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JGJ144-2004外墙外保温工程技术规程[1]JGJ144-2004外墙外保温工程技术规程[1] 外墙外保温工程技术规程 JGJ144-2004 中华人民共和国建设部公告第305号 建设部关于发布行业标准《外墙外保温工程技术规程》的公告 现批准《外墙外保温工程技术规程》为行业标准,编号为JCJl44—2004,自2005年3月1日起实施。其中,第4.0.2、4.0.5、4.0.8、4.0.10、5.0.11、6.2.7、6.3.2、6.4.3、6.5.6、6.5.9条为强制性条文,必须严格执行。 本规程由建设部标准定额研究所组织中国建筑工业出版社出版发行。 中...
JGJ144-2004外墙外保温工程技术规程[1] 外墙外保温工程技术规程 JGJ144-2004 中华人民共和国建设部公告第305号 建设部关于发布行业《外墙外保温工程技术规程》的公告 现批准《外墙外保温工程技术规程》为行业标准,编号为JCJl44—2004,自2005年3月1日起实施。其中,第4.0.2、4.0.5、4.0.8、4.0.10、5.0.11、6.2.7、6.3.2、6.4.3、6.5.6、6.5.9条为强制性条文,必须严格执行。 本规程由建设部标准定额研究所组织中国建筑工业出版社出版发行。 中华人民共和国建设部 2005年1月13日 前 言 根据建设部建标11999]309号文的要求,标准编制组经广泛调查研究,认真总结实践经验,参考有关国际标准和国外先进标准,并在广泛征求意见基础上,制定了本规程。 本规程的主要技术内容是: 1 总则 2 术语 3 基本 4 性能要求 5 与施工 6 外墙外保温系统构造和技术要求 7 工程验收 附录A 外墙外保温系统及其组成材料性能试验 附录B 现场试验方法 本规程由建设部负责管理和对强制性条文的解释,由主编单位负责具体技术内容的解释。 本规程主编单位:建设部科技发展促进中心 (地址:北京市三里河路9号 邮政编码:100835) 本规程参编单位:中国建筑科学研究院 中国建筑标准设计研究所 北京中建建筑科学技术研究院 北京振利高新技术公司 山东龙新建材股份有限公司 北京亿丰豪斯沃尔公司 广州市建筑科学研究院 北京润适达建筑化学品有限公司 冀东水泥集团唐山盾石干粉建材有限责任公司 上海永成建筑创艺有限公司 江苏九鼎集团新型建材公司 (德国)上海申得欧有限公司 北京市建兴新建材开发中心 本规程主要起草人员:张庆风 杨西伟 冯金秋 李晓明 张树君 黄振利 邸占英 张仁常 耿大纯 王庆生 任 俊 于承安 李 冰 choose water fountains, water-saving products should be purchased. As compared to open v-Groove type water supply system, sealed nipple water system can save water 81.35% saving bedding consumption 56.3%; sanitation and drinking water, and a variety of harmful gases concentrations decline, increased laying rate 13.79%, economic efficiency improved. Chicken Coop construction should pay attention to several problems, chicken distribution notes: a rational structure of the hen-house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. 1. sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the 目 次 1 总则 2 术语 3 基本规定 4 性能要求 5设计与施工 6 外墙外保温系统构造和技术要求 6(1 EPS板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统 6(2 胶粉EPS颗粒保温浆料外墙外保温系统 6(3 EPS板现浇混凝土外墙外保温系统 6(4 EPS钢丝网架板现浇混凝土外墙外保温系统 6(5 机械固定EPS钢丝网架板外墙外保温系统 7 工程验收 附录A 外墙外保温系统及其组成材料性能试验方法 附录B现场试验方法 本规程用词说明 条文说明 1 总则 1(0(1 为规范外墙外保温工程技术要求,保证工程质量,做到技术先进、安全可靠、经济合理,制定本规程。 1(0(2 本规程适用于新建居住建筑的混凝土和砌体结构外墙外保温工程。 1(0(3 外墙外保温工程除应符合本规程外,尚应符合国家现行有关强制性标准的规定。 2 术 语 2(0(1 外墙外保温系统 external thermal insulation system 由保温层、保护层和固定材料(胶粘剂、锚固件等)构成并且适用于安装在外墙外表面的非承重保温构造总称。 2(0(2 外墙外保温工程 externalthermalinsulationonwalls 将外墙外保温系统通过组合、组装、施工或安装固定在外墙外表面上所形成的建筑物实体。 2(0(3外保温复合墙体wall composed with external thermal insulation 由基层和外保温系统组合而成的墙体。 2(0(4 基层 substrate 外保温系统所依附的外墙。 2(0(5 保温层 thermal insulation layer 由保温材料组成,在外保温系统中起保温作用的构造层。 2(0(6抹面层 rendering coat 抹在保温层上,中间夹有增强网,保护保温层,并起防裂、防水和抗冲击作用的构造层。抹面层可分为薄抹面层和厚抹面层。用于EPS板和胶粉EPS颗粒保温浆料时为薄抹面层,用于EPS钢丝网架板时为厚抹面层。 2(0(7 饰面层 finish coat 外保温系统外装饰层。 2(0(8 保护层protecting coat 抹面层和饰面层的总称。 2(0(9 EPS板 expanded polystyrene board production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-remises should be reasonable, do distinguish between production and nont of pg is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layoumy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lightinfree, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the econo-opment 3. Abundant water resources pollutionterrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for devel Gaozaoperly planned and constructed sheds. 1. sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be prohouse layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full -cken distribution notes: a rational structure of the hend laying rate 13.79%, economic efficiency improved. Chicken Coop construction should pay attention to several problems, chin and drinking water, and a variety of harmful gases concentrations decline, increaseGroove type water supply system, sealed nipple water system can save water 81.35% saving bedding consumption 56.3%; sanitatio-ts should be purchased. As compared to open vsaving produc-choose water fountains, wateris located in the- 2 - 由可发性聚苯乙烯珠粒经加热预发泡后在模具中加热成型而制得的具有闭孔结构的聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料板材。 2(0(10 胶粉EPS颗粒保温浆料 insulating mortar consisting of gelatinous powder and expanded polystyrene pellets 由胶粉料和EPS颗粒集料组成,并it(EPS颗粒体积比不小于80,的保温灰浆。 2(0(11 EPS钢丝网架板 EPS board with metal network 由EPS板内插腹丝,外侧焊接钢丝网构成的三维空间网架芯板。 2(0(12胶粘剂 adhesive 用于EPS板与基层以及EPS板之间粘结的材料。 2(0(13 抹面胶浆 rendering coat mortar 在EPS板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统中用于做薄抹面层的材料。 2(0(14抗裂砂浆anti-crack mortar 以由聚合物乳液和外加剂制成的抗裂剂、水泥和砂按一定比例制成的能满足一定变形而保持不开裂的砂浆。 2(0(15 界面砂浆 interface treating mortar 用以改善基层或保温层表面粘结性能的聚合物砂浆。 2(0(16机械固定件 mechanical fastener 用于将系统固定于基层上的专用固定件。 3 基本规定 3(0(1 外墙外保温工程应能适应基层的正常变形而不产生裂缝或空鼓。 (0(2 外墙外保温工程应能长期承受自重而不产生有害的变形。 3 3(0(3 外墙外保温工程应能承受风荷载的作用而不产生破坏。 3(0(4 外墙外保温工程应能耐受室外气候的长期反复作用而不产生破坏。 3(0(5 外墙外保温工程在罕遇地震发生时不应从基层上脱落。 3(0(6 高层建筑外墙外保温工程应采取防火构造措施。 3(0(7 外墙外保温工程应具有防水渗透性能。 3(0(8 外保温复合墙体的保温、隔热和防潮性能应符合国家现行标准《民用建筑热工设计规范》GB 50176、《民用建筑节能设计标准(采暖居住建筑部分)》JCJ26、《夏热冬冷地区居住建筑节能设计标准》JCJl34和《夏热冬暖地区居住建筑节能设计标准》JCJ 75的有关规定。 3(0,9 外墙外保温工程各组成部分应具有物理-化学稳定性。所有组成材料应彼此相容并应具有防腐性。在可能受到生物侵害(鼠害、虫害等)时,外墙外保温工程还应具有防生物侵害性能。 3(0(10 在正确使用和正常维护的条件下,外墙外保温工程的使用年限不应少于25年。 4 性能要求 4(0(1 应按本规程附录A第A(2节规定对外墙外保温系统进行耐候性检验。 4(0(2 外墙外保温系统经耐候性试验后,不得出现饰面层起泡或剥落、保护层空鼓或脱落等破坏,不得产生渗水裂缝。具有薄抹面层的外保温系统,抹面层与保温层的拉伸粘结强度不得小于0(1MPa,并且破坏部位应位于保温层内。 4(0(3 应按本规程附录A第A(7节规定对胶粉EPS颗粒保温浆料外墙外保温系统进行抗拉强度检验,抗拉强度不得小于0(1MPa,并且破坏部位不得位于各层界面。 4(0(4 EPS板现浇混凝土外墙外保温系统应按本规程附录B第B(2节规定做现场粘结强度检验。 4(0(5 EPS板现浇混凝土外墙外保温系统现场粘结强度不得小于0(1MPa,并且破坏部 -n water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollutionnvenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the raific coof the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. 1. sites to choose away from populated areas, trafironment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics house layout, can provide a good env-pay attention to several problems, chicken distribution notes: a rational structure of the hengases concentrations decline, increased laying rate 13.79%, economic efficiency improved. Chicken Coop construction should n and drinking water, and a variety of harmful Groove type water supply system, sealed nipple water system can save water 81.35% saving bedding consumption 56.3%; sanitatio-saving products should be purchased. As compared to open v-e water fountains, waterchoosarm is located in theproduction areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung f-production areas and non-sulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between production and nonto in l and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer,nteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmentafree, easy to access, sufficient power is guara- 3 - 位应位于EPS板内。 4(0(6 外墙外保温系统其他性能应符合表4(0(6规定。 表4(0(6 外墙外保温系统性能要求 检验项目 性 能 要 求 试验方法 抗风荷载性能 系统抗风压值Rd不小于风荷载设计值。 附录A第A(3节; EPS板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统、胶粉EPS由设计要求值降低 颗粒保温浆料外墙外保温系统、EPS板现浇混lkPa作为试验起始 凝土外墙外保温系统和EPS钢丝网架板现浇点 混凝土外墙外保温系统安全系数K应不小于 1(5,机械固定EPS钢丝网架板外墙外保温 系统安全系数K应不小于2 抗冲击性 建筑物首层墙面以及门窗口等易受碰撞部 附录A第A(5节 位:10J级;建筑物二层以上墙面等不易受碰 撞部位:3J级 吸水量 水中浸泡儿,只带有抹面层和带有全部保 附录A第A(6节 护层的系统的吸水量均不得大于或等于 1(0kg,m2 耐冻融性能 30次冻融循环后保护层无空鼓、脱落,无 附录A第A(4节 渗水裂缝;保护层与保温层的拉伸粘结强度 不小于0(1MPa,破坏部位应位于保温层 热 阻 复合墙体热阻符合设计要求 附录A第A(9节 抹面层不透水性 1h不透水 附录A第A(10节 保护层 符合设计要求 附录A第A(11节 水蒸气渗透阻 注:水中浸泡2A-h,只带有抹面层和带有全部保护层的系统的吸水量均小于0(5kg,m2时,不检验耐冻融性能。 4(0(7 应按本规程附录A第A(8节规定对胶粘剂进行拉伸粘结强度检验。 4(0(8 胶粘剂与水泥砂浆的拉伸粘结强度在干燥状态下不得小于0(6MPa,浸水48h后不得小于0(4MPa;与EPS板的拉伸粘结强度在干燥状态和浸水48h后均不得小于0(1MPa,并且破坏部位应位于EPS板内。 4(0(9 应按本规程附录A第A12(2条规定对玻纤网进行耐碱拉伸断裂强力检验。 4(0(10 玻纤网经向和纬向耐碱拉伸断裂强力均不得小于750N,50mm,耐碱拉伸断裂强力保留率均不得小于50,。 4(0(11 外保温系统其他主要组成材料性能应符合表4(0(11规定。 my, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lightinfree, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the econo-opment 3. Abundant water resources pollutionterrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for devel Gaozaoperly planned and constructed sheds. 1. sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be prohouse layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full -cken distribution notes: a rational structure of the hend laying rate 13.79%, economic efficiency improved. Chicken Coop construction should pay attention to several problems, chin and drinking water, and a variety of harmful gases concentrations decline, increaseGroove type water supply system, sealed nipple water system can save water 81.35% saving bedding consumption 56.3%; sanitatio-ts should be purchased. As compared to open vsaving produc-choose water fountains, wateris located in theproduction areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-remises should be reasonable, do distinguish between production and nont of pg is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layou- 4 - 表4(0(11 外墙外保温系统组成材料性能要求 检 验 项 目 性能要求 EPS板 胶粉EPS颗粒保温浆 试验方法 料 保 密度(kg,m3) 18—22 GB,T6343—1995 温 180—250 GB,T6343—1995 材 干密度(kg,m3) (70? 恒重) 料 导热系数[W,(m?K)] <=0(041 40(060 GB10294--88 水蒸气渗透系数 符合设符合设计要求 附录A第A(11节 [ng/(Pa'm?s)] 计要求 压缩性能(MPa) ?0(10 >=0(25 GB 8813-88 (形变10,) (养护28d) 抗拉 干燥状态 ?0(10 >=0(10 附录A第A(7节 强度 浸水48h, (MPa) 取出后干燥7d 线性收缩率(,) ?0(3 GBJ 82--85 尺寸稳定性(,) ?0(3 GB 8811—88 软化系数 ?0(5(养护28d) JGJ51--2002 燃烧性能 阻燃型 GB,T 10801(1—2002 燃烧性能级别 B1 GB 8624--1997 EPS 热阻 腹丝穿?0(73(50mm厚EPS板) 附录A第A(9节 钢丝(m2?K,W) 透型 ?1(5(100mm厚EPS板) 网架腹丝非?1(0(50mm厚EPS板) 板 穿透型 ?1(6(80mm厚EPS板) 腹丝镀锌层 符合QB,T3897—1999规定 抹面 与EPS板或胶粉EPS颗 干燥状态和浸水48h后?0(10,附录A第A(8节 胶粒保温浆料拉伸粘结强破坏界面应位于EPS板或胶粉 浆、度(MPa) EPS颗粒保温浆料 抗裂 砂 浆、 界面 砂浆 饰面 必须与其他系统组成材料相容,应符合设计要求和相关 材料 标准规定 锚栓 符合设计要求和相关标准规定 4(0(12 本章所规定的检验项目应为型式检验项目,型式检验有效期为2年。 5 设计与施工 5(0(1 设计选用外保温系统时,不得更改系统构造和组成材料。 5(0(2 外保温复合墙体的热工和节能设计应符合下列规定: 1 保温层内表面温度应高于0? ; arm is located in theproduction areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung f-production areas and non-sulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between production and nonto in l and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer,nteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmentafree, easy to access, sufficient power is guara-n water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollutionnvenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the raific coof the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. 1. sites to choose away from populated areas, trafironment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics house layout, can provide a good env-pay attention to several problems, chicken distribution notes: a rational structure of the hengases concentrations decline, increased laying rate 13.79%, economic efficiency improved. Chicken Coop construction should n and drinking water, and a variety of harmful Groove type water supply system, sealed nipple water system can save water 81.35% saving bedding consumption 56.3%; sanitatio-saving products should be purchased. As compared to open v-e water fountains, waterchoos- 5 - 2 外保温系统应包覆门窗框外侧洞口、女儿墙以及封闭阳台等热桥部位; 3 对于机械固定EPS钢丝网架板外墙外保温系统,应考虑固定件、承托件的热桥影响。 5(0(3 对于具有薄抹面层的系统,保护层厚度应不小于3mm并且不宜大于6mm。对于具有厚抹面层的系统,厚抹面层厚度应为25—30mm。 5(0(4 应做好外保温工程的密封和防水构造设计,确保水不会渗入保温层及基层,重要部位应有详图。水平或倾斜的出挑部位以及延伸至地面以下的部位应做防水处理。在外墙外保温系统上安装的设备或管道应固定于基层上,并应做密封和防水设计。 5(0(5 除采用现浇混凝土外墙外保温系统外,外保温工程的施工应在基层施工质量验收合格后进行。 5(0(6 除采用现浇混凝土外墙外保温系统外,外保温工程施工前,外门窗洞口应通过验收,洞口尺寸、位置应符合设计要求和质量要求,门窗框或辅框应安装完毕。伸出墙面的消防梯、水落管、各种进户管线和空调器等的预埋件、连接件应安装完毕,并按外保温系统厚度留出间隙。 5(0(7 外保温工程的施工应具备施工方案,施工人员应经过培训并经考核合格。 5(0(8 基层应坚实、平整。保温层施工前,应进行基层处理。 5(0(9 EPS板表面不得长期裸露,EPS板安装上墙后应及时做抹面层。 5(0(?0 薄抹面层施工时,玻纤网不得直接铺在保温层表面,不得干搭接,不得外露。 5(0(11 外保温工程施工期间以及完工后24h内,基层及环境空气温度不应低于5?。夏季应避免阳光暴晒。在5级以上大风天气和雨天不得施工。 5(0(12 外保温施工各分项工程和子分部工程完工后应做好成品保护。 6 外墙外保温系统构造和技术要求 6(1 EPS板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统 6(1(1 EPS板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统(以下简称EPS板薄抹灰系统)由EPS板保温层、薄抹面层和饰面涂层构成,EPS板用胶粘剂固定在基层上,薄抹面层中满铺玻纤网(图6(1(1)。 6(1(2 建筑物高度在20m以上时,在受负风压作用较大的部位宜使用锚栓辅助固定。 6(1(3 EPS板宽度不宜大于1200mm,高度不宜大于600mm。 remises should be reasonable, do distinguish between production and nont of pg is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layoumy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lightinfree, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the econo-opment 3. Abundant water resources pollutionterrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for devel Gaozaoperly planned and constructed sheds. 1. sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be prohouse layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full -cken distribution notes: a rational structure of the hend laying rate 13.79%, economic efficiency improved. Chicken Coop construction should pay attention to several problems, chin and drinking water, and a variety of harmful gases concentrations decline, increaseGroove type water supply system, sealed nipple water system can save water 81.35% saving bedding consumption 56.3%; sanitatio-ts should be purchased. As compared to open vsaving produc-choose water fountains, wateris located in theproduction areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-- 6 - 6(1(4 必要时应设置抗裂分隔缝。 6(1(5 EPS板薄抹灰系统的基层表面应清洁,无油污、脱模剂等妨碍粘结的附着物。凸起、空鼓和疏松部位应剔除并找平。找平层应与墙体粘结牢固,不得有脱层、空鼓、裂缝,面层不得有粉化、起皮、爆灰等现象。 6(1(6 应按本规程附录B第B(1节规定做基层与胶粘剂的拉伸粘结强度检验,粘结强度不应低于0(3MPa,并且粘结界面脱开面积不应大于50,。 (1(7 粘贴EPS板时,应将胶粘剂涂在EPS板背面,涂胶粘剂面积不得小于EPS板面6 积的40,。 6(1(8 EPS板应按顺砌方式粘贴,竖缝应逐行错缝。EPS板应粘贴牢固,不得有松动和空鼓。 6(1(9 墙角处EPS板应交错互锁(图6(1(9a)。门窗洞口四角处EPS板不得拼接,应采用整块EPS板切割成形,EPS板接缝应离开角部至少200mm(图6(1(9b)。 6(1(10 应做好系统在檐口、勒脚处的包边处理。装饰缝、门窗四角和阴阳角等处应做好局部加强网施工。变形缝处应做好防水和保温构造处理。 6(2 胶粉EPS颗粒保温浆料外墙外保温系统 6(2(1 胶粉EPS颗粒保温浆料外墙外保温系统(以下简称保温浆料系统)应由界面层、胶 nteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmentafree, easy to access, sufficient power is guara-n water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollutionnvenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the raific coof the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. 1. sites to choose away from populated areas, trafironment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics house layout, can provide a good env-pay attention to several problems, chicken distribution notes: a rational structure of the hengases concentrations decline, increased laying rate 13.79%, economic efficiency improved. Chicken Coop construction should n and drinking water, and a variety of harmful Groove type water supply system, sealed nipple water system can save water 81.35% saving bedding consumption 56.3%; sanitatio-saving products should be purchased. As compared to open v-e water fountains, waterchoosarm is located in theproduction areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung f-production areas and non-sulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between production and nonto in l and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer,- 7 - 粉EPS颗粒保温浆料保温层、抗裂砂浆薄抹面层和饰面层组成(图6(2(1)。胶粉EPS颗粒保温浆料经现场拌合后喷涂或抹在基层上形成保温层。薄抹面层中应满铺玻纤网。 6(2(2 胶粉EPS颗粒保温浆料保温层设计厚度不宜超过100mm。 6(2(3 必要时应设置抗裂分隔缝。 6(2(4 基层表面应清洁,无油污和脱模剂等妨碍粘结的附着物,空鼓、疏松部位应剔除。 (2(5 胶粉EPS颗粒保温浆料宜分遍抹灰,每遍间隔时间应在24h以上,每遍厚度不宜6 超过20mm。第一遍抹灰应压实,最后一遍应找平,并用大杠搓平。 6(2(6 保温层硬化后,应现场检验保温层厚度并现场取样检验胶粉EPS颗粒保温浆料干密度。 6(2(7 现场取样胶粉EPS颗粒保温浆料干密度不应大于250kg,m3,并且不应小于180 kg 3,m。现场检验保温层厚度应符合设计要求,不得有负偏差。 6(3 EPS板现浇混凝土外墙外保温系统 6(3(1 EPS板现浇混凝土外墙外保温系统(以下简称无网现浇系统)以现浇混凝土外墙作为基层,EPS板为保温层。EPS板内表面(与现浇混凝土接触的表面)沿水平方向开有矩形齿槽,内、外表面均满涂界面砂浆。在施工时将EPS板置于外模板内侧,并安装锚栓作为辅助固定件。浇灌混凝土后,墙体与EPS板以及锚栓结合为一体。EPS板表面抹抗裂砂浆薄抹面层,外表以涂料为饰面层(图6(3(1),薄抹面层中满铺玻纤网。 6(3(2 无网现浇系统EPS板两面必须预喷刷界面砂浆。 (3(3 EPS板宽度宜为1(2m,高度宜为建筑物层高。 6 6(3(4锚栓每平方米宜设2—3个。 6(3(5水平抗裂分隔缝宜按楼层设置。垂直抗裂分隔缝宜按墙面面积设置,在板式建筑中不宜大于30m2,在塔式建筑中可视具体情况而定,宜留在阴角部位。 6(3(6应采用钢制大模板施工。 6(3(7 混凝土一次浇筑高度不宜大于1m,混凝土需振捣密实均匀,墙面及接茬处应光滑、平整。 6(3(8 混凝土浇筑后,EPS板表面局部不平整处宜抹胶粉EPS颗粒保温浆料修补和找平,修补和找平处厚度不得大于10mm。 6(4 EPS钢丝网架板现浇混凝土外墙外保温系统 6(4(1 EPS钢丝网架板现浇混凝土外墙外保温系统(以下简称有网现浇系统)以现浇混凝土为基层,EPS单面钢丝网架板置于外墙外模板内侧,并安装 6钢筋作为辅助固定件。浇灌混凝土后,EPS单面钢丝网架板挑头钢丝和 6钢筋与混凝土结合为一体,EPS单面钢丝网架板表面抹掺外加剂的水泥砂浆形成厚抹面层,外表做饰面层(图6(4(1)。以涂料做饰面层时,应加抹玻纤网抗裂砂浆薄抹面层。 6(4(2 EPS单面钢丝网架板每平方米斜插腹丝不得超过200根,斜插腹丝应为镀锌钢丝,板两面应预喷刷界面砂浆。加工质量除应符合表6(4(2规定外,尚应符合现行行业标准《钢丝网架水泥聚苯乙烯夹心板》JC 623有关规定。 6(4(3 有网现浇系统EPS钢丝网架板厚度、每平方米腹丝数量和表面荷载值应通过试验确定。EPS钢丝网架板构造设计和施工安装应考虑现浇混凝土侧压力影响,抹面层厚度应均匀,钢丝网应完全包覆于抹面层中。 -opment 3. Abundant water resources pollutionterrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for devel Gaozaoperly planned and constructed sheds. 1. sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be prohouse layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full -cken distribution notes: a rational structure of the hend laying rate 13.79%, economic efficiency improved. Chicken Coop construction should pay attention to several problems, chin and drinking water, and a variety of harmful gases concentrations decline, increaseGroove type water supply system, sealed nipple water system can save water 81.35% saving bedding consumption 56.3%; sanitatio-ts should be purchased. As compared to open vsaving produc-choose water fountains, wateris located in theproduction areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-remises should be reasonable, do distinguish between production and nont of pg is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layoumy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lightinfree, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the econo- 8 - 6(4(4 6钢筋每平方米宜设4根,锚固深度不得小于100mm。 6(4(5 在每层层间宜留水平抗裂分隔缝,层间保温板外钢丝网应断开,抹灰时嵌入层间塑料分隔条或泡沫塑料棒,外表用建筑密封膏嵌缝。垂直抗裂分隔缝宜按墙面面积设置,在板式建筑中不宜大于30m2,在塔式建筑中可视具体情况而定,宜留在阴角部位。 项 目 质 量 要 求 外 观 界面砂浆涂敷均匀,与钢丝和EPS板附着牢固 焊点质量 斜丝脱焊点不超过3, 钢丝挑头 穿透EPS板挑头不小于30mm EPS板对接 板长3000mm范围内EPS板对接不得多于两处,且对接处需用胶粘剂粘牢 6(4(6 应采用钢制大模板施工,并应采取可靠措施保证EPS钢丝网架板和辅助固定件安装位置准确。 6(4(7 混凝土一次浇筑高度不宜大于1m,混凝土需振捣密实均 匀,墙面及接茬处应光滑、平整。 6(4(8 应严格控制抹面层厚度并采取可靠抗裂措施确保抹面层不开裂。 6(5 机械固定EPS钢丝网架板外墙外保温系统 6(5(1 机械固定EPS钢丝网架板外墙外保温系统(以下简称机械固定系统)由机械固定装置、腹丝非穿透型EPS钢丝网架板、掺外加剂的水泥砂浆厚抹面层和饰面层构成(图6(5(1)。以涂料做饰面层时,应加抹玻纤网抗裂砂浆薄抹面层。 6(5(2 机械固定系统不适用于加气混凝土和轻集料混凝土基层。 6(5(3 腹丝非穿透型EPS钢丝网架板腹丝插入EPS板中深度不应小于35mm,未穿透厚度不应小于15mm。腹丝插入角度应保持一致,误差不应大于3度。板两面应预喷刷界面砂浆。钢丝网与EPS板表面净距不应小于10mm。 6(5(4 腹丝非穿透型EPS钢丝网架板除应符合本节规定外,尚应符合现行行业标准《钢丝网架水泥聚苯乙烯夹芯板》JC 623有关规定。 6(5(5 应根据保温要求,通过计算或试验确定EPS钢丝网架板厚度。 6(5(6 机械固定系统锚栓、预埋金属固定件数量应通过试验确定,并且每平方米不应小于7个。单个锚栓拔出力和基层力学性能应符合设计要求。 6(5(7 用于砌体外墙时,宜采用预埋钢筋网片固定EPS钢丝网架板。 6(5(8 机械固定系统固定EPS钢丝网架板时应逐层设置承托件,承托件应固定在结构构件上。 6(5(9 机械固定系统金属固定件、钢筋网片、金属锚栓和承托件应做防锈处理。 6(5(10应按设计要求设置抗裂分隔缝。 6(5(11 应严格控制抹灰层厚度并采取可靠措施确保抹灰层不开裂。 7 工程验收 7(0(1 外墙外保温工程应按现行国家标准《建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准》GB 50300规定进行施工质量验收。 7(0(2 外保温工程分部工程、子分部工程和分项工程应按表7(0(2进行划分。 外保温工程分部工程、子分部工程和分项工程划分 -n water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollutionnvenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the raific coof the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. 1. sites to choose away from populated areas, trafironment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics house layout, can provide a good env-pay attention to several problems, chicken distribution notes: a rational structure of the hengases concentrations decline, increased laying rate 13.79%, economic efficiency improved. Chicken Coop construction should n and drinking water, and a variety of harmful Groove type water supply system, sealed nipple water system can save water 81.35% saving bedding consumption 56.3%; sanitatio-saving products should be purchased. As compared to open v-e water fountains, waterchoosarm is located in theproduction areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung f-production areas and non-sulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between production and nonto in l and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer,nteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmentafree, easy to access, sufficient power is guara- 9 - 分部工程 子分部工程 分 项 工 程 外保温 EPS板薄抹灰系基层处理,粘贴EPS板,抹面层,变形缝,饰面层 统 保温浆料系统 基层处理,抹胶粉EPS颗粒保温浆料,抹面层,变 形缝,饰面层 无网现浇系统 固定EPS板,现浇混凝土,EPS局部找平,抹面层, 变形缝,饰面层 有网现浇系统 固定EPS钢丝网架板,现浇混凝土,抹面层,变形 缝,饰面层 机械固定系统 基层处理,安装固定件,固定EPS钢丝网架板, 抹面层,变形缝,饰面层 g is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layoumy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lightinfree, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the econo-opment 3. Abundant water resources pollutionterrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for devel Gaozaoperly planned and constructed sheds. 1. sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be prohouse layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full -cken distribution notes: a rational structure of the hend laying rate 13.79%, economic efficiency improved. Chicken Coop construction should pay attention to several problems, chin and drinking water, and a variety of harmful gases concentrations decline, increaseGroove type water supply system, sealed nipple water system can save water 81.35% saving bedding consumption 56.3%; sanitatio-ts should be purchased. As compared to open vsaving produc-choose water fountains, wateris located in theproduction areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-remises should be reasonable, do distinguish between production and nont of p- 10 -
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