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太原市2006年国民经济和社会发展统计公报太原市2006年国民经济和社会发展统计公报 山西统计信息网 www.stats-sx.gov.cn 2007-4-5 8:16:33作者: 太原市统计局 (2007年4月3日) 2006年,市委、市政府团结带领全市人民,以科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局,认真贯彻落实中央宏观调控的各项政策,紧紧围绕“十一五”规划目标,推进经济结构调整,加大招商引资力度,促进国民经济健康发展,全市经济呈现出速度平稳、质量提高、物价较低、活力增强的发展态势,各项社会事业全面进步,改革开放向更深层次和更广领域推进,实现了“十一五”时期经济社会...
太原市2006年国民经济和社会发展统计公报 山西统计信息网 www.stats-sx.gov.cn 2007-4-5 8:16:33作者: 太原市统计局 (2007年4月3日) 2006年,市委、市政府团结带领全市人民,以科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局,认真贯彻落实中央宏观调控的各项政策,紧紧围绕“十一五”规划目标,推进经济结构调整,加大招商引资力度,促进国民经济健康发展,全市经济呈现出速度平稳、质量提高、物价较低、活力增强的发展态势,各项社会事业全面进步,改革开放向更深层次和更广领域推进,实现了“十一五”时期经济社会发展的良好开局。 一、综 合 经济总量首次突破千亿元大关。初步统计,2006年全市实现地区生产总值(GDP)1013.38亿元,比2005年增长11.5%。其中:第一产业增加值19.41亿元,下降4.0%,对GDP增长的贡献率为-0.8%;第二产业增加值475.56亿元,增长10.5%,贡献率为42.8%;第三产业增加值518.41亿元,增长13.2%,贡献率为58.0%。人均生产总值29497元,增长11.1%,按2006年平均汇率计算达到3782美元。 图1: 2000-2006年地区生产总值完成情况 of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 第三产业比重提高。三次产业比例为1.9 :46.9 :51.2。与2005年相比, 第一产业比重下降0.4个百分点;第二产业比重提高0.1个百分点,其中工业增 加值占地区生产总值的比重为37.4%,提高0.9个百分点;第三产业比重提高 0.3个百分点。 图2: 2005年、2006年一、二、三产业结构 of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 市场价格温和上涨。居民消费价格总水平比2005年上涨 1.6%。商品零售价格上涨0.6%。工业品出厂价格上涨2.0%。原材料、燃料、动力购进价格下降1.5%。 从消费价格分类指数看,呈现“五涨三降”的趋势。上涨的五类是:食品类上涨4.5%(其中粮食类上涨1.1%),烟酒及用品类上涨2.1%,家庭设备用品及维修服务类上涨2.2%,医疗保健及个人用品类上涨1.9%,居住类上涨1.1%。下降的三类是:衣着类下降0.1%,交通及通讯类下降1.4%,娱乐教育文化用品及服务类下降0.6%。 就业状况继续好转。年末从业人员166.24万人,比2005年增长3.3%,其中:城镇从业人员115.84万人,农村从业人员50.40万人。城镇新增就业14万人。5.8万名下岗失业人员实现再就业,其中“4050”人员9252人。年末城镇登记失业率为3.6%。 二、农 业 2006年夏季雨水缺少,部分县(市、区)秋粮出现减产。全年完成农林牧渔业总产值34.64亿元,比2005年下降2.6%。其中:农业产值19.81亿元,林业产值1.30亿元,牧业产值11.63亿元,渔业产值0.32亿元。 全年农作物总播种面积11.96万公顷,比2005年增加0.1万公顷,增长0.9%。粮食播种面积达到8.53万公顷,比2005年增加0.18万公顷,增长2.2%。其中:夏粮播种面积0.65万公顷,增长3.5%;秋粮播种面积7.88万公顷,增长2.0%。蔬菜种植面积2.62万公顷,增长4.1%。药材种植面积0.16万公顷,增长1.2%。 of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 1 主 要 农 产 品 产 量 产品名称 单位 2006年 比2005年增长(%) 粮 食 吨 285398 -2.2 吨 32034 3.5 其中:夏 粮 秋 粮 油 料 吨 2311 -39.9 吨 253364 -2.9 棉 花 吨 146 -47.1 蔬 菜 吨 1410280 -1.5 果 用 瓜 吨 9465 44.9 水 果 吨 35482 -38.8 表2 主要畜禽产品产量和牲畜存栏情况 产量、存(出)栏 单位 2006年 比2005年增长(%) 肉 类 产 量 吨 61322 -5.9 其中:猪 肉 吨 44881 -7.0 牛羊肉 吨 10381 -0.7 奶 类 产 量 吨 92771 -1.8 其中:牛 奶 吨 92723 -1.8 禽 蛋 产 量 吨 41762 -3.3 生 猪 出 栏 万头 60.73 -4.7 大牲畜年末存栏 万头 10.76 -5.0 猪 年 末 存 栏 万头 35.00 -3.5 羊 年 末 存 栏 万只 46.92 -9.0 全年水产品养殖面积0.33万公顷,水产品产量3121吨,增长6.4%。 全年造林合格面积1.56万公顷,比2005年增长298.6%,其中退耕还林面积0.3万公顷。全民义务植树780.25万株,零星植树341.12万株。新增育苗面积0.08万公顷。 of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 2006年末,全市拥有农业机械总动力119.09万千瓦,农业有效灌溉面积5.08万公顷,全年农用化肥施用量(折纯)24074吨,农村用电量4.71亿千瓦小时,增长3.4%。 乡镇企业较快发展。乡镇企业总产值738.22亿元,增长18.9%;增加值176.13亿元,增长18.9%;营业收入651.48亿元,增长18.5%;上交税金26.23亿元,增长14.2%。 三、工业和建筑业 工业生产增速回稳。全市规模以上(下同)工业增加值341.59亿元,比2005年增长14.6%。其中:国有控股企业完成增加值249.15亿元,增长12.5%,占全市规模以上工业增加值的72.9%。从企业隶属关系看,中央企业完成增加值53.61亿元,增长2.1%;省属企业完成增加值177.87亿元,增长19.4%;市属企业完成增加值15.83亿元,增长2.2%;县属及以下企业(含无主管企业)完成增加值94.28亿元,增长16.0%。 工业产品销售率为97.2%。其中:国有控股工业企业产品销售率为97.8%,非国有工业企业产品销售率为95.9%。 表3 工业增加值分类情况 指 标 增加值(亿元) 比2005年增长(%) 规模以上工业企业 341.59 14.6 其中: 国有控股企业 249.15 12.5 其中: 国有企业 24.42 6.0 集体企业 5.08 -5.5 股份合作企业 0.54 -5.2 股份制企业 288.17 14.6 外商及港澳台商投资企业 18.83 43.0 其他经济类型企业 4.55 5.1 其中: 轻工业 29.72 8.3 重工业 311.87 15.3 在全市34个行业大类中,增长的有27个,占79.4%。增幅较高的行业有:of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 有色金属冶炼及压延加工业增长89.6%,化学纤维制造业增长62.3%,皮革、毛皮、羽毛(绒)及其制品业增长59.5%,饮料制造业增长49.3%,金属制品业增长44.9%,家具制造业增长41.4%,木材加工及制品业增长35.6%,文教体育用品制造业增长32.5%,电力、热力的生产和供应业增长32.4%,专用设备制造业增长30.7%。 在全市统计的86种主要工业产品中,产量比2005年增长的有52种,占60.5%。 产品名称 单 位 产 量 比2005年增长(%) 原 煤 万吨 3973.2 -1.3 焦 炭 万吨 1254.2 5.8 产品名称 单 位 产 量 比2005年增长(%) 煤 气 亿立方米 73.1 20.8 发电量 亿千瓦时 199.4 33.5 生 铁 万吨 423.3 24.6 粗 钢 万吨 437.3 20.8 钢 材 万吨 543.3 25.0 十种有色金属 万吨 13.3 42.6 of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 盐酸,折31%以上, 万吨 8.6 49.0 烧碱,折100%, 万吨 15.0 7.9 合成氨 万吨 14.9 2.6 水 泥 万吨 314.1 6.6 平板玻璃 万重量箱 480.0 46.2 精制食用植物油 万吨 2.3 2.7 饮料酒 万千升 3.5 111.4 软饮料 万吨 12.1 7.2 服 装 万件 143.7 55.3 机制纸及纸板 万吨 24.9 44.6 起重设备 万吨 4.8 43.3 采矿设备 万吨 5.4 7.1 金属轧制设备 万吨 3.9 41.2 规模以上工业销售收入1016.56亿元,比2005年增长19.2%。其中:冶金、煤炭、炼焦、电力、机械、化工、建材等传统支柱产业分别实现销售收入399.48亿元、131.66亿元、110.74亿元、31.19亿元、196.32亿元、72.87亿元、23.42亿元,分别增长33.9%、12.8%、2.0%、8.8%、20.0%、13.9%、19.3%;电子信息、新材料、精细化工等新兴产业分别实现销售收入14.90亿元、20.72亿元、of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 24.40亿元,分别增长18.8%、40.4%、10.9%。 工业经济效益创历史新高。工业经济效益综合指数达到155.55,比2005年提高13.1点。实现利税120.92亿元,增长25.0%。实现利润52.97亿元,增长47.3%。在利润总额中:国有控股企业实现利润48.25亿元,增长50.6%;非公有制经济实现利润4.24亿元,增长40.5%。在全市478户规模以上企业中亏损企业108户,比2005年减少5户,亏损面由2005年的23.6%下降为22.6%;亏损企业亏损额为7.62亿元,增长12.1%。 建筑业稳步增长。全市具有建筑业资质等级的总承包和专业承包建筑业企业完成总产值532.31亿元,增长4.7%;利税总额22.72亿元,增长10.3%。房屋建筑施工面积1996万平方米,其中:实行招标投标承包工程施工面积1931万平方米,增长14.7%。房屋建筑竣工面积323万平方米,房屋面积竣工率为16.2%。 四、 固定资产投资 投资规模保持适度增长。全社会固定资产投资完成501.13亿元,比2005年增长17.8%。城镇固定资产投资完成477.61亿元,增长19.3%。在城镇固定资产投资中:中央项目固定资产投资49.92亿元,增长116.2%;省属项目固定资产投资186.51亿元,增长6.5%;市属项目固定资产投资241.18亿元,增长19.4%。 在城镇固定资产投资中:第一产业完成投资1.57亿元,增长25.4%;第二产业完成投资308.16亿元,增长18.7%,其中:工业投资完成307.09亿元,增长18.7%;第三产业完成投资167.87亿元,增长20.4%。 在第二产业投资中,黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业完成135.12亿元,增长12.9%;交通运输设备制造业完成4.99亿元,增长88.3%;通用设备制造业完成8.71亿元,增长16.0%;专用设备制造业完成13.68亿元,增长15.7%;通信设备、计算机及其他电信设备制造业完成25.24亿元,增长47.3%。 在第三产业投资中,交通运输仓储邮政业完成24.13亿元,增长171.1%;信息传输计算机服务业完成6.69亿元,增长126.8%;住宿和餐饮业完成2.99亿元,增长45.0%;公共管理和社会组织完成11.70亿元,增长90.6%。 全年房地产开发投资完成80.32亿元,比2005年增长1.1%。商品房竣工面积146.79万平方米,商品房销售额49.10亿元,其中:现房销售额20.29亿元,占41.3%;期房销售额28.81亿元,占58.7%。 of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 全年固定资产投资项目新增生产能力(或效益)主要有:新增洗煤151万吨/年,原煤开采210万吨/年,输电线路长度(11万伏以上)102公里,改建公路643公里,新建客(货)运站911.8平方米,城市道路扩建长度21.55公里,城市道路扩建面积97.49万平方米。 五、交通、邮电和旅游 全市公路线路年末里程3174公里,公路密度45.42公里/百平方公里。全年旅客、货物运输量和周转量比2005年有所提高。 表4 铁路、公路、航空运输量、周转量情况 指 标 单位 2006年 比2005年增长(%) 货物运输量 万吨 18717.1 5.7 铁 路 万吨 6063.3 -0.8 公 路 万吨 12650.0 9.1 航 空 万吨 3.8 0 货物周转量 百万吨公里 36300.2 4.1 铁 路 百万吨公里 31653.6 3.8 公 路 百万吨公里 4646.6 5.8 旅客运输量 万人次 3703.2 10.3 铁 路 万人次 1197.9 11.5 公 路 万人次 2220.9 7.2 航 空 万人次 284.4 34.0 旅客周转量 百万人公里 4966.5 7.2 铁 路 百万人公里 3558.3 8.0 公 路 百万人公里 1408.2 5.1 注:铁路运输为太原地区口径。 年末全市民用汽车保有量达到29.91万辆(包括三轮汽车和低速货车6168辆),其中私人汽车18.41万辆。年末轿车保有量12.27万辆,其中私人轿车8.93万辆,比2005年增长58.7%。 邮电通讯业快速发展。全年完成邮电业务总量63.29亿元,比2005年增长17.0%。新增市内电话交换机10.2万门,总容量达181.09万门。年末市话到达of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 175.93万户,增长3.5%,其中:无线市话43.75万户,增长6.1%;农话到达9.6万户,增长16.8%。移动电话用户251.80万户,增长32.4%。每百人拥有电话125部,增加13部。计算机互联网实际使用用户46.89万户,增加6.25万户,其中:宽带网用户41.15万户。 旅游业快速发展。全年共接待海内外游客1533.13万人次,增长8.1%。其中:国内游客1520.35万人次,增长8.0%;海外游客12.78万人次,增长26.7%。在海外游客中:外国人8.7万人次,香港同胞2.3万人次,澳门同胞0.3万人次,台湾同胞1.5万人次。全年旅游总收入109.62亿元,增长36.2%;国内旅游收入105.45亿元,增长36.1%;旅游外汇收入0.52亿美元, 增长40.8%。 六、 能 源 全社会能源工业投资共完成77.09亿元,比2005年增长23.3%。其中:煤炭工业投资35.52亿元,增长38.8%;电力工业投资31.53亿元,增长13.4%。一次能源生产折煤3189.51万吨,比2005年下降11.1%;二次能源生产折标准煤4728.08万吨,增长9.8%。 全年外输煤炭3423.37万吨,比2005年下降0.6%;外输焦炭1306.85万吨,增长38.8%。矿区煤炭资源回采率比2005年提高2.1个百分点。 七、 国 内 贸 易 消费品零售市场稳中趋旺。全年社会消费品零售总额436.47亿元,比2005年增长13.7%。其中:城市消费品零售额418.40亿元,增长13.7%;县、县以下零售额分别为7.31亿元和10.76亿元,增长22.0%和7.7%。 分行业看:批发零售贸易业零售额393.78亿元,增长13.6%;住宿餐饮业零售额39.02亿元,增长14.9%;其他行业零售额3.67亿元,增长9.1%。 限额以上批发零售贸易企业实现零售额153.1亿元,比2005年增长19.2%,在全社会消费品零售总额中所占比重为35.1%,比2005年提高1.7个百分点。 八、 对外经济贸易 进出口总额创历史新高。全年地区外贸进出口总额41.12亿美元,比2005年增长22.0%。其中:出口额24.26亿美元,增长14.6%;进口额16.86亿美元,增长34.3%。 出口产品结构有所好转。地区出口主要产品为煤炭、焦炭、金属镁、不锈钢板材,四类产品的出口额占地区出口总额的59.1%。煤炭出口额3.50亿美元,下降of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 28.4%;焦炭出口额4.54亿美元,下降23.7 %;金属镁出口额1.83亿美元,增长5.6%;不锈钢板材出口额4.46亿美元,增长幅度达到179.8%,占地区出口总额的比重由2005年的7.5%上升为18.4%。机电产品出口继续保持强劲走势,机电产品出口4.28亿美元,比2005年增长55.8%,占地区出口总额的17.7%。 从出口市场看:出口的国家(地区)共166个。对韩国、日本、德国、美国、印度、澳大利亚、比利时、巴西、俄罗斯、台湾等十个国家或地区的出口占70%。 市属外贸进出口额达到7.10亿美元,比2005年增长9.0%。其中:出口额4.03亿美元,增长5.8%;进口额3.07亿美元,增长13.5%。市属外贸进出口额占全地区的比重为17.3%。 招商引资取得突破性进展。2006年香港、上海经济合作洽谈会共签约项目108个。其中:“港洽会”项目44个、“沪洽会”项目64个;外资项目38个、内资项目70个。签约项目总投资419.64亿元人民币和38.43亿美元。截止2006年末签约项目中有到位资金的项目51个,到位资金折人民币32.24亿元。全年外商及港澳台商直接投资新签合同(协议)首次突破百项关口,达到107项,比2005年增加64项。项目总投资10.56亿美元,增长117.2%;直接到位外资1.38亿美元,增长73.4%。 九、财政、金融和保险 财政收入继续较快增长。全市完成财政总收入192.19亿元,比2005年增长17.9%。其中:市级财政完成118.89亿元,增长20.3%;县(区)级财政完成73.30亿元,增长14.1%。完成一般预算收入75.33亿元,增长32.3%。 图3: 2000-2006年财政总收入完成情况 of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 财政支出结构进一步优化。全年执行一般预算支出95.42亿元,增长32.8%。其中:支援农业生产支出增长26.3%,基本建设支出增长16.9%,水利和气象支出增长16.5%,科技支出增长35.2%,教育事业费支出增长30.4%,医疗卫生支出增长11.5%,抚恤和社会福利救济费支出增长23.7%,社会保障补助支出增长82.5%,公检法司支出增长14.3%,文体广播事业费支出增长27.0%。 金融存贷款增长平稳。截止2006年末,全市金融机构本外币各项存款余额3152.64亿元,比年初增长22.5%;本外币各项贷款余额2371.06亿元,比年初增长11.7%。人民币各项存款余额3096.57亿元,比年初增长22.3%。人民币各项贷款余额2315.34亿元,增长12.4%。在人民币贷款中,中长期贷款余额1257.85亿元,增长18.1%;短期贷款余额782.08亿元,增长3.5%。全年金融机构现金收入4679.68亿元,比2005年增长4.2%;现金支出4540.71亿元,增长4.1%;净回笼货币138.97亿元,增长6.9%。 保险市场快速发展。保险企业承保总额达到5228.02亿元,比2005年增长52.0%;全年保险业务收入32.95亿元,增长20.1%;保险赔款给付支出6.23亿元,增长23.8%。 十、 城 市 建 设 城市建设取得新进展。完成了长风大街东延和体育路改造工程,11条小街小巷的拓宽改造工程完工。机场大道建设前期工作就绪,滨河东路南延进展顺利。汾河治理美化二期北段工程全面开工。天然气入并工程建成丈子头门站。玉门河公园、河西热源厂、采煤沉陷区综合治理等重点工程进展顺利,完成了城市生活垃圾焚烧发电工程。 2006年,全市用电总量144.97亿千瓦小时,比2005年增长14.9%;城乡of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 居民生活用电11.28亿千瓦小时,增长7.8%,城乡居民人均生活用电323.26千瓦小时。 城市公共供水能力86.3万立方米/日,供水水质综合合格率100 %。全市人工煤气供气总量58621万立方米,液化石油气供气总量32255吨。城市集中供热面积6686.6万平方米,集中供热普及率为80.7%。 城市道路长度1768公里,道路总面积2357万平方米,人均道路面积8.7平方米。全市共有公交车辆2149辆,标准运营车辆为1968标台,万人拥有公交车辆7.26标台,公交运营线路网长度596公里,年客运量31811万人次。全市共有出租汽车8292台。 投入运行的污水处理厂8座,日设计处理能力为50.6万立方米/日,城市污水处理率64.3%。全年清运生活垃圾84万吨,无害化处理量67.2万吨,城市生活垃圾无害化处理率达80%。 截止2006年末,全市共有公园40个,公园面积1629公顷。建成区绿化覆盖面积7342公顷,园林绿地面积6343公顷,公共绿地面积2270公顷。建城区绿化覆盖率37.3%,绿地率32.2%,人均公共绿地8.38平方米。 十一、 科学技术和教育 科技事业进一步发展。全市共有独立科研机构107所,工作人员1.44万人,全年安排科技发展项目202项,技术市场共登记技术合同75项,合同金额9026.87万元。全年共申请专利1458件 ,比2005年增加355件。每10万人专利申请数达到42项,比2005年增加10项;研究与开发经费占地区生产总值的比重为1.05%,比2005年提高0.15个百分点;高新技术产业增加值占地区生产总值的比重为5.4%。年末全市每千人拥有计算机208.8台,增加22.8台。 截止2006年末,高新区、经济区、民营区共有入区企业3178家,比2005年增加1031家,全年实现科工贸总收入729亿元,增长31.5%。 气象服务水平提高,在古交市建成9个单雨量自动监测站,完成古交、清徐、阳曲3个全要素自动监测站安装,并顺利进入试运行。全年实施飞机及地面火箭、高炮人工增雨作业10余次,为抗旱减灾、改善环境发挥了作用。 教育水平进一步提高。年末共有高等院校32所,其中:高职院校21所。招收本科、专科学生82677人,比2005年增加4558人,在校学生262756人,增加17444人;中等专业学校31所,在校学生90960人;技工学校(包括技工部)54所,在校学生31951人,增加1089人;普通中学247所,在校学生225768人,of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 增加3306人;职业中学22所,在校学生15457人;947所,在校学生316665人;幼儿园814所,在园儿童83085人。 学前教育进一步巩固。全市幼儿园入园率保持在90%以上,城区达到95%;新增三星级以上优质幼儿园18所,总数达253所,占到全市幼儿园总数的31%。义务教育均衡发展,全市小学学龄儿童入学率达100%,巩固率达104%;初中生入学率达99.6%,巩固率保持在98.9%。启动了“百校兴学”工程,清徐县、小店区通过山西省“实施义务教育标准化建设达标县”验收,全市通过验收的县(市、区)达5个。普通高中学校招生24917人,中等职业学校招生38292人,普高与中职招生人数比为1 : 1.5 。高中阶段毛入学率为86.2%。 教育信息化建设取得新进展。教育系统已建成标准化校园网180个,多媒体教室2200套,农村远程卫星接收系统510套,装备标准化电子监控考场1500个。学校计算机总数已达3.4万台,师机比达6?1,生机比达20?1。信息技术开课率中学达100%,城市小学达100%,农村小学达60%。 十二、文化、卫生和体育 文化事业稳步发展。年末全市共有各类艺术表演团体16个,演职人员1635人。群艺文化馆12个,博物馆3个。全地区各类单位公共图书馆馆藏图书4290.4万册。其中:公共图书馆344.1万册,学校图书馆3407.4万册,社区图书馆27.8万册,企事业单位图书馆511.1万册。全市每万人公共馆藏图书达到12.5万册。国家综合档案馆11个,馆藏档案资料55.6万卷(册)。广播电台2座,节目11套,中、短波广播发射台和转播台1座。电视台2座,节目11套,一千瓦以上电视发射和转播台4座。全市广播人口覆盖率为98.7%,电视人口覆盖率为99.1%。打造精品力作,繁荣舞台艺术,一批贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众的作品问世,新创《傅山进京》、《宰相范睢》、《烂柯山下》、《击釜雷鸣》等7部戏剧作品;加工修改《风雨行宫》、《三关点帅》等10部作品;移植恢复《大脚皇后》、《赵氏孤儿》等16部作品;新编、更新了《相约太原》、《远情》、《太原百姓说太原》等歌舞、曲艺、杂技类节目20余部。 医疗卫生事业进一步巩固。全市共有医疗机构3305个,实有医疗床位23116张。每千人拥有医疗床位7张。各类专业卫生技术人员32186人,其中:执业医师11924人,执业助理医师1026人,注册护士11634人。每千人拥有医生4人。城乡公共卫生体系进一步完善,社区卫生服务网络覆盖率达到81.5%。生育工作进一步加强,符合政策生育率达96.4%。在全市10县(市、区)开展了新型农村合作医疗,覆盖率达到100%;实际参加合作医疗的农民有84万人,参合率达到84.4%。县乡村三级医疗卫生机构达标率为49%。 体育事业取得新成绩。竞技体育蓬勃发展,在全省第十二届运动会上,我市of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 运动员获得金牌370枚、银牌181枚、铜牌157枚的好成绩,总分7199分,金牌数和总分均居全省第一。健身设施有所改善,全市人均公共体育场馆面积达到0.91平方米,比2005年增加0.05平方米。安装全民健身器材的社区达到422个。群众性体育活动丰富多彩,以“全民健身与奥运同行”为主题,举办了元旦万人长跑、汾河冬泳节、新春体育节、市直机关广播操比赛、贺龙杯中国业余篮球公开赛太原赛区比赛、九九重阳节登山比赛等一系列丰富多彩的群众性体育活动,掀起了全民健身热潮。全市学生体质健康标准合格率为95%。 十三、 资源、环境和安全生产 全年降水量371.5毫米,比2005年增长10.6%。全社会用水量5.81亿立方米,增长1.6%。其中,生活用水增长2.0%,工业用水增长4.6%,农业用水下降3.2%。万元地区生产总值平均耗水57.33立方米,比2005年下降10.5%。全市人均用水量为166.57立方米。耕地保有量为191.19万亩,森林覆盖率为13%,比2005年提高1个百分点。 环境保护工作取得新进展。2006年,全市开展以控制结构性污染、削减污染物排放总量、调整燃料结构、遏制扬尘污染为重点的环境治理工作,实现了经济增长、污染减排。 实施战略转型,设定“绿色高压线”。全年环保部门共办理各类建设项目环保审批571项,建成环保示范工程10个,否决了41个不符合产业政策或选址不当的建设项目,关停取缔小焦化、小化工、小炼铁等土小污染企业168家。 发展循环经济,推进清洁生产。实施了19项重点污染治理工程和一批循环经济示范项目,发展了10个清洁生产型企业和10个工业废水零排放企业。工业污染治理总投资达到12.7亿元。 整治落后燃煤设施,调整燃料结构。全年拆除燃煤锅炉496台,其中343台更新改造为电、气、油锅炉及型煤专用锅炉。新建成6平方公里高污染燃料禁燃区,全市高污染燃料禁燃区面积已达到23平方公里。 开展综合整治,全方位控制扬尘污染。对城区345处卫生死角进行全面清理,对市区周边的煤堆进行集中清理整顿,对500余个建筑工地开展环境整治,维护破损道路面积35万平方米,填补掘路面积2.6万平方米,集中销毁超期服役、尾气超标排放的机动车1135台。 实施城市生态建设,推进“蓝天碧水”工程。积极开展生态示范区和环境优美乡镇创建工作,清徐县国家级生态县规划修编、晋源区生态示范区建设都取得新进展,小店区西温庄乡、尖草坪区马头水乡被命名为省级环境优美乡镇。of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 汾河上游7.4公里引黄导流明渠整治全部完成。 经过努力环境质量进一步改善。全年二氧化硫排放量比2005年下降13.3%,化学需氧量(COD)排放量下降2.8%。主要污染物排放总量下降15%。市区二级以上空气质量天数达到261天,比2005年增加16天。 全年生产安全事故死亡313人,比2005年下降14.2%。亿元GDP生产安全事故死亡人数为0.31人,下降22.5%;煤炭生产百万吨死亡率人数为1.02人,下降43.0%;全年共发生火灾2102起,道路交通事故1573起。 十四、人口、人民生活和社会保障 据2006年人口抽样调查,年末全市总人口344.27万人。其中:城镇人口279.06万人,乡村人口65.21万人;男性人口174.48万人,女性人口169.79万人,性别比为102.76 : 100。 人口继续保持低速增长。全年出生人口2.77万人,人口出生率为8.05‰,比2005年下降0.66个千分点;死亡人口1.35万人,死亡率为3.93‰;全年净增加人口1.42万人,自然增长率为4.12‰,比2005年下降0.15个千分点。 表5: 2006年人口主要构成情况 指 标 年末数(人) 比重(,) 全市总人口 3442663 100.0 其中:城镇 2790612 81.1 乡村 652051 18.9 其中:男性 1744827 50.7 女性 1697836 49.3 城乡居民收入较快增加。全年城镇居民人均可支配收入11741元,比2005年增长12.1%。城镇居民人均消费支出9157元,比2005年增长17.3%。在人均消费支出中:食品类支出2639元,增长9.4%;衣着类支出1116元,增长6.4%;家庭设备用品及服务类支出679元,增长60.5%;医疗保健类支出878元,增长37.8%;交通及通信类支出1248元,增长65.6%;教育文化娱乐服务类支出1415元,下降0.6%;居住类支出968元,增长13.0%;杂项商品与服务类支出of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 214元,下降14.3%。 全年农民人均纯收入达到4917元,比2005年增长11.7%,农民人均生活消费支出2826元,增长8.7%。城镇居民与农村居民收入比为2.39 :1。 图4: 2000-2006年城镇居民人均可支配收入、 农民人均纯收入情况 城乡居民储蓄增长。截止2006年末,城乡居民储蓄存款余额1183.95亿元,比年初增长15.5%。其中:城镇居民储蓄存款余额1107.91亿元,增长16.5%;农村居民储蓄存款余额76.04亿元,增长2.0%。 城乡居民居住条件进一步改善。全年城镇住宅施工面积199.27万平方米, 比2005年增长34.4%,住宅竣工面积462.69万平方米。城镇居民人均住房建筑面积为23.60平方米。农村新建住宅建筑面积117.10万平方米,农村人均住房面积为29.59平方米。 人民生活得到较好保障。城镇基本社会保障覆盖率达到80%,比2005年提高1个百分点。全市参加养老保险人员61.6万人,参加失业保险的人员73万人,参加生育保险的职工47.2万人,参加基本医疗保险的人员已达85.6万人。of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 城市居民最低生活保障工作继续加强,城市低保覆盖人口达到8.09万人;全面实行农村最低生活保障,5.33万农民享受了政策待遇。 社会福利事业不断完善。年末全市城镇共有各种社区服务设施786个,社区服务中心10个;各类福利院72所,床位1508张,收养1142人;农村特困救济户数为6324户,其中:五保户3736户,农村临时救济人员15166人次;为困难群众发放救济款702.9万元,比2005年增长35.7%。 注: 1、本公报数据为初步统计数据。 2、地区生产总值及各产业增加值指标绝对数按现价计算,增长速度按可比价格计算。 of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine
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