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27873经济法概论模拟试题27873经济法概论模拟试题 《经济法概论》(27873)模拟考试题 (考试时间150分钟,总分100分) 一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分) 1、我国增值税税率包括基本税率、优惠税率和零税率三档,其中基本税率一般为( ) A.13, B.15, C.17, D.20, 2、发起人应在发行股份的股款缴足、达到法定资本最低限额后的法定期限内召开创立大会,该期限为( ) A.10日 B.15日 C.20日 D.30日 3、有权决定国有独资公司合并分立的是( ) A.股东会 B.董事会 C.国有...
27873经济法概论模拟试题 《经济法概论》(27873)模拟考试题 (考试时间150分钟,总分100分) 一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分) 1、我国增值税税率包括基本税率、优惠税率和零税率三档,其中基本税率一般为( ) A.13, B.15, C.17, D.20, 2、发起人应在发行股份的股款缴足、达到法定资本最低限额后的法定期限内召开创立大会,该期限为( ) A.10日 B.15日 C.20日 D.30日 3、有权决定国有独资公司合并分立的是( ) A.股东会 B.董事会 C.国有资产监督管理机构 D.监事会 4、赵某未经钱某同意将借用钱某的笔记本电脑卖给了孙某。该买卖是( ) A.无效的 B.可撤销的 C.效力未定的 D.有效的 5、下列有关承诺的述中错误的是( ) A.承诺应在要约规定的期限内作出 B.承诺应向要约人作出 C.承诺应对要约的内容表示同意 D.承诺可以撤回也可撤销 6、甲企业在市场上推出一种名为“一按达”的多功能遥控器。该产品采用适应操作者手形的曲线外观,配以反传统的香槟色。甲企业投放大量、长时间的广告宣传,使其在相关市场广为消费者欢迎,销售地区甚广。乙企业仿冒甲企业的产品,也在市场推出“易安达”多功能遥控器,其外观、色彩与甲企业的“一按达”相仿,引起消费者混淆。乙企业的行为属于( ) A.假冒、仿冒他人注册商标 B.擅自使用知名商品特有的名称、包装、装潢 C.侵犯他人外观设计专利权 D.引人误解的虚假宣传 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 7、为排挤竞争对手,某商店在销售中向购买海信电冰箱的顾客赠送一套餐具。对此,下列说法正确的是( ) A.如果电冰箱的价格减去餐具的价值小于电冰箱的成本价则商店构成不正当竞争 B.商店的行为构成违法搭售的不正当竞争 C.如果赠送餐具违背顾客意愿则构成不正当竞争,否则不构成 D.如果餐具质量不合格则构成不正当竞争,否则不构成 8、某甲的儿子患重病住院,急需用钱又借贷无门,某乙趁机表示愿意借给2000元,但半年后须加倍偿还,否则以甲的房子代偿,甲表示同意。根据合同法规定,甲、乙之间的( )。 A.因显失公平而无效 B.因显失公平而可撤销 C.因乘人之危而无效 D.因乘人之危而可撤销 9、“售出商品概不退换”侵犯了消费者的( ) A.保障安全权 B.公平交易权 C.自主选择权 D.监督批评权 10、税法的核心要素是( ) A、税法主体 B、税种 C、计税依据 D、税率 11、对于连续3年未使用注册商标的商标权人,商标局可以( ) A(撤消其注册商标 B(罚款 C(对企业负责人给予行政处罚 D(禁止销售有关商品 12、公司依照法定条件和程序发行,约定在一定期限内还本付息的有价证券是( ) A、公司债券 B(股权证 C(无记名股票 D(特别股 13、某工厂与某研究所订立了一份节能灯具技术转让合同,合同未约定后续技术成果的分享办法。一年后,该研究所对原有技术进行改造,研制出高效节能灯具。对于该项技术,某工厂享有何种权利,( ) A. 某工厂可以有偿使用该项技术 B. 某工厂可以无偿使用该项技术 C. 某工厂对该项技术有优先受让权 D. 某工厂对该项技术无任何权利 14、甲因购买商品房向银行贷款100万元,贷款期限10年,贷款1年后,甲因接受赠与获得赠款150万元,甲向银行主张提前还款,下列表述正确的是 ( ) (提前履行:是履行问题,不是违约问题;损害对方利益的,是违约) A、因提前还款使银行丧失预期利息,银行可拒绝接受 B、只有经银行同意才可提前还款 (加收两个月的利息也是对的---银行) C、提前还款是违约行为 D、提前还款银行应当接受 (提前还款,没侵犯银行利益,不是违约,需接受,侵market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 害银行利益可不接受) 15、甲委托同村的乙代为带回一匹马。但乙在牧区未遇上好马,担心甲家中活重,就未买马。自己带回良骡一口。甲将骡领回,并付给乙相应款项。下列说法中,正确的是( )。 (表见代理) A. 甲的领骡行为是基于对表见代理的接受 B. 甲的领骡行为是基于对乙无权代理的追认 C. 甲的领骡行为是基于对乙委托代理的承受 D. 甲的领骡行为是基于与乙的买卖关系的受领 (两个连接的买卖,后一个和前面的代理没关系) 16、天华公司欠缴税款20万元,并且该公司目前财物状况严重恶化,虽然经税务机关采取强制措施仍无法缴清税款。此时,税务机关得知大胜公司长期拖欠天华公司一笔贷款,而天华公司一直未向其索要,即将超过诉讼时效,税务机关可以采取的做法是,( )(代位权和撤销权:税务机关) A.依照有关规定行使代位权 B.书面通知大胜公司开户银行从其存款中扣缴税款 C.采取强制性措施扣押、拍卖大胜公司产品,并以拍卖所得抵缴税款 D.通过行政手段要求大胜公司偿还贷款 (依法行使代位权) 17、下列行为中,哪些属于法律规定的不正当竞争行为,( ) 某市政府发文规定,由于最近本市连续发生多起煤气中毒事件,因此各单位必须A. 统一使用本市煤气公司生产的煤气安全阀 B.某商场为促销,张贴海报,宣传在年底举办有奖销售,最高奖品为价值4000元的彩电1台 (没超过5000) C.某市果品公司购进一批水果,由于不便保存,决定降价销售,致使本市水果价格大幅度下降 (鲜活商品) D.甲公司为提高本公司产品的市场占有率,通过座谈会的形式,向顾客宣传自己公司产品的优势。 18、根据我国现行《公司法》的规定,设立股份有限公司的发起人应当为( ) A.二人以上 B.二人以上二百人以下 C.四人以上 D.五人以上五十人以下 19、根据我国法律规定,股份有限公司发行公司债券,其净资产额不得低于人民币( ) A.3000万元 B.5000万元 C.6000万元 D.8000万元 20、根据我国《证券法》,上市公司对发行股票所募资金,必须按照招股说明书所列资金用途使用。改变招股说明书所列资金用途时,必须经过批准,该批准权的享有者是( ) A.银行 B.董事会 C.证监会 D.股东大会 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-ente 3 / 8 rprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 二、填空题(每小题1分,共10分) 1、经济法律事实是指能够引起 产生、变更和消灭的现象和情形。 2、新合伙人入伙时,应当经过 同意。 3、 当事人约定,由第三人向债权人履行债务的,第三人不履行债务,或履行债务不符合约定, 应当向债权人承担违约责任。 4、注册商标的有效期为 年,自核准注册之日起计算。 5、《反不正当竞争法》规定,经营者不得从事奖励金额超过 元的抽奖式有奖销售。 6、 有权对违法《产品质量法》规定的行为,向产品质量监督部门或者其他有关部门检举。 7、消费者在购买、使用商品和接受服务时,享受其人格尊严、 得到尊重的权利。 8、凡在我国境内销售货物或者提供加工、修理、修配劳务以及进口货物的单位和个人,均应当依法交纳 。 9、基本养老保险由企业和个人共同负担,实行社会统筹与 相结合。 10、 一方当事人执行裁决,另一方当事人申请撤销裁决的,人民法院应当裁定 。 三、名词解释(每小题3分,共15分) 1、法人 2、不安抗辩权 3、职务发明 4、最低工资保障 5、保险 四、简答题(每小题5分,共25分) 1、简述工业产权的特征和工业产权的保护原则。 2、简述反不正当竞争法中的假冒行为的种类。 3、简述禁止性证券交易行为的种类。 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 4、简述社会审计的业务范围。 5、简述劳动争议的处理原则和方式。 五、论述题(每小题10分,共20分)(任选两题) 1、试述合同法的基本原则。 2、试述销售者的产品质量责任与义务。 3、试述我国经济法中,关于债的相关制度。 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-ente 5 / 8 rprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 4、试述公司董事、监事、高级管理人员的资格和义务。 六、案例分析题(10分)(任选一题) (一)、甲、乙、丙三人成立了一家有限责任公司,取名为汇通电器有限责任公司,注册资本为1000万元。甲以货币出资250万元;乙以房屋出资,作价600万元,但未办理房屋的过户手续;丙以著作权出资,作价150万元。甲、乙、丙三人决定首期出资为250万元,其他各期出资在公司成立后两年内缴足。 问:1、以上有限责任公司设立的出资形式是否符合法律规定,(3分) 2、有限责任公司的出资形式包含哪些,(3分) 3、有限责任公司的股东,股权转让的方式是什么,(4分) (二)、案情 甲公司委派业务员张某去乙公司采购大蒜,张某持盖章空白合同书以及采购大蒜授权委托书前往。 甲、乙公司于2010年3月1日签订大蒜买卖合同,约定由乙公司代办托运,货交承运人丙公司后即视为完成交付。大蒜总价款为100万元,货交丙公司后甲公司付50万元货款,货到甲公司后再付清余款50万元。双方还约定,甲公司向乙公司交付的50万元货款中包含定金20万元,如任何一方违约,需向守约方赔付违约金30万元。 张某发现乙公司尚有部分绿豆要出售,认为时值绿豆销售旺季,遂于2010年3月1日擅自决定与乙公司再签订一份绿豆买卖合同,总价款为100万元,仍由乙公司代办托运,货交丙公司后即视为完成交付。其他条款与大蒜买卖合同的约定相同。 2010年4月1日,乙公司按照约定将大蒜和绿豆交给丙公司,甲公司将50万元大蒜货款和50万元绿豆货款汇付给乙公司。按照托运合同,丙公司应在十天内将大蒜和绿豆运至甲公司。 2010年4月5日,甲、丁公司签订以120万元价格转卖大蒜的合同。4月7日因大蒜价格大涨,甲公司又以150万元价格将大蒜卖给戊公司,并指示丙公司将大蒜运交戊公司。4月8日,丙公司运送大蒜过程中,因山洪暴发大蒜全部毁损。戊公司因未收到货物拒不付款,甲公司因未收到戊公司货款拒绝支付乙公司大蒜尾款50万元。 后绿豆行情暴涨,丙公司以自己名义按130万元价格将绿豆转卖给不知情的己公司,并迅即交付,但尚未收取货款。甲公司得知后,拒绝追认丙公司行为,要求己公司返还绿豆。 问题 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 1.大蒜运至丙公司时,所有权归谁?为什么? 2.甲公司与丁、戊公司签定的转卖大蒜的合同的效力如何?为什么? 3.大蒜在运往戊公司途中毁损的风险由谁承担?为什么? 4.甲公司能否以未收到戊公司的大蒜货款为由,拒绝向乙公司支付尾款?为什么? 5.乙公司未收到甲公司的大蒜尾款,可否同时要求甲公司承担定金责任和违约金责任?为什么? 6.甲公司与乙公司签订的绿豆买卖合同效力如何?为什么? 7.丙公司将绿豆转卖给己公司的行为法律效力如何?为什么? 8.甲公司是否有权要求己公司返还绿豆?为什么? (三)、案情 2007年2月,甲乙丙丁戊五人共同出资设立北陵贸易有限责任公司(简称北陵公 司)。公司章程规定:公司注册资本500万元;持股比例各20%;甲、乙各以100万元现金出资,丙以私有房屋出资,丁以专利权出资,戊以设备出资,各折价100万元;甲任董事长兼总经理,负责公司经营管理;公司前五年若有利润,甲得28%,其他四位股东各得18%,从第六年开始平均分配利润。 至2010年9月,丙的房屋仍未过户登记到公司名下,但事实上一直由公司占有和使用。 公司成立后一个月,丁提出急需资金,向公司借款100万元,公司为此召开临时股东会议,作出决议如下:同意借给丁100万元,借期六个月,每月利息一万元。丁向公司出具了借条。虽至今丁一直未归还借款,但每月均付给公司利息一万元。 千山公司总经理王五系甲好友,千山公司向建设银行借款1,000万元,借期一年,王五请求北陵公司提供担保。甲说:“公司章程规定我只有300万元的担保决定权,超过了要上股东会才行。”王五说:“你放心,我保证一年到期就归还银行,到时候与你公司无关,只是按银行要求做个手续。”甲碍于情面,自己决定以公司名义给千山公司的贷款银行出具了一份担保函。 戊不幸于2008年5月地震中遇难,其13岁的儿子幸存下来。 北陵公司欲向农业银行借款200万元,以设备作为担保,银行同意,双方签订了借款合同和抵押合同,但未办理抵押登记。 2010年5月,乙提出欲将其股份全部转让给甲,甲愿意受让。 2010年7月,当地发生洪水灾害,此时北陵公司的净资产为120万元,但尚欠万水公司债务150万元一直未还。北陵公司决定向当地的一家慈善机构捐款100万元,与其签订了捐赠合同,但尚未交付。 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-ente 7 / 8 rprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 问题 1.北陵公司章程规定的关于公司前五年利润分配的内容是否有效?为什么? 2.丙作为出资的房屋未过户到公司名下,对公司的设立产生怎样的后果?在房屋已经由公司占有和使用的情况下,丙是否需要承担违约责任? 3.丁向公司借款100万元的行为是否构成抽逃注册资金?为什么? 4.北陵公司于2010年8月请求丁归还借款,其请求权是否已经超过诉讼时效?为什么? 5.北陵公司是否有权请求法院确认其向建设银行出具的担保函无效?为什么? 6.戊13岁的儿子能否继承戊的股东资格而成为公司的股东?为什么? 7.如北陵公司不能偿还农业银行的200万元借款,银行能否行使抵押权?为什么? 8.乙向甲转让股份时,其他股东是否享有优先受让权?为什么? 9.北陵公司与当地慈善机构的捐赠合同是否有效?为什么?万水公司可否请求法院撤销北陵公司的上述行为?为什么? market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service
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