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八年级英语口语资料23八年级英语口语资料23 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 前 言 经过老师们的精心编写,细致挑选,《初二口语教程》终于跟大家见面了。 本书共分为,,课,,,个主题,在初一口语学习的基础上,加入了更多、更地道的口语词汇及句型,教大家如何进一步用英语进行日常会话,融知识性和趣味性于一体。本书较《初一口语》而言加大了难度,希望大家在平时能多多操练,在口语学习方面再上一个台阶。 本书的内容均采自现实生活,很实用,内容比较丰富,也很有意思,你可以选择自己喜欢的题目、词组...
八年级英语口语23 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 前 言 经过老师们的精心编写,细致挑选,《初二口语教程》终于跟大家见面了。 本书共分为,,课,,,个主题,在初一口语学习的基础上,加入了更多、更地道的口语词汇及句型,教大家如何进一步用英语进行日常会话,融知识性和趣味性于一体。本书较《初一口语》而言加大了难度,希望大家在平时能多多操练,在口语学习方面再上一个台阶。 本书的内容均采自现实生活,很实用,内容比较丰富,也很有意思,你可以选择自己喜欢的题目、词组和惯用句挑着读,也可以逐页逐句的按部就班地读,无论哪种学习方式你都会学到与外国人实际会话一样的地道的英语达。 在学习过程中,你会逐渐理解英语表达的博大精深,千变万化的独特内涵。 1 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 1 Age 年龄 1 基本词汇 将下列单词译成中文 Baby generation young adult child middle,aged teenager old 2. 如何表述年龄 将左右栏内意思相同的表达法匹配起来: 1. She?s 3 days old . a. She?s still a child. 2. She?s 18 months. b. She?s newborn baby. 3. She?s 8. c. She?s a teenager. 4. She?s 14. d. She?s an adult. 5. She?s 20. e. She?s a toddler 用同样的方法匹配下列表达法: 6. He?s 28. f. He?s in his early fories. 7. He?s 35. g. He?s fairly elderly. 8. He?s 48. h. He?s in his mid,thirties. 9. He?s 42 i. He?s middle,ages. 10. He?s 85 j. He?s in his iate twenties. 谈论老年人时,使用elderly people 这样的表达法更委婉一些. 3. 如何表达“一个两岁的男孩” 请看下面的例句: He?s two years old . >I?ve got a two,year,old son. 用上述方法改写下面的句子: 1. My son is eleven. I?ve got an 2. We?ve got a daughter of six . We?ve got a 3. Their baby?s only two months old. They?ve got a 4 带有“age”的短语 使用下列单词完成下面含有“age”的短评: of look your same get at all child 1. the age as (me) . 2. when I was age. 3. people of ages. 4. when you to my age. 5. at the age 43. 6. you don?t your age. 7. a of his age. 8. your age. 2 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 将上述短评用在下面的句子中: a. Do you think you should be smoking ? I mean, you?re only 15. b. You?re lucky to have the chance to go to university , I had to get a job and start earning some money . c. John F. Kennedy became one of the youngest Presidents of the United States d. Isn?t Peter home yet ? A should be in bed by 10,at the latest! e. The great thing about roller-blading is that seem to be doing it,young and old . f. Our son is the boy next door, They?re in the same class. g. You?re not really 50,are you ?I don?t believe it . h. ,you?ll realise there?s more to life than going clubbing and riding motorbikes. 5 如何表示“代沟” 将下列短评用在下面的句子中: The age difference the generation gap the younger generation of my generation 1. Many older people think that are only interested in money. 2. My wife is ten years older than me, but has never been a problem. 3. You can?t expect me to use the internet! People grew up without telephone ! 4. My husband and I can?t stand the music our children play or their taste in clothes. I suppose it?s just ! 6. 如何表示“就其年龄而言,他很成熟。” 将下列词汇用在下面的对话中: great grown,up bright fit remarkable tall 1. Jane?s only two years old, but she can count up to ten. >Really? She sounds very for her age. 2. Peter?s only 14 , but he?s nearly as tall as me. >Yes, he?s quite for his age, isn?t he ? 3. Grand,dad plays tennis three times a week. >I know. He?s very for his age . 4. You know, Ruth?s 50, but she?s still a very attractive woman. >I know. She looks really for her age. 5. Laura?s only 14, but when she puts make up on , you?d think she was 17. >Yes. She?s very for her age, isn?t she? 6. My grandmother?s 100, but she lives alone and looks after herself. She?s amazing! >Yes, she?s quite for her age. 7 有关年龄的习语: 以下习语均与年龄增长有关,用下列单词完成下面的习语。 getting dog over wrong 1. You can?t teach an old new tricks. 2. She?s the side of 40. 3. He?s the hill. 4. He?s on a bit now. 请用上述习语完成下面的句子,必要时可以改变句子的语法: a. John will never change the way he does thing. You . b. In professional football , you?re at 35. 3 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 c. I think I?ll have to start taking life a bit easier. I am , you know ! d. Sheila looks great for her age. You?d never guess she?s of 50! 8 著名引语 使用下列单词完成下面的引语: age feel income forty 1. You?re only as old as you . 2. Life begins at . 3. Women lie about their ; men lie about their . 你认为最后一句话对吗, 你是否谎报过年龄呢, Words and Expressions 单词和短语 Adult 成人 the age difference 年龄差异 bright 聪颖的 elderly people 年长者 grown,up 大人 the generation gap 代沟 income 收入 middle,aged 中年的 of my generation 与我同代的 remarkable 了不起的 teenager 十三至十九岁的青少年 the younger generation 年轻的一代 2 Stages of Life 人生的阶段 1 基本词汇 将下列单词用在下面的句子中: childhood adolescence birth puberty 1. Was he present at the of his son ? 2. I think I had a very happy 3. Girls usually reach about a year before most boys. 4. can be the best or the worst years of your life. 将下列与人生中、晚年有关的词语用在下面的句子中: old age retirement marriage middle age 5. MY first unfortunately only lasted a couple of years . 6. Now that I?m over 40, I can feel approaching. 7. I want to stop work when I?m 60 and have a long and happy . 8. In his my father wrote a book about his wartime experiences. 2 童年时期 选择下列适当的词语填入下面的句型中: growing up at school teens kid at university child twenties single childhood teenager student young a. in my . b. when I was a . c. when I was . 4 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 使用下列动词的正确形式填空: have spend bring up grow up 1. I my childhood in the country. I loved walking home from school across the fields. 2. I was in the country so it took a long time to get used to living in London. 3. I in the county so when I moved to London it was quite a shock. 4. I a very strict upbringing. I had to study for two hours after school and had to be in bed by 9. 3 年龄不断增长 将下列句子的开头部分同下面的从句匹配起来: 1. I don?t want to go to university a. when the kids grow up and leave home. 2. I?m going to spend more time with my grandchildren . b. when I?m old and grey ? 3. Will you still love me c. when I leave school. 4. We won?t be able to go out as much d. when I retire. 5. At least we?ll have some peace and quiet. e. when we have children. 4 人生重大事件 将下列动词同右栏的词语匹配起来: 1. Leave a. your wife/your father 2. get b. schools/jobs/your career 3. change c. a baby/children 4. have d. engaged/married/divorced 5. move e. school/home 6. lose f. house 将上述部分短语用在下面的句子中,必要时可改变相关动词或代词的形式: 7. I?m not sure what I?ll do when I .It depends on my exam results. 8. I wasn?t surprised when I heard that they?d decided to I never really understood why they got married. 9. When we move to Bristol the children will have to I?m worried that it might affect their studies. 10. Bill?s never really recovered from in a car accident two years ago. They?d been married for twenty years . 11. I want to find my own flat but my parents think I?m too young to 12. The place we?re in now has only got two bedrooms. We?ll have to think about soon. 5 生命中最美好的一天 使用下列短语完成下面的句子: my lucky break the best day of my life turning,point the lowest point 1. I?ll never forget the day I got married, It was . 2. The day I decided to change my career was the big in my life. 3. Being offered that job in Las Vegas was I?ve never looked back! 4. I?ve had some bad times, but in my life was probably when I lost my job at IBM. 6 带有“life的短语 my way whole mew all full a. my life 5 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 b. start a life c. it?s a of life d. spent his life f. a very life 请将上述短语用在下面的句子中: 1. My grandfather in the navy. He traveled all over the world. 2(I?ve worked hard Now I?m looking forward to retiring . 3. I was in India last month. The Taj Mahal is incredible. I?ve never seen anything like it . 4. My grandmother?s nearly 90 now. She?s been married three times and lived in six different countries. She?s had 5. My best friend?s had enough of Britain. He?s going off to America to 6. When I first started this job, I didn?t like traveling up and down to London on the train every day but now 7 决定和选择 使用下列单词完成下面的句子: bad right wrong wise difficult 1. I had to decide if I wanted to get a job or go to university. It was a very …………choice. 2. I?m going to give this job up and go back to college. I hope I?m making the …….decision. 3. I?m pleased you?re going to study at Oxfort. I think you?ve made a very ……….choice. 4. It was definitely the ……..decision to come here in October. It?s freezing. 5. I hear you?re thinking of becoming self-employed. Personally, I think that would be a …..move. Babies and Children 婴儿和儿童 1 基本词汇 使用下列单词完成下面的句子: Pregnant feed born newborn healthy toys birth pregnancy 1(I?ll going to stop work when the baby is 2. Women shouldn?t smoke during 3. Julie?s staying in hospital for a few more days. It was quite a difficult 4. Have you heard? Jane?s again. 5. Looking after a baby is more difficult than you think. 6. I?m exhausted. I have to get up three times every night to the baby. 7. I don?t mind whether it?s a boy or a girl as long as it?s 8. Don?t forget to bring some for the children to play with. 2 期待婴儿降生 使用下列动词的正确形式完成下面的句子. Plan expect lose get 1. One of the girls at my school pregnant when she was only 14. 2. We only to have two children, so Jane was a bit of surprise-to both of us! 6 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 3. Have you heard? Lisa?s another baby. It?s due in November. 4. A friend of mine crashed her car when she was pregnant and the baby. 3 婴儿降生 将下列句子按最有逻辑的顺序列成1-7: a. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. b. She got pregnant. c. She went into labor. d. They called her Helen. e. She was in labor for eight hours. f. She was rushed to the maternity ward. g. She had a scan to see if the baby was OK. 4 我们已喜得贵子 将下列单词同下面的图画匹配起来: dummy pram cot buggy 使用下列单词和短语完成下面的句子: nappy sleepless nights child-minder twins baby-sitter nursery school crawling breast-feeding maternity leave 1. We?re had quite a few since the baby was born. I?m absolutely exhausted most of the time. 2. the baby?s crying again. I think her needs changing. 3. I can?t drink any alcohol at the moment. I?m 4. I wish we could go out a bit more in the evening, but getting a is very expensive. 5. I?ve still got two months of my left but I?m not sure what to do then. I?d quite like to go back to work but employing a to look after the baby will be so expensive. 6. Justin?s six months now. He?s just started He?ll be walking in no time. 7. Jenny?s nearly three now. She?ll soon be able to go to and I?ll be able to go back to work. 8. If you think having one baby to look after is difficult. Imagine what it?s like if you have or even triplets. 5 童年的记忆 将下列句子同右边的图画匹配起来: I remember 1. playing with toy cars. 2. playing with dolls. 3. collecting stamps. 4. playing board games with the family. 5. learning to ride a bike. 7 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 6. skipping in the playground at school. 7. flying my kite. 8. skate-boarding. 6 端庄或粗俗的行为 阅读下面的短文,然后将带颜色的短语填入下面合适的级别里: I wish our children were more like my brother?s children. His children are so well-behaved they?re so polite and they always seem to do what they?re told. Our children are so naughty all the time. Tommy?s always getting into trouble at school-last week he broke a window in one of the classrooms. And my daughter Jenny?s no better-last week she got told off by her teacher for drawing on the desk in the classroom. I do love my children very much-I just wish they could learn to behave themselves a bit better. being good: not being good: 7 规则 将左栏句子的开头部分同右栏句子的结尾部分匹配起来.有些开头部分可以同多个结尾部分匹配. 1. My parents made me a. brush my teeth before I went to bed. 2. They didn?t let me b. wear make-up till I was 14. 3. I had to c. do my homework before I could watch TV. 4. I couldn?t b. watch TV after 9 o?clock. 5. I wasn?t allowed to 请按自己的实际情况,将下述每个句子的第一部分都续写完整. 在一些国家,打孩子是违法.你认为这条法律好不好? Words and Expressions 单词和短语 baby-minder 保姆 behave oneself举止规矩 expect期待 feed喂(奶、食) healthy健康的 lose失去 naughty调皮的 newborn新生儿 nursery school 幼儿园 pregnant 怀孕的 toys 玩具 twins 双胞胎 4 Family 家庭 4 Family家庭 1 基本词汇 直系亲属: you mother, father, brothers and sisters, or, if you are married, your husband, wife and your sons and daughters. 亲属或亲戚: all your immediate family plus your grandparents, great-grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. 使用下列单词填空: aunt grandfather grandsons uncle grandmother nephew niece granddaughters cousins 1. Your parents? parents are your and your 2. Your father?s brother and sister are your and your 3. Your aunt?s and uncle?s children are your 8 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 4. your brother?s son and daughter are your and your 5. Your children?s children are your and your Relations和 relatives这两个词指的是同一群人。 2 姻亲 你的in-laws是你丈夫或妻子的成员,或者是你儿女的丈夫或妻子。请看下面的family tree(家谱图)并 将有关姻亲的名字填入下面的空格中: Robert Liz Bill Cynthia 1. Nigel?s mother-in-law 2. his father-in-law Nigel Eve Kevin Sue 3. his brother-in-law 4. his sister-in-law 5. his son-in-law 6. his daughter-in-law Samantha m. Peter Jane m. Jon 3 家庭的不同类型 阅读下面的短文1-5,再将它们同下列短语匹配起来: a. a nuclear family b. an extended family c. a single-parent family d. a couple who adopted a child e. a couple with no children 1. We?re married with there kids. Our eldest son. Simon, has just started secondary school, our daughter, Lisa, is eight and our youngest son, Luke, is only five. 2. We?ve only been married for a year. We?ve not planning to start a family just yet. 3. I?m a single mum. I bring up my son Josh on my own. Josh doesn?t mind being an only child but I think he?d like a brother or sister one day. 4. We share the house with my mother and father and my wife?s sister and her kids. Everyone helps to look after all the children. 5. We couldn?t have children of our own so we decided that adoption was the only answer. Lily came to live with us two years ago. She seems very happy at the moment but we realize that she might want to find her real mother one day. 我们可以说single mother, single father, single mum, single dad或者a single-parent family. 请将下列句子的开头同下面的句尾匹配起来: 1. We?re not planning to start 2. They help us take care of 3. We adopted 4.We share 5. She might want to find a. the house with my wife?s family. b. a baby from China. c. her real mother one day. d. the children. e. a family just yet. 9 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 4 带有“family”的短语 使用下列短语完成下面的句子: the whole family a very close family a big family family tree a big family reunion 1. I come from I?ve got four brothers and two sisters. 2. We?ve We see each other almost every day and if ever I?m in trouble, I know I can turn to one of them for help. 3. It?s my son?s eighteenth birthday next week. We?ve hoping to get together. 4. My wife and I are celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary soon. We?re planning to have 5. When I was researching my , I found out that my great-great-grandfather came over to England from Ireland 120 years ago. 5 家庭成员的共性 使用下列动词的正确形成完成下面的短语“ tell look run get take a. She just like her mother. b. She?s her father?s nose. c. He after his father. d. It in the family. e. You can?t „„them apart. 使用上述短语完成下列句子: 1. John?s got a terrible temper. He . 2. You can see that Jane is Mary?s daughter. She . 3. All my brothers and sisters are good at sport. It . 4. You can see that little Rebecca is a Smith . 5. We?ve got identical twins in my class at school . 你长得像家中的哪一位,你的性格气质同谁最接近,你的家庭关系亲密吗, Words and Expressions 单词和短语 adopt 收养 aunt 姑,姨 cousin 表兄妹 extended-family 外延家庭(包括近亲在内的大家庭) grandfather 爷爷,外公 granddaughter (外)孙女 nephew (侄儿) niece 侄女 nuclear-family 核心家庭(仅由夫妻和子女组成的小家庭) reunion 团聚 single-parent family 单亲家庭 uncle 叔叔,舅舅 10 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 5 Friends 朋友 1. 最好的朋友 使用下列单词完成下面的句子: lifelong mine old acquaintance close best 1. I hear you work with Peter. Did you know he was a friend of ? 2. I suppose Sandra is my friend. We ring each other most evenings. 3. I?m going up to see some friends in Scotland next week. I haven?t seen them for over 30 years! 4. I wouldn?t say he was a friend. We used to work together and we go for a drink now and again. 5. I met Martin at university. It was the start of a friendship. 6. I wouldn?t really call Sam a friend. He?s just an I know him through Kirsty and Paul. 在非正式英国英语中,年轻人经常称呼其朋友为mates.可以说某人是your best mate.在美国,人们有时称 其男性朋友为buddies. 2 朋友的其他称呼法 请将左栏的单词同右栏的表达法匹配起来: 1. workmate a. We study together. 2. partner b. We work for the same firm. 3. classmate c. We write every month. 4. pen-friend d. We share a flat. 5. flatmate e. We live together, but aren?t married. 3 结交朋友 使用下列单词和短语完成下面的句子: a. made b. true friends c. made friends with d. met him through e. pleased f. friendly with g. got to know h. introduced 1. How do you know Susan? >Rachel and Peter me to her. 2. How do you know Paul? >I Steve and Peter. 3. I really enjoyed my time at university. I so many new friends. 4. People say that Philip is a bit reserved but I him quite well when we had to work on that report together. 5. We had a great time on holiday in Spain. We a nice couple who were staying in the apartment next to ours. 6. I didn?t know you were the people next door to us. I you there last night. 11 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 7. It?s when you are having a difficult time that you know who your really are. 8. Anna, can I introduce you to an old friend of mine? This is Zoe. We were at college together. >Hi, Anna, to meet you. 4 人们为什么会成为朋在 请将左栏的句子开头同右栏的句子结尾匹配起来” 1. I didn?t like Jenny at first but now we get on a. similar backgrounds. 2. We live in different towns now but we still try to see b. in common. 3. Mark and I get on very well. We?ve got so much c. in touch. 4. Lucy?s my best friend. I know I can always rely on d. each other?s company. 5. Even if we move to different countries, we?d always stay e. a long way. 6. Mike and I do everything together. We really enjoy enjoy f. very well. 7. I think we?re friends because we come from g. her. 8. I?ve know Susan since we were at school. We go back h. each other whenever we can. 5 交友中的问题 使用下列单词和短语完成下面给一家杂志问题版的两封信: lose go our separate ways fell out ` drifted apart isn?t speaking row Dear Sally, I?ve been really good friends with Emma since we started in the same class two years ago but recently we (1) over a boy that we both like. I knew Emma liked him but when Steve asked me out I accepted. Emma was really angry and we had a terrible (2) Now she (3) to me. I like Steve but I don?t want to (4) my best friend. What should I do? Dear Sally, All the time we were at school Lucy and I were really close friends. We really enjoyed each other?s company and did everything together. But since she went to university we seem to have (5) She?s made lots of new friends and doesn?t have time for me. Do you think there is anything I can do to keep her as a friend or should I just accept it?s time to (6) ? 使用friends 和family完成下面的名言: You can choose your , but not your . 在中文里有相似的说法吗?你有最好的朋友吗? Words and Expressions 单词和短语 acquaintance相识(但不很熟)的人 bubby男性朋友 classmate同学 close亲密的 6 General appearance外貌 drift apart疏远 fall out分手 introduce介绍 lifelong终生的 partner同居者,伙伴 pen-friend 笔友 row争吵 workmate工友 6 General appearance外貌 12 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 6 General appearance 外貌 1 他是个大块头 将下列每一对句子同右边的图画匹配起来: 1. He isn?t very tall. He?s short and stocky. 2. She?s tall and slim. She?s got a lovely figure. 3. He?s quite a big guy. He?s quite well-built. 4. She?s a bit overweight. She?s quite plump, isn?t she? 5. He?s very fat. He?s absolutely enormous. 6. He?s very thin. He?s so skinny. Slim比thin更为正面肯定,也更有吸引力.Skinny是贬义的说法.如果说某人皮包骨,那他就太瘦了.说某人overweight 或者plump比说某人肥胖要更礼貌些. 2 一位骄小清秀、碧眼金发的女郎 阅读下列摘录的四段书面语,将它们同下面的四处来源匹配起来: a. b. Small, slim, blue-eyed blonde, The first man was small and wiry, with sharp, strong GSH, early 30?s WLTM hunky features. Behind him walked his opposite, a huge man, male 28-38 for fun and friendship. with wide shoulder; and he walked heavily, dragging Call me on 0. his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. c. d. The police are looking for a man The tallest man in medical history is Robert Pershing of average height and medium Wallow who was born on 22nd February 1918 in Illinois, build in his mid-twenties. He was USA, and who died on 15th July 1940 in Michigan. He was last seen wearing a dark green or last measured on 27th June 1940 and was found to be 272cm tall. grey anorak. 1. An extract from a novel. 2. An extract from a novel. 3. An extract from the Guinness Book of Records. 4. An advertisement in a lonely hearts section of a newspaper. 你认为WLTM和GSH各代表什么意思? 3 形容词和名词搭配 将下列搭配用在下面的句子中: long nails bad skin big feet deep voice lovely complexion long legs hairy chest thin legs 1.Sixe 12! Are these your shoes? You?ve got really , haven?t you? 2.You?ve got such Would you like to move the seat back a bit? 13 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 3. I?ve never seen you in shorts before. You?ve got such You should go running and try to build up them a bit! 4. My boyfriend?s got a really It?s like being with a gorilla. 5. You?ve got such lovely Are they real? 6. He?s got such a I find it very sexy when he speaks to me on the phone. 7. Keith?s new girlfriend must spend a fortune on face cream to have such a 8. Poor Tim. He?s had really ever since he was 13. 4 形容词的顺序 将下面描述正确的顺序排列起来: 1. He?s a man with hair.(short, tall, fair, good-looking) 2. She?s a woman with hair.(tall, long, thin) 3. I?ve got hair and I?m tall and very (thin, straight, black) 4. She?s very with a tan and hair.(blonde, lovely, good-looking, long) 5. I wouldn?t describe my husband as and ! Short, overweight, and going thin on top is more accurate! (handsome, dark, tall) 5 独有的特征 将下列句子同下面的图画匹配起来: 1.The accident left a scar on his forehead. 2. He?s got a birthmark on his head. 3. I?ve just had a tattoo done. 4. He?s got a mole on his back. 你的个子有多高? 你有什么独有的特征吗? 试试想出某位名人,他: tall and thin (身材高大而削瘦) short and stocky (个子矮小但结实) absolutely enormous (绝对是个大块头) Words and Expressions 单词和短语 Absolutely绝对地 bad skin粗糙的皮肤 big feet大脚 Birthmark胎记 deep voice低沉的声音 enormous巨大的 hairy chest毛茸茸的胸膛 lovely complexion娇好的面色 plump丰满的 skinny 瘦得皮包骨 scar伤疤 14 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 6 Describing Character 描述性格 1 褒义和贬义的评论 给下列句子标出P(褒义的)或N(贬义的) 1. She?s got so much personality. 2. She?s a bit difficult at times. 3. She isn?t easy to get on with. 4.She?s got a great sense of humour. 5. She?s a bit of a pain sometimes. 6. She?s great fun. 7. She can be a pain in the neck. 8.She?s my kind of person. 你能想得出你认识的人中谁适合上述评语吗? 2 他总喜欢做这些事 将下列描述的开头部分同右边的结尾部分匹配起来: 1. Tony isn?t very sensitive. a. He?s always buying me little presents. 2. Mark?s so aggressive. b. He?s always looking in the mirror. 3. Simon?s very thoughtful. c. He?s always worrying about what people think of him. 4. He?s so absent-minded. d. He?s always saying the wrong thing. 5. Joe isn?t very self-confident. e. He keeps forgetting where he?s put things. 6. He?s so vain. f. He keeps getting into fights. 3 他过于谦逊 使用下列表达法完成下面的对话: far too modest far too sensible much too shy much too proud much too loyal far too honest 1. I think Mark took some money from my bag while we were out. >No, he?s to do a thing like that. 2. I?m still waiting for Lisa to say sorry for sending that fax to the wrong address. >You?ll wait a long time! Lisa?s to admit anything?s her fault. 3. Jenny left a window open when she went out this morning. Anybody could?ve got in. >Are you sure it was Jenny. She?s to do anything like that. 4.Apparently, Amy asked Tom if he?d like to go out tomorrow night. >I don?t believe you. She?s to ask a boy out! 5. Julie got the highest mark in the class, but she didn?t say a word. > No, she wouldn?t She?s to say anything about it. 6. I thought Martin was a good friend but he?s been telling everybody that I?m boring. > Are you sure? Martin?s to say something like that behind your back. 3 反义词 将上栏1,5句中的形容词同下栏a—e句中的反义词匹配起来: 1. Tom?s really generous. He bought everyone in the pub a drink last night. 2. Claire?s very hark-working. She never leaves the office until after six o? clock. 3. Tina?s very outgoing. She?s made friends with everybody else in the class already. 15 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 4. Brian?s a very easy-going sort of guy. Nothing seems to worry him. 5. Jack?s such a cheerful little boy. I?ve never seen him in a bad mood. a. Bruno?s so shy. I don?t think he?s spoken to any of the other students yet. b. I don?t understand why he?s so miserable. He never stops complaining. c. Lucy?s very tense. She?s always worrying about something or other. d. Don?t expect Tom to put any money in the collection. He?s much too mean. e. I can?t believe Emma?s husband?s so lazy He just sits and watches TV all evening. 在英国英语中,称呼men的非正式词汇有:guy, bloke和lad; lad表示男性青少年。 5 她是个情绪化的人 使用下列单词和短语完成下面的对话: moody amusing stubborn arrogant selfish silly 1. Lucy never thinks about anyone but herself( >Yes(she can be a bit , sometimes( 2. Oh, Laura?s impossible(one minute-life is wonderful- and the next minute she?s in her room crying. >Yes,she can be a bit , can?t she? 3. I really don?t like Bob(He seems to think that he?s more important than anybody else. >He certainly can be very . 4. Martin?s such good fun(He?s got a great sense of humor. >Yes,he can be very at times( 5. 1 wish Joe would stop playing practical jokes all the time. It gets very tiring. >Yes, he can be really at times. 1 wish he?d grow up and behave like an adult( 6. I told Emma mat she shouldn?t leave university but she never listens to me( >No,she really can be very when she wants,can?t she? 6 不要如此爱管闲事 使用下列形容词完成下面的对话: bossy sensitive fussy nosey 1. How much do you earn m your new job? >That?s a bit……of you! 2. You can do the washing up while I?m out( >You can be so……at times ! 3. Jenny?s really upset about what you said( >She?s too………… 4. I can?t eat these vegetables. They?ve been cooked in oil. >Oh, don?t be so…… 将下列表达法加到上述回答的后面: a. 1 was only joking! b. I?m not your slave! c. It?s none of your business。Actually. d. All you ever do is complain ! 16 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 7 不同类型的人 下列是八种人。将他们用在下面的句子中: a gossip a big-head an extrovert a laugh a couch potato a snob a coward a liar 1. Yon shouldn?t believe a word Justin says. He?s a terrible 2. Maria?s a terrible She?s always talking about everybody else in the office( 3. Roberto?s quite an isn?t he? He?s got hundreds of friends ! 4. Martin?s such a He never stops telling people how wonderful he is. 5. You can?t keep running away from your responsibilities. You?re such a 6. Just because Dave didn?t go to university doesn?t mean he?s any less intelligent than you(Don?t be such a 7. Emma?s husband?s such a He just sits around all day watching TV. 8. Billy knows hundreds of jokes. He?s such a 8 否定前缀 将un, dis, in,或im加在下面的单词前,使其成为反义词: reliable honest sensitive pleasant loyal tolerant patient mature friendly decisive ambitious selfish Words and Expressions 单词和短语 absent-minded心不在焉 aggressive好斗的 amusing令人愉快的 arrogant傲慢的 coward胆小鬼 liar说谎的人 moody情绪化的 nosey爱打听事的 selfish自私的 sensitive 敏感的 stubborn倔强的 vain虚荣心强的 8 Feelings and emotions 感觉和情绪 1 基本词汇1 将下列语言场景同下面表达感觉的句子匹配起来: 1. I didn?t understand any of the questions. 2. A huge dog came running towards me. 3.We?re taking the kids to the zoo on Saturday. 4. I?ve got my driving test tomorrow. 5. I?ve been up since half past five. 6. I forgot my Dad?s birthday again. 7. My Mum and Dad arrived at the club and started dancing! 8. You only say you don?t like Steve because you haven?t got a boyfriend. a. I?m starting to feel really tired. b. You?re just jealous. c. I was really scared. d. I was really confused. 17 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 e. I feel so guilty. f. I?m really nervous. g. They?re really excited. h. I was so embarrassed. 2. 基本词汇2 按前述同样的做法做下面的练习: 1. I can?t believe I got so drunk. 2. I didn?t expect the film to be so violent. 3. Why didn?t you phone to say you?d be late? 4. There?s a huge spider in the bath! 5. They talked about computers all evening. 6. I got the results back from the hospital today. They?re negative, thank goodness! 7. When my daughter became a doctor, I was really pleased. 8. She came home to find we?d organized a big party for her. a. I?m really frightened of them. b. I felt so proud. c. We were very worried. d. I was so bored. e. I?m so relieved. f. She was so surprised. g. I feel so ashamed. h. I was quite shocked by it. 3 心情和感觉 使用下列动词的正确形式填空: show hide get be(2) 1. If you love Kay, you?ve got to tell her. Don?t your feelings from her. 2. Why you in such a bad mood today? Have I upset you? 3. Ann?s a very emotional person. She isn?t afraid to her feelings in public. 4. I?ve mixed feelings about leaving. I?ll be glad to say goodbye to this place, but I?ll miss all my friends. 5. You seem to in a good mood this morning! Have you won the lottery? 现在回头在整个表达法下面划横线。 如果某人a bit moody 或者in a funny mood, 那么他们的心情不是快乐。 4 “Get”+感觉 “Get”这个动词经常同表示情感的词连用。 使用下列“get”表达法的正确形式填空: get a bit tired get a bit worried get really excited get bored get nervous get a bit confused get really jealous get embarrassed 1. My boyfriend doesn?t like it if I speak to other boys when we?re out. He 2. Lisa said she?d be home by eleven. I?m beginning to 3. Can?t we go out and do something? I?m just watching TV. 18 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 4. Shall we stop and have a rest soon? I?m, 5. we?re taking the children camping next weekend. They?re about it. 6. Don?t keep asking him about his girlfriend. Can?t you see he?s ? 7. These instructions aren?t easy to follow. I?m 8. I?ve got my driving test next month. I?m already about it. 极端情感 使用下列单词完成下厦的旬子: amazed disgusted exhausted horrified stunned terrified 1. You must have been quite frightened when the pilot announced that he was going to land in Kuwait. >1 was absolutely 2. Did you say you saw people m the sea? >Yes! In the middle of winter! I was absolutely 3. What a long day! You must be tired. >I?m absolutely 4. Did you see the news last night? English football fans in trouble again! I don?t know what they?re thinking about? >Yes(I Was absolutely I just don?t understand why they have to do it( 5. I hear Tony?s just lost his job(How?s he taking it? >He Was absolutely He thought he had a job for life. 6. Did you read about the murder of that little girl? >Yes(I think the whole country is that that sort of thing can happen. 从属性介词 使用下列介词完成下面的句子: by about of 1. I?m afraid dogs. 2. I?m really nervous med yourself. 4. There?s nothing to worry 5. It took me surprise( 6. Well done! We?re so proud you? 7. I?m tired doing the same thing day after day. 1 need a change. 8. I was quite shocked the way he reacted. 9. 1 wish I hadn?t been so horrible to Ruth now. I feel really guilty it. 7 我真不敢相信自己的眼睛(我真是活见鬼了) 将下列表达法用在下面的甸子中: a. I can?t be bothered. b. I went bright red. c. I was scared stiff. d. I can?t wait. c. I couldn?t believe my eyes. 19 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 1. You?re off to the Caribbean tomorrow, aren?t you? >Yes. I?m so excited 2. I hear you spilled your coffee all over the table at the meeting yesterday. >Yeah! 1 was so embarrassed 3. Are you going to fill in that job application this evening? >No, I?m too tired. 4. A cow in the garden! You must have been a bit surprised( >1 was 5. The snake you?re holding in this photo is enormous. Weren?t you frightened? >Yes. 1 was Words and Expressions单词和短语 amuse愉悦 disgusted令人作呕的 embarrass使窘迫 emotion 情感 exhaust使疲惫 hide隐藏 horrify使恐怖 jealous嫉妒的 mood心情,心境 nervous紧张的,焦虑的 stun 使惊呆 terrify使惊恐 9 Happy or sad愉快或悲伤 1基本词汇 将下列每组句子同右面的图画匹配起来: 1. I?m a bit disappointed( I?m not very happy( I could?ve done better( 2. absolutely delighted absolutely ecstatic( absolutely thrilled( 3. I?m very pleased with it It?s just what 1 wanted( I?m glad you like it( 4. She?s very upset( She?s very unhappy( She?s absolutely heartbroken. 5. He?s depressed( He?s miserable( He?s really fed up 2 她使我心碎 当谈论人们的心情时。我们使用很多习惯性表 达法。使用下列名词完成下面句子中的绿色字 短语: heal world tears joy moon 1. We won 3---0 today. It was a great result We?re over the 2. My Dad was killed in a car accident when he was 30. It broke my mother?s 20 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 3. When we heard we?d managed to get tickets for their only UK concert, we were jumping for 4. I knew she was upset,but it took me by surprise when she suddenly burst into 5. I can?t believe how lucky I am. I?m so happy. I?m on too of the 3 请给我一个微笑 使用下列动词的正确形式填空: laugh frown cry smile moan 1. Come on, everybody! I?m trying to take a picture. 2. When Keith told that story about the time he was stuck in a lift, it was so funny. I couldn?t stop 3. Diana?s very upset. I can hear her upstairs in her room. 4. It wasn?t a very relaxing holiday. My husband about everything! First it was the hotel, and then it was the rain. Then,when the sun did come out. it was too hot! 1 wish we?d stayed at home! 5. Why do you keep ? Is something the matter? Are you unhappy about something? 4 感觉想家 下面的这封信是一个外国学生写给家乡女朋友的。请阅读并使用下列单词和短语完成它。 missing lonely on my own homesick myself looking Dear Donna Life here in England is very different from Brazil. The food is nothing like ours and all the pubs close at eleven o?clock. I haven?t made many friends yet. Sometimes I feel a bit(1) If I think about Rio for too long, I start to feel quite(2) It really is al quite interesting. Now and again, I go out with the other students in my class, but I spend most of my free time by(3) I went to the cinema(4) on Friday night-I?ve never done that before! I?m really(5) you and I?m (6) forward to coming home next month. Yours Paulo 5 更正式的言论 将下列更正式言论的两个部分匹配起来。注意带颜色名词的情感色彩。 1. It gives me great pleasure a. to his father. 2. He was overcome with grief b. this war has caused on every street corner. 3. We wish you great joy and happiness c. in your future life together. 4. It was with great sadness d. to announce that the winner is Mr C. Gough 5. Martin was a huge disappointment e. that I left my home town after so many years. 6. One can see the misery f. when his wife passed away. 6 支持朋友 阅读下列表达法。判断一下。如果你使用这些表达法。那么对方是愉快的(在旬尾用H表示)还是悲伤的(在 旬尾用S表示): 1. Congratulations! 2. What?s the matter? 3. 1 feel a bit sorry for her 4. Cheer up! 21 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 5. Well done! 6. I?m really sorry to hear that 7. That?s a pity. 下面有七种语言场景。请判断并选择上述最合适的句子同下面的一个句子匹配起来: a. Your friend?s mother has just med. b. Your friend is getting married. c, Your friend needs encouraging. d. Your friend has just won a golf tournament. e. Your friend has been crying. f. Your sister has just just her job. g. Your friend can?t come to your party. 下面还有三个表达法。它们同上述表达法中的三个意思很接近。将它们匹配起来: 8. I?m SO sorry. 9. What?s up? 10. What a shame! 人们说:it’s no use crying over spik milk. 这句话的含义是什么,你同意吗, Words and Expressions单词和短语 delight 使高兴 depress使情绪低沉 disappoint使失望 ecstatic欣喜若狂的 heartbroken心碎的 homesick想家的 miserable悲惨的 moan呻吟 on one?s own独自地,独立地 smile 微笑 thrill 使兴奋 upset使沮丧 10 Liking and disliking喜欢和厌恶 1 很喜欢某物 下列带颜色的两种裹达法哪一种表示的意思更强一些7 1. What?s rids CD? I really like / quite like it( 2. I like / do 1ike your coat. Where did you get it? 3. You should go to New York one day. You?d love / like it( 4. I?m going to have a dessert. I love / absolutely adore strawberries. 5. Why don?t you get Claire a CD? She?s very keen on / absolutely mad about Blur. 6. I quite enjoy / really 1ook forward to going to me gym after a hard day in the office. “喜欢做某事”的一种时髦和非正式的表达法是I’m into. 例如: I?m really into that kind of music. He?s into everything alternative-vegetarian food, alternative medicine, that kind of thing. 2 肯定的、中性的还是否定的? 人们常常讲类似“it?s fantastic”(这太好了)或“It?s terrible”(这太糟糕了)这样的话来表示毫欢或不喜欢。将下列单词和短语归入下面适当的栏目中: wonderful fantastic excellent great 22 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 appalling terrible not bad all right brilliant awful dreadful OK very positive neutral very negative 3 表示毫欢某物 将下列句子的开头和结尾匹配起来 I really enjoy a. on jazz. I?ve got about 200 CDs. 1. 2. I?m really 1ooking forward b. of Paris. I?ve been there five times. 3. I?m very keen c. about horses. 4. I?m very fond d. from gardening. 5. My little girl?s abs01utely crazy e. my work. 6. I get a lot of enjoyment f. to seeing all my friends again. 4 当被问及你喜欢什么时 将下面的问话和回答匹配起来。构成两行字的谈话: 1. Shall we get a bottle of red wine? a. Not much, really. I prefer meat. 2. Do you fancy going to the cinema? b. 1 wouldn?t be seen dead in it! It?s for kids! Do you like fish? c. Well, actually, I?d prefer white. 3. 4. Do you eat here often? d. I can take it or leave it, actually. 5. Do you like whisky and things like that? e. I?d rather stay at home, if you don?t mind. 6. Have you been to that new club? f. Yes, it?s one of my favourite restaurants. 5 介词的使用 使用下列介词完成下面的短文: on about to into of from Although I?m keen (1) 1eading a healthy life, I?m not mad (2) health food shops and I?m certainly not (3) alternative medicine. I?m too fond (4) sweet things and good wine! I get a lot of enjoyment (5) sport, but after a game of football, I do 1ook forward (6) going out for a really nice meal with a good bottle of Spanish wine, followed by coffee and chocolates! 6 表示不喜欢某物 将下列左栏的句子开头同右栏的两个结尾匹配起来: 1. I don?t a. stand that song. bear mm. 2. I?m not b. like it much. really like it. 3. It doesn?t c. hate it. loathe the idea. 4. I can?t d. very keen on sport. really interested in art. 5. I absolutely e. interest me. appeal to me. 23 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 上述哪四个短语表示非常强烈地不喜欢,请把它们写下来: 请按适合你的情况完成下列句子: 1. I don?t like very much. 2. I?m not really very keen on 3. I?m not very interested in 4. doesn?t really appeal to me. 5. I can?t stand 6. I can?t bear it when people 7. I absolutely loathe 7 增加评论语 使用下面a—f表达法给下列l一6句续接正确的结尾: 1. 1 don?t think you?ll like the film much. It?s nothing 2. Why do so many people like jazz? I don?t know 3. I don?t really understand why people like champagne so much. It does 4. I don?t think I?ll come to the opera with you. I?m not really 5. I?ve never been to watch rugby. It?s not really 6. I suppose techno music?s OK, but I could a. into that sort of thing. b. special. c. live without it. d. nothing for tile. e. my cup of tea. f. what they see in it. 8 词序 将句尾的副词用在句子的合适位置上: 1. I like Maria?s husband. very much 2. I don?t like this pub. at all 3. I thought it was brilliant. absolutely 4. I hate people telling me what to do. really 如果你go off something,你是开始喜欢它呢,还是开始不喜欢它? Words and Expressions单词和短语 alternative可替代 appalling骇人的,可惊的 awful可怕的。严肃的 brilliant辉煌的 dreadful可怕的,令人敬畏 enjoy欣赏,喜爱 excellent优秀的,一流的 fantastic棒极了的,异想天开的 fond of喜欢 24 内部资料, 请勿外传 special特别的 vegetarian素食者(的) wonderful精彩的,令人惊奇的 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 11 Body movements身体动作 1 身体姿势 将下列动词同圈画匹配起来: bow kneel lean lie down stand up sit down 2 移动身体 将下列单词同图画匹配起来: run dance walk jump climb dive hop crawl 3 移动物品 使用下列动词的正确形式填空: 1ift push pull drag 1. Excuse me, could you help me my car to the side of the road? 2. The best part of the film was when he her towards him and kissed her passionately. 3. My suitcase is so heavy I can hardly it 0ffthe ground. 4. Two policeman one of the protesters from the crowd and threw him into the back of the police van. 4 动词的习惯用法 将下列动词用在下面合适的方格中: jump sit lean walk lie climb 1. 4. down the road to school for miles onto the roof up the hill a mountain through the park to work out of the room the ladder over a wall out of the around town window a tree 2. 5. against me wall out of the window in bed on the beach too far across the table forward/ back down on your back awake 3. 6. up and down into the pool into the sea in an armchair on a stool back and relax over a wall out of the window off the roof upright around talking on the sofa 你需要把以上习惯用法作为整体来掌握。 5 身体失衡 使用下列动词的正确形式完成下面的句子: slip fall 0ff fall down collapse trip over 1. I the dog last night and hit my head on the coffee table. 2. I the stairs and almost broke my neck! 3. I my bike and hurt my shoulder. 4. It?s quite icy outside(Be careful not to and bleak something. 5. The old man in the street and was rushed to hospital. 潮湿的地面或带冰的人行道是slippery. 25 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 6 手和脚的动作 将下列动词同图画匹配起来: ho1d(your head) reach punch throw kick wave clap(your hands) point catch 使用下列动词的正确形式完成下面的句子: shake stamp step reach hold on slap grab wave 1. My feet are soaking wet! I?ve just in a huge puddle! 2. That guy must have said something very rude. The woman with him has just his face! 3. There was nothing I could do. The mall just my handbag and ran off up the street. 4. You?re taller than me. Could you up and get that b00k for me? 5. There was a huge spider on the bathroom floor. My Dad just on it and that was the end of the spider! 6. Everyone in the crowd was a flag as the Queen passed by. She back! 7. you?re supposed to the bottle before you take the medicine. 8. It was so windy last night. I really had to to my umbrella to stop it blowing away. 7 快速或慢速运动 阅读下列句子。将带颜色的单词和短语归入下面合适的栏目中。必要时可求助词典。 1. Mary tiptoed along the corridor, trying not to wake the children. 2. I think Beckham?s badly injured. He?s limping over to the side of the pitch. 3. I saw that he?d come off his bike and I rushed over to see if I could help. 4. It Was a pretty quiet weekend. on Sunday we just strolled round the park and men had lunch in the pub. 5. It started pouring with rain so we dashed into to a shop doorway. 6. I leapt up to answer the phone and spilled my coffee down my trousers. 7. I thought I saw somebody creeping about in the garden last night. Did you see. anything? 8. She marched into the office and demanded to speak to the manager. 9. I love wandering round town on Saturday, just 1ooking in all the shop windows. 10. As soon as Helen heard she?d passed the exam, she raced home to tell her parents. Quick movements Slow movements Words and Expressions单词和短语 Bow弯腰,鞠躬 climb向上爬 collapse倒塌 crawl向前爬 dive跳水 drag拖,拉 Kneel跪下 lean斜倚,倾斜 lift举起 pull拉,拔 push推 trip over绊倒 26 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 12 Feeling ill 生病 l 基本词汇 将下列带颜色的单词译成中文: 1. I?ve got a cold. 2. My neck aches. 3. I think I?ve got flu. 4. I?ve got a pain in my knee. 5. I?ve got a sore back. 6. My arm hurts. 7. Have you got a temperature? 8. What are the symptoms? 2 怎样表达感到身体不适 将左栏每个句子的开头同右栏的一对句子结尾匹配起来: 1. I?m a. terrible / awful / dreadful. a bit under the weather. 2. I?ve got b. i11. not very well. I don?t feel c. a cold. the flu. 3. 4. I feel d. very well. too good. 3 严重病情 将左栏病情同右栏它所特别影响到的身体部位匹配起来: 1. appendicitis a. your stomach 2. tonsillitis b. your lungs 3. hepatitis c. your head 4. asthma d. your append 5. an ulcer e. your joints and bones 6. arthritis f. your blood 7. migraine g. your tonsils 将下列疾病同其可能的病因匹配起来: 8. AIDS h. stress 9. typhoid i. the sun 10. heart disease j. smoking 11. skin cancer k. a mosquito bite 12. malaria 1. dirty water 13. 1ung cancer m. unprotected sex 4 病因和病症 将左栏的病症同右栏的病因联系起来: 1. I?ve got a blister. a. I think I?ve been working too much. 2. I?ve got a headache. b. Our bed is too soft. We need to get a firmer one. 3. I?ve got jetlag. c. I had too much to drink at dinner last night. 4(I?ve got a bad back. d. I?ve just been chopping some wood. 27 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 5(I?m feeling really run down. e. It must have been that take-away last night( 6(I?ve got a splinter in my hand. f. 1 wore the wrong shoes to go hill-walking ! 7(My nose is blocked up. g. I always get hay fever at this time of year. 8. I?ve got diarrhea. h. It was an 18-hour night and a 10-hour time difference. 将下述各条医嘱同上面的情况匹配起来: 9. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Otherwise, you?ll get dehydrated. 10? Go straight to bed for a couple of hours, then get back to your normal sleeping pattern tonight. 11. Why not take some time off and go somewhere warm? That?s what you need! 12. There?s a special king of piaster you call use on blisters. I had one and it helped a 1ot. 13. Get one of those sprays from the chemist. They always work for me. 14. Have you tried an osteopath or a chiropractor? 15. Let me see. Have you got a pair of tweezers? 16. Stick to orange juice in future! 5 健康问题 使用下列句子完成下面的对话: a. I?ve got a bit of a hangover. b. I feel dizzy. c. I?ve caught a cold. d. You?ll make yourself ill. e. I always get seasick. f. I?ve got indigestion. 1. What?s the matter? >I think I ate my dinner too quickly. 2. Maybe we should take me boat. It?s much cheaper than flying. >Oh no, I?d rather not 3. I think >Well, why don?t you have a glass of hot 1emon and honey and get all early night? 4. ? >Well, it?s your own fault. You shouldn?t have opened that second bottle of wine! 5. You 1ook exhausted. You?ve been working too hard recently. If you don?t slow down a bit, 6. Are you all right? You?ve gore as white as a sheet! >No, I need to sit down. I 6 疾病和病症 将下列疾病同下面的病症联系起来: hay fever food poisoning flu an allergy bronchitis measles 1. I?ve got a terrible cough and pains in my chest, and I seem to be constantly short of breath. 2. I feel absolutely awful(My temperature is 41?, and I?ve got a headache and a runny nose. I?ve got a sore throat--it?s agony every time I swallow. 3. I can?t go near cats. I come out in a horrible red rash. 4. She?s been off school for two weeks now. She?s got a temperature and she?s covered in little red spots. She?s completely lost her appetite--she hasn„t eaten a thing for the last three days. 28 内部资料, 请勿外传 地址:蔡锷南路丰泉家园二楼 八年级英语口语资料 TEL:82223995 82245059 5. I think it must be something I ate. I was sick all night. I still feel sick now and I?ve got a terrible stomach-ache. 6. It?s the same every summer. My eyes get really itchy and I can?t stop sneezing. 在英国英语中,be sick的意思是vomit(呕吐)。 如果你have an allergy, 那意味着你对某种东西过敏(allergic to something)。你对什么东西过敏吗, 7 她感到好些了 使用下列动词的正确形式完成下面的对话: recover feel get make A: The office is empty. Where is everybody this morning? B: Well, Jane phoned to say she?s got an upset tummy, but she said she?ll come in as soon as she?s a bit better probably this afternoon. Dave?s got the flu and he says it?ll take him a few days to . over it-and Sarah?s plane was delayed at the airport for seven hours and she wants an extra day to from the journey. At least Mark?s here he?d been in bed with tonsillitis all weekend, but he?s a speedy recovery and he?s upstairs working at his computer at this very moment. A: I?m glad somebody?s here! 谈论胃不舒服有好几种说法:an upset stomach, an upset tummy或indigestion, 这一般表示胃的毛病不严重。如果问题很严重,你可以用stomach trouble来表示。 Words and Expressions单词和短语 ache疼痛 allergy过敏 bronchitis支气管炎 cause原因,病因 dizzy眩晕的 food poisoning食物中毒 flu流行性感冒 lung cancer肺癌 recover恢复 seasick晕船的 symptom病症,症状 temperature温度,气温 29 内部资料, 请勿外传
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