
中美史克 失败的管理沟通 案例

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中美史克 失败的管理沟通 案例中美史克 失败的管理沟通 案例 一、祸从天降 2000年11月16日 ,国家药品监督管理局发布了一则《关于暂停使用和销售含苯丙醇胺的药品制剂的通知》,对该公司生产的感冒药"康泰克"与"康得"叫停,一夜之间,医院、药店纷纷回收了这些药,一些病患者还拿了处方和收据到医院要求退换药。对中美史克及杨伟强而言,2001年都是困难的一年,有人估计,在距新康泰克推出的9个半月里,康泰克使中美史克蒙受的直接损失为6亿多元人民币。相关数据表明,中美史克在2001年的销售额在11亿元左右,甚至比2000年都下降了10个百分点。 但就此认为杨...
中美史克 失败的管理沟通 案例
中美史克 失败的管理沟通 案例 一、祸从天降 2000年11月16日 ,国家药品监督管理局发布了一则《关于暂停使用和销售含苯丙醇胺的药品制剂的通知》,对该公司生产的感冒药"康泰克"与"康得"叫停,一夜之间,医院、药店纷纷回收了这些药,一些病患者还拿了处方和收据到医院要求退换药。对中美史克及杨伟强而言,2001年都是困难的一年,有人估计,在距新康泰克推出的9个半月里,康泰克使中美史克蒙受的直接损失为6亿多元人民币。相关数据表明,中美史克在2001年的销售额在11亿元左右,甚至比2000年都下降了10个百分点。 但就此认为杨伟强在走下坡路,那就大错特错了,事实上,杨伟强利用危机进行了一次升级,并不失时机地推出了新康泰克、兰美舒。现在,杨伟强正在中美史克开始了一场理念更新--"以变应变,迎接挑战"。杨伟强抖擞精神,他的目标是把中美史克做成OTC(非处方药)和保健品的霸主,他能成为真正的赢家吗, 一纸禁令,使中美史克在客户、媒体、员工关系上面临巨大压力。虽然事过境迁,杨伟强对"康泰克风波"的回顾仍然是:那是我心中永远的伤口。 二、中美史克如何"从危机中获利" (一)快速反应并公布立场 2000年11月16日,中美史克公司接到《关于暂停使用和销售含苯丙醇胺的药品制剂的通知》的正式通知后,立即成立危机管理小组。并根据应对对象、职能不同,分为几个部分:领导小组--制定应对危机的立场基调,统一口径,并协调各小组工作;沟通小组--负责信息发布和内、外部的信息沟通;市场小组--负责加快新产品开发;生产小组--负责组织调整生产并处理正在生产线上的中间产品。 与此同时,危机管理小组发布了危机公关纲领:坚决执行政府暂停令,暂停生产和销售;通知经销商和客户立即停止康泰克和康得的销售,取消相关;停止广告宣传和市场推广活动。 杨伟强说:"我们定期把负责工作的进度定期交流。当时睡眠很少,大家都白天黑夜工作,时间就是我们最大的敌人,拖得越长,产生的负面东西越多,你要挽回他。" (二)不把外部危机转化为内部危机 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and 11月17日中午,中美史克全体员工大会召开。中美史克总经理杨伟强向员工通报了事情的来龙去脉,宣布公司不会裁员。此举赢得了员工空前一致的团结。同日,全国各地的50多位销售经理被召回总部,危机管理小组深入其中做思想工作,以保障各项危机应对措施的有效执行。 中美史克开诚布公地告诉员工公司出了什么问题,公司打算怎么解决,做出这样的决策是因为他们认为自己不会在PPA事件中陷得太久,并且坚信熟练的技术工人在日后创造的经济效益高于企业现在留用他们所承受的损失;另一方面,中美史克公司的产品除康泰克和康得以外,还有芬必得、泰胃美、肠虫清,为了保证这些产品生产的正常进行,中美史克公司必须竭尽全力稳定人心。 当时,中美史克的员工也面临巨大压力,一位员工曾描述,当时事件的影响已经让企业在外部环境中危机重重,而更严重的危机则来自于企业内部,生产线的停工让一半员工面临下岗的威胁。令员工们没有想到的是,中美史克在没有解决好技术问题前果断地让"康泰克"退出了市场,虽然因此公司承受了大约6个亿的直接经济损失,却没有为此裁掉一名员工。企业内部达到了空前的团结。 杨伟强事后:"我们最大的成功,应该是没有将外部危机转化为内部危机。管理层没有对员工隐瞒任何事实,并且在康泰克和康得全面停产的情况下,坚持不裁员,这一方面团结了员工,使他们更积极地进行新产品研发;更重要的是,磨难使员工们今后对企业更加忠诚。" (三)解决渠道危机 11月18日,被迅速招回天津总部的全国各地50多名销售经理,带着中美史克《给医院的信》、《给客户的信》发往全国。应急行动也在全国各地按部就班地展开。在中美史克总部,公司专门培训了数十名专职接线员,专门负责接听来自客户、消费者的询问电话,做出准确统一的回答以消除疑虑。11月21日,15条消费者热线全面开通。 对于经销商,他们得到了中美史克公司明确的允诺,没有返款的不用再返款,已经返款的以100%的比例退款,中美史克在关键时刻以自身的损失换来了经销商的忠诚。 (四)向媒体及公众说明真相 11月20日,中美史克公司在北京召开了新闻媒介恳谈会,会议邀请了多家中央级及地方级媒体。这也是中美史克总经理杨伟强首次在"康泰克事件"后在媒体前露面。 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and 会上,杨伟强透露:16日接到通告后,中美史克便全力配合国家药政部门的有关工作;"康泰克"和"康得"这两种药品制剂目前已进入停产程序;新产品开发将按既定计划进行,"康泰克事件"会加快这一进程;消费者无须恐慌,最终,中美史克会提供令用户和政府都满意的解决。杨伟强强调"维护广大群众的健康是中美史克公司自始至终坚持的原则",并表示"不停投资"的决心。面对部分新闻媒体的不客观报道及同行借机的大肆炒作和攻击行为,中美史克保持了应有的冷静,并没有过多追究,只是尽力争取媒体的正面和客观报道。 此后,以杨伟强为首的公司高层不厌其烦地接受国内媒体专访,争取说话机会。 (五)重树信心 中美史克在稳定了消费者、经销商、企业员工关系这三大块后,仍然面临着一个重大问题:如何重树股东们的信心。为了说服公司的大股东恢复对公司的信心,继续向公司投资,史克高层把股东请到了生产地点,让他们看到企业的员工都保持着高昂的士气;同时,还从英国和美国的研究总部调来专家论证新的抗感冒新药的可行性。另外做出一套完整的解决方案,让总部知道公司将如何处理这些棘手的问题,需要总部提供什么资源,而这一切都有科学数据做支持。总部在这一番科学论证中,看到了重新获得的商机,同意继续追加投资。 最关键的是股东的信心、充裕的流动资金和良好的商业信誉使得中美史克在整个过程中并没有出现严重的财务危机。不仅扛住了康泰克停产所造成的7亿元的直接经济损失,而且还有后续资金进行新药的研发,2001年9月重新上市的新康泰克用PSE(伪麻黄碱)代替了PPA,并且用环保性能更好的水溶媒代替了有机溶媒,而中美史克为此买进的新缓释技术和配套的生产设备总共花费1 45亿人民币。 中美史克正是紧扣了大股东、消费者、经销商、企业员工关系这四大价值链,才顺利地度过了危机,为日后新康泰克的复出创造了条件。 (六)新康泰克复出 PPA禁令的292天后,2001年9月3日起,杨伟强率领中美史克研发等一干人员,先后在北京、天津、上海、广州、成都与媒体和客户见面,为"新康泰克"上市再做公关。 中美史克对外宣布,新康泰克获准国家药品监督管理局通过,并于即日起开始上市,这一举动标志着中美史克大规模收复失地行动的开始。 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and 据称,为了确定是否使用康泰克商品名,中美史克在全国二十几个大城市做了大规模市场调查,调查结果表明被访者对康泰克的认知度高达89 6%,而超过90%的人愿意考虑重新购买新康泰克。中美史克的决策层据此认为,康泰克仍有巨大的品牌号召力,因而决定新产品依然使用了康泰克名称。 事实上,长期培养起来的品牌忠诚度成为康泰克巨大的财富。自1989年进入中国,康泰克11年来累积销量超过50亿粒,始终占据感冒药市场的领导地位。"早一粒,晚一粒,远离感冒困扰",消费者对"12小时"药效的承诺非常熟悉。准确的品牌定位,以及对这一诉求的坚持,使得"康泰克"在国内成为家喻户晓的名字。此外,在建立品牌与大众消费者的沟通手段上,康泰克也有一套独特的创意手法。在中美史克的市场策略中,品牌核心,不仅仅是知名度,更重要的是向消费者提供有意义的服务承诺,是与消费者建立牢固的心理和情感交流。自1999年起,中美史克创造了以康泰克胶囊为原型的"康泰克先生",作为品牌代言人。"康泰克先生"活泼可爱,性格亲和,不失专业可信的形象,在当时众多的感冒药广告中独树一帜。因此,此次新康泰克上市使用了"新康泰克先生"作为品牌代言人。在AC尼尔森的一次全国范围的调查中,康泰克与柯达、肯德基、飘柔等品牌一起,成为最受中国消费者喜爱的10个国际品牌之一。 由于中美史克的坦诚以待,在康泰克退出市场的这段时间,消费者仍然对品牌抱有一定的好感。 据报道,"新康泰克"仅在广东上市一周,便获得高达40万盒的订单。但业内人士认为:"新康泰克"获取的支持已远远超过成绩本身。过去这段时间,中美史克对政府、公众和媒体的合作、坦诚的态度,使得中美史克在失去旧康泰克市场时,反而树立了良好形象。而这种良好的形象也给"新康泰克"上市铺平了道路。 在杨伟强看来,"康泰克危机"也给中美史克带来了不少意外收获,一方面,中美史克借这个机会结识了一大批媒体朋友,积累了不少媒体资源。另一方面,"康泰克危机"的化解,使杨伟强更强化了"抓重点"的管理思路。 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and 三、中美史克"化险为赢"经验 抓重点管理 如何在危机处理中不会乱了阵脚,中美史克的秘诀是"抓重点": 在"康泰克危机"中,中美史克第一抓的重点是抓媒体,首先让媒体对中美史克的产品和企业有一个相对客观和准确的认识,把一些负面的东西减少,9月16日发生中美史克危机,9月20日中美史克的第一个记者招待会就举行了。杨伟强说:"因为,对我来说媒体是最大的重点,假如这个重点我不抓好,我品牌的声誉没有了,假如这个产品再回到市场中,品牌的声誉被破坏掉了,根本没有再上市的可能。" 中美史克抓的第二个重点是处理好员工关系。 但是,面对纷繁复杂的市场情况,如何区分重点和非重点,"康泰克危机"处理的最高决策者杨伟强则有自己的分析之道,他认为:危机管理里你一定要抓危机管理的最核心问题,核心问题抓好了,就不要被边缘问题所分散精力。边缘问题往往消耗你很多精力,因此你要分清主次,有些可能要放弃的,你可能根本就不管它。康泰克危机时,对业务影响不大而又耗时的工作,我就暂时放一边,哪些事情先做,哪些后做很重要。不要给一些边缘问题混淆,把自己的重点分散。另外,要懂得把人调动起来,危机不可能一个人解决,需要一群人,有共同的愿景,永不放弃。在危机处理时你不可能再错了,没有第二个机会给你,你要确保每一个决定都近乎于完美、近乎于没有错。做到这一点,你就要把你核心组织的智慧,通过民主的方法,产生决策。我们运气不错,我们内部有一些同事都曾经在不同状态下遇到过危机,有危机处理经验,处理时就有一种游戏的规则。 (三)实施:沟通第一 学习型组织和"抓重点"属于战略层面,落实到实施层面,中美史克的经验是:做好沟通。 中美史克在危机处理中把握了几项重要原则: 1 尽快将真相告诉公众。 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and 2 在传播沟通中,积极掌握对外报道的主动权,以公司为第一消息发布源,比如,中美史克在9月21日举行完媒体恳谈会后,11月21日,15条消费者热线全面开通。 3 和内部员工的坦诚沟通一样重要,保持内部稳定才会有一个稳固的根基。 4 善于利用媒体及其他有效渠道,形成强势的声音。 5 除了告诉公众"事情是怎么样的",还要告诉他们"事情要怎么解决",要有付诸行动的解决方案。 杨伟强也认为:沟通是危机管理中最关键的两个字。这种沟通对企业来说应该是个长期的工作,并不是危机来了才开始"临时抱佛脚",与媒体的、与相关企业的、与政府部门的沟通都是企业不可或缺的功课,当然还有企业内部与员工的沟通,这些沟通对于危机带来的企业从内部到外部影响有最好的化解作用。处理危机,人的因素是很重要的,危机管理系统中需要团队的协作才能达到预定的效果。团队工作最困难的是使大家对外形成一致的看法和行动,这其中的要诀就是要懂得民主集中制原则,既要发挥集体的智慧,又要有选择地听取意见。 六、案例要点:"抓重点" 中美史克的"康泰克危机"经验,显然是一个典型的"化险为赢"案例。 中美史克的"抓重点"思路,首先要发现重点,重点不可能是浮在表面的,而是沉淀在底层,管理高层需要去看哪些方面最重要,同时还需要不同的人一起来看,通过群策群力来寻找对公司最重要的事,然后按照先后次序进行划分。其次是实施,中美史克按人的优点、长项进行分工,定期汇报进度,定期总结,从而保证对危机的控制。"抓重点"靠的是一个系统,而不是靠一个人。在处理"康泰克危机"时,中美史克总经理杨伟强周围有一个十几人的智囊团,由地区经理、部门经理、一级主管组成。在统一的战略前提下,互有分工,并及时反馈。 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and
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