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2010年最牛的汽车省油方法:汽车省油技巧大总结2010年最牛的汽车省油方法:汽车省油技巧大总结 2010年最牛的汽车省油方法:汽车省油技巧大总结 The most fuel-efficient car in 2010: fuel-efficient cars, tips, tips The fuel tax for the driver of the car ready, especially the car, how to make your car less oil, more than run away is a very real problem, how ...
2010年最牛的汽车省油方法:汽车省油技巧大总结 2010年最牛的汽车省油方法:汽车省油技巧大总结 The most fuel-efficient car in 2010: fuel-efficient cars, tips, tips The fuel tax for the driver of the car ready, especially the car, how to make your car less oil, more than run away is a very real problem, how to fuel-efficient, Bo car will in the expert experience: Weight reduction and oil saving method. You should avoid putting useless things on the bus. Do not think that the placement of stray goods with the car, the car has little effect. In fact, the car is very sensitive to the load, if you put 10 pounds of useless goods, 1000 kilometers along with the car, you will waste 400CC fuel. Oil saving method for proper starting. When you start, you'd better slow down, start your car quickly, hurt your car, and waste fuel. According to estimates, the rapid pace of 10 times, about a waste of fuel 120CC or more. Light pedal gas mileage method. Avoid stepping on the gas. Empty step on the gate 10 times, waste more than 60CC production, increase the speed of the process, it is not appropriate to pedal too much, generally less than the accelerator pedal 77~75%. If the control is not good, the accelerator pedal too much, and even to the full open position, will add device to work, this will certainly fuel consumption. Choose the right fuel saving method. To avoid driving halfway suddenly accelerated to waste, reasonable speed driving, or fast or slow waste fuel, especially with overtime, consuming fuel up, catching up about 10 times, the fuel cost more than 1200CC, the use of the gear is lower, the smaller the valve opening, the power of the engine by using less fuel consumption the more natural. Most of the time the engine runs at medium speed, and the valve opening is appropriate (about 70%), the minimum fuel consumption. When the road is in good condition, use the high gear as much as possible. Buy a fuel-efficient car. To achieve fuel-efficient purposes, what type of car to choose is the most fundamental. In general, the smaller the displacement, the more fuel-efficient, streamlined, non linear fuel economy. Oil consumption is the most direct cost of automobile operation. In the face of high fuel prices and fuel tax date is approaching, "how to fuel-efficient" has become a strong thinking measures fuel-efficient people more, but in the face of a specific car, for users only from its use and maintenance aspects, to achieve the purpose of fuel. A, in the reasonable use of the car, "fuel-efficient."" The warm-up time before the car should not be too long, once the idle stability can start, slow start should be accelerated. After the start of the vehicle, the torque of the engine should be maximum when the gear is shifted. The cylinder will be knocked out too early, and the torque will be wasted too late. These two conditions are not conducive to fuel economy. In the process of moving the vehicle, some speed can be used more high-grade driving, and can be more low-grade driving, it should be put in a higher level in time, so that the car to close to the stalls of the economic speed. When parking is required, the brakes should be avoided as much as possible. At this time you can reasonably use the method of speeding up a taxi. As a result of speeding at the same average speed, it will save more fuel than the speed at the same speed. However, when speeding up, the carburetor shall not be allowed to work with the enrichment device. At the same time, the engine should not stall when it is taxiing, otherwise it is not conducive to the safe and reliable braking of the pneumatic brake and vacuum booster brake. B, in the correct maintenance of the car, "fuel-efficient."" Periodically check, adjust and clean the carburetor to provide an ideal mixture of gas to increase fuel economy. Tire pressure should be maintained near the standard value, if the tire pressure decreased by 30%, when the car to 40km/h speed, the car fuel consumption increased by 5%-10%, diesel truck fuel consumption increased by 20%-25%. But when the tire pressure is too high, it will aggravate the wear of the tires. To maintain the normal engine temperature and oil temperature, water temperature is generally 80-90 degrees Fahrenheit, to reduce fuel consumption, water temperature too high to cause combustion is not normal, resulting in the reduction of engine power, fuel consumption increase; water temperature is too low, the cooling loss increased. When the engine oil viscosity is too high, the movement resistance of the parts increases, and then the fuel consumption is increased. Correct adjustment of the tightness of bearings and oil seals as well as normal lubrication can greatly improve the efficiency of the transmission train and reduce the consumption of fuel. There are many ways to save oil, and I believe that drivers and friends will try to find out more and more "fuel saving" road in the concrete operation, and then face the changing situation of the fuel world calmly 1 increase tire pressure and reduce friction. 2, cleaning the trunk can put home to take away, useless still all the weight loss. 3 go to town or suburbs. 4 as far as possible rather than plugging also not on the road to detour to drive in traffic peak. 5, work and go out, as little as possible with colleagues and neighbors by the way 6 absolutely forbid full load, less load one, count one 7 wear less clothes and shoes should be thin and short 8, before boarding the toilet, it is best to even fart also put 9. Try not to eat before you get on the bus. Don't load or just eat at the same time or neighbors 10 don't fill it up with less weight 11 try not to turn on the air conditioning, open the window, ventilation and health 12, refueling in the evening plus late, the more gas, the lower the temperature, the more oil plus 13 appropriate use of neutral and belt slide car 14, go out of office corruption, try to do the bus, can not sit on the bus, take public vehicles 15, looking for a car larger than their own to follow, you can reduce airflow resistance 16 do not listen to the CD when driving, CD is also a bad oil, better not to repair 17, the car lights can not open, do not open, can open late, can borrow other people's light borrow, don't be embarrassed The ultimate way to save oil is to sell cars and buy bikes Nine ways to save oil on cars Many people always feel dissatisfied with their car fuel consumption, even along the same lines, fuel consumption is higher than the others remain perplexed despite much thought. In fact, driving fuel-efficient is a skill, if you can do the correct operation, scientific driving, you will save a lot of fuel, save yourself a lot of money. There are ways to drive oil: Fuel saving method 1: maintain reasonable speed Each car has its own economic speed, the minimum fuel consumption at this speed. But the average SUV car's economic speed is not high, the commonly used economic speed mostly in 65 ~ 90km/h, our Zhongxing Automobile (quote 4S shop) is this economic speed. In the morning and evening in Beijing, driving is difficult to achieve this requirement, but the driver should still try to control within this speed. Methods: two fuel not long time heating Moderately hot is a good habit, but a long time will make larger in situ hot fuel consumption. Huang suggested traveling at 2 or 3 minutes at a moderate speed. Fuel saving method three: avoid long idle time Idling more than 1 minutes of oil consumption and start the same fuel used, the engine idling 5 minutes of fuel consumption, allowing the car to travel more than 1 kilometers. Fuel saving method four: tire pressure to meet the standards Tire pressure is too low, it will increase the friction force, more oil. At the same time, do not change the size of the tires at will. The tire pressure required to reduce fuel consumption Five ways to save oil: reduce vehicle load, fuel saving With an increase of 10 kg, the fuel consumption will increase by 1%, so it is necessary to tidy up the trunk frequently and do not use the trunk as a storage room. Less open windows can also save oil. When the speed is 70 km / h, the consumption of wind resistance after opening windows will increase the fuel consumption per kilometer by about 1 litres. Fuel-efficient methods six: try to avoid stepping on the accelerator approach The fuel saving test shows that the gas pedal is 2-3 times more expensive than the medium speed drive. This will not only fuel consumption, but also will have a negative impact on the service life of the car. Fuel saving method seven: clean the air filter If the air filter is clogged or too much dust will cause the engine intake is not smooth, and a lot of dust into the cylinder, will accelerate the coking rate of cylinder, lack of power, poor engine ignition, the vehicle's fuel consumption will increase. If traveling in the normal city on the road, the air cleaner to check in the car when traveling 5000 km should, if too much dust on the filter, can consider the use of compressed air blowing out from the interior of the filter element, the dust blowing. But the pressure of compressed air can not be too high, in case the filter paper is damaged. When cleaning the air filter, do not use water or oil to prevent the oil and water filter. Fuel saving method eight: cleaning nozzle coke Because the combustion chamber easy to produce carbon deposits, and carbon deposits will lead to difficult to start; nozzle Coke will lead to oil road plugging, gasoline injection deformation, atomization, fuel consumption will naturally increase. For the cleaning of the combustion chamber, a special carbon removing agent can be used to soften the carbon deposits in the combustion chamber and the injector and separate them from the surface of the parts, and then remove the soft carbon deposits. This method of carbon removal effect is good, compared to the previous direct wipe, there is no damage to parts of the surface and other advantages, and the efficiency of carbon removal has been greatly improved. Nine ways to save oil: drive off throttle sludge There are many reasons for the oil sludge in the throttle valve, some of which are the waste gases of fuel combustion, and the carbon deposits are formed at the throttle. Then, the impurities which are not filtered by the air filter are formed at the throttle. More oil sludge, air intake will produce gas resistance, resulting in increased fuel consumption. Generally, when driving 10 thousand to 20 thousand kilometers, the throttle valve should be cleaned. In the cleaning solar term door, first to remove the intake pipe, a solar term door, disconnect the battery anode, switch off the ignition, the solar term door turning plate straight, to the throttle valve in the spray a small amount of "carburetor cleaner" and "high spinning polyester cloth or non-woven fabric" carefully Scrub, throttle depth, If you can't reach the place, you can use a clip to hold the cloth, scrub it carefully, clean it, install the air inlet pipe and the battery negative, then you can start the fire! Oil saving cheats 10 strokes 1. in the morning is too long or too short driving distance Fuel-efficient Cheats: try not to drive the appropriate hot short I believe that many owners have a good habit of morning hot car, but blindly waiting for in situ vehicle speed down to normal temperature or to normal, this is tantamount to not go in your wallet. In this regard, experts suggest that the majority of car owners in our country can be started in the vehicle about half a minute, blocking driving, and then the 1 gear running a distance after the normal driving. While for some northern city is too cold in winter may be appropriate to extend the heating time. In addition, the engine computer when the water temperature is too low will dominate the nozzle spray some more fuel, so if you work very close on plus the winter cold weather water temperature will not rise to the normal value, then your car is likely to be typical of high fuel consumption. 2. tire pressure abnormal or replace large size tires Cheats: correct fuel-efficient tire pressure OE tire Experts said, because the fuel consumption will affect the tire when underinflated, when the tire pressure is too small when the contact area of the tire and the ground increases driving greater resistance, so the vehicle naturally more oil. The same reason, displacement, type, load and so on are the same car models assume that A and B use the original tires used car tire width larger tires, then the vehicle driving resistance increased B car will consume more fuel than A. Of course, if the owner inflated the tire pressure and replaced the tire with wider tire width, it would increase the possibility of flat tire, partial tire grinding and lower riding comfort. 3., do not plan the route, driving on crowded roads, frequent lane change Fuel-efficient Cheats: route choice before traveling as straight as possible In many large cities traffic jams occur, while sophisticated drivers choose one of the least crowded routes between the point of departure and the destination. For this, it is recommended that the owner of the car ahead of schedule driving routes, pay attention to local traffic information and road conditions, avoid congested roads. Because it reduces the starting and stopping of cars, and goes at the speed of the economy, that means saving fuel for you. Also, many car owners will often change lanes on the road, then you not only to speed up, slow down, and driving distance is not a short distance from the line, so this is one of the reasons for the rise in oil consumption. 4. do not regularly clean the car" Oil saving Cheats: keep your body clean Conditional friends suggest cleaning the appearance of the vehicle regularly, waxing the vehicle regularly is also a good way to save oil. The maximum resistance in moving vehicles from the air, if your vehicle accident occurred the body so that it might affect the air vehicle's power has been deformed, even the subtle uplift or depression will affect fuel consumption, while the body too much soil and winter snow on the body is also the burden of the vehicle. 5. long idle speed, no flameout or frequent ignition Fuel economy Cheats: when flameout, flameout When you wait for long periods of time without moving the car, it is recommended that the owner choose to turn off the engine. We often see taxi drivers in the queue when soliciting, choose to shut down the engine to cart, in fact, this is the best way to save oil when faced with the same situation. When you wait for friends and stuck on the road could not move when it turned off the engine. Every time the engine starts, the computer will control more fuel injection, so it will definitely increase the fuel consumption of the vehicle in a period of time to start the engine frequently. And auto repair experts also said that frequent engine start, but also a kind of "car abuse" performance. 6. driving, refueling, frequent braking Oil saving Cheats: treat the throttle gently" I urge you to see in the film before the start of big feet, the way the throttle is very undesirable, after all, the parking line is not the starting line of the track. Start at regular intervals, refuel, shift gears, and save a lot of fuel after a long period of time. When driving on the road, if it is not necessary, then it is better not to frequent overtaking, uniform speed to reduce fuel consumption. In addition, master your distance with the car before, as much as possible to reduce unnecessary brake action, can also bring you oil saving happiness. 7. vehicles increase load without cause Fuel-efficient Cheats: moderate decoration to the car burden" Many just bought the car of a friend to love this kind of decorations, appearance will fall into the car, what is more it is to bring the office home and moved to the car; and blind to the car bigsurrounded, tail, winch, luggage rack will also increase vehicle fuel consumption. The vehicle fuel consumption in every increase in weight will be increased, so it is suggested that the owners of friends car decoration in a reasonable range, has entered the decorative error friends as soon as possible to the car "burden". 8. oil is not labeled as required Oil saving Cheats: add oil properly Oil viscosity is the main index of oil, such as the 15W-40 "W" winter (winter), the numbers in front the smaller the oil viscosity more dilute the better liquidity available, the lower the temperature is, the better the protection ability of the engine during the cold start; "W" behind the numbers the oil is high temperature resistance index, the bigger the better the performance of numerical protection oil under high temperature. Excessive choice of higher viscosity engine oil will increase the resistance of other engine components, both power consumption and fuel consumption. 9. withstand high speed or high gear low speed travel Oil saving Cheats: correct, timely addition and subtraction gear This can occur in the new driver in the more, many times the speed of the vehicle is already very high and you do not have a corresponding rise to block, so as the speed of the engine is more and more high fuel consumption is soaring, which you may wish to refer to the reasonable speed of vehicles and gear shifting time to choose the right. The other is the speed of the vehicle low gear still remained at a high level, the most obvious feature of this condition is the engine, the body has been started shaking and may at any time when flameout, some friends will choose to increase the throttle, and the throttle is meant rising fuel, The best solution to this situation is to reduce gears. 10. summer window full open, when the traffic jam opens the air conditioning Oil saving Cheats: timely, moderate use of air conditioning When you turn on the air conditioner in the summer, the car will naturally be comfortable, but as the engine load rises, fuel consumption also increases. When some owners think friends without air conditioning and choose to open all the windows to cool down, but the power of the vehicle in the road to open the window to increase the driving resistance even greater than the air conditioning compressor consumption, thus cooling window at low speed is desirable, and in high speed driving or open air conditioning is more cost-effective. Also, when the traffic jam, the fuel consumption will increase, and if coupled with air conditioning...... So if the traffic jam and the temperature are acceptable, it's better for the owners who want to save their oil to turn off the air-conditioning. Of course, in the actual daily use, there must be a good way out of these 10. If you have any suggestions or suggestions in this regard, you may share the oil saving experience with your friends around you.
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