

2017-12-06 5页 doc 19KB 41阅读




初中英语语法总结--状语从句1状语从句在复合句中,修饰主句中的初中英语语法总结--状语从句1状语从句在复合句中,修饰主句中的 初中英语语法总结--状语从句 1状语从句 在复合句中,修饰主句中的动词、形容词或副词等的从句叫状语从句。状语从句根据它表达的意思可分为时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、让步、比较(或方式)和条件等类。 1.时间状语从句 引导连词有when,while,till,not…until,since,after ,before ,as soon as The bus won’t start until everybody gets on. 公共汽车直到每人都上车...
英语语法总结--状语从句1状语从句在复合句中,修饰主句中的 初中英语语法总结--状语从句 1状语从句 在复合句中,修饰主句中的动词、形容词或副词等的从句叫状语从句。状语从句根据它表达的意思可分为时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、让步、比较(或方式)和条件等类。 1.时间状语从句 引导连词有when,while,till,not…until,since,after ,before ,as soon as The bus won’t start until everybody gets on. 公共汽车直到每人都上车为止,才开动。 When he knocked at the door I was cooking. 当他敲门时,我正在煮饭。 Last night before he came back home, his wife had already cooked dinner and waited for 2 hours. 昨天晚上在他回到家之前,他的妻子已经做好晚饭足足等了他两小时之久。 After I went to church, I went shopping. 2. 地点状语从句 地点状语从句通常由where, wherever 引导。 Where there is a will, there is a way. 哪里有志向,哪里就有出路。有志者事竟成。 Where there is a life, there is a hope. 哪里有生命,哪里就有希望。 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you. 不管你去哪里,不管你做什么,我都会在此守侯你。 3.原因状语从句 引导连词有because,as, since。 He didn′t see the film because he had seen it. 他没有看那部电影,因为他已经看过了。 They couldn’t get on the train,for it was too crowed. 比较:because, since, as和for 1) because语势最强,用来人所不知的原因,回答why提出的问题。当原因是显而易见的或已为人们所知,就用as或 since。 I didn't go, because I was afraid. Since /As the weather is so bad, we have to delay our journey. 2) 由because引导的从句如果放在句末,且前面有逗 号,则可以用for来代替。但如果不是说明直接原因,而是多种情况加以推断,就只能用for。 He is absent today, because / for he is ill. He must be ill, for he is absent today. 注意 because不能和so 连用。 4. 目的状语从句 引导连词有 that, so that…,in order that。 He must get up early so that he can catch the first bus. 他必须早起,以便能赶上第一辆公共汽车。 He repainted the house so that he could welcome the guests. Millions of trees are planted in North China so that the sand can be stopped from moving south. The mother left work earlier in order that she could be at home when the children arrived. So that …——以便/以致…… 例如:(1)They studied hard so that they could pass the exam. (2)They started early so that they caught the early bus. 注意点: 在例句(1)中,是引导目的状语;在例句(2)中,是引导结果状语。一般来讲,从句中含有情态动词的,为目的状语。无情态动词的,为结果状语。 5.结果状语从句 such….that 引导连词有that,so…that…, The box is so heavy that I can’t lift it. 这个盒子如此沉,以致我无法抬起来。 such+名词性词组+that… So+形容词/副词+that…——如此……以致…… 例如:(1)She is such a good teacher that we all love her. (2)It was such a hot day that they didn’t go out for a walk as usual. 注意点: 1.such+a+形容词+名词+that…,可以改写成:so+形容词+a+名词+that…,例句(1)可以改写成:She is so good a teacher that we all love her. 2.在such+形容词+名词复数或不可数名词+that…结构中,形容词如果是many/few或much/little时,用so不用such,即:so+many/few+可数名词复数+that…,so+much/little+不可数名词+that… (1)There are so many people in the room that I can’t get in. (2)The man has so much money that he can buy a car. 6.让步状语从句 引导连词有though,although; even though/if; whatever; however Although he is young,he knows a lot of things. 虽然他年龄小,但却认识许多事物。 Even though you don’t like him, you still have to be polite. Whatever you say, I will not change my mind. 注意 although,though不能和but连用。 7.比较(方式)状语从句以than为引导连词。常见连词(as)…as.., …than…; the…, the… Jim is older than Lucy(is). 吉姆比路希年长。 Skiing is more exciting than running. The more you practice, the more knowledge you will get. 注意 than 引导的比较状语从句中的谓语常省略。 8.条件状语从句以if, unless为引导连词。 If you eat bad food,you may be ill. 如果你吃到坏了的食物,就会生病。 If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will have a sports meet. 注意 主句是将来时,从句用一般现在时。 状语从句中常见的误点 1) 时间状语从句和条件状语从句中的时态与主句的搭配:(俗称:主将从现) 2) 原因状语从句because与because of ; Because+从句 和because of +n./ pron 例如:I was late because I didn’t catch the bus. I was late because of the rain.
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