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Innovative PF

2012-10-12 3页 pdf 2MB 49阅读




Innovative PF :i11い■| : 十年 十1 ■■ - 1 : 」 !rl!■r|ヽlt!も,手t ii.〕il甲|!i号イ■:〕!| !キⅢ` ゃⅢ ィⅢr, il■■.すす ョfr i」t3子ヽ(せ手 t,=01j civi fitサWヤ“IⅢ ti手やr→! i tllll ll iti■]卜t(|'」!i l l11守cr●`子|】T:Ⅲ各=|て|■iィ|(1'■'ド1予!fl十1‐ 、111, Ⅲ…i11千[■1章 工,ヤⅢI Ptant factory visits 6ree'と3bθ」rS力θβ Ai ll,...
Innovative PF
:i11い■| : 十年 十1 ■■ - 1 : 」 !rl!■r|ヽlt!も,手t ii.〕il甲|!i号イ■:〕!| !キⅢ` ゃⅢ ィⅢr, il■■.すす ョfr i」t3子ヽ(せ手 t,=01j civi fitサWヤ“IⅢ ti手やr→! i tllll ll iti■]卜t(|'」!i l l11守cr●`子|】T:Ⅲ各=|て|■iィ|(1'■'ド1予!fl十1‐ 、111, Ⅲ…i11千[■1章 工,ヤⅢI Ptant factory visits 6ree'と3bθ」rS力θβ Ai ll,ゃGiをゃi轟tf,いてぅtt r 与為f卜1」マ,i■、キ11,|十:、子 +14●1!■||111■〕!,|―|十!!l flti=す, 「ヽ||ユ|◆tttirt llゃ「こIFly tr).,1lpっtャ手| |`:1(十1Ⅲヽ l11●ti411 11,|」十1 11il十■千1'Ⅲ ll?1,(11舟(1'1:場:ェ)!11 1rC,lI、liヽri主●中:iイ|!、お ,|、● |十■'v手| |―Ⅲ 、1,VⅢll十1す 守V「`tlてp`13むtl●lvけ 打千て`い 11 1ふ手,1‐ Al)litr l■|十 !|!:1官|11■!・1- !!: |わ11ヽ【)F‐お「●!,ゆf)|ど'tて1`1 ■'| ち !| !litモ: r〕'イ||♪十ⅢⅢ子 Ⅲfi :|十 1 +,ア|`十11!11 .|■| ●2●|!●(●|:をおⅢ llう,!〔、1 11!ⅢI!:ぅ手till tiII= ,!ヽ(lfヽ!十Ⅲ itiう 11′7,Pれv官ぉ1 11i●rl,「ェ1「|●●|11●f,争,tiⅢ l,(11!千ⅢⅢl'すlt! ― ,的IⅢ` lfl“ギさ i、号!t r;i !!,I)十イ ,I Ⅲllttit,|ヽt lサ十r“〕tril十 ■|ユ七 十1:| | |ケ|十11て,IⅢIII■| il,|サ現i !?r11●f・i,!■!IⅢ iドirす|■!til:Ⅲi:IⅢli子ⅢI I Ⅲ1111‐ 1■■ !十 1 +ritt l'|せ Fぜ■P11111 '■|ャ |ラ|、11‐t tit■す工111:‐i〕: )「ti'|1lfi!;|:千!午i,■イ■i tl■ ■|●lv●1翌lil i'11」3ヽ 11ィれ!■ギ【!● it l す■←■■すャ■!l il ll■|: ltrfP ⅢFi い■ヽl tll十二よ'(lil!も、1ず,Pi it十!Ⅲlt w ill Ⅲ t,:||■十,i I1 l ⅢI―. ;'「て十dいlt t)rlと,fi1 1,″●ittt!![lⅢおti十ⅢⅢⅢ lilit!11:1〔!||:ヽこ!十!■■「,‐11111!, rf(if kt,1! とを〕f・Ⅲ :'十 F卜 Jfl 1 3台 ti t十 ヽ =||11'vi'i十 ‐ ■ |ェ |モ !■ i十■ 十 i t ,■ Ⅲ I i 1 l P b て, 1 1 て手ヽ号 車● や1 1 ルr ぃけt 」l t 卜うコ | | ■r ■( J 「r 、‐、n t i ■i テ千! 壬| ■i t i i ' t i ド ー f l ■| 」rb∂β Far何 r,卜.,t!Fi〕心 1 仔む i■)f〔十liギヤⅢFど′ l tlキ子 多+rf,いt♪!il十11卜Ⅲ Ⅲ ■ :| !ilf ll十ド ■i r告十ヤい1に,害阜●|ユ14争ぃ い|!十IⅢ■年ィ ilt l'111Ⅲl・青|●ⅢⅢⅢ Ⅲ!+1‖■ || Ⅲ`ti守'●`rv r号字ぉrⅢI:111!rtヽ「!||,:|を∵手■■tl● ェli!|■||十Ⅲf■:!il‐11】十i 卜||:=・i !卜●slつヽ!i rArl,tflモ,す`ⅢI lt tドr■ミと:T手と:■li lギ ー: ::lrl l =!:‐!|:Ⅲ 十11+ |■ it !||,1,13〔1●つi1411+fr l■ⅢⅢ手IⅢⅢ千】tf〕!ドi i41!liすFi=::■111■|‐| ■|,:,■: ヤⅢI1l y13ttr、害1)i31`1■1(■1ぃti iri,1liず■'|10ri下|′|す1,|!=手午f Ⅲl■' ,Al l li r― ,t1111tとIDァいてJとr!+4r t,ilt ll十11ャ !11■i予t象!】,■11,, |十il tコ■r十'||,1・|十■ |=,||す1‐モ ,■ヤ、Ⅲ tiハFi 手手=:11i,,‐:IⅢ ll!ヤⅢllll■||.→‐ iit i■|!|ナ||lt i! |千li t!111 ずマモ:lil i!,: | |||11,ぉ■tモ「i tiヤ 4】わヤ tⅢ I■ⅢⅢ■千tiう | ■ |■十il l,::と ti rヤ||】i,中!|!じ:■牟f |ヽ千i IヽH+111千 !|やri tfi〕十■十r'1.'fitⅢ尋 !:tl十ⅢⅢ I【(■ヽキ:どャ手 iil i十,か!it】,!十すJF i:11tⅢl lill ri,i■|:r、|キ |ぃキi lⅢ iす ―l t11,( ヽ■■ヽヽ11i と亨「】|わiniO f■!、軽 守lⅢ li1`11iツャ ■t!Ⅲ Ⅲt:十1 !l lⅢ I←ド■ ちユ ,| 1,flくPS ',「■ i■に,〔:〔ユ |、ぃi,■■毛■IⅢⅢ lll llll l l Ⅲlil:子‐■ =6 10F lF'111子Ⅲf年■t〕tlF tlil、 0ぃty l■1li t十i!ヽtit」●子Ⅲt iやれit!ⅢⅢli l巾■|l fⅢⅢⅢI,Ⅲ手十■IⅢⅢィ |■ 11■| 4ⅢW●fvヽilti r二■持てi=liⅢl■r it lド|| :`やや|●X f1lⅢlf ll l!1+l riす■ 十illl ; ■|―■!手|| 出i■〕て,tす●いゎ11工■千ェ1卜 Vi〕て,ゃitⅢifiⅢ r:=れ1丁て11 11子|!,,4■十 ・t手■|11, 十■‐1■||■ 11:|| つい(1'rr・t,、1'■手t i11■til Ⅲ卜|とヽ11i■11千キ■rギ1■|【|!〕11アヤf:!::ti 11】IⅢ Ⅲ!!■ !||。u甲|Ⅲ`(1ヤIⅢ l■キ:r ば lfti l千千1‐f●|,Ⅲ!こ)Oti lメⅢⅢ l11■t■■■ir i tl■1 ●V 4 1 t 5 ( l v t 予千T : , A i 、i l で| ち1 1 1 1 1 ドi l モ手 【ⅢⅢb i ■〕ⅢⅢd 4 1 1 手t l ■j ヤ十‐ F I ? ? Cθsttc βrattr racrOries Atso in tれe yo3r 201111,the Cosnlo ptant cornpany OpeFヽed the wvortd・5 first commerci3t ptant iactory 9rOWing ptants usin9 119ht emittin9 diodes The Cosmo farm uses rn3inty red 1660nmi and some btue LEDs untit recentty,nost Cosrno ptant i3CtOries were producin9 Up to 7,000 tettuces pef d3y whell the company 9ot intO fin3nCia【 difficuitFes uchiyama is credited with most of the experirnentatio舟 and technic3tinn3VatiOn behind the Co5mO ptant prOduction units Att theFr factories had 3 5imittsr design-3n3rmat height buitding where seeds were reFsed into smatt ptants in a germin3tion and nursery area fo「tsp to two weetts,then moved to 3 SpeCi3tiSed 9「。Wth roOm about,l m high where ptants grew to maturlty aboじt two weeks tater The environttent w35 keptt at 23°C aFld retative hunidity at 750/c t3 get 90od v39et3bte gro的th Withotli any externaを enviroぉ韓entat efFects Cosmo researchers found they cotj(d use tess COP enrichmeni to irnprove the finat ytetd Weいoモwith the CEO ol Cosぉo3t the SttiTA rneettぉ9 and'`3d tunch HAvith him,bせt unfortun3tety his Engtish was not g00d and oせf Jap3neSe W3S nOrl,ex15tenti so there w3S tittte commせnications trl any C35e,005mo、守eFlt bankrtjttt a rew weck3 3iter the meetin9` The fじture There is tittte doubR in our minds that p13rl〔factories witt be the way of the future,わut in the short terrln the use of pterlt factorie島 Fo「prcP39ating yo尊れg ve9etabte seedtings woutd sppear to have the 9reatest merit Consuner5t Whether they sre the Finat consumer Or the supefttarkets′章れoゃs.reqt,ire i、vo things tron、veget3bteS― continuity o1 5uppty arld qu&1lty Crowing vegetabtos in the ri31d iOr even in 3 greenh9use)15 weather deperldani 3nd by growin9 the seedtings ioF a S19nifiC3玲t pari of the tife cycte in a totatty controtted envirOnment rnoaris that V3riations in maturity time c3rl be SiOnifiCantty red(tcedl ra'31rlg the possibitity of prod導亡in9 twoこ,opS in theと'rne when one woutd normatiy be grown One interestiィ19 iector to 3ppearis that the teat g,owth ir、8 ptant iacto「y is difierent from tあatin 3 9reenhouse tsee,ma?95' Conc19sion Ptant ractories wvoutd appear to be the way 6ithe ruture`peri、3p毒 nOt tOd3y,Or even tomorro、守,もut with thetr 9reatty enhanced water efficiency,it witt onty ttt・a short tirne beloro iFFlprOVed tighting systems witt permit hi911 Vatue cすops to be grown anywhere on the ttt9be for loc3i tOnSじ船priOn in tAc short term,ptant factories are atready capabte of prOviding an enれ3尋Ced enviforlment ior producin9 higll qけotity veget3わtes seedtin93ヤOr indtt岳try ADoどをせ力●●ur舟ors れ,すたo対′cわo15 3βJ groce Cわrrsi,どθre ttθrr,c,rr17raF resむ,「cあ sc,oかf,sr_s ar!んe cOFFege o,Screttces,Massで/U′〕,yers′均ぇ β31打ersto命NDrrかf New zeara々が ど仰g,とぉ nichotまつn3SSey ac舟をつrC B Ch声stie@rn3SSey ac n2職 46 Practic3t Hyd「oporlic3 8 6ree命わotlse5 M3rす■′Ar)r‖ !Oll暮
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