

2017-09-26 15页 doc 40KB 31阅读




填空_至1019_by_clamav填空_至1019_by_clamav 2.说一个人在hurricane中也能保持____,即使是最严重的暴风雨中她的脸仍然是____给人记忆深刻。 大概是选平静一类的词,选项有aplomb,fecklessness??有争议 1. This writer of fiction believed that the novelist should not obtrude into the narrative, and that such ______ (填inconspicuousness) on the part of ...
填空_至1019_by_clamav 2.说一个人在hurricane中也能保持____,即使是最严重的暴风雨中她的脸仍然是____给人记忆深刻。 大概是选平静一类的词,选项有aplomb,fecklessness??有争议 1. This writer of fiction believed that the novelist should not obtrude into the narrative, and that such ______ (填inconspicuousness) on the part of the author would preserve the illusion of reality. 大意是说公司内两个经理——决定,他们的观点——,然后是个从句,大意是他们要开始各自的business了。选项B的第二空是incon..(不可协调那个单词,我脑子坏掉了,今天作文什么良知啊,可能啊,都拼不出来了),看起来挺对的,可是第一空是disregard,这样意思反了吧,最终我没有选。我好像选了D,第一空是announce, 第二空是unworkable。不知道对不对 两个executive have chosen to__________两个公司的philosophies不一样, 因为现在最大的问题是planned merger of the two companies. Disregard 这题我选了disregard,irreconcilable,意思应该是“两个公司的CEO选择disregard他们关于这两个公司的philosophies is irreconcilable的观点,因为当前的首要任务是planned merger of the two companies.”因为首要任务是合并,所以不同的意见要搁置,这是我的理解。 还有一道填空是做到过的,可能是02-08年的大陆试卷,或者NO题,以前做错过,我记得是C,就这么选了。如下: The profits that the corporation earns from the exclusive-supplier agreements with the universities are _____, because the terms of agreements that they are inclined to protect the universities' interests are generally______. A. inexplicable, flouted B. unclear, publicized C. predictable, scrutinized D. declining, ignored E. surprising, enforced 还有一道是一个什么剧院管理者觉得it's ill-advised that their products are too______, although she thinks their_____ product are very engaging.之类的 应该是填两个意思相近 的词吧 前贬后褒 忘了具体选项了 我选了willful, conservative In the face of decreasing audience, she thought it was ill advised for the theater to be _________, though it was the __________ performances that she was engaged in Facing the declining of (剧场的观众人数下降了),she 认为剧场不能再这么-----, thoughshe found the „.. most engaging 之前有人报选的willful conservative 我同意,觉得是正解。题里有一个选项和枫叶大全里原题的选项avant-garde一样,但是是干扰选项,因为意思反了。 infant poetry 什么得, 不知基金有没有, with the wider study of the infant poetry, the .... willl__(2)____ , 这个空填 “decrease" 感觉得次, 第一空填 wider 相反词, 我选了paucity 填空我好好想想啊, 儿童的诗歌教育。选项有plethora..decrease和authority..diminish,在中间犹豫了好久。答案不敢保证,就不在这儿说了。” 我选的是plethra的那个,当时不确定plethora的意思,回家看了一下,我觉得我选的是对的。待求证。 genome的研究那个说就像genome(染色体)的发现fail to __tradional biology一样, 什么什么的发现也没有使一个conventional ** biology__ ,前几天jj里有人给的答案是facilitate... outmoded,但是我觉得好像不太对,因为outmoded是过时的意思,和原题意义不太吻合,但具体答案真的忘了,抱歉。和很多年前出现的什么技术并没有改变传统生物学一样,基因组技术的出现也不会使什么废除,obviate, obsolete releasing genome did not ___ traditional biology, as XXX did not make ____. answer (obviate, obsolete) 有个不知道具体什么意思 就是前后两句你中有我我中有你那种 分别根据另一句里提到语言学和经济相关填vocabulary 和economic 一个评论家 得到别人的respectful评论 虽然她的评论总discourage别人 有一个These days people are not looking for more fairy tales ___ rather, both adults and children and what you can do ___ with no saved searches articles.是JJ,第一个空选exemplary, 作家希望人们在阅读童话的时候,更多注重其中人物的率作用(这里的空,选exemplary)。但是人们往往都注重其中反面人物(这里的空,选反面特征)。 It is ironic (讽刺的) that someone as self-effacing as XXX self-effacing ___ representing nuances(细微差别) of authority___ 大意是说一个如此谦逊的人居然擅长写自负的人------- A) adept to ( 熟练的; 有技能的)------vanity- B) adept at(熟练的, 内行的; 拿手的) --------- C) reluctant to(不情愿的, 厌恶的, 勉强的) ----- self-absorption(聚精会神, 专心一意, 热衷) D) hesitant about (迟疑的, 犹豫不定的, 踌躇的)--- E) „ 填空只记得一道,一个senator名声比较好,要退休了,有人写了个报道,与其说是一个honest的评价不如说是一个fulsome的奉承。 虽然某个市长或者什么官有丑闻,但他之前的名声不错所以丑闻不可信。 an governor's ____ notwithstanding, public records renders the evidence of his corrupt ____. Answer: (choose two opposite words) xxx's scandalous notwithstanding, public records renders the evidence of xxx's corrupt negligible 预测地震虽然被怀疑,但还是在研究。。。选skepticism„distractor 因为没有strong opposing, 就focus on rancour on one another,选excoriation 一个组织没有外来的攻击,所以内部excoriation 由于一个企业缺乏一个opposing organization to ______,所以这个企业的领导都把怨恨rancor发泄到彼此身上。我理解好像应该填rancor的同义词,就选了excoriate. 是講一個電影的producer花巨資在first preview上是為了,,,挑剔的觀眾以取得成功,儘管producer知道,這個作品的本質其實是很爛的,所以這個preview可以用來,,,,, 我选的是enhance „ compensate 电影有个很贵的首映,是为了ensure观众数量,compensate for 质量不好。 英文两个单词是选项。 一個作家現在開始寫,,,和,,,類型的文章了,和他之前寫一個那種elaborate description以及有wave of sarcasm風格完全相反,那麼這兩個空就選economy和sympathy。 She to urban description is authorial ____and authorial____, will not look like other writer such forever the complicated/elaborate description and repugnance. 蒙古為了concile他們那種nomad life style引進了一種gigantic很多裝飾的帳篷並且有輪子還是甚麼的,我選的是splendor和peripatetic 蒙古族把他们游牧的特性和____结合了起来,他们的帐篷都装饰华丽啊神马的,反正后半句用了几个华丽丽的形容词,于是乎我选的就是那个骄奢淫逸那个sybar...什么的,不会拼了,但肯定认得。 还有一道是关于人类文明在不断稳定的发展这个想法,在许多神话中也提及(好像),是_____myth of human____„„in the pessimistic xx literature. 我选的是 counter to 因为前面的是progressive 后面是pessimistic所以选相反的,后面一空也是选一个负面的词。/////我选的第二个空是consistency ... 这题我遇到了。。。但是我理解的正好相反。。。我觉得后半句是许多史前神话中提到的衰退跟这个趋势是不相符的。。。千万不要误导大家,大家遇到的时候仔细研究一下逻辑关系吧。很多单词不大认识~/////// 第二空选的是amelioration 还有一题说,在看完某人的所有丑闻后,她的传记家 -------了那些故事, ------和defend 某人的characteristics. 大概这样。。。我选了第一个空是装饰embelish,第二个空似乎是benign。 有道题说大家对xx的都是---(贬义),但是D却---and continue to defend his 人品之类的。我用排除选了第一个,但是因为不认识第一个单词所以没法打出来。 Although很多友情在开始的时候是因为pure 好感, without__________, 然而其实在这种相互吸引的背后往往有______。 (记不太清原话,反正关系是前边填一个跟纯洁友情反着的,后边一个填interest. 如果说insight 来自于the__________ sides of things, 那么我们就要bare a lot of 冲突 in our thinking 填 opposing 一个XXX造成分歧____ 一些人 ___ (支持),一些人反对。(polarize...???忘记了) 科学家对药物添加剂的态度 200205笔试原题 答案是 advocate...disinterested 填空第一道题题干有个finagle(欺骗哄骗),当时不认识,估计选错了 还有个skull 和anthropologist, 证明什么的 The evanescence of 中国艺术是———的,这一点和中国历史一样; 但是也可以从中发现enduring traditional value。 一个女作家表面看起来 not a _____way, but 仔细分析她其实 with complete ____. 抽象画画展加多了explanation, 所以is more accessible for amateur vistors之类的...填accessible和amateur 大意是一个博物馆的画展增加了EXPLANATION, SO ______for ____visitors to understand.以前有人发过这题,但当时空白处是explanation和amateur。结果的我的是给了explanation,要填另外两个空。纠结了半天,选了ACCESSIBLE和uninitial...(就是无的那个词,忘了咋拼了的。。。原谅我的垃圾英语)。这个应该是正确答案。几个答案里有个最干扰的选项是cryptical和Amateur.因为前人报过答案有AMATEUR这个词,所以很多背了JJ答案的同学有可能搞错。 大家要注意。 有一道题是106g 的原题,在原来的题里应该是最后一道 Although most of the faculty were ____ in their praise for Irrin’s tenure as university president,Dayal created a completely different impression in her hagiographic account of Irrin’s leadership (A) unabashed (B) stint (C) insincere (D) obsequious (E) circumspect The employees are so blithe that in sharp contrast to the _____ nature of their manager. Answer: irascible 还有一道说一个秘书整理的演讲稿太_____了,以至于最______的演说家都很难hard-impressed on audience.我选的第二个空是skillful的那个,第一个反正就是不清楚很晦涩一类的意思。 我选的是acrimony,句子的意思应该是尽管在这个对所有艺术品的恢复都充满rancorous的年代,蒙娜丽莎的微笑的修复遇到的acrimony还是让人觉得很多或者很过分什么的,反正是个让步状语从句,应该选rancorous的近义词 以上是一个790大牛写的JJ,我以膜拜的心态选了acrimony 引用韩国JJ ...(Intimidated) by unexpected visit from the children... ... they bought (propitiating) toys....第一个害怕的意思,第二个是propitiate 劝解,抚慰,使息怒,应该是同个词根貌似是y结尾的 我是这么选的,希望考过的同学讨论下。 讲父母安抚小孩子的,有很多玩具之类的 Unused to visit from children, (intimidated) by unexpected visit from the children....They bought (propitiating) candy, toy...... () by unexpected visit from the children....They bought () things。intimidated propitiating 1. Despite its ___ , the book deals ___ with a number of crucial issues. (A) optimism ... cursorily (B) importance ... needlessly (C) virtues ... inadequately (D) novelty ... strangely (E) completeness ... thoroughly 答案是:C 爱情小说是所有文学作品中最_____的,_______反映作者潜在的情感。第一个空我选的stirring, 还有一个选项是shallow, 后面那个忘了。。不一定对,我填空很差。。还是不误人子弟了。。。 填空有一道题意思是:他被一些人赞扬,被另一些人抨击,但从没有向他那个时代的其他作家那样——。 我写的是controversial, 反正意思就是找对比强烈的。 植物还是农业的反正是这方面的什么学家____这种种植方法 over 其他种植方法,因为这种方法增加______of植物疾病的传播还是出现什么的。 Endorse, hardship 电影工业和市场观众口味题catering/ dedicate/indicative...inspires/ reflect 电影工业不会去____ its market and观众的口味,因为一开始它就completely垄断了行业,it never need to study its market: it produce as much demand as it ____. 【注解】cater:[v]迎合inspire:[v]鼓舞,激起,驱使monopoly :[n]垄断indicator:[n]指示者,指针dedicate: [v]以...奉献, 把...献给 Film is not always a _____ popular tastes : From the start, it monopolized the market… , : it created as much demands as it ______ . indicator of … reflected ?之前的一个文学作品里有很多fictious correspondence, 这在现代人看来是_____因为现代人不太写字而且。。。。。。(不记得了),我选了irrealistic when you invite a person deliberately ____,for other opinions ______ him and he finds the monologue is congenial (E) alienate - irritate 还有一个填空,说1800s,巴黎的艺术学院 ,以至于以后,academic artist被人认为是艺术领域的 influential among … novelty Although the diverse local idioms of English in England are not as strong as theyonce were, their ______ has been ______: television and radio are not thehomogenizing forces that they were once thought to be. A. variety „ diminished B. importance „ exaggerated C. colorfulness „ muted D. meaning „ misconstrued E.resilience „ underrated 答案及解释: 尽管英格兰多样化的英语方言没有以前发达,但是它们的恢复力被低估了:电视和广播不再象以前一样被认为是(使语言)均一化的力量。 [解析]:转折前对diverse local idioms of English进行负评价,转折后就应该是正评价,转折后马上出现的their表明第一空格无论填什么一定是the diverse local idioms的上下义同义表达,所以第一空不重要,只要第二空是正评价即可。能够确定表示正评价的只有E。虽然翻译起来实在别扭的说。 “还有一道填空题可能是说的水能和风能,是water+一个mili什么开头的词语,以下按照水能和风能说。说的是在欧洲,水能比风能( ):虽然说风能也许能够在更多的地方建造(我理解是对于地理环境要求没有那么苛刻),但是还是水能可以( )他所需要的投资。” 这道我选profitable 和 return on ,应该没错。 It is wrong to say that her works are ________. Even though it is true that her paper includes esoteric content, no ________ conclusion she derides from the paper. A: arcane, obscure ?另一道填空题说的是某个公司的一种招收工人虽然已经( )了,但是由于某种原因,仍然在它的某些部门使用。我填的是prohibited,似乎这么拼。" 这个我也有,选的是什么proscribed 后一个忘了 Despite the fact that is almost universally (proscribed), the practice of indentured servitude still persists in many parts of the world. 应该有道新题,说得是虽然他们的前期作品____他们老师的,但是他们后期的作品反映了他们的brilliant____.A.第一个单词outstone什么的,我不认得什么意思.第二个词是creative类似的词.然后还有个选项,subsume,后面inspiration,当时我选择了subsume,回来查字典好像不对,但是的确好像就这两个选项比较配,大家遇到了在好好看看吧. 是说徒弟在前期对师傅是继承, 后来展现出了创作灵感 我选的是 subsume, inspiration 还有一个选项拿不准 是surpass,limitation 某个艺术家/作家的学生开始的作品超过[surpass]了老师,但是后来遇到了creative [limitation] 答案:surpass,limitation 1. Because early United States writers thought that the mark of great literature was grandiosity and elegance not to be found in common speech, they ------- the vernacular. (A) dissected (B) eschewed/ avoided (C) misunderstood (D) investigated (E) exploited ?The court of literary ~~~ is unjust as popular interest: 一些作家的 exiguous 能力得到了praised and rewarded, while一些作家singular 能力却被 ignored . 8. Concision is economy of (expression), and linguistic(????? ???? ??????) equivalent to ( thrift) ?一个女职员因为irenic的性格所以可以和很多不同性格的人相处。 因为认为L很 ,所以他很擅长和不同division的人打成一片 sociable(类似于平易近人的选项) ? Not only is the field of behavioral genetics strew with _______findings, but even among those findings that have been survived, (is)___________ a restricted area of the field. (convergent germane/ pertinent to) ? the new theory tends to synthesize those viable but heretofore seemingly irreconcilable_ approaches in the medical study. 15. following remark ..admittedly ( ) ; ............new line of research than ....treat with ( )fashion erroneous An illusory belief that the new government would be able to make better laws has soured into equally ____ skepticism and distrust, 填baseless valediction address tends to be(ossified)which precludes (originality) ?Although 远古的鸟类的灭绝都是( ), 很多鸟类跟大型哺乳动物的在不同地域的( )还是没有很好的理论支持 我记得选了understandable 。。。。extinction。。。 the scientist found her rival’s theory„ the „ that was (dated) 应该有两个空的 ?数学符号阻碍学生学习,数学教育者MINIMIZE数学符号使用,不幸的是数学符号PROMOTE抽象思维能力(minimize,promote) ?讲liter, 说一帮子author, 都把自己的弄到 the center, 把others ___ to xxxxxx的______。 我选reduced ... marginal. 其它选项有: elevate...xxxx; increase...xxxxx ?一个文学评论的, 说是聚在一起scorn,答案是pejorative ?Carver's precision in sketching lives on the edge of despair ensures that his stories will sometimes be read too narrowly, much as Dickens' social-reformer role once caused his broader concerns to be ______.(有争议) (A) ignored (B) reinforced (C) contradicted (D) diminished (E) diversified Despite of the ____ Freud's theory has attained in 1950s, it is under reconsideration and it has become a continuing ____. A. notoriety … scrutiny B. ascend, criticism C. reputation, interest D. scorn, attack. 还有一题是新题,大概出现在6,7道左右的样子:题干关键词是rhetoric$reason,我记得我在陈圣元的填空里面做过,但是回来找了一下,发现题目不太一样,被改过了,而且还差的比较多,所以就不把它贴出来了,用处不大。我记得选项有divert ,distract,抱歉是在是记不清楚了,但是逻辑关系好像还是比较清楚的,我好像是选了一个d开头的,但是我不确定,不能误导你们。 Unenlightened authoritarian managers rarely recognize a crucial reason for the low levels of serious conflict among members of democratically run work groups: a modicum of tolerance for dissent often prevents ___________. (A) demur (B) schism (C) cooperation (D) compliance (E) shortsightedness The English novelist W considered the cult of the criminal so dangerous that he criticize Dickens’s Oliver Twist for making the characters in the thieves’ kitchen so ______ A. threatening B. riveting C. conniving D. fearsome E. irritating 某两个人不是那么有名,因为他们的什么四维空间的理论难以__________ understandable 一个新的,一个意思是说dissent(异议)在一个公司里is necessarily______because of the president of the company对反对意见的quash(镇压)。我自己感觉necessarily放在空前和几 个选项都挺别扭的,选了exigent,也挺不靠谱,其他选项实在记不得了。 一个人的house belies his XXX character(好像一个发育衍生词,不认识sa..-g... 打头的); while only the kitchen seems ___, the rest of the rooms are ___. 由于地球大气层的折射,天文学家观测天体的时候存在偏离。所以说_____这个影响的结果会令天文学家沮丧。选项里有elucidate, amplify...我选的是amplify. 不敢保证对。
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