
《名词解释》中国古代史---宋、辽、西夏、金、元部分 长孙博 2012年版

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《名词解释》中国古代史---宋、辽、西夏、金、元部分 长孙博 2012年版《名词解释》中国古代史---宋、辽、西夏、金、元部分 长孙博 2012年版 1(陈桥兵变*:(中国人民大学2005年中国古代史真题)960年后周大将赵匡胤在陈桥驿 发动的兵变。后周显德七年(960年),赵匡胤以契丹联合北汉大举南侵为名, 领兵出征。大军刚出开封,军队在陈桥驿发生哗变,赵匡胤在被黄袍加身后, 回师开封,周恭帝被迫禅位,赵匡胤称帝。陈桥兵变为宋朝的建立奠定了墓 础。 2(州府军监:宋代地方政区。北宋的地方行政是州、县两级。与州平行的还有 府、军、监。府一般设于要地,如东京开封府、西京河南府等;军设于军事 要冲;...
《名词解释》中国古代史---宋、辽、西夏、金、元部分 长孙博 2012年版
《名词解释》中国古代史---宋、辽、西夏、金、元部分 长孙博 2012年版 1(陈桥兵变*:(中国人民大学2005年中国古代史真题)960年后周大将赵匡胤在陈桥驿 发动的兵变。后周显德七年(960年),赵匡胤以契丹联合北汉大举南侵为名, 领兵出征。大军刚出开封,军队在陈桥驿发生哗变,赵匡胤在被黄袍加身后, 回师开封,周恭帝被迫禅位,赵匡胤称帝。陈桥兵变为宋朝的建立奠定了墓 础。 2(州府军监:宋代地方政区。北宋的地方行政是州、县两级。与州平行的还有 府、军、监。府一般设于要地,如东京开封府、西京河南府等;军设于军事 要冲;监设于坑冶、铸钱、牧马、产盐地区。州、府、军、监的长官分别称 知州、知府、知军、知监。又规定州郡长官由文臣担任,长官之外另设通判, 使其互相牵制。 3(监司:宋代设立的监察州县的地方长官的简称。宋初将全国州郡划分为十五 路(以后路的数日有所增加),并陆续在各路设转运司(简称“漕臣”)提点 刑狱司(简称“宪臣”)、安抚司〔简称“帅臣”)、提举常平司〔简称“仓臣”) 四司。因其长官安抚使、转运使、提点刑狱、提举常平兼有监督地方官吏之 责,所以此四司亦合称“监司”。北宋通过监司控制地方上的行政、军政、财 政、司法,督责地方官吏,以加强对地方上的控制。 4(官职差遣*:(浙江大学2001年中国古代史真题)北宋官称和实际职务分离的。宋 初委派朝官担任地方长官职务,称为“差遣”。一般官员都有“官”和“差遣” 两个头衔,“官”指寄禄官,“差遣”则指官员担任的实际职务。差遣名称中 常带有判、知、提举、提点、监等字,如知县、参知政事、提点刑狱公事等, 官阶按年资升迁,即使不担任差遣,也可依阶领取俸禄。而差遣则根据朝廷 的需要和官员的才能,进行调动和升降。 5(杯酒释兵权:宋太祖解除武将兵权的事件。建隆二年(961年)三月,宋太 祖取消殿前都点检这个重要的统率禁军职位。同一年,在一次酒宴中,赵匡 胤“劝”大将石守信等人交出兵权,大将们在利诱胁迫之下,交出了兵权, 史称“杯酒释兵权”。 6(更戍法:(浙江大学2000年中国古代史真题)北宋实行的一项军事政策。北宋为了防 止军队为将领所独有,以禁军分驻京师与外郡,内外轮换。定期回驻京师, 故称更戍法。但将领不随之调动。出现了“兵无常帅,帅无常师”的局面。II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged 此法虽对防止将领专权有利,却削弱了军队战斗力。宋神宗时,罢废更戍法。 7(《宋刑统》:宋代的主要法典。全称《宋建隆重详定刑统》。太祖建隆四年(963 年),由窦仪、苏晓等人编定。《宋刑统》以唐律为准,分名例、卫禁、职制、 户婚、厩库、擅兴、贼盗、斗讼、诈伪、杂律、捕亡、断狱12篇,每篇之下 又分若干门,共213门,502条,30卷。它收集了自唐开元初年至宋建隆初 年近150年间的敕、令、格、式中的刑事,它是我国历史上第一部刊版 印行的封建法典,是研究宋代政治、经济、文化及法律制度的重要文献之一。 8(三冗*:北宋时冗官、冗兵和冗费的简称。北宋时通过科举制度、恩荫制度和 其他途径,入仕为官者不断增加,出现冗官现象。为了应付辽、夏侵扰,缓 和与镇压农民反抗斗争,每逢荒年,政府即招大量的流人饥民为禁军或厢军, 出现冗兵现象。官员、军队的激增导致财政开支浩大,同时每年还要物送辽、 夏大量岁币,出现冗费现象。由于冗官、冗兵和冗费,宋朝在仁宗时,形成 了积贫积弱的形势。 9(主户与客户:(武汉大学2003年中国古代史真题)宋代划分的两种户籍类型。划分的 根据是土地占有和赋税承担情况。主户指占有土地并交纳赋税的人,客户则 指无地而耕种地主土地的佃户。主户按照土地的多少,分成五等;一二等户 土地田亩多,又称上户;三等户称中户;四五等户田地产业少,称下户。徭 役不分主、客户,一律承担。 10( 五等版籍:宋代的户籍制度。一般称五等版籍,每逢闰年修造一次。宋朝 的户籍分为主户和客户。主户,拥有上地,是需要承担赋役的人家;客户,即 没有土地的佃户。主户为五等:一二等称上户,三等称中户,四五等称下户, 亦作贫下户。由于赋役繁重和不均,一般地主和富裕农民往往通过诡名寄产、 诡名挟佃、诡名子户的方式,逃避赋役。而贫苦农民则往往因赋役繁重,最 后沦为没有土地的佃户。 11( 丁口之赋、杂变之赋:宋代正税之外的人头税与杂税。宋初把唐末五代的 杂税大部分继承下来,凡是以身丁为对象而征收的,则总名之为“丁口之赋”; 凡是以牛皮、盐、曲之类为讨象而征收的,则总名之为“杂变之赋”。这两种 都必须随同两税输纳。丁口之赋,不管有无土地,全须交纳。 12( 庆历新政*:(武汉大学2001年中国古代史真题)宋仁宗庆历年间由范仲淹主持的政II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged 治改革。宋仁宗时,政治和社会危机日益严重。庆历三年(1043年),范仲 淹被任命为参知政事,向仁宗上《答手诏条陈十事疏》,提出以整顿吏治为主 的十项改革。仁宗采纳了这一方案,并诏行全国。改革仅一年,范仲淹 被贬,改革失败。这次改革虽然失败了,但却为后来的王安石变法揭开了序 幕。 13( 青苗法:(2010年历史学统考真题)王安石新法之一。又称“常平法”或“常平新 法”。各地方政府于每年正月和五月两次贷钱谷给农村主户,按户等高低规定 借贷数目。借贷期限为半年,出息二分。当时民间的利息很高,一年以五分 为常,甚至有超过二倍到三倍的。此法旨在抑制兼并之家的高利贷盘剥,维 持农民正常的生产、生活秩序,政府也因此获得利息收入。 14( 农田水利法:北宋王安石变法的内容之一。规定各地兴修水利工程,其工 料由当地居民照户等高下分派。凡单靠民力不能兴修的,其不足部分可向政 府贷款,取息一分;一州一县不能胜任的,可联合若于州县共同负责。农田 水利法对于农业生产的发展起到了一定的推动作用。 15( 募役法:王安石变法颁布的关于废殊差役实行募役的法令。亦称免役法。 把原来按户等轮流充当州县差役的方法,改由州县政府出钱募人充役。募役 所需费用,由当地主户按户等高下分担,称“免役钱”。原先享有免役特权的 官户、僧道户和不服差役的城市上五等坊郭户、农村的未成丁户、单丁户、 女户等,也须按户等纳相当同等民户所纳钱的半数,称“助役钱”。这可以使 很多农民免除劳役束缚,有利于农业生产。 16( 市易法:北宋王安石变法时颁布的一项法令,其法为:政府出资在京城设 市易务,大量收储各种滞销货物,待市场短缺货物时,再赊销给商人,于一 年后加息二分偿还货款。后来在杭州、润州(今江苏镇江)、长安、凤翔等地 也设市易务。这是用国家权力限制大商人对市场的操纵,以稳定物价,国家 收入也有增加。 17( 方田均税法:北宋王安石变法之一。1072年推行的改革田赋制度的措施。 主要内容是,对所有已经垦种的土地进行清查丈量。清查后,将田地的亩数、 主人姓名、土地好坏一一登记上册,并按土地好坏分为五等,作为征税的依 据。此法既可解决瞒田逃税、增加税源,又在一定程度上减轻了农民的负担。II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged 但因丈量土地工作繁难,耗时较多,特别是东强地主极力反对,因而只在少 数地区得到实施。到元丰八年(1085年)基本废止。 18( 置将法:北宋王安石变法措施之一。又称将兵法。为改变过去“兵不知将, 将不知兵”的状况,自熙宁七年始,在全国各军事要地设置带兵将领,共置 九十二将,每将统兵三千人左右;将领均选择作战经验丰富的人担任,专门 负责训练军队,凡实行将兵法的地方,州县不得干预军政。置将法的实行, 使兵知其将,将练其兵,提高了军队的战斗素质。 19( 保甲法:(华东师范大学2001年中国通史真题)北宋王安石变法之一。熙宁三年(1070 年),司农寺制定《畿县保甲条例颁行》,规定十家为一保,五保为一大保, 十大保为一都保;凡家有两丁以上者,出一人做保丁;农闲时保丁聚集,练 习武艺;平时夜间轮流派保丁值班巡查,维持治安。其目的是逐步实现民兵 制与募兵制相结合,以民兵取代冗兵,增强各地的武装力量。哲宗元佑年间 被废除。 20( 保马法:北宋王安石变法的内容之一。亦称保甲养马法。首先在开封府实 行、后又推行于河东、陕西等五路。规定凡五路义勇和保甲愿养马者,每户 养一匹,有能力者可养二匹。政府或给马,或给钱令自行购买。养马户可受 到免征折变、杂变之赋及差役、杂徭等优待。这一方法改变了过去军马全由 政府饲养的状况,使政府节约了大量养马开支;也有利于加强地方的军事实 力。 21( 《三经新义》:北宋熙宁年间王安石主持完成对儒家经典《诗》、《书》、《周 礼》经义的重新训示。照宁六年(1072年),神宗任命王安石提举经义局,由 吕惠卿等兼修撰,重新解释《诗》、《书》、《周礼》等书。熙宁八年(1075年), 《诗经新义》、《书经新义》、《周礼新义》完成,合称《三经新义》,作为托古 改制的变法理论依据。后《三经新义》被颁赐给宗室、大学及诸州府学。《三 经新义》开宋代义理之学,代替汉唐传注经学之风,在当时思想界产生了很 大影呐。被称为荆公新学,同时这种训释经义中阐明义理、反对章句传注的 新学,对理学的形成也产生了深刻的影响。 22( 元祐更化:北宋元佑年问反变法派推翻王安石变法的事件。元丰八年(1085 年)春,宋哲宗即位,其祖母宜仁太后执政,起用司马光、文彦博、吕公著、II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged 范纯仁等人,废除神宗与王安石推行的新法,贬黜熙宁、元丰时用事诸臣; 学校停止使用王安石的《三经新义》教材,篡改熙宁、元丰时的史官记录, 重新编纂《神宗实录》。因这一事件发生在元祐年间,故史称“元祐更化”。 23( 哲宗绍述:宋哲宗恢复王安石部分新法的事件。亦称绍圣绍述。北宋元祐 八年(1093年)高太后死后,哲宗亲政,次年改年号为绍圣,表示“绍述” (继承)神宗的新法。起用变法派章惇 、曾布为相,贬斥旧党吕大防、刘挚等, 追夺司马光、吕公著赠谥,恢复青苗、免役等法。统治集团内部斗争更加激 烈。 24( 南北面官*:辽代根据不同社会发展状况而设置的两套统治机构。辽建国后, 按照“以国法治契丹,以汉制治汉人”的原则,对契丹和汉人实行南北分治。 治理汉人的官署位于皇帝行宫的南面,故称南面官。其设置按照唐制,设三 省六部,官吏亦多用汉人。治理契丹的官署位于皇帝行宫的北面,故称北面 官。北面官主要由契丹贵族担任,地位较南面官高。管理宫账、部族、属国 之事。 25( 头下军州*:(北京大学2006年中国古代史真题)辽代地方行政制度之一。辽代的地 方行政制度以部族制和州县制双轨分治。除此之外,还有头下军州,是由辽 的宗室、大臣、外戚和所属部族首领中立有战功者,以其所分得或所俘获的 人口为主体建立的地方行政单位。头下军州的刺史由中央任免。其他官吏则 由头下主自行委派。头下军州的赋税除酒税和一半田租交纳辽政府外,其余 全归头下主。 26( 四时捺钵:(延安大学2011年中国古代史复试真题)辽代的政治制度之一。每年春夏 秋冬四季,辽朝皇帝都要到各地巡视和从事渔猎活动。所谓“捺钵”,就是辽 朝皇帝在渔猎之地所设的行帐、皇帝出猎时,朝中官员随行,在捺钵与南北 面大臣商议国事。 27( 勃极烈制:金朝前期实行的中央政治制度。金建国后,废除了部落联盟时 代的氏族议事会制度,改行勃极烈制。以皇帝为首,组织最高决策机构,掌 握军国大权。这种制度仍具有氏族议事会的某些特点。金太宗时,开始在汉 族地区实行汉官制。到金熙宗时,正式废除此制,采用唐宋官制。 28( 天眷新制:金熙宗天眷年间的金朝中央各项制度改革。天会十三年(1135年),II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged 金熙宗继位,对官制进行改革,他废除了勃极烈制,中央设中书、门下、尚 书三省,尚书省设尚书令,为百官之长,其下有左、右丞相。天眷元年(1138 年)。在政治制度上又作了进一步的改革,改革后的制度在历史上被称为“天 眷新制”。新制的内容是全面实行汉官制度;原来的各种官职按新的制度进行 换授;按功勋授予女真的贵族以不同的勋爵和封国;进一步加强了相权,制 定了礼仪。 29( 正隆官制:金海陵王颁行的中央新官制。正隆元年(1156年),继续进行官 制改革:废中书、门下省,由尚书省总管政务,尚书省直属于皇帝;在军事 上,废除都元帅府,设枢密院,枢密院与尚书省为政治和军事的最高机构, 但枢密院由尚书省节制,朝廷任命枢密使和枢密副使。金朝的制度由此固定 下来。 30( 猛安谋克制*:(浙江大学2001年中国古代史真题)金朝在女真族内部实行的军事和 行政合一的制度。随着金政权的建立,猛安谋克又演变为军政合一的地方行 政组织。金太祖时,统一规定三百户为一谋克,谋克即百夫长;十谋克为一 猛安,猛安即千夫长。猛安、谋克既是行政长官,又是军事首领。金熙宗统 一全国行政区划时,仍保留猛安谋克作为女真地方的地区政权组织形式,使 之成为军事、经济、行政三位一体的封建化基层组织。 31( 雍熙北伐:宋太宗时与辽争夺幽州的战役。雍熙三年(986年),宋太宗乘辽 朝新君初立之机,派三路大军北伐。战争开始时,三路军队节节胜利。但因 各军之间缺乏必要的协调,指挥不力,歧沟关(今河北琢州)一战大败,杨业 负伤被俘、绝食而死。高梁河与岐沟关两役失败后,北宋放弃了收复幽云失 地的,对辽采取消极防御的政策。 32( 澶渊之盟*:(武汉大学2006年中国古代史真题)1004年宋辽签订的停战议和盟约。 景德元年(1004年),辽大军围攻定州,宋真宗在宰相寇准的建议下,率军 亲征。双方在遭州对峙,宋军射杀辽军统帅,辽有意退兵,于是双方议和: 宋辽约为兄弟之国;宋每年给辽银十万两、绢二十万匹;宋辽边境以白沟河 为界。澶渊之盟后,宋辽两国进人和平相处的时期,双方维持了长期和平。 33( 海上之盟:1120年北宋与金通过海上往返谈判签订的共同对付辽国的军事 盟约。金建国后,在军事上连胜辽军。宋想趁机收回幽云十六州,宋徽宗数II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged 次派使臣泛海出使金国,终于在宜和二年(1120年)与金缔结盟约,规定, 宋金两国地位平等;宋金央击辽,并以长城为界;灭辽后,燕云之地归宋, 宋给辽的岁币转送金国。 34( 西辽:12~13世纪辽朝皇族耶律氏在西域建立的政权。亦称哈喇契丹。辽灭 之前,耶律大石曾率契丹一部西走中亚。1324年,也就是辽灭亡的前一年, 耶律大石称帝,重新建立以契丹人为主的国家,定都虎思斡耳朵(今托克马克 附近),其疆域西至今阿姆河,东至和州(今新疆哈喇和卓),幅员万里,史称 西辽。西辽建国八十八年,于1218年为蒙古所灭。西辽在传播中国文化,开 发中亚,促进中国和中、西亚及欧洲的文化交流方面,起过积极的作用。 35( 靖康之变*:金国灭亡北宋的事件。靖康元年(1126年)秋,金兵第二次南 下,东、西两路军会师,合围东京(今河南开封),闰十一月二十五日,京师 城破,钦宗帝亲往金营投降。金统治者在大肆掠夺后,于次年三月立宋朝投 降派张邦昌为傀儡皇帝,改国号楚。四月初一,俘徽、钦二帝及宗室、后妃、 宫僚、百工等数千人,携带大批掠夺的金银珠宝、珍贵书籍北撤。北宋的统 治至此结束。 36( 黄天荡之战:1130年南宋与金之间的一次战役。建炎四年(1130年),金 兀术攻占杭州,大掠后北返,在将渡长江时,被韩世忠阻截在黄天荡。宋军 八千人凭借有利地形与金军激战,大败金军。双方对峙四十八天,金军凿集 入江,才得逃脱。这次战役极大地鼓舞了南宋军民。 37( 顺昌大捷:1140年南宋与金在顺昌发生的一次大战。绍兴十年(1140年), 金兀术分兵四路攻宋,亲率步骑十余万人攻顺昌(今阜阳),宋将刘锜以两万 人的军队大败金军,迫使金军退至开封。此役给予金军以沉重打击,阻住了 金军的南侵。 38( 郾城大捷:南宋初年的抗金战役之一。顺昌大捷后,岳家军出湖北,入河 南,在各地义军的配合下,一路势如破竹,先后收复颖昌(今河南许昌)、陈 州、郑州、洛阳。绍兴十年(1140年)七月,兀术亲率精锐突袭郾城。岳飞 亲率骑兵参战,大破金兵。就是历史上有名的郾城大捷。 39( 《绍兴和议》*:(华东师范大学2005年中国古代史真题)1141年南宋与金签订的停 战合约,顺昌大捷后,南宋准备与金议和。绍兴十一年(1141年),宋金签II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged 订和议,主要内容有:南宋向金称臣;皇帝由金册封;宋每年向金输银二十五 万两、绢二十五万匹;以淮河至大散关为两国分界线。此约是在两国力量大 致相当的形势下签订的,此后双方基本上维持了比较稳定的对峙局面。 40( 采石之战:南宋军在采石阻击金军南侵的一次战役。绍兴三十一年(1161 年)九月,金军数十万分四路大举南侵。金主完颜亮亲自率领的中路军由于 南宋淮河一线的守将闻风而逃,顺利进抵长江北岸的和州(今安徽和县)。十 一月初,完颜亮大军准备从采石(今马鞍山南)对岸渡江。当金军渡江时, 虞允文亲临前线,一面派兵迎击上岸金军,一面命水军和当地民兵驾船攻击 金军船队。南宋军民奋勇杀敌,并用“霹雳炮”轰击金军,金军大败,退至 扬州。 41( 《隆兴和议》*:(南京大学2011年中国古代史复试真题)1164年宋金之间重订的和 约。宋孝宗隆兴元年,张浚主持北伐,却通到符离之战的失败。隆兴二年(1164 年),宋金和谈,重新订立和约。和约规定:南宋对金不再称臣,改为侄叔关 系;宋、金之间仍维持《绍兴和议》后的疆界;宋每年给金的银绢由各25 万两、匹,减为各20万两、匹;宋割商、秦两州给金;金国逃到南宋的人员 不再追回。隆兴和议后宋金之间四十年未发生大的战争。 42( 《嘉定和议》:1208年宋金之间订立的停战和约。开禧二年(1206年)五 月,宰相韩侂胄主持的开禧北伐失败,礼部侍郎史弥远杀死韩侂胄,函其首 送给金人。嘉定元年(1208年)三月,宋金订立和议。规定:宋金改为伯侄 之国;岁币绢、银各增为三十万匹、两;犒军钱三百万贯;维持原来边界。 嘉定和议后,宋、金两国均日益衰弱,无力再发动战争。 43( 千户制:蒙古汗国军政合一的制度。将全国的人民和土地划分为95个千户, 由大汗分别授予共同建国的贵戚、功臣,任命他们为千户的那颜(首领),使 之世袭管领。千户下分为若干百户,百户下为十户。千户制是基于蒙古人的 游牧生活方式而建立的一种军事封建制的政治体制。在这种体制下,所有青 壮年男子皆为战士,编入军队,自备马匹和兵器,由千户长、百户长率领, 随时听命出征。千户也是行政单位。平时管理居民户籍、生产、税收和司法 等行政事务。 44( 怯薛军*:(北京大学1986年中国史真题)成吉思汗组建的一支禁卫军。成吉思汗II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged 称汗后,挑选一万精壮组成怯薛军,由他直接指挥,驻扎在他的殿帐周围, 分为四班,由四个亲信的那可儿任怯薛长,每三日轮流值班。怯薛军是蒙古 军的精锐,也是加强对地方控制的主要武装力量。 45( 大札撒:(北京大学1886年中国史真题)1225年成吉思汗颁布的法令。札撒在蒙古 语里意为“命令”,即古代蒙古部落首领对众人发布的命令。1225年,成吉 思汗将历来的训令、札撒和习惯都加以汇总,下令颁布了《大札撒》,内容主 要是保护游牧经济和社会秩序。《大札撒》的特点是刑罚残酷,死刑很多,保 留着很多的原始习惯。 46( 端平入洛:端平元年(1234年)宋蒙两军在洛阳发生的军事冲突。1234年, 宋蒙联合灭金后,宋廷派兵北上,欲收复东京开封府(今属河南)、西京河南 府(今河南洛阳)、南京应天府(今河南商丘),据河而守。赵葵、全子才奉 命率军北进,至西京洛阳,所复州郡皆空城。粮饷不济,蒙古军乘势反攻, 赵葵、全子才无功而还,史称端平入洛。端平人洛激化了与蒙古的矛盾,为 蒙古大举进攻南宋提供了借口,从此开始了长达 45年之久的宋、蒙战争。 47( 四大汗国*:钦察汗国、察合台汗国、窝阔台汗国和伊儿汗国的合称。成吉 思汗在世时,把占领区分成三个“兀鲁思”,分封给他的三个儿子。长子术赤 封于钦察,据有花刺子模和康里国故地,建都萨莱(今伏尔加河下游),称钦 察汗国(金帐汗国)。术赤死后。该国归其子拔都。次子察合台封于西辽及畏 兀儿故地,东起阿尔泰山,西至阿姆河,包括新疆天山南北路等地,后来称 为察合台汗国。三子窝阔台封于乃蛮故地,今鄂毕河上游以西至巴尔喀什湖 以东皆属之,后来称为窝阔台汗国。蒙古第三次西征之后,象古大汗蒙哥又 将新占地区封给旭烈兀,建都枯必力思(今伊朗大不里士),称伊儿汗国。 48( 合州之战:1259年宋蒙间的一次重大战役。宋宝祐六年(1258年),蒙古以 三路大军攻宋,其中蒙哥汗亲率一军攻四川,由于四川备战充足,直到次年 才攻到合州,合州知州王坚和部将张钰固守。宋开庆元年(1259年)七月,蒙 哥汗亲自到合州城下督战,被炮石击中,死于军营之中。蒙古军被迫撤退, 合州之围遂解。蒙哥汗死后,蒙古内部发生了争夺汗位的斗争。 49( 襄樊保卫战:宋元战争中的重要战役之一。1267年,忽必烈接受南宋降将 刘整的建议,将军事攻击的重点确定为攻襄阳、樊城。襄阳、樊城先后被元II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged 军围困六年(1267~1273年),南宋军民展开了襄樊保卫战。宋朝几次派援军 但都被打败。元军又切断汉水通道,中断守城军民与外界的联系、供应。1273 年,元军先后攻陷樊城、襄阳。元军取得襄阳和樊城,即打开了进人长江的 门户。 50( 行省制*:(武汉大学2003年中国古代史真题)元代地方最高行政区划。初为元中央 最高行政机构中书省的派出机构。主要内容:除京师及附近地区直隶中书省 外,全国设岭北、辽阳、甘肃、云南、河南、湖广、江浙、四川、江西、陕 西等十大行省;辖区辽阔,军政合一;丞相、平章等官总领该地区事务;下 设路、府、州、县。行省制度有效巩固了元朝的大一统,是中国地方行政制 度的重大改革,也是省制的开端。 51( 辽阳行省:元代在今东北地区设里的地方行政机构。元初即设辽阳行省, 治今辽阳,辖境包括今辽宁、吉林、黑龙江三省及黑龙江以北、乌苏里江以 东地区,同时还在辽阳行省设有驿站一百二十处.辽阳行省的设立,加强了中 央政府对东北地区的控制。加强了东北各民族互相交往和与内地的往来。 52( 岭北行省:元代十大行省之一。全称为岭北等处行中书省,治和林,统辖 漠北诸地。皇庆元年(1312年)始称。岭北行省治所在今蒙古国哈拉和林, 辖境包括今蒙古全境、中国内蒙古、新疆一部分和俄罗斯西伯利亚地区。岭 北行省的经济以游牧畜牧业为主。 53( 路府州县:元代行省以下地方行政建制。中书省和行中书省以下的行政区 划为路、府、州、县。元朝在路、府、州、县都设置达鲁花赤,作为最高的 监临长官、例由蒙古人充当,掌握最后裁定的权力,位于同级其他官员之上。 54( 达鲁花赤*:(延安大学2011年中国古代史复试真题)元代地方各级政府机构的行政长 官。达鲁花赤为策古语的音译,其意为镇守者。元代在路州府县都设有达鲁 花赤,作为最高的监临长官。例由蒙古人充当,掌握级后裁定的大权,位于 同级其他官员之上,从而加强了蒙古贵族对地方的控制。 55( 宣政院*:(2010年历史掌学统考真题)元代掌管全国佛教及藏族地区军政事务的 中央机构。1264年忽必烈始置,初名总制院。1288年因所统藏族地区军民财 赋事关重要,改称宜政院,院使升正一品。宣政院设于大都,在西藏境内设 宣政司。遇地方有事,设行宣政院驻守地方处理;重大军事,则由宣政院与II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged 枢密院议处理。宣政院是中央政府最早设置的管理西藏地区的行政机构。 56( 澎湖巡检司*:元代设立的管辖澎湖、台演地区的行政机构。元代至元年间 在澎湖设立了巡检司,隶于泉州府。这是中央政府在澎湖建立正式政权机构 的开始。明代澎湖巡检司的辖区,扩大到台湾本岛(元代称为瑠求或琉球)。 加强了对澎湖和台湾的开发与管理。 57( 探马赤军:蒙元时期军队的一种。探马赤意为“探马官”。蒙古国时期、从 各千户、百户和部落中挑选士兵,组成精锐部队,在野战和攻打城堡时充当 先锋,战事结束后镇戍于故征服地区,称为探马赤军。与蒙古军由各千户的 士兵编成不同,探马赤军是由各部挑选的士兵混合组成。有元一代,始终保 持探马赤军的建制。 58( 站赤:(兰州大学2003年中国古代史真题)元朝政府在全国设置的驿站。站赤,蒙 古语,意为管理驿站的人。中原地区的驿站由兵部管辖,蒙古地区的驿站由 通政院管辖,站赤分为陆站和水站,据《元史兵志》记载,全国共有站赤一 千四百处。元代是我国古代驿站最发达的时期,驿站的普遍设置,加强了全 国的政治联系,也便利了全国的交通。 59( 交子*:(华东师范大学2000年中国通史真题)北宋时流通于四川的纸币。宋朝的铁 币不利于流通,宋真宗时,在政府的许可下,成都十六家富户主持印造了纸 币,代替铁钱在四川市场上流通,是为交子。仁东时,交子收归官办,设立 本钱,定期限额发行,仍在四川发行使用。徽宗时,该交子为钱引,扩大流 通领域,且不其备本钱,引起通货膨胀,成为杜会问题。 60( 市舶司*:(武汉大学2003年中国古代史真题)唐宋时设里的管理对外事务的机构。 唐代仅在广州一地设市舶司,负贵对外事务、宋代增设了杭州、明州、泉州、 密州、秀州。宋代的市舶司类似近代的海关而权力较大,国内商船出海必须 向它申请;外国商船到达港口后,须向市舶司申报,并接受检查;市舶司另 征收货物的十分之一的入口税,是为抽解。 61( 会子:(武汉大学2001年中国古代史真题)南宋政府发行的一种纸币。南宋时,为 解决铜钱不足的问题,政府设立“行在会子务”发行会子。以代替铜钱流通。 其类型主要有通行于东南诸路的东南会子,通行于京西路和京湖路的湖北会 子,通行于淮东路和淮西路的两淮会子。会子主要流通于淮河以南。 II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged 62( 《农桑辑要》*:元代初年由司农司编纂的综合性农书。1273年成书,元初 大司农司为了指导生产而编写颁行。全书共7卷10门,以北方农业为对象, 农耕与桑蚕并重。内容多取自《齐民要术》、《士农必用》、《务本新书》、《四 时纂要》、《韩氏直说》等书的精华部分;并在此基础上,发展了北方精耕细 作和栽桑养蚕技术、棉花和苧麻的栽培技术等,是一本实用性较强的官方农 书。 63( 黄道婆:元代女纺织技术家。棉纺织业作为新兴的行业,在元代大有发展。 在江南棉织业的发展中,黄道婆作出重大的贡献。黄道婆将从崖州黎族妇女 那里学来的先进棉纺技术与内地原有的纺织技艺结合起来,并有所发明创新, 如创制轧棉籽的搅车、三锭脚踏纺车、弹棉椎弓;在染织方面,还能错纱、 配色、织出各种美丽图案,适应和推动了当时棉纺织业的发展。 64( 中统钞与至元钞:元代流通的主要纸币。中统元年(1260年),忽必烈印造 发行中统元宝钞,简称中统钞,以金银为钞本,面额自十文至二贯(一千文为 一贯)共九种,每一贯当交钞一两,两贯当白银一两。至元二十四年(1287年), 又发行至元宝钞,简称至元钞,也以金银为钞本,与中统钞并行,面额自五 文至二贯共十一种,每一贯当中统钞五贯。有元一代以使用纸币为主,其中 中统钞和至元钞一直行用不废,这二者成为主要的纸币。 65( 斡脱:(华东师范大学2006年中国古代史真题)蒙元时期经营高利贷商业的官商。斡 脱(突厥语,意为“同伙”)原是西城回回商人的一种商业组织的名称,因西 域回回商人善于把持商业营利,政府就向他们提供本钱,用他们代为经商, 称为斡脱。入元以后,专立斡脱户,设诸位斡脱总管府(1267年)、斡脱所(1272 年)、斡脱总管府(1283年)等机构,为斡脱商人提供种种特权,他们可以不服 差役,不纳商税。后来凡用官本从事高利贷或其他商务活动的,都一概称为 斡脱。斡脱除去替政府经商以外,还替政府及王公们举放高利贷。 66( 王小波、李顺起义:北宋初期川陕地区的农民起义。淳化四年(993年)二月, 青城县茶贩王小波率众起义,提出“吾疾贫富不均,今为汝均之”的口号。 十二月,王小波在进攻蜀州江原县时受伤牺牲。起义军由李顺领导。淳化五 年(994年)正月,李顺取成都,自称大蜀王,建立大蜀政权,改元应运。宋太 宗急派王继恩率军分两路入川镇压,五月攻陷成都。李顺及部属3万余人被II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged 杀害(一说李顺后来逃至广州被俘死)。王小波、李顺起义首次提出“均贫富” 的起义口号。 67( 方腊起义:北宋末年浙江农民起义。北宋末年,宋徽宗荒淫奢侈,蔡京等 大臣聚敛搜括,朱勔主持苏州应奉局,使江南惨遭供奉花石纲的残酷掠夺。 宣和二年(1120)十月,睦州青溪人方腊以摩尼教为号召,在青溪县聚众起 义。义军攻占睦州、歙州所属诸县,十二月攻占杭州。宋廷派童贯为江、淮、 荆、浙等路宣抚使,发河东、陕西之兵十五万前往镇压。宣和三年(1121年) 四月,方腊在帮源洞被俘,起义失败。 68( 宋江起义:北宋末年北方衣民起义。方腊起义前后,河北、山东、淮南一 带也爆发了农民起义,其中以宋江为首的一支影响最大。他们武艺高超,作 战勇教,能以少胜众,屡败官军。宣和三年初,宋江起义军集结力量从京东 移师南下,进人淮南楚州(江苏淮安)一带。二月,起义军在海州(江苏连云 港)遭到知州张叔夜的袭击,包括宋江在内的一部分起义军向张叔夜投降,余 部继续进行斗争。大约到宣和四年,宋江起义才被彻底镇压下去。 69( 红巾军起义*:元末农民起义。1351年,刘福通率众在顺州起义,这次农民 起义是利用白莲教、弥勒教和摩尼教等宗教形式组织起来的。起义军头戴红 巾以为标志,故称红巾军。刘福通在1355年立韩林儿为小明王,建立了政权, 国号宋。后分路北伐,曾攻下元朝上都,逼近大都。但是,刘福通的红巾军 缺乏统一指挥,力量分散。1363年,起义军失败,刘福通壮烈栖牲。 70( 高邮大捷:张士诚军与元军在高邮进行的一次战争。元至正十四年(1354 年)九月,元中书右丞相脱脱总制诸王所部侍卫亲军及诸省军马,号称百万, 进攻张士诚于高邮。十一月,元兵至高邮城,大败张士诚于城外,并攻占真 州、六合,绝高邮外援。然而此时,脱脱为朝中政敌所劾,被削去兵权、官 爵。元军临阵易将,哗然四散,张士诚乘问出城奋击,大败元军。高邮大捷 埋葬了元军的主力。 71( 宋学:宋代以阐释发挥儒家经义名理为主要特征的学术流派。从北宋中期 起,儒学领域出现了新的现象,主要表现为汉唐学者专事经学笺注的传统遭 到废弃,对以贞说年间钦定的《五经正义》为代表的经学旧说产生怀疑,群 儒奋起,开创了以己意解经的新时代,逐渐形成了带有两宋鲜明时代特征的II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged 新儒学。清代学者推崇汉代的考据之学,对宋代理学家空疏的弊病肆意攻击. 称之为宋学,以示与汉学相区别。 72( 朱熹:南宋思想家、教育家。朱熹是理学形成的关键人物,其学主要承自 程颐,而于周敦颐、张载、邵雍等人亦多有所吸收,基本上做到了集宋学诸 家诸派之大成,形成了一套完整而系统的思想体系。因其以“理”为哲学核 心,故有理学之名,亦称程朱理学。他认为“理”是万物生长的本源,而“气” 只是构成万物的材料。主张以天理来克制人欲,以道心来主宰人心,要“去 人欲,存天理”,以此来调和阶级矛盾。 73( 理学*:两宋时期产生的主要哲学流派。理学是以儒家学说为中心,兼容佛 道两家的哲学理论,论证了封建纲常名教的合理性和永恒性,至南宋被采纳 为官方哲学。重要的理学家有北宋的周敦颐,程颢、程颐及南宋的朱熹、陆 九渊等,他们的哲学的中心观念是“理”,把“理”说成是产生世界万物的精 神的东西。理学的出现对后世政治文化产生了深远影响。 74( 陆九渊:南宋哲学家。陆九渊对理的理解与朱熹不同,主张“心即理”,因 而有心学之称。陆九渊把儒家思孟学说和佛教禅宗思想结合起来,并承袭和 发挥了”天即理即心”的观点,提出,“心即理也”的命题,认为“心”是天 地万物的本源。明代王守仁发展其学说,遂形成陆王学派。其著作有《象山 先生全集》,后经整理为《陆九渊集》。 75( 鹅湖之会:南宋朱熹与陆九渊进行的一次哲学辩沦会。淳熙三年(1176年), 陆九渊和朱熹在江西信州鹅湖寺进行学术辩论,史称“鹅湖之会”。关于“理” 的性质,朱熹认为“理兼体用”,是客观外在的,并体现于万物、心本身不等 于理,心之性才是理。陆九渊则以为心性无别,理心合一,由内向外贯诸万 物,关于修养途径,朱熹强调格物致知,即物穷理,累积递进,以求贯通。 陆九渊则主张由内入手,直接发现本心,以求彻悟,不必去费心认识外部事 物,通过自我反省、自我体验达到修养目的。 76( 浙东事功学派:南宋时期以陈亮、叶适为代表的学派。浙东部分儒家学者 在民族危机的刺激下,积极提倡研究学问要经世致用,形成了金华学派、永 嘉学派和永康学派,统称为浙东事功学派。金华学派的创立者是吕祖谦。叶 适是永嘉事功学派的集大成者。他从事功思想的“致用”立场出发,反对虚II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged 幻的道学和心学。陈亮是南宋永康学派的创立者。他的思想的核心是“物”, 认为任何道理法则都不能离开具体的事物。 77( 喇嘛救:藏传佛教的俗称。喇嘛教是佛教传人吐蕃后形成的一个教派,最 受元朝皇帝的尊重。元世祖忽必烈尊吐蕃大喇嘛八思巴为帝师,命他制定蒙 古新字。下诏颁行天下,俗称八思巴字。此后,元朝皇帝和后妃都以喇嘛为 帝师。帝师和其他喇嘛不仅在政治上拥有特权,而且在经济方面又有免田税、 商税的特权,并免差役。喇嘛教的经典由《甘珠尔》、《丹珠尔》两大部分组 成,俗称藏文大藏经。两部都以藏文译本为主,均编成于14世纪后半叶。 78( 全真教:金元时期盛行的道教新宗派。又称全真道、全真派。大定七年(1167 年),王喆创立。教义杂糅佛、儒,宣扬除情去欲,以柔弱为本,以清静为基, 反对烧铅炼丹,提倡静坐苦修,以得道成仙。金朝末年,邱处机应召赴中亚 谒见成吉思汗,为进攻金朝出谋划策,在蒙古统治者的保护下,全真教得到 空前发展。丘处机弟子李志常著《长春真人西游记》,是研究中西交通史的重 要资料。 79( 唐宋八大家*:唐、宋两代八个散文家的合称。欧阳修、曾巩、王安石、苏 洵、苏轼、苏辙与韩愈、柳宗元并称为古文创作的“唐宋八大家”。他们积极 倡导并参与了唐古文化运动和北宋诗文革新运动,在散文领域里取得了很高 的成就。 80( 话本:宋、元时代说话艺人讲说故事所用的底本。宋代随着城市商品经济 的更趋繁荣,适应市民阶层文化娱乐生活需求的“说话”(讲故事)成为当时 主要的文学形式之一。以“说话”为生的艺人,使用的“说话”底本,一般 称作“话本”,话本经过流传加工,便演变为“话本小说”,这就是我国古代 最早的白话小说,都是用当时的白话口语写成。宋代话本流传至今的有《五 代史平话》、《大宋宣和遗事》及《京本通俗小说》等。 81( 南戏:宋元及明初流行于南方的戏曲艺术。在南方,以南曲胶调演唱的温 州杂剧等地方戏发展成为南戏,亦称传奇、戏文。著名的“四大传奇”,是《荆 钗记》,《拜月亭》、《杀狗记》、和《白兔记》。而元末温州高明的《琵琶记》, 则被推崇为“南戏之祖”。 82( 活字印刷术*:北宋毕昇发明的一种活字版印刷技术。据《梦溪笔谈》记载,II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged 北宋仁宗庆历年间毕昇在雕版印刷术的基础上发明了活字印刷术。这种方法 比雕版印刷省工省力,成本较低,所以很快得到推广。至元代,又改进为用 木制活字。 83( 郭守敬:(厦门大学2000年中国古代史真题)元代科学家。字若思,顺德邢台人。 擅长水利和天文历算,曾担任都水监,负责修治元大都至通州的运河。1276 年修订新历法,经4年时间制订出《授时历》,通行三百六十多年,是当时世 界上最先进的一种历法。 84( 《授时历》:(华东师范大学2003年中国古代史真题)元代郭守敬以及王恂、许衡等 人创制的历法。《授时历》行用364年,是我国推算最精确和使用最久的历法。 郭守敬为了观测天象,创造了简仪、仰仪和圭表等一系列仪器以助观测。 85( 《王祯农书》:元代综合性农学著作。王祯撰。皇庆二年(1313年)成书, 共22卷。《王祯农书》分成《农桑通诀》、《百谷谱》、《农器图谱》三大部分。 《农桑通诀》为总论,包括农业史、授时、地利、耕垦、耙劳、播种、锄治、 粪壤、灌溉、收获等。《百谷谱》阐述各种农作物的种植方法。《农器图谱》 包括当时的各种农具、农业机械、灌溉工具、运输工具,纺织机械等图形, 并详细介绍了这些器具的来源、结构及其制作使用方法。众多农器绘图入书, 在中国农业史上是第一部。 86( 《营造法式》:北宋时编撰的建筑学专著。北宋熙宁年间开始编修,元祐六 年(1091年)成书。但因“元祐营造法式只有料状,别无变造用材制度”, 又于绍圣四年(1097年)敕令李诫重新编修,元符三年(1100年)成书,全 书36卷,内容分为:释名、制度、功限、料例、图样。该书对宋代建筑技术 成就作了系统总结,对各种官府建筑的用材选择、结构坡度以及各种技 术操作作了严格规定。并附有各种建筑图案。本书是当时世界上较为完备的 建筑学专著。 87( 《梦溪笔谈》*:(厦门大学2001年古代史中国通史真题)北宋沈括所著笔记体著作。 因写于润州梦溪园而得名。全书共30卷,其中《笔谈》26卷、《补笔谈》3 卷、《续笔谈》1卷。《梦溪笔谈》现存609条,内容涉及政治、经济、军事、 文学、艺术、天文、地学、生物、数学、物理、化学等50个学科。该书记载 了物理学的磁偏角、毕昇发明的泥活字印刷术、河工高超发明的合龙堵口的II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged 水工技术、建筑工匠喻浩的《木经》等。 II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged
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