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轻松学习,陶冶情操轻松学习,陶冶情操 愉快学习, 陶冶情操 ,--介绍一种英语歌曲欣赏课型 深圳碧波中学 余希林 提示:英语歌曲欣赏课不是我们常规英语教学的主流课型,而是适 当穿插在常规教学之间,用来调节学生紧张情绪、增加学生英语学习 兴趣、陶冶学生人文、美学情操、沟通师生情感的一种特殊课型。 关键词,调节情绪 增加兴趣 陶冶情操 沟通感情 理论依据: 美国心理学博士戴尔?斯科特?里德利著的《自主课堂》一书告诉我们:把学生的基本情感、动机需求放在首位,以支持学生的学习为宗旨来创建积极的课堂环境。创造积极课堂环境的关键在于,教师应该...
轻松学习,陶冶情操 愉快学习, 陶冶情操 ,--介绍一种英语歌曲欣赏课型 深圳碧波中学 余希林 提示:英语歌曲欣赏课不是我们常规英语教学的主流课型,而是适 当穿插在常规教学之间,用来调节学生紧张情绪、增加学生英语学习 兴趣、陶冶学生人文、美学情操、沟通师生情感的一种特殊课型。 关键词,调节情绪 增加兴趣 陶冶情操 沟通感情 理论依据: 美国心理学博士戴尔?斯科特?里德利著的《自主课堂》一书告诉我们:把学生的基本情感、动机需求放在首位,以支持学生的学习为宗旨来创建积极的课堂环境。创造积极课堂环境的关键在于,教师应该尽力满足学生的情感、动机需求,和学生一起分享学习知识的快乐和感情满足的 ()愉悦1。 中科院院士、复旦大学原校长杨福家教授曾指出,能唤起学生好奇心的老师是非常重要的。学生在年轻时产生的好奇心、兴趣对他的一生都是有用的。我们应该让学生在年轻时生活得愉快, ()充满好奇心,有丰富的兴趣2。 兴趣是人对事物或活动所表现出来的积极、热情和肯定态度,并由此产生参与、认识和探究的心理倾向。兴趣是学习的巨大动力,是学生主动进行学习和研究的精神力量。爱因斯坦说:“热爱,是最好的教师。” 音乐与人的生活息息相关,它能通过心理作用影响人们的情绪,陶冶性情从而达到消除疲劳 ()和振奋精神的目的3。 问提出: 走进中学英语课堂,我们能听到许多严谨、科学、内容丰富、活动多样的听说课、阅读课、语法课。在这些课堂上老师按照备好的教案一环套一环进行教学活动,学生聚精会神亦步亦趋地跟着老师活动,眼要观,耳要听,嘴要说,手要写,脑要思,几乎要调动所有的学习器官才能跟得上老师的上课节奏,一堂课下来,学生普遍都感到很累。在一学期、一学年甚至更长的学习阶段里,如果一成不变地重复这种教学模式,或多或少地会降低学生学习英语的兴趣和兴奋程度。有这样一种授课方式,既让学生学得很轻松,也让学生有所收获,让他们感到既是一堂英语课,也是一堂使他们精神放松和心情愉悦的课。这种课型不是我们常规英语教学的主流课型,而是适当穿插在常规教学之间,用来调节学生紧张情绪、增加学生英语学习的兴趣、陶冶学生人文、美学情操、沟通师生情感的一种特殊课型。按此思路,笔者设计了一种英语歌曲欣赏课型,在所教班级试行几次课后,觉得效果甚佳,深受学生喜爱,因此在此将它介绍给同行,以期抛砖引玉。下面是教学中的一个范例: (3)1 《中国教育报》2002年3月14日第8版 黄慧霞 《在课堂中提升学生的情感》 (1)2 《中国教育报》2002年5月4日第4版 付艳敏 《创新品质培养要立足课堂》 (2)3 2003-5-26 14:37:19 新闻晚报 《调节心理驱疲劳 》 In 1944, the amounts sent out information, was arrested by the elves, suffered torture, heroic and unyielding, and killed by the enemy. The five Communists who, front-line elite Zhu Zhu (1909-1996), Qing Shui Xiang Fu Cun, Shangrao 实践过程: 教案设计(Teaching Design) I.课型(Type of class): 英语歌曲欣赏(Appreciation of An English Song) 欣赏歌曲:《草帽歌》(The Straw Hat) II.教学目的与目标(Teaching objectives and goals) 1. 在轻松的气氛中学习英语。(Learning English while entertaining oneself) 2. 背景知识在阅读理解中的重要性。(The importance of background knowledge) 3. 对学生进行情感教育。(Train students’ soul and heart) III.教学辅助设备(Teaching aids) 电脑,多媒体(Computer, multimedia) IV.教学方法(Teaching method): 1. 启发式。(Heuristic) 2. 语法翻译法(Grammar-translation approach) 3. 目标教学。(Task-Based language teaching) V.教学过程.(Teaching procedure) Step1:引入(Lead-in) 1)Ask students following questions: 问题一:Do you often sing or listen to an English song? 参考回答:Oh, that’s a very good habit, and you’ll learn a lot in this way. 问题二:Can you sing an English song well without understanding the words? 参考回答:Certainly not, if you want to sing a song well, you have to have a good understanding of the words and above all ,you’d better have background knowledge of the song. 问题三:If there are two ways of learning English, one is our regular teaching , the other is learning English while listening and enjoying an English song, which do you prefer ? 参考回答:I know most of you will prefer the second way。 Ok, today, I will try this way. Now let’s first enjoy an English song, whose title is The Straw Hat Step 2: 展示歌词。(Presentation of words) The Straw Hat Ma Ma ,do you remember the old straw hat you gave to me, I lost that hat long ago, flew to the foggy canyon(浓雾的山岙). Yeh Ma Ma I wonder what happened to that old straw hat, falling down the mountainside, out of my reach like your heart. Suddenly that wind came up, stealing my hat from me yeh, swirling(旋动), whirling gust of wind(一阵风), blowing it higher away. Ma Ma that old straw hat was the only one I really loved, but we lost it, no one could bring it back, like the life you gave me. In 1944, the amounts sent out information, was arrested by the elves, suffered torture, heroic and unyielding, and killed by the enemy. The five Communists who, front-line elite Zhu Zhu (1909-1996), Qing Shui Xiang Fu Cun, Shangrao 1)深情朗读(Read aloud emotionally) 2)解释生词(Explain new words) 3)播放歌曲(用mp3形式在电脑中播出或其它形式) 4)提问(Ask a question): What does the Straw Hat refer to in the song ? 就这个题问对不同的学生进行提问,希望得到不同的回答,但不给学生一个唯一的答案,以 便自然地过渡到下一环节。 设计目的:这一环节通过深情朗读、生词解释使学生对歌曲的表面文字基本理解,提问引导 学生进入到思考之中。对学生的所有回答不予确定,为下一背景知识的解释留有余地。 Step 3:背景知识介绍。(Introduction of background knowledge) 1)提问:What is background knowledge? 2)回答:Background knowledge generally refers to the knowledge you own before you read a similar reading material or do something. 3)强调:The more background knowledge a reader has, the better and deeper understanding he will have about the reading material. 4)用讲的语气慢慢地讲述歌曲背景知识。 The Straw Hat 《草帽歌》was the theme song of a Japanese film named The Proof of Man《人证》, which discloses the dark side of human being’s nature. One day, during the a Japanese girl Second World War, a group of American soldiers were insulting (侮辱) in the street when a black soldier came up and stopped them. Then, the girl and the black soldier lived together and gave birth to a black boy. The war was over, the boy went back to America with his father. He grew up, his father grew old and he couldn’t help missing and seeing his mother. The boy arrived in Japan and found out who his mother was .However, his mother, who was very famous in Japan and whose past no one knew , refused to recognize and accept him, because she was afraid it would do harm to her good fame (名誉) and her family. She killed her son in order to protect her good fame. At last she regretted –she wanted to get back the old straw hat, but it was too late. 设计目的:这一环节通过介绍背景知识的有关概念自然过渡到歌曲的背景,加深了学生对背 景知识这一概念的理解,引起了他们对背景知识的重视,同时,通过用讲故事这种形式使学生听 力得到了训练和提高。 Step 4:逐句解释。(Explain the song sentence by sentence) 1) Sentence 1 A:歌词展示(Words): Ma Ma ,do you remember the old straw hat you gave to me, I lost that hat long ago, flew to the foggy canyon(浓雾的山岙) B:给出参考翻译: (提示:要求不同程度的学生翻译这个句子,直到得到较好回答,再提供答案) 妈妈你可曾记得你送给我那草帽很久以前失落了,它飘向浓雾的山岙 C:阅读理解(Reading Comprehension) In 1944, the amounts sent out information, was arrested by the elves, suffered torture, heroic and unyielding, and killed by thPage 3 of 7 - e enemy. The five Communists who, front-line elite Zhu Zhu (1909-1996), Qing Shui Xiang Fu Cun, Shangrao 问题:What does the straw hat refer to ? A. Life B. A feeling of thought C. Mother’s love D. Love 参考答案:C. D:补充讲解: Here “ the straw hat” refers to the love of a mother, not the love in a large scope. The moment a child was given birth to , his mother gave her love to him naturally; “flew to foggy canyon” implies the loss of mother’s love E:讲解演唱技巧:This is word is sung with a recalling emotion. F:单句播放或教师自己演唱。 设计目的:在了解了背景知识之后,通过翻译的这种传统教学手段和阅读理解,使学生能开始理解文字里隐藏的深层含义;教师用补充讲解这种方式将隐含文字进行解释说明,使学生能彻底欣赏英语语言之美;通过歌唱技巧的介绍、单句的播放或老师自己亲自演唱使学生在赏心悦目的音乐欣赏中精神放松、陶冶情操,同时也加深了对歌词的理解。 2) Sentence 2 A:歌词展示(Words) I wonder what happened to that old straw hat, falling down the mountainside, out of my reach like your heart B:参考翻译:你可知道那顶草帽它在何方,它掉落在那山坳,就像你的心儿我再也得不到 . C:阅读理解(Reading Comprehension) 问题:What does this sentence imply(意指)? A. The boy, far away in America, missed her mother very much. B. The boy, far away in America, couldn’t get his mother’s love. C. The boy’s mother didn’t love his son any more. D. The straw hat was lost. 参考答案:B 补充讲解:This sentence implies that the black boy was eager to know the truth, which can be seen from the words “wonder, out of my reach.” E:讲解演唱技巧:This word is sung with a emotion of being eager to know the truth. F:单句播放或教师自己演唱 3) Sentence 3 A:歌词展示(Words) Suddenly that wind came up, stealing my hat from me , swirling(旋动), whirling gust of wind(一阵旋风), blowing it higher away. B:参考翻译(Translation): 忽然间狂风呼啸夺去我的草帽,飘向那天外云霄 C:阅读理解(Reading Comprehension) 提问:What does the wind refer to ? A. Killing B. Hatred C. Love D. Refuse 参考答案:A In 1944, the amounts sent out information, was arrested by the elves, suffered torture, heroic and unyielding, and killed by the enemy. The five Communists who, front-line elite Zhu Zhu (1909-1996), Qing Shui Xiang Fu Cun, Shangrao D:补充讲解:Here the writer use “wind” to imply “killing”, “blowing it higher away” to imply that the love between a mother and a son was lost forever. E:演唱技巧: This is the highest point of the song, sung with unbelievable emotion and heart broken. F:单句播放或教师自己演唱 4) Sentence 4 A:歌词展示(Words) That old straw hat was the only one I really loved, but we lost it, no one could bring it back, like the life you gave me . B:参考翻译:妈妈只有那草帽是我珍爱的无价之宝,但我们已经失去,没有人再能找到,就像是 你给我的生命. C:阅读理解(Reading Comprehension) 问题: What does the sentence imply? A.A life was lost. B. The love between a mother and son was lost. C. Was there anything more valuable than the love between a mother and a son? (Was there anything more valuable than life. D 答案:C D:演唱技巧讲解: This word is sung with a emotion of mixture, love, hatred, puzzle, regret E:单句播放或教师自己演唱 Step 5小结(summary) The words of the song are very beautiful, using a lot of metaphors (隐喻)to express the son’s feeling and emotion, which reaches an effect a direct way can’t reach, for instance, “the old straw hat “ refers to the natural love of a mother;”the wind” implies the killing; “blowing it higher away” implies the love between a mother and a son was lost forever, all of which makes you think deeply . This is a real masterpiece (杰作) of songs. Step 6强调背景知识的重要性 问题1:Is background important while doing reading comprehension? 问题2:Can you have a good understanding if you don’t have background knowledge while reading? 问题3:How can we get more background knowledge? 参考回答: 1) From your teacher, parents and other adults. 2) From Internet. 3) Above all, by yourself, read more. In 1944, the amounts sent out information, was arrested by the elves, suffered torture, heroic and unyielding, and killed by thPage 5 of 7 - e enemy. The five Communists who, front-line elite Zhu Zhu (1909-1996), Qing Shui Xiang Fu Cun, Shangrao 设计目的:这一环节设计的目的是让同学们平时学习英语博览群书,加强对背景知识的理解和掌握,要改正课后只重视做做单选题这一不良的学习习惯。 Step 7 学唱歌曲 1)逐句教学生演唱歌曲 2)再次播放歌曲或老师自己演唱 Step 8:.升华主题 1)给出讨论题:(Discussion): What will happen if there is no love in this world? 2)要求学生自由回答。 3)教师总结(Summing up) Love is nature of human being, the base for people to get along with each other. Without it, anything bad will happen, such as: Envy(嫉妒);suspicion(猜疑);Hatred.(仇恨); quarrel; misunderstanding; killing; fighting; war; revenge (报复) and so on. Let the world be full of Love 设计目的:这一环节用一个讨论题使这堂英语歌曲欣赏升华到道德教育课,使学生得到一次良好的情感教育,使学生懂得爱的真谛,达到了画龙点睛之功效。 课后小结:这堂课以音乐欣赏为主线,贯穿了背景知识重要性的讲解,阅读训练和情感教育,学生在寓教于乐中学习,它一方面能调节学生的情绪,增加学生学习英语的兴趣,另一方面陶冶了学生的情操,沟通了师生关系,它是常规教学过程中非常必要的一种补充。 实践反馈: 上完课后笔者就下列问题在所教的两个班级103人中进行了问卷调查, 问题1:你喜欢这种形式的教学吗, A 喜欢 B 不喜欢 C 一般 问题2:这种课一学期上几次适宜, A 一月2次 B一学期4次 C 一学期2次 问题3:喜欢这种课型的理由: 统计结果如下: 问题 你喜欢这种形式的教学吗, 选项 A喜欢 B不喜欢 C一般 人数 89 3 11 比例 86.4% 2.9% 10.6% 问题 这种课一学期上几次适宜, 选项 A 一月2次 B一学期4次 C 一学期2次 人数 30 41 22 In 1944, the amounts sent out information, was arrested by the elves, suffered torture, heroic and unyielding, and killed by the enemy. The five Communists who, front-line elite Zhu Zhu (1909-1996), Qing Shui Xiang Fu Cun, Shangrao 比例 29 39.8 21.3 问 题 喜欢这种课型的理由: (为节省篇幅,仅选几个学生代表性的回答。强调:笔者无意改动学生的任意一个字) 1、 每次都按同一顺序、步骤上英语课会让人觉得讨厌,上这类课能我们轻松 喜 一些,学到更多的东西。 2、 上这种课让我们十分轻松,平时学习十分紧张,很需要这样的课来调节一 欢 下。 3、 语言是联系人与人之间感情交流的一种工具,学习语言首先要进入一种特 的 殊的环境中,运用这种学习语言方法的方法对提高我们学习英语的兴趣很 有帮助。 理 4、 可以从歌词中学到英语口语;扩展知识;培养兴趣。 5、 这种课比较新颖,虽然是在学唱歌,但有能学到有关各种价值观和人生观 由 的思考,让人收益非浅。我相信这是一堂普通课所不能涉及的领域。 6、 放松学生心情,增进师生感情,在歌声中学习,不仅学到英文知识,更使 我们学到了一些关于人生、关于社会亲感的知识。 7、能适当调节平时沉重的压力、培养大家的情趣。 结论: 通过分析学生的调查问卷,参阅相关的理论依据,笔者觉得这种课型在学生的学习过程中可以起到下列作用: 1.缓解压力。这种课自始至终是在音乐欣赏、文学欣赏、人文精神和美学教育中进行的。学生在紧张、有学习压力的状态下得到一次精神上的愉悦和美的享受,尤其这种课型的音乐元素,使学生的紧张情绪能得到自我调节和缓解。实践证明美妙动听的音乐,可以使人心情舒畅,从中得到美的享受。调节松弛情绪,培养注意力集中的能力。 2.增加兴趣。兴趣使学生乐于接触和认识新事物。这是一种有别于常规教学的英语歌曲欣赏课,学生在愉悦自己的过程中进行英语学习的。它的新颖能引起学生的好奇心,它的创造性能调动学生的学习热情,它丰富的美学元素能激励学生学习英语的兴趣。 3.陶冶情操。这种课型所选用的歌曲无论是歌词还是旋律必须是经过老师精心筛选的。就这堂课而言,《草帽歌》它揭露了人性的阴暗面,同时从另一面也赞美了人性美好的一面,它是一堂充满情感教育的课。音乐、美学、情感教育对学生的情操升华极有帮助。 4.沟通感情。在这种课型实施的过程中,由于没有常规教学中传授知识、双基训练的压力,老师的授课始终是在一种宽松、愉快的状态下进行的,它有利于师生情感之间架起一座沟通桥梁,老师的演唱、老师的教唱会给课堂营造欢乐、和谐、融洽的气氛,达到师生同乐、语言教学和思想教育双赢的目的。 余希林 2003年6月 In 1944, the amounts sent out information, was arrested by the elves, suffered torture, heroic and unyielding, and killed by thPage 7 of 7 - e enemy. The five Communists who, front-line elite Zhu Zhu (1909-1996), Qing Shui Xiang Fu Cun, Shangrao
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