

2017-10-14 5页 doc 45KB 12阅读




买房之后的花费清单买房之后的花费清单 根据保险信息研究所的报告,2006年平均每栋独立住宅的房屋保险费是804美元。相比于 2005年增幅了5.2%。根据近些年来相关机构收集到的数据,这项支出中可能还要包括一 些其它的额外费用。(还有就是,保险费用其实每年都在上涨) 如果你要住在你的房子里的话,你就必须支付电费,水费,暖气费,制冷费和下水道相关费 用。而且美国各地的价格各不相同,大概预计平均全年在数百美元的样子。 // 除非你能自己去埋根网线,否则你就必须为能够连上网而服务费。这些价格在美国都是不同 的(或高或低取决于你选择的带宽或服...
买房之后的花费清单 根据保险信息研究所的,2006年平均每栋独立住宅的房屋保险费是804美元。相比于 2005年增幅了5.2%。根据近些年来相关机构收集到的数据,这项支出中可能还要包括一 些其它的额外费用。(还有就是,保险费用其实每年都在上涨) 如果你要住在你的房子里的话,你就必须支付电费,水费,暖气费,制冷费和下水道相关费 用。而且美国各地的价格各不相同,大概预计平均全年在数百美元的样子。 // 除非你能自己去埋根网线,否则你就必须为能够连上网而服务费。这些价格在美国都是不同 的(或高或低取决于你选择的带宽或服务),但预计这三项费用加起来应该在100-150美 元之间。 / “如果最坏的事情有可能发生,那么它一定会发生。”这就是著名的墨菲定律,但在这儿也许应称为“房主定律。” 那就是: 当你拥有一个家时,里面的东西,迟早会打破或需要更换。 因而你也要为修理工准备好备用资金,以应对意外费用和紧急情况。哪怕他只是过来检查检 查(更不用提真正坏了需要维修时的费用),也要价不菲。 让一个家保持干净整洁也是需要钱的。比如购买吸尘器(和它保持工作良好的维修费用), 加上购买那些日常清洁必须物诸如真空袋,海绵,纸巾和清洁剂的额外费用。就算你坚持绿 色环保注意,只用醋加上水和自己的老抹布去清洁,可醋还是你的东西,你依然需要还钱买 醋和更换抹布。 / 如果你想雇人来给你的庭院作清洁,预计每个星期约为80美元以上。如果您不希望平整草坪的话,预计则是20到40美元周。 // 一旦你购买了一个房子,毫无疑问你会想把它装饰得漂亮点。你会需要修理一下花园,给家 里添几把椅子,搭个小阳台什么的。但一个房间的家具并不便宜 - 如果你想买新的家具(一个房间套)话可能需要数百美元,而添加一个小天井到您的后院页则可能花费数千元(这一 项花上6,000元至8,000元并不是什么新鲜事,这取决于天井的材料和风格,特别是当你想 让它看起来不那么难看时)。 如果你住在一个有业主协会( homeowner's association / HOA)的社区,您还必须支付业主协会费用。这些费用的高低由业主协会来决定,从100美元到几百美元一个月不等。 The real costs of home ownership The true costs of owning a home can be staggering for a first-time homeowner. In addition to the expenses you might expect (like your mortgage) other costs, like maintenance and utilities, can run up the bill. Here's a list of what you can expect to pay beyond the traditional mortgage and property tax bills. Homeowner's insurance In 2006, the average yearly premium in homeowner's insurance was $804, according to the Insurance Information Institute. That's an average increase of 5.2% from 2005. You can expect that premium to be higher now, since it's been a few years since the institute collected their data. (Plus, insurance premiums almost always go up.) Utility bills When you own a home, you'll have to pay for electricity, heating, cooling, water and sewer. While utility prices vary widely across the U.S., you can expect to pay hundreds of dollars for these services throughout the year. Internet/cable/phone bills Unless you drop your land line and go Internet- and cable-free at home, you'll have to pay for these services as well. Prices for these vary across the U.S. (and can be higher or lower, depending on the level of the plans you carry), but expect to pay at least $100 to $150 a month for all three. Repair/maintenance costs They call it Murphy's Law, but perhaps it should be called "Homeowner's Law." When you own a home, something is bound to break or need replacing. And when repairmen charge a fee just to take a look at a problem (not to mention the cost of fixing it), a homeowner should always hold at least some cash in reserve to cover unforeseen expenses and emergencies. Cleaning supplies Keeping a home clean costs money. There's the expense of buying a vacuum cleaner (and keeping it in good repair), plus the extra cost of purchasing cleaning must-haves like vacuum bags, sponges, paper towels and cleansers. Even if you go green and just use vinegar and water and old rags to clean, the vinegar still costs you something and you may want to re-use and wash those rags (at your expense). Lawn maintenance/cleaning services If you'd rather bring in a cleaning service, expect to pay about $80 a week or more. If you don't want to cut the lawn, either, expect to throw in an extra $20 to $40 a week. Decorating/furnishing/landscaping expenses Once you purchase a home, no doubt you're going to want to furnish and decorate it. You may also want to improve the landscaping or add a deck or patio. Furnishing just a single room doesn't come cheap -- think a few hundred dollars if you buy new -- and adding just a small patio to your backyard could cost a few thousand dollars ($6,000 to $8,000 isn't unheard of, depending on the style of the patio and the materials) if you bring in a professional. Homeowners' association fees If you live in a community with a homeowner's association (HOA), you'll also have to pay homeowners' association fees. These fees vary according to where you live and the services offered by the HOA, but they can run from less than $100 a month to several hundred dollars monthly. That hurts.
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