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企业文化的定义企业文化的定义 企业文化的定义: 我国学者刘刚在2004 年编写的《现代企业管理》一书中给出的定义 被许多中国学者所接受,书中提出的企业文化定义是:企业文化,就其本质来讲,主要是指一种经济文化,反映着人们从事经济活动的观念和方式;就其具体内容来看,它取决于企业发展的历史、所处的社会和地理环境、企业的生产经营特点、员工特别是高层管理人员的价值取向等因素。因此,不同的企业应有不同的企业文化 企业文化的内涵 企业文化从本质上看,是一种产生于企业实践中的文化现象。企业文化的出现与现代企业管理方法在理论和实践方面的发展密不可分,从...
企业文化的定义 企业文化的定义: 我国学者刘刚在2004 年编写的《现代企业管理》一书中给出的定义 被许多中国学者所接受,书中提出的企业文化定义是:企业文化,就其本质来讲,主要是指一种经济文化,反映着人们从事经济活动的观念和方式;就其具体内容来看,它取决于企业发展的历史、所处的社会和地理环境、企业的生产经营特点、员工特别是高层管理人员的价值取向等因素。因此,不同的企业应有不同的企业文化 企业文化的内涵 企业文化从本质上看,是一种产生于企业实践中的文化现象。企业文化的出现与现代企业管理方法在理论和实践方面的发展密不可分,从管理的角度看,企业文化是为达到管理目标而应用的管理手段。因此,企业文化不仅具有文化现象的内涵,还具有作为管理手段的内涵。 首先,企业文化是以企业管理主体意识为主导,追求和实现企业目标的文化形态,而不是企业内部所有人员的思想、观念等文化形态的大杂烩。从一定意义上说,企业文化就是企业管理的文化。其次,企业文化是一种组织文化,有自己的共同目标、群体意识及与之相适应的组织机构和。企业文化所包含的价值观、行为准则等意识形态,是企业群体共同认可的,与无组织的个体文化、无组织的民族文化、社会文化是不同的。再次,企业文化是一种经济文化。企业文化是企业和企业职工在生产经营和管理活动过程中逐渐形成的,离开企业的经济活动,就不可能有企业文化的形成,更谈不上优秀企业文化的形成。 he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, 企业文化的功能 企业文化是企业在生产和管理活动中,所创造的具有企业特色的精 神财富及其物质形态。在企业的管理方面有着很多功能,具体的有: (一) 导向功能 企业文化形成后,相当于建立了一套符合企业特点的价值观和规范 ,如果企业成员在价值和行为取向上,与企业文化的系统标准产生悖逆现象,企业文化会将其纠正,并将之引导到企业的价值观和规范标准上来。同样,企业整体的价值取向和行为取向与企业文化的系统标准产生悖逆现象,企业文化也会将其纠正,并将之引导到企业的价值观和规范标准上来。 (二) 约束功能 企业文化对企业员工的思想、心理和行为具有约束和规范作用。企 业文化的约束不是制度式的硬约束,而是一种软约束,这种约束存在于企业的企业文化氛围、群体行为准则和道德规范之中。群体意识、社会舆论、共同的习俗和风尚等精神文化内容,会造成强大的使个体行为从众化的群体心理压力和动力,使企业成员产生心理共鸣,继而达到行为的自我控制 。 (三) 凝聚功能 企业文化的凝聚功能是指企业文化通过培育企业成员的认同感和归 属感,建立起成员与企业之间的相互依存关系,使个人的行为、思想、 he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, 感情、信念、习惯与整个企业有机地统一起来,形成相对稳固的文化氛围,凝聚成一种无形的合力与整体趋向,以此激发企业成员的主观能动性,为实现企业的共同目标而努力。当建立起来的这种价值观被企业员工共同认可后,它就会成为一种黏合剂,从各个方面把其成员聚合起来,从而产生一种巨大的向心力和凝聚力。 (四) 激励功能 企业文化能激励企业成员从内心产生一种高昂情绪和奋发进取精 神。企业文化把尊重“人”作为中心内容,以“人”为管理中心。企业文化尽量满足员工的精神需要,并对各种不适合企业发展的精神需要进行软约束式调节。所以,积极向上的思想观念及行为准则会使员工形成强烈的使命感、持久的驱动力,成为员工自我激励的一把标尺。 (五) 辐射功能 企业文化一旦形成较为固定的模式,它不仅会在企业内部发挥作 用,对本企业员工产生影响,而且也会通过各种渠道(宣传、交往等) 对社会产生影响。企业文化的传播,对树立企业在公众中的形象很有帮助,优秀的企业文化对社会文化的发展也有很大的影响 。 企业道德: 所谓企业道德,是在一定的社会制度和条件下,企业及其成员在长期的生产、管理和经营等活动中,所逐渐形成的组织道德规范和行为准则的总和。” he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, 企业行为是否道德,其标准并不在于是否追求功利,是否追求企业自身利益,而在于通过什么性质的手段去追功逐利。 作者认为,社会主义商品经济作为商品经济的一种形式,也具有商品经济的一般特点,即具有重利性、竞争性、等价交换性、本位性,开放性。这些特点可能使某些企业滋生投机取巧、见利忘义、损公肥私、损人利己等不道德的行为。这种可能性虽然可以变成现实,但并非是必然的。因为社会主义制度已具备了遏制商品经济对企业道德产生消极作用的根本条件,因此,那种认为发展商品经济必然导致企业道德堕落的所谓“代价论”是不正确的。但是,作者指出,近年来我国确实出现了引人注目的企业道德滑坡现象。如偷税漏税、截留利润、生产假冒伪劣产品、采取坑蒙拐骗的销售手段等,屡见不鲜;缺斤少两、掺杂使假、哄抬物价等缺德行为,俯拾皆是;利用金钱腐蚀国家干部,借以保护企业的不法行为,也时有发生。作者认为,造成这种企业道德滑坡的原因相当复杂的,有其内部原因也有外部原因,有其历史原因也有现实原因。接着,作者运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义观点,对造成近年来企业道德滑坡的原因,进行了探刻、透辟、有说服力的分析,并具体阐明了从政治、经济、法律和道德等方面,进行综合治理的措施。阅后使人感到事理具真,增强了实现企业道德好转的信心。 而且还对加强企业道德教育的基本途径和主要方法,提高企业 领导者和职毛道德修养的基本要求和主要目标,以及正确进行企业道德评价的标准和形式,作了深刻而又非常实际的阐发,读来不仅令人he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, 感到真切实在,而且具有可行性和可操作性,对于指导人们如何树立社会主义企业道德具有重要的方法论意义。 企业道德文化培育的着手点: 企业道德文化的培育是一个长期而漫长的过程,需要外部制度的健全与完善,但企业内部企业道德文化的培育更加重要,应从以下几方面着手: (一)培育企业的社会责任感以前,我们往往只强调企业的经营能 力和市场竞争能力,如今必须要求企业同时具备履行社会责任的能力。企业履行社会责任是塑造良好的企业形象和提升企业竞争力的有效手段。信息时代企业的社会责任极易受社会关注,企业社会责任已成为经济全球化时代的一种新的竞争力。良好履行社会责任的企业有利于吸引人才、留住人才;有利于构建和谐的劳资关系;更有利于获得市场,稳定顾客。企业越发展,拥有的员工和消耗的社会资源也越多,相应的应履行的社会责任也就越大。企业必须在履行经济责任的同时,自觉履行社会责任,使企业发展和社会和谐发展有机的统一。 (二)培育企业的诚信理念 市场经济是信用经济,信用是企业诚信理念的基本要求。企业健康发展离不了诚信,企业失信造成的危害非常严重。企业作为市场主体,在规范市场经济秩序,建立诚信理念中,担负着不可推卸的责任。首先,诚信文化的建设。市场经济既是竞争经济、法制经济,也是道德经济、信用经济、诚信经济。企业要加强信用制度建设,使诚实守信渗透到企业经营的各个环节,深入到企业文化的核心。其次,诚信形he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, 象的塑造。诚信形象是企业生存与发展的无形资本,它的价值是很难用物质衡量的,它对企业的意义也至关重要。诚信的企业离不开诚信的企业家,只有讲诚信的企业家才能造就一个讲诚信的企业品牌。最后,诚信体系完善。建设企业诚信制度,完善诚信体系是规范市场秩序,促进社会经济健康发展的治本之策。当前,企业一是要建立健全并实施管理值得,严格履行订货合同。二是要建立资金信誉管理 制度,严守对金融机构的诚信承诺。三是建立与消费者及供应商的合作制度,沟通信息,增强信任。 (三)培育以主人翁意识为核心的人本精神企业人本精神的核心体现是企业员工主人翁意识的培育和增强,“企业员工的主人翁意识”是企业未来竞争力的重要内容,主人翁意识体现了员工对待企业的态度。当代经济是一种主创经济,创新决定未来,在这种时代的竞争中,企业发挥员工的主人翁意识更加重要。一个企业的长寿与否,能否打造“百年老字号”,最关键的因素必将是企业的主创性,是员工的 主人翁意识能否真正实现。很难想象,一种懒惰、散漫、被动、呆板、无主流文化的企业员工能打造卓越的品牌,实现百年大计。员工的主人翁意识要与企业的理念、企业精神、企业品牌、企业特色结合起 来,这样才能实现企业最大的竞争力。因此,企业道德文化建设应该培育以主人翁意识为核心的人本精神。 (四)培育企业树立顾客至上的服务意识 一个企业要想在市场经济的大潮中得到生存和发展壮大,一方面必须实现资本、劳动、技术、管理、利润良性互动,生产适销对路的产品,he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, 获得尽可能多的经济利益;另一方面,企业道德文化建设对企业生存和发展具有重要的作用,但很多企业并没有意识到它,而且往往存在着忽视或否认其重要性的各种认识上的误区,忽视顾客至上便是表现形式之一。企业的产品和服务最终都必须得到顾客的承认才变得 有意义,因此企业必须树立顾客至上的服务意识,以顾客为中心,全心全意为顾客服务,在生产经营活动中把为顾客提供优质产品和优质服务。 (五)培育可持续发展的环保理念 企业环境保护意识主要落脚点应在于走循环经济之路,循环经济是一种按自然生态系统物质循环和能量流动规律,合理利用自然资源和环境容量,构成一个“资源——产品——再生资源——再生产品”不断循环利用的新的经济发展模式。它以资源低投入、高利用,在生产加工和消费过程中基本不产生或只产生很少的废弃物为基本特征。企业要以循环经济理念为指导,通过提高资源利用效率、延长和拓宽 生产技术链等手段,为子孙后代留下更多、更宝贵的自然资源,创造更好的自然环境,以保证企业和社会的可持续发展。 企业伦理与企业文化的关系: 结合企业文化,促进企业道德建设。道德建设的加强,推动着企业文化向更高层次发展;企业文化的深化,对企业道德建设提出更高的要求,二者是相互联系,相互促进的。所以,企业应将二者结合起来,共同建设。 最后,需要关注企业中个人的道德素质问题。虽然企业行为 he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, 并不等同于个人行为,但企业行为最终会表现为个人行为。企业 的制度如果无法内化为行为者的责任感与道德自律,那么责 任的实现就是不稳固的。尽管个人良知是无法捉摸、难以强求的, 然而,个人良知却又是不可或缺的。没有它,亦没有真正的道德, 也就没有真正的所谓企业的道德责任。总之,企业的健康发展离不开道德责任的约束。加强企业道德文化体系建设,是一项系统工程,也是一个长期的任务,需要进行坚持不懈的努力,需要动员各方面的力量,充分利用一切宣传教育渠道,不断探索更有效的方式方法,从各方面入手,努力解决企业道德责任缺失的问题,以实现现代企业更健康的发展。 企业的经营管理需要把融入代表企业文化发展方向的“以人为本”伦理管理理念,把提高产品的道德含量;关注道德价值的选择,提升企业经营的道德信誉;以独特的企业文化模式,塑造企业道德形象等作为企业文化建设的目标。 道德资本作为“投入生产过程”促进人生完善、协调各种利益关系并由此促使有形资产最大限度地发挥作用、产生效益、“增进社会财富的特殊能力”必须融入企业的管理机制中,形成从产品的设计上重视“以人为本”的经营理念和道德含量的投入,重视生产过程中道德价值的创造,重视提升企业营销过程的道德信誉,以这些独特的管理伦理理念和人文环境建设来塑造企业的道德形象,这将是企业文化建设新的发展趋势。因此,企业是否选择对产品和品牌的道德价值追求,重视有形资产向无形资产的转化,发挥道德力量在生产过程和管理体制he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, 中的作用,将关系到企业的生产、经营、竞争秩序朝着良性循环的轨道发展,关系到生产动力机制的持久良性发展 。企业的伦理理念是企业世界观、价值观的体现,是企业靠全体 成员自觉遵守和维护的经营理念,它以企业文化的形式成为约束企业行为的规范和准则,自然而然地贯穿于企业经营活动的全过程。良好的企业伦理文化对企业的竞争力和企业的凝聚力、向心力都起着积极的维系和稳定作用,也影响着企业的经营理念的提升。厘清企业伦理理念与企业人文环境对企业发展的关系,从理论上阐释企业文化在完善企业经营机制中的特殊作用,为提升企业管理的境界积淀深厚的企业文化。范围宽泛、依据内在自觉的道德约束,以和谐和协调的自律力量进行控制和调整的力量对利益的调整和人际关系的调节,在企业内部的管理机制上渗透以荣辱观为起点的道德教育的内涵,在管理的每一个环节上调整好各方面之间的利益关系,从个人利益和企业利益、企业的长远利益和眼前利益、整体利益和局部利益等关系上倡导一种与企业共荣辱的观念,让企业的伦理文化与市场经济的结合;再一方面要在企业制度建设上,以赏罚分明的纪律和,建立以自律为基础的内部协调机制,靠一种与企业共荣辱的伦理约束,培养员工的 主人翁的精神,形成以企业伦理文化建设作为支撑点的人文环境建设。 第三,结合企业文化,促进企业道德建设。道德建设的加强, 推动着企业文化向更高层次发展;企业文化的深化,对企业道德 建设提出更高的要求,二者是相互联系,相互促进的。所以,企 he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, 业应将二者结合起来,共同建设。 he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis,
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