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同声翻译1.doc同声翻译1.doc 一.断句 1. My country will submit its national report between now and next August. 2. The organization has pursued a commendable policy on combating racism and religious intolerance. 3. They have been conducting tests since a week ago. 4. The scientist o...
同声翻译1.doc 一.断句 1. My country will submit its national report between now and next August. 2. The organization has pursued a commendable policy on combating racism and religious intolerance. 3. They have been conducting tests since a week ago. 4. The scientist observed everything attentively and made comparisons so as to draw a correct conclusion. 5. All of this reflects the desire by many governments to have a range of opportunities for pushing forward with liberalization, rather than relying solely on global multilateralism. 6. It is a concept we in Western Europe understand. 7. During the past decade, liberalization and globalization have been the hallmark of economic policy throughout the world. 8. I don?t believe that the European economy must follow the US into a depression. 9. Growing economic integration and interlinkages among issues suggest the need for new and more comprehensive approaches to capacity-building adapted to the constantly evolving needs of developing countries. 10. Cultural and scientific contact went from strength to strength through the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. 同声翻译中文译文 1. 我国将递交自己的国别,时间是明年八月之前. 2. 该组织奉行了值得称赞的政策来对付种族主义和宗教不容忍问题. 3. 他们一直在进行实验,有一个星期了. 4. 这位科学家,留心观察每一事物,进行各种比较,以便得出正确的结论. 5. 这些情况反映出许多政府希望利用一系列机会推动自由化过程,而不是 单纯依赖全球多边主义的. 6. 这个概念我们西欧是理解的. 7. 在过去十年里,自由化和全球化是经济政策的显著标志,全世界都是如此. 8. 我并不认为欧洲经济一定会步美国的后尘,进入一个萧条时期. 9. 日益增长的经济一体化和各种问题的千丝万缕的联系意味着有必要采取 更新颖,更全面的方法来对待能力建设问题,以适应发展中国家不断变化 的需求. 10. 文化和科学方面的接触日益增多,整个十九和二十世纪都是这样. 二.等待 例句: 1. It is a long way from Peking to London. (等一下)北京和伦敦相距遥远. 2. It will be very difficult to make a decision without knowing all the facts. (等一下)要做决定,但又不知道全部真实情况,这非常之难. 3. They defined the aim of the organization as to make international organizational trade a key instrument of economic development. 他们把这个组织的目的确定为:使国际贸易成为(等一下)经济发展的一种工 具. 4. Capacity building is an issue that is at the forefront of the global development agenda. 能力建设是(等一下)全球发展议程的首要问题. 5. The General Assembly decided that capacity building should remain an essential part of the United Nations system operational activities. 大会决定能力建设应当继续成为(等一下)联合国业务活动的一个基本部分. 6. The General Assembly invited the Economic an Social Council to consider capacity building as one of the three focus areas at it s substantive session next year. 大会请经社理事会将能力建设视为(等一下)其明年实质性会议的三个重点 领域之一. 7. The United Nations is also best placed to build bridges of cooperation and the necessary partnership for development among Governments, the private sector, civil society and regional and global organizations. 联合国(等一下)在建立合作渠道和必要的伙伴关系以促进发展方面,即在各 国政府,私人部门,公民社会,区域组织和全球性组织之间这样去做,可发挥最 佳作用. (笔译)联合国也是促进各国政府,私人部门,公民社会,区域组织和全球性组 织之间为发展而建立合作渠道和必要的伙伴关系的一个最佳机构. 8. Indeed, the historic mission of the United Nations is not merely to act upon, but also to expand the elements of common ground that exist among nations. 的确,(等一下)联合国的历史使命不仅要遵循,而且要扩大各国之间的共识. 9. The development of the enterprise becomes synonymous with development in general. (等一下)企业的发展成了(等一下)一般发展的同义语. 10. post-conflict peace-building 冲突后缔造和平 11. We should understand the nature, level and scope of such a commitment. 我们应该理解这样一个承诺的性质,层次和范围. 12. The report highlights the new leadership and management structure the Secretary-General is instituting. 本报告着重介绍了秘书长正在建立的新的领导和管理结构. 13. The Committee shall function under the guidance of and be accountable to the Conference of the Parties. 委员会将在缔约国大会的指导下运作并对其负责. 14. A main objective of any viable development strategy must be the fostering of a vibrant, dynamic and competitive private sector. 任何可行的发展战略的一个主要目标必须是扶植富有生机和竞争力的私人 部门的发展. 15. The success of this reform programme further requires close partnership and cooperation with Member States. 16. 这项改革的成功还需要同会员国通力合作. 三(转换 th1. Your historic 12 Congress has laid down new guidelines for your administration and your plans for construction. 你们历史性的第十二次代表大会制定了新的方针,指导政府管理和建 划。 2. Any attempt to spread rumours and deceive the world public opinion will be of no avail. 企图散布谣言欺骗世界舆论,这是不会得逞的。 3. Together with the Bretten Woods institutions, WTO has, as its mission, to take over the regulation and oversight of international trade relations. 与布雷顿森林机构一起,世界贸易组织的使命就是调节和监督国际贸易关 系。 4. We must realize the objective of effective prohibition of the development, production and stockpiling of chemical weapons. 我们必须实现有效禁止研制,生产和储存化学武器的目标。 5(We should try to know the availability of other comparable texts. 我们应力求搞清楚是否有其他可比较的案文。 6. In this context, the experts underlined the importance of UNCTAD?s work in the area of trade efficiency and the need to pursue the work undertaken by UNCTAD and its partners to promote the implementation of the Columbus Ministerial Declaration on Trade Efficiency and its recommendations. 在这方面,专家们强调了贸发会议在贸易效率方面工作的重要性,强调需 要推动贸发会议及其伙伴所进行的工作,来推动执行《贸易效率问题哥伦 布部长级宣言》及其建议。 7. In the longer term, a fundamental rethinking of the role of the Council may be required, given the experience of the past 50 years and new economic and social realities. 长期来看,根本性地重新考虑理事会的作用也许是必要的,过去五十年的 经验和新的经济与社会现实需要我们这样做。 8(Because of our historical experience and our active participation in the Commonwealth, Britain is responsive to the concerns, particularly the economic concerns, of the developing countries. 由于我们的历史经验,也由于我们积极参与英联邦事务,英国是非常关心 发展中国家所关切的问题,特别是经济问题。 9. The weight of this factor is best measured by the fact that………… 此项因素的最好说明就是………… 10.The report comprises two parts. Part one contains an introduction, together with a thematic overview of the main reform elements. 本报告分为两部分。第一部分是导言,并按专题概述了改革要点。 11. This country ahs taken giant steps forward on the path of democracy, equality and national reconciliation. 这个国家已大步地走向民主,平等和民族和解。 四(重复 1.Such work is of particular relevance in helping developing countries, in particular governments and SMEs, to better understand and participate in processes under way in other intergovernmental organizations dealing with telecommunications and their trade applications, in particular the International Telecommunications Union and the World Trade Organization. 这种工作对帮助发展中国家,尤其是发展中国家的政府和中小企业具有特 殊的意义:使他们更好地了解和参与其他政府间组织正在推动的进程,了 解和参与从事电信及其贸易应用工作的组织,特别是国际电信联盟和世界 贸易组织正在推动的进程。 2(We are very grateful to you for your effort to come all the way from China to present this document to us. 我们非常感谢您所做的努力,感谢您专程从中国前来向我们介绍这个文件。 3. The meeting considered that the recommendations made by the United Nations International Symposium on Trade Efficiency in the sector of telecommunications remain a valid basis for the continuation of intergovernmental activities in the area of “telecommunications, business facilitation and trade efficiency?. 会议认为,联合国贸易效率问题研讨会的建议,在电信方面的这些建议, 仍然提供了一个有效的基础,在此基础上,继续进行电信,工商促进和贸 易效率方面的政府间活动。 4. It is necessary to guarantee women full equality of rights in social life as a whole. 有必要保障妇女充分平等的权利,在整个社会生活中都保障这样的权利。 5. High priority has been given to increasing cooperation and coordination in human rights activities, particularly at the field level. 重点放在增加人权活动中的合作与协调,特别是实地工作中的合作与协调。 6(Liberalization of trade and investment has been influenced by the expansion and intensification of regional integration efforts. 贸易和投资的自由化已受到了影响,由于 区域一体化努力的普遍加强而受 到影响。 五(增补 1. Implementation of international human rights standards must be pursued with vigour. 贯彻国际人权标准的工作必须大力进行。 2. This is why we have joined together in NATO in a free association of countries united not only by common political philosophies, but by the will to resist. 正因为如此,我们一起组成了北约,结成了国家间的自由联盟。我们联合 起来不仅因为我们有共同的政治理念,也因为我们有共同抵抗的决心。 3. All of us are required to designate a point of contact. 我们都需要确定一个联系机构或联系人。 4. He came to work for the United Nations, earnest but only sketchily informed. 他来联合国工作时,满腔热诚,但是知识有限。 (比较:……….他热诚,但知识少) 5. In 1686 Robert Hooke of the Royal society wrote that “A better knowledge of China?s civilization would lay open to us an empire of learning, hitherto fabulously described.” 1686年,皇家学会的罗伯特.霍克写道:“更好地了解中国文明将为我们打 开一个知识的王国,对这个王国迄今只有神话般的描述。” 6. The Sub-Commission must propose the pre-requisites for choosing representatives of religious minorities on this Committee. 小组委员会必须提出先决条件,以选择宗教少数人的代表参加委员会的工 作。 6. In the longer term, a fundamental rethinking of the role of the Council may be required, given the experience of the past 50 years and new economic and social realities. 长期来看,根本性地重新考虑理事会的作用也许是必要的,过去五十年的 经验和新的经济与社会现实需要我们这样做。 (比较笔译:长期来看,鉴于过去五十年的经验和新的经济与社会现实, 可能需要对经社理事会的作用作根本的重新思考。) 7. United Nations system organizations differ in terms of mandates, structure and professional capacity. 联合国系统各组织各有差异,在职权,结构和业务能力都是这样的情况。 8. China is the cradle of the ancient and modern culture that has inspired the world with ideals. 中国是古代文化和现代文化的摇篮。这种文化以理想鼓舞整个世界。 9. The Great Wall is also a reminder that for almost a generation there has been a wall between the People?s Republic of China and the United States. 长城还使人们想起,在几乎一代人的岁月里,中华人民共和国和美国之间 存在着一道城墙。 10. Big power problems may be more expeditiously resolved in face-to-face discussions. 大国之间的问题也许能通过面对面的讨论得到更迅速的解决。 11. Insuring public or private property is a standard practice of an insurer in most countries in the world. 公共财产和私人财产的保险是保险公司的一般性做法,世界上大多数国家 都是如此。 12.With the increasing realization that effective development requires a more holistic approach, there has been a tendency for each sectoral organization to broaden its activities to areas that overlap with others. 人们日益认识到,要实现有效的发展,就需要采用一种更加全面的方法。 13. Violation of human rights in that country, originated from anti-terrorist operations, is deeply regrettable. 该国侵犯人权的情况,虽然是为了反对恐怖主义,但这仍然是非常令人遗 憾的。 14.You have successfully presided over our conference with your skill and talent. 您成功地主持了我们的会议,显示了您的才干。 六(省略 1. The country has increased its overall strength. 该国综合国力大增。 比“这个国家增加了它的综合国力。”好~ 省了代词。 2. Will all those who are in favour of this draft resolution, please signify by raising their hands? 赞成的请举手。 3(This draft resolution is carefully drafted in moderate terms, which despite its flaws, we shall support. 这个决议草案是精心草拟的,措辞温和,尽管有缺点,我们也将支持。 七(反说 八(归纳 1(We should understand the nature, level and scope of such a commitment. 我们应该理解性质,层次和范围等这样一个承诺所包含的因素。 2. Aeroplanes carry passengers to various parts of the world in almost as many as hours as it takes days to do the journey by other means. 飞机载运顾客去世界各地,以时计,而其他交通形式则以天计。 九(语气 1. We are going to host a conference on the role of NGOs in promoting human rights next March. 我们将召开一个会议,讨论非政府组织在推动人权方面的作用,明年三月 的时候。 2. He has created a point of reference and cooperation fro human rights institutions and experts, both within and outside the United Nations framework. 他建立了一种衡量标准和合作关系,来帮助各种人权机构和专家,不管是 联合国内部的还是外部的。 3. Can the problem be solved with the adoption of this amendment? 问题能解决吗,如果通过这个修正案的话。 4. The global economy can be hard on those unable to benefit from its opportunities. 全球经济也可能相当严酷,对无法获益于这种机会的人来说。 被动语态的处理 方法之二: 1. It is a long way from Peking to London. The distance has sometimes seemed compounded by historical, philosophical and political gaps in our outlooks. 北京和伦敦相距遥远。这个距离有时似乎更加扩大了,因为历史上,哲学 上和政治上,我们的观点差异更大。 2. These processes have been reinforced by the recent WTO agreements on Information Technology and on Basic Telecommunications services. 这些进程有所加强,因为最近世贸组织达成了《关于信息技术的协定》和 《关于基本电讯服务协定》 3. If religious leadership assumes a constructive role, and of course that should be the case, then a positive step could be made in overcoming the tensions among groups of different faiths. 如果宗教领导人能发挥建设性的作用,这当然也是应该的,那么,我们应 该采取积极的步骤来克服不同信仰团体之间的紧张关系。 整段练习 As we age, we trade strength for ingenuity, speed for thoroughness, passion for reason. These exchanges may not always seem fair, but at every age, there are some advantages. So it is reassuring to note that even if you?ve passed some of your „primes,? you still have over prime years to experience in the future. Certain important primes seem to peak later in life. 随着年岁的增长,精力,效率,激情有减,但理智有增(精力日减,效率 渐低,作风渐延,激情有失,理智有增)。这样的互易看来并不可能总是得 失相当的。但是,一定的年龄总有一定的长处。因此,可以告慰的是,即 使你已度过了部分盛年,你仍然会有其他的盛年,在未来的岁月里。(语气) 某些重要的盛年期似乎在人生后期才达到顶峰。 Thereafter the great powers, as occasion permitted, worked industriously to carve it up into spheres and areas for exploitation. China?s central government was a mockery, capable only of feeble response. So out of tune with the world of nation-states was China that it did not even possess a ministry of foreign affairs until as late as 1858. It continued officially in the dream world of former times when a ministry of tribute and capitulations was all that was really needed for dealing with “barbarians”. 此后,列强一有机会就拼命在中国瓜分势力范围,进行剥削。当时的(增 补)中央政府软弱无能至极。它与民族国家组成的世界格格不入,甚至连 外交部都没有。直到1858年,才建立了自己的外交机构(断句,重复)。 这之后,又完全沉醉在往昔的梦幻世界之中。过去中国需要的无非是一个 接受贡品和投降的机构来处理与:“野蛮人”有关的事务(增补)。 With a curious arrogance, made even stranger by its weakness, China at first continued to refuse to accept the West on equal terms and negotiate with them as such. When ultimately it began to negotiate, China?s only real strength lay in playing the powers off against one another-a tactic only partially successful. Despite the spheres of influence and territorial concessions it was driven to concede, China remained a nominally independent state primarily because its very size made it difficult to digest and there were many who wished to attempt it. 这种傲慢,由于国家软弱无能而更显奇怪。中国起初一直拒绝接受西方的 平等地位,拒绝与之进行平等的谈判(重复)。中国最后开始同西方谈判时, 剩下的力量只有以夷制夷了,而这种策略也未能完全奏效(反说)。 尽管 势力范围的划分,租界的出让(省略),中国仍然是个名义上的独立国家。 主要是因为中国国土辽阔,很难吞没,尽管许多国家企图这样做。 America may have fondly imagined that its 1899 Open Door policy toward China, to which the other powers gave lip service, had stayed the process of division. But this was more or less self-delusion. 美国可能天真地认为,美国1899年的门户开放政策,列强当时口头也赞同 的政策(重复),阻止了瓜分中国的进程。其实,这多少是一种自欺。 Port Arthur 旅顺 The complete colonization of China was stayed only by its great mass and by the inability of the powers to agree readily on how to divide it up. 中国免于全盘殖民化,只是因为其疆土辽阔,列强未能顺利达成瓜分中国 的。 A would-be Oriental Bonaparte 可能成为东方波拿巴的人物。 War lords 军阀
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