

2017-10-19 16页 doc 50KB 10阅读




网速慢的原因及解决办法网速慢的原因及解决办法 一、网络自身问题 您想要连接的目标网站所在的服务器带宽不足或负载过大。处理办法很简单,请换个时间段再上或者换个目标网站。 二、网线问题导致网速变慢 三、网络中存在回路导致网速变慢 四、网络设备硬件故障引起的广播风暴而导致网速变慢 五、网络中某个端口形成了瓶颈导致网速变慢 实际上,路由器广域网端口和局域网端口、交换机端口、集线器端口和服务器网卡等都可能成为网络瓶颈。当网速变慢时,我们可在网络使用高峰时段,利用网管软件查看路由器、交换机、服务器端口的数据流量;也可用Netstat命令统计各个端口...
网速慢的原因及解决 一、网络自身问题 您想要连接的目标网站所在的服务器带宽不足或负载过大。处理办法很简单,请换个时间段再上或者换个目标网站。 二、网线问题导致网速变慢 三、网络中存在回路导致网速变慢 四、网络设备硬件故障引起的广播风暴而导致网速变慢 五、网络中某个端口形成了瓶颈导致网速变慢 实际上,路由器广域网端口和局域网端口、交换机端口、集线器端口和服务器网卡等都可能成为网络瓶颈。当网速变慢时,我们可在网络使用高峰时段,利用网管软件查看路由器、交换机、服务器端口的数据流量;也可用Netstat命令统计各个端口的数据流量。据此确认网络数据流通瓶颈的位置,设法增加其带宽。具体方法很多,如更换服务器网卡为100M或1000M、安装多个网卡、划分多个VLAN、改变路由器配置来增加带宽等,都可以有效地缓解网络瓶颈,可以最大限度地提高数据传输速度。 六、蠕虫病毒的影响导致网速变慢 七、防火墙的过多使用 。防火墙的过多使用也可导致网速变慢,处理办法不必多说,卸载下不必要的防火墙只保留一个功能强大的足以。 八、系统资源不足 您可能加载了太多的运用程序在后台运行,请合理的加载软件或删除1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 无用的程序及文件,将资源空出,以达到提高网速的目的。 九、cpu的原因 。CPU非常繁忙的工作,会直接影响网络和计算机速度。所以在网速慢的时候检查一下CPU运作情况是必要的 十、系统使用时间过长 。开机很久后出现的网速突然减慢,不妨重新启动看看能不能解决问题。 十一、服务器的原因 针对服务器的网络病毒往往会使网速减慢或网络瘫痪。但是,要解决这问题,不是用户的事。 按下面的方法可以提升电脑运行速度和上网速度: 第一:关闭多余程序 第二:清除剪贴板中的内容。 1.点开始------运行,输入“CLipbrd”,可以调出剪贴板查看器,在“编辑”里面点“删除”,选择“全部删除”,选择“是”。 2.清除Office内的剪贴内容 第三:合理设置虚拟内存。 打开控制面板,双击系统,在系统属性内选性能,打开虚拟内存,将该数值设置为默认值。 第四:增加可使用的磁盘空间 1.清空回收站 2.删除临时文件。鼠标右键点硬盘空间,选择属性,点磁盘清理,将临时文件清除 3.在磁盘中删除过期文件 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 4.删除从没使用过的文件 第五:重新安装已损坏的程序 第六:使用优化软件对系统内存进行优化 第七:重新启动电脑。如果只是关闭程序,而没有重启电脑,程序可能没有将内存完全释放。 第八:减少自动运行的程序。 第九:查杀病毒 以上是如何提高电脑的运行速度,要提高上网的速度及效率,在保证做到上面所说,还要做到下面几点: 1、选择合适的上网时段,避开上网高峰; 2、若只是浏览网页的信息,把一些动态网页效果、音频、视频、图片、动画等效果,通过设置浏览器的属性,把它们关掉,这样可以大大提高上网浏览信息的速度。 3、不要开启多个网页窗口,做完一件事后,再做另一件事,这样可以节省电脑资源,提高效率。 4、在浏览网页的时候,为提高浏览速度,不要同时下载其它软件和文件,应在空闲时间下载所需要的软件或文件。 原因分析二 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 一、软件篇 1、设定虚拟内存 3、检查应用软件或者驱动程序 4、桌面图标太多会惹祸 5、ADSL导致的系统启动变慢 6、字体对速度的影响 7、删除随机启动程序 8、取消背景和关闭activedesktop 10、把Windows变得更苗条 11、更改系统开机时间 二、硬件篇 1、Windows系统自行关闭硬盘DMA模式 查看自己的系统是否打开DMA模式: a. 双击“管理工具”,然后双击“计算机管理”; b. 单击“系统工具”,然后单击“设备管理器”; c. 展开“IDE ATA/ATAPI 控制器”节点; d. 双击您的“主要IDE控制器”; 2、CPU 和风扇是否正常运转并足够制冷 3、USB和扫描仪造成的影响 4、是否使用了磁盘压缩 5、网卡造成的影响 6、文件夹和打印机共享 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 7、系统配件配置不当 一些用户在组装机器时往往忽略一些小东西,从而造成计算机整体配件搭配不当,存在着速度上的瓶颈。比如有些朋友选的CPU档次很高,可声卡等却买了普通的便宜货,其实这样做往往是得不偿失。因为这样一来计算机在运行游戏、播放影碟时由于声卡占用CPU资源较高且其数据传输速度较慢,或者其根本无硬件解码而需要采用软件解码方式,常常会引起声音的停顿,甚至导致程序的运行断断续续。又如有些朋友的机器是升了级的,过去老机器上的一些部件如内存条舍不得抛弃,装在新机器上照用,可是由于老内存的速度限制,往往使新机器必须降低速度来迁就它,从而降低了整机的性能,极大地影响了整体的运行速度。 9、断开不用的网络驱动器 10、缺少足够的内存 11、硬盘空间不足 12、硬盘分区太多也有错 三、病毒篇 1、使系统变慢的bride病毒 病毒类型:黑客程序 发作时间:随机 传播方式:网络 感染对象:网络 警惕程度:???? 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 2、蠕虫病毒 发作时间:随机 传播方式:网络/文件 感染对象:网络 警惕程度:???? 3、恶性蠕虫 震荡波 第二部份 系统加速 一、Windows 98 1、不要加载太多随机启动程序 3、不要轻易使用背景 4、设置虚拟内存 5、一些优化设置 a、到控制面板中,选择“系统?性能? 文件系统”。将硬盘标签的“计算机主要用途”改为网络服务器,“预读式优化\"调到全速。 b、将“软盘”标签中“每次启动就搜寻新的软驱”取消。 c、CD-ROM中的“追加高速缓存”调至最大,访问方式选四倍速或更快的CD-ROM。 6、定期对系统进行整理 定期使用下列工具:磁盘扫描、磁盘清理、碎片整理、系统文件检查器(ASD)、Dr?Watson等。 二、Windows 2000 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 1、升级文件系统 按下面的方法可以提升电脑运行速度和上网速度: 第一:关闭多余程序 第二:清除剪贴板中的内容。 1.点开始------运行,输入“CLipbrd”,可以调出剪贴板查看器,在“编辑”里面点“删除”,选择“全部删除”,选择“是”。 2.清除Office内的剪贴内容 第三:合理设置虚拟内存。 打开控制面板,双击系统,在系统属性内选性能,打开虚拟内存,将该数值设置为默认值。 第四:增加可使用的磁盘空间 1.清空回收站 2.删除临时文件。鼠标右键点硬盘空间,选择属性,点磁盘清理,将临时文件清除 3.在磁盘中删除过期文件 4.删除从没使用过的文件 第五:重新安装已损坏的程序 第六:使用优化软件对系统内存进行优化 第七:重新启动电脑。如果只是关闭程序,而没有重启电脑,程序可能没有将内存完全释放。 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 第八:减少自动运行的程序。 点开始---运行,输入Msconfig,打开后选择系统配置实用软件,单击一般选项卡,选中选择性启动,去掉“Win.ini”文件和“加载启动项。打开“启动”选项卡后将不需要自动运行的程序关闭 第九:查杀病毒 以上是如何提高电脑的运行速度,要提高上网的速度及效率,在保证做到上面所说,还要做到下面几点: 1、选择合适的上网时段,避开上网高峰; 2、若只是浏览网页的信息,把一些动态网页效果、音频、视频、图片、动画等效果,通过设置浏览器的属性,把它们关掉,这样可以大大提高上网浏览信息的速度。 3、不要开启多个网页窗口,做完一件事后,再做另一件事,这样可以节省电脑资源,提高效率。 4、在浏览网页的时候,为提高浏览速度,不要同时下载其它软件和文件,应在空闲时间下载所需要的软件或文件。 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed;
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