
《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕

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《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 这个故事发生在 This story begins in a secret place 丛林深处的秘境之中 hidden deep in a forest. 这是个蓝精灵 That is a smurf. 我们都叫他笨笨 We call him clumsy. 这是我们的村庄 And this is our village, ...
《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕
《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 这个故事发生在 This story begins in a secret place 丛林深处的秘境之中 hidden deep in a forest. 这是个蓝精灵 That is a smurf. 我们都叫他笨笨 We call him clumsy. 这是我们的村庄 And this is our village, 居住着形形色色的蓝精灵们 where there's a smurf for just about everything. 就像乐乐 Like jokey. 嘿 这有个礼物送给你 Hey, here's a present for you. 啊 Ah! 噢 萌萌 你真容易受骗 Oh, gullible smurf, you're so gullible. 实际上 我是想给你这个来着 Actually, I meant to give you this one. 哇哦 谢了 Wow! Thanks! - 九六 九七 九八 九九 一百 - 这- ...96, 97, 98, 99, 100. - Here's hefty. 是健健 然后这是 And over here is... 现在 接下来是单指做俯卧撑 Now, for the one-fingered pushup. 一 二 三 One, two, three... 快看这个呆子模样的蓝精灵 Meet nerdy smurf. 再说一遍 Excuse me? 抱歉聪聪 开个玩笑 Sorry, brainy. Just kidding. 奇奇 Nosey. 好了 让我们看看这边发生了什么 Hmm. Well, what's going on over there? 这是惊惊 Paranoid smurf. 赢赢 Winner. 哼 Hmm. 输输 Loser. 道道 Karate smurf. 哈 Hyah! 灵灵 美美 农农 绘绘 培培 Handy. Vanity. Farmer. Painter. Baker. 魔魔 潜潜 警警 医医 Magician. Scuba. Policeman. Therapist. 有时候我就觉得自己挺蓝(忧郁)的 Sometimes I just feel blue. 甚至还有吃桌子的蓝精灵 There's even table-eating smurf. 噢 嗨 Oh, hi. 对 我们对他真的不是很了解 Yeah, we're not too sure about him, either. 然后还有就是我 蓝爸爸 And then there's me, papa smurf. 你可以把我当村长 I sort of run this place. 但是这个故事不是关于我的 But this isn't a story about me. 喔 Whoa... 也不是笨笨 Or clumsy. 或者他们 Or any of them. 这是关于一个我们村里唯一个女孩的It's about the only girl in our village. 故事 蓝妹妹 Smurfette. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 1 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 嘿 清清 Hi, laundry smurf. - 你好啊 蓝妹妹 - 大家好呀 - Howdy-do, smurfette. - Hey, guys. 但是蓝妹妹的身世 But that's not the only thing 并没有那么简单 that's different about smurfette. 她是邪恶巫师格格巫 She was created by the evil wizard, gargamel. 用黑魔法创造出来的 Using dark magic... 他用了一块粘土捏出了蓝妹妹 ...he made her from a lump of Clay. 现在 去把蓝精灵村庄找出来吧 Now, go and find smurf village. 幸运的是 我对魔法也略知一二 Luckily, I knew a little magic of my own. 但最终还是有个问 But there was still one problem. 蓝妹妹的名字并没有告诉我们她能干Smurfette's name doesn't tell us anything about her. 啥 好 物理现象就是 Okay, the physics are... 她的名字也没有告诉我们她是谁 It doesn't tell us who she is. Hyah! - 高跟鞋 - 或者她擅长什么 - High heels. - Or what she does. 所以 蓝妹妹到底是谁 So, what exactly is a smurfette? 让我来告诉你 她就是个失败的烘焙师 Well, let me be frank. She's a rubbish Baker. 让我们来瞧瞧 蓝妹妹 Let's see. Smurfette. 蓝妹妹 妹妹 妹 Smurfette, smurfette, smurfette. 嗯 上面并没记载 Huh. It's not here. 好吧 蓝妹妹就是"蓝"和"妹妹"的组合 Well, smurfette is a combination of a smurf and an ette. 但"妹妹"又能说明什么呢 But what's an ette? 蓝妹妹 她嘛 她是个 Oh, uh, yeah. Smurfette, well, she's... 她是最棒的 She's the greatest. 那是世上最奇妙的生物 The most wondrous creature on earth. 是的 你就是 Yes, you are. 蓝妹妹 Smurfette... 哦 我想到了 Oh! I got it. 这就是那些永恒问题的其中一个 This is one of those eternal questions 我们永远永远也不会知道的 that we'll never, ever know the answer to. 等等 她在我后面吗 Huh? Wait, she is? 你觉得她听到了吗 Do you think she heard me? 那么 蓝妹妹究竟是什么意思 So, what is a smurfette? 没人比蓝妹妹自己更渴望得到答案 No one wanted that answer more than smurfette herself. 你在干嘛 What are you doing? 噢 Oh. 嘿 厌厌 我只是在 Hey, grouchy, I was just... 走人嘛 Leaving? 这是我的长椅 This is my bench. 每天我都定时定点的来到这 然后我 I come here same time every day, and I... 噢 让我猜猜 你就在这"发牢骚"对吧 Ooh. Let me guess. "And grouch." 正是如此 Exactly. 我也能 发牢骚 I can do that. I can grouch. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 2 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 嗨 厌厌 蓝妹妹 真是个好天气啊 Hi, grouchy. Hi, smurfette. Nice day, huh? 不 压根就不是 No, it's not. 马上就要下雨了 It's gonna rain! 实际上这也对植物生长有好处 Which actually helps the plants grow. 不过马上也要乌云滚滚了 好好想想吧But also means it's gonna be cloudy, so, chew on that. 你 其次 之后也可能会有彩虹 Then again, there might be a rainbow. 不过彩虹很蠢 But rainbows are dumb. 开玩笑的 我爱彩虹 Just kidding. I love rainbows. 呃 Ugh. 你根本不精于此道 我说的没错吧 You're not very good at this, are ya? 不 我根本不会 Uh, no, I'm not. 实际上 你的牢骚还很烂 In fact, you're actually kind of bad at it. 对 Yup. 你发的牢骚也很烂 But you're also bad at it. 假的 That's a lie. 你真的真的很在行 You're really, really good at it. 嗨 聪聪 Hi, brainy. 啊 蓝妹妹 谢天谢地你在这 Ah. Smurfette. Thank goodness you're here. 我正准备 呜哦 I was... whoa! 呜哦 我们可以对我的新发明进行实验Whoa. We're running trials on my new invention. 了 蓝精灵技能探测器 The smurfy thing finder. 测试对象 健健 Test subject, hefty smurf. 噢 嘿 蓝妹妹 Oh, hey, smurfette! 我的意思是 I mean, uh... - 嗨 蓝妹妹 - 喔 嗨 - Hey, smurfette. - Oh, hey. 这玩意很安全 对吧 That thing's safe, right? - 这安不安全 - 肯定啊 - Is it safe? - Of course. 如果我是你的话我就躲在这后面 I'd get back here if I were you. 智能拍拍虫 Snappy bug. 记录开始 蓝精灵技能探测器实验 版Take this down. Smurfy thing finder trial 1.03. 本1.03 准备好了吗 健健 Ready, hefty? 收到 Roger that. 喔噢 成功了 Whoa! It works! 喔噢 这玩意真懂我啊 Wow. This thing really gets me. 它能显示出健健的显性性状 It's able to hone in on hefty's dominant trait. 超级力量 Super strength. 我也提取到了这个 Which I distill into this. 我叫他聪聪的超级蓝精灵能量药水 I call it brainy's super smurfy power fuel. 来 你先来试试看 Here, you can try it first. 清场 All clear! 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 3 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 对 你看 每次当你说清场的时候 Yeah, you see, when you say things like "All clear," 就会让我立马打消 it makes me not want to... 噢哦 嗨伙计们 Whoa! Hey, guys. 嗨 笨笨 Hi, clumsy. 你马上就要见证到科学史上的奇迹了 You're just in time to witness scientific history. 喔 这都发生了什么 Oh. What's going on in here? 不管你的事 奇奇 None of your business, nosey. 呵 好吧 Hmm. Well, all right. 嘿 如果这顶蔬菜帽能告诉我们健健很Hey! If that vegetable hat can tell us that hefty is 强壮 strong, 它或许就能告诉我"妹妹"是什么 maybe it can tell me what an ette is. 启动吧 聪聪 Power it up, brainy. 噢 Whoa. 真是不可思议 Fascinating. 发生了什么 What happened? 不知怎么 与其说你散发能量不如说你Somehow, instead of sending energy out, you absorbed 吸收了它 it. 有可能这样跟事实有关 Probably something to do with the fact 说明你可能是个 that you're not a real... 假的蓝精灵 直说吧 我可以接受 A real smurf? Go ahead, you can say it. 不不我的意思是 No, no, I just meant that 这个机器不是为你这类蓝精灵所打造this machine wasn't built for a smurf of your, well, 的 你这种出生的 origins. 嗯 哦 我懂了 Yeah, it's okay. I get it. 聪聪 Brainy. 嘿 你知道吗 我们大家一起出去玩吧 Hey, you know what? Let's all go have some fun. 好 Yeah! - 披萨 - 滑蓝板 - Pizza! - Smurfboarding! 滑蓝板 Smurfboarding! 马上就好 阿兹猫 It's almost ready, azrael. 少许蛤蟆的便便 A pinch of newt poo. 一克牦牛脚趾间的石化真菌 A gram of calcified fungus from between the toes of a yak. 以及一块自打从上周就留在内裤里的And a piece of cheese I left in my underpants last week. 奶酪 这些应该就够了 That ought to do it. 嗒哒 Presto! 12颗球状石化术模块 Twelve spherical petrification modules. 或者 我喜欢叫它们 急冻球 Or, as I like to call 'em, freeze balls. 不用谢阿兹猫 晚饭好了 You're welcome, azrael. Dinner is served. 不要拉倒 Ingrate. 除此之外 这些球可不是用来抓老鼠的 Besides, these freeze balls aren't for catching mice. 都是为了抓那些东躲西藏的蓝精灵 They're for capturing those elusive smurfs. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 4 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 我的圣杯啊 My holy grail. 就像彩虹尽头的黄金 The gold at the end of my rainbow. 世上最有魔力的物质 The most potent magical ingredient in the world. 下一页 Next slide. 想像一下100只蓝精灵的魔力组合在Imagine the power in 100 of them combined. 一起 我翻山越岭 How I've searched high and low, 翻开过每一块石头 under every rock, it seems, 都看不见他们的踪影 with no sign of them anywhere. 现在不是时候 阿兹猫 我演讲正讲到Not now, azrael. I'm in the middle of a lecture. 一半呢 我的计划很简单 My plan is simple. 找到蓝精灵村 将他们一网打尽 Find smurf village, capture all the smurfs, 榨干他们每一滴魔力 drain them of their magic 最后 用这些魔法来成为 and, finally, use that magic to become 世界上最强大的巫师 the most powerful wizard in the world! 噢 看看有头发时意气风发的我 Oh, look at me with hair. 干嘛 What? 为什么你一开始不早说 Why didn't you say so in the first place? 蓝色的小鬼火 Blue blazes! 我发现丛林里竟然有蓝精灵 I've spotted smurfs in the forest! - 是从我的望远镜里发现的 - 蒙提 - Well, it's my telescope. - Monty! 来 我气势凌人的老鹰 Come, my majestic eagle. 你的爪子勾进我的肩膀了 Your talons are digging into my shoulders. Ow! 噢 好多了 Oh, that's better. 现在 去吧 Now, fly. 去帮我抓些蓝精灵回来 Go capture me some smurfs. 不 不 No, no! 不 你飞错方向了 No, you're going the wrong way! 哈 哈 Ha-ha! 噢 不 Oh, no. 到我了 My turn! 安全第三 Safety third. 噢 天 Oh, boy. 哇哦 Whoa! 哇哦 哇哦 哇哦 哇哦 Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa! 哇哦 Whoa! 哇哦 哇哦 哇哦 Whoa, whoa, whoa! 哇哦 耶 Whoa! Yeah! 喔 Wow! 她真是迷死人不偿命啊 是不是 Really takes your breath away, doesn't she? 太不可思议了 This is incredible! 哇哦 哦 Whoa. Oh... uh-oh. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 5 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 啊 哦 不 NHuh? Oh, no! 她快要飞到 She's getting way too close 禁忌森林那边去了 to the forbidden forest. 她可不能越过那个围墙 快走 She can't go over that wall. Come on. 哇哦 不 Whoa! Oh! 不 不 不 等等 哦 不要跑 No, no, no, wait. Don't go. 等下 你是谁啊 别害怕 Wait. Wait, who are you? Don't be afraid. 嘿 那里是禁止进入的 Hey, you can't go in there. 蓝妹妹 蓝妹妹 - Smurfette! - Smurfette! 蓝妹妹 你还好么 Smurfette, you okay? 怎么了 怎么了 What happened? What happened? 我看见了一个蓝精灵 I saw a smurf. 啥 那是谁呢 What? Who was it? 我也不知道啊 但是我捡到了他的帽子 I don't know, but he was wearing this. 蓝妹妹 蓝色警报 Smurfette! Code blue! 伙伴儿们 快跑啊 Guys, come on. 我们得去救她 We've gotta get her. 对此我有种不好的预感 I have a bad feeling about this. 噢 是吗 Oh, do you? 你觉得那个巨型秃鹰 Does it have to do with the giant vulture 会把蓝妹妹带到格格巫的城堡去吗 carrying our friend off to gargamel's lair? 蒙提 我的威猛神鹰 Monty, my regal raptor. 你做到了 你逮到了一只蓝精灵 You've done it, you've caught a smurf. 亲一个嘛 Give me a kiss. 终于 你带回了我梦寐以求的东西 Finally, you bring me what I've been asking for. 光膀子的蓝色小东西...怎么是你 A tiny, blue-skinned, shirtless... you! 放我出去 你个变态巫师 Let me out of here, you smurf-obsessed wannabe wizard. 哦 你怎么能这么称呼 Oh, is that any way to talk to the man 把你带到这个世界上来的人呢 who brought you into this world? 我觉得你更应该叫我"爸爸" I'd prefer it if you just called me "Papa." 痴心妄想 I would never call you that. 随你咯 Your loss. 那是什么 你藏了什么东西 What's this? What are you hiding? 快交过来 你这个冒牌蓝精灵 Hand it over, you pseudo-smurf. 谢了 阿兹猫 Thank you, azrael. 哼 Hmm. 我们找到了什么 What do we have here? Hmm... 帽子款式不一样吗 对 当然 我早就看A different design? Yes, of course, I noticed that right 出来了 away. 反正肯定比你早 Slightly before you did, in fact. 你从哪里得来的 Where did you get it? 我一个字也不会告诉你 I'm not telling you anything. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 6 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 - 快说 - 不 Tell me. No. - 快说 - 不 Tell me! No! - 你最好告诉我 - 不要 You better tell me. No! - 好 那别说了 - 我不会说的 Fine. Don't tell me. I won't. 愚蠢的激将法从没有奏效过 Stupid reverse psychology never works. 无所谓了 我已经拿到了这个 Who cares? You've already given me what I need. 阿兹猫 我们走 Come along, azrael. 啊 那些配料我都放哪里了 Ah, where on earth did I put those ingredients? 噢 我明白了 先向左 再向右 Oh, I know this. Go left, then right, 再来个后手翻 然后落地 back handspring, stick the landing. 你是说一个人 一本书 还是一部电影 Is it a person, book or movie? 没人懂你的那些手势 健健 No one ever understands your hand signals, hefty. 哎 算了 你们跟着我吧 别跟丢了 Ah, never mind. Just follow me and stay close. 蠕虫的赘肉配上猫的毛发 Wart of worm and hair of cat. 请告诉我这顶帽子的主人是谁 Show me the home of this smurf hat. 就是你一直在寻找的蓝精灵 Long have you searched for these creatures of blue. 但是是来自另一个地方的蓝精灵 But this hat comes from somewhere new. 好的 在哪里 它们来自哪里 Yes. Where? Where does it come from? 蓝精灵村庄 一个充满了魔法的地方 A village of smurfs, where enchantment grows. 噢 有一整个村子的蓝精灵吗 太好了 Oh. An entire village. Good. Go on. Go on. 继续说 它的位置是 The location of which... - 在哪里 - 无人知晓 Yes? ...Nobody knows. 不 你早怎么不说 你应该一开始就说"No! Just start with that. Start with "I don't know." 我不知道" 你这口讨厌的破烂锅 Lousy cheap-o cauldron. 噢 Ow! 但是现在有一条线索 But here is a clue. 好极了 这什么东西 Fascinating. But what is it? 是树吗 Trees? 这一定是个什么标志或者代码 Must be a symbol for something, or a code. 树木 树 风 膝盖 婴儿在膝盖上爬行 Trees, trees, breeze, knees. Babies crawl on their knees. 查查附近所有的保姆 Check all the nurseries in the area! 看来我们得打扮成婴儿才行 We're going to need to disguise ourselves as babies. 现在 我去哪里搞一片超大号尿片呢 Now, where can I get a giant diaper? 阿兹猫 这不是你的地图 Azrael, it's not your map. 你也想要地图吗 You want your own map, 我帮你弄一张吧 但是这个是我的 we'll get you your own map, but this is my... 等下 看我发现了什么了 Wait a minute. Look what I found. 三棵大树 就在禁忌森林里 Three tall trees, in the forbidden forest. 我们还从没去那里找过呢 We've never searched there before. 我是个天才 I'm a genius. 嘿 Psst. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 7 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 阿兹猫 看来我们要出趟远门了 Azrael, it's time to take a road trip. - 嘘 - 我要去准备干果了 - Shh. - Prepare my trail mix. 噢 蓝妹妹 多亏了你 Oh, smurfette, congratulations. 是你让我 You've just led me 又找到了一群新的蓝精灵 to an undiscovered population of smurfs. 它们都不知道我的存在 They have no idea we even exist. 到时候我会像这样 I'll be like... 而他们一定会说 噢 不 They'll be all like, "Oh, no!" 然后我就会 And I'll be like... 然后他们就会说 不 快跑啊 - And they'll be like... - "Run! No! 跑 跑 跑 "Run, run, run!" 你这个邪恶的小天才 You evil little genius. 毕竟虎父 The rotten apple doesn't fall too far 无犬子嘛 from the tree after all. 对吧 Does it? 好好准备下 伙伴们 Get your fur and feathers in gear, boys. 我们天亮就出发了 We leave at first light. 吃过早饭 大概八点或者八点半 最迟Right after breakfast, say 8:00, 8:30. 9:00 at the latest. 不超过九点 - 等一下 聪聪 地图 - 我来搞定 Wait, brainy, the map. I'm on it. 好吧 也许九点半吧 绝对不能超过十Fine, maybe 9:30. Absolutely no later than 10:00, 点了 though. 怎么回事 What the... 蓝妹妹越狱了 快快快 It's a jailbreak! Go, go, go! 他们知道我的计划 他们会毁了它的 They know my plans. They'll ruin everything! 这玩意靠谱吗 Is this safe? 这弓太大了 所以我猜不太靠谱 Well, it's a giant crossbow, so I'm gonna go with "No." 别让他们跑了 Don't let them escape. 啊 Aah! 安全带在哪里 Where are the seat belts? 抓住他们 抓住那些蓝精灵 Get them! Get those smurfs! 发射 Fire in the hole! 抓住那些蓝精灵们 Get those smurfs! 阿兹猫快追上来了 Azrael's gaining on us. 秃鹰也来了 Incoming bird! 这下有的疼了 不要啊 This might hurt. No! 啊 Huh? 快来 走这边 Come on. Smurf this way. 快跑啊 快跑 Run faster! Run faster! 为什么我们没有大长腿 Why are our legs so short? 为什么我们的脚这么大 Why are our feet so big? 为什么我肌肉这么发达 Why are my muscles so big? 你够了啊 健健 Really, man? 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 8 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 伙伴们 伙伴们 救命啊 Guys! Guys! A little help here. 它来了 It's coming. 好了 没事儿了 Yes! All right! 好的 你们四个 Well, I know four smurfs 谁能解释下 这到底是怎么回事 who have some explaining to do. 哦 完蛋了 嗨 Oh, boy. Hi. 哦 天啊 爸爸 你不会相信发生的这一Oh, my gosh. Papa, you will not believe it. 切的 我们进入了禁忌森林 We ran into the forbidden forest. 一个个说 一个个说 One at a time. One at a time. 好了 好了 Please. Please. 蓝妹妹看见了一个神秘的蓝精灵 Smurfette sees this mystery smurf. 我们必须再去趟禁忌森林 We have to go to the forbidden forest. 我已经告诉你们很多次了 I've told you time and again, 禁止踏入禁忌森林 the forbidden forest is forbidden. 你们现在说的什么地图 And now you're talking about maps 神秘蓝精灵 还有格格巫的城堡 and mystery smurfs and gargamel's lair. 跟你们有什么关系呢 None of this makes any sense, 我真是不明白 and I really don't understand 这么简单的你们都遵守不了吗 why you can't follow simple rules. 就因为你们偷跑出去 才会碰到这么多You snuck out and it put you all in danger. 危险 为了确保你们的安全 我看我必须要惩Seems to me the only way I can keep you safe is if... 罚你们 你们被禁足了 You're grounded. - 禁足 不 不要这样 - 禁足 这可不Grounded? No, not grounded! What? No way! 行 但是 爸爸 但 别这样嘛 But, papa, but... Come on! 没有"可是" No "Buts." 从现在起没有我的允许 None of you are to take one step out of your mushrooms 你们不许踏出房门半步 明白了吗 without telling me where you're going. Do you understand that? - 你是对的 爸爸 - 哈 什么 You're right, papa. Huh? What? 哈 你是对的 Huh? You're right. 我也不知道我们是哪根筋搭错了 I don't know what we were thinking. 好的 Uh, good. 因为 就如我所说的 Because, as I was saying, 你们这样对待自己太不负责任了 you behaved completely irresponsibly. 是的 没错儿 Yes. Right. Exactly. 完全同意 是吧 小伙伴儿们 I couldn't agree more. Right, guys? 呃 对 对 对对对 Uh... yeah, right. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. - 你到底在说什么啊 蓝妹妹 - 好吧 What are you talking about, smurfette? Okay. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 9 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 很好 那么 另外 Yes, so... And furthermore... 所以 我觉得我们要马上回家 In fact, I think we should all go to our rooms right now 闭门思过 and think about what we've done. 好吧 我认为 Well, I think that's... 有点难受 但是这是公平的 Tough, but fair. - 走吧 伙伴儿们 - 好的 好的 Come on, guys. Okay, okay. - 好了 我们走了 - 你到底怎么了 Okay, I'm moving. What's your endgame here? 你是哪根筋搭错了吗 蓝妹妹 Did you get pecked on the noggin, smurfette? - 其实 蓝妹妹 - 别担心 爸爸 Actually, smurfette... Don't worry, papa. 我们一定会好好闭门思过的 We are certainly going to do some thinking about what we did. 反省自我 And so forth. 而且我们一定不会踏出房门的 But we will definitely not be leaving our rooms 直到我们认识到自己的错误为止 until we've thought this whole thing out. 而且 为了更好的反思 And then, just for good measure, 我们还会多自省几天的 we'll think about it some more. 好的 但 Yes, but... 完美的谈话 爸爸 Great talk, papa. 呃 Huh. 搞不懂这些孩子到底在想什么 I have no idea what I'm doing. 健健 我知道是你 Hefty, I know that's you. 你好 蓝妹妹 'Sup, smurfette? 聪聪 Brainy. 你咋知道的 How did you do that? 我猜 笨笨也来了吧 And, I assume, clumsy. 哇哦 Woa-oh! - 我没事 - 你们怎么都来了 All good. What are you guys doing out here? 我们觉得你有事儿瞒着我们 We knew you were up to something. 都是我的错 健健 This is all my fault, hefty. 但是蓝妹妹 你要去禁林吗 But, smurfette, the forbidden forest? 太危险了 It's too dangerous. 我得去给那里的蓝精灵报信 I have to at least warn that lost village. 我们是蓝精灵四人组 我们必须一起行Well, we're team smurf, and we stick together. 动 所以 我们要和你一起去 So, we're coming with you. 你们不必如此 I can't ask you to do that. 不用你开口 You didn't ask. 我们自己想去的 We volunteered. 谢谢你们 Thanks, guys. 言归正传 First things first. 哇哦 虫虫黑科技啊 真酷 Wow! Bug technology. Cool. 如图所示 我们应该 According to my map, we should be standing 穿过眼前这堵又高又长的石墙 right in front of this very large, tall stone wall. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 10 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 好好看看 Check. 我们的一小步 蓝精灵族的一大步 One small step for four small smurfs... 好了 继续前进 Okay. Let us proceed. 蓝妹妹 你还好吗 蓝妹妹 Smurfette! You okay, smurfette? 乖花花 乖花花 Nice flowers. Nice flowers. 花花真不乖 Not nice flowers! 笨笨呢 Where's clumsy? 嘿 我们才见一次 我不是那种随便的Hey! We just met! I'm not that kind of smurf. 蓝精灵 小心别滚下去 Watch out for the steep embankment. 笨笨 你还好吗 Clumsy, you okay? 我眼冒金星了 I'm seeing stars. 啊 Whoa. 哇 哇哦 Ooh. Wow. 好样的 笨笨 Good work, clumsy. 你可能发现了一种新型飞虫 You may have discovered a new subspecies of flying insectoid. 太神奇了 有翼喷火插翅亚目 Amazing! A winged, fire-breathing anisoptera. 嗯 让我看看 我们应该给它们归为哪Mmm, let's see. How should we classify this? 一类呢 嗯 也许 Hmm, maybe. 我的意思应该是那一类 但是我还不能I mean, seems like an easy choice, but I'm just not sure. 肯定 是的 我们叫他们龙蜻蜓吧 Yeah, okay, let's go with "Dragonfly." 但愿蜻蜓属性多于龙的吧 Hopefully more "Fly" Than "Dragon." 不 放我下来 放我下来 Nope! Less "Fly"! Less "Fly"! 啊 兄弟们救我 Whoa, guys! 我没事 I'm okay. 帮我一把 A little help here. 蒙提 你给我下来 Monty, get off of me. 我讨厌大自然 I hate nature. 这花真丑啊 How gaudy. 嗯 哇 哇 Hmm? Ow, ow! 阿兹猫 别傻看着 Azrael, do something! 痛死爹了 It's quite painful. 别笑了 这不好玩 Stop laughing. This is not funny. 小心 Watch it! 放开我 Let me go! 哎呦 Ouch. 嗯 这些巢是用 Hmm. These nests are made of some material 一些我从未见过的材料做的 I've never seen before. 哇哦 Whoa! 我受够了 You know, I think I've had enough 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 11 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 这些横冲直撞的大蜻蜓 of these flying antipastos for one day. 嘿 Hey! 你在这里干嘛 What are you doing here? 好吧 我正想在这里安个家 Well, I was thinking of getting a little place out here. 丛林里更安静一点 Just a quiet place in the forest. 山上风太大了 It's a little breezy up on the hill. 你们觉得我来这儿能干嘛 What do you think I'm doing out here? 你们别想找到那座精灵村 格格巫 You are never going to find that village, gargamel. 蓝妹妹 多亏了你的帮忙 Oh, smurfette, if it wasn't for you, 我可不知道还有别的蓝精灵 I wouldn't even know about those other smurfs. 抓住他们 Get 'em, boys. 分散逃跑模式 走 Smurfintine formation! Go! 嘿 Hey! 分散逃跑 Smurfintine! 抓住他们 阿兹猫 分散 Get 'em, azrael! Smurfintine! 分头跑 分头跑 Smurfintine! Smurfintine! 哦 Ow! 分头跑 Smurfintine! 嘿 小不点你叫笨笨是吧 Hey, you. You're the clumsy one, right? - 什么 - 接住了 - Huh? - Think fast. 我接住了 I caught it! 情况不妙 This isn't good. 笨笨 把蛋还给他们 好的 Clumsy, give 'em back their egg! Okay. 哦 拜托 Oh, come on! 笨笨 Clumsy! 我正在努力 I'm trying! 哇 Whoa! 对不起 对不起 大家伙 I'm really, really sorry, guys! 到那边 Over there! 我不是故意要拿你们蛋的 I didn't mean to poach your egg. 哇 Whoa! 哈哈 他们变成烧烤了 Well, they're toast. 啊 没事了 Ah, it doesn't matter. 损失几只蓝精灵而已 What's a few worthless pennies 还有一整个村子的蓝精灵在等着我 when there's a pot of gold at the end of my rainbow? 相信我 他们死定了 Trust me, they're goners. 我跟你说 他们已经变成烤肉串了 I'm telling you, they've been fried to a blue crisp. 他们就是蓝精灵考薯片 They're smurf kabobs. 一点渣都不剩了 Smurfberry flambe. 毛都不剩 Marshmallows. 闭嘴 脏毛球 他们死定了 Can it, fuzzball. They're dead. 死翘翘了 Dead, I say! 有人吗 Hello? 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 12 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 蓝妹妹 Smurfette? 回声 Echo! 太黑了 Darkness. 这么黑我适应不了 I don't do well in the darkness. 大白天我的麻烦就已经够多了 I have enough trouble in the daylight. 等下 大家伙 我们得找条路出去 Hold on, everyone. We need to find a way out of here. 你可真聪明呀 "智多星" That is good thinking, "Brainy." - 兄弟们 - 太黑了 - Guys? - Darkness! 别怕 想想开心的事情 Don't be scared. Just... Just think happy thoughts. 现在可不是什么有趣的时候 It's not really happy times right now! - 呆在光底下别动 笨笨 - 太晚了 - Just stay in the light, clumsy. - Too late. 我正堕入无边黑暗 I'm walking into the darkness! 你在 为什么 What are you... why? 我要吓尿了 伙计们 I'm really freaking out, you guys! 都别说了 伙计们 Stop, everyone. 掏掏你们的背包 Okay, go into your backpacks, 拿出隧道生存应急工具箱 get out your emergency tunnel survival kit, 里面有个小玻璃瓶 上面写着"照明" find the small glass vial marked "Light," 然后使劲摇晃它 and shake it really hard. 笨笨 你怎么样了 Clumsy? How you doing? 我觉得我没事了 Okay, I guess. 冷静点笨笨 Just hang tight, clumsy. 我不知道这个能坚持多久 I'm not sure how long this will take 我们要在这里走多久 or how long we'll be down here, 所以伙计们 不管你们干什么 so, everybody, whatever you do, 不要一口气把自己食物吃完 don't eat all your rations. 我刚吃完我的口粮 I just ate all my rations! 笨笨 我一紧张就想吃东西 Clumsy! I'm stress-eating! 我过来了 笨笨 I'm coming, clumsy. 跟着我的声音 Follow the sound of my voice. 等等 这些隧道像是迷宫一样 Wait! These tunnels are like a maze. 我们不能乱走 We'll just get more lost. 总不能什么都不做啊 We gotta do something. 我同意 我们应该采取行动 I'm with her. Time for some action. 我们不应该乱跑 We're doing this all wrong. 蓝妹妹 Smurfette! -我离你很近了 笨笨 - 就在你旁边 - I'm close, clumsy. - Almost there. 只是回音在作怪罢了 That's just the echo playing tricks on us. 有人吗 我在这里 Anybody? I'm here. 我就在拐角这边 I'm here right around this corner. 嘿 伙计们 Hey, everybody? 我的光要用完了 My light is going out. 我受够了 我看只能武力解决了 That is it! I'm punching us out of here. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 13 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 塌方了 It's collapsing. 健健 你想害死我们吗 快把拳头收回Hefty! Put those fists away before you get us killed! 去 但至少我努力过 At least I'm trying something. 我来实施爆破 I'm gonna blow us out of here! No! - 真棒 - 别 - Oh, yeah! - Don't! 太晚了 Too late! 笨笨 Clumsy? - 嘿 蓝妹妹 - 笨笨 - Hey, smurfette. - Clumsy! 等等 我来了 笨笨大兄弟 Hang on. I'm coming, clumsy bro. 我抓住你了 小家伙 I got you, little buddy. 超速了 Stampede! 我感觉我快吐了 I think my rations are coming up. 怎么了 有什么好笑的 What? What's so funny? 我把这称之为"用屁股说话" Now, that's what I call "Talking out of your butt." 哦 伙计们 Oh, boys. 有人对出现在我们视野内的 Would anyone be interested in knowing 三棵大树感兴趣吗 that we're in sight of three tall trees? - 好吧 - 有 - All right. - Yeah, we are. 有兔子在我们的速度也快了 And bucky is gonna get us there extra fast. - 快快兔 - 在我看来叫快快兔正好 Bucky? Seems like a bucky to me. 快跑 快快兔 Hit it, bucky! 蓝妹妹 Smurfette? 你不要说话 我先听我说 Before you say anything, just listen. 我知道昨天我可能 Now, I know yesterday I might have been 对你和男孩们有点过分 a bit tough on you and the boys, 有时候我的保护欲会有点强 and I know there are times I'm a little overprotective. 好吧 我太过于护犊子了 Okay, a lot overprotective. 但是你们要理解 你们不能就那么溜出But you have to understand, you snuck out. 去 行事需谨慎才对 You have to be more careful. 蓝妹妹 我知道你可能没意识到 Smurfette, I know lately you may not realize, 是我说的不够清楚 但是你 and I may not say it enough, but you are... 你是我的阳光 You shine. 那么无论怎么说 我们和好吧 So, anyway, we're smurfy? 我想你和男孩们在屋子里呆的够久了 I think you and the boys have been grounded long enough. 蓝妹妹 Smurfette? 好吧 我开门了 Okay. I'm opening the door. 我现在想进来和你再聊聊 And I'm walking in to talk more. 你在吗 You there? 蓝妹妹 Smurfette. 健健 Hefty! 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 14 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 聪聪 Brainy! 笨笨 这扮相才太不走心了吧 Clumsy! Oh, that's not even convincing. 等我找到这些蓝精灵 When I find those smurfs, 我要让他们闭门思过一个月 I will ground them for a month of blue moons. 哦 这边什么情况 Oh, what's going on in here? 嗯 好吧 Hmm. Well, all right. 哇哦 你们见过这么漂亮的东西吗 Wow. Have you ever seen something so beautiful? 天天见 蓝妹妹 每天都能见到 Every day, smurfette. Every day. - 别跟个智障一样 - 你才智障呢 - Don't be weird. - You don't be weird. 今晚我们可以在这露营 We can camp here for the night. 我来生火 I'll start us a fire. 给我找点木头 行吗 健健 Uh, fetch me some firewood, would you, hefty? 你不会加个"请"字吗 Um, a "Please" Would be nice. 对 加上请比较好听 但是我还没获得Yes, it would, but I haven't earned my manners badge, 懂礼貌徽章呢 所以 给我找点木头去 so get me some firewood. 笨笨 你还好吗 Clumsy? You okay? 嗯 当然好 真有意思 Yeah, sure. It's been fun. 好吧 也没到精彩绝伦的程度 但是还Well, not tons of fun, but it's had its moments. 是有点乐趣的 某种程度上 Kind of. 你知道我什么意思 You know what I'm trying to say. 其实并没有那么有趣 It hasn't been that much fun. 干得好 健健 你真棒 Well done, hefty. Well done. 好 第一步 All right, step one, 把木头堆成圆锥形 the wood should be stacked into a tepee-like structure. 第二步 用打火石互相碰撞 然后 Step two, I tap this flint with a rock and... 你根本没在吹 You're not even blowing on it. 你在往木头上吐口水 You're spitting on it. 噢 奇了怪了 Hmm. That's odd. 健健 你找的木头可能受潮了 Perhaps the wood you collected was damp, hefty. 手册上说 立马就能点着 According to my manual, it should spark right up. 嘿 我有个主意 Hey, I've got an idea. 不 不 不 不要 不 不 不 不 不 不 No, no, no. No, no! No! No, no, no. No, no, no! 不 不 哦 哦 哦 你知道吗 你说得对 小聪Oh, oh, oh... You know, you're right, brain man. 明 你的书真好用 Your little book does come in handy. 真可耻 没有这本书 我们会迷路的 Shame. Shame on you. We'd be lost without this book. 我叫聪聪 我智商超群 My name is brainy. I'm super smart. 我是个聪明的蓝精灵 I'm the smart smurf. 但是我不会生火 But I can't start a fire. 还好 没烧坏 装订还很结实 Okay, the damage is minimal. The binding's still intact. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 15 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 闻起来不错 It smells good. 大家想想 Just think, guys. 用不了多久 After all this time, 我们能完成目标 while we've been going about 回到精灵村的时候 our smurfy business back home, 就会有其他蓝精灵了 跟我们一样 there's been other smurfs out there, just like us. 也许跟我们完全不同 Or they could be nothing like us. 他说得对 不管他们是什么样的 我们He's right. We should be prepared for whatever we find. 都得接受 那些精灵可能都不是蓝色的 Those other smurfs might not even be blue. 可能是橙色的 Maybe they'll be orange. 哈 我喜欢橙色 Ah. I like orange. 要是他们都带着眼镜呢 What if they all wear glasses? 或者满脸浓密的胡子 Or have big, bushy mustaches. 要是他们长满鳞片 呲嘴獠牙呢 What if they have scaly skin and sharp teeth? 还有巨大的爪子 和瞪得圆溜溜的眼睛 And giant claws. And big, beady eyes. 要是他们有手呢 What if they have hands? 可以啊 兄弟 Good one, bro. 听着 他们长什么样不重要 Listen, it doesn't matter what they look like. 重要的是我们得提醒他们 We still have to warn them. 格格巫根本不了解我 Gargamel's wrong about me. 我不是为了帮他 It's not my purpose to help him. 我是为了救那些精灵 I'm meant to save those smurfs. 还有 我们会帮你 And we're gonna help you. 我们是蓝精灵小分队 这个任务我们一We're team smurf, and we're in this together. 起完成 我说"一起" 是指我和你 And by "Together," I mean me and you. 还有这俩 但是主要是我跟你 And those guys. But mostly me and you. 好 各位 蓝精灵自拍时间到 Okay, everyone. Smurfy selfie time. 一起喊 "蓝茄子" Say, "Blue cheese." 蓝茄子 Blue cheese! 哇啊 Whoa. 地图上显示 According to the map, 我们会遇到一条河 we should be arriving at a river. 没错 Check. 哇 哇哦 Wow. Whoa. 我俩眼都不够用了 It's like a workout for my eyeballs. 好的 快快兔 看看你能游多快吧 Okay, bucky, let's see how fast you can swim. 驾 Hyah! 哇哦 哇哦 Whoa! Whoa! 上啊 快快兔 Come on, boy. 你可以的 You can do it. 就是条小河而已 What's a little water? 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 16 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 嘿 Hey. 嗯 哼 Uh-huh. 你想说什么 快快兔 What's that, bucky? 这条河不安全 The river's unsafe 每个弯道都隐藏着危险 and full of dangerous surprises at every bend? 不 我没看出来有什么危险的 No. I didn't get any of that. 可能是荧光兔不会游泳 Perhaps glowbunnies don't swim. 那太糟糕了 看来得浪费不少时间了 That's too bad. We'd get there so much faster. 别灰心 勇敢的蓝精灵小分队 Fear not, my intrepid team smurf. 我可是有造筏荣誉徽章的 I didn't earn this raft-building merit badge for nothing. 大功告成 Boom! Nailed it. 太棒了 聪聪 Impressive, brainy. 来 Here. 噢 Ooh. 时髦又实用 Stylish and practical. 现在 准备出发 Now, let's launch this bad boy. 等下 记住 这条诡异的河 Wait. Remember, this strange river 可能藏着危险 may hold untold surprises. 我们必须谨慎小心 We must be cautious. 小心 说得对 Cautious. Good point. 准备推... 等下 And heave... Wait. 水流变化多端 The currents can be unpredictable. 我们必须打起精神 提高警惕 We must be alert and vigilant. 警惕 有道理 Vigilance? Good call. 来 倒数三 二 再等下 Now, on three, two... Wait! 我们必须确保时刻 We must make sure we always... 吧 吧 哔 邦 Bark, bark, bing, bang! 注意 嘣 嘣 哔 邦 Pay attention to the... Bong, bong, bing, bang! 水流速度 Rate of speed of the... 波 波 哔 邦 嘣 嘣 Berp, berp, bing, dang, bong, bong! 好了 出发吧 Okay, and we are off. 推 吼 Heave-ho! 哇啊 Whoa! - 再见 快快兔 - 谢谢你 - Bye, bucky. - Thanks for your help. - 别担心 我们会没事的 - 拜 快快兔- Don't worry, we'll be fine. - Bye, little bucky bro. 兔 {\an8}Hasta pronto:西班牙语 "再见" - 再见 兔兔 - 等我们回来 - Hasta pronto bunny. - See you on the way back! 嘿 这是什么 Hey. What is this thing? 如果我是你就不会动它 I wouldn't touch that if I were you. 哦 现在我满脑子都是动它了 Oh. Now all I want to do is touch it. 照这速度 格格巫肯定赶不上我们 At this pace, gargamel doesn't stand a chance. 看 沿着这条河走 我们就能到达目的Look. If we follow this river, we'll be right on course. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 17 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 地 准确到达目的地 哈 Right on course. Huh? 找到终极宝藏 To the end of our rainbow. 蓝精灵 你们竟然没死 Smurfs? I thought I left you for dead. 坚持住 小分队 Hang on, smurf crew. 追上去 Gun it! 什么 What the... 不 No. 哇啊 别再搞破坏了 Whoa! Stop ruining things. 那可是我的专利 Ruining things is my thing. 什么 What? 阿兹猫 给我找个大点的棍儿 Azrael, get me a bigger stick. 哇哦 Whoa! 哦 天啊 Oh, dear. 笨笨 拉那个杆儿 Clumsy, pull the lever! 你确定 你不刚说不让动吗 这是个阴Seriously? But you said not to. Is this a trick? 谋吗 快拉 Pull it now! 哦 不 Oh, no. 哇哦 Whoa! 哇啊 哇啊 Whoa, whoa... 哈 这是什么 Huh? What's this? 啊哈 阿兹猫 Aah! Azrael! 想想办法啊 停不下来了 Do something. It's never gonna stop. 让这木头停下来 这条河快呛死我了 Make the log stop spinning. This river is killing me. 哇哦 哇哦 Whoa, whoa! 当心 Look out! 哇哦 哇哦 Whoa! Whoa! 我爱你们 I love you two. 太棒了 我们成功了 成功了 Yes! We did it! We did it! 看吧 我一直都说我们能成功 击个掌 See, I always believed we would do it. Take that! 救命 救命 Help! Help! 好的 我们并没有偏移路线 All right. We're still on course. 加快速度 健健 Double-time it, hefty. 救命 我要沉下去啦 求求你们了 我害Help! I'm sinking! Please. I'm afraid of turtles! 怕乌龟 嗯 伙伴们 他在搞啥名堂 Uh, guys, what's he up to now? 救命 别管他 Help! Forget that guy. 我的猫不会游泳 My cat can't swim. 我们得帮他 We gotta help him. 你疯啦 为什么帮他 Are you crazy? Why? 因为这是我应该做的 Because it's what I do. 听他的 Listen to him! 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 18 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 但是他是我们的死敌 But he's our sworn enemy. 他是个不折不扣的大坏蛋 He is literally a villain. 我会做个好人的 I can change! 而且我袖子上有颗闪耀的红心呢 好吗 And I literally wear my heart on my sleeve, okay? 那是你的肩膀 不是袖子 That's your shoulder, not a sleeve. 我喜欢你的纹身 I like your tattoo! 我们得救他 We're doing this. 蓝妹妹 你劝劝他 Smurfette, talk some sense into him. 聪聪 我比任何人都讨厌格格巫 但是Brainy, I hate gargamel more than anyone, but we're 我们是蓝精灵 smurfs. 我们要做正确的事 We do the right thing. 感谢上帝 Thank goodness for it! 我们得救他 And we have to save him. 我只想郑重声明 I just want to go on record 我坚决反对这个决定 that I'm decisively against this. 不管咋的 我们得救他 Whatever. We're doing it. 真是个好主意 Sounds awesome! 用这个 抓住 Use this. Grab on! 不知道这样做对不对 I don't know about this. 你不会后悔的 You won't regret it. 哦 谢谢你们 谢谢 真是有爱的蓝精灵 Oh, thank you. Thank you. Such a kind smurf. 你还好吗 哦 我没事 Are you okay? Oh, I'm okay. 湿透了 有点累 灌了点河水 Wet, a little tired, kind of waterlogged. 多谢关心 但是 Thanks for asking, but... 我还是个坏蛋 所以 I'm still evil, so... 享受溺水的快感吧 Enjoy drowning. 但愿你们都是游泳健将 Hope you're better swimmers 你们对巫师品性可真不了解 than you are judges of wizards' character. 哇哦 哇哦 Whoa! Whoa! 聪聪 健健 Brainy. Hefty? 你还好吗 You okay? 你说的好是什么意思 Define "Okay." 笨笨呢 笨笨 Where's clumsy? Clumsy! 笨笨 笨笨 笨笨 Clumsy! Clumsy! Clumsy! 我还好 I'm good. 快跑 快跑 嘿 Run away! Run away! Hey. 我觉得 I think. 我的背包 我的手册 不要啊 不 不 不 My pack! My manual! No! No, no, no! No, no, no! 不 不 不 我的冒险手册 My scout manual! 都是你的错 This is all your fault! 什么 聪聪 别说了 What? Brainy, cut it out. 哦 对不起 更正 错也有你的份儿 蓝Oh, I'm sorry. Correction. This is your fault, too. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 19 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 妹妹 别指责她 Leave her out of this. 健健 我不用你帮我 Hefty, I don't need you to fight my fights for me. 稍等 现在连你也生我的气吗 Wait, now you're mad at me, too? 蓝妹妹 你是那个 Smurfette, you're the one 将我们置于窘境的罪魁祸首 that got us into this whole mess in the first place. 拜托 我当初是打算自己来的 Hey, I was ready to do this on my own. 很好 蓝精灵小队真是一片"祥和" Great. So much for team smurf. 我想大喊大叫 I want to yell about something! 边儿去 笨笨 Stay out of this, clumsy. 怎么说话的 聪聪 That's it, brain man. 你是时候好好学习礼仪了 It's time for you to earn your manners badge. 住手 Stop it! 快找掩护 Take cover! 哇 Whoa! 呃 Huh? 你们是谁 你们想干什么 Who are you? What do you want? 要她 Her. 啊 Huh? - 过来 - 蓝妹妹 - Move. - Smurfette! 我们该怎么处置她呢 What should we do with her? 看她的头发 Look at that hair. - 她是从哪儿来的 - 看她的裙子 - Where's she from? - And that dress. 是你 It's you. 你是个女孩子 You're a girl. 她是个女孩子 She's a girl. 哇 Oh. 哇 Oh. 哇哦 Oh. 是她 This is her. 她就是我之前和你们说的蓝精灵 This is the smurf I was telling you about. 墙内来的那个蓝精灵吗 The one from the wall? 真的是她吗 She's real? 我是蓝莉莉 I'm smurflily. 你好 我是蓝妹妹 Hi. I'm smurfette. 我的天哪 我是蓝花花 Oh, my geez-to-petes! I'm smurfblossom. 很高兴认识你 我们这里没有蓝妹妹 Nice to meet you. We don't have a smurfette. 但我们有蓝瓣瓣 蓝三叶 But we do have smurfpetal, smurfclover, 蓝草草 蓝雏菊 蓝冬青 蓝榛榛 smurfmeadow, smurfdaisy, smurfholly, smurfhazel... 你好 Hey. 自我介绍还是稍后再来吧 Oh, everyone can just introduce themselves later. 瞧瞧你 你真是与众不同 Look at you. You're so different. 抱歉冒犯了 但这是大实话 I mean, sorry, but it's true. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 20 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 你知道如何生火吗 Do you know how to start a fire 只用绳子和树枝哦 with just rope and a stick? 我知道哦 我演示给你看 I do. I can show you. 事实上 蓝风暴能给你演示 Actually, smurfstorm can show you. 她可是个高手 对吧 蓝风暴 She's the best at that kind of thing. Right, stormy? 这意思是 没错 That means "Yes." 你见过彩虹吗 Have you ever seen a rainbow? 双彩虹见过吗 What about a double rainbow? 倒彩虹呢 见过吗 What about an upside down rainbow? 你最喜欢的歌是这样的吗 So, is your favorite song... 它是我最爱的歌哦 你的裙子好漂亮 'Cause mine is. Your dress is so pretty. 蓝花花 记得修理过滤器 知道吗 Smurfblossom, remember, work on that filter, okay? 对对 过滤器 Right. Filter, filter. 你们来这儿有何贵干 What's your deal anyway? 我们是来提醒你们 提防格格巫的 Oh, well, we came to warn you about gargamel. 格格 格格 Garga? Garga? 格格啥 Garga-what? 他是危险的巫师 想抓走所有的蓝精灵 He's a dangerous wizard who wants to capture all smurfs 以此增进他的黑魔法 and use them for his evil magic. 他知道你们的神秘村 And he knows about your lost village. 神秘村 "Lost village"? 你才是神秘兮兮那个 不是我们 You're the ones who are lost, not us. 我们得带你去蓝精灵果园 We have to take you to smurfy grove. 我们怎么处理这群软不拉几的蓝色玩What do we do with these blue blobs? 意儿 呃 我想想 Oh, um... 带他们过来 Bring them along. 来吧 蓝妹妹 给你看我的房间 Come on, smurfette. I'm gonna show you my room. 你可以告诉我格格巫的所有事 You can tell me all about gargasmell. 但首先 你想再听一遍我最爱的歌吗 But first, do you want to hear my favorite song again? 好了 动起来 All right, move. 见鬼了 Dang! 女孩子真是麻烦 Girl smurfs mean business. 你说的没错 You got that right. 把门打开 Open the gate! 姑娘们回来了 The girls are back! 哇 你在哪儿找到他们的 Ew! Where did they find them? 他们是哪儿不对劲呀 Is there something wrong with them? - 他们生病了吗 - 他们是食物吗 - Are they sick? - Are they food? 不 他们是蓝精灵 和我们一样 No, no, no. They're smurfs, just like us. 不同之处是 他们是男孩子 Except, well, they're boy smurfs. 男孩子 这词真好玩 男孩 男孩 男孩 "Boy." That's a funny word. Boy. Boy. Boy. Boy. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 21 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 看我 我可是男孩子 Look at me. I'm a boy smurf. 我喜欢他们 他们来自哪里呢 I like 'em. Where do they come from? - 这是什么 - 他们的头发在哪儿 - What is that? - Where is their hair? - 你看他们的尾巴 - 你看 - You can see their tails. - Oh, look. - 喂 别碰 - 聪聪日志 第二天 - Hey, watch it! - Brainy's log, day two. 我们遇到了一种奇怪的新生物 We've encountered a rare new life-form. 他们像你吗 Are there more like you? 她们有时非常吓人 They are at times very intimidating. 你们会留下来吗 Are you gonna stay here? 她们身上很香 And they smell nice. - 你好 男孩子 - 稍后继续 - Hello, boy. - More on that later. - 我也想要这个 - 保持距离 - Oh, I want one! - Boundaries! 好吧 这 别再碰它了 Okay, that... That's enough of that! 他们是我的朋友 健健 聪聪和笨笨 They're my friends. That's hefty, brainy and clumsy. 好的 贱贱 葱葱 本本 Hey, there! Hooptie, berney, klutzy. 记住了 Got it. 我们可以做个胸牌 We should do name tags. 等等 你们村的男孩子呢 Wait, where are your boys? 这里没有男孩子 You won't find any boys here. 我是蓝柳柳 这里的头儿 I am smurfwillow, leader of the smurfs. 这就是自我介绍 接下来轮到你了 This is called an introduction. So, now, you go. 呃 我 呃 Uh, I, um... 不要靠太近 蓝柳柳 Don't get too close, Willow. 有点不对劲 Something's not right here. 我们真的是来帮忙的 I promise we're only here to help. 我们是想告诉你 要小心那个邪恶的巫We came to warn you about the evil wizard, gargamel. 师 格格巫 他有一张地图 上面印着一个地标 He has a map with a landmark 标着通往三棵大树的路 leading him to three tall trees. 给他们看看 聪聪 拍拍虫 Show 'em, brainy. Snappy. 不要搞鬼 小虫 Don't try any funny stuff, bug. 我不想打击你们 但这些不是树 I hate to break it to you, but those aren't trees. 这是瀑布 They're waterfalls. 格格巫找错方向了 Gargamel's going the wrong way. 如果他去了那儿 And if he went there, 就会走进致命沼泽 then that means the swamp of no return. 他不可能活下来的 There's no way he could survive. 啊 救命啊 救命啊 Aah! Help me! Help me! 我要死在这儿了 There's no way I'll survive! 我尊重你的想法 但你不知道格格巫有With all due respect, you don't know gargamel. 多厉害 是么 不是我不尊重你 你不知道我们Yeah, well, with no due respect, you don't know us. 有多厉害 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 22 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 相信我们 他死定了 Trust us, he's a goner. 蓝风暴 你为什么不去检查一下装备呢 Stormy, why don't you do a little recon? Check things out. 留你跟他们四个在一起吗 And leave you here with these four? 不可能 你看这个 No way. Look at that one. 一看就不正常 Huh? He can't be normal. 我会没事的 I think we'll be just fine here. 喷火兽 Spitfire! 行了 那个格格巫 长什么样子 Okay. So, what does this gargamel look like? 哦 就是那种 巫师的样子 Oh, you know, he's your typical wizard. 黑色长袍 跟他的猫和鸟住在一起 Long black robe, lives alone with his cat and his bird. 说起来挺悲伤的 It's sad, really. 你跟我一起来 帮我指认他 You're coming with me. You can point him out. 嘿 喂喂喂 他不可能 Hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa. There's no way he's getting on a... 我觉得你需要知道 我的名字叫笨笨 I feel the need to remind you, my name is clumsy. 笨笨 Clumsy! 别担心 蓝风暴会照顾好他的 Don't worry. Clumsy's in good hands. 蓝风暴就是个刀子嘴 豆腐心 Oh, stormy is the sweetest, in her own way. 好了 姐妹们 与此同时 All right, girls, in the meantime, 让我们欢迎一下远道而来的客人 our guests have had a long journey, 展现我们蓝精灵小树林的风采 so let's show them some hospitality, smurfy grove style. 哟 吼 Whoo-hoo! 来吧 Come on. - 去吧 - 啊 - Go. - Huh? 嘿 蓝妹妹 看我的 Hey, smurfette, check this out. 来吧 Come on! 用力 蒙提 用力扇动翅膀 Flap, monty. Flap vigorously. 扇动你有力的翅膀 Use your mighty condor wings 把你的主人带出绝境 to carry your master to safety. 啊 哦 嗷 Ouch! Oh! Ow! 上帝啊 它们咬我屁股 Sweet mercy, they're bottom feeders! 该死的鱼 Devil fish! 那个神秘的蓝精灵村子到底在哪里 Where is my lost smurf village? 什么 又是蓝精灵 What? Smurfs! 为什么他们就是死不了 Why won't they just die? 蒙提 把他们追回来 Monty, retrieve them! 他是存在的 好么 He exists, all right. 他和他那臭烘烘的猫 还有渡渡鸟 He and his stinky cat and his dodo bird. 我们一路上都在惧怕着他 They've been terrorizing us the entire journey. 他从一开始就不喜欢我们 He didn't like us from the start. 他从来没找到过我们的村庄 He never could find our village. 他就设法想把我们全部抓住 So then he made a plan to capture us all, 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 23 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 然后格格巫就做出了蓝妹妹 and that's when gargamel created smurfette. 不管怎么说 等等 Anyways... Hold up. 蓝妹妹是格格巫做出来的 Smurfette was created by this gargamel? 哦 是啊 用一把土 Oh, yeah. From a lump of Clay. 真的很酷 Really cool story, actually. 我就说我不相信她 I knew I didn't trust her. 哦 熟了你就会喜欢她的 Oh, you'd like her if you get to know her. 她跟你差不多 但更友好一点 She's just like you, but nice. 等等 有个怪物飞过来 Hold on. We got a bogey coming in. 那不是怪物 那是格格巫的大笨鸟 That's no bogey. That's gargamel's big dumb bird! 过来 你来飞 Here, you fly. 呃 这可不是个好主意 Uh, that's not a great idea. 我不擅长这个啊 Flying's not really my thing. 你以前没飞过吗 Have you ever flown before? 没有啊 Well, no. 那你怎么知道你不擅长 Well, then how do you know it's not your thing? 他会回来的 He's coming back. 呃 哦 我要怎么 Uh... oh, what do I... 快 Hurry! 我要怎么做 What do I do now? 哦 不错 哇哦 Oh! Good move! Whoa, whoa! 再来一次 Now, do it again! 好吧 Okay. 谢谢 Thanks. 呀 哦 Hyah! Oh! 哇哦 Whoa! 就这样 等等 Yes. Wait a minute. 我怎么不认识另外一个蓝精灵 I don't recognize that other smurf. 他们找到了那个蓝精灵村 They found my lost smurf village. 嘿 我有个点子 Hey, I've got an idea. 喷火兽 喷火 Spitfire, spit fire! 我喜欢你的想法 I like the way you think. 我觉得我骑龙蜻蜓还是很在行的 I guess I'm pretty good with dragonflies after all. 蒙提 Monty! 他们对你做了什么 我的小猎神 What have they done to you, my glorious bird of prey? 可恶的蓝精灵 Smurfs! 嗯 Hmm? 哼 Hmm. 日式指压还是瑞典的 Shiatsu or Swedish? 瑞典的吧 Probably Swedish. 对了 关于我在湖边 So, about all that stuff 说的那些事 I said back at the beach... 我觉得可能是我反应过度了 I guess I kind of overreacted. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 24 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 哦 Ow. 嗯 我也有点 Yeah. Me, too. 所以 我们还是好朋友吧 So, uh, we good? - 嗯 没事了 - 嘿 各位 - Yeah, we're good. - Hey, guys. 这地方是不是棒极了 Isn't this place awesome? 她是不是看上去美呆了 Doesn't she look great? 看起来就好像我们中的一员一样 It's like she's one of us now. 她应该和我们永远待在一起 She should stay with us forever. 呃 首先 她看上去一直很美 Uh, one, she always looks great. 第二 这有点一发不可收拾的感觉了 And two, this is getting a little out of hand, don't you 你不觉得吗 think? 抱歉 Sorry. 你们脸上的那坨东西真的让我很难正I can't take you seriously with that mask on your face. 经起来 嘿 蓝妹妹 我们只是做了应该做的事 Hey, smurfette, we did what we came here to do. 这些蓝精灵们知道格格巫 These smurfs know about gargamel. 所以 来吧 让我们开始思考如何回家So, come on, let's start thinking about heading home. 吧 家 Home? 可是我 我 But I... I... 是时候回去了 It's time to go. 蓝妹妹 Smurfette? 我们来了 Incoming! 事实证明我真的很会龙骑蜻蜓 Turns out I do do well with dragonflies. 他们是对的 格格巫是真的 They were right. This gargamel character, he's real, 而且他正在过来的路上 and he's headed this way. 噢 不 你看吧 我告诉过你 Oh, no. See? I told you... 你给我住嘴 蓝妹妹 Put a cork in it, smurfette. 照我看来 是你和你的小男朋友 The way I see it, you and your little boyfriends 故意把他带过来的 led him straight to us. 不过 当然了 这就是你一直以来的计But, of course, that was your plan all along, wasn't it? 划 不是吗 淡定 蓝风暴 Smurfstorm, easy. 我们的小金发美人甚至都不是一个真Little miss yellow hair isn't even a real smurf. 的蓝精灵 她是被格格巫制造出来的 She was created by gargamel. 笨笨他自己告诉我的 The clumsy blob told me so himself. 什么 What? 蓝妹妹 是真的吗 Smurfette, is that true? 不是那样的 It's not like that. 她被创造出来就是为了找到我们 She was made to help him find smurfs. 蓝妹妹是过来帮你的 我们也是 Smurfette came here to help you. We all did. 没事的 健健 这都是我的错 It's okay, hefty. This is all my fault. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 25 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 姑娘们 防御模式 Girls, protection mode. 来吧 兄弟 搭把手 Come on, bro, let's help. 不觉得很刺激吗 Isn't this exciting? 嘘 Shh! 准备 Hold. 准备 Hold. 发射 Now! 投降吧 巫师 Surrender, wizard. 什么巫师 What? Wizard? 喔 他看起来好老 Oh, he's so old. 他是伪装起来了吗 看看他的脸 Is he wearing a disguise? Look at his face. 这不可能 This is impossible. 他看起来不像那种人 He doesn't seem so tough. 没错 格格巫 Yeah, gargamel! 这就是攻击蓝精灵果园的下场 That's what you get when you attack smurfy grove. 格格巫 你们在说什么啊 Gargamel? What are you talking about? 不 不 不对 等一下 你们搞错了 No, no, no, wait. This is a mistake. 咦 蓝妹妹 What? Smurfette? 他是爸爸 That's papa. 爸爸 是什么 Papa? Papa? 又有一个有趣的词 There's another funny word. 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 Papa. Papa. Papa! 蓝花花 停下 Smurfblossom, no. 深呼吸然后给我 Breathe deep and step away 离这个爸爸远点 from the papa-thing. 各位 他是蓝爸爸 Everyone, meet papa smurf. 嘿 Hey. 嘿 我是蓝小玉 Hey. Hi. I'm smurfjade. 男孩子们呢 Where are the boys? 嗨 老爸 'Sup, papa? 您来了啊 Hello there. 我骑了一只龙蜻蜓 I rode a dragonfly! 天呐 感谢上帝你们都没事 Well, thank goodness you're all okay. 你怎么找到我们的 How did you find us? 姜还是老的辣 你知道的 I wasn't born yesterday, you know. 那倒是 Yeah, that's clear. 听着 你们四个和我回家去 现在 Look, you four are coming home with me. Now. 不要着急 这个叫爸爸的东西 Not so fast, papa-thing. 叫爸爸的东西 你就是这的老大吗 "Papa-thing"? Are you the one in charge here? 是的 我是蓝柳柳 That's right. I'm smurfwillow, 蓝精灵的头 leader of the smurfs. 恐怕我不能赞同 I'm afraid that's quite impossible, 因为我刚好也是蓝精灵的头 because I happen to be the leader of the smurfs. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 26 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 随便你怎么说 叫爸爸的东西 Whatever you say, papa-thing. 不好意思 你可以不要那样叫我吗 Excuse me, do you mind not calling me that? 不然要怎么叫 Well, if the thing fits... 对了 你的那些动作是从哪儿学的 By the way, where'd you learn those moves? 事实上 自学成才的 Self-taught, actually. 厉害 Impressive. 谢谢 Thank you. 你真受人欢迎 You're quite welcome. 好了 虽然我不知道现在是什么情况 Okay, not really sure what's happening here, 但是 格格巫怎么办 but, uh, what about gargamel? 什么 这段谈话和格格巫有什么关系 What? What is all this talk about garga... 格格巫 Gargamel! 哦 不好意思 我吓到你了吗 Oh, I'm sorry. Did I scare you? 不 希望如此 No! I hope so. - 大家快跑 - 武装你们自己 - Everybody run! - Arm yourselves! 准备迎接进击的格格巫吧 Prepare for garmageddon! 这边 This way! 用长矛 现在 Spears, now! 我说冻 Gargamel says freeze! 这就对了 蓝精灵测试的 格格巫认证 That's right. Smurf-tested, gargamel-approved, A级一等的高能量急冻球 grade-a, first-class, high-octane freeze balls. 急冻球 急冻球 急冻球 急冻球 Freeze ball! Freeze ball! Freeze ball! Freeze ball! 小心 Look out! 我觉得就算我不说急冻球 Well, I assume they'll still work 他们还是会有用的 if I don't shout "Freeze ball," 不过我们永远也不会知道了 but we'll never know. - 急冻球 - 蓝妹妹 - Freeze ball! - Smurfette! 健健 Hefty. 完了 蓝妹妹 It's over, smurfette. 蒙提 打包一下 啊 Monty, bag o' smurfs. Ah! 你快跑 It's time for you to run. 不 这里还有三个 No! Three more for pickup. 啊 蓝妹妹 我的小发明 Ah, smurfette. My little creation. 你终于达成我的初衷了 You finally did what you were made for. 不 不是这样的 No. It's not true. 当然是 Of course it is. 不然你为什么要把我引过来 Why do you think you led me here? 为什么你会在河边救了我 Why do you think you saved me on the river? 这些都是计划的一部分 It was all part of the plan. 不论你多努力 都没办法逃脱你的命运 No matter how hard you try, you can't escape your destiny. 现在 你对我来说已经没有利用价值了 And now, you're really of no use to me anymore. 急冻球 Freeze ball! 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 27 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 哦 对了 这些只对真的蓝精灵有用 Ah, yes, these freeze balls only work on real smurfs. 而你充其量只不过是一团黏土罢了 And you are nothing more than a lump of Clay. 谢谢你所做的一切 Thank you for everything. 蓝妹妹 你怎么可以这么对我们 Smurfette? How could you do this to us? 因为这就是她的目的 Because it was her purpose. 天生我材必有用 蓝精灵小分队齐头并Smurfy thing finder for four small smurfs. 进 什么 Huh? 我很抱歉 各位 I'm sorry, you guys. 不 拍拍 No, snappy. 我已经坏了太多事了 I've done too much damage already. 我们是一个蓝精灵小队 我们大家是一We're team smurf, and we're in this together. 体的 - 我们是蓝精灵 - 我们做正确的事 - We're smurfs. - We do the right thing. 我甚至都不是一个真的蓝精灵 I'm not even a real smurf. 我不是一个真的蓝精灵 I'm not a real smurf. 我们需要更多能量 We need more power! - 更快点 蒙提 - 快点 - Faster, monty. - Faster. 对了 Yes. 压缩机在极速振动 The jiggler's jiggling. 旋转塔正在旋转 The spinny thing is spinning. 烟雾正在上升 The smoke is going up. 起泡器正在起泡中 The bubblers are bubbling. 啦啦啦 啦啦啦 Hubbuda, hubbuda. 完美 Perfect! 哦 差不多快成功了 Oh, it's almost there. 接着跑 老鸟 Just keep running, old bird. 接下来我们要这么做 Here's what we're going to do. 我拿着这把锁 好 I pick this lock. Yeah? 荡到那个架子那里去 好 We swing to that shelf. Yeah? 拿起一些重的东西 然后呢 Pick up something heavy. Yeah? 用它杀了那只鸟 And use it to kill the bird! 好 什么 好的 等一下 Yeah! What? Yeah! Wait. 你希望我们杀掉那只鸟 You want us to kill the bird? 好吧 我们只要把它砸晕就行了 Fine. We'll just knock him unconscious. 太棒了 好吧 开始 Genius! All right, then. 撸袖子上吧 Let's do this. 他们有了一个逃跑计划 They have an escape plan, 但是需要我们的帮忙 but they're going to need our help. 是时候用笼子荡个秋千了 It's time to rock the cage. 别说的这么奇怪 Don't be weird. 好吧 Yes! 行了 现在 Okay. Now! 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 28 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 给我住口 阿兹猫 Stop that, azrael. 你这些连续不断的哼唧 I can't calibrate my machine 让我没办法校准我的机器了 with all your incessant yammering. 听话 阿兹猫 这才像只乖猫咪嘛 Oh, yes, azrael, listen to it. It purrs like a kitten. 哦 看看 一切都在井然有序地进行 Oh, look at that. Everything is in sync. 不错 很棒 Yes, yes. Good. 天呐 又是一场越狱 Sweet mercy! It's another jailbreak! 不 格格巫 不 No, gargamel. No. 给我安静 Quiet down. 会轮到你们的 You'll all get your turn. 给我进去吧 In you go! 不 No! 没错 要的就是这个效果 Yes, that's the stuff. 成功了 成功了 成功了 which is working,it's working,it's working, 哦 我可以感觉到 感觉到那股魔力 Oh, I can feel it. I can feel the power. 哦 Oh! 看看我的巫师发型 Check out my wizard mane. 不是吧 Really, man? 当我解决掉所有的蓝精灵以后 When I'm through with these smurfs, 我就会拥有我梦寐以求的魔力了 I'll have all the power I've ever dreamed of! 几乎是所有的魔力 Almost all the power. 咦 Huh? 蓝妹妹 Smurfette. 蓝妹妹 多么美丽的惊喜 Smurfette, what a lovely surprise. 你已经在树林里哭够了吗 Are you done crying in the woods? 我已经为那些蓝精灵浪费了太多眼泪 I've shed enough tears for those smurfs. 什么 What's this? 我已经受够假装非真实的自我了 I'm done pretending to be something I'm not. 我要向您重新宣誓我的忠诚 我真正的I've come to repledge my loyalty to you, my true papa. 父亲 不可能 Impossible. 她不是认真的 She can't be serious. 不 不 不 她绝对不会那样做的 No, no, no, she would never. 我才不上你当 而且就算我信了你的邪 Even if I did believe you, which I don't, 你又能给我什么 what could you possibly offer me 我还没有的东西 that I don't already have? 一次我都感受不到力度的迷你按摩吗 A tiny little massage that I can't even feel? 那要是我帮你找到剩下的蓝精灵呢 How about the rest of the smurfs? 没错 等等 你说什么 Yeah, right. Wait, what? 只要我告诉了你蓝精灵村庄在哪 Just think of all the power you'll have 你就能拥有更强的魔法 once I reveal the location of smurf village. 让我想想 Oh, let's see now. 一百多只蓝精灵 也就是10倍的魔力 One hundred more smurfs, that's 10 times the power... 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 29 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 不对 要是按一只来算的话 No. If you carry the one... 不管怎么说 都是更多的魔力 Whatever. It's a lot more power. 那你这么做的目的是什么 Now, why are you doing this? 我再也不想做一只乖宝宝了 I'm so tired of being good. 用你的魔法 Use your power to transform me 让我恢复邪恶本性吧 back to my evil self. 你真是个忠诚的好孩子 Your loyalty has returned to you. 所以 你是要和我做笔交易吗 So, do we have a deal? 蓝妹妹 不要 Smurfette, no! 闭嘴 你这该死的蓝老鼠 我在考虑东Quiet, you vile blue rats. I'm thinking. 西 好 成交 Okay, I'm done. Let's do it. 来吧 邪恶蓝妹妹 One evil smurfette coming right up! 等等 我知道了 Wait. Of course! 怎么会这样 发生了什么 What? Oh, what's happening? 不要 不 No! No! 你在干什么 What are you doing? 就这样 加油 蓝妹妹 Yeah! Go, smurfette! Whoo! 阿兹猫 过来帮我 给我点魔法 Azrael, help! More power! 我们该做什么 What are we going to do? 好极了 该我们登场了 Bingo. We smurfboard. 蓝精灵小队 Team smurf! 复仇时间 Payback time. 不 No! 蓝精灵 蓝精灵 Smurfintine! Smurfintine! 自由啦 We're free! 我没事 耶 I'm okay. Yeah! 我还以为我们完蛋了呢 I thought we were goners. 好的各位 谢天谢地 All right. Everybody. Thank goodness. 太棒了 我没事 All right! I'm okay! 她成功了 她成功了 She did it! She did it! 蓝妹妹呢 Where's smurfette? 嘿 Hey. 蓝妹妹 Smurfette? 发生什么了 What happened? 这就是她原来的样子 This is what she once was. 不 不不不 No. No, no, no. 一定有什么我能做的 There's gotta be something I can do. 肯定有个什么咒语 There's gotta be a spell. 一定有 我知道的 There's gotta be something. I know there is. 在哪 在哪页 一定在这了 Where is it? What page? Must be here. 炼金术 隐身 "Alchemy, vanishing, 点铅成金 不 不是这个 "Lead into gold." No, that's not it. 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 30 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 爸爸 是哪个 咒语到底是哪个 Papa. Which spell? Which spell? 爸爸 Papa. 这本书里没有我们要找的东西 We won't find the answer to this in a book. 我们还是带她回家吧 Let's take her home. 她从来都没有认为自己是只真正的蓝She never thought she was a real smurf. 精灵 但她却是我们当中最名副其实的蓝精But she was the truest smurf of all. 灵 你们都哭什么 Why is everyone crying? 因为蓝妹妹 It's smurfette. 她变成了黏土 She's a lump of Clay. 别逗了 笨笨 是我 我在这儿呢 No, clumsy, it's me. I'm right here. 蓝妹妹 Smurfette? 蓝妹妹 你是蓝妹妹 It's smurfette. It's smurfette! 安静点 笨笨 Quiet, clumsy. 随他去吧 聪聪 Let him be, brainy. 我们都有自己表达悲伤的途径 We all grieve in our own way. 她在这儿 可怜的小兄弟 She's here! Poor little bro. 我能理解他 I know how he feels. 耶 Yeah! 蓝妹妹 Smurfette! 健健 不会你也这样吧 Oh, hefty, not you, too. 原来你没事 You're all right! 别再这样让我担心了 Don't ever do that to me again. 不会了 我保证 I won't. I promise. 太棒了 太棒了 Yes, yes, yes! 你总是能给我惊喜 You never cease to amaze me. 所以 关于你的身世问题 So, as for that burning question... 蓝妹妹到底是什么 What's a smurfette? 我不用书就能解释她是 Well, I don't need a book to tell you she's... 没错 Right. 蓝妹妹不能用一个词来说清 Smurfette can't be defined by just one word. 她太复杂了 She's many things. 虽然她还不知道 但她现在已经是我的Oh, she doesn't know it yet, but she's my new best 新闺蜜了 friend. 蓝妹妹是个牧兔女 Smurfette is a bunny wrangler. 她很强 She's tough. 虽然不如我 但足够强了 Not as tough as me, but tough enough. 蓝妹妹能变成任何她想变的东西 Smurfette can be anything she wants to be. 这里面是什么 再见了 What's going on in there? Goodbye! 蓝茄子 Say, "Blue cheese!" 蓝茄子 Blue cheese! 我差点儿就能除掉这些蓝精灵了 I was this close to getting rid of the smurfs, 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 31 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 你们把一切都搞砸了 and you ruined everything. 早知道我就去领养一只狗了 I knew I should have gotten a dog from the shelter. 我并不是想说得有多残忍 好吗 I'm not saying this to be cruel, okay? 我只是希望能有所突破 I'm saying it to be constructive. 你们这两只废物 You're a useless feline. 这只是说 意思就是 That's just mean. That's mean. 这儿有根线 你们把它缠在了一起 There was a line, and you crossed it. 而我只是手臂被刺着 I was just jib-jabbing, 但你们把线都缠到一起了 这刺得我很and you crossed that line, and that stung. 疼 我要你们给我道歉 I demand an apology. 不管怎样你们都要知道 You were going to learn this one way or another, 我不是你亲爹 but I am not your real father. 现在这都不重要 But that doesn't matter now. 重点是要打败蓝精灵 What matters is destroying the smurfs. 有意见吗 我想说我有意见 Any thoughts? I mean, I have thoughts. 但我就喜欢吐槽你的想法 But I always like to spitball off of your thoughts. 阿兹猫 我不想掩饰什么 Azrael, I'm not going to sugarcoat this. 你的点子太糟了 Your ideas are terrible. 这音乐让我没法思考 I can't think with this music. 谁能把这音乐关掉 Can someone please shut off the music? 还有这些从我面前滚过去的词 And what's with all these words 是怎么回事 scrolling in front of me? 是蓝精灵们为了让我分心才这么干的Did the smurfs do this so that I would be distracted 吗 让我不能轻易就打败他们 and not be able to destroy them as easily? 亚光画家 我实在搞不懂这到底什么意"Matte painters"? I don't even know what that means. 思 一些家伙瞎编的 对吧 Someone just made that up, right? 我真为马特感到难过 I feel sorry for whoever "Matte" Is. 观感开发师 "Look development artists"? 好的 我们来做些表情 Oh, yes, of course, let's develop some looks. 比如说 看起来火冒三丈的样子 Like maybe a really angry look, 因为你们俩毁了我的计划 because you two totally ruined my plans. 我要疯了 阿兹猫 Am I going mad, azrael? 我再说最后一遍 For the last time, 让他们把这音乐关了 get them to shut off this music! 歌手:Tove Lo&Alesso {\fade(500,500)}曲目:Heroes We Could Be 光天化日 我们隐藏自己 We could hide away in daylight 阳光下 我们暗地行动 We go undercover wait out the sun 众目睽睽 我们保守秘密 Got a secret side in plain sight 空旷的街道才是我们奔忙的地方 Where the streets are empty that's where we run 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 32 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 每个人各司其职 Everyday people do everyday things but I 但我却例外 Can't be one of them 你应该懂我的意思 我们是与众不同的 I know you hear me now we are a different kind 我们无所不能 We can do anything 我们可以成为英雄 We could be heroes 我们可以 We could be... 歌手:Dance Fever {\fade(500,500)}曲目:Blue 我很蓝 哒吧嘀哒吧呆 I'm blue da ba dee da ba die 哒吧嘀哒吧呆 Da ba dee da ba die, 哒吧嘀哒吧呆 Da ba dee da ba die, 哒吧嘀哒吧呆 Da ba dee da ba die, 我很蓝 哒吧嘀哒吧呆 I'm blue da ba dee da ba die 哒吧嘀哒吧呆 Da ba dee da ba die, 哒吧嘀哒吧呆 Da ba dee da ba die, 哒吧嘀哒吧呆 Da ba dee da ba die, 我有座带蓝窗户的蓝房子 I have a blue house with a blue window 我浑身上下都是蓝色 Blue is the colour of all that I wear 蓝色也遍布街道和树木 Blue are the streets and all the trees are too 我有一个忧郁蓝的女朋友 I have a girlfriend and she is so blue 蓝色是这里漫步的人们 Blue are the people here that walk around 蓝就像我的轻武装快舰 里里外外 Blue like my corvette it's in and outside 蓝色是我的言语和思想 Blue are the words I say and what I think 蓝色是我内心里的感觉 Blue are the feelings that live inside me 我很蓝 哒吧嘀哒吧呆 I'm blue da ba dee da ba die 哒吧嘀哒吧呆 Da ba dee da ba die 哒吧嘀哒吧呆 Da ba dee da ba die 哒吧嘀哒吧呆 Da ba dee da ba die 歌手:Meghan Trainor {\fade(500,500)}曲目:I'm a Lady 嘴里塞满东西我也会毫无顾忌大说特I talk with a mouth full,uh huh 说 但我就是那么可爱 But I couldn't be sweeter 是啊 我的可爱无人能敌 Yep I'm a cutie in my own way 我可不会乖乖听命于人 I won't play follow the leader 我不像她们那般 And I don't look like them 但我一点也不担心 But I ain't worried about it 我不会像她们那样说话 I don't talk like them 但我一点也不担心 But I ain't worried about it 我知道我犹如珍宝般难能可贵 But I know I'm a gem 我一点也不担心 一点也不担心 I ain't worried about it I ain't worried about it 因为我本是淑女 'Cause I'm a lady 因为我本是淑女 'Cause I'm a lady 拜托 我可是个淑女 Come on I'm a I'm a lady 我的闺蜜们会让他们知道 你很淑女 All my girls show them you're a lady 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 33 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 告诉这世界 作为女人你很自豪 Tell the world say that you're proud to be a lady 我知道我的笑很大声 I know I laugh too loud {\pos(645.341,102.909)}And I might cry ?而且我有点多愁善感? too much 别理那些审视的眼光 To all those judgy eyes 我有满腔的热忱和爱 I got a whole lotta love 我跟她们有着天壤之别 Cause I don't move like them 但我一点也不担心 But I ain't worried about it 我跟她们截然不同 I don't move like them 但我一点也不担心 But I ain't worried about it 我知道我犹如珍宝般难能可贵 I know I'm a gem 我一点也不担心 一点也不担心 I ain't worried about it I ain't worried about it 因为我本是淑女 'Cause I'm a lady 因为我本是淑女 'Cause I'm a lady 我就是我 不一样的女人 I'mma I'm a lady 我的闺蜜们会让他们知道 你很淑女 All my girls show them you're a lady 告诉这世界 作为女人你很自豪 Tell the world say that you're proud to be a lady 我的闺蜜们会让他们知道 你很淑女 All my girls show them you're a lady 告诉这世界 作为女人你很自豪 Tell the world say that you're proud to be a lady 嘴里塞满东西我也会毫无顾忌大说特I talk with a mouth full,uh huh 说 但我就是那么可爱 But I couldn't be sweeter 是啊 我的可爱无人能敌 Yep I'm a cutie in my own way 我可不会乖乖听命于人 I won't play follow the leader 我不像她们那般 And I don't look like them 但我一点也不担心 But I ain't worried about it 我不会像她们那样说话 I don't talk like them 但我一点也不担心 But I ain't worried about it 我知道我犹如珍宝般难能可贵 But I know I'm a gem 我一点也不担心 一点也不担心 I ain't worried about it I ain't worried about it 因为我本是淑女 'Cause I'm a lady 因为我本是淑女 'Cause I'm a lady 拜托 我可是个淑女 Come on,I'mma I'm a lady 我的闺蜜们会让他们知道 你很淑女 All my girls show them you're a lady 告诉这世界 作为女人你很自豪 Tell the world say that you're proud to be a lady 我知道我的笑很大声 I know I laugh too loud 而且我有点多愁善感 And I might cry too much,come on 别理那些审视的眼光 To all those judgy eyes 我有满腔的热忱和爱 I got a whole lotta love 我跟她们有着天壤之别 And I don't move like them 但我一点也不担心 But I ain't worried about it 我跟她们截然不同 I don't move like them 但我一点也不担心 But I ain't worried about it 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 34 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 我知道我犹如珍宝般难能可贵 I know I'm a gem 我一点也不担心 一点也不担心 I ain't worried about it I ain't worried about it 因为我本是淑女 'Cause I'm a lady 我本是淑女 I'm a lady - 我就是我 不一样的女人 - 因为我- I'mma I'm a lady - 'Cause I'm a lady 本是淑女 我的闺蜜们会让他们知道 你很淑女 All my girls show them you're a lady 告诉这世界 作为女人你很自豪 Tell the world say that you're proud to be a lady 我的闺蜜们会让他们知道 你很淑女 All my girls show them you're a lady 告诉这世界 作为女人你很自豪 Tell the world say that you're proud to be a lady 我超级可爱 我足够聪慧 And I'm pretty,pretty cute and I'm pretty smart 打断一下 我就是巧夺天工的艺术品 And when I break it down,it's a work of art. 如果你也这样认为 那你愿意和我一起And if you feel the same can you participate 吗 我想看你一起摇摆 我想听你说 I wanna see you shake I wanna hear you say 我美貌无敌 我超级可爱 我足够聪慧 Say I'm pretty I'm pretty cute and I'm pretty smart 打断一下 我就是巧夺天工的艺术品 And when I break it down it's a work of art 因为我本是淑女 'Cause I'm a lady 因为我本是淑女 'Cause I'm a lady 淑女 Lady... 我就是我 不一样的女人 I'mma I'mma lady 我的闺蜜们会让他们知道 你很淑女 All my girls show them you're a lady 告诉这世界 作为女人你很自豪 Tell the world say that you're proud to be a lady 我的闺蜜们会让他们知道 你很淑女 All my girls show them you're a lady 告诉这世界 作为女人你很自豪 Tell the world say that you're proud to be a lady 歌手:Christopher Lennertz {\fade(500,500)}曲目:You Will Always Find Me In Your Heart 我知道我与众不同 I knew that I was different 我觉得你无法理解 Didn't think you'd understand 无论怎样 事情不会尽如人意 Nothing happens like you plan it anyway 寻找原因 努力寻求突破 Searching for a reason 我想我永远不会知道 Guess I never really knew 我属于哪里 Where I belong 我能把事情看的真真切切 I can see things clearly 可是时候说再见了 But it's time to say goodbye 留下我不停地询问 And then leaves me asking why 为什么要花这么长时间去寻找答案 It took so long 我一直在尝试 I was always trying 去寻找到内心那份特别的感触 To find that special thing inside 来让我变得更加坚强 That made me strong 爱是我唯一所需要的 Love is all I need 这是一切起源的地方 It's where it all began 你总是会在心里想起我 You will always find me in your heart 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 35 / 36页) 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村 Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)》英中字幕 我知道你会明白 I know that you can see 我究竟是谁 Just who I really am 你终会知晓 我心中所属 And then you see,I really do belong. 歌手:Steve Aoki {\fade(500,500)}曲目:Delirious 外面太阳升起 Out to the sun up 扭曲 燃烧 Twisting and burn up 没有人阻止我们 Can't nobody stop us 我们精神错乱 We're gone delirious 啦啦啦啦啦啦 La la la la la la 给我一些 Gimme some of that 我们精神错乱 We're gone delirious 啦啦啦啦啦啦 La la la la la la 来吧 去兜风吧 Come and take a ride 就整晚 谁会在意 Take it all night who cares 文档号:HLDOC20170707005 创建时间:7/7/2017 10:36:38 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 36 / 36页)
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