
丹参补血堪比“四物汤” 配红糖可以养血调经

2017-12-04 6页 doc 23KB 18阅读




丹参补血堪比“四物汤” 配红糖可以养血调经丹参补血堪比“四物汤” 配红糖可以养血调经 丹参又名赤参、山参,由于皮丹红而肉紫,故又被称为紫丹参,为唇形科多年生草本植物丹参的干燥根,是临床上最常用的活血化瘀药物之一。丹参入药,始见于《神农本草经》,被列为上品,对于其功效,《妇人明理论》曾记载:“以丹参一物而有四物之功,补血生血,功过归(当归)、地(地黄);调血敛血,力堪芍药;逐瘀生新,性倍川芎,妇人诸病,不论胎前产后,皆可常用。”因此,也就有了“一味丹参,功同四物”之说。 丹参味苦,性微寒,归心、心包、肝经,有活血化瘀、通经止痛、清心除烦、凉血消痈之功效,临床上主要用...
丹参补血堪比“四物汤” 配红糖可以养血调经
丹参补血堪比“四物汤” 配红糖可以养血调经 丹参又名赤参、山参,由于皮丹红而肉紫,故又被称为紫丹参,为唇形科多年生草本植物丹参的干燥根,是临床上最常用的活血化瘀药物之一。丹参入药,始见于《神农本草经》,被列为上品,对于其功效,《妇人明理论》曾记载:“以丹参一物而有四物之功,补血生血,功过归(当归)、地(地黄);调血敛血,力堪芍药;逐瘀生新,性倍川芎,妇人诸病,不论胎前产后,皆可常用。”因此,也就有了“一味丹参,功同四物”之说。 丹参味苦,性微寒,归心、心包、肝经,有活血化瘀、通经止痛、清心除烦、凉血消痈之功效,临床上主要用于胸痹心痛、脘腹胁痛、癥瘕积聚、热痹疼痛、心烦不眠、月经不调、痛经经闭、疮疡肿痛等症,日常用量为10-15克。用酒制过的丹参又称酒丹参,酒丹参的活血祛瘀、止痛作用更强。 由于丹参既可活血又可凉血,临床上用其配伍其他中药可治疗多种疾病。如《千金翼方》中“五参丸”,由丹参、人参、沙参、苦参、玄参组成,主治心经虚热,不能饮食,食即呕逆,不欲闻人语等;清代《医宗金鉴》中“丹参饮”,由丹参、檀香、砂仁三味药组成,是治疗因瘀血而引起的心腹、胃脘疼痛的著名方剂;《温病条辨》中“清营汤”,是丹参配伍生地黄、玄参、连翘、淡竹叶等组成,专治温热病之高热、烦渴、谵语等症,还有用于外科疮痈、瘰疬等症的“内托生肌散”。 现代复方制剂中加入丹参的也很多,如复方丹参片(丹参、三七、冰片)、复方丹参注射液(丹参、降香)、丹参注射液(单味丹参)、丹参酮片(含丹参脂溶性成分)、丹参舒心片等,均有较好的活血化瘀作用,均是治疗胸痹心痛等症的良药,不仅如此,还可取丹参3克,天麻2克,三七1克打粉,分早晚服。 由于丹参性寒,主要功效为活血化瘀,因此,也有一定的禁忌。清代《本草求真》所说:“丹参,书载能入心包络破瘀一语,已尽丹参功效矣”。也就是说,若无瘀血,或者虽有瘀血但偏寒者,应慎用,或适当配伍些温养药物,以免伤及新血;根据十八反中“诸参辛芍叛藜芦”的配伍禁忌,丹参不宜与藜芦同时服用;另外,丹参活血功效较强,妇女月经过多者以及孕妇也不宜服用。 据记载,服用丹参时有可能发生一些不良反应,如过敏反应(如全身奇痒,潮红,皮肤出现红色丘疹、面红赤、眼睑肿胀等)、身体发热或畏寒、腹痛、胸闷气急、视物模糊等,少数可见腹泻水样便或稀便。服用过程中如出现这些症状,宜暂停服用。 相关链接 丹参食疗方 1、丹参、红糖各60克,同入锅中以水煎,去汁,代茶饮用,每日早晚各1次,有良好的活血祛瘀、养血调经作用,适用于因阴血不足、血虚所引起的闭经,现为血色淡黄、精神疲倦、头晕耳鸣。 2、丹参30克,三七15克,老母鸡一只。将丹参、三七切片,填入宰杀洗净去内脏的鸡腹内,用线扎紧,放入砂锅内,加适量水,先用大火煮沸,后用小火煮至鸡肉熟烂,去丹 参,吃三七、鸡肉,喝汤。每次一小碗,每天2次,不可多饮,适用于血瘀胃痛、胁痛、腰 痛等症。但胃痛呕吐鲜血者不宜服用。 Salvia also known as Chican, ginseng, red and purple as theRapidan meat, so it is also called purple Danshen, www.mouldzhaopin.com the dried root for the Labiatae perennial herb Salvia miltiorrhiza,promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis drugs is one of the most www.wxjy568.comcommonly used in clinic. Salvia medicine, first seen in "Shen Nong's herbal classic", was listed as top grade, for its effectiveness, "woman" was recorded: "Ming theory with Salvia miltiorrhiza one and four power, enriching blood, GUI (Angelica), and to (Di Huang); regulating blood collect blood, worthy of paeoniflorin by force; and generating new, Doublekawa, woman diseases, whether prenatal postpartum, can be used." Therefore, there is "a taste of Salvia miltiorrhiza,work with Siwu" said. Salvia miltiorrhiza taste bitter, slightly cold, heart, pericardium,liver, promoting blood circulation for removing blood stasis, www.maka-jn.comhelpfully, pure heart Chufan, cooling blood and eliminatingcarbuncle effect, mainly used in the clinical chest pain,abdominal pain, abdominal mass, and accumulation of heatpain, insomnia, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea,amenorrhea, sore throat and other disease, daily dosage of 10-15 G. Wine of Salvia miltiorrhiza and wine Salvia miltiorrhiza,radix salviae miltiorrhizae, wine stasis analgesic effect is stronger. Because of Salvia miltiorrhiza can promoting blood circulationand cooling blood, clinical use of the compatibility of other traditional Chinese medicine can cure many diseases. Such as"Qian Jin Yi Fang" in the "five ginseng pill", consisting of Salvia,ginseng, Adenophora, Radix Sophorae Flavescentis, Radix Scrophulariae, attending the heart deficiency heat, not eating,eat the vomit inverse, no desire to voices; Qing Dynasty"golden mirror of medicine" in "Danshen Decoction", consisting of Salvia miltiorrhiza, www.vdesignco.comsandalwood, Amomum villosum three kinds of medicine, is a famous prescription treatment due toblood stasis caused by heart, epigastric pain; "doctrine of seasonal febrile disease" of "Qingying Decoction", Salvia miltiorrhiza and radix rehmanniae, Radix Scrophulariae is,forsythia, Herba Lophatheri etc, treating febrile disease of high fever, thirst, and delirium disease, and for surgical carbunclescrofula, in the "inside born muscle scattered". Modern compound preparation of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge is a lot, such as compound salvia tablet (Salvia miltiorrhiza, borneol,three seven), compound Danshen injection (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae, Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae Injection (Jiang Xiang),single herb Salvia), tanshinone films (including the liposoluble components of Salvia miltiorrhiza), Danshen Shuxin tablets,promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis has better function, are is the treatment of chest pain and other symptoms of medicine, not only that, www.maka7.com but also desirable Salvia 3 grams, Gastrodia 2 grams, 1 grams flour three seven, morning and evening dress. Because of Salvia miltiorrhiza and cold, the main effect forpromoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, therefore,also has certain taboo. The Qing Dynasty "materia medica of seeking truth said:" Danshen, books can into the envelope of the heart blood stasis ", have tried Salvia efficacy". That is to say, without blood stasis, or although there is blood stasis butpartial cold, should be used with caution, or appropriatecompatibility some warm nourishing drugs, so as not to hurt thenew blood; according to the incompatibility of eighteen anti "theginseng Xinshao the resveratrol, Salvia miltiorrhiza andresveratrol" should not be taken at the same time; in addition,Salvia miltiorrhiza and strong efficacy, women menorrhagia andpregnant women should not take. According to records, may occur when taking Danshen adverse reactions, such as allergic reactions (such as body itching,redness, skin red papules, red red, swollen eyelids etc.), bodychills, fever or abdominal pain, chest tightness, shortness of breath, blurred vision, www.vdesignco.comfew visible diarrhea stool watery or loose stools. These symptoms such as taking process, shouldsuspend taking. Related links Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge therapeutic side 1, Salvia miltiorrhiza, brown sugar, 60 grams each, the same wok with boiling water, juice, and tea drinking, 1 times a day sooner or later, has a good regulating menstruation blood stasis, nourishing the blood, is caused by deficiency of yin and blood, blood deficiency amenorrhea, performance for the coloryellowish, mental fatigue, dizziness and tinnitus. 2, Salvia 30 grams, 15 grams of three seven, mother chicken.Salvia miltiorrhiza, three seven slices, fill in the slaughter wash to the internal organs of chicken intra-abdominal, use cable truss, into the casserole, add appropriate amount of water, first with the fire to boil, www.mouldzhaopin.comthen simmer until the chicken is cookedrotten, to eat three seven, Salvia miltiorrhiza, chicken, soup. In a small bowl each time, 2 times a day, can not drink, suitable for blood stasis stomach pain, flank pain, low back pain and other symptoms. But the stomach pain and vomiting of bloodwere not taking.
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