌 5.3%。 The Shanghai Composite Index dived 5.3 percent。 50 标准普尔 500 指数上周上涨了 18.21 点。 S&P 500 index gained 18.21 last week. 51 罗素 2000 小型股指数跌 10 至 321 点。 Russell 2000 shed 10 points to 321 points. 52 去年企业对企业电子商务 (B2B) 的个股股价一飞冲天。 The B2B stock price of skyrocketed last year. 53 生物科技类股今天表现非常强势。 Biotech stocks are really on fire today. 54IBM 的股价失守, 再度探底。 IBM lose ground and dip into red again. 55 在葛林斯潘的演说之后, 大型蓝筹股的股价再度重跌 5%。 Blue chips slumped another 5% after Greenspan's speech. 56 在早盘交易中, 网络股的股价受创。 Internet stocks got hammered on the early day trading. 57 证券交易所的红盘显示,股指略有上涨。 The red digital in the stock exchange indicates that the stock index has risen slightly. 58 投资者预见首次公开发行的股票股价将会大幅波动。 Investors are expecting a roller coaster ride on IPO stocks. 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 17 59 股民们总是逢低建仓,逢高就抛售。 Stock investors buy shares when their prices are low and sell them when they go up. 60 股市不稳, 很多股民开始减仓。 The stock market is becoming volatile, so many shareholders begin to sell shares. 61 股市的每一次涨跌都牵动着股民的心。 Every up and down in the stock market affects the stock holders' feelings. 62 近来股市全线飘绿,持续下跌, 股民都很着急。 The stock market has fallen in price recently, stock investors are quite anxious. 63 每一个股民理应具备共同投资、共同经营、共担风险、共负盈亏的思想。 Every stockholder should have the idea of sharing investment, management, risks and responsibility for profits and losses. 64 股市价格一直停滞不动,现在又在上涨了。 Prices on the stock market, which have been static, are now rising again. 65 公告宣布后,股市大跌。 Following the announcement, share prices went into a tailspin. 66 华尔街股市暴跌引发了 1987 年股市崩溃时的那种恐慌。 Wall Street's collapse raised specters of the 1987 stock market crash. 67 我在股市输掉了全部财产。 I lost my shirt in the stock market. 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 18 68 股市崩盘一年后, 市场仍是萎靡不振。 One year after the crash, the markets remain mired in a deep malaise. 69 国际商用机器公司的股票行情被视为华尔街股市的风向标。 IBM is considered the bellwether stock on Wall Street. 70 股市买卖全看运气。 The stock market is a lottery. 71 全球股市波澜不惊地结束了一周的交易。 The markets ended the week on a quiet note. 72 股市已到崩盘的边缘。 The stock market was on the brink of collapse. 73 股市行情下跌。 Prices fell on the stock market. 74 我们预料股市价格将要下跌。 We are expecting a fall in stock prices. 75 这起内幕交易案动摇了投资人对股市的信心。 The insider trading undermined investors' confidence in the stock market. 76 股市崩盘后,他眼看毕生积蓄化为乌有。 He saw his life savings go up in smoke when the stock market crashed. 77 是的, 每个人投资股市都希望赚钱。 Yes, everyone hopes to make money by investing in stock market. 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 19 78 股票价格指数表明股市的价格水平及其涨跌幅度。 The stock price index indicates the price level and its rising and falling of stock market. 79 亚太地区 主要股市 10 日全面下跌。 Asia - Pacific region , the main stock market fell on the 10 th. 80 欧洲股市丧失了动力, 泛欧道琼斯 600 指数下跌了 1.2%。 European stock markets lost power, pan - European Dow Jones 600 Index fell 1.2 %. 81 昨晚开盘的欧洲股市也出现了小幅反弹。 The opening night of European stock markets also rebounded slightly. 82 今天股市大盘巨跌 25 点。 Today the stock market took a nosedive and dropped 25 points. 83 他在股市作了一笔投机性的投资。 He made a speculative investment in the stock market. 84 不过, 目前股市仍远低于 2007 年底的峰值水平。 However, the stockmarket still well below its peak in late 2007. 85 亚洲股市再次被悲观的情绪所笼罩。 A deep sense of gloom has again descended over Asian stock markets. 86 他上星期在股市大赚一笔。 He made a killing on the stock last week. 87 欧洲股市中的能源板块普遍上扬。 European stock markets in general rise in energy plate. 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 20 88 欧洲股市因复活节假期依旧闭市, European stock markets remained closed due thethe Easter holidays. 89 资金的转出导致股市的不稳定。 An outflow of funds led to instability in the stock market. 90 日本股市也难独善其身。 Japan's stock market is also hard to be an exception. 91 中国股市第一季度表现很好。 It was a pretty good quarter for Chinese stocks. 92 新股预计在昨日股市收盘后定价。 The offering was expected to be priced after market closed yesterday. 93 亚洲股市同样下跌, 矿业和金属板块跌幅领先。 Asian stock markets declined, mining and metal plate leading the decline. 94 中国股市的暴跌还导致全球股市下挫。 Sharp fall in China also prompts global sell off. 95 股市暴跌时, 交易所内一片混乱。 When the market crashed , the whole office was up for grabs. 96 大多数人都无法承受股市当前造成的痛苦。 Most people can't handle the pain this market is inflicting. 97 股市还没到山穷水尽的地步。 The stock market still hasn't reached its lowest point. 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 21 98 中国股市的波动比西方更为剧烈。 China's sawtooth markets are more jagged than those in the west. 99 无论多么让人激动, 中国股市距离这一目标还有很长的路要走。 However thrilling, China's market is a long way from doing that. 100 巴西的股市自春季以来已经损失了一半的市值。 Brazil's stock market has lost about half its value since the spring. 101 昨天股市交易量非常低。 The turnover in the stock market yesterday was unusually light. 102 很多经济学家一致认为,现在就说股市触底还为时尚早。 Many economists agree it's too early to call a bottom . The U. 103 中国股市或许正在形成泡沫。 Chinese equities might be heading for a bubble. 104 股市永远是经济的晴雨表。 The stock market is always a barometer of the economy. 105 一些师怀疑,中国股市是否很快就会进入泡沫水平。 Some analysts are questioning whether the market could soon enter bubble territory. 106 随著全球信贷紧缩和股市下降的加剧,消费者的信心也在下滑。 Consumer confidence fell as the global credit squeeze and stock market decline intensified. 《今日商务汉语》_中国股市大跌(20130628) 汉语学习沙龙 hanyuxuexishalong@gmail.com 22 107 亚洲股市的黯淡走势和它们举世瞩目的经济增长形成了鲜明对照。 Asia's slack stock performance this year contrasts with its world - beating economic growth. 108 亚洲和欧洲股市星期五遭受重挫。 Asian and European stocks suffered major losses on Friday. 109 股市崩盘给了经济以沉重的打击。 The stock market crash has hit the economy for six. 110 汽车行业仍是今天股市关注焦点。 Automotive industry today, the stock market is still the focus of concern. 111 世界大多数股市星期四都出现下滑。 Many stock markets around the world moved lower today's ( Thursday's ) trading. 112 金融类股让中国股市的大型股权重过高。 The financial sector has left China's market top - heavy with big stocks. 113 股市反弹,石油价格继续快速上涨。 Equity markets recovered ground and oil continued its dizzy rise. 114 结果美国股市腰斩,经济急剧下滑。 The US stock market was cut in half and the economy nosedived. 115 股市多头让许多投资客大赚一笔。
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