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山皮土回填隐蔽分项工程报验单第一层山皮土回填隐蔽分项工程报验单第一层 隐蔽/分项工程报验单 表A.0.1-7 监A-07 工程名称:天津港南疆中部散货堆场工程(东堆场工程) 编号:001 监理单位:天津港工程监理咨询有限公司 按合同文件和规范要求,已完成天津港南疆中部散货堆场工程(东堆场工程)DC-1区回填山皮土(第一层)隐蔽、分项工程,并经自检合格,报请查验。 附件: 自检资料(隐蔽工程验收记录,检验批质量检验记录表) 承 包 人:天津港航工程有限公司 技术负责人: 日期: 监理工程师验收意见: 经检查质量等级: 1. 优良 2. 合格 ...
山皮土回填隐蔽分项工程报验单第一层 隐蔽/分项工程报验单 表A.0.1-7 监A-07 工程名称:天津港南疆中部散货堆场工程(东堆场工程) 编号:001 监理单位:天津港工程监理咨询有限公司 按文件和规范要求,已完成天津港南疆中部散货堆场工程(东堆场工程)DC-1区回填山皮土(第一层)隐蔽、分项工程,并经自检合格,报请查验。 附件: 自检资料(隐蔽工程验收记录,检验批质量检验记录表) 承 包 人:天津港航工程有限公司 技术负责人: 日期: 监理工程师验收意见: 经检查质量等级: 1. 优良 2. 合格 3. 不合格 监理工程师: 日期: 本表由承包人填报,一式三份,经监理审批后,业主、监理、承包人各一份。 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical 隐蔽工程验收记录 表K.7.0.1-2 施工单位:天津港航工程有限公司 单位工程 天津港南疆中部散货堆场工程(东堆场工程) 隐蔽项目 山皮土回填 验收部位 DC-1区回填山皮土(第一层) 验收日期 年 月 日 2 验收数量 19592m记录编号 001 隐 蔽 工 程 2内范围:DC-1区山皮土回填,面积为19592m,检查山皮土质量、分层厚度、平整度、容有无轮迹;压实度?95%。 及 简 图 施1、检查山皮土质量、分层厚度、平整度符合要求无轮痕迹。 工2、压实度符合设计要求,试验编号: 单以上项目符合设计及规范要求,经自检合格,申请验收。 位 检 查 意技术负责人: 质量检查员: 见 年 月 日 监 理 或 建 设 单 位 验代表签字: 收 意 年 月 日 见 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical 检验批质量检验记录表 表B.0.0.1 单位工程 天津港南疆中部散货堆场工程(东堆场工程) 分部工程 堆存区工程 分项工程 回填山皮土 检验部位 DC-1区 天津港航工程有限公项目 施工单位 李旭彬 司 负责人 质量检验名称及编号 水运工程质量检验标准 JTS 257-2008 监理单位检质量标准规定 施工单位检验记录 验记录 主 山皮土的规格、级配和质量 要 1 应满足设计要求,且不得含符合要求 检 有杂质 验 基层与垫层的分层厚度和项 2 符合要求;试验报告编号: 压实度应满足设计要求 目 碾压后表面应平整密实,坡 向应满足设计要求,边缘应1 符合要求 整齐、无松散现象,中型压 路机驶过后应无明显轮迹 一 般 允许偏 实测偏差值(mm) 允许偏 抽查实测值检 差值 差项目 (mm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 验 (mm) 项 1 平整度 20 目 见 附 表 +5 2 标高 -15 允许偏差项目共检测196点,合格190点,合格率97%。 施工主控项目合格,一般项目符合设计及规范要求。 单位 检验分项工程技术负责人: 质量检查员: 结果 年 月 日 监理 单位 监理工程师: 检验 结论 年 月 日 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical 山皮土回填实测偏差值 允许偏允许偏差值1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 差项目 (mm) 1 11 11 7 4 5 11 11 7 4 5 12 2 5 2 11 8 10 5 2 11 8 10 7 3 14 6 7 21 6 14 6 7 21 6 11 4 6 7 12 3 15 6 7 12 3 15 2 5 8 1 5 10 12 8 1 5 10 12 6 6 3 5 14 15 9 3 5 14 15 9 7 7 16 12 3 7 10 16 12 3 7 10 1 8 9 3 4 5 14 3 7 4 5 14 13 9 10 22 3 7 12 11 11 7 4 5 14 平整度 20 10 14 3 11 11 7 5 2 11 8 10 5 11 12 11 5 2 11 14 6 7 21 6 5 12 7 5 14 6 7 6 7 12 3 15 11 13 11 14 6 7 12 8 1 5 10 12 4 14 7 6 8 1 5 3 5 14 15 9 5 15 12 8 3 5 14 16 12 3 7 10 12 16 5 3 16 12 3 3 7 4 5 14 11 17 12 21 3 7 4 5 14 11 16 12 3 18 10 16 3 7 12 22 11 7 4 1 1 -7 -5 4 2 0 -1 -6 -6 2 2 2 -5 4 2 -1 -7 6 3 0 -1 -4 -6 3 3 2 -6 -14 -8 2 -4 2 -12 -1 4 4 -12 -11 4 3 0 -1 -9 -3 2 1 -5 +5 标高 5 -5 2 -5 0 -16 1 4 -3 -1 3 3 -15 6 4 -11 3 -12 -2 -11 -5 2 -17 -11 -9 7 -2 2 -9 2 4 3 -11 2 -12 3 -13 8 -1 2 -13 -11 2 -4 -8 4 0 -9 4 9 -11 3 -12 -2 -11 -5 2 -17 -11 3 -12 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical 10 4 2 -1 -7 5 3 0 -1 -4 2 -1 11 2 -6 -14 -8 2 -4 2 -12 -1 -6 -14 12 -11 4 3 0 -1 -9 -3 2 1 4 3 13 2 -5 0 -16 1 4 -3 -1 3 -5 0 14 -11 3 -12 -2 -11 -5 2 -17 -11 3 -12 15 2 -9 2 4 3 -11 2 -12 3 -9 2 16 2 -13 -11 2 -4 -8 4 0 -9 -13 -11 17 2 -6 -14 -8 2 -4 2 -12 -1 4 -5 18 -11 4 3 0 -1 -9 -3 2 1 测 量 人: 年 月 日 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical
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