

2017-09-17 11页 doc 31KB 6阅读




经济适用房买卖合同经济适用房买卖合同 甲方,出卖人,: 乙方,买受人,: pragmatic and effective "two to learn a" wide range of educational and heavy task, demanding, party organizations at all levels in the autonomous region after the meeting to get up to speed quickly, strengthen organizational leadership...
经济适用房#买卖# 甲方,出卖人,: 乙方,买受人,: pragmatic and effective "two to learn a" wide range of educational and heavy task, demanding, party organizations at all levels in the autonomous region after the meeting to get up to speed quickly, strengthen organizational leadership, education on the important position of learning, elaborate arrangements, strengthen accountability and avoid learning form of education. First, we must implement the leadership responsibility. Party organizations at all levels should effectively assume the main responsibility, "two" education as a major political task, truly understanding in place 甲方,出卖人,: 地址: 身份证号码: 联系电话: 乙方:,买受人,: 地址: 身份证号码 联系电话: 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》、《北京市城市房地产转让》及其他有关法律、法规的规定~甲乙双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上~就乙方购买甲方的房地产事宜~达成如下: 第一条 甲方所售房地产权证号及坐落位置、结构、层次、面积、附属设施等基本情况 1、甲方房地产,以下简称该房地产,坐落于 ,位于第 层共 间~房屋结构为 ~登记建筑面积 平方米,其中套内建筑面积 平方米~公共部位与公用房屋分摊建筑面积 平方米,,房屋用途为 ,房地产权证号为 ~共有权证证号为: 填发单位为: 。 pragmatic and effective "two to learn a" wide range of educational and heavy task, demanding, party organizations at all levels in the autonomous region after the meeting to get up to speed quickly, strengthen organizational leadership, education on the important position of learning, elaborate arrangements, strengthen accountability and avoid learning form of education. First, we must implement the leadership responsibility. Party organizations at all levels should effectively assume the main responsibility, "two" education as a major political task, truly understanding in place 2、甲方转让的房地产为其购买的经济适用房~甲方已住满5年~按照有关规定可以依照目前市场价格进行出售,从取得契税完税凭证的时间或经济适用住房房屋所有权证的发证时间起计算,。 【律师提示】:经济适用房的转让要遵守有关经济适用房的管理规定。其中按相关政策、法规规定的限制上市交易期限内买卖已购经济适用住房的~其合同效力因双方的约定不同而后果不同~对于该类经适房的买卖合同建议请律师根据具体情况签订。 3、该房屋的抵押情况为: 。 ,1,、该房屋未设定抵押, ,2,、该房屋已经设定抵押~抵押权人为: ~抵押登记日期为: 年 月 日~他项权利证证号为: 。 该房屋已经设定抵押的~出卖人应于 年 月 日前办理抵押注销手续。 4、该房屋的租赁情况为: 。 ,1,、出卖人未将该房屋出租。 ,2,、出卖人已将该房屋出租~【买受人为该房屋承租人】【承租人已放弃优先购买权】。 关于房屋权属情况的说明及房屋抵押和租赁情况的具体约定另附。 第二条 房屋价格及付款方式 pragmatic and effective "two to learn a" wide range of educational and heavy task, demanding, party organizations at all levels in the autonomous region after the meeting to get up to speed quickly, strengthen organizational leadership, education on the important position of learning, elaborate arrangements, strengthen accountability and avoid learning form of education. First, we must implement the leadership responsibility. Party organizations at all levels should effectively assume the main responsibility, "two" education as a major political task, truly understanding in place 1、甲乙双方协商一致~甲方所售房地产总金额为人民币 。该价款不含税费。 2、双方选择以下第 种付款方式: ,1,乙方应于本合同生效之日向甲方支付定金 元整~并于 年 月 日前将房屋全部价款付给甲方。 ,2,买房向银行抵押付款: 乙方于 年 月 日前向甲方支付首期房款人民币 元。 其余房款乙方拟向银行办理抵押贷款。 如果乙方在 年 月 日前还未能将银行贷款办理好并交付给甲方~则甲方可以单方解除本合同~并退回乙方之前已付购房款。 3、双方约定的其他付款方式: 。 【律师提示】:如果买二手房时房款不是一次性付清的~那就得签银行贷款抵押合同。这个合同涉及到卖房人~买房人~卖房人的贷款银行~买房人的贷款银行~还可以再加三方~卖房人的贷款银行指定的保险公司~买房人的贷款银行指定的保险公司~还有中介公司~这个贷款行为可能涉及到七方~因此比较复杂。这种情况下~对于购房者来说~要想签订一个细致的有针对性的合同~可以请个律师。 第三条 交纳税费的约定 1、按有关法律法规政策的规定应由卖方承担的税费双方约定由 承担。 pragmatic and effective "two to learn a" wide range of educational and heavy task, demanding, party organizations at all levels in the autonomous region after the meeting to get up to speed quickly, strengthen organizational leadership, education on the important position of learning, elaborate arrangements, strengthen accountability and avoid learning form of education. First, we must implement the leadership responsibility. Party organizations at all levels should effectively assume the main responsibility, "two" education as a major political task, truly understanding in place 2、按有关法律法规政策规定应由买方承担的税费双方约定由 承担。 3、按有关法律法规政策的规定应由经济适用房业主补交的土地收益款等由 承担。 【律师提示】:购买经济适用住房满5年~购房人上市转让经济适用住房的~应按照届时同地段普通商品住房与经济适用住房差价的一定比例向政府交纳土地收益等相关价款。但该款也可以通过约定由买房人承担。 第四条 房地产交付 1、甲乙双方于本合同签订后 日内共同对该房地产及附属设施设备、装饰装修、相关物品清单及水、电、气的读数等列表记载~在交房时一并交给乙方。 2、甲方在收到全部房款之日起 日内~将该房屋钥匙交付给乙方。 3、双方其他约定: 。 【律师提示】:要考虑好交钱、过户和交房之间的衔接问题。过户以后再交房的~买方的购房款不宜在过户前全部支付给卖方。最好双方约定房屋交验完毕、各项费用结清以后再支付小部分剩余尾款~以约束卖方。 第五条 关于产权登记的约定 甲方双方须在签订本合同 内~共同向房地产产权登记机关申请办理转移登记手续。如因甲方的过失造成乙方不能在 pragmatic and effective "two to learn a" wide range of educational and heavy task, demanding, party organizations at all levels in the autonomous region after the meeting to get up to speed quickly, strengthen organizational leadership, education on the important position of learning, elaborate arrangements, strengthen accountability and avoid learning form of education. First, we must implement the leadership responsibility. Party organizations at all levels should effectively assume the main responsibility, "two" education as a major political task, truly understanding in place 日内取得房地产权属证书~乙方有权提出退房~甲方必须在乙方提出退房要求之日起 日内将乙方已付款退还给乙方~并按已付款的 %赔偿乙方损失。 【律师提示】:权属转移登记~也就是房产过户手续~主要是什么时间过户一定要说清楚~而且买方交钱和过户的时间间隔不宜过长。 第六条 定金及交房保证金 1、甲乙双方约定乙方在签订本合同之日起 日内向甲方交纳购房定金 元。 2、为防范交易风险督促卖方按合同约定交付房地产~甲乙双方同意从交易总房款中预留 作为交房保证金。此款在甲方实际交付房地产及完成产权转移登记时交付给甲方。 3、关于交房保证金托管的约定: 。 4、甲乙双方其他约定: 。 【律师提示】:双方约定违约方承担定金责任后~守约方不可进一步追究违约方其他违约责任的~从约定。双方既约定定金~又约定赔偿损失的~一方违约时~守约方既可主张定金罚则~又可请求赔偿损失。 第七条 违约责任的约定 1、乙方逾期付款的违约责任(,1,和,2,不作累加): ,1,如乙方未按约定时间付款~则乙方应按逾期付款额的万分pragmatic and effective "two to learn a" wide range of educational and heavy task, demanding, party organizations at all levels in the autonomous region after the meeting to get up to speed quickly, strengthen organizational leadership, education on the important position of learning, elaborate arrangements, strengthen accountability and avoid learning form of education. First, we must implement the leadership responsibility. Party organizations at all levels should effectively assume the main responsibility, "two" education as a major political task, truly understanding in place 之 向甲方按日支付逾期付款违约金~同时甲方有权要求合同继续履行。 ,2,如乙方逾期付款时间超过 天后~甲方有权单方解除合同并要求乙方按购房款总额的百分之 支付违约金,甲方也有权选择还是按本条上述第,1,项执行。 2、甲方逾期交房的违约责任(,1,和,2,不作累加): ,1,如甲方未按合同约定的时间交付房屋~则甲方应按乙方已付购房款的总额的万分之 向乙方按日支付逾期交房违约金~同时乙方有权要求继续履行合同。 ,2,如甲方逾期交房超过 天后~乙方有权单方解除合同并要求甲方按购房款总额的百分之 支付违约金,乙方也有权选择还是按本条上述第,1,项要求甲方承担违约责任并继续履行合同。 3、任何一方不按约定缴纳相关税费~导致交易不能继续进行的~应向对方支付该房地产总价款的百分之 作为违约金。 4、任何一方不履行本合同约定义务致合同目的不能实现~守约方有权选择定金罚则或要求对方支付该房地产总价款百分之 作为违约金。 【律师提醒】:根据《合同法》第一百一十三条第一款的规定~在因违约方过错导致房屋买卖合同无法履行的情况下~守约方可以请求赔偿房屋差价损失。如双方对房屋差价有约定或事后达成一致的~从约定。如当事人没有约定房屋差价~则可请求法院委托评估机构对讼争房产的市场价进行评估~通过评估价与约定价的比较~确定房屋pragmatic and effective "two to learn a" wide range of educational and heavy task, demanding, party organizations at all levels in the autonomous region after the meeting to get up to speed quickly, strengthen organizational leadership, education on the important position of learning, elaborate arrangements, strengthen accountability and avoid learning form of education. First, we must implement the leadership responsibility. Party organizations at all levels should effectively assume the main responsibility, "two" education as a major political task, truly understanding in place 差价损失。 第八条 甲乙双方的承诺和保证 1、甲方承诺和保证: ,1,甲方有权签署并有能力履行本合同,该房地产没有设定抵押也未被查封~甲方对该房地产享有完全的处分权。 ,2,甲方保证在交易时该房屋没有产权纠纷~有关按揭、抵押债务、税项及租金等~甲方均在交易前办妥。 ,3,水、电、煤气、物业、供暖等各项费用均已按规定交纳~单据交买房确认。 ,4,该房地产所附着的户口~甲方保证于收到房地产转让总价款之日起 日内迁出。 (5) 该房地产没有租约。,如有租约另行约定, 2、乙方承诺和保证:乙方有权签署并有能力履行本合同。 【律师提示】:第一~要核实合同签订人员身份的真实性以及授权的内容~确保合同不因主体不适当而导致合同无效。第二~带租约的房屋买卖~买卖双方应明确约定~是实物交付还是租约权交付。法律规定承租人享有优先购买权。卖家要把出卖信息提前告知租客~同时在签约前将出租信息告知买家~而买家也要认真审查房屋租赁合同。承租人放弃优先购买权~应提供书面承诺。 第九条 合同的变更 本合同履行期间~发生特殊情况时~甲、乙任何一方需变更本合同的~要求变更一方应及时书面对方~征得对方同意后~双方在pragmatic and effective "two to learn a" wide range of educational and heavy task, demanding, party organizations at all levels in the autonomous region after the meeting to get up to speed quickly, strengthen organizational leadership, education on the important position of learning, elaborate arrangements, strengthen accountability and avoid learning form of education. First, we must implement the leadership responsibility. Party organizations at all levels should effectively assume the main responsibility, "two" education as a major political task, truly understanding in place 规定的时限内,书面通知发出 天内,签订书面变更协议~该协议将成为合同不可分割的部分。未经双方签署书面文件~任何一方无权变更本合同~否则~由此造成对方的经济损失~由责任方承担。 第十条 不可抗力 因不可抗力不能按照约定履行本合同的~根据不可抗力的影响~部分或全部免除责任~但因不可抗力不能按照约定履行合同的一方当事人应当及时告知另一方当事人~并自不可抗力事件结束之日起 日内向另一方当事人提供证明。 上述房屋风险责任自该房屋【所有权转移】【转移占有】之日起转移给买受人。 第十一条 合同的效力 1、本合同自甲乙双方签字,盖章,之日起生效。 2、本合同一式 份~甲乙双方各执 份~具有同等法律效力。 第十二条 法律适用及争议的处理 1(本合同受中华人民共和国法律管辖并按其进行解释。 2(本合同在履行过程中发生的争议~由双方当事人协商解决,协商不成的~按下列第 种方式解决: ,1,提交 仲裁委员会仲裁, ,2,依法向有管辖权的人民法院起诉。 【律师提示】:或裁或审~一裁终局。 第十三条 双方其他约定 pragmatic and effective "two to learn a" wide range of educational and heavy task, demanding, party organizations at all levels in the autonomous region after the meeting to get up to speed quickly, strengthen organizational leadership, education on the important position of learning, elaborate arrangements, strengthen accountability and avoid learning form of education. First, we must implement the leadership responsibility. Party organizations at all levels should effectively assume the main responsibility, "two" education as a major political task, truly understanding in place 1、 , 2、 。 甲方,签章,: 乙方,签章,: 委托代理人,签章,: 委托代理人,签章,: 年 月 日 年 月 日 pragmatic and effective "two to learn a" wide range of educational and heavy task, demanding, party organizations at all levels in the autonomous region after the meeting to get up to speed quickly, strengthen organizational leadership, education on the important position of learning, elaborate arrangements, strengthen accountability and avoid learning form of education. First, we must implement the leadership responsibility. Party organizations at all levels should effectively assume the main responsibility, "two" education as a major political task, truly understanding in place
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