

2017-09-21 30页 doc 309KB 25阅读




射频治疗仪培训内容射频治疗仪培训内容 什么是光波射频仪 电光波射频仪是一种PRT等离子射频技术,是皮肤科与美容外科结合的新一代应用于皮肤美容的高新科技,能够在表皮不需要冷却保护的情况下安全进行治疗达到提升,紧致皮肤、除皱、祛痘和嫩肤效果,并且使用于任何肤色的患者,由有经验的医师操作,可达到内似手术拉皮的效果,是取代激光光子和着通射频(冲电、双板射频+光子等)的革命性除皱技术。 电光波射频仪是改进皮肤松弛最好的非手术无创治疗方式,是一种安全性高、不会造成伤口的治疗方式,已获医学临床证实能紧致与年轻化皮肤。它独特的深层加热技术能深入皮肤的脂肪...
射频治疗仪培训内容 什么是光波射频仪 电光波射频仪是一种PRT等离子射频技术,是皮肤科与美容外科结合的新一代应用于皮肤美容的高新科技,能够在皮不需要冷却保护的情况下安全进行治疗达到提升,紧致皮肤、除皱、祛痘和嫩肤效果,并且使用于任何肤色的患者,由有经验的医师操作,可达到内似手术拉皮的效果,是取代激光光子和着通射频(冲电、双板射频+光子等)的革命性除皱技术。 电光波射频仪是改进皮肤松弛最好的非手术无创治疗方式,是一种安全性高、不会造成伤口的治疗方式,已获医学临床证实能紧致与年轻化皮肤。它独特的深层加热技术能深入皮肤的脂肪层,刺激皮肤再生新的胶原蛋白,让您的皮肤更健康、肤质更好和改善脸型轮廓。 电光波射频仪原理: 电光波射频仪设备采用了一个电容耦合电极来传送无线电波能量,并产生一个电场穿过皮肤表皮2.5mm,到达皮下脂肪的深度,加热脂肪间隔(septum)。在45万hz的高频率下,这个电场每秒钟变换极性45万次。进入皮下组织高频电波使皮肤内的电荷粒子以同样频率出现自然电阻运动,从而产生热能。 当温度达到摄氏60-70度临界点,真皮层胶原质会立即收缩,同时造成脂肪层纤维素的收缩,出现向上拉提、紧实的拉皮效果。 电波治疗后的皮肤在3到6个月变性的蛋白质还会启动身体的修复作用,而有expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 新生胶原蛋白、弹性纤维的进一步紧缩的效果 治疗探头发出的高频电波震动皮肤分子,因摩擦而产生热能(在68-72度之间),促使胶原质(胶原蛋白)收缩。同时,受到刺激的真皮层会分泌更多的、新的胶原质来填补原有胶原质收缩和流失后的空缺,从而再次托起皮肤的支架。当胶原质源源不断产生时,就会使皮肤真皮层的厚度和密度增加,填平皱纹,消除疤痕,恢复皮肤弹性和光泽,使皮肤白皙嫩滑。 电光波射频仪适应症: 1、建议18-60岁年龄段的人群,男女均可。 2、皮肤松弛人群,面部有皱纹人群。 3、可改善面部、身体部位松弛的人 电光波射频仪操作过程: 1、清洁治疗部位,约5分钟 2、在臂部置放负电极,1分钟 3、涂导电保湿凝胶,约1分钟 4、治疗,依据治疗部位不同时间不同,面部约1.5小时 5、治疗后再次洁面,约5分钟 6、做提升手法,约10分钟 电光波射频仪注意事项: 电波拉皮治疗前注意事项: 1、若治疗范围于最近半年内有注射玻尿酸、胶原蛋白,请事先告expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 知医师。 2、若治疗范围曾注射人工填充物,如硅胶,不建议进行治疗。 3、有心脏性疾病、装置有心律调整器及孕妇不建议进行治疗。 4、治疗时身上严禁佩戴任何金属物品。 5、治疗当日请勿化妆,或于治疗前清洁面部。 电光波射频仪 治疗后注意事项: 1、请加强保湿与防晒; 2、三天内请勿用热水洗脸(不超过体温的水即可); 3、三天内请暂时勿泡温泉及三温暖; 4、电光波射频后皮肤会干,属正常现象。注意补水即可。建议一周最少敷用面膜3次; 【十大功效】 拉紧皮肤收缩毛孔 整体轮廓上提收紧 皮肤光滑细腻 美白 弹性增加 去除真性、假性皱纹 淡斑 皮肤提高健康度 去痘 去黄气、让皮肤回到十年前状态 【注意事项】 1、电光波射频仪并不会影响肉毒杆菌的效果,请安心接受治疗。 2、子宫避孕器并不会影响射频的治病效果,请安心治疗。 3、若治疗范围曾注射人工填充物,如硅胶,不建议进行治疗。 4、有心脏性疾病、装有心律调整器及孕妇不建议进行治疗。 5、若治疗范围半年内有注射玻尿酸,胶原蛋白,请事先告知医师。 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 6、治疗时身上严禁配戴任何金属物品。 7、治疗当日请勿化妆,或于治疗前清洁治疗范围。 8、 【使用后的保养】 注意防晒和保湿 给肌肤更完善的保养与使效果维持更长久 保湿与防晒后续产品:抗氧化类保养品、补水面膜、美塑疗法、RHGH 电光波射频仪的优点和功效: 优点: ? 非手术;?非侵入;?不流血;?无痛;?无痕;?无创;?无须恢复期;?治疗时间短(1-10次,每次30分钟-2小时);?见效时间快(当时可以达到20%的效果,2-6个月可以达到90%的效果);?保持时间长(注:胶原蛋白产生到衰败一般是3-5年) 功效: ? 代替并超越手术拉皮;?收紧松弛的皮肤;?祛除真性、假性皱纹;?修复妊娠纹;?治疗青春痘; ?全身抗衰老(颈、背部收紧修形,胸形调整上提,腰腹周塑形,塑造臀形、腿形) 目前中国大陆唯一引进RF电波拉皮射频技术的只有本机构,它的成功引进为广大追求完美的成功人士提供了一条便捷安全的年轻化途径。 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 射频的操作祥细说明 1, 按配件按照指示图连接好{ 2, 接通好不220V电源,另打开开关。 3, 按下TIME输出的是增加或减少调节按键,设定好操作时间。{身 体为30分钟,面部为20分钟。} 4, 把负极板贴放在客人身体上,{注意要完全接好,使用中不要脱落 身体,放在客人腿部。 5, 选择好功能,面部{05M-MODE2}]或身体[0.3M—MODE],一定要按 照这个来设定,不然仪器不会工作。 6, 在做身体部位[0.3M-M0DE3]选择负压时,先设好负压的频侓和负 压的强度,[负压应由小到大,以免给客人造成烫伤]美容师操作 时,及时询问客户,所承受的压力是多少。 7, 美容师将射频用的介质或[膏霜或精油]均匀的涂到客户身上。 8, 选择操作部位{面部或身体}把适合的陶瓷探头,插到相应的工具 中。 9, 打开主页上的START/,STOPJIAN健,液晶显示屏上会有来回闪动 的条纹。 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 10, 按下P/LEVEL健,设定好输出的温度,美容师操作时及时询问客 人,及时调整温度。 11, 仪器操作完,先按下START/STOP再关掉电源。 12, 及时清理和消毒仪器及配件。下次使用时再次消毒。 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project , expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project
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