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怪物史莱克3中英文对照剧本!11怪物史莱克3中英文对照剧本!11 怪物史莱克3 中英文对照字幕 前进 昌西 Onward, Chauncey! 向着最高塔楼的最高房间前进 To the highest room of the tallest tower... 我的公主在那儿等待着 ...where my princess awaits rescue 她英俊的查明王子去拯救 from her handsome Prince Charming! 比《情书》还难看 我讨厌餐馆剧院 This is worse than "Love Letters"....
怪物史莱克3中英文对照!11 怪物史莱克3 中英文对照字幕 前进 昌西 Onward, Chauncey! 向着最高塔楼的最高房间前进 To the highest room of the tallest tower... 我的公主在那儿等待着 ...where my princess awaits rescue 她英俊的查明王子去拯救 from her handsome Prince Charming! 比《情》还难看 我讨厌餐馆剧院 This is worse than "Love Letters". I hate dinner theater! 我也是 Me, too. 哇噢 那边 昌西 Whoa there, Chauncey! 听呀 勇敢的查明王子在靠近 Hark! The brave Prince Charming approacheth. 别害怕 美丽的女士 我会杀了 Fear not, fair maiden. I shall slay the monster that guards you... 看守你的怪物 让我变成真正的国王 ...then take my place as rightful king. 她怎么说的? What did she say? 是史莱克 It's Shrek! 噢 史莱克 好呀 Whoo, Shrek, yeah! 准备 恶心的野兽 Prepare, foul beast... 来到你熟悉的痛苦世界 ...to enter into a world of pain with which you are not familiar! 生日快乐 生日快乐 Happy birthday to thee Happy birthday to thee 你介意么? Do you mind? 你介意么? 无聊 Do you mind? Boring! 准备好 恶心的野兽 Prepare, foul beast... 某天你们会后悔的 Someday you'll be sorry. 我们已经后悔了 We already are! 妈妈 Mommy... 你说得对 我不能让这一切发生 You're right. I can't let th is happen. 我不能 I can't! 我才是遥远王国真正的国王 I am the rightful King of Far Far Away. 我向你保证 妈妈 And I promise you this, Mother... 我会重新赢得尊严 登上宝座 ...I will restore dignity to my throne. 而且这一次 And th is time, 没人能阻止我 no one will stand in my way. 早上好 Good morning. 早上好 Good morning. 早上深呼吸一下 Morning breath. 我知道 难道不好么? I know.isn't it wonderful? 早上好 早上好 Good morning, good morning 太阳也出来了 照耀着我们 The sun is shining through 早上好 早上好 你早上好 Good morning, good morning To you 还有你 还有你 And you! And you! 他们长得真快 They grow up so fast. 还不够快 Not fast enough. 你们将继承国王和王后的宝座 You'll be filling in for the King and Queen. 有几个典礼需要您出席 先生 Several functions require your attendance, sir. 太好了 我们开始吧 Great! Let's get started. 快点 懒骨头 是时候动起来了 Come on, lazybones. Time to get moving! 你需要穿双鞋子 You need to get a pair of jammies. 我封你为骑士 I knight thee. 既然你继承王位成为国王 If you're filling in for a king 你应该让自己看起来像是个国王 you should look like one. 能来个人收拾下史莱克么? Can somebody come in and work on Shrek? 我看看能做些什么吧 I will see what I can do. 好呀 哇噢 Yeah, wow. 真的有这个必要么? is th is really necessary? 非常有必要 菲奥娜 Quite necessary, Fiona. 我是史莱克 你个白痴 不管怎样 I'm Shrek, you twit. Whatever. 好了 各位 这可不是什么排练 Thisisn't a rehearsal, peoples. 我们还是去参加活动吧 Let's see some hustle! 微笑 大家都微笑 Smiles, everyone! Smiles! 我不知道自己还能坚持多久 菲奥娜 I don't know how much longer I can keep th is up. 对不起 不过你能再忍耐一下么? I'm sorry, but can you just try to grin and bear it? 得坚持到父王好起来 It's just until Dad gets better. 史莱克? Shrek? 怎么? Yeah? 你看起来真帅 You look handsome. 过来 你 Come here, you. 我的屁股痒得不行 My butt is itching up a storm 可穿这身猴子装 我根本抓不到 and I can't reach it in th is monkey suit. 嘿 你 过来 你叫什么名字? Hey, you! Come here. What's your name? 费多威尔斯 先生 Fiddiesworth, sir. 很好 Perfect. 女士们 先生们 Ladies and gentlemen... 菲奥娜公主以及史莱克先生 ...Princess Fiona and Sir Shrek! 啊 弄到了 Ahh! You've got it. 再左边点 A little to the left. 就是那儿 太好了 That's it! That's good. 噢 爽 抓那儿 就这样 就那儿 Oh, yeah! Scratch that thing! You're on it. 史莱克 Shrek! 我的眼睛 My eye! 你在干吗? What are you doing? 菲奥娜 Fiona! 你没事吧? 是啊 我没事 Are you okay? Yeah. I'm fine. 虾 我的最爱 Shrimp! My favorite! 就这样 我们得走了 冷静点 That's it! We're leaving! Calm down. 冷静点? 你觉得我们不像是笑话么? 我是个怪物 Calm down? Who do you think we're kidding? I am an ogre. 我阻止不了这一切 菲奥娜 也不可能 I'm not cut out for this, Fiona, and I never will be. 我想一切都不错 I think that went well. 贫嘴驴 Donkey! 别这样 史莱克 Come on, Shrek! 有些人就是不懂什么叫底线 Some people just don't understand boundaries. 想想吧 再过个几天 我们就能回家了 Just think. A couple more days and we'll be back home... 回到我们到处都是寄生虫 撒满菌类 ...in our vermin-filled shack strewn with fungus... 充满泥浆恶臭的小屋 ...and filled with the stench of mud and neglect. 你跟我就在到处都是寄生虫的地方相遇 You had me at "vermin-filled". 而且 恩 说不定 还有很多小脚在地板上踏着 And, um... maybe even the pitter-patter of little feet on the floor. 对啊 沼泽鼠下的仔 That's right, the swamp rats will be spawning. 呃 不 Uh, no. 我觉得那玩意比沼泽鼠还要大点 What I'm thinking of is a little bigger than a swamp rat. 贫嘴驴? Donkey? 不 史莱克 如果理论上来说 No, Shrek. What if, theoretically... 那是怪物脚呢? ...they were little ogre feet? 亲爱的 我们来好好推理一下 Honey, let's be rational about this. 你最近有见过小婴儿么? Have you seen a baby lately? 他们吃了就拉 就哭 They just eat and poop, and they cry... 再哭 再拉 又拉 又哭 ...then they cry when they poop and poop when they cry. 现在 想象一个怪物婴儿 Now, imagine an ogre baby. 特别能哭 特别能睡 They extra-cry and they extra-poop. 史莱克 你难道没想过要个家么? Shrek, don't you ever think about having a family? 现在 你就是我的家 Right now, you're my family. 最好是有人快死了 Somebody better be dying. 我快死了 I'm dying. 哈罗德? Harold? 别忘了照顾花园 莉莲 Don't forget to pay the gardener, Lillian. 当然 亲爱的 Of course, darling. 菲奥娜 Fiona. 我在 爸爸? Yes, Daddy? 我知道我在你身上犯下很多错误 I know I made many mistakes with you. 没事的 It's okay. 但是你对史莱克的爱 But your love for Shrek has... 教会了我很多 ...taught me much. 我亲爱的孩子 My dear boy... 我很骄傲的叫你儿子 ...I am proud to call you my son. 那我也很骄傲的叫您我亲爱的青蛙 And I'm proud to call you my frog... 岳父大人 ...King dad-in-law. 现在 重要的事情是照顾好 Now there is a matter of business to attend to. 青蛙国王 已经去了 The Frog King... is dead. 把帽子戴上 蠢货 Put your hat back on, fool. 史莱克 Shrek... 请过来这里 ...please come hither. 好的 爸爸? Yeah, Dad? 这个王国需要一名新的国王 Th is kingdom needs a new king. 你和菲奥娜是下一任王位继承人 You and Fiona are next in line for the throne. 下一任 你看 爸爸 这就是人民爱戴你的原因 Next in line. You see, Dad, that's why people love you. 就算在弥留之际 你都还在开玩笑 Even on your deathbed, you're still making jokes. 算了吧 爸爸 一个怪物当国王? Come on, Dad. An ogre as king? 这可不是个好主意 That's not such a good idea. 一定还有人的 还有人的 There must be somebody else. Anybody! 除了你之外 就只有一名继承人了 Aside from you, thereis only one remaining heir. 真的么? 是谁 爸爸? Really? Who is he, Dad? 他叫 His name is... 叫 ...is... 他叫什么呀? What's h is name? 叫 ...is... 爸爸 Daddy! 他叫亚瑟 H is name is Arthur. 亚瑟? Arthur? 我知道你会做出 I know you'll do... 正确的决定 ...what's right. 哈罗德? Harold? 爸爸? 爸爸 Dad? Dad! 爸爸? Dad? 做你该做的事 伙计 Do your thing, man. 王子要在这儿喝上一杯需要做些什么? What does a prince have to do to get a drink here? 啊 梅布尔 Ah, Mabel! 为什么他们要叫你丑陋的姐妹 我永远也不明白 Why they call you an ugly stepsister, I'll never know. 桃瑞丝在哪儿? 今晚休息? Where's Doris? Taking the night off? 她在这儿不受欢迎 你也是 She's not welcome here, and neither are you. 你想来点什么 查明王子? What do you want, Charming? 不想干吗 就想赎罪 Not much. Just a chance at redemption. 再来一杯Fuzzy Navel And a Fuzzy Navel. 给我的朋友们都来一杯Fuzzy Navel And Fuzzy Navels for all my friends! 我们才不是你的朋友呢 We're not your friends. 这可不是你该来的地方 You don't belong here. 你说的对 不过 我是说 这是我们该来的地方么? You're absolutely right, but, I mean, do any of us? 扁他 Do a number on h is face. 等等 等等 等等 Wait, wait, wait! 其实我跟你们差不多 没你们想象的那么有差距 We are more alike than you think. 女巫 七个小矮人救了白雪公主 然后怎样了? Wicked Witch! The Seven Dwarfs saved Snow White, and what happened? 噢 这关你什么事? it to you? Oh, what's 让你们得到了最不公平的待遇 They left you the unfairest of them all. 现在 你们在这儿 为了下一餐而奔波 Now here you are, hustling pool to get your next meal. 感受如何? How does that feel? 确实很不公平 Pretty unfair. 还有你 And you! 你的明星木偶放弃了演出 去找他的父亲 Your star puppet abandons the show to go and find h is father. 我讨厌那个小木偶 I hate that little wooden puppet. 还有钩子 And Hook. 需要我再说什么吗? Need I say more? 还有你 没良心的猪皮 叫错了 是侏儒怪 And you, Frumpypigskin! Rumpelstiltskin. 承诺给你那个长男在哪儿呢? Where's that firstborn you were promised? 梅布尔 还记得你的肥脚是怎样 Mabel. Remember how you couldn't get your little fat foot... 穿不进那双小玻璃鞋的么? ...into that tiny glass slipper? 灰姑娘现在就在遥远王国 Cinderellais in Far Far Away right now... 吃着小糖果 跟所有错待你的 ...eating bonbons, cavorting with every last fairy tale creature... 仙女们共舞 ...that has ever done you wrong! 曾经 我们被看作是失败者 Once upon a time, someone decided that we were the losers. 但是所有的事情都有两面性 But there are two sides to every story... 可从来没人为我们说话 ...and our side has not been told! 那么 有人要加入我么? So who will join me? 谁愿意跟我一起去争取我们的地位? Who wants to come out on top for once? 谁想跟他们一样 Who wants their... 从此过着幸福的生活? ..."happily ever after"? 这边 先生 This way, gents. 我是情非得以 小姐 我是人在江湖呀 It's out of my hands, senorita. The winds of fate have blown on my destiny. 但我绝对不会忘记你 你是我一生的至爱 But I will never forget you. You are the love of my life. 你也是 As are you. 还有 呃 你 And, uh, you. 我不认识你 不过我也愿意 I don't know you, but I'd like to. 我得走了 I got to go! 我也不想离开你的 I don't wanna leave you either. 不过你知道史莱克是怎样的人 But you know how Shrekis. 没有我 这家伙会迷路的 The dude's lost without me. 别担心 我会每天给你寄来航空吻的 But don't worry. I'll send you airmail kisses every day! 坚强点 孩子么 Be strong, babies. 椰子树 花生 要听妈妈的话 Coco, Peanut, listen to your mama. 香蕉 别再在你妹妹头上烤蜜饯 Bananas, no roasting marshmallows on your sister's head. 那是最特别的儿子 That's my special boy! 过来 都过来 给爸爸个大拥抱 Come here, all of you! Give your daddy a big hug! 史莱克? Shrek? 或许你应该留下来当国王 Maybe you should just stay and be King. 算了吧 我不可能管理一个国家的 Come on. There's no way I could run a kingdom. 那就是为什么你表弟亚瑟 才是最佳选择的原因 That's why your cousin Arthur is a perfect choice. 不是那样的 你看 It's not that. You see... 如果他给我找麻烦 我总会有理由有办法 And if he gives me trouble, I always have persuasion and reason. 这是理由 这是办法 Here's persuasion... and here's reason. 菲奥娜 Fiona... 过不了多久 就会只有我和你 ...soon it's just going to be you, me... 还有我们的沼泽地了 ...and our swamp. 不会只是你和我的 It's not going to be just you and me. 上船了 All aboard! 会的 我保证 It will be. I promise. 我爱你 I love you. 我们爱你 爸爸 噢 真可爱 That's lovely. 再见 宝贝们 Bye-bye, babies! 史莱克 Shrek! 等等 那是什么? Wait! What is it? 我 我 I'm... I'm... 我也爱你 亲爱的 I love you, too, honey! 不 我是说 我 No! I said I'm... 你什么? You're what? 我是说我怀孕了 I said I'm pregnant! 那是什么意思? What was that? 你要做父亲了 You're going to be a father! 太好了 That's great! 真的么? 你这么想我真开心 Really? I'm glad you think so! 我爱你 I love you! 是的 Yeah! 我也爱你 Me, too! You! 我要当叔叔啦 我要当叔叔啦 I'm going to be an uncle! I'm going to be an uncle! 还有你 我的朋友 会成为皇室的 And you, my friend, are royally... 到家了 Home. 史莱克 Shrek! 菲奥娜 Fiona! 菲奥娜? Fiona? 噢 不 Oh, no. 出的比进的好 我总这么说 Better out than in, I always say. 不 不 不 No, no, no! 没事的 会没事的 It's okay. It's gonna be all right. 停 嘿 等等 Stop! Hey, wait! 嘿 嘿 不 不 Hey hey no no! 不 不 不 不 噢 不 No no no no oh no! 不 不 等等 噢 嘿 嘿 你要 No no wait hei hei what you... 贫嘴驴 贫嘴驴 Donkey. Donkey! 醒醒 Wake up! 爸爸 Dada! 史莱克 史莱克 你没事吧? Shrek! Are you okay? 我没法相信我要当父亲了 怎么会这样? I can't believe I'm going to be a father. How did th is happen? 让我跟你解释下 当一个男人爱上一个女人 Allow me to explain. When a man has feelings for a woman... 一种强烈的欲望就会侵蚀他 ...a powerful urge sweeps over him. 我知道是怎么回事 I know how it happened. 我只是无法相信 I just can't believe it. 到底是怎么回事? How does it happen? 贫嘴驴 你能直接跳到 Donkey! Can you just cut to the part 安慰我的部分么? where you're supposed to make me feel better? 你知道的 我爱菲奥娜 老大 对吧? You know I love Fiona, boss. Right? 不过我想说的是 你 我 在我表兄的船上 What I am talking about is you, me, my cousin's boat... 喝着冰冻的Mojito ...an ice cold pitcher of mojitos 以及两周的旅程 什么也别干 就钓鱼 and two weeks of nothing but fishing. 别听他的 Don't listen to him! 生孩子不会毁了你的生活 Having a baby isn't going to ruin your life. 我担心的不是会毁掉我的生活 It's not my life I'm worried about ruining, 而是担心会毁掉孩子的生活 it's the kid's. 你什么时候听人说过这种话 跟怪物一样可爱 When have you ever heard the phrase "as sweet as an ogre"... 跟怪物一样健康 ...or "as nurturing as an ogre"... 你会爱上我爸爸的 他是个真正的怪物 ...or "You'll love my dad. He's a real ogre." 好了 我明白了 Okay. I get it. 确实不易 但你要让我们帮你 It's not going to be easy. But you got us to help you. 确实 That's true. 我是被诅咒了的 I'm doomed. 你会没事的 You'll be fine. 你完了 You're finished. 呃 我是说旅程 Uh, with yourjourney. 伍克什么什么? 听起来不错 "Wor-ces-ters-shiree"? Now that sounds fancy! 是伍斯特郡 It's Worcestershire. 跟沙拉酱一样? Like the sauce? 是辣的 It's spicy! 他们肯定一直盼着我们呢 They must be expecting us. 这个伍什么什么郡到底是什么地方? What in the shista-shire kind of place is this? 那么 我的胃开始痛 手掌开始出汗 肯定是所中学 Well, my stomach aches and my palms just got sweaty. Must be a high school. 中学? High school? 准备好了么? 好啊 Ready? Okay! 你想前进到艺术的哪儿 前进到顶端? Wherefore art thou headed, to the top? 是呀 我们也这么认为 我们也这么认为 Yeah, we think so, we think so! 有什么能阻止你呢? And dost thou thinkest thine can be stopped? 没有 我们认为没有 没有 Nay, we thinkst not, we thinkst not! 好了 珀西瓦尔先生 别激动 All right, Mr. Percival, ease up on the reins. 好了 伙计 别烧了我的乳香和没药 For lo, bro, don't burn all my frankincense and myrrh. 我无法阻止心底 对平底鞋和混乱场面的恶心 I'm feeling nauseous from memories of wedgies and swirlies! 你不穿内裤又怎么会有平底鞋呢? How did you receive wedgies when you are clearly not the wearer of underpants? 有的事是不言而喻的 Let's just say some things are better left unsaid. 那么我就说 我宁可得黑死病 也不愿跟你去约会 So I was all like, "I'd rather get the black plague than go out with you." 噢 绝对是 不好意思 Oh, totally. Pardon me. 真是 恶心 是呀 绝对 Totally ew-eth. Yeah, totally. 我刚把我的等级加了三点超级能力 I just altered my character level to +3 superb-ability. 嗨 我们想找个人 他叫 Hi. We're looking for someone named... 谁弄了九点的笨蛋符咒来 Who rolled a +9 dork spell 还召唤来了一只野兽和几只四足动物? and summoned the beast and h is quadruped? 我知道你们正忙着 I know you're busy not fitting in, 不过 能告诉我哪儿能找到亚瑟么? but can you tell me where I can find Arthur? 他就在那边 He's over there. 没有比胜利让你感觉更好的了 There is no sweeter taste on thy tongue than victory! 健壮 英俊 一脸领导像 Strong, handsome, face of a leader. 亚瑟不是一看上去就像个国王么? Does Arthur look like a king or what? 抱歉 Sorry. 你们刚才是说要找亚瑟? Did you say you were looking for Arthur? 这可是显而易见的 That informationis on a need-to-know basis. 这是高级机密 It's top secret! 现在 先生们 我们走吧 向塔楼前进 Now, gentlemen, let's away. To the showers! 您好 陛下 Greetings, Your Majesty. 今天是你的幸运日 This is your lucky day. 你是什么玩意呀? What are you supposed to be? 某种巨大的变异的妖精 还是什么的? Some kind of giant mutant leprechaun or something? 巨大的 变异的 你真会讲笑 Giant mutant... You made a funny. 放开我 怪物 Unhand me, monster! 别动 亚瑟 Stop squirming, Arthur. 我不是亚瑟 I'm not Arthur. 我是兰斯洛特 I am Lancelot. 那边那个笨蛋才是亚瑟 That dork over there is Arthur. 这 真是 太尴尬了 Thisis, like, totally embarrassing... 不过我的朋友蒂凡尼觉得 你让她很感兴趣 ...but Tiffany thinkest thou vex her so soothly. 她想你会不会愿意邀请她去回归舞会 She thought perchance thou would ask her to the Homecoming Dance. 不好意思? Excuse me? 不管怎样吧 她对大学的家伙 Like, whatever. She's into college guys 还有神话人物之类的玩意相当有兴趣 and mythical creatures. 噢 亚瑟 Oh, Arthur... 出来吧 出来吧 不管你在哪儿 ...come out, come out, wherever you are! 你们最好给我跑远点 你个没良心的坏蛋 You better run, you little punk no-goodniks! 贫嘴驴短内裤的日子已经结束了 The days of Donkey Dumpy Drawers are over! 等等 Hold it. 我们是来参加吉祥物大赛的 We're here for the mascot contest. 我们也是来参加吉祥物大赛的 We're here for the mascot contest, too. 这是你的服装么? This is a costume? 弄了一整晚的 Worked on it all night long. 我觉得是真的呢 Looks pretty real to me. 如果是真的 我能这样么? If he were real, could I do this? 或是这样? Or this? 如果是真的 我肯定痛得要死了 If it were real, that would have been agonizingly painful. 现在 看这个 够了 伙计们 - Now watch this! - That's quite enough, boys. 感谢普里姆教授 以及他给我们做的 Thank you to Professor Primbottom and h is lecture... 为《说不》的演讲 ...on "just say nay". 现在 我们还是干脆点 将伍斯特郡大奖 And now, without further ado, let's give a warm Worcestershire hoozah... 颁给吉祥物大赛的胜者 就是 ...to the winner of our mascot contest, the... 怪物? ...ogre? 是的 我就是新的吉祥物 That's right. I'm the new mascot. 那么 我们还是真诚的为其他 So let's really try and beat the other guys at... 不知道在干吗的人鼓掌吧 ...whatever it is they're doing! 这真是有点太不正统了 This is all a bit unorthodox... 我上哪儿能找到亚瑟王侯? Where can I find Arthur Pendragon? 嘿 等等 Hey, wait... 真棒 Classic. 你应该为自己感到羞辱 You should be ashamed of yourself! 又不是我干的 是他们 I didn't do it. They did. 求你别吃了他的 Please don't eat me. 吃了他 吃了他 吃了他 Eat him! Eat him! Eat him! 我来这儿可不是为了吃了你 I'm not here to eat him! 是时候收拾好你的牙刷还有鞋子了 Time to pack up your toothbrush and jammies. 你就是遥远王国的新国王 You're the new King of Far Far Away. 什么? What? 亚蒂当国王? 他更像是笨蛋村的村长吧 Artie a king? More like the Mayor of Loserville! 够丢人 Burn. 是真的么? is th is for real? 绝对的 收拾好你的储物柜 孩子 Absolutely. Clean out your locker, kid. 还有个国家等着你去治理呢 You have a kingdom to run. 那么 等等 我是唯一的继承人? So, wait... l'm really the only heir? 唯一的 The one and only. 等我一会 Give me a second. 我的臣民们 My good people... 这对我们大家都是很好的一课 ...there's a lesson here for all of us. 下一次你们想把个孩子的脑袋 Next time you're about to dunk 塞进尿壶的时候 停下来想想 a kid's head in a chamber pot, stop and think, 嘿 或许这个孩子也有感觉的 "Hey, maybe th is guy has feelings. 或许我该放他一马 Maybe I should cut him some slack. 因为 或许 或许 或许 'Cause maybe... just maybe... 这家伙会变成 我不知道 变成国王? ...th is guy's gonna turn out to be, I don't know, a king? 或许他要颁布的第一道御令 就是要把欺负他的所有人驱逐出境 Maybe h is first royal decree will be to banish everyone who ever picked on him." 我看着你们呢 马上枪术队 I'm looking at you, jousting team! 还有格温? 噢 格温 And Guin? Oh, Guin. 我一直都很爱你 I've always loved you. 好朋友们 这让我太伤心了 不过 Good friends, it breaks my heart, but... 好好享受你们在这监狱的日子吧 ...enjoy your stay here in prison 我去治理一个自由的国度去了 while I rule the free world! 好了 别做得过了 Okay, let's not overdo it. 我会建立我的城市 摇滚的人民 I'm building my city, people... on rock 'n' roll! 你刚才做过了 You just overdid it. 看看你啊 Look at you! 太招人爱了 You look darling. 太可爱了 看看她呀 Just precious. Look at her. 怀孕过后有没有想吐? Any cravings since you got pregnant? 不 完全没有 No. Not at all. 你有闻到火腿的味道么? Do you smeil ham? 礼物时间到了 It's present time! 菲奥娜 请你先开我送的那个吧 就是前面那个 Fiona, please open mine first. It's the one in front. 恭喜你要有新的麻烦 噢 小麻烦 "Congratulations on your new mess mak..." Oh, mess maker! 希望这对你有帮助 爱你的灰姑娘 "Hopefully th is helps. Love, Cinderella." 看看呀 这是什么呀? Look at that! What is it? 用来打扫便便的 It's for the poopies. 等等 婴儿也拉便便? Wait... babies poop? 是人都拉便便 睡美人 Everyone poops, Beauty. 菲奥娜 Fiona! 我们都给你准备了点小礼物 We all chipped in for a little present, too. 嗒哒 Ta-da! 你知道的 婴儿会喜欢的 因为我喜欢 You know the baby will love it, because I do! 各位 真是太好了 谢谢你们 Guys, that's so sweet. Thank you. 这个是谁送的? Who's th is one from? 最大的是我送的 因为我最爱你 I got you the biggest one, because I love you most. 我也有一个 爱你的白雪公主 "Have one on me. Love, Snow White." 这是什么呀? What is it? 专职保姆 He's a live-in babysitter. 婴儿在哪儿? Where's the baby? 你真是太好了 白雪公主 可我不能接受 You're too kind, Snow, but I can't accept this. 没什么的 我家里还有六个 It's nothing. I have six more at home. 他能做什么? 打扫卫生 What does he do? Cleaning. 喂孩子 喂完后拍孩子 Feeding. Burping. 那么 我跟史莱克该干吗呢? So, what are Shrek and I supposed to do? 好好经营你们的婚姻 Work on your marriage. 谢谢 莴苣姑娘 那是什么意思呢? Thanks, Rapunzel. What's that supposed to mean? 好了 现在 菲奥娜 你知道怎么回事的 Come on now, Fiona. You know what happens. 你会一直觉得很累 You're tired all the time. 开始放松自己 身材走样 You start letting yourself go. 妊娠纹 Stretch marks. 再也不会玩浪漫 Say goodbye to romance. 抱歉 你们到底有几个有孩子呀? I'm sorry, but how many of you have kids? 她是对的 She's right! 孩子只会加强史莱克和菲奥娜之间的爱 A baby will only strengthen the love Shrek and Fiona have. 你告诉史莱克的时候他有什么反应? How did Shrek react when you told him? 告诉我 那么 Tell me! Well... 史莱克一知道了 就说 When he first found out, Shrek said... 前进吧 我的新朋友 向着从此幸福的生活 Onward, my new friends! To our happily ever afters! 现在 投弹 Now... bombs away! 好了 好了 好了 如果这不是彼得.潘 Well, well, well. If itisn't Peter Pan. 他不叫彼得 闭嘴 温蒂 His name's not Peter. Shut it, Wendy. 掠夺够了 向着城堡前进 Enough pillaging! To the castle! 你快走 照顾好孩子 You go! Take care of the baby! 大家冷静点 我们会死的 Everybody stay calm! We're going to die! 大家都快进来 快 Everyone in! Now! 快点 撞 Come on! Put some back into it! 没时间了 快 We don't have time. Now go! 快 姑娘们 Quickly, ladies! 我们会尽力拖延他们的 We'll hold them off as long as we can! 史莱克和菲奥娜在哪儿? Where are Shrek and Fiona? 从没听说过这名字 The name doesn't ring a bell. 没听说过 No bell. 我劝你们这些怪物 I suggest you freaks cooperate... 还是好好跟新的遥远国王合作 ...with the new King of Far Far Away! 你这辈子就能当笨蛋国的国王 The only thing you're ever gonna be king of is King of the Stupids! 钩子 好的 Hook! Right! 来吧 你这个饼干 Avast, ye cookie. 说呀 Start talking. 姜饼 爸爸 Gingy! Papa! 现在坐下 Settle down now. 坐上漂亮船去买棒棒糖 On the good ship Lollipop 去糖果店真好 It's a sweet trip to the candy shop 你 You! 你不能撒谎 You can't lie. 好了 告诉我 木偶 史莱克在哪儿? So tell me, puppet... where is Shrek? 那么 我不知道他不在哪儿 Well... I don't know where he's not. 你不知道史莱克在哪儿? You don't know where Shrekis? 不能不确切的断定 It wouldn't be inaccurate to assume... 我不能确切的不说出你说的 ...that I couldn't exactly not say 是还是不是差不多部分不正确 that is orisn't almost partially incorrect. 那么 你确实知道他在哪儿 So you do know where heis! 相反的 我可能或多或少 On the contrary, I'm possibly more or less 在不确定的情况下 not definitely rejecting the idea 绝不不肯定的反驳这个主意 that in no way, with any amount of uncertainty... 够了 Stop it! 我确实不知道他不应该去哪儿 ...I do not know where he shouldn't be. 如果那确实不是他去的地方的话 If that indeed wasn't where heisn't. 即使他不在我所知道的他去的地方 也就是说 Even if he wasn't not where I knew he was, it could mean... 坐上漂亮的船去买棒棒糖 On the good ship Lollipop 够了 史莱克去找继承人去了 Enough! Shrek went off to bring back the next heir! 他会带回下一任继承人? He's bringing back the next heir? 不 No! 钩子 除掉那个新国王 Hook! Get rid of th is new "King". 不过 带史莱克回来见我 But bring Shrek to me. 我还给他准备了点特别的主意 I have something special in mind for him. 他绝不会被你害到的 He'll never fall for your tricks! 噢 孩子 Oh, boy. 我无法相信 我 国王? I can't believe it. Me, a king? 我知道我来自皇室 但是 I knew I came from royalty, but... 我以为大家已经把我以往了 ...I figured everyone forgot about me. 噢 不 事实上 是国王让我来找你的 Oh, no. In fact the King asked for you personally. 真的么? 哇噢 Really? Wow. 不过 我知道这可不是玩游戏 But I know it's not all fun and games. 其实确实就是玩游戏 It reallyis all fun and games, actually. 当然 你得给几个英雄授骑士勋章 Sure, you have to knight a few heroes, 再为一两艘船举行起航仪式 launch a ship or two. 顺便说下 还得拿瓶子砸船 By the way, make sure you hit the boat just right with the bottle. 笨蛋都能拿瓶子砸船 Any idiot can hit a boat with a bottle. 那么 我听说 那比看起来的要难得多 Well, I've heard it's harder than it looks. 真是太棒了 This is going to be huge. 短裤 公主 城堡 公主 Parties, princesses, castles. Princesses. 你会生活得很奢侈 You'll be living in the lap of luxury. 最好的大厨随时听你的号令 The finest chefs will wait for your order. 而且 幸运的是 你还会有御用试味员 And fortunately, you'll have the royal food tasters. 噢 是么? 他们是干吗的? y do? What do the 在国王吃美食之前试吃 以确保没给下毒 Taste the food before the King eats, to make sure it's not poisoned. 下毒? 或是看看有没有太咸 Poisoned? Or too salty. 别担心 护卫会保证你的安全 Don't worry. Your bodyguards will keep you safe. 护卫? 他们愿意在任何时候 Bodyguards? All of them willing at a moment's notice 为你献出他们的生命 to lay down their lives out of devotion to you. 真的么? Really? 整个王国的臣民都指望着你的智慧和引领 The whole kingdom will look to you for wisdom and guidance. 让他们不会因饥饿而死去 Make sure they don't die of famine! 不会因瘟疫而死去 瘟疫很糟的 Or plague. Plague is bad. 咳嗽 呻吟 化脓 The coughing, the groaning, the festering sores. 化脓 你真是只搞笑的小猫咪 Festering sores! You are one funny kitty cat. 我说什么了? What did I say? 我们不想让亚蒂有些错误的概念 We don't want Artie getting the wrong idea. 亚蒂? Artie? 真够郁闷的 There goes my hip! 亚蒂 你在干吗? Artie! What are you doing? 这看起来像什么? What does it look like?! 这可不是你该干的 Th is reallyisn't up to you. 我根本不知道怎么当好个国王 I don't know anything about being king! 你会学习怎么做的 You'll learn on the job! 对不起让你失望了 不过 我想回去了 Sorry, but I'm going back. 回去干吗? 回去当个失败者? Back to what? Being a loser? 现在 看看你干了些什么 Now look what you did! 看看我干了些什么? 看看舵在谁手里呀? Look what I did? - Who's holding the wheel, chief? 史莱克 Shrek! 登陆 Land ho! 真够丢人的 How humiliating. 噢 干得好 殿下 Oh, nice going, Your Highness. 现在就叫殿下了? 那个失败者呢? Now it's "Your Highness"? What happened to "loser"? 如果你觉得这能让逃开 就别想了 If you think this is getting you out of anything, itisn't. 我们要回遥远王国去 不再回来 We're heading back to Far Far Away one way or another... 而且你会当父亲 ...and you're going to be a father! 什么? What? 你刚刚说父亲 You just said "father". 是国王 我是说国王 你会当国王 King! You're going to be king! 你会当国王 是呀 对呀 "You're going to be king!" Yeah, right. 你想你去哪儿? Where are you going? 离你遥远点 Far Far Away... from you! 回来 年轻人 Get back here, young man! 我是说真的 And I mean it. 呃 老大? 我觉得他不会回来了 Boss? I don't think he's coming back. 或许这样做才好 他根本就不是当国王的料 Maybe it's for the best. He's not exactly king material. 你准备什么时候告诉他 本来该当国王的人是你? When did you plan to tell him you were supposed to be king? 算了吧 我为什么要这么做? Come on. Why would I do that? 另外 他会比我好上十倍的 Besides, he'll be ten times better at it than me. 嘿 史莱克 如果你想让他跟着你走 就改变策略 Then change your tactics if you want to get anywhere with him. 你说得对 贫嘴驴 You're right, Donkey. 这个如何? What about this? 史莱克 好了 只是开个玩笑 Shrek! Come on. It's just a joke. 还算是吧 Still... 听着 亚蒂 Listen, Artie. 如果你觉得这疯狂的事情很蠢 我理解你 伙计 If you think th is whole mad scene ain't dope, I feel you, dude. 我不是想让你心烦 或是让你难受 I'm not trying to get up in your grill or raise your roof. 不过 我想说的是 你 But what I am screamin'is, yo... 想想看 看看这个 ...check out this kazing thazing, bazaby! 如果这件事不怎样 或是我在说的 If it doesn't groove, or what I'm saying 还不够坦白 你就直接说 噢 不 你不要 ain't straight trippin', say, "Oh, no, you didn't! 你让我快疯了 You're getting on my last nerve." 还有 我知道 我知道会很怪 And then I'll know it's... I'll know it's wack! 救命 救命 Help! 我被只怪物绑架了 他还想跟我拉关系 I've been kidnapped by a monster who's trying to relate to me! 亚蒂 等等 快开门 哈罗 哈罗? Artie, wait. Come on! Help! Hello? 好啊 怪孩子们 Greetings, cosmic children of the universe. 欢迎来到我的平静之所 Welcome to my serenity circle. 别把烂电颤琴留在治疗中心外 Please leave any bad vibes outside the healing vortex. 现在 准备 Now prepare to... 我就知道我该去拿保修单的 I knew I should have got that warranty! 梅林先生? Mr. Merlin? 你认识这家伙? You know th is guy? 是呀 他是我们学校的魔术老师 后来精神崩溃了 Yeah. He was the school magic teacher, until he had h is nervous breakdown. 理论上来说 我只不过是三等疲劳 Technically, I was merely a victim of a level 3 fatigue. 不过我的心理医生建议 At the request of my therapist, 加上校方的意见 我就退休享受宁静的生活 and the school authorities, I retired to the tranquility of nature 以挖掘出我神圣的想法 to discover my divine purpose. 有没有人想来吃点小食喝点饮料? Can I interest anyone in a snack or beverage? 呃 不 Uh, no. 真的不要尝尝我著名的焦层面包? Sure you don't want to try my Rock Au Gratin? 不含化学物质的 It's organic. 我在路上吃过石头了 Thanks. I ate a boulder on the way in. 我们想知道该怎么去遥远王国 We need directions to Far Far Away. 我们? 谁说我要跟你们一起去了? "We"? Who said I was going with you? 我说了 臣民还指望着你呢 所以 别想逃避责任 I did. People are counting on you, so don't try to weasel out of it. 如果这事这么好干 你去做呀 If the job's so great, you do it. 你得明白 孩子 从现在开始 没有好好先生了 Understand this, kid. No more Mr. Nice Guy from here on out. 那就是你所谓的好好先生? That was your Mr. Nice Guy? 是呀 而且我会很想他的 Yeah, and I'm going to miss him. 你干吗不去个恐怖村 然后把我留在那儿 Why don't you go terrorize a village and leave me alone! 想试试怪物的地盘么? 在我没发飙之前 Was that a crack about ogres? You get your royal highness to Far Far Away... 给我去当好遥远王国的国王 ...before I kick it there! 现在 我到底应该往哪边走? Now, which way am I kicking? 我可以告诉你 不过由于你 I could tell you, but since you're 现在正处于自我毁灭的愤怒旋涡 in the midst of a self-destructive rage spiral, 告诉你会是很不负责任的行为 it would be karmically irresponsible. 自我毁灭? 你到底要不要帮我们? Self-destructive? Are you going to help us or not? 肯定帮 不过 得等你 Most definitely, but only after you 进行了心灵之旅之后 take the journey to your soul! 我可不觉得 I don't think so. 要不就心灵之旅 要么就刚才那种尖叫治疗法 It's either that or primal scream therapy. 好了 心灵之旅啦 All right. Journey to the soul. 现在 你们所有人 Now, all of you, 看着真理之火 look into the Fire of Truth 告诉我你们看到了什么 and tell me what you see. 噢 猜谜游戏 Ooh, charades! 好了 我看到了带肉桂的荷兰德国大蛋糕 Okay, I see a Dutch fudge torte with cinnamon swirls! 好了 怪物 该你了 Okay, monster... go for it. 我看到一匹五彩缤纷的小马 I see a rainbow pony. 很好 现在 孩子到你了 Excellent work! Now the boy. 真烦 This is lame. 你才烦 赶紧的 You're lame! Now just go for it. 好啦 Okay. 有只小鸟跟爸爸一起坐在鸟巢里 There's a baby bird and a father bird sitting in a nest. 很好 继续 Yes! Stay with it! 爸爸飞走了 为什么留下小鸟? The dad just flew away. Why did he leave the little bird all alone? 小鸟想飞 可不知道怎么飞 It's trying to fly, but it doesn't know how to. 就要掉下来了 It's going to fall! 你还真够头疼的 一团糟 Proper head case you are. Really messed up. 好了 我明白了 那只小鸟就是我 Okay, I get it. The bird's me. 我爸爸离开了我 怎么样? My dad left. So what? 听着 亚蒂 恩 Look, Artie, um... 我只是觉得我能为 Just thought I'd help set the mood... 大家真诚的谈谈制造气氛 ...for your big heart-to-heart chat. 我知道觉得没准备好是什么感觉 I know what it's like to not feel ready for something. 就算怪物也会害怕 Even ogres get scared. 你知道的 偶尔 You know... once in a while. 我知道你想让我当国王 但我不行 I know you want me to be king, but I can't. 我现在做不到 以后也做不到 I'm not cut out for it, and I never will be. 连我爸爸都觉得我一无是处 Even my own dad knew I wasn't worth the trouble. 他一找到机会 就把我丢去学校了 He dumped me at that school first chance he got... 然后就再没了他的消息 ...and I never heard from him again. 我爸爸也不是个会当爸爸的人 My dad wasn't really the fatherly type, either. 我可不觉得他会比我爸爸还糟 I doubt he was worse than mine. 噢 是么? Oh, yeah? 我父亲是个怪物 他想吃了我 My father was an ogre. He tried to eat me. 我想我应该意识到的 I guess I should have realized it. 他拿烧烤调味酱给我洗澡 He bathed me in barbecue sauce 拿苹果塞着我的嘴再把我放上床 and put me to bed with an apple in my mouth. 我想那真是太糟了 I guess that's pretty bad. 或许很难相信 It may be hard to believe, 以我的魅力 和我英俊的外表 what, with my obvious charm 大家居然觉得我是个怪物 and good looks, 但是人们却觉得我是个怪物 but people used to think I was a monster. 有很长一段时间 我自己也相信了他们 And for a long time, I believed them. 但是不久 But after a while, 我开始学会忽视人们是怎么看我的 you learn to ignore the names people call you 我开始相信我自己 and just trust who you are. 你知道么 你还不错 史莱克 You know... you're okay, Shrek. 只需要少大吼大叫点 多洗点澡 You just need to do a little less yelling and use a little more soap. 谢谢你 亚蒂 Thanks, Artie. 洗澡是因为你很臭 真的很糟 The soap's because you stink... really bad. 好呀 我明白了 Yeah... I got that. 这地方真恶心 This place is filthy! 我觉得自己像个盲流 I feel like a hobo. 抱歉 不过 我觉得很难受 I'm sorry, but this isn't working for me. 什么事都是你 你这种态度可没什么帮助 Everything's always about you. It's not like your attitude is helping. 或许只是因为我被大家选为国度里最美的 Maybe itjust bothers you 让你觉得难受了 I was voted fairest in the land. 你是说那次作弊的选举? You mean in that rigged election? 算了吧 莴苣姑娘 莴苣姑娘 Give me a break. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel... 放下你的金色长梯 ...let down thy golden extensions!" 女士们 别再抱怨那些小事了 我们得同心协力 Ladies, let go of your petty complaints and let's work together! 那么我猜我们的就是在这臭气熏天的洞里 So I guess the planis we just wander aimlessly 漫无目的的闲逛咯 直到我们腐烂为止 in this stinkhole until we rot. 不 我们得混进去 查出查明王子想干吗 No, we get inside and find out what Charming's up to. 我就知道他是个变态 I know he's a jerk and everything, 不过 我真觉得那个查明王子很性感 but that Charming makes me hotter than July. 就这儿 That's it! 快 这边 Come on! This way! 莴苣 等等 Rapunzel, wait! 查明王子 放开她 Charming, let go of her. 不过 我为什么要这样做? But why would I want to do that? 什么? What? 打个招呼吧 女士们 Say hello, ladies, 跟新一任遥远王国王后打个招呼 to the new Queen of Far Far Away. 莴苣 你怎么能这样? Rapunzel, how could you? 够嫉妒吧? Jealous much? 不久你就会又去做你以前做的事了 Soon you'll be back where you started, 擦洗地板 或是给锁进塔楼里 scrubbing floors or locked away in towers. 我会让你在那儿多活一周的 Thatis, if I let you last the week. 布奇 你答应过不伤害她们的 Pookie, you promised not to hurt them. 别在这儿说这个 宝贝 我们晚点再说 Not here, kitten whiskers. Daddy will discuss it later. 现在 请原谅 我们还有个表演要准备 Now forgive us. We have a show to put on. 史莱克很快就会回来了 查明 你会后悔的 Shrek will be back soon, and you'll be sorry. 后悔? Sorry?! 你难道没意识到一旦史莱克踏足遥远王国 Don't you realize once Shrek sets foot in Far Far Away... 他就死定了 ...he's doomed? 小心 有钢琴 Look out! They got a piano! 把他们都给宰了 留下那个胖子 Kill them all... except the fat one. 查明国王有些特别的主意留给你 怪物 King Charming has something special in mind for you, ogre. 查明国王? King Charming? 进攻 Attack! 亚蒂 小心 Artie, duck! 准备好木半 Ready the plank! 史莱克 救命 Shrek! Help! 胆小鬼 Oowards! 查明把菲奥娜怎么了? What has Charming done with Fiona? 她已经束手就擒了 She's going to get what's coming to her. 你也救不了她了 And there ain't nothing you can do to stop him! 我们得救她 可我们离她太远了 We've got to save her. But she's so far far away! 自己回伍斯特郡去 孩子 Get yourself back to Worcestershire, kid. 不 史莱克 等等 我有个主意 No, Shrek. Hold on. I've got an idea. 我是只嗡嗡叫的蜜蜂 I am a buzzing bee. 梅林先生? 他们需要符咒回 Mr. Merlin? They need a spell to get them... 我是说 我们需要符咒回遥远王国 ...I mean us, back to Far Far Away. 算了吧 我已经不再会使用那种魔法了 Forget it. I don't have that kind of magic in me anymore. 拥抱一下怎么样? 这是最好的魔法了 How about a hug? That's the best kind of magic. 梅林先生 求你了 我知道你行的 Please. I know you can do it. 我说了算了吧 I said forget it! 可是 But... 你到底怎么了? What's with you? 真是太难受了 好吧? It's just so hard, you know? 他们得回去 因为王国出了问题了 They need to get back, 'cause their kingdom's in trouble. 因为有个很坏的人 'Cause there's a really bad man. 太难受了 It's just so hard! 放松点 Take it easy. 不 我觉得你根本就不明白 No! I don't think you understand! 有个很卑鄙的人对好人做了很卑鄙的事 There's a mean person doing mean things to good people. 善良点呀 老人家 Have a heart, old man. 他们真的需要你的帮助回去 你为什么不帮他们呢? They really need your help to get back. Why won't you help them?! 好吧 Okay. 我去拿东西 I'll go get my things. 小菜一碟 Piece of cake. 那么 那么 你要点鸡蛋火腿下饭么? Well, well. You want eggs with that ham? 我手艺有点回潮了 可能会有副作用 I am a little rusty, so there could be some side effects. 副作用? 别担心 Side effects? Don't worry. 不管副作用是什么 不管有多痛 Whatever itis, no matter how excruciatingly painful, 我想到最后都会消失的 it will wear off eventually. I think. 天啊 你确定这是个好主意么么? Oops. You sure about this? 如果亚蒂相信他 我也相信他 If Artie trusts him, that's good enough for me. 就算他衣不遮体都无所谓 Even if h is robe doesn't cover... (咒语) Alacritious expeditious... (咒语) ...a- zoomy-zoom-zoom! 帮我们的朋友回去吧 Let's help our friends get back... 很快回去 ...soon! 有用呢 It worked! 大学过后就没做过这种旅行了 I haven't been on a trip like that since college! 贫嘴驴? Donkey? 什么? 我嘴里是些什么? What? is something in my teeth? 噢 不 我被咒语给弄成了怪异的二流伙伴了 Oh, no! I've been abracadabra-ed into a Fancy Feastin', second-rate sidekick! 至少你不会看起来像是只浮肿的皮纳塔袋子 At least you don't look like some kind of bloated pinata! 你应该考虑下节食了 You should think about going on a diet! 你应该穿条裤子 我觉得自己又暴露又下流 You should get yourself a pair of pants. I feel all exposed and nasty! 那么 你们俩觉得这事很好笑么? So you two think this is funny? 真的很抱歉 伙计们 I'm really sorry, guys. 别这样 你让我们回来了 孩子 Don't be. You got us back, kid. 在安徒生童话里 How in the Hans Christian Andersen 我是该怎样在这些蠢靴子里炫耀的? am I supposed to parade around in these goofy boots? 嘿 嘿 嘿 小心点 Hey, hey, hey! Be very careful with those. 那可是马德里出品的最佳产品 They were made in Madrid by the finest... 你会学会怎么控制自己的 You'll learn to control that. 说真的 哇 你真的得给自己弄个拱座什么的 Seriously. Ow! You need some comfort inserts or arch supports or something. 看着 我在走 我还会一直走到 Watch it. I'm walking here and I'm gonna keep going until... 皮诺曹 Pinocchio! 史莱克 救救我 Shrek! Help me! 怎么回事? 查明和坏人们抓走了 What happened? Charming and the villains took over! 菲奥娜和公主们 现在她 Fiona and the Princesses got away. Now she's... 她怎么了? 怎么了? She's what?! What?! 靴子猫 借我五块钱 Puss! Loan me five bucks. 你听到他说了 快先把兄弟救出来 You heard him. Help the brother out. 你有看到我身上有包包么? Do you see any pockets on me? 等会 Hold on a second. 我真的不知道 我发誓 I had no idea, really. I... I swear. 快点 菲奥娜在哪儿? Quick! Where is Fiona? 查明把她锁到某个地方去了 你得找到他 Charming has her locked away someplace. You have to find him! 他可能是在准备演出 He's probably getting ready for the show! 等等 皮诺曹 你说什么演出? Wait, Pinocchio! What show? 从此以后过着幸福快乐的生活 "It's a Happily Ever After After All". 史莱克最后的演出? "Shrek's final performance"? 史莱克 你没告诉过我们你还要演出 Shrek! You didn't tell us you were in a play! 我想我是太忙了 忘记告诉你了 I guess I've been so busy I forgot to mention it. 怪物 抓住他 The ogre! Get him! 别担心 看我的 Don't worry, yefe. I got this. 呃 杀了他 Uck! Kill it! 听着 你以为他知道自己是谁么? 你怎么敢呢 Look. Don't you know who he thinks heis? How dare you! 业余爱好者 We're dealing with amateurs. 他是个明星 各位 哈罗? He's a star, people! Hello? 我对这位史莱克先生感到抱歉 I'm so sorry about this, Mr. Shrek. 我要生气了 I'm going to lose it! 一切都准备好了么? 弄好更衣室名单了么? is everything ready? You did get the list for the dressing room? 早餐要夹着烤三文鱼的新月面包 Breakfast croissant stuffed with seared sashimi tuna. 我还要撒上墨西哥黑胡椒跟蜂蜜的玉米 And I hope you have the saffron corn with jalapeno honey butter. 没有墨西哥黑胡椒和蜂蜜 Our client cannot get into h is proper emotional state 我们的客座明星找不到感觉的 withoutjalapeno honey butter! 我已经没心情了 I just lost it. 他们应该去跟人力资源 They should talk to Nancy in Human Resources. 噢 我们可是有很多要跟南希说的 我保证 Oh, we will have much to say to Nancy, I promise! 以此剑发誓 我 不 以此 "With th is sword, I do..." No. "With..." 以此剑发誓 我要击倒你 "With th is sword, I do smote thee!" 我念对了没? 还是该这么念呢? is "smote" the right word? "Smoot"? 我觉得那可不是个单词 I don't think that's a word. 或许我还是该用重击这个单词 Maybe I should just "smite" him. 我们再试试 现在 Let's try th is again. Now... 史莱克攻击我 我假装很害怕 Shrek attacks me. I pretend to be afraid. 现在王国的臣民从此过着幸福快乐的生活 "Now the kingdom will get the happily ever after 他们值得 去死吧 怪物 they deserve. Die, ogre!" 噢 根本就不够真实 Blah, blah, blah. Oh, itjust doesn't feel real enough! 谁让你们停下来不跳舞的? Who told you to stop dancing?! 眨眼 转 Wink and turn. 你们在这儿躺着干吗? 起来 诚实点 What are you laying around for? Get up! Honestly! 我们的从此以后过着幸福快乐的生活 Our happily ever after is 就快完成了 妈妈 nearly complete, Mummy. 我向你保证 And I assure you... 这个国度的人民将为每一秒付出昂贵的代价 ...the people of th is kingdom will pay dearly for every second... 我们得等待 ...we've had to wait. 断条腿 Break a leg. 重新考虑下 还是我弄断你条腿吧 On second thought, let me break it for you. 谢天谢地 我还害怕你不能及时赶回来 Thank goodness. I was afraid you wouldn't get back in time. 菲奥娜在哪儿? Where's Fiona? 别担心 她跟其他人都很安全 暂时的 Don't worry. She and the others are safe... for now. 让我猜猜测 亚瑟 Let me guess. Arthur. 是亚蒂 确切的说 It's Artie, actually. 这孩子就是新一任的遥远国王? Th is boy is supposed to be the new King of Far Far Away? 真可悲 How pathetic. 站好了 这样我才不会乱来 Stand still, so I won't make a mess. 查明 住手 我来了 你得到你想要的了 Charming, stop! I'm here now. You got what you wanted. 这跟他无关 Thisisn't about him. 那么 跟谁有关? 我才该是国王 对吧? Then who's it about? I'm supposed to be king, right? 你不是真正的下一任王位继承人 You weren't really next in line for the throne. 我才是 I was. 不过 你不是说是国王亲自叫我回来的么 But you said the King asked for me personally. 不全是 Not exactly. 那是什么意思? What does that mean? 我把该说的都说了 好吧? I said whatever I had to say, all right? 我做不好国王 所以我得找个蠢蛋代替我 I wasn't right for the job, so I needed some fool to replace me. 而你又正好合适 所以 就 快走吧 And you fit the bill. So just go! 你一直都在耍我 You were playing me the whole time. 你还明白得真快呀 孩子 You catch on real fast, kid. 或许你并不像我想象的那么蠢 Maybe you're not as big of a loser as I thought. 你知道么 有那么一会 You know, for a minute... 我真的以为 什么? ...I actually thought... What? 以为他关心你? 他是个怪物 That he cared about you? He's an ogre. 你以为会怎样? What did you expect? 你对付孩子还真有一套呀 史莱克 You really do have a way with children, Shrek. 要是我们像我说的一样不到处跑 Had we stayed put like I suggested, 我们现在就正在拿着心形杯喝茶呢 we'd be sipping tea out of little heart-shaped cups. 是呀 心形杯 Yeah, heart-shaped cups. 吃着撒满罗甘莓的圆松饼干 And eating crumpets smothered with loganberries. 是呀 罗甘莓 Yeah, loganberries. 闭嘴 灰姑娘 好呀 闭嘴 Shut up, Cindy. Yeah, shut up. 不你才闭嘴 少管 No, you shut up. Stay out of this. 谁还在乎是谁在治理这个国家? Who cares who's "running the kingdom"? 我在乎 你们都该在乎 I care. You should all care. 我看到你的工号了 你个锡罐子 I have your badge number, tin can! 贫嘴驴? 公主 Donkey? Princess! 靴子猫? Puss? 我才是靴子猫 给塞进了这个丑陋的身躯 I am Puss, stuck here inside th is hideous body. 还有我 And I'm me! 可是你 But you're... 所有事都一团糟 不过事实是 Everything's fruity in the loops, but what happenedis 我们去了中学 途中还撞烂了船 we went to high school, the boat crashed 我们被个会魔法的人弄成这样了 and we got bippity-boppity-booped by the magic man. 你们俩真是又可爱又可怜 You poor sweet things. 我不明白 I don't get it. 这只猫的身体给变成了驴身体 浑身味道像脚臭 The cat turned into a little horse that sme!ls like feet. 有什么难明白的? What's to get? 谁死了? Who dat? 史莱克哪儿? Where's Shrek? 查明抓了他 他准备今晚 Charming has him. He plans to kill Shrek tonight 在整个王国的臣民面前杀了史莱克 in front of the whole kingdom! 好了 各位 我们得想办法出去 All right, everyone. We need to find a way out now. 你说得对 女士们 找地方吧 You're right. Ladies, assume the position! 你要干吗? What are you doing? 等着别人来营救 Waiting to be rescued. 你是在开玩笑吧 You've got to be kidding me. 我们还能怎样? 我们只有四个人 What else can we do? We're just four... 我是说三个 一个超级美丽的公主 ...I mean three, super-hot princesses... 两个杂技团的变态 一只怀孕的怪物 还有个老女人 ...two circus freaks, a pregnant ogre and an old lady! 不好意思 老女人要发威了 Excuse me. Old lady coming through. 妈妈 Mom! 你不会觉得你的格斗技巧 You didn't think you got your fighting skills 是从你父亲那里学来的么? from your father, did you? 不好意思 我觉得还有一堵墙呢 Excuse me. There's still one more. 你干吗不就躺下呢? Why don't you just lie down? 好了 姑娘们 从现在开始 Okay, girls, from here on out... 我们得自己搞定了 ...we take care of business ourselves. 女士们 先生们 查明阁的遥远大剧场上演 The Far Far Away Theatre at the Charming Pavilion is proud to present... 从此以后过着幸福快乐的生活 ..."It's A Happlly Ever After After All." 今晚好好享受戏剧之夜 Enjoy your evening of theatrical reverie, citizen. 不准带食物和饮料进入剧场 Oi! No food or beverages in the theater! 大家准备好了 Places, everyone! 轻点 Easy! 抱歉 我是想跟小家伙显摆一下 Sorry. I was showing off for the little one. 带了孩子来看我上班 过来 美女 It's Bring Your Kids to Work Day. Come here, beautiful. 那么 她的眼睛跟你的一样 Well, she's got your eye. 谁会觉得一个像我这样的怪物 Who would have thought a monster like me 能得到像你这么特别的孩子呢? deserved something as special as you? 快 快 Move it! Go! 我的孩子们 My babies! 救命 Help! 嘿 怎么样? Hey, how's it goin'? 好了 障碍都清除了 O to the K. The coast is clear. 上吧 快 大人物小队 Let's do this. Go, Team Dynamite! 我觉得我们还是用超级酷小队吧 I thought we agreed to use the name Team Super Oool. 我觉得还是叫超棒小队吧 I recall it was Team Awesome. 我觉得还是叫狼军比较好 I voted for Team Alpha Wolf Squadron. 好吧 从此以后 Okay! From henceforth, 我们就叫狼军超棒超级酷大人物小队 we will be Team Alpha Super Awesome Oool Dynamite Wolf Squadron. 有个怪怪的小女孩在前面看着我们 Ach de llebel There is some strange little girl over there staring at us! 亚蒂 Artie! 等等 等等 Wait, wait! 你心中的怒火呢 先生? Where is the fire, senor? 求你了 别装得这么无辜 Please. Don't act so innocent. 你们俩都知道是怎么回事 却都没跟我说 You both knew what was going on and kept it to yourselves. 亚蒂 事情不像看起来那样的 It's not like it seems. 不是? 我觉得事情已经很清楚了 It's not? I think it seems pretty clear. 他是在利用我 就是这样 He was using me. That's all. 利用你? 你完全就不明白是怎么回事 Using you? You really don't get it. 史莱克说那些话完全是为了保护你 Shrek only said those things to protect you. 不然查明会杀了的你 亚蒂 史莱克救了你一命 Charming was going to kill you, Artie! Shrek saved your life. 灯光 Oue the spot! 我在这儿孤独的等待 I wait alone up here 我又被关了一整天 I'm trapped another day 被关在这上面 请快拯救我 Locked up here, please set me free 我几乎看到了我的新生活 My new life I almost see 一座城堡 就我和你 A castle, you and me 是呀 一座城堡 就我和你 Yes, a castle, you and me 小天使 Cherubs! 我来了 我来了 骑着我的皇室战马 Tls I, Tls I Upon my regal steed 公主 我的爱 Prlncess, my love 终于 你将被拯救出来 我是如此强壮 At last you shall be freed I'm strong 如此勇敢 一路风尘赶到了这儿 And brave And dashing my way there 如此的快速 如此的有力 我的头发又是如此的飘柔 With speed! With might! With soft and bouncy halr! 穿过酷热的沙漠 热 Through the blistering desert Hot! 穿过疾风大浪的海洋 湿 Across the stormiest sea Wet! 面对如此恶心的玩意 Facing creatures so vile 恶心 Foul! 这样你就能看到我了 So you can gaze upon me! 我就知道你会来救我的 I knew you'd come for me 现在我们终于见面了 And now we finally meet 我知道你会等我的 I knew you'd wait 而且会收下我浓浓的爱 And from my plate of love you'd eat 这个可怕的魔鬼是谁 Who is th is terribly ugly fiend 这个粗暴的干涉我们的是谁? Who is the rule fe 查明王子 要战斗还是逃跑? will Charming fight or flee? 请救救我 Please rescue me! 把我从这怪物手里救走 From th is monstrosity! 别害怕 亲爱的 我会把这玩意像火腿一样切碎 Fear thee not, honey lamb! I will slice th is thing up like a ham! 噢 孩子 Oh, boy. 你就准备好进入痛苦的世界吧 You are about to enter a world of pain 那可不是你熟知的痛苦 With which you are not familiar! 没有比你那恶心的表演 更让人痛苦的了 It can't be any more painful than your lousy performance. 准备 恶心的野兽 "Prepare, foul beast." 准备 恶心的野兽 你完了 Prepare, foul beast, your time is done! 你能杀了我再唱么? Could you kill me and then sing? 安静点 Be quiet! 我是跟你开玩笑的 那条连衣裤真不错 I'm just having fun with you. That's actually a very nice leotard. 谢谢 Thank you. 那是按男人的尺寸来做的么? Do they come in men's sizes? 现在 可真好笑呀 Now that be funny! 够了 Enough! 现在 你最终会知道 Now you'll finally know what it's like... 你所努力的一切被夺走 ...to have everything you worked for... 对你最珍贵的一切被带走 会是什么滋味 ...everything that's precious to you, taken away. 现在 你就会知道我的感受了 Now you'll know how I felt. 香肠卷 Sausage roll! 乞求靴子猫的仁慈吧 Pray for mercy from Puss! 还有我贫嘴驴 And Donkey! 嗨 亲爱的 Hi, honey. 抱歉我们来迟了 你没事吧? Sorry we're late. You okay? 好多了 因为你来了 Much better, now that you're here. 那么 查明 你想要放开我 So, Charming, you want to let me out of these 让我们俩进行怪物与人类的决斗么? so we can settle th is ogre-to-man? 噢 听起来很不错 不过 我有个更好的主意 Ooh, that sounds fun. But I have a better idea. 菲奥娜 不 放开我 No! Let go of me! 这次不会让你毁了一切的 怪物 杀了他 You will not ruin things th is time, ogre. Kill it. 大家都住手 Everybody, stop! 噢 现在又是怎样? Oh, what is it now?! 亚蒂? Artie? 谁认为我们应该用这种方式解决问题? Who thinks we need to settle things th is way? 你们觉得你们想一辈子都当坏人么? You mean you want to be villains your whole lives? 但是我们就是坏人 我们就只知道自己是坏人 But we are villains! It's the only thing we know. 你们就从没想过干点别的什么? You never wish you could be something else? 你说起来倒容易 你又不是给施了魔法的树 Easy for you to say. You're not some evil enchanted tree. 你们这些笨蛋 别听他的 进攻 You morons! Don't listen to him! Attack! 史蒂夫的意思是 如果全世界都讨厌你 What Steve meansis it's hard to come by honest work 你怎么做得了什么好事 when the whole world's against you. 说得对 谢谢 埃得 Right. Thanks, Ed. 很公平 你说得对 我不是会说话的树 Fair enough. You're right. I'm not a talking tree. 不过 要知道 But you know... 曾经有个好朋友告诉我 ...a good friend once told me... 就因为大家把你当作是坏人 或者怪物 ...just because people treat you like a villain, or an ogre... 或是什么失败者 ...or just some loser... 但那并不意味着你就是 ...doesn't mean you are one. 最重要的是 你觉得自己是什么 What matters most is what you think of yourself. 如果你真的想成为什么 If there's something you really want, 或者是别人想让你成为什么 or someone you want to be... 唯一的拦路虎就是你自己 ...the only person standing in your way is you. 我? 抓起来 Me? Get him! 不 不 不 No, no, no! 我的意思是 你们每个人 What I mean is each of you... 都是自己的拦路虎 ... is standing in your own way. 我一直很想吹长笛 I always wanted to play the flute. 我想开个美容中心 就开在法国 I'd like to open up a spa... in France! 我想种水仙花 因为她们很漂亮 I grow daffodils. And they're beautiful. 一个新的时代终于开始了 A new era finally begins! 现在 你们所有人 Now all of you... 在你们的国王面前跪下 ...bow before your King! 你得好好学学怎么瞄准 You need to work on your aim. 应该是我从此以后过上幸福快乐的生活 Th is was supposed to be my happily ever after! 那么 你得自己继续找寻了 Well, you need to keep looking... 因为我不会放弃我的幸福快乐生活 ...because I'm not giving up mine. 妈妈? Mommy? 如果你想要的话 就是你的了 It's yours if you want it. 不过 这次 由你自己来选择 But th is time it's your choice. 亚瑟 Author! 亚蒂 亚蒂 亚蒂 亚蒂 Artie! Artie! Artie! Artie! 不好意思 那是我的座位 Excuse me. That's my seat. 好了 骗子先生 是时候纠正错误了 Okay, Senor Hocusy-Pocusy, the time has come to rectify some wrongs! 虽然我很享受猫洗澡的待遇 Though I have been enjoying these cat baths. 求了 你说不喜欢吧 Please say you didn't. 好了 看着 All right! Look. 你们可能会觉得有点痛 You'll feel a pinch 或者是胃肠觉得有小小不适 and possibly lower intestinal discomfort... 不过 这次应该能成功的 ...but this should do the trick. 是你么? 我又是我自己了 Are you? I'm me again! 我不是你了 好了 And I am not you! All right! 啊 算了吧 Ah, never mind. 我怎么跟你说的? 这孩子会成为一个伟大的国王 What did I tell you? The kid's going to be a great king. 那么 确实是呀 不过你本来也会是的 Well, for what it's worth, you would have, too. 我脑子里还有些更重要的事情呢 I have something much more important in mind. 终于 Finally. 爸爸 Dada. 我闻到了小史莱克的味道 I smell Shrek Junior! 真是个有活力的孩子 A bouncy, bouncy, boy! 孩子在哪儿? Where's the baby? 那么 我们现在该干吗? Well... what shall we do now? 我来吧 I got it. Puss and Donkey, baby! Once again, come on! I want to thank you for letting me be myself Again Look at my hips! I want to thank you for lettlng me be myself Again - Break it down! - Let's go! Stlff all In the collar Fluffy In the face Chlt chat chatter trylng Stuffy In the place Thank you for the par-tay But I could never stay I'm sorry. I got many things on my mlnd But the word's In the way And I want to thank you for lettlng me be myself Again Dlfferent strokes for dlfferent folks Thank you for lettlng me be myself Again Break it down! Puss and Donkey, baby! Puss and Donkey, baby! Puss and Donkey, baby! Dance to the music All night long Everyday people sing a simple song Mama's so happy Mama start to cry Papa's stlll singlng You can make It If you try So tryl Thank you for lettlng me be myself Again Thank you for lettlng me be myself Again Come on, Donkey. Do something right! Put the hoofs together! Put the hoofs together! Stomp your boots, baby! Stomp your boots, baby! Stomp your boots, baby! Thank you for lettlng me be myself Again I want to thank you for lettlng me be myself Again Thank you, thank you, thank you. Want to thank you Just to be my Because I just want to be my... See? Can I, can I thank you! Can I Yes! Yes!
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