
金融危机下的幸福公式:H=S C V 幸福指数

2019-04-11 17页 doc 51KB 40阅读




金融危机下的幸福公式:H=S C V 幸福指数幸福的公式:H=S+C+V 帮你提高幸福指数 In the past two weeks we have looked at the happiness formula defined by positive psychologist Martin Seligman, where H (happiness) = S (your biological set point for feeling happy) + C (the conditions of your life) + V (the voluntary choice...
金融危机下的幸福公式:H=S C V 幸福指数
幸福的公式:H=S+C+V 帮你提高幸福指数 In the past two weeks we have looked at the happiness formula defined by positive psychologist Martin Seligman, where H (happiness) = S (your biological set point for feeling happy) + C (the conditions of your life) + V (the voluntary choices you make). Next, we'll look at the conditions in life that can improve our happiness quotient. Step 1: Peace and quiet Jonathon Haidt in his excellent book, 'The Happiness Hypothesis', notes that research shows that we can never completely adapt to new or chronic noise pollution. Loud noises trigger one of our most primitive fear responses (the other is the fear of falling) and we can never fully relax if we are surrounded by intrusive noise. Noisy neighbours are one of the most emotive causes of domestic upset for a very good reason. It is essential to have some peace and quiet every day. If you are unfortunate enough to live somewhere noisy, persist with complaining to your local council. Additionally, try wearing wax earplugs to give you some respite. If you need your TV, radio or music up loud, wearing headphones demonstrates altruism to your neighbours, which will make you and them feel good. Step 2: Relationships This is the most important of all the external conditions that can improve your happiness quotient. Often our deepest sources of unhappiness are found in poor relationships with others. A colleague at work who bullies or dismisses us creates untold wretchedness. A cruelly conflictual relationship with a partner or lover leaves us feeling betrayed and abandoned. A relationship with our parents or children which is not based on compassionate, unconditional regard creates isolation and misery. We never fully adapt to hostile relationships, they invidiously contaminate our wellbeing, squatting inside our minds as unresolved, destructive ruminations. When faced with such relationships, the most positive thing we can do is to either mend the relationship by confronting what is going wrong or learn to move on. Step 3: Share If I have discovered conditions or choices in life that have significantly improved my wellbeing, I would like to share them with you. Passing on what works is essential to improve our own and the wellbeing of others. 过去两周我们研究了一项幸福公式,这是由乐观心理学家马丁塞利格曼定义的。H(幸 福)=S(个人生理幸福感受的固定指数)+C(个人生活状态)+V(个人主观选择)。接下来我们将着眼于能提升幸福指数的生活状态。 第一步:平和宁静 乔纳森海迪在他的优秀著作《幸福假说》当中提到,研究调查显示,我们不可能完全适应噪音污染,无论是新近的还是长期的。巨大噪声会引起我们某种面对恐惧本能反映(另一种是对于坠落的恐惧),如果周遭噪音喧闹,我们不可能完全放松。这样看来,吵闹的邻居的确对我们家庭不和起到很大影响。每日保持平和宁静事关重要。如果你的生活环境不幸比较吵,请一定要坚持去居委会投诉。另外,试试实用耳塞,可能会缓解噪声。如果你一定要大声看电视、听收音机放音乐的话,记得戴上耳机。别影响邻里,这样可以使双方都感到舒适。 第二步:人际关系 这是增加幸福指数的一条至关重要的内部条件。我们感到不快乐的最深层原因,往往就是人际关系欠佳。如果一个在职同事对我们表示威吓的话,会造成难以言语的抑郁情绪。与拍档或者爱人的关系陷入残酷竞争之中,会让我们感到背叛和背弃。与父母孩子之间的关系缺乏同情心和无私关心,那么这会造成隔阂生产痛苦。我们不可能适应这种敌对关系,这种不良的人际关系会损害身心健康,长久留存在我们心里,会让人陷入无以解决的恶性心理困境。当我们面临这类问时,最好的办法,就是直面难题,挽救关系,或者学着继续前进。 第三步:分享 如果我发觉生活状态或者做的某项决定对幸福生活有极大帮助的话,我很想说出来同你们一起分享。将有用的发现与更多人分享,这对增进自己的幸福和他人的幸福都有积极作用。 开心工作换种方式看待工作 Did you ever think there was a better, different way to live? Did you ever think, “Maybe I don’t have to go to a job and work 40+ hours a week, feel exhausted, wish for more time for myself or my family, and wonder when the fun stuff begins?” If so, get ready: your life’s about to change. When I was a little girl, I woke up every morning with the sun. I opened my eyes, heard birds chirping outside my window, and smiled, thinking about the adventures of the coming day. Fast forward to my last corporate job, when I woke up with the alarm clock, slammed my hand down on the snooze button and laid in bed, a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach, thinking about the eight hours I was about to spend working under fluorescent lights, in a small cubicle, so my boss could take credit for my work and someone else could profit. Why do we do this to ourselves? When I look back on the time I spent in Corporate America, I realize that I didn’t know any better. Despite the entrepreneurial spirit I’ve felt through my entire life, there was a period of time when it simply didn’t occur to me that my life belonged to me and I didn’t have to live according to the narrow path that had been defined for me. It took carpal tunnel syndrome and an inflexible corporate environment for me to realize that I desperately needed a change. And that’s what it took to remind me of the philosophy my dad taught me as a little girl, something I’d long forgotten: that work is what makes the rest of your life possible. From this perspective, “work” takes on substantially less meaning, while “life” takes center sta ge. I like this because it reminds me where my priorities lie. I’d much rather my tombstone read, “She truly lived,” than “She worked a lot.” It’s easy to say “work makes the rest of my life possible,” but how does it look in real life, and how do you put this into play in your own life? How it looks in real life: I wake up each morning, knowing that the day belongs to me. I have a schedule, but I’m not beholden to a boss or supervisor who will dock my pay or fire me if I decide the schedule doesn’t suit my mood that day. One of my priorities is my health and physical well-being, so most mornings I start my day off with a workout at the gym. Since my day is my own, I can work out without rushing, and that allows me to get to know the other members of my gym, which means it’s a social event as well. Then, depending on the day and what I’ve committed to, I may work with clients, do some writing for my blog, e-zine, the book I’m working on, or the other sites I write for, or read one of the several books I’m int o at any given moment. Aside from scheduled meetings with clients and deadlines, I do what suits my mood the best - if I’m struggling for inspiration for my articles, I spend more time reading. If I’m in the mood to bake bread with my husband, I do. And I’ve structured my businesses so that if I want to get on a plane and fly to South America, England, or New Orleans for a weekend or a month, I can do it without a second thought and my income doesn’t change a bit. The point is, no day is completely consumed by work, it’s all flexible, and everything I do for “work” is something that I enjoy doing. If I don’t enjoy it, I either don’t do it or I find someone who does and I outsource that work to them. When I speak to groups, I’m often asked, “How many hours a week do you work?” Sure, just like Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek, some weeks I only work four hours. But if I’m working on a book or one of my one-on-one clients is launching his/her business, I work at least forty. Those are the extremes: most weeks I stay somewhere in the twenty to twenty five hour range. But I can tell you this: I wake up with the sun and the birds chirping, just like I did when I was a little girl. I always wake up smiling, and I love what I do. But I’m not that different from you. I’m not overly lucky and nothing that special has happened that made this possible for me. Virtually anyone can do this. So how can you incorporate this into your own life? The mindset comes first. You have to take responsibility for your life and know that it is yours to live in whatever way that you want. Think this is easy? It’s not. This can be one of the scariest things you’ll ever do. But as Seth Godin recently wrote, “the riskiest thing you can do is play it safe.” So take a risk and believe that your life belongs to you. Second, figure out your priorities and your goals. What’s most important to you? Are there things you want to do, places you want to see? Maybe you just want more quality time with your family, or want more time to relax- th at’s okay. The point is to figure out what’s most important to you. Third, design a business to suit your lifestyle goals. This is the most challenging aspect of applying this philosophy, because it requires some extra knowledge- what opportunities are out there, how to repurpose what you already know and/or do, how to brand yourself and market your business. There is no one-size-fits-all solution- a business model that works for one person may not be suited to another. Your best bet, the easiest and fastest way to accomplish this, is to work with someone who has successfully made the transition themselves, who knows the opportunities out there, can help you figure out what suits you best, help you put it all together and show you the ropes. Finally, be prep ared to work to get to the point of living the dream. I’m not going to lie to you. It rarely happens overnight. Some of my clients have transitioned into this lifestyle (what I call the “Business in Blue Jeans lifestyle”) within a month or two, while others have taken a bit longer. Some of it depends on the industry you’re in and some depends on what you’re willing to put into it and how focused you are. Because the fact is, even though you aren’t working as much or as hard as before, in this lifestyle, when you are working, you need to be really focused. Ultimately, the bottom line is that when you’re working for a life that you’ve designed, when you love what you’re doing and when you know that you aren’t just putting in the time, everything changes. Change the way you view work, and you’ll completely change your life. 你是否想过有一种不同的生活方式会让你过得更好? 你是否想过“也许我不必每周工作40多个小时至不知乐趣何在,还要筋疲力尽地祈求有更多时间给自己和家人”? 如果你想过,那就做好准备吧!你的生活将要被改变。 当我还是个小女孩的时候,每天早晨我都在阳光里醒来,睁开双眼,听鸟儿在我窗外啁啾而鸣,边微笑边幻想着接下来一天的奇妙旅程。可快进到我最后一段打工时光看看:每天早晨我都在闹铃声中醒来,狠狠地拍停闹钟后复又躺回床上,感受着胃孔里的恐惧感觉,盘算着我将在小房间里荧光灯下度过的八小时----让我获得老板的良好评价让别人获益的八小时。 为何我们要这样对待自己?当我回望自己在美国企业中度过的时光,我发现我那时其实不知所谓。除去那种贯穿我全部生活的企业家精神,曾有一段时期,我完全感觉不到我的生活是属于我的,我只觉得我要在别人为我规划好的狭窄道路上前行。 后来,腕管综合症和死气沉沉的企业环境终于让我意识到:我迫切需要改变。也是在那时,某个我遗忘了好长一段时间的人生哲理重又浮现在我的脑海里,那是我小时候父亲教给我的哲理:工作,不过是一样满足你生活其余部分的事情。 从这种角度看来,“工作”不再那么意义重大,“生活”才是重心所在。我欣赏这句话,全因它让我知道什么才是对我最重要的,我宁愿我的墓碑上写着“她曾好好活过”,也不要写着“她勤奋工作过”。 说一句“工作只是满足我生活其余部分”很容易,可在现实生活中我们该如何看待工作呢?又该如何在自己的生活中实践这个哲理呢? 在现实生活中该如何看待工作? 现在,每天早晨醒来,我都知道这一天是属于我的,我会安排好我的工作,但对于我的老板或者主管(在我自认某天的情绪不宜按照安排工作时,他们可是能扣减我的薪水或者把我炒掉的人),我不会感激涕零。对我来说,身体健康是一大要事,所以我的日子大多会始于健身房里的晨练。既然日子都是我的,我可以从容安排每天,得以认识一下健身房里的其他人(这意味着健身也是一项社会活动)。 然后,视乎那天的状况和我原本的打算,我可能会见顾客,也可能给自己的博客、电子杂志、未完成的书或者其他向我约稿的网站写点什么,或者随时翻看一下最近正在看的书。除了预先安排好期限的顾客会议之外,我只做些最吻合当下心情的事:要是我正苦于没有写作灵感,我会花多些时间看书;要是我想和我先生一起烤个面包,那我就去烤面包。由于我已经把自己的事情安排好,所以,当我想坐飞机去南非、英国或者新奥尔良度个周末或者住上一个月的时候,我可以不加思索就走,而同时我的收入不受任何影响。 关键在于,我没有一天是全部耗费在工作上的,我灵活安排;而我做的所谓“工作”都是些我喜欢的事情,如果我不喜欢做某些事情,我要么不做,要么就把它们外包给喜欢做这些事情的人。 当我给人们做演讲时,我经常会问,“你们每周工作多少小时?”,当然了,像《每周工作4小时》的作者阿添那样,有时我也会每周工作4小时;可一旦我要写书,或者我某位需要一对一服务的客户要推行他的业务时,我每周至少工作40小时。这些都是极端情况,大多数时候,我大约每周工作20到25小时。不过我可以告诉你,一如当年,现在我每天都在阳光鸟语中醒来,总是笑着醒来并且热爱我所做的一切。 其实你和我并无太多不同。我并非特别幸运,也没有发生什么特别的事情让我过上这种生活,事实上,每个人都可以过上这种生活。 如何在自己的生活中实践这个哲理? 首先,心态最重要。你必须对自己的生活负责,并且明白,过上你想要的生活是你的责任。是不是觉得这很容易?其实不是,这可能是你做过的事情中最令你不安的一件。不过就像塞斯·戈丁最近写的:保守前行才是最冒险的事。所以呢,冒一下险吧!相信你的生活在你手里吧! 其次,明确事情的优先级、定好你的目标。什么对你最重要?有没有什么是你想做的?有没有哪里是你想去的?也许你只是想要多些和家人在一起的美好时光,或者只是想放松一下,都没问题,关键在于,找出对你而言最重要的事情。 再次,一种和你的生活目标相配的工作。这是整个实践中最富挑战性的一环,因为它需要一些额外的见识----例如你要了解现在有些什么机会、要如何修正已有的知识、要怎样宣传推广你和你的业务。没有万能的解决,适合这个人的模式未必适合另一个人。你最好 的选择就是找一个已经成功转变的人来合作,这个人知道机会在哪里、能够帮你找出最适合你的模式并且能够从千丝万缕中理出头绪,这就是最简单的捷径。 最后,准备好为实现梦想而工作。我不会骗你说这能在一夜之间发生。我有些顾客用了一到两个月时间过上这种“穿牛仔裤工作”的生活方式,有些则用了更长的时间。这既取决于你所在的行业,也取决于你愿意向其投入什么以及你能有多专注。因为事实是,尽管你不必再像从前那样费力费心工作,在这种生活方式里,当你要工作的时候,你还是要足够专注的。 归根结底,当你为自己所设计的生活而工作、热爱你所做的事情、明白你不是在耗费光阴时,一切都变了!改变你对工作的看法,也就彻底改变了你的生活。 如何提高亲和力让大家都喜欢你? 想要别人听你说话,你得先让人家喜欢你。人们相信他们喜欢的人。好的交流者能产生出“亲和力”——这来自你的个性和你制造的融洽感觉。 职场上通往成功的道路有很多条,吸引人的个性也有很多种。但是下面的品质似乎在吸引人、打开别人思维和心胸方面具有普遍性。 Be Vulnerable, Show Your Humanity 脆弱,展现出你的“有血有肉”的一面 In speaker training 101, people learn to tell failure stories before success stories. Generally, audiences have more in common with those who struggle than those who succeed in life. If you worry about whether your teen will graduate from high school without getting involved with the wrong group, say so. If your father-in-law drove you nuts during the holiday weekend, it's okay to mention to your colleagues on Monday morning that you might not have been the storybook spouse. If you lose a customer, regret it rather than excuse it. If you miss a deadline, repair the damage and catch up. 在演讲者基础训练中,人们学习在讲述成功故事之前讲述失败故事。一般来说,相对于成功人士,听众和那些逆境挣扎的人更有共鸣。如果你担心自己的小孩在误入歧途,那么就说出来。如果你的岳父在周末让你抓狂,那么周一的早晨可以告诉你的同事们你也许不是个模范伴侣;如果你失去了一位顾客,宁可后悔也不要找借口;如果你误了时限,弥补损失,迎头赶上。 People respond to humans much more favorably than machines. When you communicate with colleagues, never fear to let them see your humanity. 人和人的沟通比人和机器的沟通要友善。当你和同事们交流时,绝不要害怕让他们看到你人性的一面。 Be Courteous 讲礼貌 Day in and day out, it's the small things that kill our spirit: The sales rep who empties his cold coffee and leaves the splatters all over the sink. The manager who uses the last drop of lotion and doesn't refill the container. The analyst who walks away from the printer, leaving the red light flashing "paper jam." The boss who walks into the reserved conference room in the middle of a meeting and bumps everybody out for an “urgent” strategic planning meeting. The person who cuts in line at the cafeteria cash register. The guy who answers his cell phone and tries to carry on a conversation out loud in the middle of a meeting. 日复一日,让我们崩溃的都是小事情:销售代表将冷掉的咖啡倒入水池,溅得里边到处都是的;经理用光最后一滴洗手液,却不重新把瓶子装满的;员从打印机旁离开,却让它闪烁着红色“卡纸”灯;老板闯进正在开会的会议室,把大家都赶出来,为“紧急”战略规划会议腾出地方;有人在餐厅收银台插队;有个男的在会议中接手机,并大声讲电话。 As a result, even the smallest courtesies kindle a fire that ignites chemistry and builds kinship. The courtesy of saying "hello" when you come into the office after being away. The courtesy of letting people know when you're going to be away for an extended period. The courtesy of honoring policies about reserving rooms, spaces, and equipment for activities. The courtesy of a simple "please", "thank you", and "you're welcome" for small favors. 结果,即便最小的礼貌也会激发融洽感、点燃亲密的“火焰”。比如回到办公室时说声“嗨”;不能按时赶回来时,要和别人说一声;遵守关于为活动预留房间、空间、设备的规定;对小的恩惠给予一个简单的“请”、“谢谢”、“不客气”。 Share a Sense of Humor 分享你的幽默感 No matter whether people agree or disagree with George W. Bush's political positions they typically admire his self-deprecating humor. At one of the Washington correspondent's dinners, that ability to poke fun at himself seemed to be the primary thing the media responded to favorably. Bush said at the lectern, "I always enjoy these events. But why couldn't I have dinner with the 36 percent of the people who like me?" At one such event, Bush even brought along his "double" comedian Steve Bridges, to make fun of his frequent mispronunciations. The double modeled for him one of his most difficult words to pronounce correctly, "Nu—cle—ar proliferation … nu—cle—ar proliferation. Nu—cle—ar proliferation." Then Bush tried it, "Nu-cle—ar pro-boblieration." The crowd went wild. 不论人们是否认同布什的政治立场,都会敬佩布什的自嘲式幽默感。在一次华盛顿记者晚宴上,拿自己开涮的能力似乎成了媒体正面报道的主要素材。布什在讲台上时说:“我总喜欢这类活动。可我为什么不能和喜欢我的那36%的人共进晚餐呢?”在一个类似活动中,布什甚至带来了他的“替身”喜剧演员Steve Bridges来拿自己频繁读音失误开玩笑。这位“替身”模仿了布什最难说对的词:"Nu—cle—ar proliferation … nu—cle—ar proliferation. Nu—cle—ar proliferation."接着,布什试了试:"Nu-cle—ar pro-boblieration." 众人都笑疯了。 Self-deprecating humor can open hearts and minds to make people receptive to ideas in ways words alone cannot. 自嘲式幽默能让人们敞开胸怀和心思,比语言更能说服人接受一些想法。 Show Humility 谦卑 Just as suddenly as lightning strikes, an act of arrogance can destroy an otherwise credible communicator. For example: Refusing to acknowledge people when they speak to you. Failure to respond to people's suggestions. Haughty body language. Time spent only with those of your "rank and ilk" at a social gathering. An amused smirk in response to an idea expressed in a meeting. An upward roll of the eyes meant to discredit someone's comment in the hallway. A talk jam-packed with jargon meant to confuse rather than clarify. Insistence that things must be said one way and one way only. 霎时间,一个傲慢的举动就能毁了一位本来可信的交流者。例如:有人和你说话时不理别人;对别人的建议没有响应;高傲的肢体语言;在社交聚会上只和自己那“一帮人”在一起;在会议上对一个想法报以嘲弄的笑声;在走廊里对别人的言语报以诋毁的白眼;为了故弄玄虚使用很多术语,让对方云里雾里;固执地认为某事必须,且只能,以某个方式讲述。 Credible communicators show humility in innumerable ways: 有无数种方式让交流既可信又展现出谦卑: * They let others "showcase" by delivering key messages instead of always having to be "on stage" themselves. 通过传递关键信息,让别人替自己“展示”,而不是总把自己放在“舞台”表演。 * They let others feel important by "interpreting," "passing on," and "applying" their goals and initiatives. 通过“诠释”、“传递”、“落实”自己的目标和计划,让别人感到重要起来。 * They get input from others -- and consider that input worthy of a response. (They don't ask for input "just for drill" if they don't plan to consider it.) 他们征求别人观点——并且认为这观点值得做出响应。(如果他们不打算考虑某观点,不会随随便便地去要求他人说出观点。) * They excite others by asking for their help, cooperation and buy-in. 他们通过寻求别人的帮助、合作及参与支持让别人兴奋起来。 * They share the limelight by telling stories about star performers. 他们通过讲述明星表现者的故事来分享“星光”。 * They share leadership roles by telling success stories of other leaders. 他们通过讲述其它领导者的成功故事来分享领导角色。 * They communicate awareness and appreciation of the efforts and results of other people. 他们表现出意识到并欣赏别人的努力及成就。 金融危机下的亿万富翁们 The global economic crisis has reduced the number of billionaires and made the richest people in the world poorer, according to Forbes magazine. Forbes found 793 billionaires in 2009, down 30% from a year earlier. This is the first decline since 2003. The total net worth of people on the magazine's list this year fell 46% to $2.4 trillion. The average billionaire is now worth $3 billion, 23% less than in 2008. Despite losing $18 billion in the past year, Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates reclaimed the title of richest man in the world, with a total net worth of $40 billion. Warren Buffett is No. 2, with $37 billion. He lost $25 billion in the past year as shares in his company, Berkshire Hathaway Inc., dropped nearly a third in value. Mexican telecom titan Carlos Slim Helu, who lost $25 billion, is third, and Oracle Corp. Chief Executive Larry Ellison is No. 4. The latest list includes citizens of 52 countries and one principality. Americans hold 10 of the top 20 spots, compared with four last year. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, at No. 17, is the only member of the top 20 whose net worth climbed during the past year. Bloomberg, who makes a salary of $1 a year as mayor, benefited from a re-evaluation of his company, Bloomberg LP. He also bought a 20% stake in his company from cash-strapped Merrill Lynch in July for $4.5 billion. Thirty-two Russians made Forbes' list, down nearly two-thirds from the 2008 total. Anil Ambani, who owns Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. -- previously known as Reliance Energy Ltd. -- of India lost the most, $32 billion, this year of any on the list after posting biggest increase last year. He came in at No. 34. Indian steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal, No. 8, lost $25.7 billion during the past year. Among the billionaires last year who didn't qualify in 2009: former American International Group Inc. Chief Executive Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, former Citigroup Inc. Chief Executive Sandy Weill and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
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